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ml_for_hackers's Issues

glmnet() wants a 2 column matrix

In code snippet #20 in chapter06.R, glmnet() wants a matrix with 2 or more columns but throws an error since the matrix itself is only one column. Thought about wrangling it into a two column matrix but that might not be inline with the original intent of that snippet.

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Ch. 11 Social Network Data

Since the Google Social Graph API is not longer available, can you recommend any other currently active sources of data for 'practicing' the network analysis methods discussed in Chapter 11?


Chapter 11 Post-Google Social Graph API

Google's social graph API no longer exists. I love this book and have used it as a template to start many other projects.

I need to make social graphs now and having skimmed this chapter I'm not sure if it's usable given the decommissioning of Google's API, as well as the changes to Twitter.

I'm currently trying to get started based on some other random social graph tut's online. I'm wondering if someone who is more familiar with this chapter can let me know if it is still worth reading completely and adapting the code to work around these changes or if that would be a waste of time?


Chapter 3 Only classifying data as ham and not spam


#tm is the text mining package of R
#ggplot is for visualization
#there are 2 sets of files for each type of mail and one will be used for training while other will be for testing


  connection<-file(path,open="rt", encoding="Latin1")
  #the message begins after a full line break
  msg<-text[seq(t, length(text))]
  return (paste(msg, collapse="\n"))

#tdm=term document matrix

  control<-list(stopwords=TRUE, removePunctuation=TRUE, removeNumbers=TRUE, minDocFreq=2)
  doc.dtm<-TermDocumentMatrix(doc.corpus, control)
  return (doc.dtm)

# create a vector of emails
#use apply function<-dir(spam.path)
#this returns a list of file names in the directory<[seq(1,length(]<[which(!="")]
#cmds file is a UNIX file which we dont need<[!startsWith(, "cmds")]

all.spam<-sapply(, function(p) get.msg(paste(spam.path,p, sep="")))


#use the command below for inspection
#z<-TermDocumentMatrix(Corpus(VectorSource(all.spam)), list(stopwords=TRUE, removeNumbers=TRUE, removePunctuation=TRUE, minDocFreq=2))

spam.matrix<- as.matrix(spam.tdm)
spam.df<-data.frame(cbind(names(spam.counts), as.numeric(spam.counts)), stringAsFactors=FALSE)
names(spam.df)<-c("term", "frequency")
                       , function(i){
spam.df<-transform(spam.df, density=spam.density, occurence=spam.occurence)

head(spam.df[with(spam.df,order(-occurence)), ])
#constructuon of Ham dataset

#this returns a list of file names in the directory<[seq(1,500)]<[which(!="")]
#cmds file is a UNIX file which we dont need<[!startsWith(, "cmds")]

all.easy_ham<-sapply(, function(p) get.msg(paste(easyham.path,p, sep="")))


#use the command below for inspection
#z<-TermDocumentMatrix(Corpus(VectorSource(all.spam)), list(stopwords=TRUE, removeNumbers=TRUE, removePunctuation=TRUE, minDocFreq=2))

easy_ham.matrix<- as.matrix(easy_ham.tdm)
easy_ham.df<-data.frame(cbind(names(easy_ham.counts), as.numeric(easy_ham.counts)), stringAsFactors=FALSE)
names(easy_ham.df)<-c("term", "frequency")
                       , function(i){
easy_ham.df<-transform(easy_ham.df, density=easy_ham.density, occurence=easy_ham.occurence)
head(easy_ham.df[with(easy_ham.df,order(-occurence)), ])

#Classification function<-function(path, training.df, prior=0.5, c=1e-6){
  #Find intersection of words
  msg.match<-intersect(names(msg.freq), training.df$term)
    return (prior*c^(length(msg.freq)))
    match.probs<-training.df$occurence[match(msg.match, training.df$term)]
    return (prior*prod(match.probs) * c^(length(msg.freq)-length(msg.match)))

hardham.spamtest<-sapply(, function(p),p, sep=""), 
                                                                  training.df = easy_ham.df))

hardham.hamtest<-sapply(, function(p), p, sep=""), training.df = easy_ham.df))

hardham.res<-ifelse(hardham.spamtest>hardham.hamtest, TRUE, FALSE)

This code only returns false for all values

arm package on Mac

Are there any known issues in using the arm package on Mac?

On running package_installer.R, there were errors in compiling BRugs, which isn't a direct dependency of the arm package, but is suggested for R2WinBUGS, which is.

Are there issues in running any of the book's code on Mac, if it's depending on OpenBUGS and WinBUGS, which seem to be Windows-specific libraries? Or are these libraries never used?

Ch06 Text Regularization

In chapter 6 I am at the part where I am supposed to be executing

dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus)

However it fails out with the following error:

Error in UseMethod("meta", x) : 
  no applicable method for 'meta' applied to an object of class "try-error"
In addition: Warning message:
In mclapply(unname(content(x)), termFreq, control) :
  all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code

StackOverflow suggested installing SnowballC and also trying
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, content_transformer(tolower), lazy = TRUE)

Neither of these solutions worked and I am thus flummoxed.

Here is my session info:

R version 3.1.2 (2014-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] glmnet_1.9-8  Matrix_1.1-4  mgcv_1.8-4    nlme_3.1-118  plyr_1.8.1    ggplot2_1.0.0 tm_0.6             NLP_0.1-5    

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] colorspace_1.2-4 digest_0.6.8     grid_3.1.2       gtable_0.1.2     labeling_0.3     lattice_0.20-29      MASS_7.3-35      munsell_0.4.2    parallel_3.1.2   proto_0.3-10    
[11] Rcpp_0.11.3      reshape2_1.4.1   scales_0.2.4     slam_0.1-32      stringr_0.6.2    tools_3.1.2     

ggplot 0.9.x warnings and errors

For every ggplot() function call the "legend = FALSE" setting/parameter needs to be changed to guide="none"

Also when plotting figure 9-4 in chapter 9 the latest ggplot now requires that library(scales) be loaded and it means that the scale_size() needs to be changed from:

Chapter 3: error occurs when reading spam.

the code are running from Rstudio with R 3.3.0 under osx 10.11

issue 1:

line 48 in email_classify.R:

geom_hline(aes(yintercept = c(10,30)), linetype = 2)

yintercept need to be put outside aes function , like this :

geom_hline(yintercept = c(10,30), linetype = 2)

issue 2:

error occurs when reading msg by sapply at line 139-140 ..

all.spam <- sapply(,
function(p) get.msg(file.path(spam.path, p)))

here is the traceback

Error in seq.default(which(text == "")[1] + 1, length(text), 1) :
'from' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite
7 stop("'from' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite")
6 seq.default(which(text == "")[1] + 1, length(text), 1)
5 seq(which(text == "")[1] + 1, length(text), 1)
4 get.msg(file.path(spam.path, p))
3 FUN(X[[i]], ...)
2 lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...)
1 sapply(, function(p) get.msg(file.path(spam.path, p)))

seems some file does not have a blank line

Chapter 3 motivating plot

`> spam.path <- file.path("C:\03-Classification\data", "spam")

spam2.path <- file.path("C:\03-Classification\data", "spam_2")
easyham.path <- file.path("C:\03-Classification\data", "easy_ham")
easyham2.path <- file.path("C:\03-Classification\data", "easy_ham_2")
hardham.path <- file.path("C:\03-Classification\data", "hard_ham")
hardham2.path <- file.path("C:\03-Classification\data", "hard_ham_2")
x <- runif(1000, 0, 40)
y1 <- cbind(runif(100, 0, 10), 1)
y2 <- cbind(runif(800, 10, 30), 2)
y3 <- cbind(runif(100, 30, 40), 1)
val <- data.frame(cbind(x, rbind(y1, y2, y3)),

  •               stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

ex1 <- ggplot(val, aes(x, V2)) +

  • geom_jitter(aes(shape = as.factor(V3)),
  •               position = position_jitter(height = 2)) +
  • scale_shape_discrete(guide = "none", solid = FALSE) +
  • geom_hline(aes(yintercept = c(10,30)), linetype = 2) +
  • theme_bw() +
  • xlab("X") +
  • ylab("Y")

ggsave(plot = ex1,

  •    filename = file.path("C:\\03-Classification\\images", "00_Ex1.pdf"),
  •    height = 10,
  •    width = 10)

Error in grDevices::pdf(..., version = version) :
cannot open file 'C:\03-Classification\images/00_Ex1.pdf'

ggsave(plot = ex1,

  •    filename = file.path("C:\\03-Classification\\images\\00_Ex1.pdf"),
  •    height = 10,
  •    width = 10)

Error: Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data (1000): yintercept

[1] "C:/Users/mm/Documents"


why I can't get the same result with summary(hardham.res)

when I repeat the code ,I just get the result as follows:
hardham.res <- ifelse(hardham.spamtest > hardham.hamtest,
the result is :
logical 243 6 0

I also try:
hardham.res <- ifelse(hardham.spamtest == hardham.hamtest,
the result is:
logical 21 228 0

that means most of the results is equal .

so i double if it's the floating overflow fault. then I change the function as below: <- function(path, training.df, prior = 0.5, c = 1e-6)

Here, we use many of the support functions to get the

email text data in a workable format

msg <- get.msg(path)
msg.tdm <- get.tdm(msg)
msg.freq <- rowSums(as.matrix(msg.tdm))

Find intersections of words

msg.match <- intersect(names(msg.freq), training.df$term)

Now, we just perform the naive Bayes calculation

if(length(msg.match) < 1)
return((log10(prior)+length(msg.freq)_log10(c))) # return(prior * c ^ (length(msg.freq)))
match.probs <- training.df$occurrence[match(msg.match, training.df$term)]
return((log10(prior)+sum(log10(match.probs)) + (length(msg.freq) - length(msg.match))_log10(c))) # return(prior * prod(match.probs) * c ^ (length(msg.freq) - length(msg.match)))

this time I get the result:

hardham.res <- ifelse(hardham.spamtest > hardham.hamtest,

  • TRUE,
  • FALSE)
    Mode FALSE TRUE NA's
    logical 80 169 0

my god the conclusion is just error.
who has encounter the same problem ?
where have I make the mistake?


Hi my name nii

Chapter 12 libraries

The SVM examples require you to load library('e1071') but this library is not in the list of packages in chapter 1 table 1-2. I only noticed as I'd installed the packages by hand from that table rather than using the install script provided.

Alos, chapter 12 uses the melt() function but library('reshape') isn't mentioned in either that chapter text nor is it loaded at the head of the chapter12.R script.

How to solve this problem for following function,please!!

I have problem in following code:

get.msg <- function(path)
con <- file(path, open = "rt", encoding = "latin1")
text <- readLines(con)

The message always begins after the first full line break

msg <- text[seq(which(text == "")[1] + 1, length(text), 1)]
return(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"))

How can i do , please some body help me!!

fast_check.R failing

I'm new to R, so I do not have a great ability to debug issues yet. After setting up the R environment on Xubuntu and OSX, I keep running into the same issues when running fast_check.R as well as the script for the first chapter.

Checking Chapter 1 - Introduction

`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
Error in strsplit(unitspec, " ") : non-character argument
Calls: source ... fullseq.Date -> seq -> floor_date -> parse_unit_spec -> strsplit
In addition: Warning message:
Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin). 
Execution halted

Here's my R version:
R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10) -- "Wooden Christmas-Tree"

Is there a preferred environment/version for running the sample code, or am I really missing something?

Chapter 3: Contents of spam.df don't match output in book

In Chapter 3 we construct a spam filter based on the data in the folder:


In the book, the terms in these emails are ordered by occurrence with the command below. The book lists the following table with html at the top:

head(spam.df[with(spam.df, order(-occurrence)),])

term frequency density occurrence
2122 html 377 0.005665595 0.338
538 body 324 0.004869105 0.298
4313 table 1182 0.017763217 0.284
1435 email 661 0.009933576 0.262
1736 font 867 0.013029365 0.262
1942 head 254 0.003817138 0.246

When running the code directly, this does not match the output I get with email at the top:

term frequency density occurrence
7781 email 813 0.005853680 0.566
18809 please 425 0.003060042 0.508
14720 list 409 0.002944840 0.444
27309 will 828 0.005961681 0.422
3060 body 379 0.002728837 0.408
9457 free 539 0.003880853 0.390

This seems to be explained by the way the document vectors are processed with the removePunctuation setting. This punctuation is removed and any terms which were separated would now be a new term. For example, becomes htmlhead. The result is that instead of html being listed as a common term in many of the emails, we have lots of low frequency combination of html with other HTML tag keywords.

Chapter 3 - Error executing get.msg()

Hello guys,

Great book :-)
Right now, I am in the 3rd chapter (e-mail classification).
I am executing the R commands one by one andi am having a problem getting the list of spam documents (page 81).
The command is : all.spam <- sapply(, function(p) get.msg(paste(spam.path,p,sep="")))

and the error i get is
Error in seq.default(which(text == "")[1] + 1, length(text), 1) :
invalid (to - from)/by in seq(.)

Any clue?
Thank you very much

Chapter 3: error executing ggsave to create final plot of results

The following command in email_classify.R fails

ggsave(plot = class.plot,
filename = file.path("images", "03_final_classification.pdf"),
height = 10,
width = 10)

Throws this error:
Error in seq.default(min, max, by = by) :
invalid (to - from)/by in seq(.)

This is using R version 2.15.0 and OSX 10.7.3

filter out malformed date data of ufo

It's about the first chapter that you use string length of 8 to deal with malformed date data. After using string length to filter out malformed data, I found "19940000" in DateOccurred and it will be transformed to "NA" by using "ufo$DateOccurred<-as.Date(ufo$DateOccurred, format="%Y%m%d")" after converting date strings. Isn't it also malformed data? And I also found that the way R read the input has an error: like the line 756:

19950704 19950706 Orlando, FL 4-5 min I would like toreport three yellow oval lights which passed over Orlando,Florida on July 4, 1995 at aproximately 21:30 (9:30 pm). These were the sizeof Venus (which they passed close by). Two of them traveled one after the otherat exactly the same speed and path heading south-southeast. The third oneappeared about a minute later following the same path as the other two. Thewhole sighting lasted about 4-5 minute. There were 4 other witnesses oldenough to report the sighting. My 4 year old and 5 year old children were theones who called my attention to the "moving stars". These objects moved fasterthan an airplane and did not resemble anaircraft, and were moving much slowerthan a shooting star. As for them being fireworks, their path was too regularand coordinated. If anybody else saw this phenomenon, please contact me at: [email protected]

After reading in by the function in the book:

> ufo <- read.delim(file.path("data", "ufo", "ufo_awesome.tsv"),
+                   sep = "\t",
+                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
+                   header = FALSE,
+                   na.strings = "")

it's separated into two lines:

> ufo[756,]
                      V1   V2   V3   V4   V5   V6
756 [email protected] <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
> ufo[755,]
          V1       V2           V3   V4      V5
755 19950704 19950706  Orlando, FL <NA> 4-5 min
755 I would like to report three yellow oval lights which passed over Orlando,Florida on July 4,     1995 at aproximately 21:30 (9:30 pm). These were the sizeof Venus (which they passed close by).     Two of them traveled one after the otherat exactly the same speed and path heading south-    southeast. The third oneappeared about a minute later following the same path as the other two.     Thewhole sighting lasted about 4-5 minutes. There were 4 other witnesses oldenough to report the     sighting. My 4 year old and 5 year old children were theones who called my attention to the     &quot;moving stars&quot;. These objects moved fasterthan an airplane and did not resemble an     aircraft, and were moving much slowerthan a shooting star. As for them being fireworks, their path     was too regularand coordinated. If anybody else saw this phenomenon, please contact me at:

Converting R -> Python


Now that ggplot for Python has been around for a while (a few months anyways) - I am personally, for fun, converting the R examples into Python (via IPython Notebooks) using the expected libs: numpy, scipy, pandas, ggplot, statsmodels, etc. (maybe a few others).

My questions are the following:

  1. Is anyone is interested in helping?
  2. Are John/Drew interested in merging this into the master branch?

Depending on the answer to (2), I will try to document my code accordingly. I'm currently done with Chapters 1+2 and 1/2 of 3. I suspect the rest of the code might take me another two weeks if I am doing it by myself.


Joe Misiti

[Introduction:ufo] Strsplit

In the following sentence, strsplit won't feedback a error when no comma in ufo$Location.
As a result, we cannot extract the "'City, State'" from "City" by the trycatch-strsplit method.

split.location <- tryCatch(strsplit(l, ",")[[1]],
error = function(e) return(c(NA, NA)))

Suggest to revised to:

clean.location <- gsub("^ ","",split.location)


It is really weak that the repository does not have the source code that is the one talked about in the book. Instead of actually learning when working through examples, I have to sit down and search your repository for definitions that have changed (e.g. 'abb.state' in Chapter 1). Just mindnumbingly weak.

digest package on OSX

While trying to install the necessary packages using source('package_installer.R') I run into these errors,

Error in library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib) : 
  shared object ‘’ not found
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘memoise’
* removing ‘/usr/local/Cellar/r/2.14.1/R.framework/Versions/2.14/Resources/library/memoise’
ERROR: dependency ‘memoise’ is not available for package ‘ggplot2’
* removing ‘/usr/local/Cellar/r/2.14.1/R.framework/Versions/2.14/Resources/library/ggplot2’

Is there an issue in my R install, that may be stopping the digest package dependency from installing correctly?

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