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scio-read's Introduction


Read the SCiO spectrometer built by Consumer Physics

In this small project, I'm trying to create a Python library to scan and interpret data from the the SCiO spectrometer. As I'm not very experienced, this is first going to be a documentation effort of the device, and hopefully in the future the code will work. Any input and help is appreciated.

IMPORTANT, I NEED YOUR HELP: The SCiO sends raw measurements to a server online as bytes coded in Base64. The server then returns the data as JSON. However, it is unclear how the 1800 bytes of the sample reading, 1800 bytes of sampleDark and 1656 bytes of sampleGradient are turned into 331 float values representing a normalised reflectance spectrum from 0-1. If you have any insights, please let me know.

Further: It appears that the raw bytes reported by the SCiO don't correspond to the Base64 string sent to the Consumer Physics server. There might be some encryption happening in between these stages, can someone help decrypt it based on this information? See 02_extract_log_scan.ipynb to obtain the data from log files or check the folder 01_rawdata/log_extracted/

DISCLAIMER: All this code is experimental. I am trying to reverse-engineer the device in order to read the reflectance spectrum, but any help is appreciated! Scan data can't currently be fully decoded, this is an area where help is particularly appreciated


  • 2023-03-21 Extract data from log files
    • 02_extract_log_scan.ipynb: Extract and store data from log files
  • 2023-03-19 Attempts at decoding the data
    • 03_scio_analyse_devel.ipynb: Decode the data (initial unsuccessful attempts)
  • 2023-03-01 Creating a class for interaction with the hardware:
    • 01_scio_scan.ipynb: Read the device metadata and trigger a scan through USB
  • 2020-05-29 Moved everything to jupyter notebooks:
    • 01_scio_scan.ipynb identifies the device, then performs a scan and saves the raw binary data (encoded as base64) into a .json file.
    • 02_analyse.ipynb is used to analyse the rawdata and convert it to actual numbers. It does not fully work yet

Usage of the code in this repository

  1. Connect the SCiO to your computer (currently supports Windows) through USB
  2. Run the code in 01_scio_usb.ipynb to calibrate and scan. This can save files with raw data
  3. You can extract scan data from logs using 02_extract_log_scan.ipynb. What is interesting is that the raw bytes reported by the SCiO don't correspond to the Base64 string sent to the server. Is some encryption happening in between these stages?
  4. Run 03_scio_analyse_devel.ipynb to attempt to decode the data

NOTE: Base64 data generated from parsed log files is different from that generated by scans. The Base64 type generated by scans is urlsafe, while the one in the log files is not.

Documentation of the SCiO device

The following is an attempt to document as much as possible of the SCiO's functioning for the reverse-engineering effort. Any additional information is appreciated.

Hardware & device specifications

The specs are rather badly documented. The following information is known so far:

  • Scans cover the near-infrared (NIR) range, most likely at a 1nm bandwidth:
    • The 740-1070nm range makes logical. US patent US9377396B2 describes the main operating principle of the SCiO spectrometer, as follows:
      • Diffuse light impinges upon an optical filter which has a relatively narrow bandpass (about 27nm)
      • A part of the light passes through the filter, then through a convex lens, and finally through a micro-lens array
      • As a result, a series of circles appear on a CMOS matrix (each circle corresponds to a particular wavelength)
      • The SCiO spectrometer has 12 filters, each on one of 12 independent regions on the CMOS matrix.
      • As a result, $12 · 27 = 331$ bands.
    • The range of 740-1070nm is confirmed by multiple scientific publications:
    • Consumer Physics claims a range of 700-1100nm (in their own forums, when they were still available), confirmed by the following sources:
      • Forum user savorypiano stated that there were 400 datapoints corresponding to 1 nm spaced wavelengths from 700-1100 nm.
  • Data recorded by the SCiO is sent through the phone to the Consumper Physics servers
    • Scan data is apparently encrypted (Forum user dancsi)
    • Scan data contains the following (where "white" denotes the calibration):
      • sample and sample_dark (This starts with base64: AAAAA, 1800 bytes long): Raw spectral data representing light reflected from the sample (or calibration target)
      • sample_white and sample_white_dark (Starts with base64: AAAAA, 1800 bytes long): Raw spectral data from the SCIO's internal dark current reference, i.e. the background signal when there is no light
      • sample_white_gradient and sample_gradient (Starts with base64: bgAAA, 1656 bytes long): Raw spectral data from the SCIO's internal white reference when measuring a known white reference
    • Metadata contains the following information (with example data):
      • "device_id":"8032AB45611198F1"
      • "sampled_at":"2021-10-20T10:58:58.729+03:00" (Timestamp of current scan)
      • "sampled_white_at":"2021-10-20T10:53:18.334+03:00" (Timestamp of calibration scan)
      • "scio_edition":"scio_edition"
      • "mobile_GPS":{"longitude":-----,"latitude":----,"locality":"-----","country":"-----","admin_area":"-----","address_line":"-----" (This information should be private and should not matter for scan analysis, but it is transferred)
      • "mobile_mac_address":"------" (Phone MAC address. Again, this information should be private and doesn't matter for scan analysis)
      • "i2s_tag_config":"20150812-e:PRODUCTION" (Seems to be a hardware version)
  • Hardware:
  • Reddit channel dedicated to the device:
  • Old versions of the SCiO app (I believe around the 1.2 releases) created log files that could be found in one of the folders on the phone. These log files contain the raw data and spectrum returned by the Consumer Physics server. For these versions, see APKpure
    • There is an SDK available as well, see APKpure

Measurement principle

The SCiO illuminates the sample with a light and measures the reflected light in a number of wavelengths. This measured spectrum is then used in large online databases to identify the content of the sample. Obviously, the code and documentation in this repository is trying to gain access raw scan data for research purposes, i.e. access to the online tools is not an aim.

Based on US patent US9377396B2, each resulting scan is likely a file to be an image, not a spectrum directly. Another US patent, US10330531B2, confirms that the raw data is both compressed and encrypted: "… the compressed encrypted raw data signal can be transmitted via Bluetooth to the handheld device. Compression of raw data may be necessary since raw intensity data will generally be too large to transmit via Bluetooth in real time. … The data generated by the optical system described herein typically contains symmetries that allow significant compression of the raw data into much more compact data structures". This data is analysed by the online server in order to provide a spectrum.

According to Consumer Physics, the SCiO app with a developer license (which I don't have) can output raw data as CSV divided into three parts: The spectrum, wr_raw and sample_raw (from their forums). The first part is the reflectance spectrum (R) – how much of the light is reflected back by the sample. The second part is the raw signal from the sample (S), and the third is the raw signal from the calibration (C). In order to calculate reflectance, the equation is: R=S/C.

It appears that for every scan, the SCIO measures twice. It probably then takes the mean between the 2 scans. Every SCIO bluetooth LE message contains 3 parts: sample, sampleDark and sampleGradient (No clue so far what that those mean or how to convert them). Calibration is done by scanning the calibration box, and comparing a scan with that calibration scan.

Sample identification

Consumer Physics described the process as follows in their forum: The spectrometer breaks down the light to its spectrum (the spectra), which includes all the information required to detect the result of this interaction between the illuminated light and the molecules in the sample. This means that SCiO analyses the overall spectra that is received and, comparing it to different algorithms and information provided, identifies or evaluates it.

For example, if you know the basic spectra of a watermelon, and then see that as the watermelon gets sweeter, meaning it has more sugar content, the spectrum gradually changes in a specific manner, you will be able to build an algorithm in accordance. In recognizing the existence of a specific material, such as ginger, in a sample, you will need to see if the reflectance of the material changes in a specific manner when the ginger is present. Thus, you will need two samples of the material – with and without ginger.

In order to achieve good results, large databases of materials and their properties are necessary. Usually, machine learning assists the identification. For example for tomatoes, 40 samples are recommended as a rule of thumb as a properly sized collection for a feasibility test. However, a comprehensive application should be based on hundreds of samples and thousands of scans.

SCiO communication protocol and BLE (Bluetooth LE) handles

BLE handles

The following BLE UUIDs/handles have been identified so far

  • Button: Notification handle 0x002c reads a hex value 01 upon button press
  • Device name: Handle 0x2a00 (equivalent to UUID 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
  • Device/System ID: Handle 0x0012 (uuid: 00002a23-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
  • To start a scan, write 01ba020000 to handle 0x0029 (uuid 00003492-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb). The answer comes in on notification handle 0x0025.
  • The scanning handle (0x0029, see above) accepts a number of messages (protocol see below). The app sends the following before & after scanning:
    01ba050000 // inquire battery status
    01ba0e0000 // Ready for WR
    01ba0b0900000000000000000000  // set LED (is this a colour?)
    01ba040000 // inquire device temperature before
    01ba020000 // This is the actual scanning command
    01ba040000 // inquire device temperature after

USB control

Commands can be sent to the USB port by sending bytes corresponding to the above commands sent to the BLE scanning handle described above, using the same protocol.

Data protocol

Raw response messages from the SCiO are structured as follows:

  • Only for BLE (not USB): Byte 0 of every message of a scan is an ID (typically 01), coming in 3 batches, from 01-5f, 01-5f and 01-58
  • Byte 1 of the first line of a message (ba or integer -70) is a protocol identifier, to inform the app what protocol the following data is
  • Byte 2 (ID = 02) defines that the incoming data is a spectral measurement. More commands, see table below
  • Bytes 3 and 4 of the first line contain the coded message length, in "short" format
  • For BLE: Bytes 5-19 of the first line are data
  • All subsequent lines in BLE data: Byte 1 is the line ID (from 01-5f, 01-5f and 01-58 for sample, sampleDark and sampleGradient, respectively), bytes 2-20 are data
  • For USB: All remaining bytes are data
Command (int) hex Meaning handle & message format
-70 ba Incoming data protocol see above
2 02 Data type: spectrum part of protocol above
4 04 Temperature contains tempeature of chip, cmos sensor (by Aptina) & object (always 0)
5 05 Battery state contains charge %, battery health, voltage, etc.
11 0b Set LED status ?
14 0e Read for WR ?
-108 94 File list (likely firmware) file identifiers as integers
-111 91 Set device name
-121 87 File header file headers as integers
-123 85 BLE status
-124 84 BLE ID
-125 83 Reset device

How the raw scan data can be decoded is currently still unknown.

To help with the reverse-engineering effort, the following data is available:

  • Some example scans are available in the folder "01_rawdata" along with the SCiO app's output spectrum of the same materials (as screenshots)
  • A specific calibration plate was scanned with a device called the PolyPen, which has a spectral overlap with the SCiO. The scan of the calibration plate using both the SCiO and the PolyPen are available in the folder "example-data"

Instructions for reading raw data (without the script in this repository)

Through USB on the console

  1. Connect the SCIO to your computer with a USB cable, and turn it on

  2. On Linux, open the console and type to read data to "file.txt"

    cat /dev/ttyACM0 | hexdump -C > file.txt
  1. In a second console window, type your command with a \x between each byte, for example for the temperature reading type
    echo -n -e "\x01\xba\x04\x00\x00" > /dev/ttyACM0
  1. Wait a moment, until the SCIO stops blinking. Then go to the first console window and hit Ctrl+C to stop reading from the serial port. You will now have your readings in "file.txt"

Through bluetooth with gatttool

  1. On Linux, install gatttool and hcitool. I'm using Ubuntu, to install:
    sudo apt-get install bluez
  1. Turn on your SCIO with a long press on the button

  2. Run hcitool to find out what your SCIO's MAC address is. It will have a name like SCiOmyScio or whatever you named it:

    sudo hcitool lescan
  1. Run gatttool with your SCIO's MAC address to collect your own data. This will store it in "file1.txt". Replace xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx with the MAC address you found in step 3. During the scan, the SCIO indicator light will be yellow.
    sudo gatttool -i hci0 -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx --char-write-req -a 0x0029 -n 01ba020000 --listen > file1.txt
  1. Stop saving data to your file with Ctrl+C after the indicator light of the SCIO goes back to blue.

  2. In a text editor, edit your file1.txt: Remove the first line saying "Characteristic value was written successfully" and in the beginning of each line remove "Notification handle = 0x0025 value: ". Then save the file



This software is distributed under the GPL version 3.

Logos and icons

All logos and icons are trademark of Consumer Physics.


My thanks go out to the following people:

  • Github user AndreySamokhin for pointing out problems with Base64 and Hex data extraction from logs, and for figuring out the operating principles of the device based on 2 US patents.
  • Github user onoff0 for some ideas regarding decoding. This lead me to try Hexinator
  • Github user franklin02 for providing example scans, including details about the precision (14 decimals!) and number of bands
  • Github user JanBessai for information on reading SCIO data through USB
  • My previous roommate D for ideas about data structure. It really helped uncover that the SCIO sends a header in the first 2 messages of each scan

scio-read's People


kebasaa avatar


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scio-read's Issues

Data from the literature on the SCiO spectrometer

I have glanced through all discussions about the raw data. I am surprised that nobody cited the US patent ( describing the main operating principle of the SCiO spectrometer. It is not new; I read it several years ago. According to the patent, the device works as follows:

  • diffuse light impinges upon an optical filter which has a relatively narrow bandpass (about 27nm);
  • a part of the light passes through the filter, then through a convex lens, and finally through a micro-lens array;
  • as a result, a series of circles appear on a CMOS matrix (each circle corresponds to a particular wavelength);

The SCiO spectrometer has 12 filters and 12 independent regions on the CMOS matrix. So, it is no surprise that 12 · 27 ≈ 331.

Knowing the main principle of operating one can assume that a file with the raw data is an image, not a spectrum. However, the patent mentioned above says nothing about the data structure. I decided to search deeper. I came across another US patent ( It confirms my guess. The bad news is that the raw data are both compressed and encrypted: "… the compressed encrypted raw data signal can be transmitted via Bluetooth to the handheld device. Compression of raw data may be necessary since raw intensity data will generally be too large to transmit via Bluetooth in real time. … The data generated by the optical system described herein typically contains symmetries that allow significant compression of the raw data into much more compact data structures". How is compression performed? Is the whole image zipped? Or only some parts? Can some data processing (e.g., averaging) also be involved?

The encrypted data are sent from the SCiO to a smartphone. Then the data are redirected to the server without any transformation: "The encrypted, compressed raw data signal from the spectrometer may be received by the UI of the handheld device … The UI may then transmit the data to the cloud server. … The cloud server can receive compressed, encrypted data and/or metadata from the handheld device. A processor or communication interface of the cloud server can then decrypt the data, and a digital signal processing unit of the cloud server can perform signal processing on the decrypted signal to transform the signal into spectral data". Experimental data obtained by @kebasaa (see the 01_rawdata/log_extracted/ folder) confirm this statement from the patent.

Everything that has been said above applies to the following data: sample, sample_dark, sample_white, and sample_white_dark. One can assume that sample_dark and sample_white_dark are recorded with turned-off LED and are used to estimate the dark current. It is clear (see the 1_rawdata/app_researcher_output/SCIO_scans_from_tech_support.csv file) that data stored in sample_white are needed to normalize the final spectrum. Unfortunately, I do not currently have any idea about sample_white_gradient and sample_gradient. I disagree with @earwickerh, who said that "sampleGradient … is the raw spectral data from the SCIO's internal white reference". White reference is stored in sample_white. According to log files (presented in the 01_rawdata/log_files/ folder), there is a special parameter called isDisableGradientSampling. I can assume that getting gradient samples is some kind of extra option and it is not obligatory. But it is only my guess.

To summarize, decompressing and decoding the raw data is not enough to get a spectrum. A mathematical model should be created to transform an image into a spectrum. Unfortunately, I cannot help with extracting an image from the raw data; it is beyond my qualifications. Is it ever possible? Nevertheless, I hope that someday I will participate in creating a mathematical model for this project.

An issue with base64 representation

I came across this project yesterday. I appreciate that you have started it! Before participating in the discussion, I want to play with the data a little. But I failed to read the base64 representation of raw data. It would seem that there is a flaw in the encoding.

Example 1 - 01_rawdata/scan_json/scan_dark1.json
The scan.sample value in the base64 format is not readable either in R or in any web application (e.g.,
This is my R code:

# 'scan.sample' from 'scan_dark1.json'
sample_enc <- "AAAAAOENdN5rhhIMjW6NSelqd0UdBZB1EQTFEwegFbU_hRN4FNk1t-ak93dD1BexDYHwDZqlJ0xCekuaaykdmfwdbofnmLQ3Xn5enVY-peUCkqZGDnsJJ63_vW4Q4VnJm9ujqz99m_Q1GSLxxm9vb4B2yKFV7Wc_0UomRILwk_oAoD9afPn6pKS-i7bPs2O9QRKUdhv2EEwPCguv4JN_4t62DDYRY9ZHUHwkXH2e0i7iPOws-HZ7YBwa4BiqlGNZ7TmTFhMuWDP1C7u2EOAXpEUN1oXMqO4n_cUhwNTRZjDPEHP6AvPBLZWAOkzPNJ8mr0FPO6c6sVm-tbuyd57_KyUl5f1AgqPUSJ_9S5OzcfvvorcpAO88Jo9SJwuRRYrM7UJSJRnpJP612ICQYI5Nv98fkOuqj2pAf6-myKzQ2C88uH0RC9eyTFXcuuzDtprfEXRXcK5DWRN05CZ1A4Ax-_MYvAHuv-t6R9KPXKcuKVb9y_NAP7FKbtyzyBc_JJX64N8PotU8qtdEda083_FHpxsW_U1ZnMYFhyG0XPDIS6mt23lKIsVbp7xZNFOSlAn7Qctu6gAStKQnhUnifHh4ySObVxjbrDJ3egwKkWG9eaTatb9DeebyRR7JWU0HwYEHDSu9KR94pSL7FW94O_tem7wn72fE05JdNplp6ziFV0AEkbkvDhGQj8CwgylieRBDr7V1IUnI07UV1_WlJj7AkwR27Dej4IhPss4LA_J_w88x0E_qVAtvYIEhslQkaOMJphioMc31hobIYVVLvM-C9naUwQVUyqkJbK-A5cD_d607EJgwRFeFw7urzoa3SULKU8kOPRi3gHoE_0-sEYelLqcYY-w5CSEPKU1gQzDmDilNlhFL6ClISbKv_78aK_KCw1BtYbS6ftah032AmfRlFhtiqj88CFqgAuPJybSnssSutxqxMx7W-Lsdwd7kKyc4cHAxD_eFpR3_9fIZ5ncQc0B5ceGREgJVoGlWDJWtGOJmCv55h3cqRphbAYRppniXJShGQZ0-Lf_WaiUQs9oGCKQdy5KabaKLTE7LDXPxlk8x5vCzyVwuZF3Ds-p7PGHKhaqXUhK-C5PChaNSg7RloYjLH2UQvy_eLqFYDRe9tDSiDnnT-5vSTE6t3rDp6xWEabfzbirQiCI_M6_rslws62by5JQ31pAiNrxhvWWNw3Zr0lV_og2csSRcD8PBVLvJpH9jdeE4JEXg8wyFGY8TegZaOaN1qKq3f5NfejcMKex3L3p9Iu4FouxlTGeJnuz7Prg6e9zwzLTW0E6-cQsgNompVAUzX-vaeg_zyFtnK5ADQc9jWmlFCq6Lcrqyba8hkOL21ikHsMfyuEqv4y6k3_-wRDda__W5AGNVOl1fCqMgLQ26bAtx6SSwQ7Fjbk0cZGKrz7RmA8jmD4uCk2QpgR5WKg2TqiwwFC5m491iZjbn3BKL-Sxf5ZoQNys96wHBmHBQ1AXGDSkEiVh12Nq4NP2CNXTvaHXnCsq8eR3FtrVa-wkVDXDLJb6EcHTrI2BmZWYEA_iWuPwKkooDT2gCZkbEl_ZEjcqr9KZGdypcqAmWU3VW2niiNoOrNONDeHPLbNrTCdg5WWywZb3C6WVUHeFqKWpV8iHbvkvGsLARUSHGQKA178X2OMAJy4tQjcw1Q9jjGpcM5slm5-zzC72b71Znb6uvqhz3s3SbOnU6Ql1QiKyNVa0OQlbbOIDihdOFW4W9pdPEQGClgzco06Wu8tlL14KdePe5WP3myVUeDO-sP7YfiKefYBWjwE4hr6sKajLP7lBkUEMzClu6BE_agrdK1VYhtkuGdyuKHj-BuTSRvhhoa52ugBOAJT3b0W2UaimJb2zRDyTr9p5moen3IsI3iHuIAfOdgSinH7B73coqYHTYSydRtoAkOIY1tR-U62_AVjLJ0flnggJA9EctYeFpTIjstXRugvDtvS1YA7YGnyx-6oX1YLLXnWib1fDTCG1_UFlXrRODb2Glx5IHFlWGP2LMCT29JIM4xlgNn4JqrN1InioXodrHgBR7dc5TCm8np3_gRxVvUcy8c0qJxCgNmzEBlapZh4xX_5DBR9zMEAAas8WbSJxpbf7OU7tC9Ks_jOByVHSJynKgK0P4hiYE7GdFO5fVCV4Dp2iMuq-uopvAdJ2e4RhupUqVe_iMx06gZL1ySvT9fEIbBfP-o6YzV-VfnSwHjolVIxmoZDZ-DIxnOsBePYXRonwfViqYERvecBAMf0dhSiftl9yNb1Y5mYExdffCo4I3G5YZbxo3gT_j9l9nEwDguqofs-hfb4dD-DzWQGmAi95JuWdzgmkfeljCOdDlRqQx68DkJAfsWGrfDGycTbTh8QB5Z_dM6Bv05DsXBYimNiEZuFg8_2AURtJnUL5M"

# For the 'jsonlite' package, decoding failed and an error appeared.
sample_dec_1 <- jsonlite::base64_dec(sample_enc)
#> Error in jsonlite::base64_dec(sample_enc) : Error in base64 decode

# For the 'base64enc' package, the string was decoded. But after encoding two
# lines are not identical.
sample_dec_2 <- base64enc::base64decode(sample_enc)
#> [1] 1740
identical(sample_enc, base64enc::base64encode(sample_dec_2))
#> [1] FALSE

# For the 'openssl' package, decoding failed and the output vector is empty.
sample_dec_3 <- openssl::base64_decode(sample_enc)
#> [1] 0

Example 2 - 01_rawdata/log_extracted/scan_from_log_20211020_105957.json
Both b64_data.sample and b64_data.sample_gradient converted into hex match raw_data.sample and raw_data.sample_gradient respectively. However, b64_data.sample_dark converted into hex does not match raw_data.sample_dark. As before, I decoded base64 using both several R packages and a web application.

I have a couple of requests:

  1. Please, keep the hex representation in JSON files.
  2. Add hex representation into files from the 01_rawdata/scan_json/ folder.
  3. The more files we have, the better. I would be grateful if you could upload some more examples containing both the raw data and the spectra returned by the server (01_rawdata/log_extracted/).

Thank you in advance!

sample, sampleDark and sampleGradient

Nice to see you're still tinkering with this. In the readme it says: "Every SCIO bluetooth LE message contains 3 parts: sample, sampleDark and sampleGradient (No clue so far what that those mean or how to convert them)." Not sure if that's up to date, but hope the below is helpful.

sample: This is the raw spectral data from the sample. It represents the light that is reflected off the sample and detected by the SCIO.

sampleDark: This is the raw spectral data from the SCIO's internal dark current reference. It represents the background signal that is detected when there is no light present.

sampleGradient: This is the raw spectral data from the SCIO's internal white reference. It represents the signal detected when the SCIO is measuring a known white reference

To calculate the reflectance values of the sample, you need to subtract the sampleDark data from the sample data and divide the result by the difference between the sampleGradient data and the sampleDark data. This is expressed by the equation R = (S - D) / (G - D), where R is the reflectance value, S is the sample data, D is the sampleDark data, and G is the sampleGradient data.

Let's take -bark.txt sample:

  Header: 01 ba 02 90 01 8f 1c 07 34 02 00 02 8e
  Sample: 06 36 7b 2e 4f 3d 1c 0e 06 04 04 06 12 ...
  SampleDark: 05 34 75 26 48 36 1c 0c 05 04 05 05 0d ...
  SampleGradient: 0b 4f 9c 3e 6c 4c 28 11 0a 09 0a 0c ...
Packet 2:
  Header: 02 ba 02 90 01 8f 1c 07 34 02 00 02 8f
  Sample: 06 37 7c 2f 4f 3e 1c 0d 07 04 04 05 12 ...
  SampleDark: 05 34 75 26 48 36 1c 0c 05 04 05 05 0d ...
  SampleGradient: 0b 4f 9c 3e 6c 4c 28 11 0a 09 0a 0c ...

Each packet consists of a header and three data sections: sample, sampleDark, and sampleGradient. The header contains information about the packet, including a packet identifier (01 or 02), the protocol identifier (ba), and the length of the data sections (in this case, 02 90).The sample, sampleDark, and sampleGradient data sections are each 400 bytes long and contain spectral data measured by the SCIO spectrometer.

To calculate reflectance values from the sample, sampleDark, and sampleGradient data, you need to perform the following steps:

Subtract the sampleDark data from the sample data to obtain the corrected sample signal.
Subtract the sampleDark data from the sampleGradient data to obtain the corrected gradient signal.
Divide the corrected sample signal by the corrected gradient signal to obtain the reflectance values.

The example code below should extract the data from the log, converts these arrays to numpy arrays of integers and performs the reflectance calculation using numpy array operations.

import numpy as np

# Load the raw data from the log file
with open("log_20200604-bark.txt", "r") as f:
    data = f.readlines()

# Parse the data into packets
packets = []
for line in data:
    if line.startswith("Packet"):
        packets.append(line.strip().split(": ")[1])

# Extract the sample, sampleDark, and sampleGradient data from the packets
header = packets[0].split(" ")[2:]
sample = packets[1].split(" ")[1:]
sampleDark = packets[2].split(" ")[1:]
sampleGradient = packets[3].split(" ")[1:]

# Convert the data from hex strings to numpy arrays of integers
sample = np.array([int(x, 16) for x in sample])
sampleDark = np.array([int(x, 16) for x in sampleDark])
sampleGradient = np.array([int(x, 16) for x in sampleGradient])

# Perform the reflectance calculation
correctedSample = sample - sampleDark
correctedGradient = sampleGradient - sampleDark
reflectance = correctedSample / correctedGradient

# Print the first 10 reflectance values

The reflectance values will be in units of "counts per second"...

How connect scio scanner ?

I have a SCIO scnner without a developer license, I'm following your project I launched "python" getting errors in file1.txt!
is there a guide on how to make SCIO work with your project?
thank you!

Offer to help

Apologies if 'New Issue' is not the preferred communication strategy; but wanted to share that I have one of these devices. I came across this repo when trying to figure out how to make sense of the product and its data. In any case, I don't have the technical expertise to crack/decode (but thank you all for trying). If there's anything you think I might be able to contribute, in having another device on hand, please let me know.

researcher license

I have a researcher license and can download spectrum. How can i sent it to you?

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