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hugo-blog-awesome's Issues

RSS Feed Link is Broken on Posts

Describe the bug
The RSS Feed link at the bottom of posts 404s. The link works correctly on the /posts/ list and the home page.

Steps to reproduce
Tested with v1.13.0:

  1. Run the provided exampleSite.
  2. Click the RSS feed link on the home page (it works)
  3. Go to any post, e.g. /posts/table-of-content/
  4. Click the RSS feed link (it 404s)

Expected behavior
I don't know what the best behaviour is, in my case I overrode the footer partial with to disable the RSS link for posts:

// filepath: <root>/layouts/partials/footer.html
// ... snip
    <div class="footer_social-icons">
        {{- if .Page.IsPage -}}
            <!-- Remove RSS feed icon for pages -->
            {{- partial "socialIcons.html" (where site.Params.socialIcons "name" "!=" "Rss") -}}
        {{- else -}}
            {{- partial  "socialIcons.html" site.Params.socialIcons -}}
        {{- end -}}
// snip ...

For the example site, it would make sense to link to the /posts feed, however in general I think there could be cases where a post appears in multiple feeds, so it might be unclear which is the best feed to pick. I'm a Hugo newbie so I don't know if this "ambiguous" feed thing is an actual possibility.

Device information
Windows 11
Hugo 0.121.1 installed via Chocolatey

Google Analytics not working

Describe the bug
The Google Analytics script is not injected to the <head> element of the build site.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Build the site (run hugo)
  2. Check public/index.html
  3. ctr-f gtag - nothing is found.

Expected behavior
The Google Analytics js script should be injected.

Device information (please complete the following information):

  • OS: MacOS (ARM)
  • Version: hugo v0.111.3+extended darwin/arm64 BuildDate=unknown
  • Theme latest commit: ce9f89b

Additional context

Moving googleAnalytics variable to the top of the config.toml seems to resolve the issue.

This does not work:

baseURL = '
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'Lorem Ipsum'
theme = 'hugo-blog-awesome'

name = "Rss"
url = "index.xml"

# To enable Google Analytics 4 (gtag.js) provide G-MEASUREMENT_ID below.
# To disable  Google Analytics, simply leave the field empty or remove the next line

and this does inject:

baseURL = '
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'Lorem Ipsum'
theme = 'hugo-blog-awesome'

name = "Rss"
url = "index.xml"

Should I open a PR?

Posts paginator error, fails on hugo server --buildDrafts

Describe the bug
Seems like there is an error with the paginator, I'm new to using this theme and first time I encountered this issue.

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create new posts with hugo new content command
  2. open development server with build draft posts with hugo server --buildDrafts
  3. throws an error
Error: error building site: render: failed to render pages: render of "page" failed: "C:\Users\orbet\Documents\GitHub\FNDev-Blogs\themes\hugo-blog-awesome\layouts\_default\baseof.html:3:8": execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:3:8: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "head.html" .>: error calling partial: "C:\Users\orbet\Documents\GitHub\FNDev-Blogs\themes\hugo-blog-awesome\layouts\partials\head.html:2:8": execute of template failed: template: partials/head.html:2:8: executing "partials/head.html" at <partial "meta/main.html" .>: error calling partial: "C:\Users\orbet\Documents\GitHub\FNDev-Blogs\themes\hugo-blog-awesome\layouts\partials\meta\main.html:2:3": execute of template failed: template: partials/meta/main.html:2:3: executing "partials/meta/main.html" at <partial "meta/post.html" .>: error calling partial: "C:\Users\orbet\Documents\GitHub\FNDev-Blogs\themes\hugo-blog-awesome\layouts\partials\meta\post.html:5:21": execute of template failed: template: partials/meta/post.html:5:21: executing "partials/meta/post.html" at <.Paginate>: error calling Paginate: pagination not supported for this page: kind: "page", path: "/posts/event-capture",

Expected behavior
Should properly serve with build drafts argument on dev server

The lines that causes the error inside themes\hugo-blog-awesome\layouts\partials\meta\post.html:

Device information

  • OS: Windows
  • Browser: Chrome/Edge
  • Version latest

Inconsistent appearance of inline code, in lists, in light theme

Discussed in #154

Originally posted by bernardolago December 17, 2023
hi everyone

when using the dark theme, inline code works fine. when using the light theme, if as inline code is inside either a heading or a list, the colors don't change from default text color (text color and background), just the font changes. any thoughts?

Build fails due to old config of `twitter_simple` shortcode

Describe the bug
The "twitter_simple" shortcode, now requires two named parameters: user and id.
The example content needs to be updated to reflect this change.

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Use Hugo version 0.123.7 to preview/build the site (exampleSite).

Expected behavior
Tweets should be displayed without any error.

Device information

Additional context
See the Netlify log corresponding to a failed deploy here.

Last updated date for posts

Discussed in #94

Originally posted by randomodbuild August 8, 2023
Just looking to add support for the lastmod entry in the frontmatter and have the last updated date also show next to the post date.

Light/Dark theme toggle doesn't work

Describe the bug
After having deployed the site, to a VPS via NGINX and testing I noticed that I was unable to toggle the theme. It seems to work locally when running hugo serve however when building and deploying this toggle is functionless. The main.min.generatedString.css file within the sass folder only shows the varient for dark-theme at the bottom, I'm not sure if this is expected. I've cleared my browser cache and opened the site in a private window so I know it's some kind of issue in the generation of the static files.

Following the guide in this repo, it doesn't seem like I have done anything incorrect in this config and install process.

Device information (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Browser: Firefox

Only working on server mode, building static breaks app

Describe the bug
I noticed that when running this with hugo --minify to build all the files statically will cause weird issues. The CSS files fail to get loaded into html.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Just run hugo --minify instead of setting up a server
  2. Open the index.html and check network tab, no css loads

Device information

Long inline code does not break line

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Steps to reproduce
Write long inline code

Expected behavior
If inline code is long, it should break line.


Thank you!

Date on post is not following dateFormat

Describe the bug
dateFormat from config is not implemented everywhere

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set dateFormat = "2006-01-02"
  2. Open posts page (all dates in 2006-01-02 format)
  3. Open any post
  4. Date is in 2 Jan 2006 format

Expected behavior
Dates everywhere in 2006-01-02 format

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Screenshot from 2024-03-11 15-26-43
Screenshot from 2024-03-11 15-27-21

Device information

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

homepage title bug

Describe the bug
The homepage title seems to be duplicated.

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
What I did:

  1. install hugo.
  2. run the following command:
hugo new site myblog
cd myblog

Get the latest version of the theme:

git clone --depth=1 themes/hugo-blog-awesome
  1. Delete the original file myblog\config.toml, copy myblog\themes\hugo-blog-awesome\exampleSite\config.toml to the myblog folder.
  2. No other code changes, directly run hugo server.
    My blog is running successfully on http://localhost:1313 .

Look up the title of the home page,It shows Awesome Hugo blog | Awesome Hugo blog.
html source code:

<title itemprop="name">Awesome Hugo blog | Awesome Hugo blog</title>

Expected behavior
I don't think this is the correct title,the correct title should be Home | Awesome Hugo blog

Paginator error

Describe the bug

This issue is closely related to #170. I doubt whether the issue addressed there is fully resolved.

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

git clone --single-branch -b hugo-module
cd hugo-blog-awesome/exampleSite
hugo server

Site runs fine with hugo v0.122.0, but not with hugo v0.123.7

Expected behavior
Site should run fine both with hugo v0.122.0 and hugo v0.123.7

The issue can also be seen here.

feat: add date for page lists

Hey Sid,
Thanks for the minimal theme.
Can we also have dates on the page list.
As of now we only list the title on the /posts

<article class="post-item">
<h3 class="post-item-title">
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a>

Internally I'm adding this this right next to {{ .Title }}

<p class="post-item-meta">{{ .Date.Format "January 2, 2006" }}</p>

Let me know your thoughts on this. If you're okay with this, I can push the changes.

Use different var for meta author

I see here:

"name": "{{ .Site.Params.github }}"

That the JSON linked data uses Site.Params.github as the name of any given post's author. This means that, if this var is unset (which is likely, since the docs don't say to set it), there is no author name, and if it is set, it is set for all posts, even those which set a different author in their page metadata.

I think this should probably use per-page metadata if present, and fall back Does this seem reasonable?

Twitter shortcode needs named parameters since hugo v0.123.0

Describe the bug
The twitter_simple shortcode needs named parameters since hugo v0.123.0
When building the exampleSite, the following build errors occur:

10:43:32 AM: ERROR The "twitter_simple" shortcode requires two named parameters: user and id. See "/opt/build/repo/exampleSite/content/en/posts/rich-content/"
10:43:32 AM: ERROR The "twitter_simple" shortcode requires two named parameters: user and id. See "/opt/build/repo/exampleSite/content/de/posts/rich-content/"
10:43:33 AM: Failed during stage "building site": Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2
10:43:33 AM: ERROR The "twitter_simple" shortcode requires two named parameters: user and id. See "/opt/build/repo/exampleSite/content/ru/posts/rich-content/"
10:43:33 AM: ERROR The "twitter_simple" shortcode requires two named parameters: user and id. See "/opt/build/repo/exampleSite/content/it/posts/rich-content/"

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Exeute cd exampleSite
  3. Execute hugo server --themesDir ../..
  4. See error

Expected behavior
The pages containing twitter_simple shortcode are built properly

Device information

  • OS: Manjaro
  • Browser Firefox
  • Version 123.0

Toggle light/dark doesn't work with web server

Describe the bug

I have checked #16 and my baseUrl is fine :)

The toggle works when I run the blog with hugo server.

It doesn't when I generate the static files with hugo and run the site with an HTTP server (nginx or http-server node module).

I could reproduce with the example site.

My website is deployed here:

The source code is here:

hugo version
hugo v0.111.3-5d4eb5154e1fed125ca8e9b5a0315c4180dab192+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2023-03-12T11:40:50Z VendorInfo=snap:0.111.3

Steps to reproduce

cd public

Expected behavior

When clicking on the sun icon the theme should switch to dark.

Device information (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.10
  • Browser
    • Firefox 111.0.1
    • Vivaldi 5.7.2921.65

Handling favicons

Hey Sid, awesome work on this template! I was wondering what the best way is to handle favicons, is that something you've already built in? Thanks, Phil

Page width setting

Not sure if Im alone with this request, but a page width setting, in the best case in the configuration.toml would be great. Its a bit narrow especially on ultrawide displays and I dont really want to mess with the whole theme just for adjusting that.

TOC setting bug

Describe the bug
Cannot turn off TOC for a blog post when global setting of TOC is on.

Steps to reproduce

  1. set global TOC setting as true
  toc = true # set to false to disable table of contents 'globally'
  1. Turn off TOC setting for some post.
title = "About"
toc = false

Expected behavior
Should overwrite global config

RSS feed issue

Describe the bug
When viewed in an RSS reader, only the first few lines of the posts are shown. Rest of the content isn't visible (checked with multiple RSS readers. Checked with multiple example sites using this theme)

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to any RSS reader and check the site which is using this theme
  2. Go to any of the posts and see that only first few lines are displayed

Expected behavior
The entire post's content should be visible on the RSS reader

The screenshot is from Feedly RSS reader using the theme's demo page as an example. Only the first few lines are shown

On the homepage, post dates wrap if post titles are too long

Describe the bug
On the homepage, post dates wrap if post titles are too long. This happens especially if the post titles are too long and you're browsing the website from a device with a small screen resolution - such as a mobile phone.

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a new post or edit an existing one with a very long title
  2. See the homepage in a web browser
  3. Collapse the browser window to the minimum, or open the website on a mobile phone for example

This is an example of what I get. Please notice that post date wraps to the second line of text:


How I fixed this problem

I know this is not an elegant solution, but at the moment it's working.
I simply patched the source in layouts/partials/postCard.html by replacing this code:

<time class="post-item-meta" datetime="{{ dateFormat $ISO_date .Date }}">
    {{ time.Format $configDateFormat .Date }}

with this code that replaces normal spaces with non-breakable spaces:

<time class="post-item-meta" datetime="{{ dateFormat $ISO_date .Date }}">
    {{ $postDate := time.Format $configDateFormat .Date }}
    {{ strings.Replace $postDate " " "&nbsp;" | safeHTML }}

And now this is how the posts are now displayed on a single line:


You see, it's not the best solution in the world, so I was hoping that maybe you could find a better solution to this problem.

Best regards

RSS Template Errors Preventing Build

RSS template fails with multiple errors:

... render of "home" failed: ".../themes/hugo-blog-awesome/layouts/_default/rss.xml:22:17": execute of template failed: template: _default/rss.xml:22:17: executing "_default/rss.xml" at : can't evaluate field LanguageCode in type *langs.Language

Hugo gives the same error for render of "taxonomy" and "term". The errors do not occur with version 1.2.0 of the theme, which is the only older version I have tested.

Theme is latest version pulled via git. Hugo is v0.111, the latest available on Ubuntu via Snap.

Unable to run hugo when `dateFormat` parameter is not set

Describe the bug

Hugo throws an error when dateFormat parameter is not set.

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use theme version < v1.10 to create a website
  2. Upgrade theme version
  3. Run hugo server
  4. See error

Expected behavior

Some default date formatting should be in place so, that no error is thrown when dateFormat parameter is not set.

feat: improvement in tag page

As of now, our tag page looks something like this.


I think it will be great, if we cover the number of articles corresponding to a tag and we should remove the date from the tags page as well. On the tags page, we can list tags in this manner <tag-name>(number)

Bug on 404 page

Discussed in #27

Originally posted by @RuiAAPeres

On small screens, the 404 page looks like this:


Any suggestions on how to fix it? Thank you!

Dark theme doesn't work when using Mullvad browser (based on tor browser) with security slider at anything other than "standard"

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
When using the Mullvad browser (basically tor browser without the tor stuff, so this probably applies to tor browser too), the default theme is always light even when set to dark if the security slider is set to anything other than "standard".

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Get Mullvad browser:
  2. Extract, execute
  3. Set security slider to anything other than standard
  4. MY EYES o_o

Expected behavior
I would think the security slider would have no effect on whether a site theme is dark or light.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Device information (please complete the following information):
cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"

Mullvad browser: 12.0.6 (based on Mozilla Firefox 102.11.0esr) (64-bit)

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
Trying to get a simple and fast website that is dark and doesn't need javascript. Which reminds me, seems javascript still is included in the public website even when configured not to be used. Of course, I am new to this whole hugo thing so could be user error.

why after build the website, gen the file resources/_gen/assets/scss/sass/main.scss_a4b227022dfae4b28843e276c7e6b126.content

after I run the hugo
it generate the resources/_gen/assets/scss/sass/main.scss_a4b227022dfae4b28843e276c7e6b126.content resources/_gen/assets/scss/sass/main.scss_a4b227022dfae4b28843e276c7e6b126.json

It is a bug ? I don't want to add the two file to the git


git status

hugo-blog-awesom verson is

  • main aa7630b [origin/main] ci: update Hugo version for Netlify builds

Image and Emoji support + "Link 1" issue

Hey there, I have been using your template for my blog website:

Thank you for creating this :D

I have found several issues:

  1. enableEmoji: true in the md header does NOT actually activate Emoji support. Not really sure why
  2. I have no idea where I can put images to embed into the .md files. I have tried static, a post package folder with an img subfolder and none worked
  3. In the template, there is no way to change the "Link 1" and "Link 2" links except to go into the template itself and change it. Is this intended?

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