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cli's Issues

Add test support on base of Octopus

Introduce Kyma test functionality based on the Kyma test suite and the octopus framework. A script should not be required anymore as you can run a suite with one command. And figure out the problem area with one command. That commands are easily understandable by just reading the in-line help.

Executing the kyma tests got improved a lot by having it based on Octopus. Still, it can be quite inconvenient to create the resources and figure out the status of a test execution in comparison to execute a simple command. From devX perspective, it should be a trivial task to execute the kyma test suite and investigate the problems.

Overall goal is to remove the in kyma repo and instead use the CLI commands.

The proposal is to have following commands:

  1. kyma test run <tests> - creates new TestSuite

    • tests - comma-separated list of names, selector.matchNames in TestSuite, empty list selects all tests


    • -n/--name - name of the test suite, generated by default
    • --timeout - suiteTimeout in TestSuite
    • --concurrency - concurrency in TestSuite
    • -l/--labels - comma-separated list of labels, selector.matchLabels in TestSuite
    • -c/--count - number of times suite should be executed, count in TestSuite
    • --max-retries - allowed number of retries per test, maxRetries in TestSuite
    • -w/--watch - watch status of TestSuite until completion
    • --delete - remove TestSuite after successful completion
  2. kyma test delete <name> <name> .. - deletes TestSuite and all its resources

    • name - mandatory name of the test suite to delete, can be provided multiple times


    • none
  3. kyma test status <name> <name> - prints nicely formatted status of TestSuite, prints command instructions to easily re-run a suite

    • name - optional name of the test suite to describe, can be provided multiple times


    • -w/--watch - watch status of TestSuite until completion
    • -o json|yaml - prints raw testSuite resource in specified format
  4. kyma test logs [<name>] - print failing logs from test suite

    • name - optional name of the test suite to retrieve logs from, default is latest started suite


    • -f/--follow - follow logs
    • --test-status - selects logs of pods in status "Running, Failed, Success"
    • --definitions - selects the pods related to the definitions in the test suite to show logs of
  5. kyma test list - print all created suites with their statuses

    • none


    • none
  6. kyma test definitions - print all available TestDefinitions

    • none


    • none

Example Usage

With the definition above would become something like this:

echo "----------------------------"
echo "- Testing Kyma..."
echo "----------------------------"

kyma test run --name kyma-suite --timeout 30m --watch

kyma test status kyma-suite
kyma test logs kyma-suite
kyma test clean kyma-suite

exit ${testCheckCore} 

Add kyma certificate to trust store for local installation

A local Kyma installation comes with a local wildcard self-signed server.crt certificate.

Mozilla Firefox uses its own certificate keychain. If you want to access the Console UI though Firefox, add the Kyma wildcard certificate to the certificate keychain of the browser. To access the Application Connector and connect an external solution to the local deployment of Kyma, you must add the certificate to the trusted certificate storage of your programming environment. Read this document to learn more.

Add this certificate to the OS trusted certificates as part of the minikube setup.
Be aware of the sudo problematic, see existing hosts file manipulation logic.
Remove an existing kyma certificate like we do for hosts file manipulation (to not spam the truststore)

Automated release

Come up and implement a release process based on prow, see also the kyma release process:

Have an automated release process in place based on branches/tags assuring that the final binaries for a release are well-tested and published by CI infrastructure only.

Shell completion does not work for Zsh

Following the instructions provided by cobra to enable completion for the kyma CLI commands does not work showing the following error:
/dev/fd/11:type:299: bad option: -t

Expected result

Completions work after running the command as explained by the output of kyma completion -h

Actual result

Error is displayed:
/dev/fd/11:type:299: bad option: -t

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Kyma CLI as explained here:
  2. Run . <(kyma completion), which should add the completions code to your bash session .

Support --kube-context flag

Kubeconfig file may consists of several contexts. While using kubectl you may provide --context flag if you don't want to use default one. Helm also supports it by providing --kube-context flag. We should do the same.

Support for knative flag on kyma installation

The current installation scripts have a special flag to indicate a kyma installation based on knative. That mode will preset the minikube memory and disk settings and will preset the installer configuration.

Goal: Support installation of kyma in knative mode

Add xip integration

Kyma will be switching to xip DNS as default: kyma-project/kyma#2563

  1. We need to keep an eye on that to find if there is something to be done during installation.
  2. If there is we need to add it.
  3. This change is not applicable for local installation so maybe we're not there yet.

Apply proper shell output encoding

When installing kyma based on minikube you need to configure the kyma specific domains for domain resolution in your local hosts file and in the hosts file on minikube.

That is currently done by the CLI but it is not doing it with proper shell output encoding. So the configured domain could contain malicious shell commands getting executed without knowledge of the user.

Configuration override fails for non-existing configmap

Current way of configuring the installation process is by providing yaml files with configmaps containing the configuration overrides. That yaml files will be passed with the --override option at the "kyma install" command.

When doing that, the override mechanism assumes that the configmap already exists. That often is not the case, think of configuration for cms component as an example.

Expected result
I can configure/override all documented configuration options

Actual result
Providing configuration for a component having no configmap defined in the basis configuration will fail

Steps to reproduce
Configure overrides for cms

Download the basis configuration and add the configmap here and then use the --config parameter

Add command to get the health of a kyma cluster

Have a "health" command to quickly get an overview of the cluster (in regards to problems).

It should focus on retrieving general health information and the installer status. Using --watch you can follow the health in case of unhealthyness (wait till it gets healthy)


  • show console URL and check if it is reachable
  • show simple health based on pod status in system namespaces (if there are pods which are not running or completed)
  • have --watch option to wait till cluster is healthy on above criterias
  • check status of installer

Often you need a way to quickly check if all is running fine, like after installation you want to assure that all pods are running. With the health command it is easy to get that certainty and you can attach to it and wait till the condition is met.

Continue with the installation even if I choose No for deleteing previous minikube

So there is a problem with minikube in windows. Although I actually deleted minikube and could provision a new minikube cluster the status of minikube shows that it's still installed and when I use the CLI to provision a new cluster it asks me if I want to delete the previous cluster. If I choose Yes it fails and if I choose No it exits so then I am stuck and can't use the tool. So I would Like to suggest that if I choose No the provisioning continues without the delete command

Logs with sensitive data are logged in case of installation error

If there is an error during installation installer logs are printed to the console. As all overrides are written there they may contain sensitive data. This is security vulnerability and prevents kyma-cli from being used in production environment. There is a plan to add additional error log to Installation CRD status. As soon as it is done we need to utilise it and remove printing installer logs.

Support lite and full installation types

How about to add two types of installation:

  • All kyma components + Prometheus/kiali/grafana (full)
  • All kyma components without Prometheus/kiali/grafana (lite)

The idea is, that by default kyma-cli will install the lite version but one may provide a flag (--full) to install monitoring subsystem as well.

How to version external dependencies?


Right now we have dependency on following external tools:

  • kyma CRDs
  • kubernetes
  • helm
  • minikube

and soon to come:

  • gcloud
  • aks
  • octopus

There is growing problem we'll have to face one day, which is how do we approach versioning of those dependencies. Two basic approaches are:

  1. Embed the tool within kyma-cli, like we did with helm.
    • Client is not required to have helm.
    • We use API instead of parsing strings which is usually better.
    • Not every tool can do that, for instance minikube.
    • Binary size grows to infinity.
    • Tool version is bound to source code, so use of #25 is limited.
  2. Use binaries
    • Binary is lighter.
    • Client needs only to install new version of required tools in case of upgrade, CLI is cross-compatible with different versions of Kyma.
    • Client is required to install all the tools in addition to installing kyma-cli.
    • We need to deal with strings, not good.

None of those two solves problem of breaking changes in CRDs.


I suggest a mixed approach. There are three tools that are needed to provide core functionality: kyma CRDs, kubernetes and helm, which will soon get replaced by octopus.

  1. Kubernetes is the only binary dependency we have. According to client-go it should be backwards compatible so we could bind kyma-cli to version supported by latest Kyma release. This should give us the ability to work with past Kyma releases as well as with future ones. Same applies to helm until we get rid of it.

  2. We have also dependency on Kyma and Octopus CRDs. They are versioned together so we may treat them as one. The only option I see is to have a switch in the code which chooses appropriate "driver" depending on dependency version.

    • Octopus version will be bound to Kyma release, so we may treat them as one dependency.
    • We can build two separate drivers, for Kyma and for Octopus

All the other dependencies will be served as binaries. If you want to run Kyma on minikube, you have to have minikube installed in appropriate version. If you want to install on GKE, you have to have gcloud installed, and so on. Alternatively GKE module may use go client for GKE, but I wouldn't force anything here.

Improve error handling for install command and provide more relevant data


The error messages returned by the CLI are rather brief and don't give much insight into what actually went wrong, even when in --verbose mode.

For example, this istio error:

Using the script of Kyma it was showing at some point that detail message:

Step error:  Details: Helm install error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = validation failed: [unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "DestinationRule" in version "", unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "DestinationRule" in version "", unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "attributemanifest" in version ""

This error description is available to the user but requires a lot of digging.
And it says that the installation failed but indeed it re-tries and may succeed later.


Help users identify the exact errors they get in the installation process which in turn allows them to find solutions in Troubleshooting docs and ask the right questions on Slack.


  • Show the errorLog attribute of the installation resource additionally to the static "kubectl logs" statement
  • Improve the error status message, instead of error message "X Kyma installation failed" write something more tolerant like a warning "! Processing component istio failed, which may be OK. Will retry later..."

Rename repo to kyma-cli

Current project name kymactl suggests binary name (like kubectl). However, the binary is named differently: kyma. I suggest changing name of the project to kyma-cli or simply cli.

Installation instructions on MacOS doesn't work with zsh


In iTerm with ZSH running this command to install Kyma CLI on MacOS:

curl -Lo kyma.tar.gz$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)/kyma_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz \
&& mkdir kyma-release && tar -C kyma-release -zxvf kyma.tar.gz && chmod +x kyma-release/kyma && sudo mv kyma-release/kyma /usr/local/bin \
&& rm -rf kyma-release kyma.tar.gz

Fails with this error:

zsh: parse error near `)'

When I run the same command in MacOS Terminal with bash, everything works as expected.

Expected result

Can install Kyma CLI using zsh.

Actual result

Can't install with zsh, can install with bash.

Steps to reproduce

Install iTerm, switch shell to zsh and run the command listed in the problem description.


I tried Terminal with bash and it worked.

Support of configuration overrides


To install kyma you need to apply the installer CR as well as a set of predefined configMaps which you can customize. At the moment you can specify a custom yaml file containing the configMaps and the installer CR all in one file using the --config flag at install


Sometimes it is handy to replace just the installer CR or just one dedicated configMap. The rest of the configuration should be still based on the base yaml file provided by the release. To easily manage your changes it will be helpful to configure the different customizations individually, not all in one file.


Instead of replacing the full yaml config using the --config flag, support a override of the configmaps and the installer cr defined in the base yaml file
Before: kyma install --config customConfig.yaml
After: kyma install --config monitoringConfig.yaml --config installerCR.yaml --config eventBusConfig.yaml

Support for minikube 1.0.x

Minikube is released finally with in a stable version and we should support that. Currently the installation scripts and the CLI are warning you to use that version.

Official support Minikube 1.0.x with Kyma when installed via CLI

There are four places where the minikube version is referenced

  • CLI/internal/minikube.go
  • Kyma/installation/
  • Kyma/docu/installation
  • test-infra/prow/

In the epic of this ticket the docu and script gets deprecated, here we could keep the old version, but the CLI and prow should use the new version.

Config file passed with --kubeconfig is ignored


When I run kyma install --kubeconfig <config-file>, the config file I'm passing to the command is just ignored.

Expected result

I'd expect the config I'm passing would be used.

Install command format

I was thinking about format of install command and came to conclusion that what we have now will lead to problems in future.

Why is that? kyma provision ... requires some provider specific parameters, e.g. kyma provision gke would require additional --domain flag so it can create appropriate DNS records. On the other hand kyma install would also require this parameter. This will lead us to duplication and potential mismatch in cluster and kyma configurations. Moreover, type of the cluster provider is important for installation. Some steps need to be enabled or disabled depending on provider (mostly minikube vs rest of the world). Some features are enabled or not. Some works in a different way.

In my opinion, there are two approaches to make it easier to understand and manage:

  1. Store named cluster configuration in kyma config. For example one would call kyma provision local --provider minikube --vm-driver hyperkit and then reference this cluster in kyma install --cluster local.
  2. Merge it into one command so instead of calling kyma provision ... followed by kyma install ... there would be only one call, like those:
    • kyma install --provider minikube --minikube-vm-driver hyperkit or
    • kyma install --provider minikube --skip-provision or
    • kyma install --provider gke --gke-cluster-name my-cluster --domain

I'm leaning towards option 2, as it's a lot simpler. @lilitgh @a-thaler @mszostok What do you think?

Suppress kyma password log in specific cases

At the moment the "kyma install" command prints the following after successful installation:

Kyma is installed in version 1.0.0
Kyma console:     https://console.kyma.local
Kyma admin email: [email protected]
Kyma admin pwd:   xxx

Happy Kyma-ing! :)

Please suppress the password log if:

  • provided by the --password option
  • in non-interactive mode

Integration test to assure support of latest kyma revision

Have integration tests which are using latest CLI revision (master) with latest revision of Kyma (master).
As the reason for failures are not clearly assignable to a repo, the test should not block any pull request and might be executed on a periodic base reporting to a slack channel.

It should do the same steps as kyma-project/kyma#4048 but should be based on gke

Error in flag --format, {{.MinikubeStatus}} is not supported


Functions checkIfMinikubeIsInitialized and waitForMinikubeToBeUp in provision/minikube.go use flag --format as is shown below.

statusText, err := internal.RunMinikubeCmdE([]string{"status", "-b=" + bootstrapper, "--format", "'{{.MinikubeStatus}}'"})

This originates the following error
Minikube is initialized and status is 'E0204 08:05:51.556475 180376 status.go:137] Error executing status template: template: status:1:3: executing "status" at <.MinikubeStatus>: cant evaluate field MinikubeStatus in type cmd.Status'

In order to solve this issue {{.MinikubeStatus}} must be replaced by {{.Host}} as is indicated in minikube status --help

      --format string   Go template format string for the status output.  The format for Go templates can be found here:
                        For the list accessible variables for the template, see the struct values here: (default "host: {{.Host}}\nkubelet: {{.Kubelet}}\napiserver: {{.ApiServer}}\nkubectl: {{.Kubeconfig}}")```

Check dependencies up to minor version, not patch

There is upcoming feature in Kyma: kyma-project/kyma#1923

It will change how dependencies versions (minikube specifically) are verified by installation scripts:

  • They will not verify patch version, only minor.
  • They will not crash if wrong version is used, only print warning
  1. We must definitely add it for minikube to be compatible.
  2. We need to discuss if adding it for kubernetes and other tools makes sense. @a-thaler
  3. There surely is a library for handling semver out in the wild. Probably we could utilise one.

Migrate kubectl usage from binary to library

In order to improve development/maintainability/testability we should use the kubectl
library instead of the binary. Especially testing and response processing will be simplified.


  • there is no exec call based on kubectl anymore
  • there is a clear way to handle the dependency in tests
  • kubectl plugin mechanism still works

Migrate installation scripts

This ticket tracks what needs to be done in order to fully migrate Kyma installation scripts to this CLI.

Local installation (

  • Start minikube during default installation There is a separate command to install minikube
  • Allow to skip minikube start (--skip-minikube-start) See above
  • Use default VM driver for OS Different defaults are provided in a transparent way depending on if it is linux, darwin or windows
  • Allow to set VM driver for minikube (--vm-driver) Realized with --vm-driver option
  • Allow to set custom admin password (--password)
  • Allow to specify custom Installation CR (--cr) Might be realized by allowing to specify multiple --config yaml files which are getting merged together with the base yaml file.
  • Start in Knative mode (--knative) Knative will be default soon
  • Install Kyma from local sources Realized with --local option

Azure installation

  • Generate Installation CR from template (
  • Generate config overrides (what is used for)
  • Create subcomponents configmap (


  • Run tests ( There is a separate command to test kyma
  • Watch pods (
  • General approach to installation/resources

Support custom admin password for installation

The default Kyma installation will configure dex with an initial generated admin password.
Instead of figuring out the password after installation and potentially changing it, there should be a way to configure the password as part of installation.

Introduce -p/--password flag to install command which configured the password for the installer.
Assure that the password gets printed nowhere, especially not at the summary section at the end of installation.

Code quality for release


The source code for CLI should follow standards and common best practices for Go code:

  • Package cohesion: Go packages should not blindly export structure and functionality, but instead have an intentional and meaningful public API.
  • Unit tests: All go packages should have unit tests (if possible).


  • Improve overall code quality.
  • Improve developer confidence in a new release.
  • Avoid unintentional behavior breaking and/or security issues.
  • Introduce best practices.
  • Make reviewing easier.

Newer minikube version fails

Starting from minikube version 0.34.1 the "kyma provision minikube" command seems to fail like that:

✕ Adjusting minikube cluster
Error: Failed executing command ’minikube ssh -- ‘sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_instances=524288’' with output ’bash: sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_instances=524288: command not found

Executing the command manually is working without error message.

Uninstallation fails

The uninstallation fails always in the "Delete tiller" phase:

Deleting tiller 
Executed command:
  kubectl -n kube-system delete all -l name=tiller
with output:
  error: the server doesn't have a resource type "brokers"

and error:
  exit status 1
X Deleting tiller
Error: Failed executing kubectl 'kubectl -n kube-system delete all -l name=tiller' command  with output 'error: the server doesn't have a resource type "brokers"
' and error message 'exit status 1'

It seems that the uninstallation removes the CRDs of api group but somehow the "kubectl delete all" command still relies on it, so complains that it cannot find the type "" for example.
Repeating the delete command manually will then succeed, so maybe it is a timing issue that the CRDs are not fully unregistered yet.

Expected result
kyma uninstall command succeeds

Actual result
kyma uninstall command fails

Steps to reproduce

kyma provision minikube
kyma install
kyma uninstall


CPU flag should be --cpus

The flag for the CPU setting in kyma provision minikube is --cpu. However, it should be --cpus to be consistent with the namings in Minikube.

Installing from Kyma branch

It would be helpful to have an option like --branch. This could mainly be used to install the current master version of Kyma.

Currently, installing the master branch of Kyma is done by checking out the Kyma sources locally and triggering the installation. It is more convenient if the CLI takes care of checking out the branch and then triggers a local installation based on the the Kyma sources.

'exit status 1' with '-bootstrapper=localkube '

Error while running .\kyma.exe provision minikube --vm-driver virtualbox

Starting VM...
Getting VM IP address...
E0204 08:12:50.106726  182476 start.go:210] Error parsing version semver:  Version string empty
F0204 08:12:50.115248  182476 start.go:244] Error getting cluster bootstrapper: Unknown bootstrapper: 

' and error message 'exit status 1'
Failed executing minikube command 'minikube [start --memory 8192 --cpus 4 --extra-config=apiserver.Authorization.Mode=RBAC --extra-config=apiserver.GenericServerRunOptions.CorsAllowedOriginList='.*' --extra-config=controller-manager.ClusterSigningCertFile='/var/lib/local
kube/certs/ca.crt' --extra-config=controller-manager.ClusterSigningKeyFile='/var/lib/localkube/certs/ca.key' --extra-config=apiserver.admission-control='LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,MutatingAdmissionWebhook,ValidatingAdmissionWebhook,ResourceQuota' --ku
bernetes-version=v1.10.0 --vm-driver=virtualbox --disk-size=20g --feature-gates='MountPropagation=false'  -b=localkube]' with output 'Starting local Kubernetes v1.10.0 cluster...
Starting VM...
Getting VM IP address...
E0204 08:12:50.106726  182476 start.go:210] Error parsing version semver:  Version string empty
F0204 08:12:50.115248  182476 start.go:244] Error getting cluster bootstrapper: Unknown bootstrapper: localkube
' and error message 'exit status 1'
PS C:\golang\work\src\\kyma-incubator\kyma-cli\bin> minikube version
minikube version: v0.31.0
PS C:\golang\work\src\\kyma-incubator\kyma-cli\bin>

-bootstrapper=localkube must be replaced by --bootstrapper=kubeadm.

Support for kyma 0.8

Kyma 0.8 will be released in a moment and the CLI should support it.

  • Update default kyma release so that the new config and installer files will be applied
  • Update supported kubectl and minikube version
  • it might be required to fix first: #31
  • Verify that minikube provisioning, install/uninstall works

Remove test functionality from CLI


Kyma tests no longer use helm test to run, but octopus instead. The deprecated test command and dependency to helm need to be removed from the CLI source code.


  • Remove test command.
  • Make sure there is no dependency to helm in the source code.

Make request for root rights more explicit

The "provision minikube" command adds entries to the hosts file by executing a sudo command. The logs in the CLI only says that you should enter your password, it is not explaining why. If I don't want to grant root access, I have no chance to skip it.


  • Improve the log message and explain why it ask for root rights
  • If adding to hosts file fails, just continue and print manual instructions as done for windows

Use requirements file distributed with Kyma release

Kyma 0.8 will be distributed with file which contains supported versions of required tools: kyma-project/kyma#2644. We could use this to dynamically check if requirements are met. Two checks should be in place:

  1. Check if appropriate versions of tools are installed on OS.
  2. Check if those versions are supported by kyma-cli.

Improve docu for version and install commands

Improve documentation for install and version commands. Go with an in-line documentation for now (accessible via --help). If we see that it gets to messy, move it into proper md files and just reference from in-help.

It should contain:

  • Prerequisites
    • identify the dependencies like a minikube or helm binary (mandatory/optional)
    • identify other conditions like an existent KUBECONFIG
  • Steps
    • list the detailed execution steps to bring more transparency into the CLI
    • Explain every step in more detail
  • Parameters
    • Describe every parameter and explain the effect in more detail
  • Usage examples
    • outline examples of calling the command with a set of parameters how they typically will be used

People should understand the effect of a command and the parameters.

Convenient installation configuration

The CLI allows to install kyma on minikube with two easy commands. By doing that, it supports very technical options to customize the installation by specifying custom config.yaml and configuration overrides.
There are two things very typical customizations you require quite often:

  • enrich the list of modules to install (I want more modules like monitoring on top of standard lite installation)
  • customize settings per module (like custom admin password)
    That two scenarios should be achievable in a very easy way, preferably in a persistent manner so that you can re-use the setting for the next installation again.

As inspiration take a look at the kyma installation scripts, there is a hidden feature by specifying a components.env file (kyma-project/kyma#3995)

The CLI should abstract any technical details and should assure that installing kyma will be an easy task keeping full flexibility.

Installer fails due to helm cert missing for minikube

What happened
I've been trying to install the latest version:

$ kyma install
! You are using an unsupported kubectl version '1.14.0'. This may not work. It is recommended to use kubectl version '1.12.0'
✓ Requirements are fine
  Installing Kyma in version '0.9.1'
✓ Tiller installed
✓ kyma-installer installed
✕ Configuring Helm
Error: open /Users/username/.helm/ca.pem: no such file or directory
open /Users/username/.helm/ca.pem: no such file or directory

I've had the same result with kubectl version 1.11.0, so I updated to a newer version.

The cluster was just provisioned before running the installer with the following output:

$ kyma provision minikube
! You are using an unsupported kubectl version '1.14.0'. This may not work. It is recommended to use kubectl version '1.12.0'
✓ Requirements are fine
  Preparing minikube using domain 'kyma.local' and vm-driver 'hyperkit'
? Do you want to remove previous minikube cluster [y/N]: y
✓ Minikube status is fine
✓ Minikube config initialized
✓ Minukube up and running
  Please enter your password if requested
✓ Adjustments finished

Minikube cluster is installed
host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at

Happy Minikube-ing! :)

I would expect the installer to ask me to generate the certificate or add a task kyma certgen to put the certificates in the assumed location, that can be run once before kyma install task.

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