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kitura-couchdb's Issues

Add IAM Authentication for Cloudant

Previously Cloudant, IBM's branded CouchDB service switched from using username/password authentication to using IAM apikey authentication. For the time being, Cloudant provides both sets of credentials when users select Legacy and IAM credentials as opposed to IAM credentials.

End of life support from Cloudant for the legacy credentials has not yet been announced, but we should support service instances that are IAM-only.

update method issue

I have an issue with the db.update method, it is never called if it is inside another db closure.
If i retrieve an object from the db with an id, update it and call db.update the update's callback method is never called.
Also, my mac freezed and when i took a look at the swapped memory, it was a few dozens gb, check the attached image.

I have created a gist for this:

Batch delete/update commands

The problem I am facing is that I have a list of (ID, Revision) pairs, and I would like to delete all of these documents or update them in batch. This can be pulled off by iterating through each of these (ID, rev) pairs and calling the delete command each time. The problem with this approach is that each of those deletes are asynchronous, therefore it is immensely difficult to determine when all of them have completed. A promise framework or something similar could be useful here.

Travis-CI failing with 'DevOps' repository not found.

Travis-CI is reporting that my pull request is failing with the following error:

$ git clone -b master https://$GITHUB_USER:[email protected]/IBM-Swift/DevOps.git
Cloning into 'DevOps'...
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
The command "git clone -b master https://$GITHUB_USER:[email protected]/IBM-Swift/DevOps.git" failed and exited with 128 during .

Your build has been stopped.

Cannot leverage startKey and endKey as an AnyObject array on Linux.

This is much needed for the newest version of BluePic (blocked by this).

Attempting to use startKey or endKey as an AnyObject array on Linux (Swift binaries 4-25) results in compilation error: Contextual type 'AnyObject' cannot be used with array literal. The Swift compiler on Linux does not treat an AnyObject array as an AnyObject, and hence the compilation error (though on OS X, the compiler is OK with treating an AnyObject array as an AnyObject).

To address this issue, changing the startKey and endKey definitions to [AnyObject] and adding crucial logic for generating the {} characters.

Changes tested and now BluePic is no longer blocked by this.

Improve documentation for queryByView with decodeDocuments

#97 introduced the decodeDocuments helper function, and adds comments that elude to the fact that when querying documents from CouchDB, you must set the include_docs parameter to true for Couch to include the documents themselves in the response. However, the existing queryByView function does not document this requirement, and so it could be confusing that something like this does not work:

database.queryByView("fruitView", ofDesign: "fruitDesign", usingParameters: []) {
(documents, error) in
    let fruitDocs = documents?.decodeDocuments(ofType: Fruit.self)

The solution in this case is to add usingParameters: [.includeDocs(true)]. I feel this use-case should be discussed in the documentation for the queryByView function.

Creating a user with usersDatabase().createUser() will never return and use memory until crash

When calling the method usersDatabase().createUser() on couchDBClient it will never return.
Is seems to get stuck in an endless loop in the network stack. The user will be created in couchDB, but the call never returns.

Here is my test code:

index f8bcf6b..c5f385d 100644
--- i/Sources/CouchDBSample/main.swift
+++ w/Sources/CouchDBSample/main.swift
@@ -179,8 +179,32 @@ func deleteDocument(revisionNumber: String) {
+func createUser() {
+  let newUser : [String:Any] = [
+    "name" : "testuser",
+    "type": "user",
+    "password": "apple",
+    "roles": []
+  ]
+  couchDBClient.usersDatabase().createUser(document: JSON(newUser)) {
+    id, doc, error in
+    guard let id = id,
+      let doc = doc,
+      error == nil else {
+        Log.error("User could not be created due to error: (error.description())")
+        return
+    }
+"created user \(id) with doc: \(doc.debugDescription)")
+  }
 // Start tests...
+createUser()"Sample program completed its execution.")

I run it against a fresh, local couchDB 2.0 instance.

The stack trace is:

#1	0x00000001001f0eab in HTTPIncomingMessage.parsingCompleted() -> () at /Users/dominik/Developer/Colorimetrix/BunBun-Server/Packages/Kitura-net-1.4.3/Sources/KituraNet/HTTP/HTTPIncomingMessage.swift:253
#2	0x00000001001eec8d in HTTPIncomingMessage.parse(NSData, from : Int, completeBuffer : Bool) -> HTTPParserStatus at /Users/dominik/Developer/Colorimetrix/BunBun-Server/Packages/Kitura-net-1.4.3/Sources/KituraNet/HTTP/HTTPIncomingMessage.swift:169
#3	0x00000001001c38e7 in ClientResponse.parse() -> HTTPParserStatus at /Users/dominik/Developer/Colorimetrix/BunBun-Server/Packages/Kitura-net-1.4.3/Sources/KituraNet/ClientResponse.swift:57
#4	0x00000001001bd68d in ClientRequest.end(close : Bool) -> () at /Users/dominik/Developer/Colorimetrix/BunBun-Server/Packages/Kitura-net-1.4.3/Sources/KituraNet/ClientRequest.swift:344
#5	0x00000001001bceee in ClientRequest.end(String, close : Bool) -> () at /Users/dominik/Developer/Colorimetrix/BunBun-Server/Packages/Kitura-net-1.4.3/Sources/KituraNet/ClientRequest.swift:291
#6	0x00000001003560e1 in UsersDatabase.createUser(document : JSON, callback : (String?, JSON?, NSError?) -> ()) -> () at /Users/dominik/Developer/Colorimetrix/BunBun-Server/Packages/Kitura-CouchDB-1.4.0/Sources/CouchDB/UsersDatabase.swift:55
#7	0x0000000100007c3d in createUser() -> () at /Users/dominik/Developer/Colorimetrix/BunBun-Server/Packages/Kitura-CouchDB-1.4.0/Sources/CouchDBSample/main.swift:199
#8	0x00000001000035ae in main at /Users/dominik/Developer/Colorimetrix/BunBun-Server/Packages/Kitura-CouchDB-1.4.0/Sources/CouchDBSample/main.swift:208

I tested with the latest released Kitura stack


It's probably a Kitura-net problem, but I'm just starting using the stack and not familiar with the low level stuff.

QueryParameters.stale(.OK) returns 400 when used

When I add .stale(.OK) as query parameter I get status code 400 back.
I am using Kitura NIO

There are two things I had to do to fix it:

1 Change to lowercase ok:

/// Indicates when to update.
    public enum StaleOptions {
        /// CouchDB will not refresh the view even if it is stale.
        case ok
        /// CouchDB will update the view after the stale result is returned.
        case updateAfter

instead of case OK

2: Remove \" ... \" from to string switch:

for param in params {
    switch param {
        case .conflicts (let value):
            paramString += "conflicts=\(value)&"

        case .stale (let value):
            paramString += "stale=\(value)&"
        case .startKey (let value):


instead of paramString += "stale=\"\(value)\"&"

The dependency graph could not be satisfied

After adding Kitura-CouchDB to dependencies project is unable to build


let package = Package(
    name: "KituraTest",
    dependencies: [
		.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 1),
		.Package(url: "",    majorVersion: 1, minor: 0),


$ swift build
HEAD is now at 706108f Update to Swift 3.0.1 (#834)
Resolved version: 1.1.0
HEAD is now at a3914e6 Update to Swift 3.0.1 (#138)
Resolved version: 1.1.0
HEAD is now at c64ce64 Merge pull request #16 from IBM-Swift/issue_832
Resolved version: 1.1.0
HEAD is now at 61d47f7 Update to latest (11/1) toolchain.
Resolved version: 0.11.39
HEAD is now at 3cfb752 Add header callback helper function (#9)
Resolved version: 0.2.3
HEAD is now at 429eff6 Merge pull request #7 from ianpartridge/master
Resolved version: 0.3.0
HEAD is now at 6659ac8 Update to latest (11/1) toolchain.
Resolved version: 0.11.53
HEAD is now at ba99cbf Merge pull request #26 from IBM-Swift/issue_832
Resolved version: 15.0.0
HEAD is now at 4fe7829 Support Swift 3.0.1 (#9)
Resolved version: 1.1.0
Compile CHTTPParser utils.c
Compile CHTTPParser http_parser.c
Compile Swift Module 'KituraTemplateEngine' (1 sources)
Compile Swift Module 'SwiftyJSON' (2 sources)
Compile Swift Module 'Socket' (3 sources)
Compile Swift Module 'LoggerAPI' (1 sources)
Linking CHTTPParser
Compile Swift Module 'SSLService' (1 sources)
Compile Swift Module 'KituraNet' (33 sources)
Compile Swift Module 'Kitura' (40 sources)
Compile Swift Module 'KituraTest' (1 sources)
Linking ./.build/debug/KituraTest
iMac5k-Sergei-2:KituraTest mak$ swift package generate-xcodeproj
HEAD is now at ee48544 updated dependency versions in Package.swift
Resolved version: 1.0.0
warning: unable to rmdir Package-Builder: Directory not empty
HEAD is now at 4a52f0b updated dependency versions in Package.swift
Resolved version: 1.0.0
error: The dependency graph could not be satisfied (
iMac5k-Sergei-2:KituraTest mak$ rm -rf .build
iMac5k-Sergei-2:KituraTest mak$ swift build
HEAD is now at 706108f Update to Swift 3.0.1 (#834)
Resolved version: 1.1.0
HEAD is now at a3914e6 Update to Swift 3.0.1 (#138)
Resolved version: 1.1.0
HEAD is now at c64ce64 Merge pull request #16 from IBM-Swift/issue_832
Resolved version: 1.1.0
HEAD is now at 61d47f7 Update to latest (11/1) toolchain.
Resolved version: 0.11.39
HEAD is now at 3cfb752 Add header callback helper function (#9)
Resolved version: 0.2.3
HEAD is now at 429eff6 Merge pull request #7 from ianpartridge/master
Resolved version: 0.3.0
HEAD is now at 6659ac8 Update to latest (11/1) toolchain.
Resolved version: 0.11.53
HEAD is now at ba99cbf Merge pull request #26 from IBM-Swift/issue_832
Resolved version: 15.0.0
HEAD is now at 4fe7829 Support Swift 3.0.1 (#9)
Resolved version: 1.1.0
HEAD is now at ee48544 updated dependency versions in Package.swift
Resolved version: 1.0.0
warning: unable to rmdir Package-Builder: Directory not empty
HEAD is now at 4a52f0b updated dependency versions in Package.swift
Resolved version: 1.0.0
error: The dependency graph could not be satisfied (

Define dateEncodingStrategy

Currently there is no chance to define a custom dateEncodingStrategy. The JSONEncoder object is created without any config options.

    class func documentRequest<D: Document>(document: D, options: [ClientRequest.Options], callback: @escaping (DocumentResponse?, CouchDBError?) -> ()) {
        do {
            let requestBody = try JSONEncoder().encode(document)
            couchRequest(body: requestBody, options: options, passStatusCodes: [.created, .accepted], callback: callback)
        } catch {
            return callback(nil, CouchDBError(HTTPStatusCode.internalServerError, reason: error.localizedDescription))

Would be great if we can define a custom date encoding strategy like this.

let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .custom({ (date, encoder) in
    var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
    try container.encode(DateFormatter.myDateFormatter.string(from: date))

What do you think about that?

queryByView ignores params with cloudant db

Hey guys,

I have a problem with the queryByView method.

queryByView(_ view: String, ofDesign design: String, usingParameters params: [Database.QueryParameters], callback: @escaping (JSON?, NSError?) -> ())

It seems to ignore any key parameters using cloudant db. For example using key "[email protected]" results in getting all documents and not only the doc with key "[email protected]". It is working the right way using CouchDB 2.0.

Any Idea ?

Best regards

Swift PM enters an infinite loop with CouchDB + Kitura

When using both Kitura and CouchDB as dependencies the PM enters an infinite loop.

These are the dependencies I tried it with (clean package init with only these two):
dependencies: [

    .package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "2.0.0")),
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "2.0.0")) 

Looking at the logs (swift build -v) it seems to be related to BlueSocket somehow

When trying with the previous rev it works fine (dcdc610):

    .package(url: "", .revision("dcdc61061553306226c92768c3b44485379e39a7")),
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "2.0.0")) 

How to get out of the Callback Hell

I am wondering if there is a way to use this repository and avoid the Callback Hell?

Promises or Swift5 Result would be good candidates to do so IMO. Are there any implementation plans?

Fix jazzy generated docs

The generated API docs contain the LoggerAPI docs instead of Kitura-CouchDB docs. Need to regenerate docs with the correct jazzy settings/arguments.

Authenticate using Cookies

Currently the CouchDBClient is created with a Username and password which is attached to every request using basic authentication.

It is more performant and safe to use cookies as described in the couchDB docs:

We have a function for creating users and sessions however their is no ability to use the cookie from the session as authentication for requests.

If we added this feature then you could add authentication levels to users instead of everyone having the authorization level of the provided username and password.

CouchDB Kitura NIO tests failing on Linux

There was a missing return statement in the CouchDB tests. This was causing the tests to automatically pass without actually running.
A pr fixing this has been raised here

Now the tests are running the KituraNio travis builds are failing.

We need to investigate why they are failing and either fix them or propose a new solution for making rest requests within this repo.

queryByView and reduce functions in views

I have the following view :

let design = DesignDocument(_id: "_design/mydesign", views: [
            "count_doc": [
               "map": "function(doc) { if(doc.type == 'mydoc') { emit(doc._id, 1); } }",
                "reduce": "_count"

in version 2.1.0 I was able to get the result with the following code:

database.queryByView("count_doc", ofDesign: "mydesign", usingParameters: []) { (doc, err) in
            if let doc = doc, err == nil {
                if let count = doc["rows"][0]["value"].int {
                    completion(count, nil)
                } else {
                    completion(0, nil)
            } else {
                completion(nil, err)

Now in the current version:

database?.queryByView("count_doc", ofDesign: "mydesign", usingParameters: []) { (doc, err) in
            if let doc = doc, err == nil {
                if let count = doc.total_rows {
                    completion(count, nil)
                } else {
                    completion(0, nil)
            } else {
                completion(nil, err)

I get the error

Failed to decode AllDatabaseDocuments from response

which is correct since the result is something like
{"rows":[ {"key":null,"value":26} ]}
Can you tell me how to retrieve the result from this view or a view that contains "_stats" function ?

Update Documentation for filer & query

So, I know databases like sql or MongoDB, but here, I don't how to filter values or do a simple db query? Can you update this, in the documentation ?

>> Oops something went wrong; could not persist document. (OS X)

When attempting to run CouchDBSample like so:

.build/debug/CouchDBSample localhost kiturauser 6SZ-X4Q-Hyv-pBb

I get the following error:

Starting sample program...
    hostName -> localhost
    port -> 80
    secured -> false
    userName -> Optional("kiturauser")
    password -> Optional("6SZ-X4Q-Hyv-pBb")
Hostname is: localhost
ClientRequest Error. CURL Return code=CURLcode(rawValue: 7)
>> Oops something went wrong; could not persist document.
[NSLocalizedDescription: Internal Error]
Sample program completed its execution.

I've manually changed the database name that it tries to connect to:

// Create database instance to perform any document operations
let database = couchDBClient.database("kitura_test_db")

I also have a CouchDB database set up with the same name.

I get this error with both master and develop branches.

Problems with using boolean on Cloudant, no problem on CouchDB

Perhaps this identifies some strange differences between Cloudant and CouchDB, but we were using a field that is a boolean. All of our tests pass when using CouchDB, but they failed when using Cloudant. We changed the value from using a native boolean type to an integer (0 or 1 for false and true respectively) and the issue was resolved.

Using `+` in a document `_id`

I have a + character in some of my _id's

I am able to create a document with + as part of the _id. Then if I try to retrieve by the same id, it is not found.

let id = "abc+1"
let document = Document(id: id)

database.create(document) { response, error in
    // document created with ok (can see it using the Fauxton UI)

    // Try to get it.
    database.retrieve(id) { document, error in
        // error.statusCode will be .notFound here

I noticed in HTTP.swift

/// A set of characters that are valid in requests.
private static let allowedCharacterSet =  NSCharacterSet(charactersIn:"\"#%/<>?@\\^`{|} ").inverted

Is the right thing to do add it to here? of it there a reason we don't have + in the allowed character set?

Can't use "_all_docs?include_docs=true" in retrieve argument

I'm trying to retrieve all documents in the database. While I can easily use "_all_docs" as the id argument, it only returns the documents without the docs' values, which in my case I need. I know the "?" gets escaped out as part of Kitura Net, but I'm wondering if there is a way around this perhaps. The error I get is: Error: not_found, reason: missing Code: 404. I know if I don't escape the ?, it works.

queryByView sometimes returns nil and sometimes returns the correct documents

Hello i have a simple queryByView up in the cloundant/ibm platform with 3 users in the db. The more users the more it returns nil.

the error that returns: "the operation couldn't be completed"

database.queryByView("users-view", ofDesign: "users",
usingParameters: [.includeDocs(true)],

the problem is sometimes it returns nil and sometimes does return the 3 users, this problem doesn't happen in localhost.

map function:

function(doc) {
if (doc.type == 'user')

port in ConnectionProperties should be an Int

The port parameter for ConnectionProperties is an Int16 which seems a bit specific. I'm currently having to convert a variable of type Int to Int16 which seems like "busy work"...

let connectionProperties = ConnectionProperties(
    host: host,
    port: Int16(port),
    secured: secured

Can we make it an Int ?

create a big database

Hi I want to make a big database for eg in SQL I have tables for login, customer, projects, etc
how to achieve this on CouchDB

error: dependency 'CouchDB' in target 'xxx' requires explicit declaration

I get this error when running 'swift build' in terminal of Macbook. What I suppose to change to fix it?

'KituraTIL' /Users/Chuck/KituraTIL: error: dependency 'CouchDB' in target 'KituraTIL' requires explicit declaration; reference the package in the target dependency with '.product(name: "CouchDB", package: "Kitura-CouchDB")'

// swift-tools-version:5.2
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
// 1
name: "KituraTIL",
dependencies: [
// 2
.package(url: "",
.upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.0")),
// 3
.package(url: "",
.upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),
// 4
.package(url: "",
.upToNextMajor(from: "3.0.0"))
targets: [
.target(name: "KituraTIL",
dependencies: ["Kitura" , "HeliumLogger", "CouchDB"],
path: "Sources")

Database.swift/QueryParameters case Keys ([AnyObject]) does not compile in linux

error: value of type 'String' does not conform to expected element type 'AnyObject'

if os(Linux)

case Keys ([Any])
case Keys ([AnyObject])

if os(Linux)

case EndKey (Any)
case EndKey (AnyObject)

if os(Linux)

case StartKey (Any)
case StartKey (AnyObject)

public func queryByView(view: String, ofDesign design: String, usingParameters params: [Database.QueryParameters], callback: (JSON?, NSError?) -> ()) {
var paramString = ""
#if os(Linux)
var keys: [Any]?
var keys: [AnyObject]?

// other code goes here.

Error - "Unexpectedly got an EOF when reading the request"

While using Kitura-CouchDB and executing REST requests through its API, we are running into the following issue:

[ClientRequest.swift:360 end(close:)] ClientRequest error. Failed to parse response. Error=Unexpectedly got an EOF when reading the request.

I have created a very small program that can be used to easily and consistently reproduce this problem without effort. I am about to create a repo with this sample/test program and share here the steps for reproducing the issue.

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