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rbatis's Introduction

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A highly Performant,Safe,Dynamic SQL ORM framework written in Rust, inspired by Mybatis and MybatisPlus.

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Why not diesel or not sqlx ?
Framework Async/.await Learning curve Dynamic SQL/py/Wrapper/built-in CRUD Logical delete plugin Pagination plugin
rbatis easy
sqlx hard (depends on macros and env. variables) x x x
diesel x hard (use FFI, unsafe) x x x
Performance comparison with Golang (in a docker environment)
Framework Mysql(docker) SQL statement(10k) ns/operation(lower is better) Qps(higher is better) Memory usage(lower is better)
Rust-rbatis/tokio 1 CPU, 1G memory select count(1) from table; 965649 ns/op 1035 Qps/s 2.1MB
Go-GoMybatis/http 1 CPU, 1G memory select count(1) from table; 1184503 ns/op 844 Qps/s 28.4MB
  • used json with serde_json for passing parameters and communication
  • high performance, single threaded benchmark can easily achieve 200,000 QPS - data returned from database directly ( zero lookup time) on a Windows 10 6 core i7 with 16 GB memory machine. Performace will be better using multiple threads, and it outperforms Go's GoMyBatis.
  • supports logical deletes, pagination, py-like SQL and basic Mybatis functionalities.
  • supports future,(in theory, if all io operations are replaced with async_std/tokio, it could achieve higher concurrency than Go-lang)
  • supports logging, customizable logging based on log crate
  • used 100% safe Rust with #![forbid(unsafe_code)] enabled
  • rbatis/example (import into Clion!)
  • abs_admin project
Example Rust backend service
Example Cargo.toml
# add this library,and cargo install

# json (required)
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1"

# Date time (required)
chrono = { version = "0.4", features = ["serde"] }

# logging lib(required)
log = "0.4"

# BigDecimal lib(optional)
bigdecimal = "0.2"

# rbatis lib(required)
rbatis =  { version = "1.8" } 
Quick example: QueryWrapper and common usages (see example/ for details)
//#[macro_use] define in 'root crate' or '' or ''
extern crate rbatis;

use rbatis::crud::CRUD;

/// may also write `CRUDTable` as `impl CRUDTable for BizActivity{}`
/// #[crud_enable( table_name:biz_activity)]
/// #[crud_enable(id_name:"id"|id_type:"String"|table_name:"biz_activity"|table_columns:"id,name,version,delete_flag"|formats_pg:"id:{}::uuid")]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BizActivity {
  pub id: Option<String>,
  pub name: Option<String>,
  pub pc_link: Option<String>,
  pub h5_link: Option<String>,
  pub pc_banner_img: Option<String>,
  pub h5_banner_img: Option<String>,
  pub sort: Option<String>,
  pub status: Option<i32>,
  pub remark: Option<String>,
  pub create_time: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
  pub version: Option<i32>,
  pub delete_flag: Option<i32>,

// (optional) manually implement instead of using `derive(CRUDTable)`. This allows manually rewriting `table_name()` function and supports  code completion in IDE.
// use rbatis::crud::CRUDTable;
//impl CRUDTable for BizActivity {
//    type IdType = String;    
//    fn table_name()->String{
//        "biz_activity".to_string()
//    }
//    fn table_columns()->String{
//        "id,name,delete_flag".to_string()
//    }

async fn main() {
  /// enable log crate to show sql logs
  fast_log::init_log("requests.log", 1000, log::Level::Info, None, true);
  /// initialize rbatis. May use `lazy_static` crate to define rbatis as a global variable because rbatis is thread safe
  let rb = Rbatis::new();
  /// connect to database"mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/test").await.unwrap();
  /// customize connection pool parameters (optional)
// let mut opt =PoolOptions::new();
// opt.max_size=100;
// rb.link_opt("mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/test",&opt).await.unwrap();
  /// newly constructed wrapper sql logic
  let wrapper = rb.new_wrapper()
          .eq("id", 1)                    //sql:  id = 1
          .and()                          //sql:  and 
          .ne("id", 1)                    //sql:  id <> 1
          .in_array("id", &[1, 2, 3])     //sql:  id in (1,2,3)
          .not_in("id", &[1, 2, 3])       //sql:  id not in (1,2,3)
          .like("name", 1)                //sql:  name like 1
          .or()                           //sql:  or
          .not_like("name", "asdf")       //sql:  name not like 'asdf'
          .between("create_time", "2020-01-01 00:00:00", "2020-12-12 00:00:00")//sql:  create_time between '2020-01-01 00:00:00' and '2020-01-01 00:00:00'
          .group_by(&["id"])              //sql:  group by id
          .order_by(true, &["id", "name"])//sql:  group by id,name

  let activity = BizActivity {
    id: Some("12312".to_string()),
    name: None,
    remark: None,
    create_time: Some(NaiveDateTime::now()),
    version: Some(1),
    delete_flag: Some(1),
  /// saving"", &activity).await;
//Exec ==> INSERT INTO biz_activity (create_time,delete_flag,h5_banner_img,h5_link,id,name,pc_banner_img,pc_link,remark,sort,status,version) VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )

  /// batch saving
  rb.save_batch("", &vec![activity]).await;
//Exec ==> INSERT INTO biz_activity (create_time,delete_flag,h5_banner_img,h5_link,id,name,pc_banner_img,pc_link,remark,sort,status,version) VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? ),( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )

  /// The query, Option wrapper, is None if the data is not found
  let result: Option<BizActivity> = rb.fetch_by_id("", &"1".to_string()).await.unwrap();
//Query ==> SELECT create_time,delete_flag,h5_banner_img,h5_link,id,name,pc_banner_img,pc_link,remark,sort,status,version  FROM biz_activity WHERE delete_flag = 1  AND id =  ? 

  /// query all
  let result: Vec<BizActivity> = rb.list("").await.unwrap();
//Query ==> SELECT create_time,delete_flag,h5_banner_img,h5_link,id,name,pc_banner_img,pc_link,remark,sort,status,version  FROM biz_activity WHERE delete_flag = 1

  ///query by id vec
  let result: Vec<BizActivity> = rb.list_by_ids("", &["1".to_string()]).await.unwrap();
//Query ==> SELECT create_time,delete_flag,h5_banner_img,h5_link,id,name,pc_banner_img,pc_link,remark,sort,status,version  FROM biz_activity WHERE delete_flag = 1  AND id IN  (?) 

  ///query by wrapper
  let w = rb.new_wrapper().eq("id", "1");
  let r: Result<Option<BizActivity>, Error> = rb.fetch_by_wrapper("", &w).await;
//Query ==> SELECT  create_time,delete_flag,h5_banner_img,h5_link,id,name,pc_banner_img,pc_link,remark,sort,status,version  FROM biz_activity WHERE delete_flag = 1  AND id =  ? 

  rb.remove_by_id::<BizActivity>("", &"1".to_string()).await;
//Exec ==> UPDATE biz_activity SET delete_flag = 0 WHERE id = 1

  ///delete batch
  rb.remove_batch_by_id::<BizActivity>("", &["1".to_string(), "2".to_string()]).await;
//Exec ==> UPDATE biz_activity SET delete_flag = 0 WHERE id IN (  ?  ,  ?  ) 

  ///if version_lock plugin actived,update method will modify field 'version'= version + 1
  let mut activity = activity.clone();
  let w = rb.new_wrapper().eq("id", "12312");
  rb.update_by_wrapper("", &mut activity, &w).await;
//Exec ==> UPDATE biz_activity SET  create_time =  ? , delete_flag =  ? , status =  ? , version =  ?  WHERE id =  ? 

///...more usage,see

macros (new addition)

extern crate lazy_static;

lazy_static! {
  static ref RB:Rbatis=Rbatis::new();

/// Other code writing way:
/// #[py_sql(RB, "select * from biz_activity where id = #{name}
///                 if name != '':
///                      and name=#{name}")]
/// pub async fn select(name: &str) -> rbatis::core::Result<BizActivity> {
///   println!("py_select name:{}",name);
/// }
#[py_sql(RB, "select * from biz_activity where id = #{name}
                  if name != '':
                    and name=#{name}")]
pub async fn py_select(name: &str) -> Option<BizActivity> {}

pub async fn test_macro_py_select() {
    fast_log::init_log("requests.log", 1000, log::Level::Info, None, true);"mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/test").await.unwrap();
    let a = py_select("1").await.unwrap();
    println!("{:?}", a);
extern crate lazy_static;

lazy_static! {
   static ref RB:Rbatis=Rbatis::new();

/// Macro generates execution logic based on method definition, similar to @select dynamic SQL of Java/Mybatis
/// RB is the name referenced locally by Rbatis, for example DAO ::RB, com:: XXX ::RB... Can be
/// The second parameter is the standard driver SQL. Note that the corresponding database parameter mysql is? , pg is $1...
/// macro auto edit method to  'pub async fn select(name: &str) -> rbatis::core::Result<BizActivity> {}'
#[sql(RB, "select * from biz_activity where id = ?")]
pub async fn select(name: &str) -> BizActivity {}
//or: pub async fn select(name: &str) -> rbatis::core::Result<BizActivity> {}

pub async fn test_macro() {
    fast_log::init_log("requests.log", 1000, log::Level::Info, None, true);"mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/test").await.unwrap();
    let a = select("1").await.unwrap();
    println!("{:?}", a);
How to use logical deletes plugin (works for fetching or removing functions provided by rbatis,e.g. list**(),remove**(),fetch**())
let mut rb:Rbatis=Rbatis::new();
//rb.logic_plugin = Some(Box::new(RbatisLogicDeletePlugin::new_opt("delete_flag",1,0)));//Customize deleted/undeleted writing
rb.logic_plugin = Some(Box::new(RbatisLogicDeletePlugin::new("delete_flag")));"mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/test").await.unwrap();
let r = rb.remove_batch_by_id::<BizActivity>("", & ["1".to_string(), "2".to_string()]).await;
if r.is_err() {
  println ! ("{}", r.err().unwrap().to_string());
How to use pagination plugin
let mut rb = Rbatis::new();"mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/test").await.unwrap();
//replace page plugin
//rb.page_plugin = Box::new(RbatisPagePlugin::new());

let req = PageRequest::new(1, 20);
let wraper= rb.new_wrapper()
.eq("delete_flag", 1);
let data: Page<BizActivity> = rb.fetch_page_by_wrapper("", & wraper, & req).await.unwrap();
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&data).unwrap());

//2020-07-10T21:28:40.036506700+08:00 INFO rbatis::rbatis - [rbatis] Query ==> SELECT count(1) FROM biz_activity  WHERE delete_flag =  ? LIMIT 0,20
//2020-07-10T21:28:40.040505200+08:00 INFO rbatis::rbatis - [rbatis] Args  ==> [1]
//2020-07-10T21:28:40.073506+08:00 INFO rbatis::rbatis - [rbatis] Total <== 1
//2020-07-10T21:28:40.073506+08:00 INFO rbatis::rbatis - [rbatis] Query ==> SELECT  create_time,delete_flag,h5_banner_img,h5_link,id,name,pc_banner_img,pc_link,remark,sort,status,version  FROM biz_activity  WHERE delete_flag =  ? LIMIT 0,20
//2020-07-10T21:28:40.073506+08:00 INFO rbatis::rbatis - [rbatis] Args  ==> [1]
//2020-07-10T21:28:40.076506500+08:00 INFO rbatis::rbatis - [rbatis] Total <== 5
  "records": [
      "id": "12312",
      "name": "null",
      "pc_link": "null",
      "h5_link": "null",
      "pc_banner_img": "null",
      "h5_banner_img": "null",
      "sort": "null",
      "status": 1,
      "remark": "null",
      "create_time": "2020-02-09T00:00:00+00:00",
      "version": 1,
      "delete_flag": 1
  "total": 5,
  "size": 20,
  "current": 1,
  "serch_count": true
py-like sql example
//Execute to remote mysql and get the result. Supports any serializable type of SERde_JSON
        let rb = Rbatis::new();"mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/test").await.unwrap();
            let py = r#"
        SELECT * FROM biz_activity
        WHERE delete_flag = #{delete_flag}
        if name != null:
          AND name like #{name+'%'}
        if ids != null:
          AND id in (
          trim ',':
             for item in ids:
            let data: serde_json::Value = rb.py_fetch("", py, &json!({   "delete_flag": 1 })).await.unwrap();
            println!("{}", data);

logging system with fast_log here as an example

 use log::{error, info, warn};
 fn  main(){
      fast_log::init_log("requests.log", 1000, log::Level::Info, None, true);
      info!("print data");

Customize connection pool's size, timeout, active number of connections, and etc.

use rbatis::core::db::PoolOptions;

pub async fn init_rbatis() -> Rbatis {
    let rb = Rbatis::new();
    let mut opt = PoolOptions::new();
    opt.max_size = 20;
    rb.link_opt("mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/test", &opt).await.unwrap();

Async/.await task support

        let rb = Rbatis::new();"mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/test").await.unwrap();
        let context_id = "tx:1";//事务id号
        let v: serde_json::Value = rb.fetch(context_id, "SELECT count(1) FROM biz_activity;").await.unwrap();
        println!("{}", v.clone());

How to use rbatis with Rust web frameworks (actix-web is used here as an example, but all web frameworks based on tokio or async_std are supported)

extern crate lazy_static;
lazy_static! {
   static ref RB:Rbatis=Rbatis::new();

async fn index() -> impl Responder {
    let v:Result<i32,rbatis::core::Error> = RB.fetch("", "SELECT count(1) FROM biz_activity;").await;

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    fast_log::init_log("requests.log", 1000, log::Level::Info, None, true);
    //link database"mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/test").await.unwrap();
    //http server
    HttpServer::new(|| {
            .route("/", web::get().to(index))

Supported data structures

data structure is supported
i32,i64,f32,f64,bool,String...more rust type
serde_json::Value...more serde type

Supported database √supported .WIP

database is supported

Supported OS/Platforms

platform is supported

Progress - in sequential order

function is supported
CRUD, with built-in CRUD template (built-in CRUD supports logical deletes)
LogSystem (logging component)
Tx(task/Nested transactions)
Py(using py-like statement in SQL)
async/await support
DataBase Table ConvertPage(Web UI,Coming soon) x
  • Conlusion: Assuming zero time consumed on IO, single threaded benchmark achieves 200K QPS or QPS, which is a few times more performant than GC languages like Go or Java.


  • Postgres Types Define Please see Doc


English Doc

  • Support for DateTime and BigDecimal?
    Currently supports chrono::NaiveDateTime和bigdecimal::BigDecimal
  • Supports for async/.await
    Currently supports both async_std and tokio
  • Stmt in postgres uses $1, $2 instead of ? in Mysql, does this require some special treatment? No, because rbatis uses #{} to describe parametric variabls, you only need to write the correct parameter names and do not need to match it with the symbols used by the database.
  • Supports for Oracle database driver?
    No, moving away from IOE is recommended.
  • Which crate should be depended on if only the driver is needed?
    rbatis-core, Cargo.toml add rbatis-core = "*"
  • How to select async/.await runtime?
  • column "id" is of type uuid but expression is of type text'?
  • How to use '::uuid','::timestamp' on PostgreSQL?



Related Projects

In order to achieve the satisfaction of this ORM framework, your support is always our motivation, we are eager to welcome WeChat to donate to support us ~ or ~ star at the top right corner

微信捐赠支持我们 或者右上角点下star

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rbatis's People


zhuxiujia avatar insanebaba avatar lzm420241 avatar pickfire avatar umaynit avatar ggggxiaolong avatar xdevs23 avatar minghuaw avatar uuz2333 avatar

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