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eslint-plugin-expect-type's Introduction


ESLint plugin with `^?` Twoslash, `$ExpectError`, and `$ExpectType` type assertions. 🧩

All Contributors: 10 πŸ‘ͺ Codecov Test Coverage Contributor Covenant License: Apache-2.0 Style: Prettier TypeScript: Strict npm package version Contributor Covenant

let value = 9001;
//  ^? let value: number

// $ExpectError
value = "over nine thousand";

// $ExpectType number


Make sure you have TypeScript and @typescript-eslint/parser installed, then install the plugin:

npm i -D eslint-plugin-expect-type

See typescript-eslint's Getting Started docs for how to run ESLint on TypeScript files.


Add the following options to your ESLint configuration file:

import expectType from "eslint-plugin-expect-type/configs/recommended";

export default [
	// your other ESLint configurations

Then, you'll be able to use ^?, $ExpectError, $ExpectType, and $ExpectTypeSnapshot comments in code assert on types.

Usage (Legacy Config)

If you're still using the legacy ESLint configuration file format:

	"extends": ["plugin:expect-type/recommended"],
	"plugins": ["expect-type"]


πŸ’Ό Configurations enabled in.
βœ… Set in the recommended configuration.
πŸ”§ Automatically fixable by the --fix CLI option.
πŸ’­ Requires type information.

Name Description πŸ’Ό πŸ”§ πŸ’­
expect Expects type error, type snapshot, or type. βœ… πŸ”§ πŸ’­


You might consider using other popular type assertion libraries in the TypeScript ecosystem:

  • expect-type: Provides functions that return assorted generic type assertion methods, such as expectTypeOf('abc').toMatchTypeOf<string>().
  • ts-expect: Provides generic type assertion function, used like expectType<string>('abc')().
  • tsd: Allows writing tests specifically for .d.ts definition files.
  • Vitest: Includes assertType and expectTypeOf assertions.

TypeScript Version Support

eslint-plugin-expect-type mirrors the DefinitelyTyped TypeScript Support Window. Roughly, that's major versions of TypeScript less than 2 years old.


Many thanks to @ibezkrovnyi for creating the initial version and core infrastructure of this package! πŸ’–


Batuhan Wilhelm
Batuhan Wilhelm

πŸ› πŸ’»

Dan Vanderkam
Dan Vanderkam

πŸ’» 🚧
Daniel Nagy
Daniel Nagy

Dominik Dorfmeister
Dominik Dorfmeister

Igor Bezkrovnyi
Igor Bezkrovnyi

πŸ› πŸ’» πŸ“– 🚧
Josh Goldberg ✨
Josh Goldberg ✨

πŸ› πŸ’» πŸ“– 🚧 πŸš‡ πŸ€”
Russell Davis
Russell Davis




πŸ’™ This package was templated with create-typescript-app.

eslint-plugin-expect-type's People


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eslint-plugin-expect-type's Issues

Set up semantic releases

Automated npm publish, an Actions bot to enforce PR names, and the like. I've been wanting to set this up in a repo for ages!

πŸš€ Feature: Normalize union ordering and readonly array syntax

Bug Report Checklist

  • I have tried restarting my IDE and the issue persists.
  • I have pulled the latest main branch of the repository.
  • I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my issue.


Splitting out from microsoft/DefinitelyTyped-tools#858 (comment): @definitelytyped/expect internally "normalizes" commented types by creating a virtual source file with a type annotation, then stringifying the type annotation.

That feature is particularly useful for when you have multiple TS versions (#107). It's also generally nice to be a little less nitpicky for users (see also: #18). Let's take that feature in here!

Additional Info

No response

TypeScript 4.8 compatibility

πŸ› Bug Report

  • eslint-plugin-expect-type version: 0.2.0
  • ESLint version: 8.23.0
  • Node version: 16.17.0

Actual Behavior

Bumping projects to TS v4.8 makes the plugin error

                fileExists: function (fileName) { return host.fileExists(fileName); },

TypeError: Error while loading rule 'expect-type/expect': host.fileExists is not a function

Expected Behavior

It would be awesome to support the latest TS version.


It looks like bumping TS in the package.json of the plugin repo, and running npm test reproduces the issue:

 FAIL  tests/rules/twoslash.test.ts
  ● Test suite failed to run

    src/rules/expect.ts:507:3 - error TS2739: Type '{ getCompilationSettings: () => CompilerOptions; getCurrentDirectory: () => string; getDefaultLibFileName: () => string; getScriptFileNames: () => string[]; getScriptSnapshot: (name: string) => IScriptSnapshot; getScriptVersion: () => string; }' is missing the following properties from type 'LanguageServiceHost': readFile, fileExists

    507   return {
    508     getCompilationSettings: () => program.getCompilerOptions(),
    513     getScriptVersion: () => '1',
    514   };

Add auto-fixers

πŸš€ Feature Request

#47 adds an autofixer for just twoslash rules. I love it.

@danvk mentioned there the autofixer could be added for other rules as well.

πŸš€ Feature: Monorepo workspaces support

Bug Report Checklist

  • I have tried restarting my IDE and the issue persists.
  • I have pulled the latest main branch of the repository.
  • I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my issue.


This plugin is not working when using bun or yarn workspaces and importing a module from another package in the workspace that contains declaration files. I originally created a bug ticket for typescript-eslint and they were able to rule out any issues on their end. I created a repo to reproduce the issue.

Additional Info

No response

πŸš€ Feature: Allow specifying multiple possible types with ||

Bug Report Checklist

  • I have tried restarting my IDE and the issue persists.
  • I have pulled the latest main branch of the repository.
  • I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my issue.


Splitting out from microsoft/DefinitelyTyped-tools#858 (comment): @definitelytyped/expect allows comments to specify multiple allowed type candidates with ||.

That's useful in particular when testing across TS versions (#107). Let's bring the feature in here!

Additional Info

No response

Use the typescript-eslint RuleTester and its types


I noticed in #44 that

recommended: 'error',
includes some code around setting up test code.

Change Proposal

It should be possible to use the RuleTester class exported by typescript-eslint instead now per

Marking this cleanup issue as accepting PRs if anybody would like to replace some or all of this repo's custom testing code with the standard RuleTester.

Twoslash and `$ExpectType` have different behavior

πŸ› Bug Report

  • eslint-plugin-expect-type version: 0.2.2
  • ESLint version: 8.36.0
  • Node version: 16.3.0

Actual Behavior

Full reduced test case here:

Contents inlined below.


  "dependencies": {
    "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.55.0",
    "eslint": "^8.36.0",
    "eslint-plugin-expect-type": "^0.2.2",
    "typescript": "^5.0.2"


  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true


const path = require("path");

module.exports = {
  parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser",
  parserOptions: {
    project: path.join(__dirname, "./tsconfig.json"),
  plugins: ["eslint-plugin-expect-type"],
  rules: {
    "expect-type/expect": "error",


export type Compact<A> = A extends Function ? A : { [K in keyof A]: A[K] } & {};


import { Compact } from "./source";

declare const any: any;

const x: Compact<Record<"a" | "b", number> | Record<"a" | "c", number>> = any;

// ❌ Error:
//  Expected type to be: { a: number; b: number; } | { a: number; c: number; }, got: Compact<Record<"a" | "b", number> | Record<"a" | "c", number>>
// $ExpectType { a: number; b: number; } | { a: number; c: number; }
type Test1 = typeof x;

// βœ… No error
type Test2 = typeof x;
//   ^? type Test2 = {
//          a: number;
//          b: number;
//      } | {
//          a: number;
//          c: number;
//      }
  • $ExpectType expects: Compact<Record<"a" | "b", number> | Record<"a" | "c", number>>
  • Twoslash expects:
       type Test2 = {
        a: number;
        b: number;
    } | {
        a: number;
        c: number;

I believe the reason for this difference is because Twoslash and $ExpectType use different mechanisms to generate the "actual" value:

This particular issue started after we upgraded to TypeScript 5. Prior to this, $ExpectType had the same behavior as Twoslash in this particular example. I'm not sure why this has changed.

Expected Behavior

Twoslash queries and $ExpectType should behave the same.


Nicely formatted snapshots

πŸš€ Feature Request

See #36:

Having unformatted snap makes it really hard to review changes.

For example, if you refactor your code and change just 1 type, in git diff, it looks like the entire file is changed. It's really hard to read and understand if the diff is valid or not.

Examples are generated from the local patch for project.

Existing Behavior

Screenshot of a diff collapsed onto one line

Change Proposal

Screenshot of a diff nicely indented across multiple lines

Feature: add a new assertion that uses assignability checking

types should be compared using the compiler API or something. using a string comparison causes many problems when you aren't sure exactly how the compiler will resolve a type.

some examples:

 Expected type to be: 1|2, got: 1 | 2 
type Foo = { foo: number; bar: number }

//fails: Expected type to be: {foo: number; bar: number}, got: Foo
const foo = {} as Foo // $ExpectType {foo: number; bar: number}

since typescript is structurally typed, it doesn't make sense for it to behave that way.

Add code coverage tracking


Per #54 (review): nothing checks now that lines of code are tested. Lint rule plugins typically have very high coverage; our ~80-85% metric is actually unusually low.

A lot of repos use Codecov -- including typescript-eslint. Are there alternatives? Should we just go with Codecov?

As of #54 being merged, the coverage report on main is:

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 82.78% ( 226/273 )
Branches     : 75.7% ( 81/107 )
Functions    : 94.44% ( 34/36 )
Lines        : 82.19% ( 217/264 )

πŸ§ͺ Testing: Add tests for type snapshots

Bug Report Checklist

  • I have tried restarting my IDE and the issue persists.
  • I have pulled the latest main branch of the repository.
  • I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my issue.


Spinning out of #113: that PR included no test changes because the impacted lines weren't previously covered by tests at all. Accepting PRs to add tests in!

Additional Info

Note that type snapshots impact the file system, so it might be nontrivial to set up testing for them. My hunch is to try using Vitest mocking.

Determine TypeScript version support


What version range of TypeScript should this plugin support?

Actual Behavior

Apparently it goes back to 2.0:

// ts2.0 doesn't have `isVariableStatement`

Expected Behavior

I'd propose going along with versions of TypeScript less than 2 years old.


  • Explicitly document this in the
  • Remove that TypeScript support shim

πŸš€ Feature: Allow specifying multiple TS versions (node_modules/typescript paths)

Bug Report Checklist

  • I have tried restarting my IDE and the issue persists.
  • I have pulled the latest main branch of the repository.
  • I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my issue.


Porting over from microsoft/DefinitelyTyped-tools#858: @definitelytyped/expect has the ability to receive a versionsToTest option. That option contains an array of TS versions with paths to the node_modules. The plugin then runs roughly:

for (const version of versionsToTest) {
  const ts = require(version.path) as TSModule;
  const program = getProgram(tsconfigPath, ts, version.versionName, parserServices.program);

Let's port that feature over to eslint-plugin-expect-type. I think it can exist roughly as-is. Maybe some bikeshedding on the option name?

Additional Info

Edit: This would support react-native-community/discussions-and-proposals#719 (comment) too.

Edit: ...and microsoft/DefinitelyTyped-tools#440

Checking errors via `@ts-expect-error`?

In my TypeScript book, I’m using @ts-expect-error with error messages to point out if there are errors – e.g.:

function func(value: unknown) {
  // @ts-expect-error: Object is of type 'unknown'.

  // Type assertion:
  (value as number).toFixed(2); // OK

Benefit: Very similar to assert.throws() in that type checking doesn’t fail if everything is as expected.

All examples from my book:

Support twoslash syntax (`^?`)

πŸš€ Feature Request

This plugin uses dtslint-style syntax for type assertions ($ExpectError). But twoslash syntax (^?) seems to be getting lots of adoption lately (including on the TypeScript playground) and it could also be a good fit here. It neatly dodges the question of "what exactly am I asserting the type of?" by making it incredibly explicit.

Existing Behavior

const square = (x: number) => x * x;
const four = square(2);  // $ExpectType number

Change Proposal

const square = (x: number) => x * x;
const four = square(2);
//    ^? const four: number

A fix mode to automatically fill these types in (ala the TS playground) would also be rad, but that's for a different feature request.

πŸ› Bug: Type snapshots can't infer ESLint fix mode without a process.argv --fix

Bug Report Checklist

  • I have tried restarting my IDE and the issue persists.
  • I have pulled the latest main branch of the repository.
  • I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my issue.


As originally reported by #14: type snapshots should update if ESLint is run in --fix mode. For a while they were always being updated (unless disableExpectTypeSnapshotFix was enabled).


As of #113, type snapshots are only updated if process.argv.includes('--fix'). That doesn't account for programmatic usage of ESLint's Node.js API such as from an editor extension.

Additional Info

No response

Diff fails on Windows

πŸ› Bug Report

  • eslint-plugin-expect-type version: 0.2.1
  • ESLint version: 8.26.0
  • Node version: 18

Actual Behavior

The diff produced on mac/linux is correct, but on Windows the expected diff includes an extraneous line which causes eslint to error:

  13:10  error  Expected type to be: type _response = {
    id: string;
    taskID?: string | undefined;
    paramValues: ParamValues;
    status: RunStatus;
    output: string;
, got: type _response = {
    id: string;
    taskID?: string | undefined;
    paramValues: ParamValues;
    status: RunStatus;
    output: string;
}  expect-type/expect

Expected Behavior

The diff should match.


Here's an example CI run that shows the error:

We ended up disabling this on Windows as a workaround.

Tabs are not considered whitespace for checking a comment's line index

πŸ› Bug Report

  • eslint-plugin-expect-type version: 0.2.1
  • ESLint version: 8.27.0
  • Node version: 18

Actual Behavior

If code is indented with tabs, this plugin produces "Can not match a node to this assertion" errors.

I've also seen issues with --fix where lines in tab-indented code get duplicated. That appears related, but I don't have a reliable reproduction.

Expected Behavior

Code indented with tabs should work the same as that indented with spaces.


Run npm run lint -- --fix to run eslint. Notice the lines that are indented with spaces are validated correctly, but the lines indented with tabs produce the errors.

Stop forwarding TypeScript diagnostics

πŸ› Bug Report

  • eslint-plugin-expect-type version: 0.1.0
  • ESLint version: N/A
  • Node version: N/A

Actual Behavior

Right now, any pre-emit diagnostic (so, some classes of compile errors) are emitted in expect.ts. See the addDiagnosticFailure function.

  const diagnostics = ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(program, sourceFile);

  // ...

  for (const diagnostic of diagnostics) {

Expected Behavior

There's no need for the tool to do this. I see it as a bug, not a feature.

The addDiagnosticFailure function should be removed.


export const duplicate: number;
export const duplicate: number;

Set up labels

GitHub labels to help keep track of issues and pull requests. πŸ’–

"host.fileExists is not a function" with TypeScript 4.8.4

πŸ› Bug Report

  • eslint-plugin-expect-type version: 0.2.0
  • ESLint version: 8.24.0
  • Node version: 18.7.0
  • TypeScript version: 4.8.4

Actual Behavior

yarn lint
Oops! Something went wrong! :(

ESLint: 8.24.0

TypeError: Error while loading rule 'expect-type/expect': host.fileExists is not a function
Occurred while linting /Users/josh/repos/typescript-static-analysis-hidden-gems/src/linting/types.test.ts
    at Object.fileExists (/Users/josh/repos/typescript-static-analysis-hidden-gems/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:167620:63)
    at host.fileExists (/Users/josh/repos/typescript-static-analysis-hidden-gems/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:117500:47)
    at getPackageJsonInfo (/Users/josh/repos/typescript-static-analysis-hidden-gems/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:44461:37)
    at loadModuleFromSpecificNodeModulesDirectory (/Users/josh/repos/typescript-static-analysis-hidden-gems/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:45001:27)
    at loadModuleFromImmediateNodeModulesDirectory (/Users/josh/repos/typescript-static-analysis-hidden-gems/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:44982:58)
    at /Users/josh/repos/typescript-static-analysis-hidden-gems/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:44972:39
    at Object.forEachAncestorDirectory (/Users/josh/repos/typescript-static-analysis-hidden-gems/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:8370:26)
    at loadModuleFromNearestNodeModulesDirectoryWorker (/Users/josh/repos/typescript-static-analysis-hidden-gems/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:44966:19)
    at loadModuleFromNearestNodeModulesDirectory (/Users/josh/repos/typescript-static-analysis-hidden-gems/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:44958:16)
    at tryResolve (/Users/josh/repos/typescript-static-analysis-hidden-gems/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:44053:34)

Expected Behavior

This should still work in newer versions of TypeScript.

Downgrading to [email protected] fixes the issue.



Running eslint without --fix still updates snapshots

Thanks for the great library!

The issue is, I'm changing one of the test types expecting them to throw an error. Then running eslint without --fix option. It still updates snapshots.

Edit: I found out that explicitly setting "expect-type/expect": ["error", { "disableExpectTypeSnapshotFix": false }] fixes the issue. It only generates snapshots with --fix.

Having no rule at all doesn't prevent snapshots to be generated.

Snapshot test --fix raise an error

TypeError: Cannot read property 'disableExpectTypeSnapshotFix' of undefined
    at Object.get text [as text] (C:\Users\Mirela\Desktop\git-nb\mvp\node_modules\eslint-plugin-expect-type\dist\rules\expect.js:168:53)
    at attemptFix (C:\Users\Mirela\Desktop\git-nb\mvp\node_modules\eslint\lib\linter\source-code-fixer.js:104:23)
    at Function.SourceCodeFixer.applyFixes (C:\Users\Mirela\Desktop\git-nb\mvp\node_modules\eslint\lib\linter\source-code-fixer.js:123:17)
    at Linter.verifyAndFix (C:\Users\Mirela\Desktop\git-nb\mvp\node_modules\eslint\lib\linter\linter.js:1403:43)
    at verifyText (C:\Users\Mirela\Desktop\git-nb\mvp\node_modules\eslint\lib\cli-engine\cli-engine.js:230:48)
    at CLIEngine.executeOnFiles (C:\Users\Mirela\Desktop\git-nb\mvp\node_modules\eslint\lib\cli-engine\cli-engine.js:798:28)
    at Object.execute (C:\Users\Mirela\Desktop\git-nb\mvp\node_modules\eslint\lib\cli.js:212:111)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Mirela\Desktop\git-nb\mvp\node_modules\eslint\bin\eslint.js:107:28)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:956:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:973:10)
error Command failed with exit code 2.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

πŸš€ Feature: Twoslash type checks have inconsistent type alias name substitutions behavior across project references

Bug Report Checklist

  • I have tried restarting my IDE and the issue persists.
  • I have pulled the latest main branch of the repository.
  • I have searched for related issues and found none that matched my issue.


I have a Customization<From, To> type that calculates what can/must be provided in order to transform a value of type From into a value of type To. This type can conveniently be checked by twoslash checks, e.g.:

const x1: Customization<{}, { x: number }> = {} as any;
//    ^? const x1: {
//           x: number;
//       }
const x2: Customization<{}, { x?: number }> = {} as any;
//    ^? const x2: {
//           x?: number | undefined;
//       }

Unfortunately, when the Customization type is imported from an external dependency then the twoslash checks fail. The type returned in the quick info stays unchanged:

const x1: Customization<{}, { x: number }> = {} as any;
//    ^? const x1: Customization<{}, {
//           x: number;
//       }>
const x2: Customization<{}, { x?: number }> = {} as any;
//    ^? const x2: Customization<{}, {
//           x?: number | undefined;
//       }>

However, when hovering over x1 and x2 in VSCode or IntelliJ, the reduced representation is still shown.
It would be great, if the language service that is used by twoslash checks would be configured in such a way that it returns the same quick info that IDEs show.

Additional Info

Attached you find a GIF that show how the quick info shown by IntelliJ differs from the quick info used by the twoslash check.
Screencast from 23 02 2024 19 15 19

Does not run on .d.ts declaration files

πŸ› Bug Report

  • eslint-plugin-expect-type version: 0.1.0
  • ESLint version: N/A
  • Node version: N/A

Actual Behavior

This paraphrasing of code in expect.ts explicitly stops this plugin from operating on declaration files:

  if (sourceFile.isDeclarationFile || !/\$Expect(Type|Error)/.test(sourceFile.text)) {
    // ...

Expected Behavior

Users are going to want to run the assertions inside .d.ts files. It might have been intentional originally, but I see this as a bug.

The sourceFile.isDeclarationFile check should be removed.


// index.d.ts
// $ExpectType number
export const value: string;


(Thanks for sharing this lint rule! ❀️)


Reduced test case:

  1. Run yarn
  2. Run eslint index.ts


  "compilerOptions": {
    "noUnusedLocals": false,
    "noUnusedParameters": false


export const foo = 1;


import { foo } from './foo';

// $ExpectType 1
type F = typeof foo;

Expected Result

No lint error

Actual Result

$ eslint index.ts

  53:2  error  TypeScript compile error: 'F' is declared but never used  expect-type/expect

βœ– 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)

Additional Info

It looks like this happens because typescript-estree enables noUnusedLocals/ noUnusedParameters. Code here:

It looks like there is no way to disable these compiler options, even if they are specified as false in the TS config (as I have done in my reduced test case).

In this case I don't want ESLint to error if something is unused. It's sometimes helpful to declare a type/variable which is "unused", so we can hover over the declaration to inspect its type.

Perhaps this lint rule should filter out these TS errors if noUnusedLocals/noUnusedParameters are not enabled by the local project?

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