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nix-configs's Issues

`tmux`: Configure

  • Match colorscheme & styling to neovim & zsh
  • Pane status bar matching zsh
  • Quick reload keybindings
  • Re-position popup windows?
  • Create tmuxinator session configs
    • Nix editing
    • Rust editing
  • Auto-open tmux on new shell

Import `self.homeConfigurations.<name>` in `nixosConfigurations`

Import home-manager configurations by using flake outputs instead of relative paths.

homeConfigurations.<user> = homeManagerConfiguration {
  extraSpecialArgs = { inherit inputs self; user="<user>"; };
  modules = [ ./hm/users/<user> ];

nixosConfigurations.<host> = nixosSystem {
  specialArgs = { inherit inputs self; user="<user>";
  modules = [ 
    ({...}: { 
      home-manager.users.<user> = self.homeConfigurations.<user>; 


  • Is this possible?
  • Possible to override homeConfigurations? Would be nice to define:
    • homeConfigurations."<user>"
    • homeConfigurations."<user>@<host>"
    • other extensions of base homeConfigurations

Convert `flake.nix` layout to use `flake-utils-plus`


  • Desystematizes inputs
  • Pass nixpkgs.config options to all nixpkgs channels
  • Apply overlays to all nixpkgs channels
  • Apply patches on a selected channel
  • Provides a package for nix repl on steriods.
  • Export all modules as attrset: i.e. {a = import ./a.nix; b = import ./b.nix; }
  • Export all overlays from channels as namespaced attrset instantiated w/ their nixpkgs version.
  • Export all packages from all overlays.
  • Automatically generate flake registry from inputs.
  • Automatically generate NIX_PATH from inputs.
  • Automatically symlink inputs' flake contents to /etc/nix/inputs
  • Import flakes inside directories of your flake inputs.
  • Set hostDefaults:
    • system
    • channelName (of nixpkgs)
    • extraArgs (i.e. specialArgs of nixosSystem)
    • modules
    • output (flake output config goes to: i.e. nixosConfigurations/darwinConfigurations/homeConfigurations
    • builder (e.g. nixos.lib.nixosSystem)

`flake-parts`: Add to config

Quick-n-dirty method:

  1. Wrap flake.nix current outputs attr with flake-parts.lib.mkFlake
  2. Move current flake outputs attrs inside flake attr of mkFlake arg attrset.
  3. De-systematize various attrs of prior outputs one-by-one.

Use flakeModules:

  • inputs.devshells.flakeModule (numtide/devshells)
  • inputs.agenix-shell.flakeModule
  • inputs.treefmt-nix.flakeModule
  • inputs.precommit-nix.flakeModule
  • inputs.hercules-ci.flakeModule


  • Migrate GITHUB_TOKEN from per-host sops-nix to agenix-shell
  • Create devShells.nix for Nix-based repos.
  • Create devShells.nixos for NixOS config repos.

Consider using `systemd-repart` & `systemd-sysupdate` to handle provisioning filesystems

May be possible to tackle:

  • Installer .iso images that can partition themselves.
  • Mobile NixOS images
  • Disk partitioning
  • Growing existing disk partitions
  • Create auto-expanding VM/container images?

Does mobile-nixos or disko use this on the backend? If not:

  • Is this work using over nix-community/disko?

  • Should I re-implement nix-community/disko using these tools?

  • systemd tool integration is desirable for compatibility.

  • Likely will be able to more easily adopt other systemd utils (like systemd-homed, systemd-cryptsetup, systemd-cryptenroll, systemd-sysext).

  • Should I re-implement NixOS/mobile-nixos using this?

Implement "discoverable partitions spec"?

Create new `bat` theme from existing `ansi` theme

The ansi theme is the bat theme that best handles both light/dark mode in the terminal.


  • Recolor UI elements: white -> medium-dark gray

Recolor UI Elements:

  • numbers - Line numbers
  • rule - File delimiters
  • grid - Lines separating sidebar & header from content

All Elements:

  • changes: show Git modification markers.
  • header: alias for 'header-filename'.
  • header-filename: show filenames before the content.
  • header-filesize: show file sizes before the content.
  • grid: vertical/horizontal lines to separate side bar & the header from the content.
  • rule: horizontal lines to delimit files.
  • numbers: show line numbers in the side bar.
  • snip: draw separation lines between distinct line ranges.

`neovim`: Gutter changes

Neovim Gutter Changes

  • Use error/warning glyphs

  • Git changes don't change line number color

  • Highlight current line number

  • Extend cursorline highlights into gutter

  • Lightbulb either in-line with code or in gutter, but not both.

`omnibus`: Restructure config to use `omnibus` `POPs` with `hive`

Big restructure to load many things via POPs (Pure Object Prototypes) using GTrunSec/omnibus & divnix/hive


  • Dynamic loading of all types of -Configurations, -Profiles, -Suites, -Modules, etc.
  • Better isolation of configs.
  • Usage of cell structure of std/hive.


  • Automatically pickup components by file presence.
  • Enable paisano TUI.
  • Remove path dependence of nixosProfiles, homeProfiles, etc.

TODO: Add more info to this issue.

GitHub Actions workflow: Release `.iso` files.

Attributes for NixOS systems: nixosConfigurations.<name>.config

  • Install .iso: formats.install-iso-hyperv
  • Full System:
  • Fastboot image:
  • Raspberry Pi SD card: &


  • New push to main
  • All CI checks pass
  • Enough time since last release
  • No secrets in Nix store

`neovim`: Create standalone config


  • Remove programs.nixvim prefix from all options in nixvim/neovim profiles
  • Call top-level nixvim config with makeNixvimConfigWithModules (or whatever the function name is`.
  • Import standalone config in home-manager config.
  • Import in devShells.*


  • Is it possible to wrap Neovim with Nixvim config, then later apply extra config from devShells, home-manager, or NixOS system?

GitHub Actions workflow: Run CI checks

Run on:

  • Pushes
  • Pull Requests

Run: nix flake check

  • Add nix flake checks to test nixosConfigurations: fw, fajita, & installer
  • Lint with statix
  • Find dead code with deadnix

`bash.historyFile` does it change history file location?

Hello I just want to know that does defining the bash history file location to .local/share/bash/bash_history do change the location of the file cuz I have also defined it and and clearly see that no folder under the name "bash" in .local/share has been made and the history only shows up on the current terminal session and gets wiped after closing the terminal. Is this also an issue with you or how are you doing it? cuz I can't figure out what to do.

`nix.conf`: Handle `access-tokens` expiring.


  • When a token specified in access-tokens in nix.conf expires, updating NixOS configs to use the new token becomes a pain because nixos-rebuild wants to fetch data from the GitHub API using the expired token, which fails.
  • Tokens stored in secrets, so we can't read as string into Nix configs.
  • Tokens secrets must be prefixed with access-tokens =

Possible Solutions:

  • Set environment variable before running nixos-rebuild
  • nixos-rebuild CLI flag/option to specify one of:
    • new token directly?
    • nix.conf option access-tokens
    • nix.conf to run command with?

Module: nixosModules.git-tokens

  • Specify tokens, with their expiration date
  • Service to periodically test access-tokens for expiration/revocation before expiration date
  • Command/package to update access-tokens automatically. Terranix?
  • Activation script to warn user of upcoming expiration

Module: flakeModules.git-repo-self

  • Specify upstream git repo for flake.
  • Specify username on git forge.
  • Add/use repo secrets on GitHub / git forges
  • Wrap nixosConfigurations with configs to use the tokens/secrets.

`fzf`: Create shell snippets

Many found in fzf repo: junegunn/fzf


  • pkgs.writeShellApplication


fzf-ps = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
  name = "fzf-ps";
  runtimeInputs = [ 
  text = ''
    ps | fzf 
    #curl -s '' | w3m -dump -T text/html

`neovim`: Revamp statusline config


Using lualine.nvim with winbar & tabbar enabled.


  • Match zsh shell prompt.
  • Match readline prompt.
  • Match tmux status lines.
  • Organized similarly to VSCode.
  • Don't deviate too far from standard Neovim.


  • What can I show in tmux statusline instead
    • user@host
    • path


  • Mode indicator: Abbreviate (only when cramped?)
  • Mode indicator: Sentence case (when not abbreviated)
  • Remove one of the top statusbars

Move Segments

  • VCS changes: Next to VCS branch segment
  • Progress: Share segment w/ cursor position (line/char x,y)
  • Filename & path: Top bar OR left of VCS changes / branch (matching shell prompt)






x: user@host,
y: path, filename
z: branch, changes


a: mode




z: progress, position

`plymouth` Create theme


  • Display OS (NixOS) logo
  • Display progress bar (if more useful than spinner)
  • Display status messages (updates, etc.)
  • Textbox UI for disk decryption
  • Sexy animation
  • Flicker-free boot to GDM
  • HiDPI support
  • Clean UI icons for unlock, keyboard, etc.


  • Display boot logs inside smaller box (instead of fullscreen without boot animation)
  • Display Secure Boot status
  • Prompt for hardware keys or fingerprint
  • Support mobile-nixos

`firefox`: Simplify config

Make Firefox config less complex & reduce number of files config is spread across.


  • Minimal updating of extension package hashes/versions.
  • home-manager config works as standalone (on non-NixOS systems)
  • home-manager inherits/overrides system config.
  • Profiles: base (to be extended by all other profiles)
  • Profiles: gnome, kde that use DE-specific settings & styles.
  • Profiles: default (to match profile of current desktop)
  • Profiles: hardened (default + hardening settings that might be inconvenient to use in default profile)
  • Profiles: tor-browser (match Tor browser settings)

Profile Features

Default Profile

  • Match profile of current desktop environment.
  • Librewolf-like default config.
  • Extensions installed by default.
  • Disable all "Suggestions" & other annoying 3rd-party shit.
  • Adapt to light/dark mode.
  • Wayland by default.
  • Sidebery tree tab sidebar auto-collapse/expand.
  • Configure default bookmarks, search engines, settings, extensions.

Desktop-specific Profiles

  • UserChrome theme to match toolkit styles.
  • UserChrome themes for extensions to match toolkit styles.
  • UserChrome themes recolor according to desktop wallpaper?
  • UserContent themes recolor according to desktop wallpaper?
  • Enable nativeHostExtensions


  • adnauseum | ublock-origin (ad-blocking)
  • behind-the-overlay-revival (click to dismiss all overlay popups that block content)
  • bitwarden | browserpass | gopass-bridge | keepassxc-browser | passff (password manager & autofill)
  • buster-captcha-solver (auto-solve captchas)
  • bypass-paywalls-clean | unpaywall (bypass paywalls for content)
  • cliget (allow using FF to login on behalf of CLI programs)
  • cookies-txt (export cookies for usage in other programs)
  • copy-selected-tabs-to-clipboard | export-tabs-urls-and-titles (tab link saving)
  • don-t-fuck-with-paste | re-enable-right-click (prevent sites from blocking copy/paste)
  • fastforwardteam (skip tracking via URL shorteners)
  • firemonkey | violentmonkey (userScripts)
  • fx_cast (Chromecast Web Sender SDK implementation for FF)
  • hover-zoom-plus | imagus (zoom image thumbnails)
  • ipfs-companion
  • link-gopher (Extract all links from webpage, sort, dedup, & display in new tab)
  • offline-qr-code-generator
  • omnisearch (Supercharge Firefox with commands, shortcuts, and more)
  • overbitewx (Open Gopher protocol in FF. Requires Floodgap Public Gopher Proxy)
  • profile-switcher (Create, manage, switch b/w browser profiles)
  • search-engines-helper
  • sidebery (Tree style tab sidebar)
  • sponsorblock
  • tab-counter-plus
  • tab-session-manager | tab-stash
  • wayback-machine | web-archives

Desktop Integration

  • ff2mpv (Play audio/video in mpv with native client)
  • firenvim (FF into Neovim client)
  • gnome-shell-integration (Use
  • gsconnect (GSConnect)
  • plasma-integration
  • pywalfox (Dynamic theming using Pywal colors)
  • textern (Edit text in favorite external text editor)
  • tridactyl (Vim in browser)
  • vim-vixen | vimium | vimium-c


  • markdownload (Web clipper in Markdown using Turndown & Readability.js)
  • video-downloadhelper


  • enhanced-github | octotree | refined-github (GitHub QoL improvements)
  • laboratory-by-mozilla (Generate Content Security Policy (CSP) headers for your sites)
  • lovely-forks (Show GitHub forks)
  • penetration-testing-kit
  • react-devtools
  • reduxdevtools
  • rust-search-extension
  • sourcegraph (add code intelligence to GitHub, GitLab, ...)
  • vue-js-devtools
  • wappalyzer
  • widegithub

Language / Translation

  • immersive-translate
  • inkah (Lookup Chinese/Korean words)
  • lingq-importer2 (Auto import foreign language pages, videos, etc. from web & study w/ LingQ's web/mobile apps)
  • simple-translate (Translate selected text using DeepL API or Google Translate)
  • to-deepl


  • consent-o-matic (auto dismiss consent popups & minimal acceptance)
  • decentraleyes | localcdn (cache CDN assets)
  • disable-javascript | noscript (disable JS)
  • libredirect (Redirect shitty services to FOSS frontend proxies)
  • mullvad (VPN browser extension)
  • multi-account-containers
  • open-url-in-container
  • privacy-pass (privacy-pass anonymous auth protocol support)
  • privacy-possum (Reduces / falsifies tracking data)
  • private-relay (Generate email address aliases that forward to your real inbox)
  • skip-redirect
  • smart-referer (limit request referer headers)
  • temporary-containers
  • terms-of-service-didnt-read
  • ubo-scope (Measure 3rd-party exposure)
  • umatrix
  • user-agent-string-switcher


  • floccus (Bookmark sync via Nextcloud / WebDAV)
  • wallabagger (sync w/ wallabag)
  • xbrowsersync


  • automatic-dark | dark-mode-webextension | dark-mode-website-switcher | darkreader (dark mode)
  • aw-watcher-web (provide browser status, history, etc. to ActivityWatch)
  • stylus (custom userContent CSS styles)

Unpackaged Extensions

Missing from rycee's NUR repo.


NixOS Options

  • programs.firefox.policies
  • programs.firefox.preferences
  • programs.firefox.preferencesStatus
  • programs.firefox.autoConfig

home-manager Options

  • programs.firefox.policies
  • programs.firefox.profiles.<name>.extensions
  • programs.firefox.profiles.<name>.settings (Nix-based user.js attrs)
  • programs.firefox.profiles.<name>.extraConfig (Raw user.js lines)

nix-darwin Options

WSL Options

`README`: Add badges


  • Git Repo
  • Matrix Chat
  • Issues
  • divnix/std
  • divnix/hive
  • zhaofengli/colmena
  • nix-community/nixos-generators
  • nix-community/disko
  • nix-community/home-manager
  • nixos/nixos-hardware
  • nixos/mobile-nixos
  • Cachix binary cache:
  • Email
  • Donation

New Sections:

  • Contributing
  • Building / Bootstrap / Installation
  • Quirks
  • Security / Vulnerability reporting

`devShells`: Create composable `devShells` for environments



  • Nix
  • NixOS
  • Nix secrets agenix / sops-nix
  • nixpkgs updater / maintainer
  • Kubernetes / Helm
  • Docker / Podman
  • WINE / Bottles / Windows VMs
  • GTK development
  • Mobile Linux development & flashing


  • handlr
  • farside
  • UltimateTrainingModpack


  • flake-parts flakeModules?
  • organist?
  • devenvs?

`xdg`: Wrap binaries that don't follow XDG Base Dirs spec.

Problem: Many programs don't support the XDG Base Directory specification. These programs often pollute a user's $HOME directory or other directories with unwanted files that would be better placed in the appropriate XDG directories.

Solution: Many of these programs can be configured to use alternate files/directories by running the program with CLI options passed, environment variables set, or config files/options set. Wrap these programs with whatever is necessary to get these programs closer to the XDG Base Directory spec.

List of Programs


  • Create wrapped packages with included env vars, cmdline options, and/or config files.
  • Overlay original packages w/ wrapped version, so no other NixOS / home-manager config is necessary.
  • Create new packages and set NixOS / home-manager options like program.<name>.package = pkgs.<name>-xdg-compliant (or whatever name) to use the wrapped versions while keeping the original programs.


Nix Libs / Examples

Trivial Builders

  • pkgs.wrapShellScriptBin
  • pkgs.wrapShellScript
  • pkgs.runCommand
  • pkgs.writeText
  • pkgs.writeTextFile

Functions available in pkgs.stdenv

Example Snippets

(pkgs.writeScriptBin "htop" ''
  #! ${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash
  export HTOPRC=${pkgs.writeText "htoprc" ...}
  exec ${pkgs.htop}/bin/htop "$@"
writeShellScriptBinAndSymlink = name: text: super.symlinkJoin {
  name = name;
  paths = [
    (super.writeShellScriptBin name text)
pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "hello" ''
  # Call hello with a traditional greeting 
  exec ${pkgs.hello}/bin/hello -t
pkgs.runCommand "hello" {
  buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
} ''
  mkdir $out
  # Link every top-level folder from pkgs.hello to our new target
  ln -s ${pkgs.hello}/* $out
  # Except the bin folder
  rm $out/bin
  mkdir $out/bin
  # We create the bin folder ourselves and link every binary in it
  ln -s ${pkgs.hello}/bin/* $out/bin
  # Except the hello binary
  rm $out/bin/hello
  # Because we create this ourself, by creating a wrapper
  makeWrapper ${pkgs.hello}/bin/hello $out/bin/hello \
    --add-flags "-t"
pkgs.symlinkJoin {
  name = "hello";
  paths = [ pkgs.hello ];
  buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
  postBuild = ''
    wrapProgram $out/bin/hello \
      --add-flags "-t"

Unique `sops-nix` secrets for each host + set of shared secrets

  • Figure out which secrets can/should be shared between systems.

    • SSH public keys?
    • SSH host public keys?
  • Figure out if sops-nix is a good avenue for keeping sensitive, but not secret data private. (i.e. IP addresses, hostnames, port numbers, anonymous usernames/emails, public keys, etc.)

  • Method to instantiate any missing secrets automatically.

    • System activation script?
    • Run command to generate missing files, then prompt to add them to sops-nix?
    • Script to parse .yaml files for sops key names & create skeleton .yaml file for host/user/etc.
      • Ask to re-use from other host?
  • Method to insert secrets into strings without adding them to world-readable Nix store & possibly binary caches.

    • Scalpel?
    • Agenix?
    • Something using Hashicorp Vault or similar?

`nix`: Fix Nix registry.

Problem: Unable to use nix search, nix profile install, ...

error: unable to download 'true': HTTP error 404
   response body:

   <head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
   <center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>

Possible Causes:

  • Nix registry set by nixosModules from inputs: (Both enabled = conflicts?)
    • flake-utils-plus
    • quick-nix-registry
  • Extra config overriding modules by manually setting one of:
    • nix.registry / nix/registry.json ({hm,nixos}/profiles/nix/registry.nix)
    • nix.nixPath / ``NIX_PATH`
    • environment.etc."nix/inputs"

Working Properly:

  • flake input dirs: /etc/nix/inputs/*


  • flake input dirs: ~/.config/nix/inputs/*

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