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vscode-edit-csv's Introduction


This extensions allows you to edit csv files with an excel like table ui

Web version

If you don't have vs code to hand, you can use the online version at


Execute the command edit as csv to open an editor for the current file.

Execute the command again to switch back to the source file or to switch back to the editor

feature X

Note that the data flow is one way (editor to source file). If you make changes to the source file (.csv) while the editor is open, the editor will not be updated!

¡ Important Notes !

  • On initial load all rows are expanded so that all rows have equal length (number of cells (if necessary))

    • if that happens you will see the unsaved changes indicator right from the start
  • enabling/disabling the has header read option will clear the undo/redo stack!

  • empty lines are skipped!

    • this will not trigger the unsaved changes indicator
    • (during parsing) a row is also empty when it only contains ""
      • this can be problematic if you have only 1 column...
  • We try to retain quote information (default) but in some cases fields could get unquoted on save (see Retain Quote Information Rules)

  • Comment row (rows starting with a comment) will only export the first cell

    • if you accidentally added comment text to a cell other than the first cell you will notice it (color)
  • Adding new lines to comments rows (via alt + enter) will have no effect when exporting (lines breaks are removed in comments!)

    • leading spaces will be removed in comment rows!
  • Starting with Version 0.1.0 the table has a context menu (right-click the table)

    • (just mentioning it because it is not obvious via the ui)
  • Plugin Version 0.0.11 had an issue with loading and saving files with more than ~1 MB

    • saved files were corrupted (content of the first ~1MB was repeated after the first ~1MB until the file size was reached)

Retain Quote Information Rules

during parsing information about the quotes are stored

  • quote information is only stored for columns
  • only the first non-comment, not empty row (no fields) is used to gather quote information
  • if the first row has less cells than other rows
    • then missing entries are filled with csv-edit.newColumnQuoteInformationIsQuoted (default is not quoted)
  • manually added columns will get csv-edit.newColumnQuoteInformationIsQuoted quote information
  • moving columns will also "move" the quote information
    • e.g. column 3 was quoted and is now column 1 then column 1 is quoted after moving

Implications of this

  • columns with mixed cells (quoted and not quoted fields) will get homogeneously quoted

This can be turned off by setting csv-edit.retainQuoteInformation to false In this case all unnecessary quotes are removed

How this extension works

essentially it's just import csv and export csv

When you click on edit csv file

  • the file content is cut into pieced and transferred via [webview].postMessage

  • the current config is stringified and injected into the editor (webview) html

  • a manager stores a reference to the webview, source file uri, editor uri

  • in the webview the pieces are put together and the text is parsed as csv and displayed in the (handsontable) table element

When you click on apply

  • the current table is transformed into csv, transferred via vscode.postMessage to the extension and written to the source file

    • if you clicked on apply by accident, you can undo the changes in the table element (with the usual shortcuts) and apply again or open the source file and just do an undo (with the usual shortcuts)
  • When you click on apply and save

    • the first step is equal to apply
    • then the source file is saved
  • When you click in Read again

    • the injected content is used (when the editor was opened), this does not read the source file again

As you can see this does not scale very well with large csv files (needs to be stringified and stored the whole time)

Extension Settings

There are some settings for this plugin. Open the VS Code Settings and search for csv-edit

Supported file types/extension

Files with the extension .csv, .tsv should work out of the box.

You can change the file type in the bottom right corner of the editor (select language mode). This is required for unnamed/new files.

For tsv, make sure the indention is set to tabs.

File extension xyz is not recognized by the vs code extension


If the link is down: Search for files.associations in the vs code settings. Then add an entry for *.xyz to csv.
Now the file is treated as a csv file and is recognized by the extension

Drag to Auto Fill

Starting from version 0.10.0 the setting dragToAutoFill defaults to excelLike.

The other values are none and copyOnly.

none is used to disable auto fill.

Setting dragToAutoFill to copyOnly will copy the selected cell values over and over again. Example: 1,b,3 and you drag the handle 6 cells further will give 1,b,3,1,b,3 as auto fill values. As you can see, there is no interpolation, the selected sequence is copied again and again.

The default setting excelLike imitates the Excel behaviour for automatic fill values.

In most cases it will work just fine, but there may be some special cases.

In general, the following values can be filled in automatically: Numbers, month names and dates.

Similar to Excel, you can hold down the alt key before releasing the mouse button to copy the cell values. No interpolation is carried out.

You can find a complete explanation of how automatic filling works in docs/

Known Issues

  • apply and save an unnamed file will close the editor

    • this is because the new uri for the new file is not known and for some reason if an extension saves an unnamed file the new file is not displayed automatically
  • renaming a file while an editor is open for that file will break the reference the the source file

    • thus changes can no longer be saved/applied
    • maybe this can be resolved when microsoft/vscode#43768 is closed
  • if the source file content changes and the file is not in the current workspace (open folder) auto file content reload is not working

    • however, you are notified if the file content changes (e.g. outside of vs code)


I recommend installing the Rainbow CSV extension, the extensions play well together!

If you want to only view csv files you can go for the extension Excel Viewer. It has some more advanced sorting and filtering features.

How long will it stay in preview?

There is one things missing...

  • tests
    • especially for interaction between vs code and the webview
    • I added some listeners to handsontable hooks which manipulate rendering, selection...

Why not...?

  • use merged cells for comments (rows)
    • there are some problems with adding/removing rows in connection with undo & redo, sorting...
  • update handsontable to 7.x.x
    • with version 7 handsontable is only free for non-commercial use

Used projects

see thirdParty folders

There are some more in package.json. Even if they are not referenced directly, they are used e.g. for the browser build. We copy them from node_modules into the thirdParty folders.

Open the editor from other (your) extension with custom settings

There is a command edit-csv.editWithConfig. It can be used to open the editor with settings specified by you.

All possible settings can be found in [project root]/csvEditorHtml/types.d.ts > EditCsvConfig. The easiest way is to copy both types EditCsvConfig and EditCsvConfigOverwrite and then call the extenion command like this:

 vscode.commands.registerCommand('yourExtension.yourCommand', () => {
	let overwriteSettings: EditCsvConfigOverwrite = {
		readOption_hasHeader: "true",
		//other options, auto completion enabled

	vscode.commands.executeCommand(`edit-csv.editWithConfig`, overwriteSettings)

There is one problem left: the Edit csv button in the title bar (and the file right click menu action) will still use the settings set by the user... For this there is the option csv-edit.hideOpenCsvEditorUiActions. If set to true it will hide the two ui actions. This way you can create a buttom from your extension and open the editor and force your settings.

Make sure to keep the type EditCsvConfig up-to-date (in case any types change)

The extension will warn you about any unknown settings supplied but will not check the actual property values!

It will overwrite the settings configured by the user and call the same method as edit-csv.edit (the default when the editor is opened via the Edit csv button).

How to build locally

To compile (and watch) the files in csvEditorHtml run

tsc -w #or just tsc to transpile only once
# new terminal
cd csvEditorHtml
tsc -w #or just tsc to transpile only once

then press F5 to run the extension

When you edit csvEditorHtml/index.html you need to manually copy the changes (everything in the body but without the scripts) into src/getHtml.ts (past into body)

You can also open csvEditorHtml/index.html in your favorite browser and play around (the vs code settings are not applied in the browser)


Code: MIT

vscode-edit-csv's People


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vscode-edit-csv's Issues

will not render medium sized csv

I have noticed this plug-in processes for a second, flashes a render for a split second and then hangs on "rendering table" when trying to work with csv's of even moderate size. The current file I'm working with is ~2.6MB, but I have noticed this many times and I am just getting around to reporting.

I remember reading something about rendering disabled above 50MB?

One of my primary uses is to check and apply alternate formatting such as when one application needs strings quoted and another application needs them unquoted - is there a way to force it to render at least a portion of larger files where you can preview and apply such read/write options?

I am using Windows 10, latest version of VS Code and extension as far as I know. Thanks!

Add setting for line ending characters

When I am updating our current .txt files, they are using another line ending convention than you use. Not sure what it is or what is setting it, but I assume it is your tool generating the "newlines", since after I click "edit csv" it is already showing changes in the file. When I hit save, many of the rows are edited already, causing conflicts in our git repository since not everyone wants to use this tool (yet).

Is it possible to set the line ending characters in the settings? It seems like it is adding some character '^M' after our rows, not entirely sure what it is. For now I'll have to use your tool to update the files, t hen copy the lines over to our code, which is a bit tedious.

Scrolling behaviour when Shift is pressed

Most editor views support scrolling up and down as a default mouse roller behaviour and additionally change that to horizontal scrolling when Shift is held. I've noticed that Edit csv's table view does not support that, at the same time horizontal scrolling with touchpad is possible. I would like to see this as a feature.

edit-csv broken UI on vscode insider

Bug description

Hello, I heavily rely on your extensions in daily work and very appreciate it.
Recently i turn to vscode insider version to use "Remote SSH" function
But on this version, edit-csv display an broken UI (as below) seems like failure of loading of CSS or js or whatelse
I search the github, someone encounters the same issue: Extension doesn't work with vscode-insider: Git Graph、Edit csv.. In that link the repo owner thinks it is caused by "fundamental change in how the JS & CSS are loaded (as they are stored on the remote system instead of the local machine)."

How to reproduce

Software version

  • local os: Windows_NT x64 10.0.17763
  • remote os: Ubuntu 16.04.1
  • vscode: 1.35.0-insider (system setup)
  • vscode extensions
    • Remote - SSH: 0.37.0
    • Edit csv: 0.0.11


  1. Install vscode insider and install Remote - SSH
  2. Open an ubuntu remote machine using Remote - SSH
  3. Install edit-csv, it will automatically installed on to the remote side
  4. Create a new csv file on the remote, and use edit csv to display it

Then u can see the what i encountered.

I believe the os version is not correlated, under other os version the bug may also be reproduced.


Sometimes on the first run after installation of insider, the edit-csv works well. But when u close and reopen the insider, the bug will emerge

Unable to use vscode default shortcut to switch between editors

First of all, thanks for this extension!
I notice an issue with the navigation between editors if the current one is edit-csv.

Since Cmd+Opt+Left and Cmd+Opt+Right are used to select from the current position to the beginning and end of the current row I cannot switch among editors using those shortcuts if the current editor is edit-csv.

It seems that the shortcut for the row selection in this extension is not configurable and I would rather prefer to change the shortcut of changing the editor.

If the shortcut itself is not configurable in handsontable maybe it could be disabled by a configuration. Would that make sense?

To install the extension locally via git clone


Building it locally does not help. I would like to install it locally via git clone for not breaking the symlinks in other workspaces if I keep updating the extension. Updating the extension will change the folder version, resulting in broken symlinks in other worksapces.

View resetting and column resizing on save button press

What OS?

  • Windows 10 Pro (version 1909)


  • vs code plugin


When pressing the one of the save buttons the view is reset (jumps to top left) and the custom set column size is reset to the default length (that matches text length)

Why is this an issue? I'm currently editing a large csv file that contains localization text for multiple languages.

  • Resetting position takes me away from where I was making edits
  • Resetting column size is annoying as some text is very long (e.g. smaller paragraph), so it's easier to set custom width

Steps to reproduce

A step by step guide how to reproduce this issue/bug.

  1. Create a csv file containing a few rows (enought to enable vertical scrolling) and a few columns (some of which contains cells with very long text that enables horizontal scrolling).
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the file and shrink the long columns so that you can view all columns without scrolling.
  3. Make some modifications to any of the cells and press either the "Apply changes to file and save" or the "Apply changes to file".
  4. As a result, the editors position should be reset to the top left of the "spreadsheet view" and the long columns should be expanded to their "default" size.

Expected behavior:

  • View stays where it was at the time of pressing the button
  • Custom set column widths are not modified
  • These values/parameters are temporarily stored so when reloading the view they can be loaded

" " Gets changed to another value

If you have a empty cell and you want to change its value to " "
The value is displayed as " " but saved as """ """

So in the csv file it should look like this: value1," ",value2
When you apply and save it get changed to: value1,""" """,value2

Awesome app though.

Column filtering


VS Code plugin


I'd like to use column filtering. Lets assume that I have a log file with a LogLevel column. It'd be nice to filter by Error. A nice additional feature would be that the addon keeps the same row/column selected even when I remove the filter to be able to see the rows surrounding the row where I previously found the Error.


Row Timestamp LogLevel Message
1 2020-10-27 01:00 Information Some information
1..100 many skipped lines
101 2020-10-27 02:00 Error Some error
102 2020-10-27 02:01 Information Some information

Filtering by Error:

Row Timestamp LogLevel (filtered) Message
101 2020-10-27 02:00 Error Some error

Select row 101

Row Timestamp LogLevel (filtered) Message
101 2020-10-27 02:00 Error Some error

Remove filter:

Row Timestamp LogLevel Message
1 2020-10-27 01:00 Information Some information
1..100 many skipped lines
101 2020-10-27 02:00 Error Some error
102 2020-10-27 02:01 Information Some information

Row 101 should remain selected and still be visible (in view).

Additional thoughts

It seems that this functionality is already in the excel viewer plugin, so I guess that it's not super important, but it would be very convenient. as the excel doesn't show row numbers by default (except when explicitly enabled by the csv-preview.lineNumbers setting).

EDIT: Added additional thoughts
EDIT2: Updated information on the Excel Viewer line numbers

Ability to add more extension types

I use the extension "Rainbow CSV", which adds some custom Language Mode types into VSCode, i.e. CSV (pipe). When swapping from CSV to CSV (pipe), the "Edit as csv" ability disappears. Would it be possible to add a setting where we could add additional Language modes?


Files with more than ~1MB are loaded and saved wrong

Files with more than ~1MB are loaded and saved wrong.

After the first ~1MB content the content of the ~1MB is repeated until the file size is reached.

Actual: [1MB aaa...][1MB aaa...][1MB aaa...] = 3MB

Expected [1MB aaa...][1MB bbb...][1MB ccc...] = 3MB

This was due to a counter was not properly incremented in util.partitionString

Add extension setting: file extension


  • vs code plugin


I have csv files that do not have a .csv extension. It would be handy to have a configuration setting to add different file extensions.

Have last line be an empty line

I know it's not default behavior, but apparently the old system our text files are running on expects the last line to be an empty line. Would it be possible to add an option so we can add a newline after the very last row?

Other than that, I made everything work, it now looks exactly like our default txt files. I just had to dig a bit into your options and I fixed all of it.

Basically add a newline character after the last row as well, is what I want.

Auto reload from disk

Would it be possible to make the csv editor automatically detect changes to the file on disk, and reload? For example, if I do a git pull. We had an unfortunate accident yesterday with a few commits getting overwritten, because we didn't think of reloading the editor before making our changes. It could just be the "simple" notepad++ version, where you get a notification if there are changes on the disk, so you know at least. But it would be even better for us if it just did it automatically.

I looked a little bit at your code, but I am by no means and expert in either typescript or vs code plugins. I think you could just add a "file has changes" check to preReloadFileFromDisk I would assume, and only continue if there are actually changes to the file on disk. Then call that function every x seconds, would be a very simple solution. It would then work exactly like Notepad++, except you would need something to handle if people press "no" to the popup, so it doesn't just keep asking, but disable the infinite reload check until the next save or reload from disk.

If you could then on top of this add 2 settings, one for enabling this feature and another for whether it should ask before reloading. You can of course default them however you want. That would be amazing.

Multiple header lines

Many of my CSV/TSV files have multiple header lines that have totally different number of columns. Right now this makes CSV-Edit render the display of the actual table rows wrong. File example attached.

My proposal is to add a "header row count count" box to the right of the "Has Header" switch in the "Read Options" pane.

White background when editing as csv

I installed the latest version of VS Code Insiders, and now when I "edit as csv" I get a really ugly white background. Since much of the UI uses gray text, it is also low-contrast and hard to read now.



Feature request: hide comments


I'm using this extension to display profiling info from CodeXL/rocm-profiler, because this is the only CSV visualizer that works in remote sessions (the others all communicate through sockets/ports which are not enterprise firewall friendly). I am not so much interested in editing the data, just seeing it as nicely tabulated, dark theme friendly spreadsheet. My data usally has 8-9 lines of comments leading the datafile holding metadata of the execution environment. 99% of the times, this is uninteresting, but I cannot turn tell CodeXL to omit these comments.

Could Edit CSV be told to not display comments?

How to change the delimiter for an open file?

I've opened a .tsv file, and the extension seemed to have picked comma as the separator, which of course isn't the right one since it's a "tab separated values" file. So then I opened up the top bar ("Read options", "Write options", "Preview", etc.) and selected "tab" as separator by clicking the icon next to "Delimiter". The tab character is inserted into the box below, but clicking "Apply" doesn't change the display of the table. This seems like the correct procedure, right?

Background Problem

With the August 2020 VScode update, the "edit as csv" view's background is now suddenly white. I backed my VScode version up to July 2020 and it turned it back to the default grey of the Default Dark+ theme.


The arrows point to what turned white. The text color stayed the same when the background was white in those places, which also made it difficult to read non-button/dropdown text.

large file support

Hi, my files are e.g. 15MB large, they cannot be viewed. The view opens but it keeps black and Nothing happens.

Calculate/Update stats only when it's visible


  • vs code plugin
  • browser


Currently the stats sidebar always calculates the stats, even when it's hidden.
For large tables this is a big performance hit, e.g. when you want to select a column...

It would be nice if the stats are only calculated if the side bar is open/visible.

Things to keep in mind:

  • first select cells then open the side bar, it should automatically calculate the stats without re-selecting

Edit as csv option disappeared


Since yesterday on vs-code insiders the option to "edit as csv" has disappeared from my user interface for certain csv files.

To create a simple example to show you, I made a new .csv file and noticed that with the new file, the option still shows up. See screenshot:

However, for my older .csv files, the option disappears. See screenshot:

However, since I've created a keyboard shortcut to launch "edit as csv", I am still able to edit these files by using the keyboard shortcut. See the screenshot:
shortcut works

However, I do not want to rely on the keyboard shortcut. I would rather have the option to click the button as it used to appear for all my .csv files and as it still shows up in the first picture I show above.

Furthermore, I noticed that when I first create a .csv in VS-code Insiders, the "Rainbow CSV" seems to take no effect (see the first screenshot above). However, when I close and re-open the file, the color-coding shows up... But now "Edit as csv" has gone away! See screenshot:
gone too

It seems that there is a conflict between these two extensions, although i never noticed such a conflict before yesterday.

Any ideas how I need to fix this?

Feature request: text wrap toggle

Thanks for this plugin! It's fantastic and lets me avoid all the wonderful ways Excel f&*$s up my csvs. I notice that the extension now wraps text, which is nice to be able to do, but I'd also like to be able to turn that on or off. Additionally, if the wrapped text moves off screen, the line height can change, which can be a little jarring. Example below:


I can see how in some cases this variable line height could be desirable, but when I'm trying to track a row while scrolling right and left, it's really hard when line heights keep jumping around. This problem would be solved for me though if I can just turn off all text wrapping so that all lines are the same height.

Thanks again!

Manual file reload

Hello, Great work with this project, I enjoy it, but what about if create a button for reload the file, inside of previewer?

Add possibility to freeze first column

For some projects it's good to know the first column for files where the first column is an identifier for the row and it has a lot of columns. Some of the files I am editing has 50+ columns so you will either have to select the row or remember the position to edit columns far to the right in the editor. This can become a bit of an issue if you are scrolling while looking at columns for different rows.

Amazing extension though, thanks.

The feature with showing the header is also very nice, could be the same for this to be honest. We are using strings to identify the id of the column instead of the index. Could be the same here as you did with the header, replace the column index with the first column. Both features would be amazing though.

How to keep the value model in a quotation mark ?

I have some files containing different type of data like so:


And I would like to be able to configure this editor to keep my quotes pattern.

EditCsv interprets all lines as comments if Read Options > Comment is blank

When opening a csv file with EditCsv the table will display all data as comments. The Read Options > "Comment" field is blank. The "Has Header" toggle is enabled but does not change when clicked. The "Delimiter" field tooltip says "auto - (detected: ,)" which is correct for my file content.

If I enter a character into the "Comment" field (such as "#") and click "Reset Data" the csv file will load into the table correctly and I can toggle "Has Header" on.

If I close the EditCsv editor tab and reopen the csv file with it, the Read Options are reset and the above process must be repeated to correctly load the csv file into the table.

I have tested disabling all other extensions and reloading VSCode and EditCsv still shows the same behavior.


Version: 1.39.2 (system setup)
Commit: 6ab598523be7a800d7f3eb4d92d7ab9a66069390
Date: 2019-10-15T15:35:18.241Z
Electron: 4.2.10
Chrome: 69.0.3497.128
Node.js: 10.11.0
V8: 6.9.427.31-electron.0
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.14393


Name: Edit csv
Id: janisdd.vscode-edit-csv
Description: extension to edit csv files with a table ui
Version: 0.1.4
Publisher: janisdd
VS Marketplace Link:

After edit and reopen, extension takes a long time to render table

I have a CSV file with about 8,500 rows. I can open the file no problem. If I make a modification (deleting a column, modify a cell), save the changes, close the extension window, and then open the file again (either through the command pallet or clicking 'Edit as csv'), it takes a long time for the extension to load the CSV.

Next to the 'Apply changes to file' it says 'Rendering table...'. When I deleted a column, saved, and reopened the file, it was 'Rendering table...' for close to an hour.

I did a similar process with a CSV file with about 5000 rows, and it opened right away after I saved the file.

I can provide any other information if needed.

Request: compact view

This is a feature request. Please consider:

  • adding UI setting for a "compact view" where the navigation elements and buttons at the top are smaller
  • adding user settings where the font sizes/padding/margins can be tweaked (if not in settings UI, perhaps via editing CSS for power users)
  • making the extension more responsive or relative to editor font size and VS Code zoom/scaling settings

I have small workspace and UI fonts selected, and I've also scaled VS Code down (ctrl+minus) so shrink the overall size of the editor and let me show more content on the screen at once. However, these changes doesn't seem to impact this extension's navigation row or buttons, or at least, not enough for me.

This is a screenshot that shows the font size in the Edit CSV tab navigation is almost twice as large as the tab and sidebar text. The command buttons are also large, but not as large, and even the font size in the table itself is larger than the text the rest of VS Code is using.


Thank you for the Edit CSV extension, your work is truly appreciated.

Add Option to change the Column names to match like Excel

I am using your extension a lot to reconcile data between CSV files and Excel Worksheets.
It would be a really nice feature to have the ability to show the column numbers like in Excel with letters A-ZZZ instead of Column Numbers.

Is this something that you would be open to adding?

Adopt VS Code's 'asWebviewUri' API

Hi, I maintain VS Code's Webview API


Our telemetry suggests that your extension uses webviews and may be loading resources in these webviews using hardcoded vscode-resource: URIs. These URIs have some important limitations and don't work properly when VS Code is run in a browser. We are also making changes in the desktop version of VS Code that may cause these URIs to not work properly in future versions of VS Code.

While we are making our best effort to continue support existing webview extensions that use vscode-resource: URIs on desktop versions of VS Code, we will not able to fully support all uses cases.


To ensure that your extension continues to work in as many environments as possible—including on web and remotely—please:

These APIs shipped around 2 years ago so they should be available in all modern versions of VS Code. You can find additional information about the issue here: microsoft/vscode#97962

Let me know if you have any questions about this change

Header is not display in the header line

What OS?

  • Windows


  • vs code plugin


When the .csv file has the only header and no data rows, then the header is not displayed in the header row. When adding data row, the header is displayed properly.


CSV file content:

Edit csv settings:
Csv-edit: Read Option_has Header: true
Csv-edit: Read Option_has Header: true
Csv-preview: Has Headers: true

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create CSV file with the only header
  2. Open CSV file in the extension
  3. Header is not visible in the "header line" but instead is displayed as data

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