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synthetictumors's Introduction

Synthetic Tumors Make AI Segment Tumors Better

This repository provides extensive examples of synthetic liver tumors generated by our novel strategies. Check to see if you could tell which is real tumor and which is synthetic tumor. More importantly, our synthetic tumors can be used for training AI models, and have proven to achieve a similar (actually, better) performance in real tumor segmentation than a model trained on real tumors.

Amazing, right?


Label-Free Liver Tumor Segmentation
Qixin Hu1, Yixiong Chen2, Junfei Xiao3, Shuwen Sun4, Jieneng Chen3, Alan L. Yuille3, and Zongwei Zhou3,*
1 Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
2 The Chinese University of Hong Kong -- Shenzhen,
3 Johns Hopkins University,
4 The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University
CVPR, 2023
paper | code | talk (by Alan Yuille) | talk | slides | poster

Synthetic Tumors Make AI Segment Tumors Better
Qixin Hu1, Junfei Xiao2, Yixiong Chen3, Shuwen Sun4, Jieneng Chen2, Alan L. Yuille2, and Zongwei Zhou2,*
1 Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
2 Johns Hopkins University,
3 The Chinese University of Hong Kong -- Shenzhen,
4 The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University
Medical Imaging Meets NeurIPS, 2022
paper | code | slides | poster | demo | talk

Early Detection and Localization of Pancreatic Cancer by Label-Free Tumor Synthesis
Bowen Li1, Yu-Cheng Chou1, Shuwen Sun2, Hualin Qiao3, Alan L. Yuille1, and Zongwei Zhou1,*
1 Johns Hopkins University,
2 The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,
3 Sepax technologies
Big Task Small Data, 1001-AI, MICCAI Workshop, 2023
paper | code

We have documented common questions for the paper in Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

We have also provided a list of publications related to tumor synthesis in Awesome Synthetic Tumors Awesome.


Tumor Model Pre-trained? Download
real unet no link
real swin_unetrv2_base yes link
real swin_unetrv2_base no link
real swin_unetrv2_small no link
real swin_unetrv2_tiny no link
synt unet no link
synt swin_unetrv2_base yes link
synt swin_unetrv2_base no link
synt swin_unetrv2_small no link
synt swin_unetrv2_tiny no link

Use the following command to download everything.

tar -xzvf runs.tar.gz

0. Installation

git clone
cd SyntheticTumors

See installation instructions.

1. Train segmentation models using synthetic tumors


# UNET (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --optim_lr=4e-4 --batch_size=2 --lrschedule=warmup_cosine --optim_name=adamw --model_name=unet --val_every=200 --max_epochs=4000 --save_checkpoint --workers=2 --noamp --distributed --dist-url=tcp:// --cache_num=200 --val_overlap=0.5 --syn --logdir="runs/synt.no_pretrain.unet" --train_dir $datapath --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/healthy.json
# Swin-UNETR-Base (pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --optim_lr=4e-4 --batch_size=2 --lrschedule=warmup_cosine --optim_name=adamw --model_name=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=base --val_every=200 --max_epochs=4000 --save_checkpoint --workers=2 --noamp --distributed --dist-url=tcp:// --cache_num=200 --val_overlap=0.5 --syn --logdir="runs/synt.pretrain.swin_unetrv2_base" --train_dir $datapath --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/healthy.json --use_pretrained
# Swin-UNETR-Base (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --optim_lr=4e-4 --batch_size=2 --lrschedule=warmup_cosine --optim_name=adamw --model_name=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=base --val_every=200 --max_epochs=4000 --save_checkpoint --workers=2 --noamp --distributed --dist-url=tcp:// --cache_num=200 --val_overlap=0.5 --syn --logdir="runs/synt.no_pretrain.swin_unetrv2_base" --train_dir $datapath --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/healthy.json
# Swin-UNETR-Small (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --optim_lr=4e-4 --batch_size=2 --lrschedule=warmup_cosine --optim_name=adamw --model_name=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=small --val_every=200 --max_epochs=4000 --save_checkpoint --workers=2 --noamp --distributed --dist-url=tcp:// --cache_num=200 --val_overlap=0.5 --syn --logdir="runs/synt.no_pretrain.swin_unetrv2_small" --train_dir $datapath --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/healthy.json
# Swin-UNETR-Tiny (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --optim_lr=4e-4 --batch_size=2 --lrschedule=warmup_cosine --optim_name=adamw --model_name=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=tiny --val_every=200 --max_epochs=4000 --save_checkpoint --workers=2 --noamp --distributed --dist-url=tcp:// --cache_num=200 --val_overlap=0.5 --syn --logdir="runs/synt.no_pretrain.swin_unetrv2_tiny" --train_dir $datapath --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/healthy.json

2. Train segmentation models using real tumors (for comparison)


# UNET (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore -W ignore --optim_lr=4e-4 --batch_size=2 --lrschedule=warmup_cosine --optim_name=adamw --model_name=unet --val_every=200 --val_overlap=0.5 --max_epochs=4000 --save_checkpoint --workers=2 --noamp --distributed --dist-url=tcp:// --cache_num=200 --logdir="runs/real.no_pretrain.unet" --train_dir $datapath --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json
# Swin-UNETR-Base (pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore -W ignore --optim_lr=4e-4 --batch_size=2 --lrschedule=warmup_cosine --optim_name=adamw --model_name=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=base --val_every=200 --val_overlap=0.5 --max_epochs=4000 --save_checkpoint --workers=2 --noamp --distributed --dist-url=tcp:// --cache_num=200 --logdir="runs/real.pretrain.swin_unetrv2_base" --train_dir $datapath --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json --use_pretrained
# Swin-UNETR-Base (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore -W ignore --optim_lr=4e-4 --batch_size=2 --lrschedule=warmup_cosine --optim_name=adamw --model_name=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=base --val_every=200 --val_overlap=0.5 --max_epochs=4000 --save_checkpoint --workers=2 --noamp --distributed --dist-url=tcp:// --cache_num=200 --logdir="runs/real.no_pretrain.swin_unetrv2_base" --train_dir $datapath --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json
# Swin-UNETR-Small (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore -W ignore --optim_lr=4e-4 --batch_size=2 --lrschedule=warmup_cosine --optim_name=adamw --model_name=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=small --val_every=200 --val_overlap=0.5 --max_epochs=4000 --save_checkpoint --workers=2 --noamp --distributed --dist-url=tcp:// --cache_num=200 --logdir="runs/real.no_pretrain.swin_unetrv2_small" --train_dir $datapath --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json
# Swin-UNETR-Tiny (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore -W ignore --optim_lr=4e-4 --batch_size=2 --lrschedule=warmup_cosine --optim_name=adamw --model_name=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=tiny --val_every=200 --val_overlap=0.5 --max_epochs=4000 --save_checkpoint --workers=2 --noamp --distributed --dist-url=tcp:// --cache_num=200 --logdir="runs/real.no_pretrain.swin_unetrv2_tiny" --train_dir $datapath --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json

3. Evaluation

AI model trained by synthetic tumors


# UNET (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --model=unet --val_overlap=0.75 --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json --log_dir runs/synt.no_pretrain.unet --save_dir out
# Swin-UNETR-Base (pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --model=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=base --val_overlap=0.75 --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json --log_dir runs/synt.pretrain.swin_unetrv2_base --save_dir out
# Swin-UNETR-Base (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --model=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=base --val_overlap=0.75 --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json --log_dir runs/synt.no_pretrain.swin_unetrv2_base --save_dir out
# Swin-UNETR-Small (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --model=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=small --val_overlap=0.75 --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json --log_dir runs/synt.no_pretrain.swin_unetrv2_small --save_dir out
# Swin-UNETR-Tiny (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --model=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=tiny --val_overlap=0.75 --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json --log_dir runs/synt.no_pretrain.swin_unetrv2_tiny --save_dir out

AI model trained by real tumors


# UNET (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --model=unet --val_overlap=0.75 --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json --log_dir runs/real.no_pretrain.unet --save_dir out
# Swin-UNETR-Base (pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --model=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=base --val_overlap=0.75 --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json --log_dir runs/real.pretrain.swin_unetrv2_base --save_dir out
# Swin-UNETR-Base (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --model=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=base --val_overlap=0.75 --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json --log_dir runs/real.no_pretrain.swin_unetrv2_base --save_dir out
# Swin-UNETR-Small (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --model=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=small --val_overlap=0.75 --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json --log_dir runs/real.no_pretrain.swin_unetrv2_small --save_dir out
# Swin-UNETR-Tiny (no.pretrain)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --model=swin_unetrv2 --swin_type=tiny --val_overlap=0.75 --val_dir $datapath --json_dir datafolds/lits.json --log_dir runs/real.no_pretrain.swin_unetrv2_tiny --save_dir out


  • Upload the paper to arxiv
  • Make a video about Visual Turing Test (will appear in YouTube)
  • Make an online app for Visual Turing Test
  • Apply for a US patent
  • Upload the evaluation code for small tumors
  • Upload the evaluation code for the false-positive study
  • Make a Jupyter Notebook for tumor synthesis


  title={Label-free liver tumor segmentation},
  author={Hu, Qixin and Chen, Yixiong and Xiao, Junfei and Sun, Shuwen and Chen, Jieneng and Yuille, Alan L and Zhou, Zongwei},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},

  title={Synthetic Tumors Make AI Segment Tumors Better},
  author={Hu, Qixin and Xiao, Junfei and Chen, Yixiong and Sun, Shuwen and Chen, Jie-Neng and Yuille, Alan and Zhou, Zongwei},
  journal={NeurIPS Workshop on Medical Imaging meets NeurIPS},

  title={Early Detection and Localization of Pancreatic Cancer by Label-Free Tumor Synthesis},
  author={Li, Bowen and Chou, Yu-Cheng and Sun, Shuwen and Qiao, Hualin and Yuille, Alan and Zhou, Zongwei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.03008},


This work was supported by the Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research and the McGovern Foundation. The segmentation backbone is based on Swin UNETR; we appreciate the effort of the MONAI Team to provide and maintain open-source code to the community. We thank Camille Torrico and Alexa Delaney for improving the writing of this paper. Paper content is covered by patents pending.

synthetictumors's People


mrgiovanni avatar qixinhu11 avatar

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