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fluency's Issues

Writing logs to a normal file when the Fluentd is down.

I have been using SL4j with log appenders so far to write my logs. When I integrated fluentd I have commended the appenders which was being writing logs to the files. I was wondering whether I could write the logs as it used to be when fluentd is down. so that I will have a backup and no need to worry about losing the data..
Please let me know your thoughts..

Copyright and license in the class files headers

Hi Mitsunori Komatsu,

We would very much like to use your project as 3rd-party library, but we can't for the law reasons - a missing copyright and license header in the class files.
Could you please add them to a new minor release?

Support sync flush in async flusher

The idea would be a max buffer size (or time delay) before the async flusher switches to a sync flush upon an emit() and blocks return until the pending buffer size decreases below a defined threshold.

The scenario I ran into was processing a large file (several million lines, each converted into a single emit). I was processing data faster then the flusher was flushing it in the background and hence quickly ran into OOM issues (this is a small footprint app).

While (I think) the SyncFlusher has this type of check built in the SyncFlusher also has the issue that widely spaced emit calls could lead to a delay in a message send (ie push a bunch of messages in quickly yet still under the flush interval and buffer threshold and then stop calling emit()). Those messages will sit there forever until another emit() occurs.

Fluency supports an option to save remaining memory buffer to file when stopping

Even with ACK response mode enabled, Fluency can lost buffered data when Fluency#close method is called, but Fluentd is down and Fluency retries over.

In this case, the following option sounds helpful to avoid data lost:

  1. Fluency saves buffered memory data to a specified file path if the option is enabled when it gives up flushing the data after Fluency#close method is called
  2. Fluency loads the file to its memory buffer when launching if the option is enabled

Logback.xml Sample

I am currently using sl4j in my spring boot micro services. I would like to integrate fluentd with my services.Currently I am using fluent-logger in my logback xml as an appender and propagate the logs to Fluentd. Since it does not support SSL, I would like to explore Fluency. Can Fluency be defined as an appender in my logback.xml with ssl enabled.?

MultiSender only removes senders, never adds them back when available

We run fluent-bit as a daemon set in kubernetes with a service in front of them. To make use of the multiple instances we use MultiSender in fluency. Sometimes when we do rolling upgrades or there is an issue further down in the log chain we will get "Heartbeater - ping(): failed". It seems like once this happens the sender is marked as unavailable and never considered again. Once this happens for all senders we get "AllNodesUnavailableException: All nodes are unavailable". Fluency never recovers from this state even though all fluent-bit instances have recovered.

Use custom ObjectMapper

For using fluency in Scala, I need to have additional modules in ObjectMapper. For example,
This module is useful for generating json (msgpack) log from Scala case classes.

In the current code, ObjectMapper is explicitly instantiated here:

return new ObjectMapper(new MessagePackFactory());

So we have no way to configure ObjectMapper modules.

Do you have any idea on making it extensible? I think some Provider of ObjectMapper is necessary (as in Guice:

And also using thread local storage as an ObjectMapper holder is not always a good idea, especially if we have hundreds of threads. Using some session-scoped singleton would be better.

Issue when used with spring-cloud-sleuth.

When using fluency on a spring boot project in conjunction with spring-cloud-starter & a non available host the application startup hangs for a while without an apparent reason.
My guess is that during spring startup when a buffer flush is being triggered something happens in between and blocks the execution of the rest of the startup.

Any help will be appreciated.

ClassNotFoundException: org.komamitsu.failuredetector.PhiAccuralFailureDetector$Builder

Hi I tried to create a jar for this project. By cloning this and importing it through eclipse as a gradle project. Then exporting it as a jar file so that I could use it for my other projects.

I was going to test on how this was used but when I tried to instantiate Fluency using Fluency.defaultFluency method. It caused a ClassNotFoundException exception. Where exactly is the org.komamitsu.failuredetector located? Pardon if I might just have done something wrong. If I might have done something wrong in the creation of the jar, would it be alright if you could assist me in making a jar for your project?

EventTime: any reason seconds isn't an int?

Thanks for a great project.

What is the reason for seconds in EventTime to be a 64-bit-long-that-is-only-valid-if-in-fact-it-is-a-32-bit-int rather than just an int? I assume it's performance related?

What is the minimum Wait values to flush

I have implemented code and it works OK.
I need to reduce execution time on my app and when added Fluency to my code it takes more time to complete.

I changed wait values as follows:

//   - Max wait until all buffers are flushed is 10 seconds
//   - Max wait until the flusher is terminated is 15 seconds
FluencyBuilderForFluentd builder = new FluencyBuilderForFluentd();

Using this configuration Fluency doesn't log anything, I suppose this is because it needs more time, but how do I know what is the mínimum value that I may place? or arguments are in milliseconds?

Diego Barriguete

Logger prevents application from terminating

The following code successfully sends a message to Fluentd and prints "OK." but prevents my application from exiting after this:

package org.komamitsu.fluency;

import java.util.HashMap;

public class FluentdTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Fluency fluency = null;
        try {
            fluency = Fluency.defaultFluency("localhost", 24224,
                    new Fluency.Config()
                            .setBufferChunkInitialSize(4 * 1024 * 1024)
                            .setBufferChunkRetentionSize(16 * 1024 * 1024)
                            .setMaxBufferSize(256 * 1024 * 1024L));
            String tag = "log";
            HashMap<String, Object> event = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            event.put("name", "komamitsu");
            event.put("age", 42);
            event.put("rate", 3.14);
            fluency.emit(tag, event);
        } catch (IOException e) {

Am I doing something wrong?

Too many open file error (Tomcat), if fluentd server is down


	FluencyBuilderForFluentd builder = new FluencyBuilderForFluentd();
	builder.setBufferChunkInitialSize(16 * 1024 * 1024);
	builder.setBufferChunkRetentionSize(64 * 1024 * 1024);
	builder.setMaxBufferSize(1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
	fluency ="xxxxxxxxx", 24224);


2019-05-09 10:40:16,588 WARN [pool-2-thread-1] o.k.f.f.i.s.RetryableSender [] Sender failed to send data. sender=RetryableSender{baseSender=TCPSender{config=Config{host='xxxxxxxxxxxx', port=24224, connectionTimeoutMilli=5000, readTimeoutMilli=5000, waitBeforeCloseMilli=1000} Config{senderErrorHandler=null}} NetworkSender{config=Config{host='xxxxxxxxxxxx', port=24224, connectionTimeoutMilli=5000, readTimeoutMilli=5000, waitBeforeCloseMilli=1000} Config{senderErrorHandler=null}, failureDetector=null} org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.TCPSender@2e130737, retryStrategy=ExponentialBackOffRetryStrategy{config=Config{baseIntervalMillis=400, maxIntervalMillis=30000} Config{maxRetryCount=7}} RetryStrategy{config=Config{baseIntervalMillis=400, maxIntervalMillis=30000} Config{maxRetryCount=7}}, isClosed=false} org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.RetryableSender@25eac167, retry=3 Too many open files
at Method)

TLS issues, possible Bug


SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance(SSL_PROTOCOL); sslContext.init(null, null, new SecureRandom());

Why are you creating a new context instead of using the default one ? The above sets the keystore and truststore to null so we are unable to pass them in from the command line.

Pass log payload into custom error handler

The data that could not be logged is available in the same context where the CustomErrorHandler is called.
It would be great to pass the payload into to the error handler.

My use case is to try to emit via Fluency, if that fails, then log the same data to system journald.
So when Fluency reports an error, I need to also grab the payload so I can try again with Journald.


Use of EventTime result in errors


I'm currently trying to figure out how to get log event with millisecond precision with fluentd.
I see that you offer this feature with the use of EventTime object as argument of emit() method.

I tried it but i get errors from fluent forward agent (from docker image latest version):

2017-11-30 20:45:11 +0000 [warn]: emit transaction failed: error_class=MessagePack::UnknownExtTypeError error="unexpected extension type" location="/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/fluentd-0.12.41/lib/fluent/event.rb:149:in `feed_each'" tag="debug"
  2017-11-30 20:45:11 +0000 [warn]: suppressed same stacktrace
2017-11-30 20:45:11 +0000 [error]: forward error error=#<MessagePack::UnknownExtTypeError: unexpected extension type> error_class=MessagePack::UnknownExtTypeError
  2017-11-30 20:45:11 +0000 [error]: suppressed same stacktrace
2017-11-30 20:45:11 +0000 fluent.warn: {"error_class":"MessagePack::UnknownExtTypeError","error":"unexpected extension type","location":"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/fluentd-0.12.41/lib/fluent/event.rb:149:in `feed_each'","tag":"debug","message":"emit transaction failed: error_class=MessagePack::UnknownExtTypeError error=\"unexpected extension type\" location=\"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/fluentd-0.12.41/lib/fluent/event.rb:149:in `feed_each'\" tag=\"debug\""}
2017-11-30 20:45:11 +0000 fluent.error: {"error":"#<MessagePack::UnknownExtTypeError: unexpected extension type>","error_class":"MessagePack::UnknownExtTypeError","message":"forward error error=#<MessagePack::UnknownExtTypeError: unexpected extension type> error_class=MessagePack::UnknownExtTypeError"}
2017-11-30 20:45:11 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched tag="fluent.error"

I'm using the version 1.6.0 and calling emit like this:

EventTime eventTime = EventTime.fromEpochMilli(System.currentTimeMillis());
fluency.emit(tag == null ? "" : tag, eventTime, data);

If i don't use EventTime, everything seem alright.

Errors when one of multiple senders fails

We have configuration with multiple senders, but when one sender fails it switches to another one. Works perfectly, but it generates log entry with level=ERROR

As the message says 'Trying to use next sender...' it is not fatal, IMHO it should be level=WARN, only when all senders fail it should be level=error

Whole exception below:

2019-11-14 03:59:37.660 [pool-15-thread-1] ERROR org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.MultiSender - Failed to send: sender=TCPSender{config=Config{baseConfig=Config{baseConfig=Config{senderErrorHandler=null}, host='fluentd2', port=5500, connectionTimeoutMilli=5000, readTimeoutMilli=5000, heartbeaterConfig=Config{baseConfig=Config{host='fluentd2', port=5500, intervalMillis=1000}}, failureDetectorConfig=Config{failureIntervalMillis=3000}, failureDetectorStrategyConfig=org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.failuredetect.PhiAccrualFailureDetectStrategy$Config@53a86df0, waitBeforeCloseMilli=1000}}} NetworkSender{config=Config{baseConfig=Config{senderErrorHandler=null}, host='fluentd2', port=5500, connectionTimeoutMilli=5000, readTimeoutMilli=5000, heartbeaterConfig=Config{baseConfig=Config{host='fluentd2', port=5500, intervalMillis=1000}}, failureDetectorConfig=Config{failureIntervalMillis=3000}, failureDetectorStrategyConfig=org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.failuredetect.PhiAccrualFailureDetectStrategy$Config@53a86df0, waitBeforeCloseMilli=1000}, failureDetector=FailureDetector{failureDetectStrategy=PhiAccrualFailureDetectStrategy{failureDetector=org.komamitsu.failuredetector.PhiAccuralFailureDetector@438662bb} org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.failuredetect.PhiAccrualFailureDetectStrategy@3305a04f, heartbeater=TCPHeartbeater{config=Config{baseConfig=Config{host='fluentd2', port=5500, intervalMillis=1000}}} Heartbeater{config=Config{host='fluentd2', port=5500, intervalMillis=1000}}, lastFailureTimestampMillis=1573703977660, config=Config{failureIntervalMillis=3000}}} org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.TCPSender@47b1e00a. Trying to use next sender... Broken pipe
	at Method)
	at java.nio.channels.SocketChannel.write(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.TCPSender.sendBuffers(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.TCPSender.sendBuffers(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.NetworkSender.sendInternal(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.Sender.sendInternalWithRestoreBufferPositions(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.Sender.send(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.MultiSender.sendInternal(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.Sender.sendInternalWithRestoreBufferPositions(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.Sender.send(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.RetryableSender.sendInternal(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.Sender.sendInternalWithRestoreBufferPositions(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.Sender.send(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.buffer.PackedForwardBuffer.flushInternal(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.buffer.Buffer.flush(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.flusher.AsyncFlusher$
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Why I just get three loggers, but I can get more by using consoleAppender

when using FluentLogbackAppender, I get just three loggers:
2018-02-06 04:30:24.000000000 -0500 fmshiot.bootstrap: {"msg":"[] [port_IS_UNDEFINED] [INFO] [bootstrap] [] [] [] [] [8740] [main] [o.s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext] [Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@55b0dcab: startup date [Tue Feb 06 17:30:24 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy] []"}
2018-02-06 04:30:25.000000000 -0500 fmshiot.bootstrap: {"msg":"[] [port_IS_UNDEFINED] [INFO] [bootstrap] [] [] [] [] [8740] [main] [o.s.b.f.a.AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor] [JSR-330 'javax.inject.Inject' annotation found and supported for autowiring] []"}
2018-02-06 04:30:25.000000000 -0500 fmshiot.bootstrap: {"msg":"[] [port_IS_UNDEFINED] [INFO] [bootstrap] [] [] [] [] [8740] [main] [o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker] [Bean 'configurationPropertiesRebinderAutoConfiguration' of type [$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$798dd570] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)] []"}

but I can get more when using ConsoleAppender, as follows:
2018-02-06 17:30:24.789 [main] INFO o.s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext - Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@55b0dcab: startup date [Tue Feb 06 17:30:24 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
2018-02-06 17:30:25.127 [main] INFO o.s.b.f.a.AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor - JSR-330 'javax.inject.Inject' annotation found and supported for autowiring
2018-02-06 17:30:25.188 [main] INFO o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'configurationPropertiesRebinderAutoConfiguration' of type [$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$798dd570] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)

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:: Spring Boot :: (v1.5.7.RELEASE)

2018-02-06 17:30:25.696 [main] INFO c.f.f.registry.RegistryApplication - No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
2018-02-06 17:30:25.713 [main] INFO o.s.b.c.e.AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext - Refreshing org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext@58c34bb3: startup date [Tue Feb 06 17:30:25 CST 2018]; parent: org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@55b0dcab
2018-02-06 17:30:26.793 [main] INFO - BeanFactory id=737bdab9-1582-3bc0-9e4b-54df761c6ee9
2018-02-06 17:30:26.816 [main] INFO o.s.b.f.a.AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor - JSR-330 'javax.inject.Inject' annotation found and supported for autowiring
2018-02-06 17:30:26.877 [main] INFO o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean '$MetricsRestTemplateConfiguration' of type [$MetricsRestTemplateConfiguration$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$8fa078b4] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2018-02-06 17:30:26.888 [main] INFO o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean '' of type [$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$798dd570] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2018-02-06 17:30:27.224 [main] INFO o.s.b.c.e.t.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer - Tomcat initialized with port(s): 9080 (http)
2018-02-06 17:30:27.237 [main] INFO o.a.catalina.core.StandardService - Starting service [Tomcat]
2018-02-06 17:30:27.238 [main] INFO o.a.catalina.core.StandardEngine - Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/8.5.20
2018-02-06 17:30:27.384 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/] - Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
2018-02-06 17:30:27.384 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.s.web.context.ContextLoader - Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 1671 ms
2018-02-06 17:30:28.291 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.s.b.w.s.FilterRegistrationBean - Mapping filter: 'metricsFilter' to: [/]
2018-02-06 17:30:28.292 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.s.b.w.s.FilterRegistrationBean - Mapping filter: 'characterEncodingFilter' to: [/
2018-02-06 17:30:28.292 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.s.b.w.s.FilterRegistrationBean - Mapping filter: 'hiddenHttpMethodFilter' to: [/]
2018-02-06 17:30:28.292 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.s.b.w.s.FilterRegistrationBean - Mapping filter: 'httpPutFormContentFilter' to: [/
2018-02-06 17:30:28.292 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.s.b.w.s.FilterRegistrationBean - Mapping filter: 'requestContextFilter' to: [/]
2018-02-06 17:30:28.292 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.s.b.w.s.FilterRegistrationBean - Mapping filter: 'webRequestTraceFilter' to: [/
2018-02-06 17:30:28.292 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.s.b.w.s.FilterRegistrationBean - Mapping filter: 'servletContainer' to urls: [/eureka/]
2018-02-06 17:30:28.293 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.s.b.w.s.FilterRegistrationBean - Mapping filter: 'applicationContextIdFilter' to: [/
2018-02-06 17:30:28.293 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.s.b.w.s.ServletRegistrationBean - Mapping servlet: 'dispatcherServlet' to [/]
2018-02-06 17:30:28.381 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO c.s.j.s.i.a.WebApplicationImpl - Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.19.1 03/11/2016 02:08 PM'
2018-02-06 17:30:28.451 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO c.n.d.p.DiscoveryJerseyProvider - Using JSON encoding codec LegacyJacksonJson
2018-02-06 17:30:28.453 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO c.n.d.p.DiscoveryJerseyProvider - Using JSON decoding codec LegacyJacksonJson
2018-02-06 17:30:28.662 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO c.n.d.p.DiscoveryJerseyProvider - Using XML encoding codec XStreamXml

Add an emit method to output MessagePack encoded data directly

The current emit method requires using Map<String, Object>, and then msgpack-jackson encodes this Map value into a msgpack byte array:

If the application can generate msgpack map<string, msgpack value> data in advance, this step can be optimized. For example, we can write a converter of zipkin or opentracing data into msgpack, then use Fluency for sending these application tracing data somewhere through fluentd.

How about adding such low-level advanced methods like this?
emit(String tag, byte[] mapValue)
emit(String tag, byte[] mapValue, int offset, int len)
emit(String tag, ByteBuffer mapValue)

Many ESTABLISHED sockets on server sidew hile using fluency

Created this issue for public knowledge, after having mail contact with komamitsu:

The problem we currently notice is that the server has a rising number of ESTABLISHED sockets to the hosts with the JVM, that log with fluency. All sockets are connected to the in_forward.
On the server side we use the td-agent 2.3.1 on a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

The clients still have only one ESTABLISHED. The cluent fluency version is the 0.0.9 artifact from the mvn repo.

The solution is to restart the td-agent every 2 days as it will crash because of reaching the ulimit.

We are instantiating the fluency connection like this:

Fluency logger = Fluency.defaultFluency(config.getServerIp(), config.getServerPort());

This logger instance is accessible via a static Holder instance. So it's just one instance per JVM.

The only methods that are invoked on this object are (This is called via a Runtime ShutdownHook):

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    if (logger().isTerminated())

The other call is:

Map<String, Object> log = new HashMap<String, Object>();
log.put(PROCESS_PROP, processIdentifier);
log.put(HOST_PROP, hostAlias);
log.put(ENVIRONMENT_PROP, environment);
log.put(MESSAGE_PROP, String.format(format, objects));
logger().emit(getName(), log);
//whereas getName() returns a string

The server-config of the td-agent is:

    @type forward
    port 24224
  <match **>
    type elasticsearch
    host localhost
    port 9200
    include_tag_key true
    logstash_format true
    flush_interval 3s

How to synchronous flush to Fluentd ?

Hi, I was looking for the way to activate synchronous flush to Fluentd and it did not find how in the documentation nor by looking at the Config class.

Could you please tell me what configuration controls that ?

Thank you.

setSslEnabled(false) is not effective

new FluencyBuilderForFluentd().setSslEnabled(false)

Even if we add this config, Fluency (2.0.0 or 2.1.0) still tries to use SSL and produces unredable data for fluentd:

2019-03-10 11:08:40.804-0700  warn [RetryableSender] Sender failed to send data. sender=RetryableSender{baseSender=SSLSender{config=Config{host='', port=63224, connectionTimeoutMilli=5000, readTimeoutMilli=5000, waitBeforeCloseMilli=1000} Config{senderErrorHandler=null}} NetworkSender{config=Config{host='', port=63224, connectionTimeoutMilli=5000, readTimeoutMilli=5000, waitBeforeCloseMilli=1000} Config{senderErrorHandler=null}, failureDetector=null} org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.SSLSender@8b1cbce, retryStrategy=ExponentialBackOffRetryStrategy{config=Config{baseIntervalMillis=400, maxIntervalMillis=30000} Config{maxRetryCount=7}} RetryStrategy{config=Config{baseIntervalMillis=400, maxIntervalMillis=30000} Config{maxRetryCount=7}}, isClosed=false} org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.RetryableSender@553de17d, retry=4 Connection refused (Connection refused)
	at Method)
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.SSLSender.getOrCreateSocketInternal(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.SSLSender.getOrCreateSocketInternal(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.NetworkSender.getOrCreateSocket(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.NetworkSender.sendInternal(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.FluentdSender.sendInternalWithRestoreBufferPositions(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.FluentdSender.sendWithAck(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.RetryableSender.sendInternal(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.FluentdSender.sendInternalWithRestoreBufferPositions(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.FluentdSender.sendWithAck(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.FluentdIngester.ingest(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.buffer.Buffer.flushInternal(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.buffer.Buffer.flush(
	at org.komamitsu.fluency.flusher.AsyncFlusher.lambda$new$0(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$```

Possible Memory Leak in AsyncFlusher

We notice a massive amount on recorded objects of the AsynchFlusher while using it as a LoggingAdapter.

We use the 0.0.8 maven artifact for an application that has not more than 10 messages per minute output.

Fluency is constructed using org.komamitsu.fluency.Fluency.defaultFluency(String host, int port) throws IOException

We counted the instances using YourKit:


Support to HTTP Input

I've searched a bit and couldn't find an answer to this.
Does fluency (or even fluent-logger-java) support sending logs to http endpoint, when fluentd server has in_http Input Plugin enabled?

Fluent-Bit Buffer Warning

I'm running into a constant exception as if fluency isn't respecting setBufferChunkRetentionSize. It starts out working fine but as i up the request volume it ramps up the exceptions.

Exception triggered in fluency when writing to fluent bit. Connection reset by peer

in fluent bit

[2018/04/18 23:13:41] [ warn] [in_fw] fd=18 incoming data exceed limit (32768 bytes)

fluency settings

    .setBufferChunkRetentionSize(1*1024 * 1024)
    .setBufferChunkInitialSize(2*1024 * 1024)

Return Error instead of Discarding Data


  1. Fluentd daemon is not running, so logger cannot connect.
  2. No file backup is configured, so filebackup == null
  3. Retries to connect to daemon have been exceeded so failure strategy is to save buffer to filebackup
  4. Here the logger silently discards the data. It should instead return IOException, so that application can handle the situation.

Similarly, here it simply logs an error with AsyncFlusher instead or actually returning the error

Sending to Treasure Data by passing MessagePack value fails

[error] java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
[error]         at java.util.AbstractMap.put(
[error]         at org.komamitsu.fluency.treasuredata.recordformat.TreasureDataRecordFormatter.addTimeColumnToMsgpackRecord(
[error]         at org.komamitsu.fluency.treasuredata.recordformat.TreasureDataRecordFormatter.formatFromMessagePack(
[error]         at org.komamitsu.fluency.buffer.Buffer.appendMessagePackMapValueInternal(
[error]         at org.komamitsu.fluency.buffer.Buffer.appendMessagePackMapValue(
[error]         at org.komamitsu.fluency.Fluency.lambda$emit$2(
[error]         at org.komamitsu.fluency.Fluency$Emitter.emit(
[error]         at org.komamitsu.fluency.Fluency.emit(
[error]         at org.komamitsu.fluency.Fluency.emit(

Fluency fails with SSLException: Broken pipe


I am running into issues sending logs using TCP forward to fluentd to a fluentd cluster setup in AWS:

AWS Network load balancer (NLB) with TLS protocol with a self-signed certificate for *
The fluentd cluster itself sits behind the NLB and runs in a Docker container in ECS. The NLB terminates SSL and is supposed to forward requests to the fluentd cluster.

The exception I am getting is below:

Here's how I have built the fluency client:

        FluencyBuilderForFluentd builder = new FluencyBuilderForFluentd();
        builder.setBufferChunkInitialSize((int) (FileUtils.ONE_MB / 2));
        builder.setBufferChunkRetentionSize((int) (1 * FileUtils.ONE_MB));
        builder.setMaxBufferSize(2 * FileUtils.ONE_MB);
        builder.setBufferChunkRetentionTimeMillis((int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1));
//        builder.setAckResponseMode(true);
        builder.setConnectionTimeoutMilli((int) TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(2));
        builder.setReadTimeoutMilli((int) TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(2));

        return"", 24224);
	"thread": "pool-4-thread-1",
	"message": "Failed to send 1071 bytes data",
	"level": "ERROR",
	"timestamp": "2020-02-24T16:48:00.654Z",
	"logger": "org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.NetworkSender"
} {
	"exception": " Broken pipe (Write failed)\n\tat java.base/ Method)\n\tat java.base/\n\tat java.base/\n\tat java.base/\n\tat java.base/$AppOutputStream.write(\n\t... 16 common frames omitted\nWrapped by: Broken pipe (Write failed)\n\tat java.base/\n\tat java.base/\n\tat java.base/\n\tat java.base/\n\tat java.base/$AppOutputStream.write(\n\tat java.base/\n\tat org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.SSLSender.sendBuffers(\n\tat org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.SSLSender.sendBuffers(\n\tat org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.NetworkSender.sendInternal(\n\tat org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.FluentdSender.sendInternalWithRestoreBufferPositions(\n\tat org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.FluentdSender.send(\n\tat org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.RetryableSender.sendInternal(\n\tat org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.FluentdSender.sendInternalWithRestoreBufferPositions(\n\tat org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.FluentdSender.send(\n\tat org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.FluentdIngester.ingest(\n\tat org.komamitsu.fluency.buffer.Buffer.flushInternal(\n\tat org.komamitsu.fluency.buffer.Buffer.flush(\n\tat org.komamitsu.fluency.flusher.Flusher.runLoop(\n\tat java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(\n\tat java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$\n\tat java.base/\n",
	"thread": "pool-4-thread-1",
	"message": "Sender failed to send data. sender=RetryableSender{baseSender=SSLSender{config=Config{host='', port=24224, connectionTimeoutMilli=120000, readTimeoutMilli=120000, waitBeforeCloseMilli=1000} Config{senderErrorHandler=null}} NetworkSender{config=Config{host='', port=24224, connectionTimeoutMilli=120000, readTimeoutMilli=120000, waitBeforeCloseMilli=1000} Config{senderErrorHandler=null}, failureDetector=null} org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.SSLSender@695a4ee9, retryStrategy=ExponentialBackOffRetryStrategy{config=Config{baseIntervalMillis=400, maxIntervalMillis=30000} Config{maxRetryCount=1}} RetryStrategy{config=Config{baseIntervalMillis=400, maxIntervalMillis=30000} Config{maxRetryCount=1}}, isClosed=false} org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.RetryableSender@52e856da, retry=0",
	"level": "WARN",
	"timestamp": "2020-02-24T16:48:00.658Z",
	"logger": "org.komamitsu.fluency.fluentd.ingester.sender.RetryableSender"

I am happy to provide more info as necessary. I am not sure what I am doing wrong with the setup.

sync delivery of log messages

Log events in regulated environments contain not only details about an application's behaviour, but also auditing relevant information. An audit log event must not be lost and needs therefore be written synchronously.

Writing synchronously to a local file is not an option, because the applications are executed on a container platform. That means if the container is destroyed for whatever reason, the logfile would be lost.

Fluentd already offers an at-least-once semantic if ack responses are enabled. Therefore I want to re-use that mechanism for moving audit logs outside of the container.

Current behaviour
Fluency's current implementation supports Fluentds ack feature, but only asynchronous buffering of log events. The Fluency's Flusher writes buffered log events periodically to Fluentd. Though, log events can be lost between buffering and flushing.

Expected behaviour
Fluency can be optionally configured not to buffer (audit) log events, but write them directly to Fluentd.

Discussion: Solution
In a very first Proof-of-Concept implementation I've refactored a Buffer interface and implemented a SyncBuffer, which writes unbuffered to the Ingester. That approach basically solves my requirement.

However, this implementation needs some more love. Before I invest the time I want to know if there is any chance to get such a feature with a PR into Fluency (again #64)?

Heartbeater is disabled by default although doc says the opposite

I was a little bit confused by thinking that the Heartbeat functionality is enabled by default (as the says, but when I did some investigation i found out that the construction is disabled by default:

private Heartbeater.Instantiator heartbeaterConfig; // Disabled by default
--> org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.TCPSender.Config (line 225)

Is there a technical background for that?

Fluency : Sender failed to send data

I am getting the following error from Fluency.

thread-1,logger:o.k.fluency.sender.RetryableSender,message:Sender failed to send data. sender=RetryableSender{baseSender=TCPSender{config=Config{baseConfig=Config{baseConfig=Config{senderErrorHandler=null},, port=24224, connectionTimeoutMilli=5000, readTimeoutMilli=5000, heartbeaterConfig=null, failureDetectorConfig=Config{failureIntervalMillis=3000}, failureDetectorStrategyConfig=org.komamitsu.fluency.sender.failuredetect.PhiAccrualFailureDetectStrategyConfig@226c5101, waitBeforeCloseMilli=1000}}}

Not sure what is the exact reason for this.
Here do we have any chance of log missing and also is there a way to turn off this warning log?

After a long period of unavailability of fluentd, when fluentd becomes available, fluency stops sending logs without any exceptions

Hello! I have some troubles with using fluency with logback-more-appenders ( with same logback configuration.
I run my spring boot application in docker container and when fluend (td-agent) is available it seems no problem, but when I decided to try to test how this solution will behave if fluentd is unavailable for a long time,I saw that when enabling fluentd, the buffer from fluency sended to fluentd, but after that no new log was sent from the application without any errors on the part of fluency. Why can this happen? Thanks!

What does setSenderMaxRetryCount ?

Hi there, my config is:
fluency = Fluency.defaultFluency(MyConstants.FLUENTD_IP, MyConstants.FLUENTD_PORT,
new Fluency.Config()
.setSenderErrorHandler(new SenderErrorHandler() {
public void handle(Throwable e) {
fluentdActive = false;

when i set setSenderMaxRetryCount =1, it keeps printing out "error" so many times, but when i set setSenderMaxRetryCount , it only printout just 1 times. I test with 1 array contains only 1 element.

What happens when Fluentd Server is down.?

We are planning to integrate Fluentd with our services. So Logging across the services is always been the challenge.

As a first step, Now we are planning to integrate Fluentd with all our micro-services. While reading about the limitation of fluent-logger we have decided to go with Fluency Thanks a lot for an awesome project.

Since we are interested in integrate Fluency with our services, We would like to know more about Fluency. Like the main point is,

-What happens if the Fluentd Server is down.?
-Does it has a buffer.? if yes what is the default size.? and how do we specify it.?
-How does the communication between fluency and fluentd-server communication been managed.?
-Would it be a bottleneck for the application performance if we have not taken care of any particular configuration?

Currently we are using logback.xmls across all over the services. We are looking an approach where we could just add a fluentd appender in it and Fluency dependencies in the pom.xml.

Could you please help by providing necessary details.?


Architectural Doubts


I don't know if this is the best place to ask such questions, please let me know if there's a better place.
I've considered Fluentd as a key component of an audit architecture design. I have some questions regarding fluency/fluent-logger-java, but let me first explain the context.

I need to collect logs in many services, so to easy the developers lives I created a library to abstract most work related to format output logs and validate data, besides connection to Fluentd server.


The service can programmatically call audit in the lib or rely on automatic capture of events, and in the library both strategies send the final formatted data to fluentd client (in this diagram fluent-logger-java, as it was my first option at the time). The client sends data to fluentd server, that sends logs to S3 and so on.

In a deployment point of view, I would like to have this:


Services running on EC2 would call a Fluentd cluster, whereas microservices would rely on a side-car instance of fluentd, so I could distribute load.


Given the above context, I have some questions.

  1. Initially I've tested with TPC input on port 24224, but when deploying Fluentd in Kubernetes we had to use in_http Input Plugin, and I noticed that fluent-logger-java didn't support such communication, so I'd like to know: is there an option for such input option with fluency?

  2. Considering the implementation of my library still relies on fluent-logger-java (I'm considering to change to Fluency), is it ok to create a FluentLogger for each log operation, closing it at the end? Notice that I even create a new thread to do the call, so I don't lock the current thread if calling Fluentd has a high timeout. Is this the best way to do this with Fluency?

public class FluentdAuditLogWriter implements AuditLogWriter {

    private final AuditConfiguration auditConfiguration;

    public boolean audit(AuditRecordMap auditRecordMap) {

        if(!hasValidaData(auditRecordMap) || !hasRequiredParameters())
            return false;

        FluentdLogWorker worker = new FluentdLogWorker(

        new Thread(worker).start();

        return true;

    private boolean hasValidaData(AuditRecordMap auditRecordMap){

    private boolean hasRequiredParameters(){

    class FluentdLogWorker implements Runnable {

        private final String tagPrefix;
        private final String serverHost;
        private final String tag;
        private final int serverPort;
        private String applicationName;
        private final AuditRecordMap auditRecordMap;

        FluentdLogWorker(String applicationName, String serverHost, int serverPort, String tagPrefix, String tag,
                         AuditRecordMap auditRecordMap){
            this.applicationName = applicationName;
            this.serverHost = serverHost;
            this.serverPort = serverPort;
            this.tagPrefix = tagPrefix;
            this.tag = tag;
            this.auditRecordMap = auditRecordMap;

        public void run() {
            FluentLogger logger = null;
                logger = FluentLogger.getLogger(this.tagPrefix,
                        this.serverHost, this.serverPort);
                logger.log(this.tag, auditRecordMap.getAuditRecordMap());
            } catch(Throwable t){
                log.error("[AUDIT] Error logging audit data (FluentdLogWorker)! Details: {}", t.getMessage());
            } finally {
                if(logger != null)
  1. What is the best way to handle connection erros with Fluency?

  2. What's the recommended way to backup data in local disk when communication erros occur and the way to send it later?

  3. My intention is to have some instances of Fluentd behind a load balancer and make Fluency communicate with LB. Is that possible, or just with TCP and failover configuration?

incorrect maxBufferSize comparison in BufferPool

The comparison against maxBufferSize in BufferPool is reporting the buffer as full, though there is one more increase possible.

A good example for this can be seen in testBufferFullException.

initialSize: 64
maxBufferSize: 256

The loop is adding 7 elements, 17 bytes each.

This results in: PackedForwardBuffer writing: 17 - size: 128 - remaining: 9

The test then adds one more, which triggers a BufferFullException, which is incorrect at that point. The current buffer is 128 bytes and could be doubled once more to the configured 256 bytes.

It seems, that the increase to 128 pushes allocatedSize to 192 at this point:

From what i've understood is, that each increase will allocate and return a new and empty buffer, which is then filled with the data from the previous buffer. However i do not understand, why allocatedSize is increased there to the combined sizes of the previous buffers. Basically this means, that you can never use more than 50% of maxBufferSize.

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