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check_services's Introduction


Windows Service check plugin for Icinga2, Icinga, Centreon, Shinken, Naemon and other nagios like systems.

General Requirements

  • Windows OS with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or newer installed, this plugin comes in flavours for both 3.5 and 4.0+
  • Basic understanding of Windows Services and what services you would like to monitor.
  • This executable only uses the ServiceName, not the DisplayName. DisplayName is used only for output purposes. All arguments must use the ServiceName, example: "gpsvc"" and not ""Group Policy Client""
  • This plugin can only check services locally on the same machine it runs from. Expects Icinga2 agent, NSCP or similar to execute it.


This executable assumes the following:

  • Services in the Supporting category will return a WARNING unless some other category has a higher severity Status. This can be changed with --warn-on-category to be a bogus category or for other categories if you want to.
  • If you do not like the default ServiceDefinitions, the default CSV file which is similar to what is included in the plugin can be supplied with your alternative lists for the existing categories.
  • Services which are set to Automatic that are not in the ServiceDefinitions already should be Running, unless otherwise specified using --excluded-services or --stopped-services (when checking ThirdParty). This can easily be overriden with flags for single- or multiple services with parameters shown below, or a new ServiceDefinition file.
  • Services that are not set to Automatic start are ignored by default in all categories, use --check-all-starttypes to check these, or --inv-all-running to inventory them so only the ones running when the inventory is performed will be checked later (if the configuration is copied to Icinga2)
  • If you run this plugin via Icinga2 and you have issues escaping, try to supply --split-by and separate multiple Services or Categories with a comma, ex "System,Role,Supporting".
  • Some monitoring solutions really dont like long verbose output, so if your monitoring solution is one of these, try to use the switch --hide-long-output so it only prints the summary of the --check-service.


Usage: check_services.exe [OPTIONS]
Version: 0.20.6172.42013
This plugin checks the State of one or more services on the local machine.
You can filter for your services by using category or a combination of category and include/exclude filters.
Use the same switch multiple times if you want to combine or exclude multiple categories or services

  -i, --inventory            Provide the inventory
  -c, --check-service        Check the health status of the local services
	  --category=VALUE       Category to check or provide inventory from,
							   default is ThirdParty
	  --excluded-svc=VALUE   Exclude this service
	  --included-svc=VALUE   Explicitly include this service
	  --stopped-svc=VALUE    This service should be stopped
	  --running-svc=VALUE    Override CSV, this service should be running
							 Warn on the specified category. Default is
	  --allow-empty-result   Allow an empty result set. Useful when ThirdParty
							   category is specified.
	  --inv-format=VALUE     Inventory output format, default is readable,
							   available are csv,readable,i2conf
	  --inv-level=VALUE      Inventory level, normal or full
	  --inv-all-running      Inventory only the running services
	  --inv-hide-empty       Hide empty vars from inventory output.
	  --single-service       Specifies that only one Service is to be checked,
							   simplifies output of perfdata and optional
	  --expected-state=VALUE Set the expected state for the service, used
							   primarily with --single-service option
	  --split-by=VALUE       Alternative character to split input options VALUE
							   with. Default is ','
	  --check-all-starttypes Check all StartTypes against specified Category,
							   not only Automatic
	  --perfcounter          Extra performance counters, use with caution
	  --delayed-grace=VALUE  Set grace time for Automatic (Delayed) services
							   after boot-up before they must be started
	  --hide-long-output     Hide verbose output from the --check-service
							   command, simple output
	  --hide-category        Hide category from the normal output from the --
							   check-service command
							 Set category of specified service to System
							 Set category of specified service to Managed
							 Set category of specified service to Role
							 Set category of specified service to ThirdParty
							 Set category of specified service to Supporting
							 Set category of specified service to Ignored
	  --category-file=VALUE  Path to a file which contains an alternative list
							   of Service to Category definitions
	  --file-format=VALUE    Specify format of the file path given in category-
							   file, default CSV
  -v, --verbose              Verbose output
  -d, --debug                Debug output
  -h, --help                 Show this help

QuickStart - Icinga2

Recommended setup to start with

To get quickly started with this plugin, these are the steps needed to quickly get going:

Copy the neccesary files

To make available the plugin for icinga2:

  • Copy the two files "check_services.exe" and "check_services.exe.config" to the sbin folder of icinga2 ** Default path on a 32bit OS: C:\Program Files\ICINGA2\sbin ** Default path on a 64bit OS: C:\Program Files (x86)\ICINGA2\sbin

  • Copy the configuration file "check_services.conf" into a place where it is easy for you to modify this using Notepad++ or your favourite text editor, like your Documents

** Note, this is only the command definition

Inventory ThirdParty Services

Copy the output from this command to hosts.conf inside the brackets of the Host object (must be run from within icinga2's sbin folder, where you copied check_services.exe and check_services.exe.config)

check_services.exe --inventory --category ThirdParty --inv-format i2conf

Monitoring inventoried Services

Uncomment the "Monitor Inventoried Services" example inside the "check_services.conf" you copied earlier

The file check_services.conf contains this example, just uncomment it in the file and save it.

Monitor System Category Services

Uncomment the "Monitor System Category Services" example inside the "check_services.conf" you copied earlier

Monitor Managed Category Services

Uncomment the "Monitor Managed Category Services" example inside the "check_services.conf" you copied earlier

Monitor Role Category Services

Uncomment the "Monitor Role Category Services" example inside the "check_services.conf" you copied earlier

Monitor Supporting Category Services

This is a "maybe", it might be a bit noisy, unless you also opt to exclude noisy services.

Uncomment the "Monitor Supporting Category Services" example inside the "check_services.conf" you copied earlier

Copying the configuration file to icinga

Copy the configuration file "check_services.conf" into your ICINGA2\etc\icinga2\conf.d folder from where you modified a copy of the default.

Applying the configuration change

Restart icinga2 agent on the local server/client to read the changed configuration.

Wait 1-2 minutes, then on the master, run "icinga2 node update-config" before restarting the icinga2 service to read the "discovered" services from the agent(s).



Monitor System Services

check_services.exe --check-service --category System

Monitor System, Managed and Role Services

check_services.exe --check-service --category System Role Managed

Monitor Managed Services, exclude service gpsvc (Group Policy Client)

check_services.exe --check-service --category Managed --excluded-svc gpsvc

Monitor only specified services

check_services.exe --check-service --included-svc SNMP --included-svc Spooler --included-svc "Apple Mobile Device Service"

Monitor all services in the category, even those not set to Automatic

check_services.exe --check-service --category Supporting --check-all-starttypes

Monitor categories System, Managed and ThirdParty, hide categories from output when there are multiple categories specified as a parameter

check_services.exe --check-service --category System --category Managed --category ThirdParty --hide-category

Monitor categories System, Managed and Supporting, warn if it is incorrect in Managed and Supporting

check_services.exe --check-service --category System --category Managed --category Supporting --warn-on-category Managed --warn-on-category Supporting

Monitor with categories from CSV file:

check_services.exe --check-service --category System Managed ThirdParty --category-file "C:\temp\ServiceDefinitions.csv" --file-format CSV

Monitor category ThirdParty with 180 second gracetime for Services that are of type Automatic (Delayed) to be started after bootup

check_services.exe --check-service --category ThirdParty --delayed-grace 180

Monitor single service with expected state set

check_services.exe --check-service --single-service --expected-state "Running" --included-svc "RpcSs"

Monitor categories System, Managed, Supporting and Role, set service CcmExec to category Supporting

check_services.exe --check-service --category System --category Managed --category Supporting --category Role --svc-in-sup-category CcmExec


Inventory Services

check_services.exe --inventory

Inventory Services, output as json, all details on services

check_services.exe --inventory --inv-format json --inv-level full

Inventory Services, output as i2conf

check_services.exe --inventory --inv-format i2conf

Inventory Services, output as CSV

check_services.exe --inventory --inv-format csv

Inventory Services, only return Categories of type ThirdParty

check_services.exe --inventory --category ThirdParty

Inventory Services, exclude service name of workfoldersvc, WwanSvc and Apple Mobile Device Service

check_services.exe --inventory --excluded-svc workfoldersvc --excluded-svc WwanSvc --excluded-svc "Apple Mobile Device Service"

Inventory Services, show services all currently running.

check_services.exe --inventory --inv-all-running


To make this plugin work with Icinga2, NSCP or others, it needs to be configured. Below are some configuration examples on how to configure this plugin with Icinga2 (agent) and NSCP/NSClient++.

Icinga2 agent


Command Definition

object CheckCommand "check_services" {
	import "plugin-check-command"

	command = [ PluginDir + "/check_services.exe" ]

	arguments = {
		"--inventory" = {
			set_if = "$svc_inventory$"	
			description = "Provide the inventory"
		"--check-service" = {
			set_if = "$svc_check$"
			description = "Check the health status of the local services"
		"--category" = {
			value = "$svc_category$"
			description = "Category to check or provide inventory from, default is ThirdParty"
		"--excluded-svc" = {
			value = "$svc_excluded_svc$"
			description = "Exclude this service"
		"--included-svc" = {
			value = "$svc_included_svc$"
			description = "Explicitly include this service"
		"--stopped-services" = {
			value = "$svc_stopped_svc$"
			description = "This service should be stopped"
		"--running-services" = {
			value = "$svc_running_svc$"
			description = "Override CSV, this service should be running"
		"--warn-on-category" = {
			value = "$svc_warn_on_category$"
			description = "Warn on the specified category. Default is Supporting."
		"--inv-format" = {
			value = "$svc_inventory_format$"
			description = "Inventory output format, default is readable, available are csv,readable,i2conf"
		"--inv-level" = {
			value = "$svc_inventory_level$"
			description = "Inventory level, normal or ful"
		"--inv-all-running" = {
			set_if = "$svc_inv_all_running$"	
			description = "Inventory only the running services"
		"--inv-hide-empty" = {
			set_if = "$svc_inv_hide_empty_vars$"	
			description = "Hide empty vars from inventory output."
		"--single-service" = {
			set_if = "$svc_single_service$"	
			description = "Specifies that only one Service is to be checked, simplifies output of perfdata and optional perfcounters"
		"--expected-state" = {
			set_if = "$svc_single_service$"	
			value = "$svc_expected_state$"
			description = "Set the expected state for the service, used primarily with --single-service option"
		"--split-by" = {
			value = "$svc_split_by$"
			description = "Alternative character to split input options VALUE with. Default is ','."
		"--check-all-starttypes" = {
			set_if = "$svc_check_all_starttypes$"	
			description = "Check all StartTypes against specified Category, not only 'Automatic'"
		"--perfcounter" = {
			set_if = "$svc_perfcounter$"	
			description = "Extra performance counters, use with caution"
		"--delayed-grace" = {
			value = "$svc_delayed_grace$"
			description = "Set grace time for Automatic (Delayed) services after boot-up before they must be started, default is 60 s"
		"--hide-long-output" = {
			set_if = "$svc_hide_long_output$"	
			description = "Hide verbose output from the --check-service command, simple output"
		"--hide-category" = {
			set_if = "$svc_hide_category$"	
			description = "Hide category from the normal output from the --check-service command"
		"--svc-in-sys-category" = {
			value = "$svc_in_sys_category$"
			description = "Set category of specified service to System"
		"--svc-in-man-category" = {
			value = "$svc_in_man_category$"
			description = "Set category of specified service to Managed"
		"--svc-in-role-category" = {
			value = "$svc_in_role_category$"
			description = "Set category of specified service to Role"
		"--svc-in-3rd-category" = {
			value = "$svc_in_3rd_category$"
			description = "Set category of specified service to ThirdParty"
		"--svc-in-sup-category" = {
			value = "$svc_in_sup_category$"
			description = "Set category of specified service to Supporting"
		"--svc-in-ign-category" = {
			value = "$svc_in_ign_category$"
			description = "Set category of specified service to Ignored"
		"--file-format" = {
			set_if = "$svc_override_file$"
			value = "$svc_file_format$"
			description = "Argument to specify format of the file path given in category-file, assumes CSV if nothing else is specified"
		"--category-file" = {
			set_if = "$svc_override_file$"
			value = "$svc_category_file$"
			description = "Path to a file which contains an alternative list of Service to Category definitions"
		"--verbose" = {
			set_if = "$svc_verbose$"
			description = "Switch to use when trying to figure out why a service is not included, excluded or similarly when the returned output is not as expected"
		"--allow-empty-result" = {
			set_if = "$svc_allow_empty_result$"	
			description = "Allow an empty result set. Useful when ThirdParty category is specified"
	//vars.svc_inventory = false
	//vars.svc_check = false
	//vars.svc_excluded_svc = ""
	//vars.svc_included_svc = ""
	//vars.svc_stopped_svc = ""
	//vars.svc_running_svc = ""
	//vars.svc_warn_on_category = "Supporting"
	//vars.svc_category = "ThirdParty"
	//vars.svc_inventory_level = "normal"
	//vars.svc_inventory_format = "i2conf"
	//vars.svc_inv_all_running = false
	//vars.svc_inv_hide_empty_vars = false
	//vars.svc_single_service = false
	//vars.svc_expected_state = "Running"
	//vars.svc_split_by = ","
	//vars.svc_check_all_starttypes = false
	//vars.svc_perfcounter = false
	//vars.svc_delayed_grace = "60"
	//vars.svc_hide_long_output = false
	//vars.svc_hide_category = false
	//vars.svc_in_sys_category = ""
	//vars.svc_in_man_category = ""
	//vars.svc_in_role_category = ""
	//vars.svc_in_sup_category = ""
	//vars.svc_in_3rd_category = ""
	//vars.svc_in_ign_category = ""
	//vars.svc_override_file = false
	//vars.svc_file_format = "CSV"
	//vars.svc_category_file = ""
	//vars.svc_verbose = false	
	//vars.svc_allow_empty_result = false

Apply Rules

Monitor all services that are on the host in the inventory

apply Service "WinSvc " for (ServiceName => config in {
  import "generic-service"

  check_command = "check_services"

  vars += config
  vars.svc_check = true
  vars.svc_included_svc = [ vars.ServiceName ]
  vars.svc_expected_state = vars.CurrentStatus
  vars.svc_single_service = true

Monitor all services in the System category

apply Service "WinSvcs - System" {
	import "generic-service"
	check_command = "check_services"
	vars.svc_check = true
	vars.svc_categories = [ "System" ]
	assign where == NodeName

Monitor all services in the ThirdParty category, excluding gupdate

apply Service "WinSvcs - ThirdParty" {
	import "generic-service"
	check_command = "check_services"
	vars.svc_check = true
	vars.svc_categories = [ "ThirdParty" ]
	vars.svc_excluded_services = [ "gupdate" ]
	assign where == NodeName

Monitor all services in the System, Managed, Role and Supporting category by specifying the predefined group category "Basic" and hide long output

apply Service "WinSvcs - Basic" {
	import "generic-service"
	check_command = "check_services"
	vars.svc_check = true
	vars.svc_categories = [ "Basic" ]
	vars.svc_hide_long_output = true
	assign where == NodeName

Monitor all services in the System, Managed and Role categories, hide long output.

apply Service "WinSvcs - Core" {
	import "generic-service"
	check_command = "check_services"
	vars.svc_check = true
	vars.svc_category = [ "System", "Managed" ,"Role" ]
	vars.svc_hide_long_output = true
	assign where == NodeName

NSCP / NSClient++


Add in nsclient.ini

Test via check_nrpe or similar to verify.


The Default ServiceDefinitions in the CSV format below are included in the plugin, so there is no need to specify the path for a category-file if you do not want to provide your own definitions.

Default ServiceDefinitions, CSV format

ServiceName DisplayName ServiceCategory StartType ExpectedStatus
BFE Base Filtering Engine System Automatic Running
BITS Background Intelligent Transfer Service System Automatic Running
BrokerInfrastructure Background Tasks Infrastructure Service System Automatic Running
COMSysApp COM+ System Application System Automatic Running
CoreMessagingRegistrar CoreMessaging System Automatic Running
DcomLaunch DCOM Server Process Launcher System Automatic Running
EventLog Windows Event Log System Automatic Running
EventSystem COM+ Event System System Automatic Running
LSM Local Session Manager System Automatic Running
LanmanServer Server System Automatic Running
LanmanWorkstation Workstation System Automatic Running
MpsSvc Windows Firewall System Automatic Running
Netlogon Netlogon System Automatic Running
Power Power System Automatic Running
ProfSvc User Profile Service System Automatic Running
RpcEptMapper RPC Endpoint Mapper System Automatic Running
RpcSs Remote Procedure Call (RPC) System Automatic Running
SamSs Security Accounts Manager System Automatic Running
Schedule Task Scheduler System Automatic Running
WinDefend Windows Defender Service System Automatic Running
WinRM Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) System Automatic Running
Winmgmt Windows Management Instrumentation System Automatic Running
WLMS Windows Licensing Monitoring Service System Automatic Running
eventlog Windows Event Log System Automatic Running
iphlpsvc IP Helper System Automatic Running
pla Performance Logs & Alerts System Automatic Running
ADWS Active Directory Web Services Role Automatic Running
BITSCompactServer BITS Compact Server Role Automatic Running
CertSvc Active Directory Certificate Services Role Automatic Running
ClusSvc Cluster Service Role Automatic Running
DHCPServer DHCP Server Role Automatic Running
DFSR DFS Replication Role Automatic Running
DNS DNS Server Role Automatic Running
Dfs DFS Namespace Role Automatic Running
Eaphost Extensible Authentication Protocol Role Automatic Running
FDResPub Function Discovery Resource Publication Role Automatic Running
Fax Fax Role Automatic Running
IAS Network Policy Server Role Automatic Running
IISADMIN IIS Admin Service Role Automatic Running
IKEEXT IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules Role Automatic Running
IsmServ Intersite Messaging Role Automatic Running
KPSSVC KDC Proxy Server service (KPS) Role Automatic Running
Kdc Kerberos Key Distribution Center Role Automatic Running
KdsSvc Microsoft Key Distribution Service Role Automatic Running
KeyIso CNG Key Isolation Role Automatic Running
KtmRm KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator Role Automatic Running
LPDSVC LPD Service Role Automatic Running
MSDTC Distributed Transaction Coordinator Role Automatic Running
MSMQ Message Queuing Role Automatic Running
MSMQTriggers Message Queuing Triggers Role Automatic Running
MSSQL$MICROSOFT##WID Windows Internal Database Role Automatic Running
MSStrgSvc Windows Standards-Based Storage Management Role Automatic Running
MSiSCSI Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service Role Automatic Running
MSiSNS Microsoft iSNS Server Role Automatic Running
NTDS Active Directory Domain Services Role Automatic Running
NetMsmqActivator Net.Msmq Listener Adapter Role Automatic Running
NetPipeActivator Net.Pipe Listener Adapter Role Automatic Running
NetTcpActivator Net.Tcp Listener Adapter Role Automatic Running
NetTcpPortSharing Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service Role Automatic Running
NfsService Server for NFS Role Automatic Running
NtFrs File Replication Role Automatic Running
OcspSvc Online Responder Service Role Automatic Running
PNRPAutoReg PNRP Machine Name Publication Service Role Automatic Running
PNRPsvc Peer Name Resolution Protocol Role Automatic Running
PeerDistSvc BranchCache Role Automatic Running
PrintNotify Printer Extensions and Notifications Role Automatic Running
RDMS Remote Desktop Management Role Automatic Running
RPCHTTPLBS RPC/HTTP Load Balancing Service Role Automatic Running
RaMgmtSvc Remote Access Management service Role Automatic Running
RasAuto Remote Access Auto Connection Manager Role Automatic Running
RasMan Remote Access Connection Manager Role Automatic Running
RemoteAccess Routing and Remote Access Role Automatic Running
RpcLocator Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator Role Automatic Running
SMTPSVC Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Role Automatic Running
SNMP SNMP Service Role Automatic Running
SessionEnv Remote Desktop Configuration Role Automatic Running
SmbHash SMB Hash Generation Service Role Automatic Running
SmbWitness SMB Witness Role Automatic Running
SrmReports File Server Storage Reports Manager Role Automatic Running
SrmSvc File Server Resource Manager Role Automatic Running
SstpSvc Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service Role Automatic Running
StorSvc Storage Service Role Automatic Running
SyncShareSvc Windows Sync Share Role Automatic Running
SyncShareTTSvc Sync Share Token Translation Service Role Automatic Running
THREADORDER Thread Ordering Server Role Automatic Running
TPAutoConnSvc TP AutoConnect Service Role Automatic Running
TPVCGateway TP VC Gateway Service Role Automatic Running
TSGateway Remote Desktop Gateway Role Automatic Running
TScPubRPC RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management Role Automatic Running
TapiSrv Telephony Role Automatic Running
TermServLicensing Remote Desktop Licensing Role Automatic Running
TermService Remote Desktop Services Role Automatic Running
TieringEngineService Storage Tiers Management Role Automatic Running
TimeBroker Time Broker Role Automatic Running
TlntSvr Telnet Role Automatic Running
TrkWks Distributed Link Tracking Client Role Automatic Running
Tssdis Remote Desktop Connection Broker Role Automatic Running
UmRdpService Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector Role Automatic Running
W3SVC World Wide Web Publishing Service Role Automatic Running
WAS Windows Process Activation Service Role Automatic Running
WDSServer Windows Deployment Services Server Role Automatic Running
WEPHOSTSVC Windows Encryption Provider Host Service Role Automatic Running
WFFSvc Windows Feedback Forwarder Service Role Automatic Running
WIDWriter Windows Internal Database VSS Writer Role Automatic Running
WSusCertServer WSUS Certificate Server Role Automatic Running
WbioSrvc Windows Biometric Service Role Automatic Running
WerSvc Windows Error Reporting Service Role Automatic Running
WiaRpc Still Image Acquisition Events Role Automatic Running
WinTarget Microsoft iSCSI Software Target Role Automatic Running
WsusService WSUS Service Role Automatic Running
adfssrv Active Directory Federation Services Role Automatic Running
appproxysvc Web Application Proxy Service Role Automatic Running
c2wts Claims to Windows Token Service Role Automatic Running
ddpsvc Data Deduplication Service Role Automatic Running
ddpvssvc Data Deduplication Volume Shadow Copy Service Role Automatic Running
drs Device Registration Service Role Automatic Running
fdPHost Function Discovery Provider Host Role Automatic Running
fssagent Microsoft File Server Shadow Copy Agent Service Role Automatic Running
hkmsvc Health Key and Certificate Management Role Automatic Running
rqs Remote Access Quarantine Agent Role Automatic Running
simptcp Simple TCP/IP Services Role Automatic Running
smphost Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP Role Automatic Running
stisvc Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) Role Automatic Running
svsvc Spot Verifier Role Automatic Running
w3logsvc W3C Logging Service Role Automatic Running
wbengine Block Level Backup Engine Service Role Automatic Running
wercplsupport Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support Role Automatic Running
AeLookupSvc Application Experience Supporting Automatic Running
AppHostSvc Application Host Helper Service Supporting Automatic Running
AppIDSvc Application Identity Supporting Automatic Running
AppMgmt Application Management Supporting Automatic Running
Appinfo Application Information Supporting Automatic Running
AudioEndpointBuilder Windows Audio Endpoint Builder Supporting Automatic Running
Audiosrv Windows Audio Supporting Automatic Running
AxInstSV ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV) Supporting Automatic Running
BDESVC BitLocker Drive Encryption Service Supporting Automatic Running
Browser Computer Browser Supporting Automatic Running
CDPSvc Connected Devices Platform Service Supporting Automatic Running
CertPropSvc Certificate Propagation Supporting Automatic Running
CryptSvc Cryptographic Services Supporting Automatic Running
CscService Offline Files Supporting Automatic Running
DPS Diagnostic Policy Service Supporting Automatic Running
DeviceAssociationService Device Association Service Supporting Automatic Running
DeviceInstall Device Install Service Supporting Automatic Running
Dhcp DHCP Client Supporting Automatic Running
DiagTrack Diagnostics Tracking Service Supporting Automatic Running
DoSvc Delivery Optimization Supporting Automatic Running
FontCache Windows Font Cache Service Supporting Automatic Running
FontCache3.0.0.0 Windows Font Cache Service 3.0 Supporting Automatic Running
IEEtwCollectorService Internet Explorer ETW Collector Service Supporting Automatic Running
MapsBroker Downloaded Maps Manager Supporting Automatic Running
MMCSS Multimedia Class Scheduler Supporting Automatic Running
NcaSvc Network Connectivity Assistant Supporting Automatic Running
NcbService Network Connection Broker Supporting Automatic Running
Netman Network Connections Supporting Automatic Running
NlaSvc Network Location Awareness Supporting Automatic Running
PcaSvc Program Compatibility Assistant Service Supporting Automatic Running
PerfHost Performance Counter DLL Host Supporting Automatic Running
PlugPlay Plug and Play Supporting Automatic Running
PolicyAgent IPsec Policy Agent Supporting Automatic Running
QWAVE Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Supporting Automatic Running
RSoPProv Resultant Set of Policy Provider Supporting Automatic Running
RemoteRegistry Remote Registry Supporting Automatic Running
SCPolicySvc Smart Card Removal Policy Supporting Automatic Running
SCardSvr Smart Card Supporting Automatic Running
SENS System Event Notification Service Supporting Automatic Running
SSDPSRV SSDP Discovery Supporting Automatic Running
ScDeviceEnum Smart Card Device Enumeration Service Supporting Automatic Running
SharedAccess Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Supporting Automatic Running
ShellHWDetection Shell Hardware Detection Supporting Automatic Running
Spooler Print Spooler Supporting Automatic Running
SystemEventsBroker System Events Broker Supporting Automatic Running
TBS TPM Base System Supporting Automatic Running
Themes Themes Supporting Automatic Running
tiledatamodelsvc Tile Data model server Supporting Automatic Running
UALSVC User Access Logging Service Supporting Automatic Running
UI0Detect Interactive Services Detection Supporting Automatic Running
UserManager User Manager Supporting Automatic Running
UxSms Desktop Window Manager Session Manager Supporting Automatic Running
VaultSvc Credential Manager Supporting Automatic Running
WPDBusEnum Portable Device Enumerator Service Supporting Automatic Running
WpnService Windows Push Notifications System Service Supporting Automatic Running
WSService Windows Store Service (WSService) Supporting Automatic Running
WSearch Windows Search Supporting Automatic Running
Wcmsvc Windows Connection Manager Supporting Automatic Running
WcsPlugInService Windows Color System Supporting Automatic Running
WdiServiceHost Diagnostic Service Host Supporting Automatic Running
WdiSystemHost Diagnostic System Host Supporting Automatic Running
WebClient WebClient Supporting Automatic Running
WinHttpAutoProxySvc WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Supporting Automatic Running
aspnet_state ASP.NET State Service Supporting Automatic Running
defragsvc Optimize drives Supporting Automatic Running
gpsvc Group Policy Client Supporting Automatic Running
lmhosts TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Supporting Automatic Running
lpasvc Microsoft Policy Platform Local Authority Supporting Automatic Running
lppsvc Microsoft Policy Platform Processor Supporting Automatic Running
napagent Network Access Protection Agent Supporting Automatic Running
netprofm Network List Service Supporting Automatic Running
nsi Network Store Interface Service Supporting Automatic Running
p2pimsvc Peer Networking Identity Manager Supporting Automatic Running
sacsvr Special Administration Console Helper Supporting Automatic Running
seclogon Secondary Logon Supporting Automatic Running
slsvc Software Licensing Supporting Automatic Running
sppsvc Software Protection Supporting Automatic Running
swprv Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider Supporting Automatic Running
vds Virtual Disk Supporting Automatic Running
vmicguestinterface Hyper-V Guest Service Interface Supporting Automatic Running
vmickvpexchange Hyper-V Data Exchange Service Supporting Automatic Running
vmicrdv Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service Supporting Automatic Running
wlidsvc Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant Supporting Automatic Running
wmiApSrv WMI Performance Adapter Supporting Automatic Running
wuauserv Windows Update Supporting Automatic Running
wudfsvc Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Supporting Automatic Running
ATAGateway Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics Gateway Managed Automatic Running
ATAGatewayUpdater Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics Gateway Updater Managed Automatic Running
CIMnotify HP Insight Event Notifier Managed Automatic Running
CcmExec SMS Agent Host Managed Automatic Running
Cissesrv HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service Managed Automatic Running
CmRcService Configuration Manager Remote Control Managed Automatic Running
CpqNicMgmt HP Insight NIC Agents Managed Automatic Running
CqMgHost P Insight Foundation Service Managed Automatic Running
CqMgServ HP Insight Server Agents Managed Automatic Running
CqMgStor HP Insight Storage Agents Managed Automatic Running
EMET_Service Microsoft EMET Service Managed Automatic Running
HPWMISTOR HP WMI Storage Providers Managed Automatic Running
HpAmsStor HP AMS Storage Service Managed Automatic Running
NetBackup Client Service NetBackup Client Service Managed Automatic Running
NetBackup Discovery Framework NetBackup Discovery Framework Managed Automatic Running
NetBackup Legacy Client Service NetBackup Legacy Client Service Managed Automatic Running
NetBackup Legacy Network Service NetBackup Legacy Network Service Managed Automatic Running
NetBackup Proxy Service NetBackup Proxy Service Managed Automatic Running
NetBackup SAN Client Fibre Transport Service NetBackup SAN Client Fibre Transport Service Managed Automatic Started
nscp NSClient++ Managed Automatic Started
ProLiantMonitor HP ProLiant Health Monitor Service Managed Automatic Running
SNAC Symantec Network Access Control Managed Automatic Running
ScvmmGuestServiceV5 Microsoft System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager Guest Agent R2 Managed Automatic Running
SepMasterService Symantec Endpoint Protection Managed Automatic Running
SmcService Symantec Management Client Managed Automatic Running
SnowInventoryClient Snow Inventory Client Managed Automatic Running
SysMgmtHp HP System Management Homepage Managed Automatic Running
VGAuthService VMware Alias Manager and Ticket Service Managed Automatic Running
VMTools VMware Tools Managed Automatic Running
VMware Physical Disk Helper Service VMware Physical Disk Helper Service Managed Automatic Running
VRTSpbx Symantec Private Branch Exchange Managed Automatic Running
W32Time Windows Time Managed Automatic Running
ccmsetup ccmsetup Managed Automatic Stopped
cpqvcagent HP Version Control Agent Managed Automatic Running
hpqams HP ProLiant Agentless Management Service Managed Automatic Running
icinga2 Icinga 2 Managed Automatic Running
ietsms Intel Ethernet thermal Sensor Monitor Service Managed Automatic Running
mcollective Marionette Collective Server Managed Automatic Running
mtstrmd NetBackup Deduplication Multi-Threaded Agent Managed Automatic Running
nxlog nxlog Managed Automatic Running
puppet Puppet Agent Managed Automatic Running
pxp-agent Puppet PXP Agent Managed Automatic Running
ssh-agent ssh-agent Managed Automatic Running
sshd sshd Managed Automatic Running
smstsmgr ConfigMgr Task Sequence Agent Managed Manual Stopped
sysdown HP Proliant System Shutdown Service Managed Automatic Running
telegraf Telegraf Data Collector Service Managed Automatic Running
vmicheartbeat Hyper-V Heartbeat Service Managed Automatic Running
vmicshutdown Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service Managed Automatic Running
vmictimesync Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service Managed Automatic Running
ALG Application Layer Gateway Service Ignored Automatic Running
AppReadiness App Readiness Ignored Automatic Running
AppXSvc AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC) Ignored Automatic Running
Dnscache DNS Client Ignored Automatic Running
DsmSvc Device Setup Manager Ignored Automatic Running
EFS Encrypting File System (EFS) Ignored Automatic Running
SNMPTRAP SNMP Trap Ignored Automatic Running
SysMain Superfetch Ignored Automatic Running
TabletInputService Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service Ignored Automatic Running
TrustedInstaller Windows Modules Installer Ignored Automatic Running
VSS Volume Shadow Copy Ignored Automatic Running
Wecsvc Windows Event Collector Ignored Automatic Running
clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32 Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_​X86 Ignored Automatic Stopped
clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64 Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_​X64 Ignored Automatic Stopped
clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32 Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.​0.30319_​X86 Ignored Automatic Stopped
clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64 Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.​0.30319_​X64 Ignored Automatic Stopped
dot3svc Wired AutoConfig Ignored Automatic Running
gupdate Google-​update-service (gupdate)​ Ignored Automatic Stopped
hidserv Human Interface Device Service Ignored Automatic Running
lltdsvc Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper Ignored Automatic Running
msiserver Windows Installer Ignored Automatic Running
upnphost UPnP Device Host Ignored Automatic Running
vmicvss Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor Ignored Automatic Running
vmvss VMware Snapshot Provider Ignored Automatic Running

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