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H-RISK with NoiseModelling


This is a QGIS plugin, which implements NoiseModelling ( and help estimate the health risks posed by (road traffic) noise. The author has also made an application to estimate the risk posed by noise from wind turbines. See

Figure: Sound levels along a road in Sapporo city (see the Tutorial).


This plugin can

  • Fetch geometries from OpenStreetMap, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, and Vector Tiles (provided by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan).
  • Predict sound levels by executing NoiseModelling, by executing the Java script (specified Java implementation is required).
  • Estimate health risks based on the predicted sound levels and expore-response relationships shown in the Environmental Noise Guidelines in European Region (WHO Regional Office for Europe).

The scripts of NoiseModelling are not translated: this plugin executes them using shell command and you can replace it with a newer version. At this moment, the operation of the plugin with NoiseModelling v4.0.2 is confirmed. (Not with v4.0.4)


This plug-in complies with the GPL v3 license. Please see the LICENSE file for details.

License of the external program used by this plug-in:

  • NoiseModelling: GPL v3
  • OpenJDK: GPL v2 (Classpath Exception)

Note: This service uses the API function of the e-Stat (e-Stat), but the content of the service is not guaranteed by the government.

How to install

Install QGIS and this plugin according to the following instruction. To calculate the sound levels, NoiseModelling ( and Java implementation are needed.

The installer (installer/hrisk-setup.exe or Install required components algorithm in this plugin) will help install required components.

Using installer (Windows 10)

Execute the installer and restart QGIS. The program can also install this plugin, as well as all the required components. Environmental variables needed to execute NoiseModelling are also set.

Manual install

This plugin

Install from QGIS repo or download all the files in the repository ( and save them in the QGIS plugin folder.


  1. Download No-GUI version of NoiseModelling (see
  2. Save all the files in your PC (e.g. C:\Program Files\NoiseModelling)
  3. Set environmental variable of NOISEMODELLING_HOME to the installed folder


  1. Check the requirements of NoiseModelling and obtain the required version of Java implementation
  2. Save all the files in your PC (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java)
  3. Set environmental variable of JAVA_FOR_NOISEMODELLING to the installed folder. Note that %JAVA_FOR_NOISEMODELLING%\bin\java.exe exists.

Tutorial (Test the plugin)

Here is a tutorial (and the test) of this plugin. Execute the following procedures using QGIS, where the sound levels and health risks in 1km2 area in Sapporo City (141.295,141.305,43.158,43.168 [EPSG:4326]) are estimated step-by-step. The results are also stored in tutorial directory, by comparing which the functinality of the plugin can be tested.

Fetch the geometries

With following procedures, roads, buildings, elevation points, and a raster containing population information are fetched. If the parameters are unspecified, use the default values.

  • Execute Road centerline (OSM) algorithm (in Fetch geometries group) using following parameters. Note that QuickOSM plugin is needed before the execution.
    • FETCH_EXTENT: 141.295,141.305,43.158,43.168 [EPSG:4326]
    • TARGET_CRS: EPSG: 32654
    • BUFFER: 500.0 (m)
  • Execute Building (OSM) algorithm using following parameters:
    • FETCH_EXTENT: 141.295,141.305,43.158,43.168 [EPSG:4326]
    • TARGET_CRS: EPSG: 32654
    • BUFFER: 500.0
  • Execute Elevation points (SRTM) algorithm using following parameters. Note that user id and password of Earthdata Login ( is needed before the execution.
    • FETCH_EXTENT: 141.295,141.305,43.158,43.168 [EPSG:4326]
    • TARGET_CRS: EPSG: 32654
    • BUFFER: 500.0
    • USERNAME: (registered user name)
    • PASSWORD: (registered password)
  • Execute Population (Ja) algorithm (in Fetch geometries (Ja) group) using following parameters. Note that only the population in Japan can be fetched using this algorithm.
    • FETCH_EXTENT: 141.295,141.305,43.158,43.168 [EPSG:4326]
    • TARGET_CRS: EPSG: 32654
    • BUFFER: 500.0

If you want to obtain the information on roads and buildings and set them as sound sources and obstacles without this plugin, following procedures are needed (difficult!).

  1. Get the fetch extent as a rectangle
    1. Execute native:extenttolayer using the above FETCH_EXTENT as INPUT
    2. Execute native:reprojectlayer using the output of the previous procedure as INPUT and the above TARGET_CRS as TARGET_CRS
    3. Execute native:buffer using the output of the previous procedure as INPUT and the above BUFFER as DISTANCE
  2. Get the features from OpenStreetMap
    1. Execute quickosm:downloadosmdataextentquery using highway as KEY (if for buildings, building as KEY) and the extent of the obtained rectangle as the EXTENT
    2. Execute native:reprojectlayer using the output of the previous procedure as INPUT and the above TARGET_CRS as TARGET_CRS
    3. Execute native:dissolve using the output of the previous procedure as INPUT and the all the fields as FIELD
    4. Execute native:multiparttosingleparts using the output of the previous procedure as INPUT
  3. Set required fields
    1. Add required fields to the road layer (PK,LV_d, LV_e, LV_n, MV_d, MV_e, MV_n, HV_d, HV_e, HV_n, LV_spd_d, LV_spd_e, LV_spd_n, MV_spd_d, MV_spd_e, MV_spd_n, HV_spd_d, HV_spd_e, HV_spd_n, LWd63, LWd125, LWd250, LWd500, LWd1000, LWd2000, LWd4000, LWd8000, LWe63, LWe125, LWe250, LWe500, LWe1000, LWe2000, LWe4000, LWe8000, LWn63, LWn125, LWn250, LWn500, LWn1000, LWn2000, LWn4000, LWn8000, pvmt, temp_d, temp_e, temp_n, ts_stud, pm_stud, junc_dist, slope, way)
    2. Add required fields to the building layer (PK,height)

Set traffic volume

As an example, set following traffic volumes, for roads of which osm_id are 202548600 and 1128470753

  • LV_d: 1000
  • LV_e: 400
  • LV_n: 120
  • HV_d: 140
  • HV_e: 20
  • HV_n: 20

Set receivers (at building facade)

  • Execute Building facade algorithm in Set receiver group using following parameters. Receiver points in front of the buildings are created using algorithms implemented in NoiseModelling. Note that NoiseModelling and Java are needed before the execution (see "How to install" section)
    • BUILDING: (buildings fetched in the previous procedure)
    • SOURCE: (roads fetched in the previous procedure)
    • FENCE_EXTENT: 141.295,141.305,43.158,43.168 [EPSG:4326]
    • DELTA: 2.0

The receivers at buildings facade are used to estimate health risks posed by noise exposure.

Set receivers (at delaunay grid)

  • Execute Delaunay grid algorithm in Set receiver group using following parameters.
    • BUILDING: (buildings fetched in the previous procedure)
    • SOURCE: (roads fetched in the previous procedure)
    • FENCE_EXTENT: 141.295,141.305,43.158,43.168 [EPSG:4326]
    • MAX_AREA: 100.0

The receivers at delaunay grid points are used to create sound-level contours. The delaunay triangular polygons, which is one of the outputs of the procedure, are also needed for creating sound-level contour.

Calculate the sound levels

  • Execute Prediction from traffic algorithm in Predict sound level group using following parameters. The sound levels are computed using algorithms implemented in NoiseModelling.
    • ROAD: (roads fetched in the previous procedure)
    • BUILDING: (buildings fetched in the previous procedure)
    • RECEIVER: (receiver points created in the previous procedure)
    • DEM: (elevation points fetched in the previous procedure)
    • MAX_SRC_DIST: 500

Create sound-level contour (delaunay-grid receivers)

  • Execute Isosurface algorithm in Predict sound level group using following parameters. The sound-level counters are computed using algorithms implemented in NoiseModelling. As an example, Lden contour is created.
    • LEVEL_RESULT: (Lden computed in the previous procedure, using delaunay grid)
    • TRIANGLES: (delaunay triangles obtained in the previous procedure)

Estimate health risks (building-facade receivers)

  • Execute Estimate populations of buildings using Raster algorithm in Evaluate health risk group using following parameters.
    • BUILDING: (buildings fetched in the previous procedure)
    • POPULATION: (population fetched in the previous procedure)
  • Execute Estimate level of buildings algorithm using following parameters (assign Lden)
    • BUILDING: (buildings with population information obtained in the previous procedure)
    • RECEIVER: (receivers at buildings facade obtained in the previous procedure)
    • LEVEL: (Lden at buildings facade, obtained in the previous procedure)
    • LEVEL_PREFIX: Lden_
  • Execute Estimate level of buildings algorithm using following parameters (assign Lnight)
    • BUILDING: (buildings with population and Lden, obtained in the previous procedure)
    • RECEIVER: (receivers at buildings facade obtained in the previous procedure)
    • LEVEL: (Lnight at buildings facade obtained in the previous procedure)
    • LEVEL_PREFIX: Lnight_
  • Execute Estimate health risks of buildings algorithm using following parameters
    • BUILDING: (buildings with population and sound level, obtained in the previous procedure)
    • LDEN: Lden_LAEQ_Maximum
    • LNIGHT: Lnight_LAEQ_Maximum
    • POP: popEst

Complete / Check results

Here are samples of the result to check the functionality of the plugin. Note that the results were obtained on 2023/5/31 using NoiseModelling v4.0.2. The number of features may be changed because of the updates of the map database.

  • Fetch geometries
    • The total number of road features: 303
    • The total number of road features: 3850
    • The total number of elevation points: 5589
  • Set receivers
    • The total number of receivers at Delaunay grid: 11429
    • The total number of Delaunay grid triangles: 17081
    • The total number of receivers at building facades: 17432
  • Sound levels
    • At Delaunay-grid receiver of which IDRECEIVER is 8924 located at (x,y,z) = (141.300083, 43.161465, 4), LAEQ of Lden is 67.55
    • At building-facade receiver of which IDRECEIVER is 119 located at (x,y,z) = (141.299974, 43.161609, 4), LAEQ of Lden is 65.30 and LAEQ of Lnight is 56.41
  • Health risk
    • On building of which PK is 40 located at (141.300, 43.162)
      • Lden_LAEQ_Maximum is 65.43
      • Lnight_LAEQ_Maximum is 56.54
      • popEst is 0
      • probHSD is 0.069
      • relRiskIHD is 1.100

Implemented algorithms

Fetch geometries

The user can fetch geometries of roads and buildings using algorithms in Fetch geometries group. In Japan, precised data (including population) can be obtained using algorithms in Fetch geometries (Ja) group.

Implemented algorithms are:

  • Fetch geometries group
    • Road centerline (OSM) ( fetch road geometries from OpenStreetMap. QuickOSM is needed.
    • Building (OSM) ( fetch building geometries from OpenStreetMap. QuickOSM is needed.
    • Elevation points (SRTM) ( fetch elevation-points geometries from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission dataset. User id and password of Earthdata Login ( is needed.
  • Fetch geometries (Ja) group
    • Road centerline (Ja) ( fetch road geometries from vector-tile map provided by the GSI of Japan
    • Buildings (Ja) ( fetch building geometries from vector-tile map provided by the GSI of Japan
    • Elevation points (Ja) ( fetch elevation-points geometries from vector-tile map provided by the GSI of Japan
    • Population (Ja) ( fetch 250m-mesh population from the ESTAT-API of Japan
    • Fetch geometries (Ja) ( fetch all geometries listed above (and also set receivers, if specified)

Note that QuickOSM plugin ( is needed to fetch geometries from OpenStreetMap. To fetch geometries from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, user id and password of Earthdata Login ( is needed.

Set information on sound sources

Before calculating sound levels, user needs to set traffic volumes (light/medium/heavy vehicles during day/evening/night) or the sound power levels, as the fields of road layer. Required fields are already set in the layer fetched if the features are fetched using the algorithms above. Or, the user can manually set the fields using algorithms in Initialize features group.

Algorithms in Initialize features group are:

  • Road with acoustic information ( initialize linestrings as roads
  • Road emission calculated from traffic ( calculate the emission level (sound power level) using the traffic volume
  • Building ( initialize polygons as buildings
  • Elevation point ( initialize points as elevation points
  • Ground absorption ( initialize polygons as ground absorption

Set receiver points

To set receiver points, algorithms in Set receivers group are available. They execute NoiseModelling algorithms and set receiver points such as at building facades and at delaunay grid points.

Algorithms in Set receiver group are:

  • At building facade ( create receivers at building facades
  • Delaunay grid ( create receivers at delaunay grid points
  • Regular grid ( create receivers at regular grid points

Calculate sound levels

Sound levels at the receiver points can be calculate using algorithms in Predict sound level group, which employ NoiseModelling.

Algorithms in Predict sound level group are:

  • Prediction from traffic ( calculate the sound levels from traffic volume
  • Prediction from emission ( calculate the sound levels from the sound power level

Estimate health risks

The user can assign the number of residents of each building and estimate health risks posed by the noise, using algorithms in Evaluate health risk group.

Algorithms in Evaluate health risk group are:

  • Estimate populations of buildings using Raster ( estimate the number of residents for each building using a raster representing the population
  • Estimate populations of buildings using Polygon ( estimate the number of residents for each building using polygons representing the population
  • Estimate level of buildings ( estimate the sound level for each building
  • Estimate health risks of buildings ( estimate the health risks for each building

For developers

Here are information about classes defined in the plugin:

  • algabstract: an abstract class inheriting QgsProcessingAlgorithm, defining attributes and methods
    • attributes
      • PARAMETERS: to set UIs.
      • NOISEMODELLING: to use NoiseModelling, such as paths and arguments.
    • methods
      • initParameters(self) -> None: convert PARAMETERS attributes to UIs.
      • initNoiseModellingPath(self, paths:dict) -> None: set NoiseModelling paths.
      • initNoiseModellingArg(self, parameters:dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback:QgsProcessingFeedback) -> None: initialize NoiseModelling arguments from UIs.
      • addNoiseModellingArg(self, args:dict) -> None: add NoiseModelling arguments manually.
      • saveVectorLayer(self, vector_layer: QgsVectorLayer, path: str) -> None): save a vector layer.
      • saveRasterLayer(self, raster_layer: QgsRasterLayer, path: str) -> None): save a raster layer.
      • execNoiseModellingCmd(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback) -> None: exec NoiseModelling.
      • streamNoiseModellingCmd(self, cmd: str, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback) -> None: stream NoiseModelling script
      • importNoiseModellingResultsAsSink(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, attribute: str, path: str) -> None: import NoiseModelling results as a sink
  • fetchabstract: an abstract class inheriting algabstract, defining attributes and methods
    • attributes
      • FETCH_AREA: the fetch area (QgsReferencedRectangle)
      • FETCH_FEATURE: the fetch features (QgsReferencedRectangle)
      • TILEMAP_ARGS: arguments for tile-map
      • OSM_ARGS: arguments for OpenStreetMap
      • WEBFETCH_ARGS: arguments for fetching geometries from web without tile-map or OpenStreetMap
    • methods
      • initUsingCanvas(self) -> None: set FETCH_EXTENT and TARGET_CRS to the current canvas settings
      • getUtmCrs(self, lng: float, lat: float) -> QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem: get Universal Transverse Melcator CRS
      • setFetchArea(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback, new_crs: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem = None) -> None: set the FETCH_AREA attribute
      • fetchAreaAsVectorLayer(self) -> QgsVectorLayer get a vector layer from the FETCH_AREA attribute
      • setTileMapArgs(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback, geom_type: str = None) -> None: set the arguments for tile maps.
      • setOsmArgs(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback, geom_type: str=None) -> None: set the arguments for OpenStreetMap.
      • setWebFetchArgs(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback) -> None: set the arguments for fetching geometries from web (but not tile maps or OpenStreetMap)
      • fetchFeaturesFromTile(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback) -> None: fetch features from tile maps
      • fetchFeaturesFromOsm(self, parameters:dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback) -> None: fetch features from OpenStreetMap
      • fetchFeaturesFromWeb(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback) -> None: fetch features from web (but not tile maps or OpenStreetMap). Note that the fetched features are stored just as files
      • modifyFeaturesFromTile(self, fts: QgsVectorLayer | QgsRasterLayer, z: int, tx: int, ty: int)- > QgsVectorLayer | QgsRasterLayer: modify features fetched from tile maps
      • dissolveFeatures(self, fts: QgsVectorLayer) -> QgsVectorLayer: dissolve features
      • transformToTargetCrs(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback, fts: QgsVectorLayer) -> QgsVectorLayer: transform features (to the TARGET_CRS)
  • initabstract: an abstract class inheriting algabstract, defining attributes and methods
    • attributes
      • FIELDS_ADD_COMMON: the common fields to be added (e.g. PK)
      • FIELDS_ADD: the fields to be added
      • FIELDS_INIT: the existing fields and FIELDS_ADD
      • FIELDS_FROM: whether each field existed or in FIELDS_ADD
    • methods
      • setFields(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback) -> None: set FIELDS_INIT and FIELDS_FROM
      • createVectorLayerAsSink(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback) -> str: create a sink using the fields and return dest_id
  • receiverabstract: an abstract class inheriting algabstract, defining methods for setting receivers
    • methods
      • fenceExtentAsLayer(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback) -> None: save fence extent as a geometry file
      • fenceExtentAsWkt(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback) -> None: set an argument for wps script named fence, which is wkt polygon.
  • noiseabstract: an abstract class inheriting algabstract, defining attributes and methods for calculating sound levels
    • attributes
      • BLDG_LEVEL_ARGS: arguments to assign the sound level to each building
      • ISOSURFACE_ARGS: arguments to create isosurface
      • PROC_RESULTS: results of the calculation
    • methods
      • outputWpsArgs(self, parameters:dict, context:QgsProcessingContext, extent_rec: QgsReferencedRectangle) -> str: output a polygon (sink and output the dest_id) that stores arguments of the calculation
      • cmptBuildingLevel(self, parameters: dict, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback, bldg_layer: QgsVectorLayer, rcv_layer: QgsVectorLayer) -> None: create sound-level-assigned buildings
  • used for obtaining the world mesh code (from Research Institute for World Grid Squares)

How to uninstall

Delete the files and folders in JAVA_FOR_NOISEMODELLING and NOISEMODELLING_HOME paths and delete the environmental variables.

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