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Comments (23)

jcupitt avatar jcupitt commented on July 19, 2024

Hello, I guess the thing that aiohttp is giving you is neither a string or buffer. You'll need to cast it somehow I suppose.

To verify that new_from_buffer is working, try:

import sys
import pyvips

str = open(sys.argv[1], "rb").read()
image = pyvips.Image.new_from_buffer(str, "")
print "image average is", image.avg()

I see:

john@kiwi:~/try$ ./ ~/pics/k2.png
image average is 102.930070717

from pyvips.

Diniboy1123 avatar Diniboy1123 commented on July 19, 2024

Oh, you are right, thanks a lot! It returns bytes and that not works. Do you have any idea how can I load bytes or BytesIO to pyvips?

from pyvips.

jcupitt avatar jcupitt commented on July 19, 2024

Sorry, no idea! It should be easy to convert to a string or buffer, but I don't know how exactly.

from pyvips.

Diniboy1123 avatar Diniboy1123 commented on July 19, 2024

Okay, no problem! :) You helped a lot, thanks.

from pyvips.

Diniboy1123 avatar Diniboy1123 commented on July 19, 2024

I need to reopen this, because I still couldn't solve the problem.

It seems like, BytesIO has a read() function aswell and it returns bytes just like what the open one does:

>>> type(open("/tmp/test.png", "rb").read())
<class 'bytes'>
>>> type(BytesIO().read())
<class 'bytes'>

But the second one not works still... It gives me: TypeError: initializer for ctype 'int(*)(void *, void *)' must be a pointer to same type, not cdata 'void(*)(void *)'

Because aiohttp's read() function returns a bytes aswell, I even tried to pass that but the result is the same.

from pyvips.

jcupitt avatar jcupitt commented on July 19, 2024

Hi again, post a small, complete program I can run and I'll have a look.

from pyvips.

Diniboy1123 avatar Diniboy1123 commented on July 19, 2024

Sorry, I had been really busy nowadays.

I made a small code that you can access here: pyvips_test.txt

Unfortunately that's a txt since Github doesn't support .py files to upload.

It gives me a TypeError: initializer for ctype 'int(*)(void *, void *)' must be a pointer to same type, not cdata 'void(*)(void *)' error.

from pyvips.

jcupitt avatar jcupitt commented on July 19, 2024

I think you're supposed to use gist for complete programs. I copy-pasted your code here:

I'll have a look.

from pyvips.

jcupitt avatar jcupitt commented on July 19, 2024

Hello again, your code is interesting, I'd not seen the async stuff before.

It seems to work for me. I changed the pyvips part to be:

def invert_pyvips(data_source):
    image_bytes =

    print("seen {} bytes coming in".format(len(image_bytes)))
    image = pyvips.Image.new_from_buffer(image_bytes, "")
    image = image * [-1, -1, -1, 1] + [255, 255, 255, 0]
    new_image_bytes = image.write_to_buffer(".png")
    print("written {} bytes of new PNG data".format(len(new_image_bytes)))

    return new_image_bytes

And if I run it I see:

john@yingna ~/try $ python3 
seen 242509 bytes coming in
written 210637 bytes of new PNG data
<class 'bytes'>

from pyvips.

jcupitt avatar jcupitt commented on July 19, 2024

That's with pyvips 2.1.3, perhaps something has changed there?

from pyvips.

Diniboy1123 avatar Diniboy1123 commented on July 19, 2024

Interesting... It gives me the same error and I have the latest pyvips from pip.

I'll take a deeper look on that when I'll be home.

from pyvips.

jcupitt avatar jcupitt commented on July 19, 2024

Here's my pip list, if it's any help:

john@yingna ~/try $ python3
seen 242509 bytes coming in
written 210637 bytes of new PNG data
<class 'bytes'>
john@yingna ~/try $ pip list
Package                 Version  
----------------------- ---------
aafigure                0.6      
aiohttp                 3.3.2    
apturl                  0.5.2    
asn1crypto              0.24.0   
async-timeout           3.0.0    
atomicwrites            1.1.5    
attrs                   17.4.0   
autobahn                17.10.1  
Automat                 0.6.0    
Brlapi                  0.6.6    
cbor                    1.0.0    
certifi                 2018.1.18
cffi                    1.11.5   
chardet                 3.0.4    
chrome-gnome-shell      0.0.0    
click                   6.7      
cloudpickle             0.5.3    
colorama                0.3.7    
command-not-found       0.3      
configparser            3.5.0    
constantly              15.1.0   
cryptography            2.1.4    
cupshelpers             1.0      
cycler                  0.10.0   
Cython                  0.26.1   
dask                    0.18.2   
decorator               4.3.0    
defer                   1.0.6    
dipy                    0.14.0   
distro-info             0.18     
docutils                0.14     
funcsigs                1.0.2    
future                  0.16.0   
h5py                    2.8.0    
httplib2                0.9.2    
hyperlink               17.3.1   
idna                    2.6      
idna-ssl                1.1.0    
incremental             16.10.1  
isodate                 0.6.0    
jedi                    0.11.1   
Jinja2                  2.10     
keyring                 10.6.0   
keyrings.alt            3.0      
kiwisolver              1.0.1    
language-selector       0.1      
launchpadlib            1.10.6   
lazr.restfulclient      0.13.5   
lazr.uri                1.0.3    
lockfile                0.12.2   
louis                   3.5.0    
lxml                    4.2.1    
lz4                     0.10.1   
macaroonbakery          1.1.3    
Mako                    1.0.7    
MarkupSafe              1.0      
matplotlib              2.2.2    
mock                    2.0.0    
more-itertools          4.2.0    
mpi4py                  2.0.0    
multidict               4.3.1    
networkx                2.1      
nibabel                 2.2.1    
nipype                  1.0.4    
nitime                  0.7      
numpy                   1.14.4   
oauth                   1.0.1    
olefile                 0.45.1   
packaging               17.1     
PAM                     0.4.2    
pandas                  0.23.0   
parso                   0.1.1    
pbr                     4.0.4    
pdfrw                   0.4      
pexpect                 4.2.1    
Pillow                  5.1.0    
pip                     18.0     
pkgconfig               1.3.1    
pkginfo                 1.4.2    
pluggy                  0.6.0    
protobuf                3.0.0    
prov                    1.5.2    
py                      1.5.3    
py-ubjson               0.8.5    
pyasn1                  0.4.2    
pyasn1-modules          0.2.1    
pycairo                 1.16.2   
pycparser               2.18     
pycrypto                2.6.1    
pycups                  1.9.73   
pydot                   1.2.4    
pydotplus               2.0.2    
Pygments                2.2.0    
pygobject               3.26.1   
pymacaroons             0.13.0   
PyNaCl                  1.1.2    
pyOpenSSL               17.5.0   
pyparsing               2.2.0    
PyPDF2                  1.26.0   
pyRFC3339               1.0      
pyserial                3.4      
pytest                  3.6.1    
python-apt              1.6.2    
python-dateutil         2.7.3    
python-debian           0.1.32   
python-snappy           0.5      
PyTrie                  0.2      
pytz                    2018.3   
pyvips                  2.1.3    
PyWavelets              0.5.2    
pyxattr                 0.6.0    
pyxdg                   0.25     
PyYAML                  3.12     
qrcode                  5.3      
rdflib                  4.2.2    
reportlab               3.4.0    
requests                2.18.4   
requests-toolbelt       0.8.0    
requests-unixsocket     0.1.5    
rson                    0.9      
scikit-image            0.14.0   
scipy                   1.1.0    
scour                   0.36     
seaborn                 0.8.1    
SecretStorage           2.3.1    
service-identity        16.0.0   
setuptools              39.0.1   
simplejson              3.13.2   
six                     1.11.0   
smartypants             1.8.6    
structural-dhcp-mriqc   0.8.4a2  
structural-dhcp-rst2pdf 0.93.dev0
structural-dhcp-svg2rlg 0.3      
system-service          0.3      
systemd-python          234      
Tenjin                  1.1.1    
testresources           2.0.1    
toolz                   0.9.0    
tox                     3.1.3    
tqdm                    4.24.0   
traits                  4.6.0    
twine                   1.11.0   
Twisted                 17.9.0   
txaio                   2.8.1    
u-msgpack-python        2.1      
ubuntu-drivers-common   0.0.0    
ufw                     0.35     
unattended-upgrades     0.1      
urllib3                 1.22     
usb-creator             0.3.3    
virtualenv              16.0.0   
wadllib                 1.3.2    
wheel                   0.30.0   
wsaccel                 0.6.2    
xkit                    0.0.0    
yarl                    1.2.6    
youtube-dl              2018.3.14
zope.interface          4.3.2    
john@yingna ~/try $ python3 --version
Python 3.6.5

from pyvips.

mathrick avatar mathrick commented on July 19, 2024

I'm running into this issue. This seems to be caused by libvips older than 8.6 being used in non-API mode (which, if I understand correctly, means it's using system-installed libvips rather than self-built module):


The signature in the error matches the signature for glib_lib.g_free:

>>> glib_lib.g_free
<cdata 'void(*)(void *)' 0x7f7f29146b10>
>>> vips_lib.vips_value_set_blob
<cdata 'void(*)(GValue *, int(*)(void *, void *), void *, size_t)' 0x7f7f28804610>

from pyvips.

bverem avatar bverem commented on July 19, 2024

I'm running into the same issue on my production server (Ubuntu 18.04), but not on my development server (Ubuntu 18.04). Both use the same libvips version (8.4.5) and pyvips version (2.1.8; the Python environments for dev and prod are identical). I can confirm that enabling API_mode will allow images to be created from bytes when this error occurs.

import pyvips
img = 'static/img.png'
with open(img, 'rb') as f:
    image = pyvips.Image.new_from_buffer(, '')

This will work as expected in dev but not in prod, which says "initializer for ctype 'int(*)(void *, void *)' must be a pointer to same type, not cdata 'void(*)(void *)'.

Can anyone think of any reason why one server would work just dandy but not the other? Thank you all very much!

from pyvips.

jcupitt avatar jcupitt commented on July 19, 2024

I think I might have fixed this in git master pyvips. Would anyone be able to test it?

from pyvips.

jcupitt avatar jcupitt commented on July 19, 2024

It's this commit, for reference: 6ed388b

from pyvips.

bverem avatar bverem commented on July 19, 2024

Thank you! I'll check it out in about 12 hours when I get home from work.

from pyvips.

bverem avatar bverem commented on July 19, 2024

Looks good! Both environments work as expected. Thank you very much!

EDIT: I believe pyvips.API_mode is being set to True in these cases. While the image does load, some methods (such as thumbnail_image()) are not working. Is that expected?

from pyvips.

jcupitt avatar jcupitt commented on July 19, 2024

Huh, no, I think that should be OK.

What doesn't work? Is there an error message?

from pyvips.

bverem avatar bverem commented on July 19, 2024
----> 1 i.thumbnail_image(600)

 ~/coop_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyvips/ in call_function(*args, **kwargs)
    917         @_add_doc(name)
    918         def call_function(*args, **kwargs):
--> 919             return, self, *args, **kwargs)
    921         return call_function

~/coop_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyvips/ in call(operation_name, *args, 
    220         #              args, kwargs)
--> 222         intro = Introspect.get(operation_name)
     224         if len(intro.required_input) != len(args):

~/coop_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyvips/ in get(cls, operation_name)
   139     def get(cls, operation_name):
   140         if operation_name not in cls._introspect_cache:
--> 141             cls._introspect_cache[operation_name] = Introspect(operation_name)
    143         return cls._introspect_cache[operation_name]

~/coop_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyvips/ in __init__(self, operation_name)
     37     def __init__(self, operation_name):
---> 38         op = Operation.new_from_name(operation_name)
     40         self.description = op.get_description()

~/coop_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyvips/ in 
    179         vop = vips_lib.vips_operation_new(_to_bytes(operation_name))
    180         if vop == ffi.NULL:
--> 181             raise Error('no such operation {0}'.format(operation_name))
    182         return Operation(vop)

Error: no such operation thumbnail_image
  VipsOperation: class "thumbnail_image" not found

Is it possible that there's some other Ubuntu package installed that is causing the disparity? Should I attempt a diff between the two to see if there are any differences?

from pyvips.

jcupitt avatar jcupitt commented on July 19, 2024

Ah that's just an old libvips. thumbnail_image was added in 8.6.

I would not use thumbnail_image unless you absolutely have to, it's MUCH slower (perhaps more than 10x slower in some cases) than thumbnail.

from pyvips.

bverem avatar bverem commented on July 19, 2024

Gotcha! Thank you again for your help!

from pyvips.

jcupitt avatar jcupitt commented on July 19, 2024

No problem, and thanks again for the report.

from pyvips.

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