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nonebot2-store-test's Issues

📝 NoneBot2 商店插件兼容性报告


NoneBot2 及各插件的版本截至测试与报告公开时,仅供参考

测试详情见本仓库 Actions


Runtime latest: 2.1.3

    haruka_bot                                 PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    haruka_bot
    nonebot_plugin_rauthman                    PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    RAM - 基于规则的授权管理
    nonebot_plugin_translator                  PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    多语种翻译插件
    nonebot_bison                              PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    Bison
    nonebot_plugin_alias                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ✅    alias命令别名
    nonebot_plugin_withdraw                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ✅    Nonebot2 消息撤回插件
    nonebot_plugin_heweather                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    nonebot-plugin-heweather
    ELF_RSS2                                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    ELF_RSS
    nonebot_plugin_shindan                     PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    趣味占卜
    nonebot_plugin_tvseries                    PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    剧集更新列表
    nonebot_plugin_lolmatch                    PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    lol比赛信息
    nonebot_plugin_htmlrender                  PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    nonebot-plugin-htmlrender
    nonebot_plugin_memes                       PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    表情包制作
    nonebot_plugin_emojimix                    PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    emoji合成
    nonebot_plugin_boardgame                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    棋类游戏
    nonebot_plugin_wordcloud                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    词云
    nonebot_plugin_chatrecorder                PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    聊天记录
    nonebot_plugin_txt2img                     PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    文字转图片
    nonebot_plugin_ddcheck                     PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    成分姬
    nonebot_plugin_leetcode2                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    第二个leetcode查询插件
    nonebot_plugin_wordle                      PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    猜单词
    nonebot_plugin_handle                      PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    猜成语
    nonebot_plugin_minesweeper                 PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    扫雷
    nonebot_plugin_cchess                      PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    象棋
    nonebot_plugin_chess                       PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    国际象棋
    nonebot_plugin_dailysign                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    nonebot_plugin_dailysign
    nonebot_plugin_imagetools                  PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    图片操作
    nonebot_plugin_warframe_clock              PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    Warframe时间查询
    nonebot_plugin_today_in_history            PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    历史上的今天
    nonebot_plugin_horserace                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    赛马
    nonebot_plugin_easyCommand                 PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    易命令
    nonebot_plugin_bawiki                      PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    BAWiki
    nonebot_plugin_mcqq                        PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    MC_QQ
    nonebot_plugin_groupmanager                PyPI: ❌    Git: ✅    多功能群管
    nonebot_plugin_pixivbot                    PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    PixivBot
    nonebot_plugin_dialectlist                 PyPI: ✅    Git: ❌    话痨排行榜
    nonebot_plugin_offline_mahjong_helper      PyPI: ✅    Git: ❌    面麻小助手
    nonebot_plugin_gspanel                     PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    原神角色展柜查询
    nonebot_plugin_bottle                      PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    漂流瓶
    nonebot_plugin_picstatus                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    PicStatus
    ayaka_prevent_bad_words                    PyPI: ✅    Git: ❌    ayaka衍生插件 - 坏词撤回
    nonebot_plugin_oddtext                     PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    文本生成器
    nonebot_plugin_mahjong_scoreboard          PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    日麻寄分器
    nonebot_plugin_apex_api_query              PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    Apex API Query
    nonebot_plugin_reborn                      PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    投胎模拟器
    nonebot_plugin_searchBiliInfo              PyPI: ✅    Git: ❌    b站用户信息查询
    nonebot_plugin_colormind                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    随机配色方案
    nonebot_plugin_gpt3                        PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    GPT3
    nonebot_plugin_bfchat                      PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    战地群聊天插件
    nonebot_plugin_learning_chat               PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    群聊学习
    nonebot_plugin_bilibili_yuan               PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    哔哩哔哩q群登录
    nonebot_plugin_acm_reminder                PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    ACMReminder
    nonebot_plugin_arktools                    PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    明日方舟工具箱
    gartic_room                                PyPI: ✅    Git: ❌    你画我猜组队
    nonebot_plugin_xiuxian_2                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ❌    修仙_2.0
    nonebot_plugin_ai_timetable                PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    小爱课表
    nonebot_plugin_customemote                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ✅    群聊自定义表情包
    nonebot_plugin_bracket                     PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    括号补全
    nonebot_plugin_memes_api                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    表情包制作
    nonebot_plugin_chatglm6b                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    ChatGLM-6B API版
    nonebot_plugin_genshin_cos                 PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    米游社cos
    nonebot_plugin_today_waifu                 PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    今日老婆
    nonebot_plugin_bilichat                    PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    nonebot-plugin-bilichat
    nonebot_plugin_blive_danmaku               PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    B站直播间路灯
    nonebot_plugin_penguin                     PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    nonebot_plugin_penguin
    nonebot_plugin_spark_gpt                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    Spark_GPT
    nonebot_plugin_nagabus                     PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    NAGA公交车
    nonebot_plugin_al                          PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    碧蓝航线攻略
    nonebot_plugin_helltide                    PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    Diablo4地狱狂潮boss提醒小助手
    nonebot_plugin_userinfo                    PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    用户信息
    nonebot_plugin_eitherchoice                PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    EitherChoice
    nonebot_plugin_update                      PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    nonebot-plugin-update
    nonebot_plugin_cp_broadcast                PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    算法竞赛比赛查询
    nonebot_plugin_blocker                     PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    Blocker
    nonebot_plugin_templates                   PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    templates_render
    nonebot_plugin_lostark_wandering_trader    PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    命运方舟流浪商人卡牌刷新提示
    nonebot_plugin_push                        PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    消息推送插件
    nonebot_plugin_skland_arksign              PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    森空岛明日方舟签到器
    TeenStudy                                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ✅    青年大学习提交
    nonebot_plugin_ability                     PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    聚能环
    nonebot_plugin_eop_ai                      PyPI: ✅    Git: ❌    talk with eop ai
    nonebot_plugin_playercheck                 PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    nonebot-plugin-playercheck
    nonebot_plugin_filehost                    PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    文件托管支持
    nonebot_plugin_batarot                     PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    碧蓝档案塔罗牌
    nonebot_plugin_cnrail                      PyPI: ✅    Git: ✅    CNRail

Error while running:
    nonebot_plugin_status                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    服务器状态查看
    nonebot_plugin_docs                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    NoneBot 离线文档
    nonebot_plugin_sentry                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Sentry日志监控
    nonebot_plugin_apscheduler                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    定时任务
    nonebot_plugin_picsearcher                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    图片搜索
    nonebot_plugin_navicat                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    通用数据库连接
    nonebot_plugin_mqtt                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    MQTT
    nonebot_plugin_songpicker2                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    songpicker2
    nonebot_plugin_strman                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    字符串管理工具
    nonebot-plugin-ncm                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    网易云无损音乐下载
    nonebot_plugin_cocdicer                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-cocdicer
    nonebot_plugin_guess                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    猜猜看
    nonebot_plugin_abbrreply                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    缩写查询器
    nonebot_plugin_biliav                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    biliav小程序转换器
    nonebot_plugin_analysis_bilibili           PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    bilibili视频、番剧解析
    nonebot_plugin_localstore                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    本地数据存储
    nonebot_plugin_alconna                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Alconna 插件
    nonebot_plugin_mcstatus                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Minecraft 服务器状态查询
    nonebot_plugin_help                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Nonebot2 Help Menu
    nonebot_plugin_pixivrank_search            PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot_plugin_pixivrank_search
    nonebot_plugin_russian                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot_plugin_russian
    nonebot_plugin_setu                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot_plugin_setu
    nonebot_plugin_autohelp                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-autohelp
    nonebot_plugin_flexperm                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-flexperm
    nonebot_plugin_epicfree                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Epic 限免游戏资讯
    nonebot_plugin_simplemusic                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    SimpleMusic
    nb2chan                                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nb2chan
    nonebot_plugin_setu_now                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-setu-now
    leetcode                                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    leetcode提醒机器人
    nonebot_plugin_youthstudy                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot_plugin_youthstudy
    nonebot_plugin_code                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    在线运行代码
    nonebot_plugin_picsbank                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    picsbank
    OlivOS.nonebot                             PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    OlivOS.nb2
    nonebot_plugin_admin                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    不简易群管
    nonebot_plugin_repeater                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    群聊复读机
    nonebot_plugin_directlinker                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    群文件直链提取器
    nonebot_plugin_forwarder                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    转发姬
    nonebot_plugin_roll                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    掷骰子
    nonebot_plugin_crazy_thursday              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    疯狂星期四
    nonebot_plugin_covid19_news                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    新冠疫情查询
    nonebot_plugin_remake                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    人生重开
    nonebot_plugin_weather_lite                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    天气查询
    nonebot_plugin_fortune                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    今日运势
    nonebot_plugin_tarot                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    塔罗牌
    nonebot_plugin_what2eat                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    今天吃什么
    nonebot_plugin_datastore                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    数据存储
    nonebot_plugin_gocqhttp                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    NoneBot的go-cqhttp启动器
    nonebot_plugin_guild_patch                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    go-cqhttp 频道支持适配补丁
    nonebot_plugin_antiflash                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    群聊反闪照
    nonebot_plugin_word_bank2                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-word-bank2
    nonebot_plugin_morning                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    おはよう!
    nonebot_plugin_pixiv                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌ p站查询图片
    YetAnotherPicSearch                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    YetAnotherPicSearch
    nonebot_plugin_gachalogs                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    原神抽卡记录分析
    nonebot_plugin_everyday_en                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    每日一句
    nonebot_plugin_fire                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    QQ自动续火花
    nonebot_plugin_qrcode                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    二维码识别与发送
    nonebot_plugin_ygo                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    游戏王卡查
    nonebot_plugin_bilibilibot                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    bilibili通知插件
    nonebot_plugin_color                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    色图生成
    nonebot_plugin_blackjack                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    21点游戏插件
    nonebot_plugin_arcaeabot                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Arcaea查分插件
    nonebot_plugin_hikarisearch                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    HikariSearch
    nonebot_plugin_mediawiki                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    MediaWiki查询
    nonebot_plugin_giyf                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    快速搜索
    nonebot_plugin_abstract                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    语句抽象化
    nonebot_plugin_params                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    多适配器帮助函数
    nonebot_plugin_draw                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot_plugin_draw
    nonebot_plugin_randomtkk                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    随机唐可可
    nonebot_plugin_dida                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-dida
    nonebot_plugin_alipayvoice                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    支付宝到账语音
    nonebot_plugin_answersbook                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    答案之书
    nonebot_plugin_hitokoto                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    一言
    nonebot_plugin_bilicover                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    B站视频封面提取
    nonebot_plugin_charpic                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    charpic
    nonebot_plugin_miragetank                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    miragetank
    nonebot_plugin_covid                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    国内新冠疫情数据查询
    nonebot_plugin_yulu                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    语录娱乐
    nonebot_plugin_maze                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    走迷宫
    nonebot_plugin_moyu                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    摸鱼日历
    nonebot_plugin_mockingbird                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    MockingBird语音
    nonebot_plugin_baidutranslate              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    百度翻译
    nonebot_plugin_tortoise_orm                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot_plugin_tortoise_orm
    nonebot_plugin_tetris_stats                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    TETRIS Stats
    nonebot_plugin_bilibili_viode              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    B站视频伪分享卡片
    hikari_bot                                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Hikari-战舰世界水表查询
    nonebot_plugin_who_at_me                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    谁艾特我了
    nonebot_plugin_covid_19_by                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    疫情小助手
    nonebot_plugin_reboot                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot_plugin_reboot [重启 bot]
    nonebot_plugin_setu4                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    setu4
    nonebot_plugin_smart_reply                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    smart_reply
    nonebot_plugin_BitTorrent                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    bittorrent
    nonebot_plugin_namelist                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    黑白名单
    nonebot_plugin_bread_shop                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    面包店小游戏
    nonebot_plugin_PicMenu                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    PicMenu
    nonebot_plugin_firexN                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    一起燚xN吧
    nonebot_plugin_bfinfo                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    战地1、5战绩查询工具
    nonebot_plugin_osubot                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    OSUBot
    nonebot_plugin_acc_calculate               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    ACC计算工具
    nonebot_plugin_kawaii_robot                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    KawaiiRobot
    nonebot_plugin_addFriend                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    处理好友添加和群邀请
    nonebot_plugin_date_name                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    群昵称时间
    nonebot_plugin_report                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    推送钩子
    nonebot_plugin_hammer_nbnhhsh              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    「能不能好好说话?」缩写翻译
    nonebot_plugin_covid_19_by_guild           PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    疫情小助手-频道版
    nonebot_plugin_wiki                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    wiki条目搜索、获取简介
    nonebot_plugin_game_collection             PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    小游戏合集
    nonebot_plugin_drawer                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-drawer
    nonebot_plugin_jrrp-n                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    每日人品
    nonebot_plugin_moegoe                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    日韩中 VITS 模型原神拟声
    nonebot_plugin_workscore                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    工作性价比计算器
    nonebot_plugin_treehelp                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    帮助
    cqsat                                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    HAM助手
    nonebot_plugin_course                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    课表查询
    nonebot_plugin_send                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    反馈及通知
    nonebot_plugin_todo_nlp                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    自识别todo
    nonebot_plugin_wordsnorote                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    不背单词
    nonebot_plugin_CyberSensoji                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    赛博浅草寺
    nonebot_plugin_gsmaterial                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    原神每日材料查询
    nonebot_plugin_mystool                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    米游社辅助工具
    nonebot_plugin_warframe                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    星际战甲事件查询
    nonebot_plugin_mcqq_server                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Minecraft Server 聊天同步
    nonebot_plugin_RealESRGAN                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    图像超分辨率重建
    nonebot-plugin-wolf-kill                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    狼人杀插件
    iot                                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot物联网插件
    nonebot_plugin_bwiki_navigator             PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Bwiki Navigator
    nonebot_plugin_tts_gal                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    vits角色语音合成本地化
    nonebot_plugin_alicdk_get                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    阿里云盘福利码自动兑换
    nonebot_plugin_tuling                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    图灵机器人
    nonebot_plugin_makemidi                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    在线编曲
    nonebot_plugin_ocr                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    文字识别
    nonebot_plugin_listener                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    监听者
    nonebot_plugin_BiliRequestAll              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    BiliRequestAll
    nonebot_plugin_russian_ban                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    轮盘禁言小游戏
    nonebot_plugin_ygo_trade                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    游戏王小程序查价
    nonebot_plugin_novelai                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    novelai
    ayaka_games                                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    ayaka小游戏合集
    ayaka_timezone                             PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    ayaka衍生插件 - 时区助手
    nonebot_plugin_savor                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    二次元图像鉴赏
    nonebot_plugin_kfcrazy                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    kfcrazy
    nonebot-plugin-random                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    通用抽图/语音
    nonebot_plugin_sqlalchemy                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    NoneBot2 SQLAlchemy 插件
    nonebot_plugin_blacklist                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    黑名单
    nonebot_plugin_antiinsult                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    反嘴臭
    nonebot_plugin_cartoon                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    二次元化图像
    nonebot_plugin_mahjong_utils               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    麻将小工具
    nonebot_plugin_animeres                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    动漫资源插件
    nonebot-plugin-person                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    随个人
    nonebot_plugin_colab_novelai               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Colab-NovelAI
    nonebot_plugin_sky                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Sky光遇
    nonebot_plugin_zyk_novelai                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    免费版NovelAI生图插件
    nonebot_plugin_repeep                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    谁在窥屏
    nonebot_plugin_gscode                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    原神前瞻直播兑换码查询
    nonebot_plugin_note                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    记事本
    nonebot-plugin-bilibili-image              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    b站图片下载
    nonebot_plugin_trace_moe                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    动画截图追溯来源
    nonebot_plugin_zyk_music                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    免费快捷点歌插件
    nonebot_plugin_chatgpt                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    ChatGPT
    nonebot_plugin_majsoul                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    雀魂查询
    nonebot_plugin_remove_bg                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    图片背景消除
    nonebot_plugin_broadcast                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    全群广播
    nonebot_plugin_exchangerate                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    汇率换算
    nonebot_plugin_access_control              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    权限控制
    nonebot_plugin_abstain_diary               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    戒x打卡日记
    nonebot_plugin_backup                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    QQ群文件备份
    nonebot_plugin_kuma_san                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    熊老板
    nonebot_plugin_ikun_evolution              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    只因进化录
    nonebot_plugin_random_ban                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    随机禁言
    nonebot_plugin_antirecall                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    防撤回
    nonebot_plugin_mc_server_status            PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Minecraft服务器信息查询
    nonebot_plugin_no_repeat                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    不要复读
    nonebot_plugin_summon                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    群友召唤术
    nonebot_plugin_ping                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Ping
    nonebot_plugin_face2cartoonpic             PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    腾讯云图像变换
    nonebot_plugin_servicestate                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    服务状态查询
    nonebot_plugin_animalVoice                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    AnimalVoice_Convert
    nonebot_plugin_ayaka_scan_cmd              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    命令探查
    nonebot_plugin_HttpCat                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    HttpCat🐱猫猫http状态码
    nonebot_plugin_revoke                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    主动消息撤回
    nonebot_plugin_setu_customization          PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    setu_customization
    nonebot_plugin_l4d2_server                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    求生之路小助手
    nonebot_plugin_couplets                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    对对联
    nonebot_plugin_Imagelabels                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    图像标注
    nonebot_plugin_cloudsignx                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    云签到
    nonebot_plugin_imgexploration              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    查找图片出处
    nonebot_plugin_hypixel                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Hypixel数据查询
    nonebot_plugin_nowtime                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    整点报时
    nonebot_plugin_cave                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    回声洞
    nonebot_plugin_xingzuo                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    星座运势
    nonebot_plugin_BingImage                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Bing每日图片获取
    nonebot_plugin_soup                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    心灵鸡汤
    nonebot_plugin_yuanshen_notice             PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    原神实时公告
    nonebot_plugin_easy_translate              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    简易谷歌翻译插件
    nonebot_plugin_orangedice                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    orange_dice
    nonebot_plugin_record                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    语音功能
    nonebot_plugin_nya_cook_menu               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    喵喵自记菜谱
    criminal_dance                             PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    犯人在跳舞
    nonebot_plugin_picmcstat                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    PicMCStat
    nonebot_plugin_wantwords                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    反向词典
    nonebot_plugin_pvz                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    植物大战僵尸小游戏
    nonebot_plugin_molar_mass                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    摩尔质量计算器
    nonebot_plugin_report_manager              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    对话超管
    qinglan_bot                                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    青岚Bot
    nonebot_plugin_easy_group_manager          PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    简易群管女生自用99新
    nonebot_plugin_group_link_guild            PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    群频互通
    nonebot-plugin-mcport                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-mcport
    nonebot_plugin_xdu_support                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    XDU校园服务
    nonebot_plugin_zyk_lightNVL                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    查找轻小说
    nonebot_plugin_dog                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    dog
    nonebot_plugin_uuid                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    uuid生成器
    nonebot_plugin_naturel_gpt                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    更人性化的GPT-Ai聊天插件
    nonebot_plugin_impact                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    impact
    nonebot_plugin_mcping                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    MC Ping
    nonebot_plugin_b23                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    B站热搜
    nonebot_plugin_autoreply                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    AutoReply
    nonebot_plugin_setu_collection             PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    我要一张xx涩图
    nonebot_plugin_groupmate_waifu             PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    娶群友
    nonebot_plugin_jrrp2                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    每日人品2
    nonebot_plugin_dicky_pk                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    DickyPK
    nonebot_plugin_eventmonitor                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    eventmonitor
    nonebot_plugin_whateat_pic                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    今天吃喝什么呢
    nonebot_plugin_matcher_block               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    通用指令阻断
    nonebot_plugin_maimai                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    舞萌maimai
    nonebot_plugin_all4one                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    OneBot 实现
    nonebot_plugin_gsabyss                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    原神深境螺旋数据查询
    nonebot-plugin-resolver                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    链接分享解析器
    nonebot_plugin_bing_chat                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Bing Chat
    nonebot_plugin_saa                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    峯驰物流
    nonebot_plugin_random_stereotypes          PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    发病语录
    nonebot_plugin_h2e                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    呆呆兽都会起来锻炼 H2E
    nonebot_plugin_oachat                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    呆呆兽都会用的chatbot接api
    nonebot_plugin_warframe_mode               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    wf的wm市场
    nonebot_plugin_bf1_groptools               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    战地一入群审批
    nonebot_plugin_afd                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    爱发电进群审核
    nonebot_plugin_eventdone                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot_plugin_eventdone
    nonebot_plugin_ncm_saying                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    网抑云
    nonebot_plugin_60s                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    60s日历
    nonebot_plugin_AutoRepeater                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    AutoRepeater
    nonebot_plugin_sanae                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Sanae
    nonebot_plugin_arkrecord                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    明日方舟抽卡记录分析
    nonebot_plugin_chatgpt_turbo               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    ChatGPT官方接口版
    nonebot_plugin_chatgpt_on_qq               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    多功能的ChatGPT机器人
    nonebot_plugin_tuan_chatgpt                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    和团子聊天!
    nonebot_plugin_chatpdf                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    ChatPDF文章分析
    nonebot_plugin_rimofun                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    RimoFun
    nonebot_plugin_justsix                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    发6
    nonebot_plugin_simulator_xiuxian           PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    修仙模拟器
    nonebot_plugin_gshisbanner                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    gshisbanner
    nonebot_plugin_unoconv                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    unoconv文件转换
    nonebot_plugin_apexranklookup              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    apex信息查询
    nonebot_plugin_randomnana                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    随机狗妈
    nonebot_plugin_quote                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    群聊语录库
    nonebot_plugin_rrc                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    随机点名
    nonebot_plugin_hotsearch                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    多平台热搜获取插件
    nonebot_plugin_ai_interviewer              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    基于OpenAI的AI模拟面试官
    nonebot_plugin_chatglm                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    ChatGLM
    nonebot_plugin_helloworld                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Hello World
    nonebot_plugin_overbracket                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    通括膨胀
    nonebot_plugin_miao                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    口癖
    nonebot_plugin_questionmark                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    颠倒问号
    nonebot_plugin_chatgpt_plus                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    ChatGPT网页端API
    nonebot_plugin_sayoroll                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    sayoroll
    nonebot_plugin_gw2                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    激战2
    nonebot_plugin_sleep                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    来份睡眠套餐
    nonebot_api_paddle                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot_api_paddle
    nonebot_plugin_chatppt                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    AI生成PPT
    nonebot_plugin_steam_game_status           PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Steam游戏状态
    GenshinUID                                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    GenshinUID
    nonebot_plugin_clock                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot clock 群闹钟 ⏰
    nonebot_plugin_SDGPT                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    SDGPT
    nonebot_plugin_fuckyou                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    FuckYou
    nonebot_plugin_pokemonfusion               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    宝可梦融合
    tatarubot2                                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    TataruBot2
    nonebot_plugin_talk_with_chatgpt           PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    与ChatGpt聊天
    nonebot_plugin_osuverify                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    osu!入群审批
    nonebot_plugin_bilifan                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    bilifan
    nonebot_plugin_akinator                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Akinator
    nonebot_plugin_rename                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot_plugin_rename
    nonebot_plugin_appinsights                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Nonebot2 AppInsights
    nonebot_plugin_brainfuck                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    brainfuck
    nonebot-plugin-coderun                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    运行代码
    nonebot_plugin_abot_place                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    公共画板插件
    nonebot_plugin_megumin                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    为美好群聊献上爆炎
    nonebot_plugin_manga_translator            PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    图片翻译
    nonebot_plugin_watermarker                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    水印大师
    nonebot_plugin_starrail_calendar           PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    星穹铁道活动日历
    nonebot_plugin_wordle_help                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    wordle_help
    nonebot-plugin-csgo-case-simulator         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    CSGO开箱模拟器
    nonebot_plugin_callapi                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    CallAPI
    nonebot_plugin_logpile                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    本地日志保存
    nonebot_plugin_arkgacha                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    明日方舟抽卡模拟
    nonebot_plugin_og                          PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    链接解析
    nonebot_plugin_hoshino_sign                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    签到
    nonebot_plugin_multincm                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    MultiNCM
    nonebot_plugin_smallapi                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    小小的WEBAPI调用插件
    nonebot_plugin_p5generator                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    《女神异闻录5》预告信生成器
    nonebot_plugin_sd_webui                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    SD绘画插件
    nonebot_plugin_session                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    会话id
    nonebot_plugin_pluginupdatecheck           PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    便携插件安装器
    nonebot_plugin_stockhelper                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    股票看盘助手
    nonebot_plugin_githubcard                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    githubcard
    nonebot_plugin_lua                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-lua
    nonebot_plugin_cube                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    cuber
    nonebot_plugin_homo_mathematician          PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    homo_mathematician
    nonebot_plugin_puzzle                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    puzzle
    nonebot_plugin_herocard                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    本子标题关键词提取
    nonebot_plugin_random_draw                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    随机抽取自定义内容
    nonebot_plugin_stable_diffusion_diao       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    stablediffusion绘画插件
    nonebot_plugin_escape_url                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    链接防夹
    nonebot_plugin_twitter                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    twitter 推特订阅
    nonebot_plugin_pcrjjc                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    pcrjjc
    nonebot_plugin_audiocraft                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    AI作曲
    nonebot_plugin_bili_push                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    bili_push
    nonebot_plugin_warthunder_player_check     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    战雷查水表
    nonebot_plugin_follow_withdraw             PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    follow_withdraw
    nonebot_plugin_error_alert                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    错误告警
    nonebot_plugin_ocgbot_v2                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    游戏王小蓝卡查
    nonebot_plugin_poke                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    戳一戳事件
    nonebot_plugin_friends                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    远程同意好友
    nonebot_plugin_cfassistant                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-cfassistant
    nonebot_plugin_splatoon3_schedule          PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    splatoon3游戏日程查询
    nonebot_plugin_capoo                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    猫猫虫咖波图片发送
    nonebot_plugin_eventexpiry                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    过期事件过滤器
    nonebot_plugin_nobahpicture                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-nobahpicture
    nonebot_plugin_picture_api                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-picture-api
    nonebot_plugin_wenan                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-wenan
    nonebot_plugin_pjsk                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Sekai Stickers
    nonebot_plugin_mongodb                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    MongoDB
    nonebot_plugin_pokesomeone                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    指定戳一戳
    nonebot_plugin_dall-e                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    DALL-E绘图
    nonebot_plugin_tempfile                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    方寸狭间
    nonebot_plugin_disconnect_notice           PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    bot断连通知
    nonebot_plugin_BotMailNotice               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Bot上下线邮件通知
    nonebot_plugin_theworld                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    The World
    nonebot_plugin_nonememe                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    NoneMeme
    nonebot_plugin_aujob                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Among US中的TOH模组职业介绍
    nonebot_plugin_bind                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    跨平台账户绑定
    nonebot_plugin_savepic                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Savepic
    nonebot_plugin_csornament                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    CSGO饰品查询机器人
    nonebot_plugin_kanonbot                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    KanonBot
    nonebot_plugin_mcversion                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    MC版本更新检测
    nonebot_plugin_muteme                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Muteme(我禁我自己)
    nonebot_plugin_jx3                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    剑网三查询和推送
    nonebot_plugin_xinghuo_api                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    科大讯飞星火大模型聊天
    dicergirl                                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    DicerGirl
    nonebot_plugin_uvdiviner                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    周易蓍草占卜
    nonebot_plugin_sudo                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    SUDO
    nonebot_plugin_arxivRSS                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    arxiv订阅
    nonebot_plugin_anime_trace                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    识别动漫gal角色
    nonebot_plugin_send_message                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    双向聊天插件
    nonebot_plugin_requests                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Nonebot Requests
    nonebot_plugin_shutup                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    雪豹闭嘴
    nonebot_plugin_simple_httpcat              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    httpcat-状态猫😺
    nonebot_plugin_qrcode2                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    二维码
    nonebot_plugin_fakemsg                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    消息伪造
    nonebot_plugin_alchelper                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Alconna 帮助工具
    nonebot_plugin_souti                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-souti
    nonebot_plugin_helper_plus                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    helper_plus
    nonebot_plugin_wearskirt                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    女装 !
    nonebot_plugin_group_whitelist             PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot_plugin_group_whitelist
    nonebot_plugin_ernie                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    文心一言
    nonebot_plugin_video_api                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-video-api
    nonebot_plugin_ottohzys                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    大电老师活字印刷
    nonebot_plugin_agent                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Nonebot Agent
    nonebot_plugin_blockwords                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    屏蔽词插件
    nonebot_plugin_matchreminder               PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    算法比赛查询和今日比赛自动提醒
    nonebot_plugin_op_finder                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    op-finder
    nonebot_plugin_morep_finder                PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    morep-finder
    nonebot-plugin-yesman                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    肯定机
    nonebot_plugin_fgoavatarguess              PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    FGO猜从者
    nonebot_plugin_vrchat                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    VRChat查询
    nonebot_plugin_batitle                     PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    BlueArchive Title Generator
    nonebot_plugin_maimaidx                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-maimaidx
    nonebot_plugin_getbapics                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-getbapics
    nonebot_plugin_make_choice                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    选择困难症
    nonebot_plugin_scheduled_broadcast         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    定时广播插件
    nonebot_plugin_any                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Nonebot2 Any 多平台服务
    nonebot_plugin_bertvits2                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-bertvits2
    nonebot_plugin_wake_on_lan                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    局域网唤醒
    nonebot_plugin_bingimagecreator            PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    DALL-E 3绘图
    nonebot_plugin_user                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    用户
    nonebot_plugin_shorturl                    PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    短链接服务支持
    nonebot_plugin_smms                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    sm.ms图床
    nonebot_plugin_nsfw                        PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    群聊 NSFW 图片检测
    nonebot_plugin_longtu                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    随机龙图
    nonebot_plugin_riffusion                   PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Riffusion
    nonebot_plugin_phigros_qq                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Phigros查分器(Adapter-qq)
    nonebot_plugin_antimonkey                  PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    AntiMonkey
    nonebot_plugin_waiter                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    Waiter 插件
    nonebot_plugin_imagemaster                 PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot-plugin-imagemaster
    nonebot_plugin_nikke                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    nonebot_plugin_nikke
    nonebot_plugin_mcpic                       PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    随机MC图
    nonebot_plugin_pingti                      PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    最佳平替
    nonebot_plugin_wx4                         PyPI: ❌    Git: ❌    文心一言4适配


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