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ezmaster's Issues

Database connection problem in ezmaster


I am trying to deploy ezmaster your solution to create several lodex intances, as described in the document Installing Lodex with ezMaster - LODEX (

I am facing the problem of connection with the mongodb database.

Some pictures of my configurations.



Thank you in advance for your help with the mongodb database connection.

Change HTML default page to

to remove links :

  • to the admin page
  • to the api route
    and add a more explicit message : Not active instance or Not existing instance

Database connection problem in ezmaster


I am trying to deploy ezmaster your solution to create several lodex intances, as described in the document Installing Lodex with ezMaster - LODEX (

I am facing the problem of connection with the mongodb database.

Some pictures of my configurations.

Error [MongoError]: failed to connect to server [undefined:27017] on first connect [Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN undefined
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:66:26) {
name: 'MongoError'

instances deployed in ezmaster :
`Long name Technical name Creation date Size Application Status Actions
pvs projet-hcl-1 2 hours ago 362 kB inistcnrs/lodex:12.23.3

proj projet-hcl1 21 hours ago 362 kB inistcnrs/lodex:12.23.3

base lodex-database-2 21 hours ago 319 MB inistcnrs/ezmaster-mongo:1.0.7
Running `

Parameter of connection to the instance :
"mongo": { "host": "lodex-database-2:27017" }
Thank you in advance for your help with the mongodb database connection.

Click on "Add instance" crash the application

Just before i installed the app from scratch folowing the README. I did a "Install and run (without docker)".

Here is my backtrace:

      container.start(function (err, data) {

TypeError: Cannot read property 'start' of null
    at /home/kerphi/ezmaster/routes/route.js:176:16
    at /home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/dockerode/lib/docker.js:37:21
    at /home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:235:7
    at getCause (/home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:257:7)
    at Modem.buildPayload (/home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:228:5)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:204:14)
    at emitNone (events.js:72:20)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:166:7)
    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:913:12)
    at nextTickCallbackWith2Args (node.js:442:9)
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:356:17)

crash when running make docker-run-prod (at route.js => containers.pop())

It crashes when i run ezmaster as bellow and I open my browser on

This line NODE_ENV=production docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up --force-recreate is the same as make docker-run-prod

[master] kerphi@p-gully:~/ezmaster
$ NODE_ENV=production docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up --force-recreate
WARNING: The https_proxy variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.                                                                          
WARNING: The http_proxy variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.                                                                           
Recreating ezmaster_ezmaster_db_1                                                                                                                                       
Recreating ezmaster_ezmaster_1                                                                                                                                          
Attaching to ezmaster_ezmaster_db_1, ezmaster_ezmaster_1                                                                                                                
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.375+0000 I JOURNAL  [initandlisten] journal dir=/data/db/journal                                                                   
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.375+0000 I JOURNAL  [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed                                         
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.392+0000 I JOURNAL  [durability] Durability thread started                                                                         
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.393+0000 I JOURNAL  [journal writer] Journal writer thread started                                                                 
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.408+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=1 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db 64-bit host=7db1f13d6e5d                                           
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.409+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]                                                                                                                        
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.409+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag is 'always'.                                                    
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.409+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **        We suggest setting it to 'never'
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.409+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] 
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.409+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] db version v3.0.7
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.409+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] git version: 6ce7cbe8c6b899552dadd907604559806aa2e9bd
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.409+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] build info: Linux ip-10-183-78-195 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.46-1 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.409+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.409+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] options: { storage: { mmapv1: { smallFiles: true } } }
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:37.413+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017
ezmaster_1     | npm info it worked if it ends with ok
ezmaster_1     | npm info using [email protected]
ezmaster_1     | npm info using [email protected]
ezmaster_1     | npm info prestart [email protected]
ezmaster_1     | npm info start [email protected]
ezmaster_1     | 
ezmaster_1     | > [email protected] start /app
ezmaster_1     | > ./ezmaster
ezmaster_1     | 
ezmaster_1     | Load local configuration file. /app/config.local.js
ezmaster_1     | Set extension directory.  /app
ezmaster_1     | Watching hot directory.  /app/data
ezmaster_1     | Warning: connect.session() MemoryStore is not
ezmaster_1     | designed for a production environment, as it will leak
ezmaster_1     | memory, and will not scale past a single process.
ezmaster_1     | Wed, 04 May 2016 17:25:39 GMT body-parser deprecated bodyParser: use individual json/urlencoded middlewares at routes/route.js:76:52
ezmaster_1     | Wed, 04 May 2016 17:25:39 GMT body-parser deprecated undefined extended: provide extended option at node_modules/body-parser/index.js:105:29
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:39.968+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:39.969+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #2 (2 connections now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:39.973+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #3 (3 connections now open)
ezmaster_1     | App detected. ezmaster 1.0.4
ezmaster_1     | Server is listening.
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:39.985+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #4 (4 connections now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:39.991+0000 I NETWORK  [conn1] end connection (3 connections now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:39.993+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #5 (4 connections now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:39.995+0000 I NETWORK  [conn2] end connection (3 connections now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:39.997+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #6 (4 connections now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:39.998+0000 I NETWORK  [conn3] end connection (3 connections now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:39.999+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #7 (4 connections now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:40.000+0000 I NETWORK  [conn4] end connection (3 connections now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:40.002+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #8 (4 connections now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:40.012+0000 I NETWORK  [conn5] end connection (3 connections now open)
ezmaster_1     | Files and Database are synchronised.
ezmaster_1     | /app/routes/route.js:30
ezmaster_1     |         const elements = containers.pop();
ezmaster_1     |                                    ^
ezmaster_1     | 
ezmaster_1     | TypeError: Cannot read property 'pop' of null
ezmaster_1     |     at check (/app/routes/route.js:30:36)
ezmaster_1     |     at Object.callback (/app/routes/route.js:72:10)
ezmaster_1     |     at /app/node_modules/dockerode/lib/docker.js:261:10
ezmaster_1     |     at Modem.buildPayload (/app/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:225:19)
ezmaster_1     |     at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/app/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:210:10)
ezmaster_1     |     at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
ezmaster_1     |     at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:169:7)
ezmaster_1     |     at Socket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:256:9)
ezmaster_1     |     at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
ezmaster_1     |     at Socket.emit (events.js:169:7)
ezmaster_1     |     at emitErrorNT (net.js:1250:8)
ezmaster_1     |     at nextTickCallbackWith2Args (node.js:442:9)
ezmaster_1     |     at process._tickCallback (node.js:356:17)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:45.472+0000 I NETWORK  [conn8] end connection (2 connections now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:45.472+0000 I NETWORK  [conn6] end connection (2 connections now open)
ezmaster_db_1  | 2016-05-04T17:25:45.472+0000 I NETWORK  [conn7] end connection (1 connection now open)
ezmaster_1     | 
ezmaster_1     | npm info [email protected] Failed to exec start script
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "start"
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! node v4.4.0
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! npm  v2.14.20
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! [email protected] start: `./ezmaster`
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! Exit status 1
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! 
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] start script './ezmaster'.
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the ezmaster package,
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! not with npm itself.
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR!     ./ezmaster
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR!     npm bugs ezmaster
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! 
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR!     npm owner ls ezmaster
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
ezmaster_1     | 
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
ezmaster_1     | npm ERR!     /app/npm-debug.log
ezmaster_ezmaster_1 exited with code 1

crash when running make docker-run-debug

ezmaster_1     | /app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/lib/utils.js:98
ezmaster_1     |     process.nextTick(function() { throw err; });
ezmaster_1     |                                   ^
ezmaster_1     | 
ezmaster_1     | TypeError: Cannot read property 'insertMany' of undefined
ezmaster_1     |     at /app/node_modules/castor-core/app/models/init.js:55:18
ezmaster_1     |     at Db.collection (/app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/lib/db.js:452:27)
ezmaster_1     |     at db.collectionsIndex (/app/node_modules/castor-core/app/models/mongo.js:16:21)
ezmaster_1     |     at /app/node_modules/castor-core/app/models/init.js:54:34
ezmaster_1     |     at handleCallback (/app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/lib/utils.js:96:12)
ezmaster_1     |     at /app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/lib/db.js:470:40
ezmaster_1     |     at handleCallback (/app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/lib/utils.js:96:12)
ezmaster_1     |     at /app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cursor.js:835:16
ezmaster_1     |     at handleCallback (/app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/cursor.js:159:5)
ezmaster_1     |     at setCursorNotified (/app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/cursor.js:490:3)
ezmaster_1     |     at /app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/cursor.js:561:16
ezmaster_1     |     at queryCallback (/app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/cursor.js:220:18)
ezmaster_1     |     at Callbacks.emit (/app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/server.js:119:3)
ezmaster_1     |     at null.messageHandler (/app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/server.js:295:23)
ezmaster_1     |     at Socket.<anonymous> (/app/node_modules/castor-core/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/connection.js:285:22)
ezmaster_1     |     at emitOne (events.js:77:13)

instance's technicalName beginning with a digit makes instances page blank

I did not try to reproduce it, but we just had the case: after the creation of an instance called 6giecvol1-13703publis, the instances page was blank.

What confirmed the cause was the deleting of the container, which made the instances page not empty again.

That's was seen during the time the page was blank: API seemed to be working.


Bad HDD Usage indicator


The disk usage indicator is inverted: in the screen capture, disk is full at only 9% (Size: 9.72 GB, Free: 8.86 GB), and the Add Instance button is desactivated, the indicator is red.

See lib/diskusage.js, public/src/components/infos-machine-table.vue

Forgot to precise: [email protected]

npm test needs cleanup

$ npm test

> [email protected] test /home/kerphi/ezmaster
> mocha

    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module '../helpers/fake-helper.js'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:325:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:276:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:353:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:12:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/kerphi/ezmaster/test/fake-test.js:4:10)
    at Module._compile (module.js:409:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:343:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:300:12)
    at Module.require (module.js:353:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:12:17)
    at /home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/mocha/lib/mocha.js:219:27
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Mocha.loadFiles (/home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/mocha/lib/mocha.js:216:14)
    at (/home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/mocha/lib/mocha.js:468:10)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha:403:18)
    at Module._compile (module.js:409:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:343:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:300:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:441:10)
    at startup (node.js:139:18)
    at node.js:968:3
npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.

"image inistcnrs/ezmaster not found" when doing docker-compose up

[master] kerphi@p-gully:~/ezmaster
$ docker-compose up
WARNING: The NODE_ENV variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The https_proxy variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The http_proxy variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
Pulling ezmaster (inistcnrs/ezmaster:latest)...
Pulling repository
ERROR: Error: image inistcnrs/ezmaster not found

Crash clicking add instance btn but having localy the right docker image

I have the image localy:

[master] kerphi@p-gully:~/ezmaster
$ docker images | grep ezvis
inistcnrs/ezvis                    latest              a5af4af711a0        6 weeks ago         782.5 MB

Then I run ezmaster in debug mode:

[master] kerphi@p-gully:~/ezmaster
$ make run-debug

Then I visit the url

Then it crashes after few seconds with this error log:

  castor:helpers:acl access ignored for  +9s /-/v1/instances/
          if(err) { throw err; }

Error: HTTP code is 500 which indicates error: server error - Could not get container for mongo_db

    at /home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:229:17
    at getCause (/home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:257:7)
    at Modem.buildPayload (/home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:228:5)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/kerphi/ezmaster/node_modules/dockerode/node_modules/docker-modem/lib/modem.js:204:14)
    at emitNone (events.js:72:20)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:166:7)
    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:913:12)
    at nextTickCallbackWith2Args (node.js:442:9)
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:356:17)
Makefile:11: recipe for target 'run-debug' failed
make: *** [run-debug] Error 1

Fix *.vue and eslint

Voici ce que j'obtiens qd j'essayer de linter les fichier vue :( Une idée ?

> [email protected] lint /app
> eslint --ext=.js,.vue ./routes/ ./middlewares/ ./test/ ./lib/ ./public/src/

  3:8  error  Parsing error: Unexpected token is

  3:8  error  Parsing error: Unexpected token is

  1:1  error  Parsing error: Unexpected token <

  3:8  error  Parsing error: Unexpected token is

  3:8  error  Parsing error: Unexpected token is

✖ 5 problems (5 errors, 0 warnings)

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