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fiks-io-client-dotnet's Introduction


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About this library

This is a .NET library compatible with .Net Standard 2.0 for sending and receiving messages using Fiks IO.

Fiks IO is a messaging system for the public sector in Norway. About Fiks IO (Norwegian)

It is also the underlying messaging system for the Fiks Protokoll messages. Read more about Fiks Protokoll here


The nuget package is signed with a KS certificate in our build process, stored securely in a safe build environment. The package assemblies are also strong-named.

Simplifying Fiks-IO

This client and its corresponding clients for other languages released by KS simplify the authentication, encryption of messages, and communication through Fiks-IO. For example Fiks-IO requires that certain headers are set in the messages. Using this client means that these details are hidden and simpflifies sending and receiving messages through Fiks-IO. You can read more about the Fiks-IO headers here.


Fiks-IO is using RabbitMQ and this Fiks-IO-Client is using its client for connecting and receiving messages. Sending messages goes through the Fiks-IO Rest-API. For more information on RabbitMQ, we recommend the documentation pages on connections from RabbitMQ here.


Install KS.Fiks.IO.Client nuget package in your .net project.


To be able to use Fiks IO you have to have an active Fiks IO account with an associated integration. This can be setup for you organization at FIKS-Konfigurasjon (prod) or FIKS-Konfigurasjon (test).

Usage recomendations

We recommend having a long-lived Fiks-IO-Client and connection to Fiks-IO. Creating a new Fiks-IO-Client on demand, meaning creating a new Fiks-IO-Client e.g. many times pr hour, is not recommended. Connecting to Fiks-IO and RabbitMQ for subscription is costly and can hurt the RabbitMQ server through high connection churn.

We recommend reading through the RabbitMQ documentation on connections and connections lifecycle.


The client also exposes the status of the connection to RabbitMQ through the IsOpen() function. We recommend using this for monitoring the health of the client.


The Fiks-IO client can provide logging if you pass it a LoggingFactory. It is also highly recommended to either listen to RabbitMQ system EventLogs by your own means or use the RabbitMQEventLogger event listener util provided in the Fiks-IO client for converting them to log.

Please note that warnings and errors related to the RabbitMQ connection will only be visible through the RabbitMQ system EventLogs. These are important events like:

Using the RabbitMQEventLogger util will show these events in your application log.

See further down in this README for example on how to use the RabbitMQEventLogger util.


Example project

An example project is provided here in the ExampleApplication and the Program.cs program. This example program shows how to create a Fiks-IO-Client, subscribe, send and reply to messages.

The example project starts a console program that listens and subscribes to messages on your Fiks-IO account. It listens to the Enter key in the console, that then triggers it to send a 'ping' message to your Fiks-IO account. When the program receives the 'ping' message it will reply to that message with a 'pong' message.

The program also adds the optional 'klientMeldingId' when sending messages and utilizes the IsOpen() feature to show the connection-status.

Read more in the file for the example application.

Sending message

var client = await FiksIOClient.CreateAsync(configuration); // See setup of configuration below
meldingRequest = new MeldingRequest(
                            avsenderKontoId: senderId, // Sender id as Guid
                            mottakerKontoId: receiverId, // Receiver id as Guid
                            meldingType: messageType); // Message type as string
// Sending a file
await client.Send(meldingRequest, "c:\path\someFile.pdf");

// Sending a string
await client.Send(meldingRequest, "String to send", "string.txt");

// Sending a stream
await client.Send(meldingRequest, someStream, "stream.jpg");

// Sending message without payload
await client.Send(meldingRequest);

Receiving message

Write zip to file

var client = await FiksIOClient.CreateAsync(configuration); // See setup of configuration below

var onReceived = new EventHandler<MottattMeldingArgs>((sender, fileArgs) =>
                    if(fileArgs.Melding.HasPayload) { // Verify that message has payload
                    fileArgs.SvarSender.Ack() // Ack message if write succeeded to remove it from the queue


Process archive as stream

var client = await FiksIOClient.CreateAsync(configuration); // See setup of configuration below

var onReceived = new EventHandler<MottattMeldingArgs>((sender, fileArgs) =>
                    if(fileArgs.Melding.HasPayload) { // Verify that message has payload
                        using (var archiveAsStream = fileArgs.Melding.DecryptedStream) 
                            // Process the stream
                    fileArgs.SvarSender.Ack() // Ack message if handling of stream succeeded to remove it from the queue


Reply to message

You can reply directly to a message using the ReplySender.

var client = await FiksIOClient.CreateAsync(configuration); // See setup of configuration below

var onReceived = new EventHandler<MottattMeldingArgs>((sender, fileArgs) =>
                  // Process the message
                  await fileArgs.SvarSender.Svar(/* message type */, /* message as string, path or stream */);
                  fileArgs.SvarSender.Ack() // Ack message to remove it from the queue



Using lookup, you can find which Fiks IO account to send a message to, given an organization number, message type and access level needed to read the message.

var client = await FiksIOClient.CreateAsync(configuration); // See setup of configuration below

var request = new LookupRequest(
    identifikator: "ORG_NO.987654321",
    meldingsprotokoll: "no.ks.test.fagsystem.v1",
    sikkerhetsniva: 4);

var receiverKontoId = await client.Lookup(request); 


Using GetKonto, you can get information about a Fiks IO account, e.g. municipality number and organization name, given the account id.

var client = await FiksIOClient.CreateAsync(configuration); // See setup of configuration below

var onReceived = new EventHandler<MottattMeldingArgs>(async (sender, fileArgs) =>
                    var konto = await client.GetKonto(fileArgs.Melding.AvsenderKontoId); // Get information about the sender account



This method can be used to check if the amqp connection is open.


The fluent configuration builder FiksIOConfigurationBuilder can be used for creating the FiksIOConfiguration, where you build either for test or prod.
Only the required configuration parameters must be provided when you use these two and the rest will be set to default values for the given environment.

You can also create the configuration yourself where also two convenience functions are provided for generating default configurations for prod and test, CreateMaskinportenProdConfig and CreateMaskinportenTestConfig. Also here will only the required configuration parameters are needed.

Logging from the Fiks-IO client

Logging is available by providing the Fiks-IO-Client with a ILoggerFactory. Example of this is provided in the ExampleApplication project.

Logging from the RabbitMQ client

The Fiks-IO-Client uses the official RabbitMQ-Client for .NET. This client logs to system EventLog with the eventsource name "rabbitmq-dotnet-client". We have created a RabbitMQEventLogger util-class for easy logging of these events to your logs. This util-class will have to be initiated in your program once. Take a look at the following example or in the Program.cs of the ExampleApplication project:

_rabbitMqEventLogger = new RabbitMQEventLogger(loggerFactory, EventLevel.Informational);

Create with builder examples:

// Prod alternative 1
// Prod config with public/private key for asice signing
var config = FiksIOConfigurationBuilder
                .WithAmqpConfiguration("My unique name for this application", 1) // Optional but recomended: default values will be a generated application name, 10 prefetch count, and keepAlive = false
                .WithMaskinportenConfiguration(certificate, issuer)
                .WithFiksIntegrasjonConfiguration(integrationId, integrationPassword)
                .WithFiksKontoConfiguration(kontoId, privateKey) // privateKey is the private key associated with the public key uploaded to your fiks-io/fiks-protokoll account
                .WithAsiceSigningConfiguration(asicePublicKeyFilepath, asicePrivateKeyPath) // A public/private key pair to sign the asice packages
// Prod alternative 2
// Prod config with a X509Certificate2 certificate for asice signing
var config = FiksIOConfigurationBuilder
                .WithAmqpConfiguration("My unique name for this application", 1) // Optional but recomended: default values will be a generated application name, 10 prefetch count, and keepAlive = false
                .WithMaskinportenConfiguration(certificate, issuer)
                .WithFiksIntegrasjonConfiguration(integrationId, integrationPassword)
                .WithFiksKontoConfiguration(kontoId, privateKey) // privateKey is the private key associated with the public key uploaded to your fiks-io/fiks-protokoll account
                .WithAsiceSigningConfiguration(certificate2) // A X509Certificate2 certificate that also contains the private key

// Test alternative 1
// Test config with public/private key for asice signing
var config = FiksIOConfigurationBuilder
                .WithAmqpConfiguration("My unique name for this application", 1) // Optional but recomended: default values will be a generated applicationname, 10 prefetch count, and keepAlive = false
                .WithMaskinportenConfiguration(certificate, issuer)
                .WithFiksIntegrasjonConfiguration(integrationId, integrationPassword)
                .WithFiksKontoConfiguration(kontoId, privateKey) // privateKey is the private key associated with the public key uploaded to your fiks-io/fiks-protokoll account
                .WithAsiceSigningConfiguration(asicePublicKeyFilepath, asicePrivateKeyPath) //  A public/private key pair to sign the asice packages
// Test alternative 2
// Test config with a X509Certificate2 certificate for asice signing
var config = FiksIOConfigurationBuilder
                .WithAmqpConfiguration("My unique name for this application", 1) // Optional but recomended: default values will be a generated applicationname, 10 prefetch count, and keepAlive = false
                .WithMaskinportenConfiguration(certificate, issuer)
                .WithFiksIntegrasjonConfiguration(integrationId, integrationPassword)
                .WithFiksKontoConfiguration(kontoId, privateKey) // privateKey is the private key associated with the public key uploaded to your fiks-io/fiks-protokoll account
                .WithAsiceSigningConfiguration(certificate2) // A X509Certificate2 certificate that also contains the private key


.WithFiksKontoConfiguration(kontoId, privateKey): The privateKey parameter is the private key associated with the public key uploaded to your fiks-io/fiks-protokoll account. The public key uploaded to your account is the public key that other clients will use for encrypting messages when sending messages to your account. The privateKey is then used for decrypting messages.

Create without builder example:

Here are examples using the two convenience methods.

// Prod config with a asice X509Certificate2 certificate
var config = FiksIOConfiguration.CreateProdConfiguration(
    integrasjonId: integrationId,
    integrasjonPassord: integrationPassord,
    kontoId: kontoId,
    privatNokkel: privatNokkel,
    issuer: issuer, // klientid for maskinporten
    maskinportenSertifikat: maskinportenSertifikat, // The certificate used with maskinporten
    asiceSertifikat: asiceSertifikat, // A X509Certificate2 certificate that also contains the corresponding private-key
    keepAlive: false, // Optional: use this if you want to use the keepAlive functionality. Default = false
    applicationName: null // Optional: use this if you want your client's activity to have a unique name in logs.

// Test config
var config = FiksIOConfiguration.CreateTestConfiguration(
    integrasjonId: integrationId,
    integrasjonPassord: integrationPassord,
    kontoId: kontoId,
    privatNokkel: privatNokkel, 
    issuer: issuer, // klientid for maskinporten
    maskinportenSertifikat: maskinportenSertifikat, // The certificate used with maskinporten as a X509Certificate2
    asiceSertifikat: asiceSertifikat, // A X509Certificate2 certificate that also contains the corresponding private-key
    keepAlive: false, // Optional: use this if you want to use the keepAlive functionality. Default = false
    applicationName: null // Optional: use this if you want your client's activity to have a unique name in logs.

If necessary, all parameters of configuration can be set in detail.

// Fiks IO account configuration
var kontoConfig = new KontoConfiguration(
                    kontoId: /* Fiks IO accountId as Guid */,
                    privatNokkel: /* Private key, paired with the public key supplied to Fiks IO account */); 

// Id and password for integration associated to the Fiks IO account.
var integrasjonConfig = new IntegrasjonConfiguration(
                        integrasjonId: /* Integration id as Guid */,
                        integrasjonPassord: /* Integration password */);

// ID-porten machine to machine configuration
var maskinportenConfig = new MaskinportenClientConfiguration(
    audience: @"", // Maskinporten audience path
    tokenEndpoint: @"", // Maskinporten token path
    issuer: @"issuer",  // Issuer name
    numberOfSecondsLeftBeforeExpire: 10, // The token will be refreshed 10 seconds before it expires
    certificate: /* virksomhetssertifikat as a X509Certificate2  */);

// Optional: Use custom api host (i.e. for connecting to test api)
var apiConfig = new ApiConfiguration(
                scheme: "https",
                host: "",
                port: 443);

// Optional: Use custom amqp host (i.e. for connection to test queue). 
// Optional: Set keepAlive: true if you want the FiksIOClient to check if amqp connection is open every 5 minutes and automatically reconnect. 
// another option to using keepAlive is to use the isOpen() method on the FiksIOClient and implement a keepalive strategy yourself 
var amqp = new AmqpConfiguration(
                host: "",
                port: 5671,
                applicationName: "my-application",
                keepAlive: false); 

// Configuration for Asice signing. Not optional. Either use a public/private key-pair or a X509Certificate2 that contains the corresponding private key.
var asiceSigning = new AsiceSigningConfiguration(
                publicKeyPath: "/path/to/file",
                privateKeyPath: "/path/to/file"); 

// Combine all configurations
var configuration = new FiksIOConfiguration(
                        kontoConfiguration: kontoConfig, 
                        integrasjonConfiguration: integrationConfig, 
                        maskinportenConfiguration: maskinportenConfig, 
                        apiConfiguration: apiConfig,  // Optional
                        amqpConfiguration: amqpConfig, // Optional
                        asiceSigningConfiguration: asiceSigning); 

Configuration setting details:

  • keepAlive: Optional setting. Set the keepAlive to true if you want the client to check every 5 minutes if the amqp connection is open and automatically reconnect
  • applicationName: Optional but recomended. Gives the Fiks-IO queue a name that you provide. Makes it easier to identify which queue is yours from a logging and management perspective.

Fiks-IO Konto:

  • privatNokkel: The privatNokkel property expects a private key in PKCS#8 format. Private key which has a PKCS#1 will cause an exception. This is the private key associated with the public key uploaded to your fiks-io/fiks-protokoll account. It is not required to be derived from the Maskinporten certificate. See example on how to convert a PKCS#1 or generate private/public keys further down.

Asice signing:

Asice signing is required since version 3.0.0 of this client. More information on Asice signing can be found here.

There are two ways of setting this up, either with a public/private key pair or a x509Certificate2 that also holds the private key. If you are reusing the x509Certificate2 from the maskinporten configuration you might have to inject the corresponding private key.

A PKCS#1 key can be converted using this command:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in <pkcs#1 key file> -out <pkcs#8 key file>

Example for generating private/public key pair for signing

openssl genrsa -out key.pem 4096

openssl req -new -x509 -key key.pem -out public.pem -days 99999


x509Certificate2 with a private key AsiceSigningConfiguration(X509Certificate2 x509Certificate2);

Path to public/private key: AsiceSigningConfiguration(string publicCertPath, string privateKeyPath);

Public Key provider

By default when sending a message, the public key of the receiver will be fetched using the Catalog Api. If you instead need to provide the public key by some other means, you can implement the IPublicKeyProvider interface, and inject it when creating your client like this:

var client = new FiksIOClient(configuration, myPublicKeyProvider);

fiks-io-client-dotnet's People


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fiks-io-client-dotnet's Issues

Incorrect svarPaMelding field when sending messages

I'm trying to manually construct a reply to a stored message in our database.
The message is sent just fine with the correct fields, but the returned SendtMelding object from FiksIOClient.Send() does not contain the correct svarPaMelding field, which has caused some time debugging something which is not actually broken.

This request is sent with the parameter svarPaMelding included.

MeldingRequest message = new MeldingRequest(
                mottakerKontoId: dal.Message.FromAccount,
                avsenderKontoId: Guid.Parse(accountId),
                meldingType: request.MessageType,
                svarPaMelding: Guid.Parse(messageId));
return await client.Send(message);

but the returned SendtMelding from client.Send() shows svarPaMelding as null, which is misleading as the message itself is sent with the Guid and not null.

A simple solution for my case would be to extend SentMelding.FromSentMessageApiModel() to accept the svarPaMelding property from the ApiModel.

Moving encryption logic to FiksIOSender

In certain situations we would like to publish messages over FiksIO, without handling incoming messages. For example incoming messages from our internal message broker. In those cases we do not need the AMQP connection or the resources required to connect to it (we keep the sensitive information like certificates and passwords in an external vault) as we only want to publish and not consume.

I looked into using your FiksIOSender package for this, but this requires encrypting the payload with the recipient's public key and then provide the sender client with the encrypted stream.
The FiksIOClient handles this internally and exposes methods for supplying a list of unencrypted streams, which is much more comfortable to work with as it doesn't require knowledge about the asice containers.

Could you consider moving the logic contained in the FiksIOClient to the FiksIOSender instead?

AmqpHandler - should not use sync over async in Constructor

AmqpHandler calls SetupConnectionFactory from constructor and this mehod calls an async method with .Result
This may cause deadlock to occur and there are ways to make this code much better.

        private void SetupConnectionFactory(IntegrasjonConfiguration integrasjonConfiguration)
                var maskinportenToken = _maskinportenClient.GetAccessToken(integrasjonConfiguration.Scope).Result;
                _connectionFactory.UserName = integrasjonConfiguration.IntegrasjonId.ToString();
                _connectionFactory.Password = $"{integrasjonConfiguration.IntegrasjonPassord} {maskinportenToken.Token}";
            catch (AggregateException ex)
                throw new FiksIOAmqpSetupFailedException("Unable to setup connection factory.", ex);


You should also not need to handle AggregateException in the code.

Unsubscribe to events

As reported on Slack:

I'm investigating code of "KS.Fiks.IO.Client" in connection with my task to adjust our code to latest version of it.
I think in "KS.Fiks.IO.Client" we have places for improvements to avoid resource leaks. For example, in many places we have subscription on events but don't have unsubscription before disposing object (AmqpHandler). "Until you unsubscribe from an event, the multicast delegate that underlies the event in the publishing object has a reference to the delegate that encapsulates the subscriber's event handler. As long as the publishing object holds that reference, garbage collection will not delete your subscriber object."

FiksIOClient - make connections more resilient when listening for incoming messages


We have sometimes experienced that the MQ connection is lost and as-is the only resolution is to restart the application/webservice that contains the listener. We have experienced similar issues earlier in internal applications and found a way to make the connection more resilient by implementing a timer function that checks if the connection is Open and when not do a reconnect.

If you are interested I can make a PR for the changes to create a timer that checks if the mq connection is open and if not will make a reconnect.

W have made a private build of FiksIOClient to try this is out in production and the client has automatically reconnected these times in the last 2 weeks:

Resendt property not assigned


We're attempting to implement a retry mechanic if some message processing fails, a simple mechanic for requeueing messages when they fail on the first attempt.

I'm expecting the Resendt property of a message to be true when responding with NackWithRequeue(). This does not seem to be the case as the code snippet below ends with the handler requeueing a message infinitely.

Steps to reproduce


FiksIOClient client = new FiksIOClient(config);

await client.Send(new MeldingRequest(client.KontoId, client.KontoId, "Test"));

bool success = false;

client.NewSubscription((_, args) =>
  if (success)
  else if (args.Melding.Resendt)
    Console.WriteLine("Failed after Retry");
    Console.WriteLine("Failed, attempting retry");

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