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react-native-app-intro-slider's Issues

this.props.navigation.navigate('Route_Name') doesn't work

I have been trying to re-route from the app-intro-slider(Welcome Screen) to the Login Screen using the following method

return (

But it doesn't work. Please correct me as I am still a brand new to react-native.

Enhancement suggestion: Provide default styles override option

It would be great if the default styles could be easily overridden. Something like:

  constructor(props) {

    this.state.styles = { styles, ...props.styles }

and then use this.state.styles instead of styles in the code. Right now, it's a little cumbersome to have to provide a new render function just to change the style of a skip/next/done text button.


Is there a way to customize each slide???

Is there a way that you code out your slides separately? For example, I want to have different styles for each slide, so I would want my files to be like firstSlide.js, secondSlide.js etc

how do i trigger onNext clicking on custom touchableHighlight?

here is my code:

_renderItem = (props) => {
	return (	
		<View style={styles.container}>
			<Image source={images.background} style={styles.backgroundImage} >
				<View style={styles.titleView}>
					<Image source={images.menu_logo}/>
					<Text style={styles.title}>{props.title}</Text>

				<View style={styles.bodyView}>
					<Image source={props.image} resizeMode={'contain'} style={styles.image} />
					<Text style={styles.bodyText}>{props.text}</Text>				
					<Text style={styles.okButtonText}>OK</Text>

_nextPressed = () => {

Unable to show "real" app, after pressing done.

Hi, thanks for the amazing repo.
My doubt may not exactly be an issue as such but I'm finding it hard to open a component once done is pressed.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

import StartApp from './StartApp'

Trial 1:

  render() {
    return (
       <AppIntroSlider slides={slides} onDone={() => <StartApp/>}/>

Trial 2:

_onDone = () => {
   // User finished the introduction. Show "real" app   
  render() {
    return (
       <AppIntroSlider slides={slides} onDone={this._onDone}/>

None of the above two open the StartApp component which I imported.

Thanking in advance.

onDone button does not work for me and does not show my app and the navigation screen

Here is the code, could you please help me with this? and btw thank you for this repo. Cheers.

import React from 'react';
import { StatusBar } from 'react-native';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { Spinner } from 'src/components/common';
import { LoginComponent } from 'src/login/LoginComponent';
import MyAuxNavigation from 'src/navigation/Navigation';
import AuthenticationService from 'src/services/firebase/AuthenticationService';
import store from 'src/store/ReduxStore';
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import AppIntroSlider from 'react-native-app-intro-slider';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  image: {
    width: 320,
    height: 320,

const slides = [
    key: 'somethun',
    title: 'Title 1',
    text: 'Description.\nSay something cool',
    backgroundColor: '#59b2ab',
    key: 'somethun-dos',
    title: 'Title 2',
    text: 'Other cool stuff',
    backgroundColor: '#febe29',
    key: 'somethun1',
    title: 'Rocket guy',
    text: 'I\'m already out of descriptions\n\nLorem ipsum bla bla bla',
    backgroundColor: '#22bcb5',

export default class App extends React.Component {

    _onDone = () => {
     // User finished the introduction. Show "real" app
     <Provider store={store}>
        <MyAuxNavigation />

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      loading: true,
      currentUser: null

  componentWillMount() {

  componentDidMount() {
    AuthenticationService.onUserAuthChange(user => {
        currentUser: user,
        loading: false

  render() {
    if (this.state.loading) {
      return <Spinner size="large" />
    } else {
      if (this.state.currentUser == null) {
        return <LoginComponent />
      } else {
        return (

Pass more properties to the flatList

Hello, first of all, thanks for the work on this component.

On the intro of the app I'm working, there is a small pre-registration form. I'm having a problem that the keyboard is dismissing even if I press on another field. The solution would be passing the 'keyboardShouldPersistTaps' to the FlatList inside the app intro slider, but currently there is no way to do this.

Would you accept a pull request adding a new property that would be passed to the flatlist in order to allow a greater level of customization?


Example not working properly

When I clone the repo and run yarn install followed by exp start in the ./Example directory, the app loads but I get the error "Unsupported top level event type "topScroll" dispatched when I click the "Next" button.

The exp start console also warns the following:

10:00:50 [exp] Warning: Not using the Expo fork of react-native. See
10:00:56 [exp] Warning: Installed version 0.2.3 of 'react-native-app-intro-slider' does not satisfy required version file:../
10:00:56 [exp] 
10:00:56 [exp] If there is an issue running your project, please run `npm install` in /path/to/clone/Example and restart.

More flexibility to override default props.

I think it would be great to add more flexibility in this the slider.

Like I needed to change the label text from white to black since there is no prop and the 'white'

color is hardcoded in the stylesheet. I had to fork and to the changes in my repo.

The defaults are great but providing ways to override the default styles would be nice.

I understand this would increase the number of available props but at the same time customization would be easier and everyone would use the same way to do.

Dot positions

Hi, great job with that module :)
I would like to know if we can change the Dots' position ?

Dots are laggy

Hi, dots are feels laggy when you slide screens. Anyone know why is that or how to fix it ?
It may cause of development env? I tested on snack.expo it is still same.

titleStyle and textStyle not working

Im using the basic example slider.
This is how i add my slider:

const slides = [

	key: 'welcome',
	title: 'Welcome to My App',
	titleStyle: {
	text: 'Hello you are welcome',
	textStyle: {
	image: require('../assets/Logo.png'),
	imageStyle:  {
		width: 250,
		height: 325,
		resizeMode: 'contain'
	backgroundColor: '#fff'


But the text color is not changing. Am i doing something wrong?

Updating state for elements in Slider

Hi, first of all thank you for this awesome library, really easy to use!

So here's my problem. I've got two slides, the last one showing a picker from Native-Base to chose the region the first time the user opens the app.

Here's how I did it:

My slides

const slides = [
    key: 'welcome',
    title: 'Ready to save on your grocery?',
    color: '#000',
    text: 'Search for any item to see if the price is worth it.',
    image: require('./assets/save_money.jpg'),
    imageStyle: styles.image,
    backgroundColor: '#fff',
    showRegion: false
    key: 'region',
    title: 'Choose your region',
    color: '#000',
    text: 'In order to get the best price where you live.',
    image: require('./assets/geolocation.png'),
    imageStyle: styles.image,
    backgroundColor: '#fff',
    showRegionPicker: true //used in the last slide to show region picker

My renderItem method

_renderItem = props =>  (
    <View colors={props.colors}>
        <Text style={styles.title}>{props.title}</Text>
        <Image style={styles.image} source={props.image} />
        <Text style={styles.text}>{props.text}</Text>
        {this._renderChooseRegion(props.showRegionPicker, props, this)}

And the renderChooseRegion function

_renderChooseRegion = (showRegionPicker, props) => {
    if(showRegionPicker) {
      return (
              iosHeader="Select one"
              onValueChange={(value) => this.setState({region: value})}
            <Item label="Alberta" value="test" />
            <Item label="Colombie Britannique" value="testtt" />
    else {
      return null;

The picker render has expected only on the last slide, but when I change the value, for some reasons it seems like the state is not updating, is it because it is nested in another function that it's not working? I've tried the same code without the slider and it works, do I have to use .bind(this) or something?

I don't think it's an issue with the Picker since its working well with the same code, but I wonder how or why it's not updating. This picker opens a new modal over the Slider.

I'm new to react-native so I'm still learning the basics.


Skip button

Can you add a skip button to the left side like next and done button ?

Android Animation Skip

In Android, Sometimes the animation is getting skipped,

I am using the basic example you have in the readme.


"react": "16.3.1",
"react-native": "0.55.4",
"react-native-app-intro-slider": "^0.2.4"

Device: Galaxy Note 8


dotStyle & activeDotStyle props not working

Thanks for this package, it's super useful!

I have an issue while using dotStyle & activeDotStyle props. I have something like this:

                    dotStyle={{backgroundColor: 'blue'}}
                    activeDotStyle={{backgroundColor: 'red'}}

Unfortunately there's no change in the backgroundColor of the dots.

OnDone confused.

I confuse with OnDone function. My code is:

export default class App extends React.Component {
  _onDone = () => {
    render() <HomeScreen />

  render () {
    return (

Please give example. Thanks.. :)

Add prop to disable touch scrolling

Hi, and thank you for this component! I'm re-purposing it for a multi-page form and I think two relatively small changes would do it:

  1. It would be great to be able to pass a scrollEnabled={false} prop such that touch scrolling is disabled.
  2. In order to work with #1, having an exposed function onNext which by default is just:
    () => true by default, but could be over-ridden with a function that returns a boolean. On false, the slide is not advanced.

These two combined will allow for form validation on the current page!

Feature request: prev button

Thanks for putting this repo together. I switched to it from react-native-swiper.

Additionally, would be great there was an option to disable the done button (in my scenario, there is a static OAuth connect button that is visible in each slide).

A trailing comma is not permitted after the rest element

Trying to upgrade to version 1.0.0 I run into this error message: A trailing comma is not permitted after the rest element at this line.

Here's a reference to the pull request in babel discussing this issue. The explanation why this is not allowed is quite convincing:

The rationale for this is that the use case for trailing comma is that you can add something at the end without affecting the line above. E.g. for version control software. However, that is never the case here.

skip button position option

Hi !
I am trying to put the Skip button on the right side using the "renderSkipButton" function but no luck.
Is it actually possible ?

Slow down page change effect speed

Hi, here is my code the basic example.

const Home = () => ( <AppIntroSlider slides={slides} onDone={() => console.log('done')} /> )

The problem is; when i click next or swipe it with touch it slides very fast.
Is there a way to slow down transition speed ?

Design issue on android when the navigation bar is hidden

Hello there,

I choosed to hide automatically the navigation bar on my phone, as you can see on the screenshot below the space allocated to the navigation bar are still there. (Android 7.1, Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus)

I tried to make a custom renderItem method and set "paddingBottom" to 0 but it didn't work...

    _renderItem = (props) => {

        const style = {
            backgroundColor: props.backgroundColor,
            paddingTop: props.topSpacer,
            paddingBottom: 0

        return (
            <View style={[styles.mainContent, style]}>
                <Text style={styles.title}>{props.title}</Text>
                <Image source={props.image} style={props.imageStyle} />
                <Text style={styles.text}>{props.text}</Text>

Any ideas ?


Changing text color

Hi, first of all, thank you for this. I cannot change the text's color neither title's color. It is weird because I'm able to change the image's style.

textStyle: styles.title (doesn't work)
imageStyle: styles.image (works)

Thank you in advance!


Slider is buggy on Android, does not scroll easely.

The slider is very buggy on Android, I have multiple users reporting that they can not scroll through the slider or have to go to the very edge of the screen and scroll slowly to the opposite side in order to scroll to the next slide.

crash app in real device !

I use app intro on my emulator and its ok, but when i release my app and run it in real device ( any android device ) my app is crashing...

renderDoneButton & co not implemented?

I see the code to replace renderItem:

return this.props.renderItem ? this.props.renderItem(props) : <DefaultSlide {...props} />;

but I don't see any equivalent for renderDoneButton & co. Am I missing something?

One custom item while the others are default

I am trying to have one slide that does not have an image (title and text are center aligned on the slide) but by default there is space in the center for an image component. Is there a way I can render a custom first slide?

Allow setting testID attributes

Hi @Jacse ,
I'm testing my app with detox, and in order to get my tests working I have to select the next, prev, skip and done buttons by text, but it gets a little too much work when working with many languages, or when the designer decides to change the default labels.

I think that it could be possible to add attributes like skipButtonTestID, doneButtonTestID, prevButtonTestID and so on, in order to accomplish this. What do you think? Would you be interested in getting a PR for that?


Example doesn't work and it isn't clear how to change the images or anything.

Invalid return type

I'm attempting to use your library but I am getting this warning and the slider does not render.

Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in. Check the render method of AppIntroSlider.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import AppIntroSlider from 'react-native-app-intro-slider';

export default class Example extends Component {
  _onDone = () => {
  render() {
    return <AppIntroSlider slides={slides} onDone={this._onDone} showSkipButton bottomButton/>;

I have also defined the slides variable according to the README docs.

Pagination position when typing in input. [Help needed]

My last slide has a login form on it and when I am typing the pagination moves up and sometimes it is above the input.

Is there a way to make it stays at the bottom without moving when the user is editing an input.


Done button not shown when only one slide

The done button shows normally when there is more than one slide. However, when there is only one slide, the button is no longer rendered.

Maybe the button is placed inside the view that holds the pagination elements?

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