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jquery-timepicker's Introduction

Timepicker Plugin for jQuery

timepicker screenshot

See a demo and examples here

jquery.timepicker is a lightweight timepicker plugin for jQuery inspired by Google Calendar. It supports both mouse and keyboard navigation, and weighs in at 5.5kb minified and gzipped.




Include jquery.timepicker.css and jquery.timepicker.min.js in your page.

options is an optional javascript object with parameters explained below.

You can also set options as data attributes on the intput elements, like <input type="text" data-time-format="H:i:s" />. Timepicker still needs to be initialized by calling $('#someElement').timepicker(options);. Data attributes will override any conflicting initialization options.

The defaults for all options are exposed through the $.fn.timepicker.defaults object. Properties changed in this object (same properties configurable through the constructor) will take effect for every instance created after the change.


  • appendTo
    Override where the dropdown is appended.
    Takes either a string to use as a selector, a function that gets passed the clicked input element as argument or a jquery object to use directly.
    default: "body"

  • className
    A class name to apply to the HTML element that contains the timepicker dropdown.
    default: null

  • closeOnScroll
    Close the timepicker when the chosen element is scrolled. (Replicates <select> behavior.) Takes either a string to use as a selector, an HTMLelemtn, or a boolean (true binds to document scrolling).
    default: false

  • closeOnWindowScroll DEPRECATED
    Close the timepicker when the window is scrolled. (Replicates <select> behavior.)
    default: false

  • disableTimeRanges
    Disable selection of certain time ranges. Input is an array of time pairs, like [['3:00am', '4:30am'], ['5:00pm', '8:00pm']]. The start of the interval will be disabled but the end won't. default: []

  • disableTextInput
    Disable typing in the timepicker input box; force users to select from list. More information here.
    default: false

  • disableTouchKeyboard
    Disable the onscreen keyboard for touch devices. There can be instances where Firefox or Chrome have touch events enabled (such as on Surface tablets but not actually be a touch device. In this case disableTouchKeyboard will prevent the timepicker input field from being focused. More information here.
    default: false

  • durationTime
    The time against which showDuration will compute relative times. Accepts a time string, Date object, integer seconds from midnight, or a function that returns one of those types.
    default: minTime

  • forceRoundTime
    Force update the time to step settings as soon as it loses focus.
    default: false

  • lang
    Language constants used in the timepicker. Can override the defaults by passing an object with one or more of the following properties: decimal, mins, hr, hrs.
    default: { am: 'am', pm: 'pm', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', decimal: '.', mins: 'mins', hr: 'hr', hrs: 'hrs' }

  • listWidth
    Set this to override CSS styling and set the list width to match the input element's width. Set to 1 to match input width, 2 to double input width, .5 to halve input width, etc. Set to null to let CSS determine the list width.
    default: null (CSS styling)

  • maxTime
    The time that should appear last in the dropdown list. Can be used to limit the range of time options. Accepts a time string, Date object, integer seconds from midnight, or a function that returns one of those types.
    default: 24 hours after minTime

  • minTime
    The time that should appear first in the dropdown list. Accepts a time string, Date object, integer seconds from midnight, or a function that returns one of those types.
    default: 12:00am

  • noneOption
    Adds one or more custom options to the top of the dropdown. Can accept several different value types:
    Boolean (true): Adds a "None" option that results in an empty input value
    String: Adds an option with a custom label that results in an empty input value
    Object: Similar to string, but allows customizing the element's class name and the resulting input value. Can contain label, value, and className properties. value must be a string type.
    Array: An array of strings or objects to add multiple non-time options
    default: false

  • orientation
    By default the timepicker dropdown will be aligned to the bottom right of the input element, or aligned to the top left if there isn't enough room below the input. Force alignment with l (left), r (right), c (horizontal center), t (top), and b (bottom). Examples: tl, rb. default: 'l'

  • roundingFunction
    Function used to compute rounded times. The function will receive time in seconds and a settings object as arguments. The function should handle a null value for seconds. default: round to nearest step

  • scrollDefault
    If no time value is selected, set the dropdown scroll position to show the time provided, e.g. "09:00". Accepts a time string, Date object, integer seconds from midnight, or a function that returns one of those types.
    default: null

  • selectOnBlur
    Update the input with the currently highlighted time value when the timepicker loses focus.
    default: false

  • show2400
    Show "24:00" as an option when using 24-hour time format. You must also set timeFormat for this option to work.
    default: false

  • showDuration
    Shows the relative time for each item in the dropdown. minTime or durationTime must be set.
    default: false

  • showOn
    Display a timepicker dropdown when the input fires a particular event. Set to null or an empty array to disable automatic display. Setting should be an array of strings. default: ['click', 'focus']

  • step
    The amount of time, in minutes, between each item in the dropdown. Alternately, you can specify a function to generate steps dynamically. The function will receive a count integer (0, 1, 2...) and is expected to return a step integer.
    default: 30

  • stopScrollPropagation
    When scrolling on the edge of the picker, it prevent parent containers () to scroll. default: false

  • timeFormat
    How times should be displayed in the list and input element. Uses PHP's date() formatting syntax. Characters can be escaped with a preceeding double slash (e.g. H\\hi). Alternatively, you can specify a function instead of a string, to use completely custom time formatting. In this case, the format function receives a Date object and is expected to return a formatted time as a string. default: 'g:ia'

  • typeaheadHighlight
    Highlight the nearest corresponding time option as a value is typed into the form input.
    default: true

  • useSelect
    Convert the input to an HTML <SELECT> control. This is ideal for small screen devices, or if you want to prevent the user from entering arbitrary values. This option is not compatible with the following options: appendTo, closeOnScroll, closeOnWindowScroll, disableTouchKeyboard, forceRoundTime, scrollDefault, selectOnBlur, typeAheadHighlight.
    default: false

  • wrapHours
    If a time greater than 24 hours (27:30, for example) is entered, apply modolo 24 to create a valid time. Setting this to false will cause an input of 27:30 to result in a timeFormatError event.
    default: true


  • getSecondsFromMidnight
    Get the time as an integer, expressed as seconds from 12am.

  • getTime
    Get the time using a Javascript Date object, relative to a Date object (default: today's date).

     $('#getTimeExample').timepicker('getTime', new Date());

    You can get the time as a string using jQuery's built-in val() function:

  • hide
    Close the timepicker dropdown.

  • isVisible
    Check if the timepicker attached to a specific input is visible. Not compatible with the useSelect option.

  • option
    Change the settings of an existing timepicker. Calling option on a visible timepicker will cause the picker to be hidden.

     $('#optionExample').timepicker({ 'timeFormat': 'g:ia' }); // initialize the timepicker sometime earlier in your code
     $('#optionExample').timepicker('option', 'minTime', '2:00am');
     $('#optionExample').timepicker('option', { 'minTime': '4:00am', 'timeFormat': 'H:i' });
  • remove
    Unbind an existing timepicker element.

  • setTime
    Set the time using a Javascript Date object.

     $('#setTimeExample').timepicker('setTime', new Date());
  • show
    Display the timepicker dropdown.



  • change
    The native onChange event will fire any time the input value is updated, whether by selection from the timepicker list or manual entry into the text input. Your code should bind to change after initializing timepicker, or use event delegation.

  • changeTime
    Called after a valid time value is entered or selected. See timeFormatError and timeRangeError for error events. Fires before change event.

  • hideTimepicker
    Called after the timepicker is closed.

  • selectTime
    Called after a time value is selected from the timepicker list. Fires before change event.

  • showTimepicker
    Called after the timepicker is shown.

  • timeFormatError
    Called if an unparseable time string is manually entered into the timepicker input. Fires before change event.

  • timeRangeError
    Called if maxTime and minTime, or disableTimeRanges is set and an invalid time is manually entered into the timepicker input. Fires before change event.

The selectTime and hideTimepicker events fire slightly differently when using the useSelect option. See #427 for more information.


Sample markup with class names:

<input value="5:00pm" class="ui-timepicker-input" type="text">
<div class="ui-timepicker-wrapper ui-timepicker-positioned-top optional-custom-classname" tabindex="-1">
	<ul class="ui-timepicker-list">
		<li class="ui-timepicker-am">12:00am</li>
		<li class="ui-timepicker-am">12:30am</li>
		<li class="ui-timepicker-pm">4:30pm</li>
		<li class="ui-timepicker-pm ui-timepicker-selected">5:00pm</li>
		<li class="ui-timepicker-pm ui-timepicker-disabled">5:30pm</li>
		<li class="ui-timepicker-pm">6:00pm <span class="ui-timepicker-duration">(1 hour)</span></li>
		<li class="ui-timepicker-pm">6:30pm</li>
		<li class="ui-timepicker-pm">11:30pm</li>

The ui-timepicker-positioned-top class will be applied only when the dropdown is positioned above the input.


NPM npm install --save timepicker

CDN jsDelivr Hits

An AngularJS directive is available at


Submit a GitHub Issues request. Please try provide code that demonstrates the problem; you can use this jsFiddle as a starting point.

Development guidelines

After cloning, install dev dependencies with npm install.

  • npm run build: compile timepicker and place updated output in the project root
  • npm run watch: rebuild every time one of the source files changes
  • npm run format: apply code formatting rules
  • npm run test: run the jest test suite

jquery-timepicker follows semantic versioning.

This software is made available under the open source MIT License. © 2020 Jon Thornton and contributors

jquery-timepicker's People


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jquery-timepicker's Issues

Display of seconds < 10

The display of seconds in the input (timeFormat: "g:i:s a") when seconds < 10 does not happen.

The bug is in the time2int function where the regex fails to match the seconds
timeRegex = /(\d{1,2})(?::(\d{1,2}))?(?::(\d{2}))?\s
should be
timeRegex = /(\d{1,2})(?::(\d{1,2}))?(?::(\d{1,2}))?\s_([pa]?)/;

Wrong timepicker position when used with Bootstrap Twitter CSS

This screenshot says it all:

My input tag is pretty classic:

<input class="time start ui-timepicker-input" id="starts_at_time" name="starts_at_time" type="text" value="2:30pm" autocomplete="off">

The CSS property that provokes this is:

input, textarea, select, .uneditable-input {
  margin-bottom: 9px;

jQuery UI datepicker does not have this issue (I'm using datepair.js).

Update documentation

Hi Jon,

You have wrong documentation on changing existing option (this cause an error in browser):
$('#optionExample').timepicker({ 'option', 'minTime': '2:00am' });
$('#optionExample').timepicker({ 'option', { 'minTime': '4:00am', 'timeFormat': 'H:i' } });

While the correct sample is something like (note the way we pass 'option':
container.find('input.end.time').timepicker('option', {'minTime': startTimeVal});


Hide on click

Couldn't figure out how to get this to work, but similar to how the list hides when you press "return" on the keyboard and you're calling methods.hide.apply(this); I'd love to get it to hide when you click a time.

Hardcoded format in datepair.js

In datepair.js, "m/d/Y" format is hardwired on lines 94, 105, 108, 191. When using another format, such as 'yyyy-mm-dd' and the end date is set before start date, the start date spazzes out.

Documentation on how to get the time either absolute or relative to midnight

Pretty slick plugin. It would be nice though to know how to retrieve the selected time.

I browsed through the source code and I see that there is getSecondsFromMidnight method. So I tried to do so - $('#setTimeExample').timepicker('getSecondsFromMidnight') based on $('#setTimeExample').timepicker('setTime', new Date()); snippet int he documentation. But it returns a null.

Timepicker dropdown disappears on page scroll

I updated my version of Timepicker and now when I scroll past the beginning or end of the dropdown and it starts scrolling the rest of my page the dropdown will disappear.

The difference between the old version and the new version seems to be that the old version rapped the list in a div while the new version doesn't have a div wrapper around the ul.

To explain in a different way: I click on the timepicker and it pops up its dropdown list. If I scroll to the bottom of the list and then keep scrolling it will make the rest of the page scroll. At this point the dropdown list disappears.

If I edit the HTML by hand in Chrome to add a div wrapper around the new ul it doesn't have this behaviour.

Prevent to stop entering other times rather between mintime, maxtime


First of all thanks for your superlike timepicker. I have an issue, I want to stop entering other times rather between mintime, maxtime. Is this function available or I missed documentation? I have tried forceRoundTime and also I dont know how to control after callback?

Looking for your response.

thank you.

jQuery timepicker: _int2time function should snap minutes to closest step

Hi, I noticed something about this timepicker plugin that I think is undesirable/a bug.

That is, when the text box is blurred the timepicker ensures that the time/format is correct and adjusts it as necessary which is good, but it does not change the minutes to snap to the closest step.

So, I think the timepicker should snap the minutes to the closest value divisible by the step. e.g. If step = 30, and minutes = 36, minutes should change to 30 on the blur.

Here's a patch that I think causes the plugin to behave as described, let me know if this is correct!

--- jquery.timepicker.js    2012-12-18 15:42:18.544332284 -0500
+++ jquery.timepicker.mod.js    2012-12-18 15:40:47.409485373 -0500
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
        setTime: function(value)
            var self = $(this);
-           var prettyTime = _int2time(_time2int(value),'timepicker-settings').timeFormat);
+           var prettyTime = _int2time(_time2int(value),'timepicker-settings').timeFormat,'timepicker-settings').step);

@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
            var timeInt = i%_ONE_DAY;
            var row = $('<li />');
  'time', timeInt);
-           row.text(_int2time(timeInt, settings.timeFormat));
+           row.text(_int2time(timeInt, settings.timeFormat, settings.step));

            if (settings.minTime !== null && settings.showDuration) {
                var duration = $('<span />');
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@

-       var prettyTime = _int2time(timeInt,'timepicker-settings').timeFormat);
+       var prettyTime = _int2time(timeInt,'timepicker-settings').timeFormat,'timepicker-settings').step);

@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@

        if (timeValue !== null) {
-           var timeString = _int2time(timeValue, settings.timeFormat);
+           var timeString = _int2time(timeValue, settings.timeFormat, settings.step);
            self.attr('value', timeString);

@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
        return duration.join(' ');

-   function _int2time(seconds, format)
+   function _int2time(seconds, format, step)
        if (seconds === null) {
@@ -595,7 +595,12 @@

                case 'i':
-                   var minutes = time.getMinutes();
+                   var minutes = Math.round(time.getMinutes() / step) * step;
+                   if (minutes == 60) {
+                       minutes -= step;
+                   }
                    output += (minutes > 9) ? minutes : '0'+minutes;

Bug where dropdown doesn't always hide on blur

Typically if you click out of the textbox the timepicker dropdown goes away (as expected).

It's possible to get the timepicker dropdown to stay "stuck" open by doing this (goal is to remove the time since the if is optional):

  1. start with an initial value in the timepicker
  2. click out of the textbox (to unfocus it)
  3. click in the textbox (to focus it)
  4. (with your mouse) select the text
  5. hit backspace on the keyboard to clear the text
  6. click outside of the textbox

step options

I have an option where;

$('input.ui-time').livequery('focus', function(event) {
'timeFormat': 'H:i',
'step': '15'

but still user can input 01..02..03..05.......10 minutes in fields, how to eliminate or escape the input where that is not listed on the list?

not getting the am/pm when time value is lowercased

when I do


and the input value is "4:00 pm" it doesn't get the pm and transform it into 4am

I changed in your function timeStringToDate:

else if (hours !== 12 && input.indexOf('PM') !== -1) {


else if (hours !== 12 && input.toLowerCase().indexOf('pm') !== -1) {

and did the same for the line above:

if (hours === 12 && input.toLowerCase().indexOf('am') !== -1) {


Set starting time to be current local time

It would be nice to be able to set the first value appearing in the dropdown to the current hour and minute. Very few people select events that happen between midnight and 6am, so scrolling past these 12 events feels like a bad interaction with the field.

After your IE 8/7 positioning fix, dropdown list positioning no longer works when there's an offsetParent

Yesterday you changed the positioning of the dropdown list. You started setting "top" differently.

Previously it was like this:
"top": self.offset().top + topMargin + self.outerHeight()

Now it's like this:
"top": self.position().top + topMargin + self.outerHeight()

Using position() in this case only works when there are no parent elements who are positioned (relative, absolute, fixed). The minute you get an offsetParent() involved that isn't "body" you starting having positioning woes. Could you go back to using offset()?

If you'd like, I can submit a pull request if that would be easier.

Value of the input is not updated when set initially

When input initially has a value:
<input type="text" value="10:00 am" />
Timepicker will show up, but it will not change the value to the selected time.

Tested in Chrome 16 and Firefox 9 on a Mac OS X 10.7.2

Positioning inside DOM

Error in position top when the page call by ajax. I have an external page and input box are there and when I click, the timepicker are always on top of the forms.

or just we say that there's an option that will automatically view the time list under the input box with auto positioning like in jquery autosuggest?

Sorry I dont know how can I attach the files. :)

scrolldefaultnow with mintime maxtime


If you provide a min and maxtime, scrolldefaultnow no longer works. Is this by design? For times < min or > maxtime it could default to the min or max times.

Thank for you for a great timepicker :)

Datepicker and Timepicker together

First of all thanks for this plugin. Was searching for something like that for a long time.

But i have problems using the jquery ui datepicker and the time_picker together. They both work seperately in the same form but when i try to use them together the input field of the datepicker becomes a textfiel without datepicker functionality

This is my java code

$(function() {

$(function() {

I hope u can help me. Thank you

Popup position does not adjust to position in scrollable <div/>

When using the timepicker in a scrollable div (e.g. a modal popup) the popup list position should be calculated by getting the offset within that div, not the whole window. Maybe create an option to specify a selector to get the parent "viewport" which may then be overridden with the div.

Now, if the timepicker is close to the bottom of the div, it still opens below the field and often creates a vertical scrollbar.

comparison with two inputs

It can be very helpful to create a getTime() function in order to make comparison between two time inputs...

minTime as Dateobject with Minute < 10 does not work

Hi there

When adjusting the minTime for a second picker (to always show the correct times for the duration) it does not work when using a Date-Object with date.getMinutes() less than 10.
When using a String to set minTime it works...

Here is a quick jsfiddle:

Select 12:05 in the left input of working/nonworking and see how the selections for the right input are not the same. In the "non-working" example it tells me 12.05-12.30 is half an hour...

Please ignore the stupid placement of the selection lists :)

Datepair Example durations incorrect

Great job on the timepicker!

Just noticed an issue with the Datepair Example, here are steps to reproduce:

  1. Select a date
  2. Select 12:30am in the first time field
  3. Select 1:30am in the second time field
  4. Select 12:00am in the first time field
  5. If you click the second time field again, the durations in parenthesis are still based off of 12:30am rather than 12:00am

Wrong time on daylight change


On a daylight change (only 2 days a year), _baseDate is wrong because timezoneOffset is calculated at midnight (and daylight occur at 3am).

Here is what I do to initialize _baseDate:

    var _baseDate = new Date();
    var _currentTimezoneOffset = _baseDate.getTimezoneOffset()*60000;
    _baseDate.setHours(0); _baseDate.setMinutes(0); _baseDate.setSeconds(0);
    var _baseDateTimezoneOffset = _baseDate.getTimezoneOffset()*60000;
    _baseDate = new Date(_baseDate.valueOf() - _baseDateTimezoneOffset + _currentTimezoneOffset);

Timepicker in bootstrap modal not receiving clicks

I'm trying to use jquery-timepicker along with twitter bootstrap. It works fine, unless the timepicker input is inside a bootstrap modal.

The time list is not getting the click events, though visually everything looks fine (it has higher z-index than the modal and the overlay. Scrolling and hover styles work fine).

The issue has been reproduced at

Exact Time get Overridden with focus

In an older version I was able to enter a specific time (like 2:23) and if the field got /lost focus it would keep the time. Now it auto selects a time in the drop down.

This example shows where I set the time and went back and forth with tab focus and the time was changed:


I'm having problem with timezones in the date picker...

My browser is in GMT +1.

When I select a time from the drop down, the time is put into the input box.

When I click away, the time is updated - to 1 hour ahead of the selected time.

Not expected rounding of seconds

I have a timepicker that has a format with seconds, like "22:12:50". Once the timepicker is started, or when I use setTime, the time gets rounded to "22:12:00".

Here is a copy of the code from the inspector:

var time=new Date("2012-12-13 22:10:11");

> Thu Dec 13 2012 22:10:11 GMT-0800 (PST)

$('#my_time_picker').timepicker('setTime', time);
> undefined

> Mon Oct 22 2012 22:10:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)

minDate function not working ?

I have two date pickers in my page . I have used like below ,but it is now working .
here "dateStartDate " is first date picker date value

$("#textEndDate").datepicker({ 'minDate': dateStartDate });


$("#textEndDate").datepicker({ 'minDate': "11/07/2012" });

I want to disable all date before minimum date.

Prevent Certain Times vs. Time Ranges

I was wondering if there is a way to prevent certain times from being displayed in the dropdown similar to Jquery Datepicker beforeShowDay?

So for example if I have a appointment scheduled and I'd like to prevent that appointment time from being displayed how could I do this?


The plugin doesn't work on JQuery 1.6.2

Should change your documentation. Your plugin failed when I run with JQuery 1.6.2. It comes with script error : Object doesn't support method 'on'

JQuery 1.6.2
IE 9

But it does run correctly with latest JQuery 1.8

Changing Date display

I wanted to change the date display for the date pair, but I can't seem to get it working. Rather than m/d/Y I wanted d/m/Y.

Add ability to set z-index (or don't explicitly set it and let us style it ourselves)

We have a scenario where we have a time picker in a modal dialog. The modal has a fairly beefy z-index, but this is set with our stylesheet. Unfortunately jQuery.css("zIndex") does not pick this up.

It would be nice if we could 1) just set the z-index with a stylesheet. Currently the plugin explicitly sets that property which overrides our stylesheet. or 2) send in the z-index as an option. or 3) go back to setting the z-index to 10001 which worked in our case, though is less flexible.

If you'd like, I can submit a pull request if that would be easier.

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