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Jspreadsheet is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with other spreadsheet software.

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License: MIT License

JavaScript 99.68% HTML 0.32%
javascript spreadsheet table datatables jexcel spreadsheets excel js jspreadsheet data-grid

ce's Issues


Is possible set metadata and readonly property by each cell?

Select Multiple Dropdowns

Want to add a dropdown option to allow selecting multiple values. The data for the column will be treated as an array filled with the selected values.

Marks (") problems.

You have a problem with marks (") because you saved them in input values. Try data like: $(cell).data.realvalue

Dynamic data

Hello again Paul
first of all i would like to report some broken pages on the Jexcel website.
All titles of section return on blank page and some are just not found.

second, i would like to know if there is a way to dynamiclly set data in the table
as i previously explain to you, i am doing a BOM application.
when i enter data on a certain column i want to update the entire row with the data i fetch in my database via ajax.
is there a way to refeed data to the jexcel after the initial initialisation
i tried something like this
$("#datagridContent").jexcel("setData", arrayItem);
but i get a typeError: Cannot set property data of undefined
on line 1072 of jquery.jexcel.js, the [id] is null because the var id = $(this).prop('id'); on line 1064 return nothing

is there a way to collect all data from the table?
a function that return the table content?
i run up and down the script and i can't find anything like this

thank you again for your time
have a nice day

CSS Breaking when used with twitter bootstrap 3.3.6

Hi, i am trying to used jExcel on an application that uses Bootstrap 3.3.6.
I am loading jExcel``s css after bootstrap`s css and i still having jExcel being rendered as bellow:


When i remove bootstrap.css from the page, jExcel renders normally:


Thanks for you awesome component btw.

Undo Redo on setData

I was wondering if you were planning on supporting the setData function with the undo and redo
i know its a lot of work to support version of the table
so i was wondering if using the updateCell we previously talk about could be a viable option instead of doing a setData everytime i update the data in a row

Paste source

Hello Paul
When you paste something coming from an excel, a new line is added
When you paste something coming from something else, no new line is added
I have teste with a text file, a word file and a javascript.
One coming from notepad ++, one from word and one from netbeans
it seems that only data coming from excel add a new line

Edit cell when pressing .

Hello Paul!
One of my user reported to me that you can't edit a cell when you press the dot sign
on the numpad on a cell.

Paste Issue from Google Spreadsheet or MS Excel. Data breaks and added into new columns.

Issue is while pasting from MS Excel or Google Spreadsheet cell data to jexcel cell.
Data have some break lines in data-content. In Jexcel while pasting it is making extra new column for every break-line and is putting data into new column with braked data. But it should have to be in one single cell same as in Google Sheet or MS Excel. I am attaching two screenshots :
1-one is source from Google Spreadsheet or MS Excel.
2-other one is after pasting into jexcel cell.

Source Data from Google spreadsheet
After pasting data into jsexcel

Please help me thank you very much.

Delete row when header not visible

If you delete the first and only row when the header is not visible, it is not possible to recreate a row after that row is deleted
is it possible to forbid the user to remove a row when there is only one row?

Adding row and deleting them

Hello Paul, i hope i find you well.
I was wondering if you were planning on building a feature to add row over and/or over.
We have the possibility to add a row at the bottom on the right click.
I like the functionnality to add a row in excel that add on top of the row selected.
Also, i was wondering if there is a way to bind lets say the delete key to the delete row action.
As alway, thank you in advance and have a nice day

width: 0

you define "width: 0" in css, so we can't take % tables..

Undo redo row and column management

When i copy paste or manually add some row/column, the undo and redo does not manage them.
Exemple, when i copy paste 10 row and i undo that, i am left with 11 empty row
also, when i add a row, even when there is no data anywhere, the undo/redo does not remove or readd the row

autocomplete flicker occurs / and solution!


You clear the HTML , then call the Ajax. Better clear the HTML after you have some Returns. Otherwise you have some flicker occurs.

Move Line 1447 : $(result).html(''); to Line 1451 inside the getJSON , before you call showResult. Or just move it to "showResult".

Which event fire when release the mouse from the cells selection ?


I am using your plugin and its great to use it. Now i have a requirement to get the range of cells when mouse released from the selection of cells. Actually I have to store that range in database and that range should be pre-selected when user comes next time. Please give me a solution.


Reduce url ajax request on "static" json files.

I Have a static json file. So no need to refetch the URL again and again.
I add the data option "static" and write something like this at Line 1450:

if (options.columns[position[0]].static && options.columns[position[0]].json) {
showResult(options.columns[position[0]].json, str);
else {
$.getJSON(options.columns[position[0]].url + '?q=' + str + '&r=' + $(main).jexcel('getRowData', position[1]).join(','), function (data) {
if (options.columns[position[0]].static) {
options.columns[position[0]].json = data;
showResult(data, str);

Export / Save as CSV (Delimiter)

i found this function to export to CSV.

console.log($('#myJTable').jexcel('copy', false, ',', true));

But some csv not work.

Like this:

                if (val.match(/,/g) || val.match(/\n/)) {
                    val = '"' + val + '"';
  • You search for a comma, but not for the delimiter?
  • You remove this char: " instead, escape them. (But this is an overall problem!)

show A-G columns by defaults

Hi Paul,
Hope you are doing great !!1

Actually I have to show the columns A-G and 8 rows by default unless data is in 2 rows and 2 columns. If data is in 2 rows and two columns then I want to show the rest cells blank but look like an excel. Please provide the solution for that


In Header Set 'getHeader' method is not found

i was setting header title so for this first i will take old value by using getHeader method but jquey is showing error this method is not found even looked in js file it is not there. Please help me.

Break line inside cells

Hi paul,

I want to have some break line inside cells when press ctrl+enter or shift+enter like excel or openoffice
Can we do this?


Options using right click doesnt work!

I tryed from demo page and I checked that right click show menu but it is hided immediately
I was thinking in use it but, sorry

Updated: Ok I checked that it shows only while press right click. I'm using trackpad on MacOS El Sierra

setData function

What is the correct way to assign data from an external source?
How to use setData(data) function?

Two important improvements:

  • Drag & drop rows / reordering rows
  • JSON import-export


OnChange Event is not fired while copying one column(cell) data to other column(cell) data by using drag(Right Bottom '+' icon in cell)

"OnChnage" Event is only firing when I am writing into cell or Copying(Ctrl+C to Ctrl+v etc) to other cell. But in case of drag copying from one cell to other cell it is not working even in this case also data is changing to other cell initially it is not there but after dragging same data comes from one cell to other. I think Onchange should also fire in this case.
In Case of adding new column it should work but it is not working while in case of adding new row OnChange is working fine. Please refer this below gif

1- Add Row(working) 2- Drag copy(not working) 2- Insert Column(not working).


Please help thank you so much.

In Case of Multiple Sheets While creating Row and Column in each Sheet is not working

Hi @paulhodel ,

While I am working on Multiple sheets in a page it is not working: If you create Rows and Columns in each sheets after creating, again creating Rows and Columns then it is thronging an error: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
You can also check on your Demo page also and check browser console after repeating in every sheet. Meanwhile I also got data in both tables or sheets by using 'getData' , some arrays are coming array of null like[null,null,null] not as blank array of ["","",""] .In Case of single sheet it is working fine.

I am also attaching a screenshot for this


Please help me Thank you

F2 to replicate excel behaviour

Hello Paul.
I would like to know if it was possible to press F2 to edit a cell like in Excel.
If not, will it be a futur feature?

Sorting issue


There is an issue with the sorting. It works very well if the fields are strings but it doesn't works with numeric field because all field are sorted like a string so if I try to sort 1, 2, 10, 3 the results will be 1, 10, 2, 3 instead of 1, 2, 3, 10.

I think we just have to check the column type and update the sortBy method depending of this type.

I can submit a patch if you want.


Firefox or IE not working

Hi Paul

I just try it on Firefox and IE, jexcel doesn't work, do you have idea or where can i start for this problem?


Validation of time, hours, days and totals

Hi, this is very nice.

I am trying to make an online version of the spreadsheet for a time card. The workers enter their hours, how can I ensure in a weekly time card:
------- Cols-> Day1, day2,.. Sat.. Sun total hours by proj
totals by day mondaytotal.. tudaytotal.. etc

  1. Totals? how I can show totals on the right col for each project, and for days at the bottom
  2. Validation? how to validate at 2 levels. 1) in each cell the only max of 23:99 number/time format can be entered.., and 2) the totals for each day cannot exceed 24 hours
  3. Events, totals are auto updated as numbers are typed keyup?

Uundo and redo

In undo an redo onchange event not working; Is possible to get all changes of table in one array?

Nested headers

Hi, I'm looking for property nested header like handsontable, has anyone used it in jexcel?


Question about functionnality

i have tried jexcel for a couple hours and so far i love it
i'm doing a BOM (bill of material) web application for my company
working with it, i realise that i could not find some functionnality
could you tell me if i missed them?

-delete row
-prevent user from adding row and column
-responsive column width

i think those are the functionnality i need for the moment
can you help me?

thank you and have a nice day

How to select the columns which contain values when click on header to select whole columns ?

As you asked me to add the minDimensions feature to pre populated some columns , so I added but I am facing a single problem, when try to click on the header to select whole columns then the range of selection contain the blank cell also
For Exm . suppose I have 3 items in a first three columns and I have setup the minDimensions of [10,10] then if I click on the header it select or highlight 10 cells which is incorrect it should highlight 3 cells selected which contains the values . If you can do the solution for me , it would be appreciable.

Copy n paste shortcut issue on Mac OS

It works fine on WIndows but the the copy shortcut on Mac is control + C while the paste is command + V.

Updated: with further inspection, window.clipboardData is undefined and paste event doesn't fire properly on Mac, both Chrome and Safari.

Updated: I would suggest adding

if (e.metaKey && ! e.shiftKey && ! e.ctrlKey) { if(e.which == 67) { // Command + C, Mac $('#' + $.fn.jexcel.current).jexcel('copy', true); e.preventDefault(); } }

to ln 871 of jquery.jexcel.js in order to be consistent on Mac

Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #

Hi, I using jQuery v3.2.1 and I get this error:

jquery.min.js:2 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #
    at (jquery.min.js:2)
    at ga.tokenize (jquery.min.js:2)
    at (jquery.min.js:2)
    at [as find] (jquery.min.js:2)
    at r.fn.init.find (jquery.min.js:2)
    at r.fn.init (jquery.min.js:2)
    at r (jquery.min.js:2)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (jquery.jexcel.js:481)
    at HTMLDocument.dispatch (jquery.min.js:3)
    at HTMLDocument.q.handle (jquery.min.js:3)
ga.error @ jquery.min.js:2
ga.tokenize @ jquery.min.js:2 @ jquery.min.js:2
ga @ jquery.min.js:2
find @ jquery.min.js:2
r.fn.init @ jquery.min.js:2
r @ jquery.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery.jexcel.js:481
dispatch @ jquery.min.js:3
q.handle @ jquery.min.js:3
jquery.min.js:2 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #
    at (jquery.min.js:2)
    at ga.tokenize (jquery.min.js:2)
    at (jquery.min.js:2)
    at [as find] (jquery.min.js:2)
    at r.fn.init.find (jquery.min.js:2)
    at r.fn.init (jquery.min.js:2)
    at r (jquery.min.js:2)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (jquery.jexcel.js:543)
    at HTMLDocument.dispatch (jquery.min.js:3)
    at HTMLDocument.q.handle (jquery.min.js:3)
ga.error @ jquery.min.js:2
ga.tokenize @ jquery.min.js:2 @ jquery.min.js:2
ga @ jquery.min.js:2
find @ jquery.min.js:2
r.fn.init @ jquery.min.js:2
r @ jquery.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery.jexcel.js:543
dispatch @ jquery.min.js:3
q.handle @ jquery.min.js:3

This line is invalid:
jquery.jexcel.js:543 var selection = $('#' + $.fn.jexcel.current).find('tbody td.selection');

Fire onchange

I was wondering if it was a feature done on purpose or a mistake
deleteRow and insertRow does not fire the onchange event
let me know what you think about this
would it be a good idea to pass the name of who fire the onchange event?

Data Attribute in Each Cell

How to put data attribute in each cell? For example, data-student-id and data-quiz-id? So that onchange, I can retrieve those data and send ajax request to update the database.

In Mac OS right click is not working fine

It seems that contextmenu is not working in Mac Os while inserting new row and new column by right clicking. Contextmenu U/I disapper at once.
Please check this issue help me .

Numpad Zero

Hello Paul
the zero on the numpad is not editing the selected cell
is this a bug or a feature? XD
have a nice day

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