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miksilo's Introduction

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Miksilo is a language workbench, which is a tool to construct programming languages. Miksilo, whose name comes from the Esperanto word for mixer, lets you create languages quickly by mixing existing languages and building on top of them. Language construction is notoriously hard, and these days involves not just writing a compiler or interpreter, but also editor tooling to provide features such as code completion, inline errors and code navigation. Miksilo takes a declarative language definition and from that generates all the tools expected of a modern language. To learn how to use Miksilo to generate editor tooling, visit this page.


To consume the Miksilo library, add a dependency to either the ModularLanguages or the LanguageServer library. Using the ModularLanguages library allows you to re-use language definitions of existing languages, but a downside is that it uses its own datatype for representing the abstract syntax tree, which makes it harder to integrate with existing AST types you may have for your language.

Using the ModularLanguages library is recommended when:

  • Your language syntactically looks like an existing language, for example it's a configuration language based on JSON or YAML.
  • Your language is turing complete and has features that commonly occur in languages such as expressions or statements.

The LanguageServer library does not enable modular language definition, but it can integrate directly with an existing language definition if you already have one. Using this is recommended when:

  • You already have type definitions for your language
  • Your language has custom syntax and doesn't contain any typical language features, an example could be a small configuration language with very custom syntax.

Build instructions

  1. Grab the source from GitHub
  2. Make sure you have installed the Java 8 JDK, or a higher version.
  3. Install Mill
  4. Call 'mill' in the project root to build Miksilo and start the sandbox desktop application.

Repository structure

This repository is divided into the following sub-projects:

  • EditorParser: Defines a parser API that can be used to create parsers suitable for use in text editors.
  • LSPProtocol: Defines the communication layers of an LSP client and an LSP server.
  • LanguageServer: Enables starting an LSP server from a language definition. Consume this library if you already have a codebase that defines your language and you want to create a language server for it.
  • ModularLanguages: Defines various tools for defining languages in a modular way. Comes with many predefined language building blocks. Consume this library if you're writing a language from scratch.
  • Playground: A desktop UI application that enables constructing languages on-the-fly by combining predefined languages blocks using drag and drop. This application is for educational purposes.


We would love your contributions. Here are some ideas for new topics to work on:

If you would like to contribute then:

  1. Reach out on the Gitter, so other contributors can help you out where the documentation is lacking.
  2. Look through the open issues to see if you find something interesting
  3. Enjoy the work ;-)
  4. Once you're done, submit a pull request and make sure the build server approves it.

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miksilo's Issues

Generate language server protocol server

Once we have changed to a server architecture, we can implement the language server protocol, to allow popular editors such as Visual Studio Code to use our workbench.

Move RemoveConstantPool further down

Currently RemoveConstantPool comes after some simplified bytecode delta's that use the constant pool. I'd rather have these delta's make advantage of the RemoveConstantPool delta.

However, things like getSignature in InstructionC and getStacType in TypeInstance also dependent on the constant pool. Maybe all of these could switch to the inline constant pool, since RemoveConstantPool would be the first transformation.

Add multi-file support

Allow command line invocation of compilation. Include support for multiple file projects.

BiGrammar to Grammar transformation does not remove ignored produce grammars

Ignored produce grammars only have an effect when printing, not when parsing, so it's nicer to optimize them out of the parser. An example of a grammar that produces this scenario is ~~:

def ~~(right: BiGrammar): BiGrammar = {
    (this <~ space) ~ right

The space between this and right has no effect for parsing.

Add a small optimization that among other things does:
Optimize(IgnoreRight(x, Produce y)) => Optimize(x)

Create a separate repository for the equation layout library

  1. Create a separate repository for the equation layout library
  2. Upgrade the library by allowing the equations to be separated into equation sets, that can depend on other sets, but where the set dependencies form a DAG, so the end result is solvable. The equation set mechanism allows arbitrary function to operate on the results of one equation set before being fed into another equation set. This allows us to use max as we need for a table layout.
  3. Deduce minimal equation sets from a big set of equations, by doing a bottom-up search for solvable sets.

Add basic javap syntax

Extend and change the bytecode syntax so it mimics javap, so when printing it contains constant and instruction indices, and when parsing also allows these indices.

Possible Security Problems

Hey there! I noticed some possible problems in some code in this repo. A quick summary of a few of them is below, but let me know if you're interested in seeing a full report or talking about cloud security in general.

severity: serious

filename: ./modularLanguages/src/test/resources/AutoScalingMultiAZWithNotifications.yaml

line number(s): [503]


Missing egress rule means all traffic is allowed outbound. Make this explicit if it is desired configuration

severity: warning

filename: ./modularLanguages/src/test/resources/AutoScalingMultiAZWithNotifications.yaml

line number(s): [488]


Elastic Load Balancer should have access logging enabled

severity: warning

filename: ./modularLanguages/src/test/resources/AutoScalingMultiAZWithNotifications.yaml

line number(s): [503]


Security group rules without a description obscure their purpose and may lead to bad practices in ensuring they only allow traffic from the ports and sources/destinations required.

severity: warning

filename: ./modularLanguages/src/test/resources/AutoScalingMultiAZWithNotifications.json

line number(s): [430]


Security group rules without a description obscure their purpose and may lead to bad practices in ensuring they only allow traffic from the ports and sources/destinations required.

severity: warning

filename: ./languageServer/src/test/resources/AutoScalingMultiAZWithNotifications.yaml

line number(s): [488]


Elastic Load Balancer should have access logging enabled

Add two-dimensional parsing to Grammar

If you do (x ^ y) ~ z then the printer prints in reading order x z y, while the parser parses x y z.

The semantics of the parser are incorrect here. The underlying issue is that Grammar (used for parsing) sees text as one-dimensional while Document (used for printing) has a two-dimensional concept of text.

If we add two-dimensional parsing capabilities to Grammar, then we can repair the BiGrammar invariant that parse(print(X)) = X

Another advantage of two-dimensional parsing is that it'll allow for parsing some context-sensitive languages that depend on indentation, like Haskell or Python.

Finish bytecode support

There are instructions missing and also parts of the class file definition such as exceptions.

Allow using Scala traits to access and create AST nodes in an idiomatic way

Enable defining delta's like this:

trait Compilation {
  def visit<T>(action: T => ()) {
  def getFactory<T>: T

trait BlockStatementFactory {
  def create(statements: Seq[Node]): BlockStatement

trait BlockStatement {
  def statements: Seq[Node]
  def statements_(statements: Seq[Node]): Unit

object BlockDelta extends LanguageExtension {

  def factoryType = typeTag[BlockStatementFactory]

  def tranformProgram(compilation: Compilation) {
    val blockFactory = compilation.getFactory(factoryType)
    program.visit<BlockStatement>(block => {
      val newStatements = blockFactory.create(Seq.empty[Node])
      block.statements = Seq(newStatements);

Improve bytecode syntax

Change the default bytecode syntax to be similar to javap, although without redundant information such a indices before the constants, or indices before instructions.

Add the option to use Node as a dynamic object

Enable dynamic method resolution for Node objects. Possibly this can even find singleton NodeField objects, by storing those in a registry that allows string based lookup. If that's not possible, we can go the route of a NodeFieldFromString.

Add error-correcting parsing

Add error-recovery to the parser. This allows a parse to continue after it has encountered an error, allowing multiple parse errors to be found in one document.

Add table to javap printing

This builds on issue Add basic javap

Javap has a nice table format when printing, where the constants section uses columns for indices, constant names, and constant arguments. We don't currently support this in our printing because we don't have a BiGrammar for tables.

Introduce a more rigid structure for languages

First something unrelated to Delta's:

trait Language[Program] {
  def syntax: Syntax[Program]
  def semantics: Semantics[Program]

trait Pipeline[In, Core, Out] {
  def language: Language[Core]
  def inputSyntax: Syntax[In]
  def outputSyntax: Syntax[Out]
  def desugaring: In => Core
  def compilation: Core => Out

trait Syntax[Program] {
  def getParser
  def getPrinter

And then adding Delta's

trait LanguageDelta {
  def extendSyntax
  def extendSemantics

trait CompilationDelta {
  def transformOutputSyntax

  // Pass is added to the end of the pipeline
  def transformProgram

trait DesugaringDelta {
  def transformInputSyntax

  // Pass is added to the start of the pipeline
  def transformProgram

Change to server architecture

Currently all the workbench's capabilities are ran by starting the workbench, running the capability and then shutting down the workbench.

Switch this to a server architecture, where first the workbench is started, and then capabilities can be invoked on the running workbench. This has two performance advantages:

  • Firstly, the language building phase, where the delta's are combined to create a language, only has to be run once.
  • Secondly, the server can maintain a cache, which can be used to implement incremental compilation.

Grammar path traversal is slow

Grammar path traversal is slow because:

  • Methods like findAllPathsToKey traverse the entire graph
  • It depends on reflection

Remove unnecessary pop instructions

Add an optimization that removes pop instructions when possible.

For example the following two instructions can be removed entirely, since all they do is load a value into the stack and then remove it from the stack:


It's important to have an optimization that removes unnecessary pops, because they are generated by Java expressions used as statements, such as method calls with a side-effect where the return value is not used.

Doing this optimization completely and correctly is not trivial! It probably requires constructing a data-dependency graph and finding pairs of pop-pushy instructions in there to eleminate.

Slightly more complicated example than the first:

call method with side-effect that consumes 1 argument from the stack

Desired result:

call method with side-effect that consumes 1 argument from the stack

If this optimization is implemented succesfully make sure to add a demonstration program.

'No main class detected' when executing "sbt run"

88e9fe6d5b81:Miksilo$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

88e9fe6d5b81:Miksilo$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_181"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)

88e9fe6d5b81:Miksilo $ sbt run
[info] Loading settings from assembly.sbt ...
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/miksilo/Miksilo/project
[info] Loading settings from build.sbt ...
[info] Set current project to miksilo (in build file:/Users/miksilo/Miksilo/)
[error] java.lang.RuntimeException: No main class detected.
[error] at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
[error] at sbt.Defaults$.$anonfun$bgRunTask$4(Defaults.scala:1163)
[error] at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:121)
[error] at sbt.Defaults$.$anonfun$bgRunTask$3(Defaults.scala:1163)
[error] at scala.Function1.$anonfun$compose$1(Function1.scala:44)
[error] at sbt.internal.util.$tilde$greater.$anonfun$$u2219$1(TypeFunctions.scala:39)
[error] at sbt.std.Transform$$anon$
[error] at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$2(Execute.scala:262)
[error] at sbt.internal.util.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:16)
[error] at
[error] at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$1(Execute.scala:262)
[error] at sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4.$anonfun$submitValid$1(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:174)
[error] at sbt.CompletionService$$anon$
[error] at
[error] at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
[error] at
[error] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
[error] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[error] at
[error] (Compile / bgRun) No main class detected.
[error] Total time: 0 s, completed Sep 22, 2018 3:08:05 PM

88e9fe6d5b81:Miksilo $ uname -a
Darwin 16.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 16.7.0: Thu Jun 21 20:07:39 PDT 2018; root:xnu-3789.73.14~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

Inline constant pool

Add a delta that inlines the constant pool to get a simpler bytecode langauge.

The Jasmin language also does this.

Add incremental parsing

Add incremental parsing, which allows for fast re-parsing on partial textual changes. This is required for IDE support. See this paper for more details.

Some missing packages when running with scala 2.12

Looks like we need to use a specific scala version?

88e9fe6d5b81:playground avidane$ sbt run
[warn] No sbt.version set in project/, base directory: /Users/avidane/miksilo/Miksilo/playground
[info] Set current project to playground (in build file:/Users/avidane/miksilo/Miksilo/playground/)
[info] Updating ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 50 Scala sources and 1 Java source to /Users/avidane/miksilo/Miksilo/playground/target/scala-2.12/classes ...
[error] /Users/avidane/miksilo/Miksilo/playground/src/main/scala/application/Program.scala:10:12: object mxgraph is not a member of package com
[error] import com.mxgraph.swing.mxGraphComponent
[error]            ^
[error] /Users/avidane/miksilo/Miksilo/playground/src/main/scala/application/Program.scala:11:12: object oxbow is not a member of package org
[error] import org.oxbow.swingbits.dialog.task.TaskDialogs
[error]            ^
[error] /Users/avidane/miksilo/Miksilo/playground/src/main/scala/application/Program.scala:13:14: object swing is not a member of package scala
[error] import scala.swing.{Component, MainFrame, SimpleSwingApplication}

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