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iobroker.enocean's Issues

TeachIn Probleme mit FJ62NP-230V

Describe the bug

ich habe das Problem, dass der TeachIn bzw. die Steuerung meines FJ62NP-230V nicht richtig funktioniert.
Der TeachIn wird zum einen vom Aktor nicht bestätgt, zum anderen können keine Befehle an den Aktor gesenden werden.
Interessanterweise werden aber die Staus-Meldungen empfagen.

To Reproduce
Der Fehler ist immer aufgetreten, sowohl bei einem Aktor welcher schon eingelernt war (FHEM) als auch nach einem Werksreset.
Auch das ein bzw. ausschalten der Bestätigungstelegramme hat keinen Unterscheid ergeben.

Screenshots & Logfiles

enocean.0 2020-12-27 14:57:59.040 warn (630) The data length for a 4BS telegram is incorrect. The length is 0
enocean.0 2020-12-27 14:57:59.030 info (630) state 04111585.CMD changed: 4 (ack = false) state: {"val":4,"ack":false,"ts":1609077479024,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.admin.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1609077479024}


  • Adapter version: 0.3.0
  • JS-Controller version: 3.1.6
  • Node version: v12.20.0
  • Operating system: docker-image on rasberrypi (debian)

Compatibility check to js-controller 3.3 and Admin5 React UI

Dear Adapter developer,

with js-controller 3.2 and js-controller 3.3 some additional checks were added to make sure that created objects match to the specifications and also written state values match to the object definition.

If something is not correct this is logged as 'warning' or 'info' log.

Please take the time to verify your adapter by ideally starting with a fresh instance and do some actions and verify the log. If you see a warn log there from these checks please adjust the adapter and fix the relevant cases.

For questions please refer to ioBroker/ioBroker.js-controller#1301

Additionally we are preparing Admin 5 which will have a completely rewritten UI. Please install Admin 5, activate that new UI and verify that the configuration of you adapter works as expected also there.

More informations on Admin 5 can be found in Forum

Please close the issue after you checked it.

Thank you very much for your support!

warnungen im log admin 5

adapter version 0.3.6

`enocean.0 | 2021-05-13 06:50:51.309 | warn | Read-only state "enocean.0.gateway.lastID" has been written without ack-flag with value "01a5bd01"

enocean.0 | 2021-05-13 06:49:11.232 | warn | Read-only state "enocean.0.gateway.lastID" has been written without ack-flag with value "01a5bd01"

enocean.0 | 2021-05-13 06:45:51.093 | warn | Read-only state "enocean.0.gateway.lastID" has been written without ack-flag with value "01a5bd01"

enocean.0 | 2021-05-13 06:44:11.011 | warn | Read-only state "enocean.0.gateway.lastID" has been written without ack-flag with value "01a5bd01"

enocean.0 | 2021-05-13 06:43:58.060 | warn | Read-only state "enocean.0.gateway.lastID" has been written without ack-flag with value "05057e7d"`

Rework Teachin

The Actual teachin procedure is comlicated and causes a lot of problems.
Specially when devices like Eltako TF does not check if the Telegram was sent with the own ID. So it is needed that ioBroker sends from a unique ID per device.
The BaseID offset has to be set Automatically for each device, no user interaction anymore.

Also the process should be mor guided.


Manufacturer: WINKHAUS
Model: FM.V.SW
Production date/period:
Link to product:

FFR61 Profil überarbeiten

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '...'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots & Logfiles
If applicable, add screenshots and logfiles to help explain your problem.


  • Adapter version:
  • JS-Controller version:
  • Node version:
  • Operating system:

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Think about to fix the issues found by adapter checker

I am an automatic service that looks for possible errors in ioBroker and creates an issue for it. The link below leads directly to the test:

  • [E154] common.dependencies must contain {"js-controller": ">=2.0.0"} or {"js-controller": ">=3.0.0"}
  • [E605] No actual year found in copyright. Please add "Copyright (c) 2022 Jey Cee [email protected]" at the end of
  • [E701] No actual year found in LICENSE. Please add "Copyright (c) 2022 Jey Cee [email protected]" at the start of LICENSE

I have also found warnings that may be fixed if possible.

  • [W400] Cannot find "enocean" in latest repository
  • [W505] setTimeout found in "main.js", but no clearTimeout detected

your automatic adapter checker.

P.S.: There is a community in Github, which supports the maintenance and further development of adapters. There you will find many experienced developers who are always ready to assist anyone. New developers are always welcome there. For more informations visit:

Opus greenNet GN-BH63AP-pw / ELTAKO FBH63AP

Manufacturer: Opus greenNet (steht zumindest drauf), aber es scheint doch ELTAKO zu sein
Model: Opus greenNet GN-BH63AP-pw bzw. ELTAKO FBH63AP-rw bzw. ELTAKO F(A)BH65S-wg
Production date/period: ca. 2015 (?). Bin über diesen Artikel aus 2015 auf den Melder gestoßen
Link to product:

Bei dem Teil scheint es etwas komplizierter zu sein: Ich kannte den Bewegungsmelder nur als Opus GN-BH63AP-pw und habe ihn als Restposten bei ebay bestellt, doch als ich beim EnOcean-Adapter (aus den Community Adapters) Autodetect und den Lern-Modus am Gerät gestartet habe (man muss kurz einen Magneten an eine Seite halten), wurde mir der Melder als ELTAKO angezeigt und hatte EEP: A5-08-01.
Danach habe ich den Adapter gelöscht, die Version hier aus diesem Repository installiert und habe es mit den ähnlichen Modellbezeichnungen von ELTAKO probiert, doch diese haben EEP: TF-13-13 und es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden.


Manufacturer: PEHA
Model: D 451 FU-BM
Production date/period:
Link to product:

Hoppe Fenstergriff SecuSignal / ConnectHome

Manufacturer: Hoppe (7FF)
Model: SecuSignal + ConnectHome
Production date/period: N/A
Link to product: Link 1 - Link 2

Vergleichbar mit diesem Issue

EEP: F6-10-00
#Teach-Methode?: RPS

  "HOPPE": {
    "SecuSignal": {
      "EEP": ["F6-10-00"],
      "autocreate": true,
      "teachin_method": "RPS",
      "id_offset": false,
      "help": {
        "en": {
          "1": "Click on 'Add Device'.",
          "2": "Start teachin mode"
        "de": {
          "1": "Auf 'Gerät Hinzufügen' klicken.",
          "2": "Teach-In starten."

Thermokon SR04 zeigt negative Vorzeichen

Describe the bug
Die Messwerte werden mit negativen Vorzeichen ausgegeben.
Beispiel: 18°C wird als -18°C ausgegeben.

Screenshots & Logfiles
2021-01-18 (2)


  • Adapter version: 0.3.0
  • JS-Controller version: 4.8.4
  • Node version: v12.20.1

add Eltako FHF

Manufacturer: Eltako
Model: FHF
Production date/period: unknown
Link to product:

ich habe bereits ein bisschen versucht mein FHEM-Setup auf ioborker zu migrieren.
(Ich bin kein Programierer, agiere als mit gefährlichem Halbwissen :) )

In der devices.json habe ich den Part für den FHF Fenstergriff hinzugefügt:
"FHF": { "EEP": ["F6-10-00"], "autocreate": true, "teachin_method": "RPS", "id_offset": false, "help": { "de": { "1":"Auf 'Gerät Hinzufügen' klicken.", "2":"Teach-In starten." } } },

Damit Funktioniert auch das einlernen, leider aber als F6-02-02 bzw. im Log erscheint "F6-03-xx detected and added to devices".
Wenn ich danach das angelegte Obejkt auf F6-10-00 abändere und die zwei Datenpunkte "WIN" und "WINT" anlege, bekomme ich beim öffnen bzw. kippen die richtigen Werte zurück gemeldet.

Ich hoffe diese Infos helfen beim hinzufügen ins Projekt.

Vielen Dank und tolle Arbeit.

Compatibility check and testing for Node.js 14 and 16

Dear Adapter developer,

Node.js 14 is now available for a year and Node.js 16 was release just some days ago and will become LTS by October 2021. We plan to update the ioBroker Node.js recommendation (currently 12.x) to 14.x later this year.

Please check your adapter with Node.js 14 especially, and ideally also directly with Node.js 16

Please add both versions to the adapter testing which is executed on commits.

If your adapter requires a certain minimum version of Node.js please set the 'engine' setting in package.json accordingly! Please also do this if the adapter is not able to work in certain Node.js versions, so that ioBroker can prevent users from installing te adapter if not compatible!

On questions please talk to us at ioBroker/ioBroker.js-controller#1138

Please close the issue after you checked it.

Thank you very much for your support!

ELTAKO FTR65HB (Temperatur-Regler)

Manufacturer: ELTAKO
Model: FTR65HB
Production date/period:
Link to product:

Betriebsart FHK: EEP: A5-10-06
Lerntelegramm: 0x40300D87

Data_byte0 = 0x0F
Data_byte1 = Istttememperatur 0xFF..0x00 entspricht 0..40°C
Data_byte2 = Solltemperatur 0x00..0xFF entspricht 0..40°C
Einstellbarer Bereich: 12..28°C Frostsymbol = 8°C

Betriebsart TF61: EEP: A5-38-08
Lerntelegramm: 0xE0400D80

AUS = 0x01000008
EIN = 0x01000009

Hysterese: 1°

Eltako TF61R-230V

Manufacturer: Eltako
Model: TF61R-230V
Production date/period:
Link to product:

Eltako FSVA-230V

Manufacturer: Eltako
Model: FSVA-230V
Production date/period: 39/15
Link to product:

The "enocean.0.0190xxx." is invalid. Ids are not allowed to end in "."

Describe the bug
Since v0.3.1 my motion sensor Eltako FABH65S is supported and I'm able to read the states, however, it's not very reliable and every time there's a signal incoming (e.g. when forcing the teaching mode of the sensor) I get this error and the adapter crashes.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Add new device, choose FABH65S, insert ID (with leading zero, different from the label on the backside or copy & paste last received ID)
  2. Put a magnet close to the sensor to initiate teaching/pairing mode
  3. Adapter crashes (see log)
  4. Wait for adapter to start again, trigger sensor after a few minutes, adapter crashes again

Screenshots & Logfiles

-- -- -- --
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:08:20.247 info (7830) starting. Version 0.3.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.enocean, node: v12.18.3, js-controller: 3.1.6
host.ioBroker 2021-01-27 01:08:17.667 info instance system.adapter.enocean.0 started with pid 7830
host.ioBroker 2021-01-27 01:07:47.628 info Restart adapter system.adapter.enocean.0 because enabled
host.ioBroker 2021-01-27 01:07:47.621 info instance system.adapter.enocean.0 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR)
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.074 info (7683) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.072 info (7683) terminating
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.056 info (7683) The serial port was closed.
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.046 info (7683) cleaned everything up...
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.041 error at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.041 error at runMicrotasks ()
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.041 error at handleType1.main (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.enocean/lib/tools/Packet_handler.js:157:16)
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.041 error at handleType1.setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.enocean/lib/tools/Packet_handler.js:174:22)
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.041 error at Enocean.setStateAsync (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/lib/tools.js:1584:16)
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.041 error at new Promise ()
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.041 error at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/lib/tools.js:1585:16
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.041 error at Enocean.setState (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/lib/adapter.js:5713:17)
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.041 error at validateId (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/lib/adapter.js:518:23)
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.041 error (7683) Error: The "enocean.0.0190xxxx." is invalid. Ids are not allowed to end in "."
enocean.0 2021-01-27 01:07:47.033 error (7683) unhandled promise rejection: The "enocean.0.0190xxxx." is invalid. Ids are not allowed to end in "."
Unhandled 2021-01-27 01:07:47.031 error promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch().


  • Adapter version: 0.3.1 (pulled on 27th Jan. 2021 from this GitHub Repo)
  • JS-Controller version: 3.1.6, EDIT: upgraded to 3.2.11 but no improvement
  • Node version: 12.18.3
  • Operating system: Linux/Raspberry Pi OS

FSR14x4 schaltet nicht mehr

Describe the bug
Adapter reagiert nach Update auf 0.3.0 nicht mehr auf Schaltversuche.

To Reproduce
CMD schalten auf 1 oder 0 (FSR14x4)

Screenshots & Logfiles

Version 0.3.0 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.enocean, node: v12.20.0, js-controller: 3.1.6

Eltako F4SR14-LED

Manufacturer: Eltako
Model: F4SR14-LED
Production date/period:
Link to product:


Manufacturer: PEHA
Model: 4511 FU-EP ST
Production date/period:
Link to product:

Eltako FMS14

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