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planslab's Introduction


planslab is a python repository intended to be a laboratory for playing around with the plans model concepts, which itself is based in TOPMODEL.

local machines

To run planslab on a local machine you will need to pre-install:

  • python3
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • scipy
  • imageio

There is a lot of information on the web about how to do it for different operating systems, so go check it out.

cloud - google colab

Alternatively you may run planslab in the cloud using google's colab platform so you do not need to worry about any of these libraries.

  1. create a google account for you;
  2. create a colab blank notebook on;
  3. clone this repository;
  4. upload all python files using the upload tool on the side bar;
  5. create a directory for storing the data on the side bar;
  6. upload all data files in the directory you just created;
  7. start writing your scripts.

some basics

the TWI

TOPMODEL (Beven & Kirkby, 1979) is a semi-distributed hydrological model, so is it based on the hydrological similarity concept. It uses topographical information to predict the propensity to soil saturation in different places within a given catchment. Such similarity index is named TWI or Topographical Wetness Index and it may be computed in a map grid as follows:

TWI = ln (flowacc / (n * tan(slope)))


  • flowacc is the accumulated draining area in sq. meters;
  • n is the resolution of the grid cell in meters;
  • slope is the slope of the terrain in radians

This formula basically says that the propensity for soil saturation is higher in flat places and in places downstream the catchment. In a map it should look like this:


There is some physical justification for the TWI standard formula, which was derived mathematically after a set of assumptions. We invite you to come with some new hypothesis for a saturation propensity index. For instance, here we provide a new saturation propensity index, the HTWI, which uses the HAND (height above the nearest drainage) and TWI in a composite formula:


local deficits and variable source area

But how TWI helps modelling? As you may realize, TWI is just an static map. In fact, TOPMODEL uses the TWI for mapping the local soil saturation deficit, while the global deficit is kept in check using a lumped classic approach.

The mapping formula is:

di = d + m * (lambda - twi) , di >= 0


  • di is the local deficit (i.e., the deficit map) in mm;
  • d is the global deficit (i.e., the basin-wide deficit) in mm;
  • m is an scaling parameter in mm;
  • twi is the TWI map;
  • lambda is the basin-wideTWI average value.

By coupling this to a hydrology model we may compute deficit maps for each simulation timestep:


A place where full saturation happens is where the local deficit is zero. Any rainfall that manages to hit such areas would eventually flow off the catchment as saturation excess runoff. And since the deficit map is dynamic, we can also visualize the Variable Source Area VSA maps for each simulation timestep:


model structure

The local structure of TOPMODEL is quite simple: it has a root zone water stock, the vadose zone water stock (unsaturated zone) and the saturated zone water stock (calculated as the saturation deficit). plans is sligthly more complicated than the original TOPMODEL, since it has more water stocks and related parameters. In plans there is a canopy water stock, a surface water stock (representing both depressions and organic soil horizon) and the root zone stock is actually a threshold depth within the vadose and saturated water stocks.

The global structure of plans (similar of TOPMODEL):


The local structure of plans includes some extra parameters:

  • cpmax: canopy water stock capacity, in mm;
  • sfmax: surface water stock capacity, in mm, and;
  • erz (or simply roots): effective root zone depth, in mm.


recharge Qv

Recharge is a vertical flow in the vadose zone (unsaturated zone). At the local level, the hypothesis is that it tends to be the daily hydraulic conductivity as this stock gets saturated:

qvi = ksat * unzi / di


  • qvi is the local recharge in mm/d;
  • ksat is the daily hydraulic conductivity in mm/d;
  • unzi is the local water stock in the vadose zone;
  • di is the local deficit in mm;

As any global variable, global recharge Qv is the basin-wide average of qvi:

Qv = avg(qvi)

streamflow Q

Streamflow is the sum of baseflow Qb and stormflow Qs:

Q = Qb + Qs

baseflow Qb

Baseflow is the streamflow component coming soil water drainage. The baseflow equation of TOPMODEL and plans is the hypothesis of soil exponential depletion:

Qb = qo * exp(-d / m)


  • Qb is the baseflow in mm/d;
  • qo is the maximum baseflow in the condition of full saturation in mm/d;
  • d is the global deficit in mm;
  • m is the scaling parameter (or decay parameter) in mm;

stormflow Qs

Stormflow is the streamflow component coming from runoff R. While runoff is computed as a local variable, stormflow is the output at the basin outlet. The routing procedure in plans is the nash model, that is, a cascade of linear reservoirs.

For a pulse of runoff r at timestep t:

Qs = R * ((t / k) ^ (n - 1)) * exp(- t / k) / (k * gamma(n)), n >= 1, k >= 1


  • n is the number of linear reservoirs;
  • k is the detention time of the linear reservoirs, in days;


hist: the histogram approach

One important advantage of the similarity concept is that it allows fast processing. To avoid large grid computations all you need is to process discrete hydrological units and only later use the histogram of such units to scale the variables back in the map.

This hist approach is mostly appealing for large basins, calibration exercices and uncertainty estimation. However, this mode demands some level of sacrifice in spatial continuity.

g2g : grid to grid

When computation speed (and memory!) is not a constrain, one may process the model in a grid to grid (g2g) mode. This approach process the whole grid of the basin so the modeller has the freedom do provide detailed parameter maps.

For instance, consider the hypothesis that the observed NDVI in a given basin may be a good proxy for the heterogeneity of the canopy water stock capacity. While in g2g mode all you need to do is provide the full NDVI map as the spatial proxy paramater.

The g2g approach is mostly appealing for small basins and scientific studies.


Included in the repo there is this file. you may check it for some neat examples.

SAL (sensitivity analysis) of di to the m parameter

For instance, consider the TOPMODEL concepts of the local and global deficits and the m exponential decay parameter for baseflow discharge.

Then ask yourself how the saturated areas VSA would change if the m is different.

In other words: what is the sensitivity of local deficits and saturated areas to the m parameter?

This may be answered with the following typical recipe:

# import tool:
from tools import sal_d_by_m

# define TWI raster file:
_ftwi = './data/twi.asc'

# define basin raster file:
_fbasin = './data/basin.asc'

# define output folder:
_outfolder = '/content/output'

# define the first m parameter value:
_m1 = 1

# define the second m paramete value:
_m2 = 5

# call tool and parameters:

Thus yielding a cool gif animation:


SAL (sensitivity analysis) of di to the lambda parameter

In the TOPMODEL, lambda is defined as the average TWI value within the catchment basin. But who cares about the standard definition? In the formula lambda really works as a threshold for mapping local deficits. In plans it is relaxed as a regular model parameter. And thus we can perform some more SAL:

import inp
import numpy as np

# import tool:
from tools import sal_d_by_lamb

# define TWI raster file:
_ftwi = './data/twi.asc'

# define Basin map file
_fbasin = './data/basin.asc'

# define output folder:
_outfolder = '/content/output'

# compute the standard lambda
# load twi map
meta, twi = inout.asc_raster(file=_ftwi, dtype='float32')
# load basin map
meta, basin = inout.asc_raster(file=_fbasin, dtype='float32')
# standard lambda:
lamb_mean = np.sum(twi * basin) / np.sum(basin)

# the first lambda will be the standard:
lamb_1 = lamb_mean

# and the second one may be twice the standard:
lamb_2 = lamb_1 * 2

# call tool and parameters:

And then we got another cool gif animation:


SAL (sensitivity analysis) of di to the TWI map

TWI - the Topographic Wetness Index is among the core ideas behind the TOPMODEL approach. It is a similarity index map for the propensity to saturation of a given element in the catchment.

Again, there is the standard TWI formula derived from the assumptions made when TOPMODEL was developed.

And again, we do not care much about the standard formulas. What if the propensity to saturation if different? This type of question opens the doors for many new hypothesis of how this propensity to saturation can be mapped.

As we mentined above, we provide the novel HTWI index map so we may perform some more SAL on this.

 # import tool:
from tools import sal_d_by_twi

# define TWI1 raster file:
_ftwi1 = './data/twi.asc'

# define TWI2 raster file:
_ftwi2 = './data/htwi.asc'

# define Basin map file
_fbasin = './data/basin.asc'

# define output folder:
_outfolder = '/content/output'

# call tool and set parameters:

More cool gif animation:


g2g simulation

planslab offers a standard simulation tool for the g2g mode.

playing with the model

The model is a python function that requires some input parameters. So if you want to play directly with the model you may need some help:

from model import simulation


The output will be something like this:

Help on function sim_g2g in module model:

sim_g2g(series_df, basin, twi, qt0, cpmax, sfmax, roots, qo, m, lamb, ksat, n, k, scale=1000, trace=True, tracevars='D-Cpy', integrate=False, integratevars='D-Qv')
    g2g simulation model
    Simulated variables:
    'D',    # saturated water stock deficit
    'Unz',  # unsaturated zone water stock
    'Sfs',  # surface water stock
    'Cpy',  # canopy water stock
    'VSA',  # variable source area
    'Prec', # precipitation
    'PET',  # potential evapotranspiration
    'Intc', # interceptation in canopy
    'Ints', # interceptation in surface
    'TF',   # throughfall
    'R',    # runoff
    'RIE',  # infiltration excess runoff (Hortonian)
    'RSE',  # saturation excess runoff (Dunnean)
    'RC',   # runofff coeficient (%)
    'Inf',  # infiltration
    'Qv',   # recharge
    'Evc',  # evaporation from the canopy
    'Evs',  # evaporation from the surface
    'Tpun', # transpiration from the unsaturated zone
    'Tpgw', # transpiration from the saturated zone
    'ET',   # evapotranspiration
    'Qb',   # baseflow
    'Qs',   # stormflow
    'Q'     # streamflow
    :param series_df: pandas dataframe of timeseries
    :param basin: 2d numpy array of basin area (pseudo-boolean)
    :param twi: 2d numpy array of TWI map (positive values only)
    :param qt0: float of initial condition of baseflow in mm/d
    :param cpmax: float or 2d numpy array of canopy water stock capacity in mm
    :param sfmax: float or 2d numpy array of surface water stock capacity in mm
    :param roots: float or 2d numpy array of effective root zone depth in mm
    :param qo: float of full saturation baseflow in mm/d
    :param m: float of the scaling parameter in mm
    :param lamb: float the TWI threshold
    :param ksat: float or 2d numpy array of daily hydraulic conductivity in mm/d
    :param n: float of number of linear reservoirs (n >= 1)
    :param k: float of detention time of linear reservoirs (k >= 1)
    :param scale: int value to scale maps to integer format (recommended scale >= 1000)
    :param trace: boolean to trace back daily maps of variables
    :param tracevars: string of variables to trace back. Variables must be concatenated by `-`.
    Example: D-Cpy-VSA
    :param integrate: boolean to integrate back maps of variables
    :param integratevars: string of variables to integrate back. Variables must be concatenated by `-`.
    Example: D-Cpy-VSA
    :return: python dict containing:
    {'Series': simulated time series pandas dataframe,
     'Trace': dict of 3d numpy arrays of traced variables,
     'Integration': dict of 2d numpy arrays of integrated variables}

the basic script

A very basic simulation script would look like this:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import inp
from model import simulation

# inform series dataset file
fseries = './data/series_short.txt'

# inform TWI map file
ftwi = './data/twi.asc'

# inform basin map file
fbasin = './data/basin.asc'

# load serie to dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(fseries, sep=';', parse_dates=['Date'])

# load twi map
meta, twi = inout.asc_raster(file=ftwi, dtype='float32')
# load basin map
meta, basin = inout.asc_raster(file=fbasin, dtype='float32')

# define parameter values
cpmax = 15
sfmax = 30
roots = 40
qo = 10
m = 8
lamb = 7
ksat = 3
qt0 = qo / 100  # a fraction of qo - very dry condition
k = 1.5
n = 2

# scale factor for maps
scale = 1000

# call model function
sim = simulation(series_df=df,
                 tracevars=False,  # no map traceback
                 integrate=False,  # no map integration

# plot some variables series:
plt.plot(sim['Series']['Date'], sim['Series']['Prec'], 'lightgrey', label='Precipitation')
plt.plot(sim['Series']['Date'], sim['Series']['Q'], 'black', label='Streamflow')
plt.plot(sim['Series']['Date'], sim['Series']['Qb'], 'navy', label='Baseflow')
# show plot

And then some output like this will show up:


ipo g2g tool

A standard Input-Process-Output (ipo) tool is available in the module. By using this function, all data must be provided by filepaths, including the parameters.

Note: the values in the parameter index maps are taken as multipliers for the Set value informed in the parameter file. If a parameter index map file is passed as none, the value considered is only that of the parameter file (constant value)

import tools

tools.slh_sim_g2g(fseries='./data/series_short.txt',  # series file
                  ftwi='./data/twi.asc',  # TWI map file
                  fbasin='./data/basin.asc',  # basin map file
                  fparams='./data/params.txt',  # parameter dataframe file
                  fcpmax='./data/ndvi.asc',  # index map for cpmax
                  fsfmax='./data/ndvi.asc', # index map for sfmax
                  froots='./data/ndvi.asc', # index map for roots
                  fksat='none',  # no index map provided
                  pannel=True, # export simulation pannel
                  trace=True, # do traceback
                  tracevars='VSA-D-R', # which maps to traceback
                  animate=True,  # animate maps in .gif file
                  integrate=True,  # do integrate some maps
                  integratevars='D-Cpy-R',  # which maps to integrate
                  folder='/content/output', # output folder
                  wkpl=True, # consider output folder a workplace
                  tui=True  # print progress in the screen

trace and animate

trace means that all daily maps are going to be returned by the simulation. Note that depending on the number of time steps and variables this may consume a large piece of computer memory and your machine might crash.

But it is worth since the animate feature creates cool gifs like this, for runoff:



integrate is a less memory intensive feature. It accumulates flows and take stocks averages along the simulation run. The output images may inform you the spatial process dominance, like where runoff occurs more or less:


input data formats


Maps are all in the .asc format. You may use the gdal translate tool in QGIS to convert .tif maps. In this case, do not forget to inform the nodata parameter as -1. Example of an .asc map heading:

ncols        95
nrows        77
xllcorner    639958.57
yllcorner    6699796.10
cellsize     30.0
NODATA_value  -1
6.7 9.0 8.1 8.2 10.9 ...
6.6 8.8 7.5 6.1 7.9 ...
6.8 8.3 7.9 6.6 7.4 ...
7.3 8.0 6.9 8.0 7.2 ...

Remenber: all maps must have same dimensions! That is, the same number of rows and columns.

time series

Daily time series must be in .txt format. Fields must be separated by ;.

Mandatory fields:

  • Date - daily date in format YYYY-MM-DD;
  • Prec - daily precipitation in mm;
  • PET - daily potential evapotranspiration in mm.

Optional fields:

  • Temp - daily average temperature in Celcius degrees;
  • Qobs - daily observed stream flow in mm;
  • ETobs - daily observed average (basin-wide) evapotranspiration in mm;
  • IRI - daily irrigation flow by inundation or dripping in mm;
  • IRA - daily irrigation flow by aspersion in mm.

Example of a time series file heading:

Date;        Prec;  Temp;  PET; Qobs
2018-05-01; 0.375;  25.0; 4.08; 2.36
2018-05-02;   0.0; 25.27; 4.10; 2.36
2018-05-03; 0.325;  25.2; 4.07; 2.35
2018-05-04;   0.0; 24.73; 3.99; 2.34

parameter dataframe

Parameters can be provided by file. The file must be .txt and present the following dataframe structure:

Parameter;   Set;  Min;  Max
        m;   5.0;  1.0;  50.0
     lamb;   7.7;  1.0; 10.0
       qo;  10.0;  1.0; 20.0
    cpmax;  20.0;  5.0; 20.0
    sfmax; 100.0;  5.0; 50.0
    roots;  50.0; 10.0; 1500
     ksat;   5.0;  1.0; 50.0
        k;   1.0;  1.0;  5.0
        n;   2.5;  1.1;  5.0

Where the Set field is taken for each parameter. Mix and Max fields are reserved for sensitivity analysis and uncertainty estimation.

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