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grabana's Issues

Support `calculate` field for heatmap

Hi, in newer versions of Grafana if you want to use the Heatmap from Prometheus histogram you need to set the heatmap to "calculate": true, otherwise it does not work.

Could it be added to the heatmap options? 🙏

table.HideColumn() does not work as expected

Hey @K-Phoen,

I'm attempting to port some of my existing dashboards to be built using this grabana library and I'm running into an issue with tables.

Expected Behaviour:

  • Using table.HideColumn("MyColumn") function, I should be able to hide a table column.

Actual Behaviour:

  • The column is never hidden, because the auto-inserted /.*/ "string" rule takes precedence and my column style rule is never evaluated.

Additional Details:




I should note that I'm currently using Grafana 6.5.1 and v0.13.0 of grabana.

I suspect that this behaviour is happening because of the default rule that gets inserted by the New() function in the table package.

// New creates a new table panel.
func New(title string, options ...Option) *Table {
	panel := &Table{Builder: sdk.NewTable(title)}
	empty := ""

	panel.Builder.IsNew = false
	panel.Builder.TablePanel.Styles = []sdk.ColumnStyle{
			Alias:   &empty,
			Pattern: "/.*/",
			Type:    "string",

	for _, opt := range append(defaults(), options...) {

	return panel

While building the table with the /.*/ default column style matches what Grafana UI gives us 'out of the box', having no way to remove this top-level rule is blocking me from achieving hiding any column in my table.

If there is a way to remove this tableColumnStyle rule that gets auto-inserted please let me know. If there is no way right now, does the library require additional methods to 'reset' the table columns (or similar functionality?).

Support for cloudwatch datasource

I'm not 100% sure but am i right in assuming that as of today, Cloudwatch datasource will not work as is?

what would it take to support it? i'm guessing i could follow one of the current datasources as an example to implement this. Does it make sense?

Any example of querying InfluxDB (InfluxQL)?

I'm trying to query an influxdb datasource with some specific parameters in the targets.

I'm always getting a 500 error. The main difference between using Grabana and other libraries like grafanalib of grafonnet is that at least I need to set up in the target at least 2 parameters (query, and rawQuery)

For instance:

query: 'SELECT value FROM autogen.cpu_idle WHERE value::field > 1 GROUP BY hostName::tag ORDER BY time ASC',
rawQuery: true,

Do you have a working example of using influxdb as a datasource (InfluxQL) in the dashboard YAML definitions? @K-Phoen this is a really nice project!


Could not prepare deletion of previous alerts for dashboard: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value

Hi all,

I tried following the example code but got the following error.

[ykyuen@camus ci-grafana]$ go run main.go 
Could not create dashboard: could not prepare deletion of previous alerts for dashboard: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value
exit status 1

I tried on grafana version 7.3.1 and 6.7.1. Both results in the above error but the dashboard is created correctly.

The following is my main.go.

package main

import (


func main() {
	const GRAFANA_URL = "http://localhost:3000"

	ctx := context.Background()
	client := grabana.NewClient(&http.Client{}, GRAFANA_URL, grabana.WithAPIToken(GRAFANA_API_KEY))
	// Create the folder holding the dashboard for the service
	folder, err := client.FindOrCreateFolder(ctx, "Testing")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not find or create folder: %s\n", err)
	builder, err := dashboard.New(
		"Awesome dashboard",
			interval.Values([]string{"30s", "1m", "5m", "10m", "30m", "1h", "6h", "12h"}),
				"HTTP Rate",
					prometheus.Legend("{{handler}} - {{ code }}"),
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not build dashboard: %s\n", err)
	dash, err := client.UpsertDashboard(ctx, folder, builder)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not create dashboard: %s\n", err)
	fmt.Printf("The deed is done:\n%s\n", GRAFANA_URL + dash.URL)

Any idea on what i have missed? Thanks for working on this project.


Support gridPos

Hi, I see there is no support for gridPos for panels, this is not even in the SDK.
Only the old span parameter.

Interesting is that the grafana-tools/sdk supports this, I'm not sure how much is your fork of the SDK different from the original repo, but in some things it looks like the original one is a bit more up to date with the upstream dashboard JSON model.
Is there any particular reason that the fork is used? 🤔

repeatDirection is missing

Panel has f.E.: timeseries.Repeat but timeseries.RepeatDirection (v|h) is missing and is also missing at Builder struct

Idea: support provisioning alerts

Knowing this is primary a tool for provisioning dashboards, I think it would be also great to also support alerts.

Edit: Seems there can be alerts in the dashboard but I'm getting could not delete previous alerts for dashboard when applying alert



panel ids in different dashboards have common numbering


Current behaviour

builder1 := dashboard.New(
    "dashboard 1",
            // some data
builder2 := dashboard.New(
    "dashboard 2",
            // some data

fmt.Printf("%d\n", builder1.Internal().Rows[0].Panels[0].ID)
// 1
fmt.Printf("%d\n", builder2.Internal().Rows[0].Panels[0].ID)
// 2

Expected behaviour
Numbering is independent:

builder1 := dashboard.New(
    "dashboard 1",
            // some data
builder2 := dashboard.New(
    "dashboard 2",
            // some data

fmt.Printf("%d\n", builder1.Internal().Rows[0].Panels[0].ID)
// 1
fmt.Printf("%d\n", builder2.Internal().Rows[0].Panels[0].ID)
// 1

As far as I understand problem is here -
Possible solution is to extend MarshalJSON/MarshalIndentJSON and mutate ids there, starting them from 1

Support for range mappings on stat panel

singlestat panel is deprecated, but the stat panel only supports a small portion of the features.
One thing i am missing is support for mappings.
This is the json from grafana, from such a mapping.
How would you go about adding that?
I guess it would also require changes in the sdk.

"type": "stat",
  "fieldConfig": {
    "defaults": {
      "mappings": [
          "type": "range",
          "options": {
            "from": 0,
            "to": 0.9,
            "result": {
              "text": "DOWN"
          "type": "range",
          "options": {
            "from": 1,
            "to": 1,
            "result": {
              "text": "UP"

Issues with upserting dashboard, all works like a charm, but I'm getting error when upserting dashboard. I'm not even using alerts, so maybe the functionality could be at least optional?

error: could not prepare deletion of previous alerts for dashboard: could not query grafana: {"message":"Not found"} (HTTP status 404)

If I try using cURL right on the particular query for rules:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer xxx"
{"message":"Not found"}

It looks like the alerts cleanup uses Mimir ruler API?

I'm running self-hosted Grafana instance version 8.4.0 and using latest grabana v0.21.9

Thanks for any pointers

Add The Ability To Query For Dashboards by Title

Using the client we are able to find if a folder exists. Likewise, It would be great if we could query whether a dashboard already exists.

It could be accomplished with two functions like this:

// This function queries the /api/search endpoint and returns the dashboard if it exists
func (client *Client) getDashboardByTitle(ctx context.Context, title string) (*DashboardQuery, error) {
	// 1. make a request to search for the dash board
	query := fmt.Sprintf("/api/search?query=%s", title)
	resp, err := client.get(ctx, query)

	if err != nil {
		err1 := fmt.Errorf("grafput: getDashboardByTitle %s", err)
		return nil, err1

	// 2. check the status code
	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
		body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		if err != nil {
			err1 := fmt.Errorf("grafput: getDashboardByTitle: %s", err)
			return nil, err1

		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read body after querying dashboard: %s (HTTP status %d)", body, resp.StatusCode)

	defer func() { _ = resp.Body.Close() }()

	// 3. decode json using our Dashboard Query struct
	var dashboard []DashboardQuery
	if err := decodeJSON(resp.Body, &dashboardQuery); err != nil {
		err1 := fmt.Errorf("grafput: getDashboardByTitle: %s", err)
		return nil, err1

	if len(dashboardQuery) == 0 {
		return nil, nil

	// 4. iterate through the list of dashboards until we match title
	for i := range dashboardQuery {
		if strings.EqualFold(dashboardQuery[i].Title, title) {
			return &dashboardQuery[i], nil

	return nil, nil
// This function enables us to search Grafana for a dashboard by its title
func (client *Client) CheckIfDashboardExists(ctx context.Context, title string) (string, error) {
	dashboard, err := client.getDashboardByTitle(ctx, title)
	if err != nil {
		err1 := fmt.Errorf("grafput: CheckIfDashboard Exists: %s", err)
		return "", err1

	if dashboard == nil {
		return "", nil

	dashboardUrl := dashboard.Url

       // here we could return the dashboard object or the URL 
	return dashboardUrl, nil
type DashboardQuery struct {
	Id          int      `json:"id"`
	Uid         string   `json:"uid"`
	Title       string   `json:"title"`
	Uri         string   `json:"uri"`
	Url         string   `json:"url"`
	Slug        string   `json:"slug"`
	Type        string   `json:"type"`
	Tags        []string `json:"tags"`
	IsStarred   bool     `json:"isStarred"`
	FolderId    int      `json:"folderId"`
	FolderUid   string   `json:"folderUid"`
	FolderTitle string   `json:"folderTitle"`
	FolderUrl   string   `json:"folderUrl"`
	SortMeta    int      `json:"sortMeta"`

StatPanel FieldOverride is missing

No Field override helper at statfield:

// FieldOverride allows overriding visualization options.
func FieldOverride(m fields.Matcher, opts ...fields.OverrideOption) Option {
	return func(stats *Stat) error {
		override := sdk.FieldConfigOverride{}


		for _, opt := range opts {
		stats.Builder.StatPanel.FieldConfig.Overrides = append(stats.Builder.StatPanel.FieldConfig.Overrides, override)
		return nil

Replace part of the remote dashboard

Hi and thank you so much for this awesome project! I really like it so far and generating dashboards from scratch is working just fine. Is there any way to obtain the remote dashboard (e.g. in form of dashboard.Builder or DashboardModel) in order to replace some part of it with a part from the dashboard rendered locally and send it back to grafana via client.UpsertDashboard?

The case: I have very complex dashboards with multiple sources of truth (multiple repos) and I would like to detect (maybe using the panel description filed or in any other appropriate way) a subset of panels from the remote board, replace it with locally generated panels and sent the dashboard back to the grafana. Is that in any way possible now?

Thank you in advance! <3

Support for templating field in a grafana dashboard

I want to add support for a dropdown inside a grafana dashboard mainly by updating the templating field like this:

templating": {
  "list": [
    "allValue": ".*",
    "current": {
     "selected": true,
     "text": "All",
     "value": [
"datasource": "Prometheus",
includeAll": true,

While I see support to add rows, tags, title, how do i go about adding a dropdown. I have tested the code by pasting it in a json and it does produce a dropdown.

DefaultAll method for variable/custom

Current behaviour


Expected behaviour


Support for cloudwatch target

I see the module currently does not support cloudwatch target. This will be really helpful in creating panels using cloudWatch Metrics Syntax, namespaces, metric names, dimensions, and operators etc

Support for NullValue for Timeseries

hello @K-Phoen,
I am evaluating grabana and I have to say that in one hour I already saw the advantages (writing Go code, I did not try the YAML). Very nice idea, thanks for sharing!

Now, I would like to configure Null values to Connected for the Timeseries panel.

Do I understand correctly that I would have to add the feature to the timeseries package, in the same way as it is visible in the graph package? I used this search:

Would you consider a PR?


Interval variable not sorted by duration

Interval variables are currently not sorted by their duration, which leads to an inconsistent and unexpected user-experience.

Expected Behaviour:
Interval variables should be sorted by their duration value, i.e. 10s, 10m, 10h

Actual Behaviour:
Interval variables are sorted by a regular string sort (pure alphanumeric), i.e. 10h, 10m, 10s

May i know how to create an email notification channel?

Thx for building this great client. i am currently using the 0.20.17 version and integrate with a grafana 7.3.1 setup. everything works like a charm and i could get the existing notification channel thru the GetAlertChannelByName() call without problem.

But i am stuck on creating a new email notification channel thru the grabana client. Is there any example code which i could refer to? thanks for your help.

interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not string

Try to convert-go a JSON I get this error.

➜  grabana_0.22.1_darwin_arm64 ./grabana convert-go -i Profile.json        
2024-03-18T10:49:31+01:00	WARN	golang/variable.go:39	unhandled variable type found: skipped	{"type": "custom", "name": "env"}
2024-03-18T10:49:31+01:00	WARN	golang/variable.go:39	unhandled variable type found: skipped	{"type": "custom", "name": "platform"}
panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not string

goroutine 1 [running]:*Encoder).encodeQueryVar(_, {{0x1400021b1b0, 0xd}, {0x1400021b268, 0x5}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1400021e7e0, {0x0, 0x1400021b260}, ...})
	/home/runner/work/grabana/grabana/encoder/golang/variable.go:115 +0x50c8*Encoder).encodeVariable(_, {{0x1400021b1b0, 0xd}, {0x1400021b268, 0x5}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1400021e7e0, {0x0, 0x1400021b260}, ...})
	/home/runner/work/grabana/grabana/encoder/golang/variable.go:31 +0x74*Encoder).encodeVariables(...)
	/home/runner/work/grabana/grabana/encoder/golang/variable.go:13*Encoder).EncodeDashboard(_, {0x59, {0x140000b84e0, 0x24}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0x1400021b380, 0xb}, {0x0, 0x0}, ...})
	/home/runner/work/grabana/grabana/encoder/golang/encoder.go:31 +0x310, {0x59, {0x140000b84e0, 0x24}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0x1400021b380, 0xb}, {0x0, 0x0}, ...})
	/home/runner/work/grabana/grabana/encoder/golang.go:12 +0x58, {{0x16bae3438?, 0x0?}})
	/home/runner/work/grabana/grabana/cmd/cli/cmd/convertGo.go:54 +0x26c, {0x1047ac436?, 0x4?, 0x1047ac43a?})
	/home/runner/work/grabana/grabana/cmd/cli/cmd/convertGo.go:26 +0x2c*Command).execute(0x140000a5200, {0x140000e0460, 0x2, 0x2})
	/home/runner/work/grabana/grabana/vendor/ +0x840*Command).ExecuteC(0x140000a4300)
	/home/runner/work/grabana/grabana/vendor/ +0x344*Command).Execute(...)
	/home/runner/work/grabana/grabana/cmd/cli/main.go:32 +0x218

Would it be possible to add more diagnostic info to find the error?

Grafana v10.3.3 (252761264e)

Using export JSON and the grabana convert-go command.


Incompatible with upstream Grafana SDK changes?

Running go get on this as a dependency fails:

$ mkdir foo && cd foo/
$ go mod init
go: creating new go.mod: module
$ go get -u
go: upgrade => v0.6.3
go: upgrade => v0.0.0-20200326200416-f0431e44c1c3
go: upgrade => v1.9.0
../pkg/mod/!k-!phoen/[email protected]/alert/alert.go:128:25: cannot use conditionOperator literal (type conditionOperator) as type sdk.AlertOperator in assignment
../pkg/mod/!k-!phoen/[email protected]/alert/condition.go:57:22: cannot use query literal (type query) as type sdk.AlertQuery in assignment
../pkg/mod/!k-!phoen/[email protected]/alert/condition.go:58:24: cannot use reducer literal (type reducer) as type sdk.AlertReducer in assignment
../pkg/mod/!k-!phoen/[email protected]/alert/condition.go:66:22: cannot use query literal (type query) as type sdk.AlertQuery in assignment
../pkg/mod/!k-!phoen/[email protected]/alert/condition.go:67:24: cannot use reducer literal (type reducer) as type sdk.AlertReducer in assignment
../pkg/mod/!k-!phoen/[email protected]/alert/condition.go:75:22: cannot use query literal (type query) as type sdk.AlertQuery in assignment
../pkg/mod/!k-!phoen/[email protected]/alert/condition.go:76:24: cannot use reducer literal (type reducer) as type sdk.AlertReducer in assignment
../pkg/mod/!k-!phoen/[email protected]/alert/condition.go:84:22: cannot use query literal (type query) as type sdk.AlertQuery in assignment
../pkg/mod/!k-!phoen/[email protected]/alert/condition.go:85:24: cannot use reducer literal (type reducer) as type sdk.AlertReducer in assignment
../pkg/mod/!k-!phoen/[email protected]/alert/condition.go:93:22: cannot use query literal (type query) as type sdk.AlertQuery in assignment
../pkg/mod/!k-!phoen/[email protected]/alert/condition.go:93:22: too many errors

Yaml Schema for Validation

Note sure if it exists - but a yaml schema for validation would be useful for writing dashboards / alerts easily for new users.
That way in editors such as vscode one would get intellisense and errors when the yaml doesn't match the schema.

for reference vscode can pick up the schmea using smthg like:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=

Support stacking in timeseries panel

I see the sdk supports the stacking configuration but unfortunately it's not possible to set it using Grabana

It would be great if this would be possible.

Support for setting query options?

We want to make a dashboard with heatmaps, and one recommendation is to limit the number of data points by setting the "Query option" "Max data points" to a reasonable number.

I can't find a way to do that with Grabana YAML, how difficult would it be to add?

Add prometheus target "pql" option fo PromQL query

No way to define the option "pql" for prometheus target into generated dashboard.json

"targets": [
          "chart": "prefix",
          "expr": "go_memstats_gc_sys_bytes{app=\"$app\", env=\"$env\", dc=\"$dc\"}",
          "format": "time_series",
          "interval": "",
          "legendFormat": "gc sys",
          "refId": "F",
          "size": 100000,

          "pql": true,        <<<<<< here


Support for Snapshots

It would be useful to produce snapshots similar to the way Grabana provides upserting for dashboards.

Text panel doesn't work

I have a panel defined like this:

      "datasource": null,
      "fieldConfig": {
        "defaults": {},
        "overrides": []
      "gridPos": {
        "h": 2,
        "w": 24,
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0
      "id": 2,
      "options": {
        "content": "<center><h1>test overview</h1></center>",
        "mode": "html"
      "pluginVersion": "7.5.5",
      "timeFrom": null,
      "timeShift": null,
      "type": "text"

The resulting part of kubernetes yaml:

            - text:
                title: ""
                span: 12

Content, content type and size are all missing

Make grabana to a CLI tool

could build a CLI named grabana, that can deploy YAML to Grafana, just like:

grabana apply -f dashboard.yaml -h grafanaHost -s "such secret, much wow"

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