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laminas-developer-tools's Issues

Javascript location.assign brokes the toolbar


When I use window.location.assign with a download link, the toolbar does not work properly and I get this javascript error on my console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of null

Code to simulate:

<script type="text/javascript">

Thank you!

Originally posted by @quintanilhar at zendframework/zend-developer-tools#194

In HTML5, the <head> element can be omitted. The zend-developer-tools css requires it.

  • I was not able to find an open or closed issue matching what I'm seeing.
  • This is not a question. (Questions should be asked on chat (Signup here) or our forums.)

Provide a narrative description of what you are trying to accomplish.

Code to reproduce the issue

In HTML5, the <head> element can be omitted. The following code will validate as HTML5:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Title of the document</title>

<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


However, ZendDeveloperTools\Listener->injectToolbar() requires it to work

$injected = preg_replace('/<\/head>/i', $style . "\n</head>", $injected, 1);

Expected results

Styles should be displayed in the html document even if there is no <head> html element when the document is html 5 document.

Actual results

html document does not include zend-developer-tools required css, if <head> element is missing from the layout.

Originally posted by @VilleTikkanen at zendframework/zend-developer-tools#255

Use with ZF2

The project page (url below) starts with the line "Module for developer and debug tools for working with the ZF2 MVC layer". (url: )

The line makes you wonder if the module is compatible (or applicable for) with in ZF3 MVC projects.

I feel this should be changed to show that this module will work in ZF2 and ZF3, perhaps like this:
"Module for developer and debug tools for working with the ZF2 MVC layer, works with ZF3"

Originally posted by @rbroen at zendframework/zend-developer-tools#226

Using this component with AngularJs

Hi, I am developing a AngularJs application and was wondering how can i get the toolbars data in each ajax request ?
All my requests return json, either a html output to replace the current toolbar or just a json object of the reports would be nice.
I looked throw the code but could not figure out where all the reports come together and injected in the view so i can hijack it and do something with it.
I've also asked it here with no response

Originally posted by @Exlord at zendframework/zend-developer-tools#203

Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed'

in the application config ,i have a route its type is 'Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Chain', this type need a parameter 'route_plugins', so i new it in the application config.
but in the \Zend\Mvc\Router\RoutePluginManager, the initializer propery store some closures. so when the application config is serialized, the error happend.

i think we need a method named makeObjectProperySerializable in the class Collector\ConfigCollector

Originally posted by @h3110w0r1d at zendframework/zend-developer-tools#153

Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

Repository problems

These problems occurred while renovating this repository. View logs.

  • WARN: Use matchDepNames instead of matchPackageNames


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

  • php ~8.1.0 || ~8.2.0 || ~8.3.0
  • laminas/laminas-eventmanager ^3.4
  • laminas/laminas-http ^2.15
  • laminas/laminas-modulemanager ^2.10
  • laminas/laminas-mvc ^3.1
  • laminas/laminas-servicemanager ^3.3
  • laminas/laminas-stdlib ^3.6
  • laminas/laminas-view ^2.13.1
  • symfony/var-dumper ^6.0 || ^7.0
  • laminas/laminas-coding-standard ~2.5.0
  • phpunit/phpunit ^9.5.26
  • psalm/plugin-phpunit ^0.19.0
  • vimeo/psalm ^5.19

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository

Toolbar hidden will soon not be remembered because of cookie settings

Bug Report

Version(s) 2.4.0


Firefox warns about the laminas-hidden cookie. In specific, it references the following documentation:

The problem is that the cookie will be rejected by future browser versions.

Current behavior

laminas-hidden cookie is set with SameSite=None and without secure.

I believe the code responsible for this behaviour is located here:

How to reproduce

Enable the laminas-developer-tools toolbar. Visit your website. Observe the console output of your browser.

Expected behavior

No warnings should be thrown.

Since not all websites under development are served over a secure connection, I propose setting SameSite=Lax.

DeveloperTools fatal error when using named Adapters

Bug Report


I was using named Adapter in my database configuration as shown in

    'db' => [
        'adapters' => [
            'Application\Db\ApplicationAdapter' => [
                'driver' => 'Pdo',
                'dsn'    => 'mysql:dbname=database;host=localhost;charset=utf8',
                'username' => 'username',
                'password' => 'password',

But the Laminas\DeveloperTools module send a Fatal error that tells no 'driver' key present

Current behavior

`Fatal error: Uncaught Laminas\Db\Adapter\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: createDriver expects a "driver" key to be present inside the parameters in /domain/ 
Stack trace: 
#0 /domain/ Laminas\Db\Adapter\Adapter->createDriver(Array) 
#1 /domain/ Laminas\Db\Adapter\Adapter->__construct(Array) 
#2 /domain/ Laminas\Db\Adapter\AdapterServiceFactory->__invoke(Object(Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager), 'Laminas\\Db\\Adap...', NULL) 
#3 /domain/ Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->doCreate('Laminas\\Db\\Adap...') 
#4 /domain/ Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->get('Laminas\\Db\\Adap...') 
#5 /domain/ Laminas\DeveloperTools\Module->Laminas\DeveloperTools\{closure}(Object(Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager), 'Laminas\\Develop...', NULL) 
#6 /domain/ Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->doCreate('Laminas\\Develop...') 
#7 /domain/ Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->get('Laminas\\Develop...') 
#8 /domain/ Laminas\DeveloperTools\Listener\ProfilerListener->onFinish(Object(Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent)) 
#9 /domain/ Laminas\EventManager\EventManager->triggerListeners(Object(Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent)) 
#10 /domain/ Laminas\EventManager\EventManager->triggerEvent(Object(Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent)) 
#11 /domain/ Laminas\Mvc\Application->completeRequest(Object(Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent)) 
#12 /domain/ Laminas\Mvc\Application->run() 
#13 {main} 

Next Laminas\ServiceManager\Exception\ServiceNotCreatedException: Service with name "Laminas\Db\Adapter\AdapterInterface" could not be created. Reason: createDriver expects a "driver" key to be present inside the parameters in /domain/ 
Stack trace: 
#0 /domain/ Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->doCreate('Laminas\\Db\\Adap...') 
#1/domain/ Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->get('Laminas\\Db\\Adap...') 
#2 /domain/ Laminas\DeveloperTools\Module->Laminas\DeveloperTools\{closure}(Object(Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager), 'Laminas\\Develop...', NULL) 
#3 /domain/ Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->doCreate('Laminas\\Develop...') 
#4 /domain/ Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->get('Laminas\\Develop...') 
#5 /domain/ Laminas\DeveloperTools\Listener\ProfilerListener->onFinish(Object(Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent)) 
#6 /domain/ Laminas\EventManager\EventManager->triggerListeners(Object(Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent)) 
#7 /domain/ Laminas\EventManager\EventManager->triggerEvent(Object(Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent)) 
#8 /domain/ Laminas\Mvc\Application->completeRequest(Object(Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent)) 
#9/domain/ Laminas\Mvc\Application->run() 
#10 {main} thrown in/domain/ on line 652`

How to reproduce

Expected behavior

ZendDeveloperTools + cache config


I enabled cache config in application.config.php:

        'config_cache_enabled' => true,
        'config_cache_key' => 1,
        'cache_dir' => __DIR__ . '/../data/cache',

And I have some errors then :

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend\View\Exception\RuntimeException' with message 'Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer::render: Unable to render template "zend-developer-tools/toolbar/zendframework"; resolver could not resolve to a file' in .../vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/View/Renderer/PhpRenderer.php on line 493

( ! ) Zend\View\Exception\RuntimeException: Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer::render: Unable to render template "zend-developer-tools/toolbar/zendframework"; resolver could not resolve to a file in .../vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/View/Renderer/PhpRenderer.php on line 493

Originally posted by @Nirzol at zendframework/zend-developer-tools#188

Incorrect Content-Lenght after toolbar injection

When the Content-Lenght is set by some module for an text/html asset (think asset manager for static html files in a data directory served via standard resolver :-) ) the Content-Lenght header will be incorrect after the Toolbar is injected. This results pages in half loaded.

adding the following at will solve this

    if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
        $contentLength = mb_strlen($injected, '8bit');
    } else {
        $contentLength = strlen($injected);

        ->addHeaderLine('Content-Transfer-Encoding',   'binary')
        ->addHeaderLine('Content-Length',              $contentLength);

I don't actually need the toolbar on static pages, and i realize this only affects development environments, still I though "lets create a record of this...".

I also wonder why the Response object does not do this automatically...

Originally posted by @basz at zendframework/zend-developer-tools#119

PHP 8.3 support

Feature Request

New Feature yes
RFC yes/no
BC Break yes/no


Make this module compatible with new php 8.3 release.

CSS box-sizing

I know, that this is not an error at all, but:

If I use bootstratp CSS, for example - there present this style definition:

/* bootstrap.css #259 */
* {
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
     -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
          box-sizing: border-box;

So with this borders I've got some irritating behavior when mouseover on some ZendTools button and popup content showed over button and I'm trying move my mouse to this content - it disappears!

Because of borders adds some extra space and mouseover event brokes.
Works if I move mouse over green arrow :)

I know, that this is behavior of bootstrap.css, but if u will add this:

#zend-developer-toolbar {
    -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
    -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
    box-sizing: content-box;

then problem will be fixed on all possible CSS frameworks, I think.

Sorry for my english.

Originally posted by @man4red at zendframework/zend-developer-tools#145

default template suffix

Using composer to install zf2 skeleton along with developer tools. After enabling it I am getting server errors, like:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Zend\\View\\Exception\\RuntimeException' with message 'Zend\\View\\Renderer\\PhpRenderer::render: Unable to render template "zend-developer-tools/toolbar/zendframework"; resolver could not resolve to a file' in C:\\Users\\Milan\\workspace\\HopkaupZEND\\vendor\\zendframework\\zendframework\\library\\Zend\\View\\Renderer\\PhpRenderer.php:499
Stack trace:
#0 C:\\Users\\Milan\\workspace\\HopkaupZEND\\vendor\\zendframework\\zend-developer-tools\\src\\ZendDeveloperTools\\Listener\\ToolbarListener.php(203): Zend\\View\\Renderer\\PhpRenderer->render(Object(Zend\\View\\Model\\ViewModel))
#1 C:\\Users\\Milan\\workspace\\HopkaupZEND\\vendor\\zendframework\\zend-developer-tools\\src\\ZendDeveloperTools\\Listener\\ToolbarListener.php(148): ZendDeveloperTools\\Listener\\ToolbarListener->renderEntries(Object(ZendDeveloperTools\\ProfilerEvent))
#2 C:\\Users\\Milan\\workspace\\HopkaupZEND\\vendor\\zendframework\\zend-developer-tools\\src\\ZendDeveloperTools\\Listener\\ToolbarListener.php(137): ZendDeveloperTools\\Listener\\ToolbarListener->injectToolbar(Object(ZendDe in C:\\Users\\Milan\\workspace\\HopkaupZEND\\vendor\\zendframework\\zendframework\\library\\Zend\\View\\Renderer\\PhpRenderer.php on line 499

adding 'default_template_suffix' key to module.config.php:

return array(
    'view_manager' => array(
        'default_template_suffix' => 'phtml',
        'template_path_stack' => array(
            'zenddevelopertools' => __DIR__ . '/../view',

fixes the issue.

Originally posted by @minow at zendframework/zend-developer-tools#94

Tooltip in icons to show info or show title

I believe a good addition to ZendDeveloperTools, is to add a tooltip so that when you mouse over any icon or information, it displays information about what that is talking (or title of that information).
Presented the ZendDeveloper for some friends, but they felt a bit of trouble to use, because they do not know what were some of the information displayed.


If the hover, it showed the title of that information, the example below, I think it would be easier for anyone to notice. And this extender title display all items in this wonderful bar.


Originally posted by @apiweb at zendframework/zend-developer-tools#137

PHP 8.0 support

Feature Request

New Feature yes


To be prepared for the december release of PHP 8.0, this repository has some additional TODOs to be tested against the new major version.

In order to make this repository compatible, one has to follow these steps:

  • Modify composer.json to provide support for PHP 8.0 by adding the constraint ~8.0.0
  • Modify composer.json to drop support for PHP less than 7.3
  • Modify composer.json to implement phpunit 9.3 which supports PHP 7.3+
  • Modify .travis.yml to ignore platform requirements when installing composer dependencies (simply add --ignore-platform-reqs to COMPOSER_ARGS env variable)
  • Modify .travis.yml to add PHP 8.0 to the matrix (NOTE: Do not allow failures as PHP 8.0 has a feature freeze since 2020-08-04!)
  • Modify source code in case there are incompatibilities with PHP 8.0

Page for background-collection

this PR sets up a page, where you can view former collected toolbar entries by accessing the route /zdt-background-reque.

Known Bugs:

  • It’s ugly
  • If you scroll to the page’s bottom, it’s horrible to read the bar’s content
  • it uses a very high amount of memory


  • Tests
  • Some cookie-stuff to assign and filter the requests (that’s, what the :uuid in the route is for)
  • A way to cleanup the cache
  • Review

Originally posted by @Blaimi at zendframework/zend-developer-tools#211

Feature: CSS Markup

Would it be possible to add all the CSS Markup into a CSS File so that when you view the source in a browser you don't have to scroll to find your code?

Right now I have to scroll past all the ZDT CSS Markup in the source to look at my own source and it can be quite annoying at times.

Originally posted by @diemuzi at zendframework/zend-developer-tools#118

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