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cuda_find_in_files's Issues

Inst using GH

Хорошо бы плагин- указал Урл Гитхаба-

  • он скачал плагин, перепаковал Зип, инсталлировал плагин (или просто инсталлировал)

Detection of encoding does not work properly

I have a .txt in UTF-8 format (see attachment below). It contains the word "schönsten". (Note the umlaut.) I enter the word "schönsten" into the Find field And press the Find button.

Homeoffice - Arbeitsgericht stärkt Recht auf Telearbeit - SPIEGEL ONLINE.txt

When the Encoding field is set to "cp1252, UTF-8, ", nothing is found.
When the Encoding field is set to "", nothing is found.
When the Encoding field is set to "UTF-8, cp1252, ", the word is correctly found.

Beta 0.9

Encodings for reading files:
fif-0 9
The first suitable from series will be applyed.
My def encoding is "cp1251". For other it may be different.
If def encoding is "UTF-8" then list shrinks to
fif-0 9-shr
This def encoding can be set in user.json

    // Exact encoding to read files

It can be usefull for Linux users as def encoding is "UTF-8".

NB! "detected" is slow on large list of files.

help on Opts

   // Copy find-options ".*", "aA", "w" from editor find to dialog on start

    // ESC will stop all stages 

Alpha 0.2

  • Скрытые папки пропускаются
  • Вывод результатов в таб

jump is incorrect

Nav to src. для стр. 888 прыгает в файл -
выделяется строка 888 (ОК) до начала след. строки 889, каретка уже на стр 889

[18.42"]parse_line:627 mtSPR gdct={'S': '\t', 'R': '888', 'L': None, 'C': None, 'P': '/home/user/lazarus/examples/cleandir/dircleaner.pp'}
[18.44"]Command._nav_to_src:646 full=   </home/user/lazarus/examples/cleandir/dircleaner.pp(888)>
[18.45"]Command._nav_to_src:647 shft, path, rw, cl, ln=('\t', '/home/user/lazarus/examples/cleandir/dircleaner.pp', 887, -1, -1)


что это за модуль?Вы его знаете уже?

fold in editor

текст не фолдится. при выводе. причина - лексер ищет блок от поз. посл. изменения. Делайте изменение 1й строки. Или делайте ed.insert('\n'.join(lines))

hilite in editor


  • фон фрагм- ставить как ed.get_prop(PROP_COLOR, цвет_фона)
  • цвет как цвет текста
  • ставить зеленый underline (синий? фиолет?)

Alpha 0.4.5

  1. Вывод только в табы
  2. Вывод в Новый/Прежний/Указанный таб. Указать пока можно только таб созданный плагином.
  3. В имени таба отображаются первые 10 символов от строки поиска
  4. Заработали настройки для изменения размеров полей (Adjust)
  5. Fixed: скролл к строке исходника
  6. Команды меню выстроены и добавлен разделитель

Запутался с Гитом. Поэтому два одинаковых коммита в двух ветках.

Replacing umlauts does not work properly

Download the attached file and place it in a folder that will be searched later.

Homeoffice - Arbeitsgericht stärkt Recht auf Telearbeit - SPIEGEL ONLINE.txt

In the Find field, enter "schönsten" (without the quotes).
In the Replace with field, enter "äää" (without the quotes).
Set the Encoding field to "UTF-8, cp1252, ".
Press the Replace button.
As a result, "schönsten" will be replaced with "\ä\ä\ä". The 3 backslash characters should not be there.

err, dir /

Python 3.4.3 (default, Oct 14 2015, 20:31:36) 
[GCC 4.8.4]
Setting icons: AwOken_24x24
[ 0.02"]collect_files:1633 >>1(:)how_walk={'file_incl': '*', 'depth': -1, 'root': '', 'only_frst': 0, 'sort_type': '', 'enco': ['cp1252', 'UTF-8', '"detected"'], 'skip_binr': True, 'file_excl': '', 'skip_hidn': True}
[ 0.40"]    1(:)=[ 0.00"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/user/.cudatext/py/cuda_find_in_files/", line 4, in show_dlg
    def show_dlg(self, what='', opts={}):   return RLS.show_dlg(what, opts)
  File "/home/user/.cudatext/py/cuda_find_in_files/", line 112, in show_dlg
    return dlg_fif(what, opts)
  File "/home/user/.cudatext/py/cuda_find_in_files/", line 807, in dlg_fif
    ,progressor = progressor
  File "/home/user/.cudatext/py/cuda_find_in_files/", line 1373, in find_in_files
    collect_files(how_walk, progressor)
ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack


Fold nodes

I suggest an opt
Fold results (results root nodes): Fold last only (def)/ Fold all/ Unfold all
to be able to fold all

Alpha 0.5.3


  1. Extra options for "user.json" (need restart after changing). Default values:
    // ESC will stop all stages 
    // Style to mark found fragment in source line
    // Full form
    //    "fif_mark_style":{"bg_c":"", "font_c":"", "font_b":false, "font_i":false, "border_c":"", "border":{"l":"","r":"","b":"","t":""}},
    //  Color values: "" - skip, "RRGGBB" - hex-digits
    //  Values for border sides: "solid", "dash", "2px", "dotted", "rounded", "wave"
    // Close dialog if searching was success
    // List of lexer names. First available will be applyed.
    "fif_lexers":["Search results"],
  1. New tree type path/(··r):line to vert-align all source lines in report
    Aligning works with more blanks before row numbers.
  2. Plugin command for Find in current file (now only with saved)

Beta 1.0.1

  1. Main dlg layout is updated.
    Max shown fields (all switch on in Adjust, -Less+More)
    Min shown fields (all switch off in Adjust, +Less-More)

  2. Replace-in-files (#41) and Replace-in-tabs.
    NB! Version is BETA - try to replace at your own risk.
    Report shows all found old lines/fragments and marks its with "!" before line numbers.
    Report shows all new lines and marks its with "=" before line numbers.
    Navigation works only for new lines.

  3. Preset can be configured for all fields (except Find and Replace with)

пропуск .имя

В Лин скрытый== имя начинается с точки
учтите это по,
хочу пропутить фолдер .svn

Alpha 0.4

Нужно тестировать

  • связку Результатов с лексером "Search results.lcf" (пока назначается жестко, требуется обновление Куд)
  • переходы из Результатов в файлы с помощью 5 команд из inf

opt not saved in Dlg

тут все еще wordonly+treetype;
а я 2 раза выбирал wordonly=off, treetype= без колонок (делал вызов Find in cur file, жал поиск "Undo", потом закрывал по х)



Проверьте, что плагин "живой" не только у меня

  1. Уже должен искать со всеми опциями
  2. Пока результаты накапливаются, но никуда не выдаются. Только в статусе отображаются числа: найдено N фрагментов в M файлах.
  3. Поиск можно прерывать по Esc. Если Esc на этапе сбора файлов, то результатов не будет. А если на этапе поиска фрагментов, то результаты - сколько успели найти.

Кроме того в консоли можно увидеть сколько времени занимали этапы "Сбор файлов" и "Поиск фрагментов"
(:)=[ 1.45"] - это про сбор файлов
ok files ==)[ 2.68"] - это про фрагменты

Alpha 0.5.5

  1. New Tree type path··(··r:··c:··l):line for compact and aligned report.

All path/row/col/len (if its are) are shown into same columns. Thus source lines are shown aligned too.

  1. Dlg Help splits to 3 views (a la panels): Tips, Tree, Opts

double {{ in help

    //    "fif_mark_style":{{
    //      "bg_c":"", 
    //      "font_c":"", "font_b":false, "font_i":false,
    //      "border_c":"", 
    //      "border":{{"l":"","r":"","b":"","t":""}}
    //    }},
    //  Color values: "" - skip, "#RRGGBB" - hex-digits
    //  Values for border sides: "solid", "dash", "2px", "dotted", "rounded", "wave"

Alpha 0.5


  1. Six "Tree type"s. See Help.
  2. Reuse prior tab or create new or select from suitable tabs (by lexer).
  3. Any of three stage (Picking, Searching, Reporting) can be stopped by ESC with start next stage. Status-line will show info about all stopped stage.

Nearest plans

  1. Encodings
  2. Apply selection from cur file
  3. Add plugin command "Find in cur file"

Btn text

btn to make big/small dialog. caption: "More >>", "Less <<" (two > or < like Win apps)

Encoding >>

что делают все 5 опций в combobox?


первый запуск.


[ 0.01"]collect_files:687 >>1(:)how_walk={'root': '/home/user/lazarus/examples', 'skip_binr': False, 'file_excl': '', 'depth': -1, 'skip_hidn': False, 'sort_type': '', 'only_frst': 0, 'file_incl': '*.pp'}
[ 0.03"]    collect_files:714 incls=['*.pp']
[ 0.04"]    collect_files:715 excls=[]
[ 0.23"]    1(:)=[ 0.20"]
[ 0.24"]find_in_files:569 #files=35
[ 0.25"]find_in_files:591 ?? files (==[ 0.00"]
[ 0.29"]find_in_files:671 ok files ==)[ 0.05"] #rsp_l=3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/user/cuda/cuda/app/py/cuda_find_in_files/", line 431, in show_dlg
    if '1'==vals['toed']:
KeyError: 'toed'

Nav dont work for {Cudatext}/untitled1

+Search for "dd" in "<Open Files>" (4 matches in 1 files)
    <{CudaText}/Untitled1>: #4
        <(1:3:2)>: dfdd
        <(2:1:2)>: ddd
        <(5:1:2)>: dddd

Nav dont work to 2:1

repl r/o files

dir has r/o attr (Linux: access is +r-w)
Repl must SKIP fls here

Alpha 0.5.6

  1. Options to found fragment style was renamed. Now plugin waits
  1. Searching in texts of all tabs (in not saved text, including tabs havent disk files).
    Need set <Open Files> for In folder field. Ready preset helps u.
    Working fields: Find, In files, Not in files, all (not all tree types)
    Not working fields: In subfolders, all
    To find in tab likes "Untitled2" use mask "*" in field In files.

Known problem: jump from results for "Untitled2" doesnt work.


# Find in Files

CudaText plugin. Gives dialog to find/replace string in multiple files.
Main target is dialog like in SynWrite. Or with more features.
Outputs found lines to "Search Results" panel in bottom-panel.

Alpha 0.5.7


  1. Updating CudaText is mandatory.

  2. Count of tree types is returned to six. Now any of the type can be aligned: [x]Align

  3. Any tab (temp or file) with Results will have target of search (dlg field Find) in title :
    Results (abc) or file.ext (abc).
    NB: not full target, only 10 chars.

  4. @Alexey-T #36, @Andreas123456 #34 Navigation is fixed.

Known plroblems

  • Result can contain folder without file+fragment for it.


тут есть обработка words? нет вроде.
накрайняк- искать \bтекст\b

Cannot open utf8

[24.83"]find_in_files:589 ?? files (==[ 0.00"]
Cannot open "/home/user/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/qt/qtwsdialogs.pp": 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb4 in position 4597: invalid start byte
Cannot open "/home/user/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/carbon/carboncanvas.pp": 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 7752: invalid continuation byte
Cannot open "/home/user/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/wince/wincewsforms.pp": 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb4 in position 5974: invalid start byte
Cannot open "/home/user/lazarus/components/mpaslex/mpaslex.pp": 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x96 in position 7340: invalid start byte


permiss err

Got err in console.

[57.59"]collect_files:1661 >>3(:)how_walk={'root': '/', 'sort_type': '', 'only_frst': 0, 'depth': -1, 'skip_binr': True, 'skip_hidn': True, 'file_excl': '', 'enco': ['cp1252', 'UTF-8', '<detected>'], 'file_incl': '*'}
[ 1'33.55"] collect_files:1732 |rsp|, stoped=(328, True)
[ 1'33.57"] 3(:)=[35.62"]
[ 1'33.60"]find_in_files:1525 ?? files (==[ 0.00"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/user/.cudatext/py/cuda_find_in_files/", line 4, in show_dlg
    def show_dlg(self, what='', opts={}):   return RLS.show_dlg(what, opts)
  File "/home/user/.cudatext/py/cuda_find_in_files/", line 113, in show_dlg
    return dlg_fif(what, opts)
  File "/home/user/.cudatext/py/cuda_find_in_files/", line 803, in dlg_fif
    ,progressor = progressor
  File "/home/user/.cudatext/py/cuda_find_in_files/", line 1567, in find_in_files
    enco_s  = detect_encoding(path, detector)
  File "/home/user/.cudatext/py/cuda_find_in_files/", line 1410, in detect_encoding
    with open(path, 'rb') as h_path:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/hidraw1'

Nav, same group

Запись </home/user/lazarus/lcl/dbctrls.pp(1750)>

  • навит в строку 1751
  • не скролит к каретке (есть команда "скрол к каретке")

wish. don't show er.

лучше не показ. это.

Cannot read "/home/user/lazarus/test/manual/png/testsuite/s40i3p04.png" (encoding=None/['cp1252', 'UTF-8', None]): 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x89 in position 0: invalid start byte
Cannot read "/home/user/lazarus/test/manual/png/testsuite/f01n2c08.png" (encoding=None/['cp1252', 'UTF-8', None]): 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x89 in position 0: invalid start byte

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