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play-'s Introduction


Play! is a PlayStation2 emulator for Windows, macOS, UNIX, Android, iOS & web browser platforms.

Compatibility information is available on the official Compatibility Tracker. If a specific game doesn't work with the emulator, please create a new issue there.

For more information, please visit

You can try the experimental web browser version here:

For general discussion, you're welcome to join our Discord:

Command Line Options (Windows/macOS/Linux)

The following command line options are available:

  • --disc "disc image path" : Boots a disc image.
  • --elf "elf file path" : Boots a ELF file.
  • --arcade "arcade id" : Boots an arcade game.
  • --state "slot number" : Loads a state from slot number.
  • --fullscreen : Starts the emulator in fullscreen mode.

Running on iOS

This emulator uses JIT code generation to speed things up. This is not supported by default by iOS, thus, there are some extra requirements:

  • Have a device running iOS 13 or less, or an arm64e device running iOS 14.2/14.3.
  • Have a jailbroken device.

If these requirements are not met, there are still ways to enable JIT through other means. Here is a guide explaining how JIT can be enabled:

Play! implements automatic JIT activation through AltServer, which requires AltServer to be running on the same network as your iOS device. This can be enabled in the Settings menu of the emulator.

You can also build the emulator yourself and launch it through Xcode's debugger to enable JIT. This will require installing the iOS SDK. If you don't want to be tethered to Xcode, you can use the "Detach" button in the "Debug" section after attaching the debugger to the app proccess. After you detach the debugger, the debug process will stay on the app until the app's process ends.

If you try to play a game without JIT enabled, you will experience a crash when you launch the game.

Adding games to the library

Please refer to the following guides for instructions regarding adding your disc images to the Play! application on your iOS device:

If your device is jailbroken, the emulator will look through all bootable files in the /private/var/mobile directory and all of its subdirectories.

Namco System 2x6 Arcade Support

Placing dongle images and disc images

The files required to run arcade games should be placed inside the arcaderoms subdirectory of your Play! Data Files directory.


Arcade Specific Controls

Some arcade specific actions are mapped to these buttons on the PS2 controller mappings:

  • Service/Coin: SELECT
  • Test: L3 & R3 pressed at the same time

Light Gun Support

For games that support light guns, the following buttons are mapped:

  • Gun Trigger: CIRCLE
  • Pedal: TRIANGLE

The mouse's cursor position on the emulator's window will be used for the gun's position. It's also possible to map mouse buttons to CIRCLE or TRIANGLE in controller settings for a better experience.

Note for Time Crisis 3: This game requires prior calibration of the light gun in service menu. Hold the Test buttons, go in "I/O Test" then "Gun Initialize" and press the Pedal button to calibrate the gun (shoot at the center). This only needs to be done once.

Taiko Drum Support

For Taiko no Tatsujin games, the following buttons are mapped:

  • Left Men (面) : L1
  • Left Fuchi (ふち) : L2
  • Right Men (面) : R1
  • Right Fuchi (ふち) : R2

Driving Support

For driving games, the following buttons are mapped:

  • Wheel : Left Analog Stick X +/-
  • Gaz Pedal : Left Analog Stick Y +
  • Brake Pedal : Right Analog Stick X +

General Troubleshooting

Failed to open CHD file

Please make sure your CHD files are in the proper format. It's possible to use chdman to verify whether your CDVD image is really a CDVD image.

chdman info -i image.chd

If you see a GDDD metadata in there, it means your CDVD image needs to be converted. It can be done this way:

mv image.chd image.chd.orig
chdman extracthd -i image.chd.orig -o image.iso
chdman createcd -i image.iso -o image.chd


Getting Started

First you'll need to clone this repo which contains the emulator source code, alongside the submodules required to build Play!:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd Play-

Building for Windows

The easiest way to build the project on Windows is to open Qt Creator and direct it to the Cmake file in /project/dir/Play-/CMakeLists.txt. You can also build the project using Visual Studio or cmdline, for that you must follow these instructions:

To build for Windows you will need to have CMake installed on your system.

mkdir build
cd build
# Not specifying -G will automatically generate 32-bit projects.
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2017_64" -DUSE_QT=YES

You can now build the project by opening the generated Visual Studio Solution or continue through cmdline:

cmake --build . --config Release

Note: --config can be Release, Debug, or RelWithDebInfo.

Building for macOS & iOS

If you don't have CMake installed, you can install it using Homebrew with the following command:

brew install cmake

There are two ways to generate a build for macOS. Either by using Makefiles, or Xcode:

mkdir build
cd build
# Not specifying -G will automatically pick Makefiles
cmake .. -G Xcode -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/5.1.0/clang_64/
cmake --build . --config Release
# OR
cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/5.1.0/clang_64/
cmake --build .

To generate a build for iOS, you will need to add the following parameters to the CMake invocation:

-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../../Dependencies/cmake-ios/ios.cmake -DTARGET_IOS=ON

iOS build doesn't use Qt, so omit -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=...


cmake .. -G Xcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../deps/Dependencies/cmake-ios/ios.cmake -DTARGET_IOS=ON

Note: iOS builds generated with Makefiles will not be FAT binaries.

To test your iOS builds on a device, you will need to setup code signing:

  • Set CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED to YES on the Play target.
  • Set your code signing parameters in Signing & Capabilities tab in Xcode.

To build with Vulkan on macOS, just make sure the $VULKAN_SDK environment variable is set with the proper path.

On iOS, you will need to add this to your CMake command line:


Building for UNIX

if you don't have Cmake or OpenAL lib installed, you'll also require Qt. (preferably version 5.6) You can install it using your OS packaging tool, e.g Ubuntu: apt install cmake libalut-dev qt5-default libevdev-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev libsqlite3-dev

On UNIX systems there are 3 ways to setup a build. Using Qt creator, makefile or Ninja:

  • QT Creator

    • Open Project -> Play/CMakeLists.txt
  • Makefile/Ninja:

    mkdir build
    cd build
    # Not specifying -G will automatically pick Makefiles
    cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/qt56/
    cmake --build .
    # OR
    cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/qt56/
    cmake --build . --config Release

The above example uses a backport repo to install Qt5.6 on Ubuntu Trusty.

Note: CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH refers to the Qt directory containing bin/libs folder. If you install Qt from their official website, your CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH might look like this: ~/Qt5.6.0/5.6/gcc_64/

Building for Android

Building for Android has been tested on macOS and UNIX environments.

Android can be built using Android Studio, or Gradle:

  • Android Studio:
    • Files-> Open Projects-> Directory To Play/build_android
    • Install NDK using SDK manager
      • Edit/create Play/build_android/
      • OSX: Add a new line: ndk.dir=/Users/USER_NAME/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle replacing USER_NAME with your macOS username
      • UNIX: Add a new line: ndk.dir=~/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle
      • Windows: Add a new line: C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\ndk-bundle
      • Please leave an empty new line at the end of the file.

Note: These examples are only valid if you installed NDK through Android Studio's SDK manager. Otherwise, you must specify the correct location to the Android NDK.

Once this is done, you can start the build:

  • Gradle: Prerequisite Android SDK & NDK (Both can be installed through Android Studio)
    • edit/create Play/build_android/
      • OSX:
        • Add a new line: sdk.dir=/Users/USER_NAME/Library/Android/sdk replacing USER_NAME with your macOS username
        • Add a new line: ndk.dir=/Users/USER_NAME/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle replacing USER_NAME with your macOS username
      • UNIX:
        • Add a new line: sdk.dir=~/Android/Sdk
        • Add a new line: ndk.dir=~/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle
      • Windows:
        • Add a new line: sdk.dir=C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Android\sdk
        • Add a new line: ndk.dir=C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\ndk-bundle
      • Please leave an empty new line at the end of the file.

Note: These examples are only valid if you installed NDK through Android Studio's SDK manager. Otherwise you must specify the correct location to Android NDK. Once this is done, you can start the build:

cd Play/build_android
sh gradlew assembleDebug
About Release/Signed builds

Building through Android Studio, you have the option to “Generate Signed APK”.

When building through Gradle, make sure these variables are defined in a file, either in your project directory or in your GRADLE_USER_HOME directory:


Then, you should be able to use assembleRelease to generate a signed release build.

cd Play/build_android
sh gradlew assembleRelease
# or on Windows
gradlew.bat assembleRelease

Building for Web Browsers

Building for the web browser environment requires emscripten.

Use emcmake to generate the project:

mkdir build
cd build

Upon completion, you can build the JavaScript/WebAssembly files using this command line:

cmake --build . --config Release

This will generate the JavaScript glue code and the WebAssembly module required for the web application located in js/play_browser. Here's where the output files from emscripten need to be copied:

build_cmake/build/Source/ui_js/Play.js -> js/play_browser/src/Play.js
build_cmake/build/Source/ui_js/Play.wasm -> js/play_browser/public/Play.wasm
build_cmake/build/Source/ui_js/Play.js -> js/play_browser/public/Play.js
build_cmake/build/Source/ui_js/Play.worker.js -> js/play_browser/public/Play.worker.js

Once this is done, you should be able to go in the js/play_browser folder and run the following to get a local version running in your web browser:

npm install
npm start
Browser environment caveats
  • Write protection on memory pages is not supported, thus, games loading modules on the EE might not work properly since JIT cache can't be invalidated.
  • No control over floating point environment, default rounding mode is used, which can cause issues in some games.

play-'s People


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play-'s Issues

Any new builds/updates of Play! soon?

I checked the website and the latest build of Play! is from 2011, which is almost 4 years from now and is when this project was only Windows focused. Now there's WIP with Android, and OS X is right up to par, no?

I was just generally wondering if there will be official builds updated anytime soon, whether on the site or here on GitHub. I see there's an Android branch, so maybe someone can work on an Alpha test build with the GS handler or something? And since OS X is back up to speed, maybe a build of that can be made to test?

Would be interesting to know if you plan on doing this and updating your site and such with info/screenshots.

Does this program work only on Windows right now?

I have to say that I am a bit confused. Looking at this whole project and the code generator/utilities ones as well, it seems to have a lot of directories and configurations for OS X, Android and iOS. Could anyone clarify what that means? Does this work only on Windows, or are there only compiled Windows binaries to test so far? Does that mean that the Mac/Android/iOS versions are going to be compiled soon or something and Windows is not the only platform this is compatible for? This project seems to have multi-OS/platform portability stuff too.

I see the Android stuff seems to be for testing and it uses data from the main project, no? Does that mean that the other versions are all built off of the Windows one and/or share the same resources to run games?

I'm not really very good at computer programming, especially something crazy complex like this project.

I'd appreciate it if someone could clear some of this up and explain all the other stuff for other OSes.

Android port

When will their be an android build, even a beta or alpha build would be nice :)
I have the nvidia shield portable so it might run even if it will be very slow.

Unable to boot any games on OSX

  1. Open Play! on OSX 10.10.2
  2. File -> Boot Disk Image...
  3. Select a rom (ISO format)

Get an error: Load ELF error

Am I doing something wrong?

Build instructions?

How to build for android? I try to run \build_android\ missing android.bat.

Jak X : Loadable with f/s

Game doesn't boot in Play!, showing 60 f/s.

This game also proved rather tricky for PCSX2 to run. requiring .pnach before even showing any of the intro scenes and still has issues.

Kingdom Hearts 2 lag

Hey, I started testing your PS2 emulator the other day. I tried playing Kingdom Hearts 2 and noticed it lags a lot before reaching the title screen. I am using the Nvidia Shield Tablet if that helps. Btw, thank you for making PS2 emulation possible on android devices. I am looking forward to your future releases.

Gregory Horror Show crashes Play! instantly

This game has been proven to be quite the challenge to emulate, with PCSX2 still being unable to boot it or show anything for over six years since originally addressed. Would be impressive if someone could debug it in Play! and see the gist of why it won't work, and see if it could show anything eventually.

I think (not sure) it makes use of hardware quirks and the TLB, and PCSX2 as a LLE still has no hopes of running it in any way, patches or hacks or otherwise. It's sort of a cult-based title.

I plan on debugging it myself soon, but thought I'd point this out to assure PCSX2's issues of booting some games due to problems long baked into the emulator can be avoided in Play! by identifying the bugs with the small section of games that PCSX2 can't run at all or needs heavy hacks/patches to do so.

I am in no way capable of fixing the issue of it crashing myself! But I can help with debugging at least, and I plan on attempting to do so soon (seeing as the only debugger is available on Windows).


"Play!" is basically an impossible to search for term. Search engines ignore punctuation, so "play" and "PS2" brings up a thousand unrelated videos and information.

Please change the program's name back to Purei, which is more unique.

Why is there no Linux port?

Hey, I was wondering why there is not a Linux port of this emulator. Hell, I'll happily cease production of my emulator if you get yours working fully on Linux.

Pluggable VPU implementation

Hi JP, I thought I would post this here rather than emailing. It's great to see the project gaining traction - I'm still very busy with real life, but watching with interest from the sidelines.
I've been tinkering with some very high level emulation for BGDA - basically I want to hook the VPU and GS implementations. So, when a game is loaded, I look to see what the ID is and if there are any specialised VPU / GS handlers available. If so, install those rather than the default ones.
This is pretty easy to do with the GS Handler but things are more tricky for the VPU. The EE currently binds the VIF and VPU constructors at compile time, so they cannot easily be hot swapped later.

I can of course hack something in my branch to do what I want but before doing that was wondering if you had a plan to do this already. I'm trying to keep my branch as close to yours to give myself an easy life when merging :)

error 64 bit build

to open the program this error message appears: "Could not locate the entry point of the procedure, CreateFile2 in DLL (dynamic-link library) Kernel32.dll"...

Debugger should be free and enabled in release builds

I remember when PPSSPP was just like Play! - it had Debug, DebugFast (no debugger iirc), Release, etc.

In fact, I think the very first change I made to PPSSPP's jit was adding breakpoints. By now, conditional breakpoints, memory breakpoints, etc. are all implemented this way in jit.

I was trying to debug the crash in #37 and noticed that 20-30% of time was spent in MipsExecutor::MustBreak(), which could probably be nearly free using compiled-in breakpoints.

I definitely think Play! should use the same method - essentially free breakpoints are great. There's nothing like debugging a game at full speed.


Incompatibility with .bin/.cue files

I store PS2 CD titles in .bin/.cue, as ImgBurn is not able to accurately store them in .iso files

The files show up in the file selector, but complains about not being able to find "SYSTEM.CNF" when run.

android port

i am sorry to write in this section,but i have some mistake to create a pull request, after all my question is this: can this emulator port to arm and after to android. sorry my english i'm italien.

Ratchet & Clank 3 doesn't boot

Game doesn't boot because of those so far:

  • PLZCW that uses an unsupported variation of the LZC opcode in CodeGen for x86.
  • IOP SysMem module memory allocation problem.

PS2 Hardware Documentation

I know it wouldn't be a trivial amount of work but could you @jpd002 consider writing a PS2 hardware documentation like the ones available for the PS1, GBA and DS? Perhaps in collaboration with the PCSX2 devs? Presently not many people understand PS2 hardware thus both Play and PCSX2 lack contributors.
I am talking about something like this

Use system memory mapping to resemble PS2 memory

Currently, at least in debug, easily 66% of time is spent in CMemoryMap. Even if this is better in release, memory access is something that's definitely critical to performance. And doing it well can also lead to a lot of simplicity.

I realize the ps2 has an MMU and can remap addresses, but as long as the host can do so in 4KB chunks, this task can be delegated (except for special memory ranges) to the CPU.

Both PPSSPP and Dolphin use memory mapping in this way. PPSSPP doesn't have to deal with special access or remapping, but Dolphin does - I think they backpatch loads and stores in the jit when they first segfault. PPSSPP has historically just used a few ifs (except in "fast memory" mode, where it just crashes PPSSPP if it accesses bad addresses.)

Baking in checks for ranges of memory and accessing memory with a direct MOV/LDR/etc. (when in a proper range) would probably help a lot. AFAICT, it currently does not only a func call but also iterates a vector for each (!) lw etc. Maybe I'm wrong.

Of course, baking it into jit means clearing blocks when the pages change. Could be a performance problem if there's a game that changes them a lot... not impossible. Could jump to a custom ABI jit function that would get rebuilt on page change.


Libretro port

Unlike other PS2 emulators, Play! is much more portable. Have you thought about a port to Libretro? It would give much more attention to the project, and would allow it to be ported to a wide variety of platforms.

Play! doesn't work on 32-bit Windows XP

That error message shows no matter what. I have the right runtimes as noted on the site, libraries, etc. I downloaded the latest build from your site for Windows. No matter what, it says it's not a valid Win32 application. How do you get it working correctly?

Detected backdoor in Play!

Is this a false positive?

Backdoor.Bifrose is what it is detected as to be exact.

Running latest weekly build from the site.

Error parsing 'SYSTEM.CNF' for a BOOT2 value.

So I tried loading Hot Shots Golf Fore! on my device with KitKat, and I'm getting an error message that says "Error parsing 'SYSTEM.CNF' for a BOOT2 value." I realize some developers may not have the game to reproduce, but I was thinking it was possible to check and see why this error may be given with this game?

Like, in the code of Play to see what would trigger such an error and what it means? Here's a screenshot:


I made sure the .ISO is fine and tried with PCSX2 and the game starts/works, and the checksum is fine too.

Final Fantasy X-2 doesn't get past intro

I tried on the latest build and FFX and FFXII both work somewhat but FFX-2 doesn't even start. I read the compatibility list and it says "Loadable with FPS" but it doesn't specify the build/date and I was wondering why it doesn't even boot since all other Final Fantasy games on Play! seem to at least show the intro screen.

Also, compatibility list shows that the X-2 International version works so it's strange (to me) that other doesn't.

error 64 bit build

to open the program this error message appears: "Could not locate the entry point of the procedure, CreateFile2 in DLL (dynamic-link library) Kernel32.dll"...

OSX port enhancements

Just opening an issue here for features that would be interesting to add in the OSX port. Here's a list of things I'm planning on adding:

  • FPS counter
  • Control configuration
  • Proper about box

Don't hesitate to add your own!

Maintain a set of hardware tests

I've found hardware tests to be the most efficient and effective method of improving compatibility. I've used them almost religiously for the vast majority of PPSSPP's HLE that I've worked on, and for a lot of the jit and etc.

For an example, the vmax SIMD function on a PSP (custom SIMD unit) considers -NAN to be less than -INF. It turns out that proper NAN/INF handling was important for a few games. This would've been pretty hard to guess without hardware tests (although it makes sense when you think about it.)

Such tests can also be used as regression tests, which is also hugely useful.

So, I think hardware tests would be very useful. Specifically:

  • ELF files or otherwise that can be directly run by the emulator, tooling on real hardware, or even other emulators (which can be useful for reference and also for those other emulators.)
  • Versioned results / expectations (we just compare and save stdout in pspautotests.)
  • Specific and organized by feature (so it's easier to pinpoint failures and they don't cascade as much.)

Presumably ps2link could be used to execute things on the PS2.

I don't know how to run homebrew yet on my PS2, there seems to be lots of methods that seem tricky online...


FPS or DC/F on Android?

Since @gambrio tested and more games continue to be playable, I think it would be a great improvement to have a simple option to tick FPS on or off just for benchmarking purposes. I think that such a feature is good because it's not very hard to implement and it makes a big difference for testing purposes between games and hardware (e.g., Xiaomi Mipad, Nexus 9, NVIDIA Shield K1, ARM32/64 and even upcoming X1 ARM devices too).

@SeannyM could probably manage something like this since it's not too extreme, and it can be a feature that's not as hard to implement for those who aren't as competent yet to make core changes/etc.

Additionally, @MoochMcGee could probably help with this since he's helped Play! before too.

Such a feature was mentioned on OS X too, so it'll be great to see an option like this sometime in the future.

Memory cards not working for some games.

Dragon Quest VIII [SLUS-21207] will make a save file when you start a new game (and it does write to mc0), but it doesn't find any save data in-game.

Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix [SLPM-66675] also doesn't seem to load saves, I exported saves from PCSX2 (using mymc) and imported them into Play!, but it doesn't show any save data in-game.
Tried this with a few other games with imported saves and they worked fine.

And Final Fantasy XII [SLUS-20963] crashes when selecting load game, but it's marked as unstable, so it may be unrelated.


I could not find another way to leave a comment any where so I am using this posting to get oyur attention. Please contact me I am very interested in helping your cause here as the new tablets and phones can push a PS2 emulator now due to apps you can download to dedicate ram and CPU to boost the over all performance of what ever app you apply the settings too which would be this emulator. I help with planning and development of some other hard to find systems Bios (M.A.M.E.) and would love to speak to you my email is [email protected] it goes straight to my phone so please contact me any time. I will supply my knowledge and my time to help get this built and working.

commandos 2 blackscreen

Ive tried to play my commandos 2 iso and im getting a black screen. Is there a specific place to put it

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