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ngx_dynamic_limit_req_module's Introduction



The ngx_dynamic_limit_req_module module is used to dynamically lock IP and release it periodically.

Table of Contents


Sets parameters for a shared memory zone that will keep states for various keys. In particular, the state stores the current number of excessive requests. The key can contain text, variables, and their combination. Requests with an empty key value are not accounted.

 Syntax:  dynamic_limit_req_zone key zone=name:size rate=rate [sync]  redis= block_second=time;
 Default: —
 Context: http


Sets optional parameters, unix_socket, port, requirepass.

The socket must be accessible for nginx. You first have to change the chmod of the socket to 770 that the redis group can access it, make changes in /etc/redis/redis.conf: unixsocketperm 770 unixsocket /tmp/redis.sock and then add nginx to the redis group usermod -g redis nginx

 Syntax:  dynamic_limit_req_redis  unix_socket | port=[number] requirepass=[password];
 Default: port 6379
 Context: http


dynamic_limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=sms:5m rate=5r/m redis=/tmp/redis.sock block_second=1800;
dynamic_limit_req zone=sms burst=3 nodelay;
dynamic_limit_req_redis unix_socket requirepass=comeback;

or required for non-standard ports, not required for standard port 6379

dynamic_limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=sms:5m rate=5r/m redis= block_second=1800;
dynamic_limit_req zone=sms burst=3 nodelay;
dynamic_limit_req_redis port=6378 requirepass=comeback;


Sets the shared memory zone and the maximum burst size of requests. If the requests rate exceeds the rate configured for a zone, their processing is delayed such that requests are processed at a defined rate. Excessive requests are delayed until their number exceeds the maximum burst size in which case the request is terminated with an error. By default, the maximum burst size is equal to zero.

 Syntax:  dynamic_limit_req zone=name [burst=number] [nodelay | delay=number];
 Default: —
 Context: http, server, location, if


Sets the desired logging level for cases when the server refuses to process requests due to rate exceeding, or delays request processing. Logging level for delays is one point less than for refusals; for example, if “dynamic_limit_req_log_level notice” is specified, delays are logged with the info level.

 Syntax:  dynamic_limit_req_log_level info | notice | warn | error;
 Default: dynamic_limit_req_log_level error;
 Context: http, server, location


Sets the status code to return in response to rejected requests.

 Syntax:  dynamic_limit_req_status code;
 Default: dynamic_limit_req_status 503;
 Context: http, server, location, if

Configuration example:

    worker_processes  2;
    events {
        worker_connections  1024;
    http {
        include       mime.types;
        default_type  application/octet-stream;
        sendfile        on;
        keepalive_timeout  65;
   dynamic_limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=100r/s redis= block_second=300;
   dynamic_limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=two:10m rate=50r/s redis= block_second=600;
   dynamic_limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=sms:5m rate=5r/m redis= block_second=1800;
        server {
            listen       80;
            server_name  localhost;
            location / {
                if ($http_x_forwarded_for) {
                 return 400;
                root   html;
                index  index.html index.htm;
                dynamic_limit_req zone=one burst=100 nodelay;
                dynamic_limit_req_status 403;
            error_page   403 500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
            location = /50x.html {
                root   html;
        server {
            listen       80;
            server_name  localhost2;
            location / {
                root   html;
                index  index.html index.htm; 
                    set $flag 0;
                   if ($document_uri ~* "regist"){
                      set $flag "${flag}1";
                  if ($request_method = POST ) {
                        set $flag "${flag}2";
                      if ($flag = "012"){
                      dynamic_limit_req zone=sms burst=3 nodelay;
                      dynamic_limit_req_status 403;

                      if ($document_uri ~* ""){
                      dynamic_limit_req zone=sms burst=5 nodelay;
                      dynamic_limit_req_status 444;

                dynamic_limit_req zone=two burst=50 nodelay;
                dynamic_limit_req_status 403;
            error_page   403 502 503 504  /50x.html;
            location = /50x.html {
                root   html;

If you use CDN at the source station :

 worker_processes  2;
    events {
        worker_connections  1024;
    http {
        include       mime.types;
        default_type  application/octet-stream;
        sendfile        on;
        keepalive_timeout  65;
       real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;
       real_ip_recursive on;
   #### $http_x_forwarded_for or $binary_remote_addr
  dynamic_limit_req_zone $http_x_forwarded_for zone=one:10m rate=100r/s redis= block_second=300;
        server {
            listen       80;
            server_name  localhost;
            location / {
                root   html;
                index  index.html index.htm;
                dynamic_limit_req zone=one burst=100 nodelay;
                dynamic_limit_req_status 403;
            error_page   403 500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
            location = /50x.html {
                root   html;


About ngx_http_realip_module


White list rules

redis-cli set whiteip ip

example: redis-cli set white192.168.1.1

Black list rules

redis-cli set ip ip

example: redis-cli set


Option #1: Compile Nginx with module bundled

cd redis-4.0**version**/deps/hiredis
make install 
echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/

cd nginx-**version**
./configure --add-module=/path/to/this/ngx_dynamic_limit_req_module 
make install

Option #2: Compile dynamic module for Nginx

Starting from NGINX 1.9.11, you can also compile this module as a dynamic module, by using the --add-dynamic-module=PATH option instead of --add-module=PATH on the ./configure command line above. And then you can explicitly load the module in your nginx.conf via the load_module directive, for example,

    load_module /path/to/modules/;


The ngx_dynamic_limit_req_module module is used to limit the request processing rate per a defined key, in particular, the processing rate of requests coming from a single IP address. The limitation is done using the “leaky bucket” method.


This module is an extension based on ngx_http_limit_req_module.


The developers work tirelessly to improve and develop ngx_dynamic_limit_req_module. Many hours have been put in to provide the software as it is today, but this is an extremely time-consuming process with no financial reward. If you enjoy using the software, please consider donating to the devs, so they can spend more time implementing improvements.




This module can be works with RedisPushIptables, the application layer matches then the network layer to intercept. Although network layer interception will save resources, there are also deficiencies. Assuming that only one specific interface is filtered and no other interfaces are filtered, those that do not need to be filtered will also be inaccessible. Although precise control is not possible at the network layer or the transport layer, it can be precisely controlled at the application layer. Users need to weigh which solution is more suitable for the event at the time.


If you want to use the api counting function, please use limithit-API_alerts. Because not everyone needs this feature, so it doesn't merge into the trunk. Users who do not need this feature can skip this paragraph description.

git clone
cd ngx_dynamic_limit_req_module
git checkout limithit-API_alerts
root@debian:~# redis-cli> SELECT 3[3]> scan 0 match *12/Dec/2018* count 10000[3]> scan 0 match *PV count 10000
1) "0"
2) 1) "[13/Dec/2018]PV"
   2) "[12/Dec/2018]PV"[3]> get [12/Dec/2018]PV
"9144"[3]> get [13/Dec/2018]PV
"8066"[3]> get [13/Dec/2018]UV

This module is compatible with following nginx releases:

Author Gandalf [email protected]

ngx_dynamic_limit_req_module's People


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ngx_dynamic_limit_req_module's Issues


map $http_x_forwarded_for $clientRealIp {
~^(?P[0-9.]+),?.*$ $firstAddr;
dynamic_limit_req_zone $clientRealIp zone=one:10m rate=10r/m redis= block_second=600;
dynamic_limit_req burst=10 zone=one nodelay;
dynamic_limit_req_status 429;

Nginx 日志格式:
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'
'"$upstream_response_time" "$upstream_addr"';




限制的配置如上,由于前端使用了CDN,$remote_addr 是CDN的IP,$http_x_forwarded_for 是客户端真实IP,如上配置,测试下来发现,被加到redis黑名单的 地址会是 CDN的IP,也就是$remote_addr 地址,这个怎么解决?

Not working and no log messages


I compiled the module with nginx 1.22 and after some tests, it doesn't appear to be working. Am I supposed to be getting anything in the logs? I purposely configured it with a non existant Redis at and nothing in error messages.

Here is my test configuration:

http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
sendfile on;
keepalive_timeout 65;

dynamic_limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=1r/s redis= block_second=300;

server {
    listen       80;

    location / {
        return 200 "$remote_addr";
        dynamic_limit_req zone=one burst=1 nodelay;
        dynamic_limit_req_status 403;

http 403 with nginx-quic 1.21.7

2022/04/28 02:44:41 [debug] 40#40: *3 recv: fd:3 0 of 1024
2022/04/28 02:44:41 [info] 40#40: *3 client closed keepalive connection
2022/04/28 02:44:41 [debug] 40#40: *3 close http connection: 3
2022/04/28 02:44:41 [debug] 40#40: *3 event timer del: 3: 8938671
2022/04/28 02:44:41 [debug] 40#40: *3 reusable connection: 0
2022/04/28 02:44:41 [debug] 40#40: *3 free: 0000564237095130
2022/04/28 02:44:41 [debug] 40#40: *3 free: 0000564237088DB0, unused: 128
2022/04/28 02:44:41 [debug] 40#40: timer delta: 1
2022/04/28 02:44:41 [debug] 40#40: worker cycle
2022/04/28 02:44:41 [debug] 40#40: epoll timer: -1
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: epoll: fd:3 ev:0001 d:00005642370F2708
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http keepalive handler
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 malloc: 0000564237095130:1024
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 recv: eof:0, avail:-1
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 recv: fd:3 426 of 1024
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 reusable connection: 0
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 posix_memalign: 0000564236FEB310:4096 @16
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 event timer del: 3: 8910023
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http process request line
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http request line: "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http uri: "/index.html"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http args: ""
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http exten: "html"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 posix_memalign: 00005642370A5C60:4096 @16
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http process request header line
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http header: "Host:"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: 2 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:99.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/99.0"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: 2 http header: "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,/
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http header: "Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http header: "Connection: keep-alive"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http header: "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http header: "Cache-Control: max-age=0"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http header done
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 generic phase: 0
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 generic phase: 1
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 rewrite phase: 2
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 using configuration ""
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http cl:-1 max:52428800
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 rewrite phase: 4
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 post rewrite phase: 5
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 generic phase: 6
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http script var: "s:
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: shmtx lock
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: slab free: 00007F22D6928080
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: slab alloc: 84 slot: 4
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: slab alloc: 00007F22D6928080
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: shmtx unlock
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 limit_req[0]: -2 0.000
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http script var: "s:
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http script copy: "-"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http script var: "/index.html"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: shmtx lock
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: slab free: 00007F22D3728080
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: slab alloc: 96 slot: 4
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: slab alloc: 00007F22D3728080
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: shmtx unlock
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 limit_req[1]: -2 0.000
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http script var: "s:
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http script copy: "-"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http script var: "/index.html"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: shmtx lock
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: shmtx unlock
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 limit_req[2]: 0 0.000
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [error] 38#38: *2 limiting requests, excess: 0.000 by zone "three-url" lock= length=13, client:, server: _, request: "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [error] 38#38: *2 limiting requests, excess: 0.000 by zone "three-url" lock= length=13, client:, server: _, request: "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [error] 38#38: *2 limiting requests, excess: 0.000 by zone "three-url" lock= length=13, client:, server: _, request: "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 limit_lock]: by zone="three-url" ip= ip2= len=13 len2=13
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: shmtx lock
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: shmtx unlock
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: shmtx lock
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: shmtx unlock
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http finalize request: 403, "/index.html?" a:1, c:1
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http special response: 403, "/index.html?"
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 http set discard body
2022/04/28 02:44:55 [debug] 38#38: *2 HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

NGINX 1.17.6: compilation fails

In the latest NGINX mainline version 1.17.6 release, they've had some striking changes, which include the removal of limit_req_set from ngx_http_request_s struct.

So now this module fails to compile at least because of that:

ngx_dynamic_limit_req_module-1.9.1/ngx_http_dynamic_limit_req_module.c: In function 'ngx_http_limit_req_handler':
ngx_dynamic_limit_req_module-1.9.1/ngx_http_dynamic_limit_req_module.c:142:15: error: 'ngx_http_request_t' {aka 'struct ngx_http_request_s'} has no member named 'limit_req_set'; did you mean 'limit_rate_set'?
  if (r->main->limit_req_set) {
ngx_dynamic_limit_req_module-1.9.1/ngx_http_dynamic_limit_req_module.c:243:11: error: 'ngx_http_request_t' {aka 'struct ngx_http_request_s'} has no member named 'limit_req_set'; did you mean 'limit_rate_set'?
  r->main->limit_req_set = 1;

dynamic_limit_req not working properly


I am trying out this module with my nginx. Purpose of the module is to use this module to rate limit based on given API Key.


We are already using nginx default ngx_http_limit_req_module for rate limiting for single nginx plus instance. We are planning to add nginx in autoscaling group for horizontal scaling so we need centralise place to store key count and we want to explore this module for that purpose. I understood that this is same module as ngx_http_limit_req_module but with redis to store rate limit count. We have a different API key tier where for some of API key we want to allow 50 RPS and some we want to allow 500 RPS and so on. We add api key in file and add map files in nginx to use as different tiers. We have implemented following configuration in nginx.conf

dynamic_limit_req_status 429;
 dynamic_limit_req_log_level info;

 map $ms_apikey $ratelimit_tier10000 {
       include /etc/nginx/;
       default '';

   map $ms_apikey $ratelimit_tier1000 {
       include /etc/nginx/;
       default '';

   map $ms_apikey $ratelimit_tier500 {
       include /etc/nginx/;
       default '';

   map $ms_apikey $ratelimit_tier200 {
       include /etc/nginx/;
       default '';

   map $ms_apikey $ratelimit_tier100 {
       include /etc/nginx/;
       default '';

   map $ms_apikey $ratelimit_tier50 {
       include /etc/nginx/;
       default '';

   map $ratelimit_tier10000$ratelimit_tier1000$ratelimit_tier500$ratelimit_tier50$ratelimit_tier200$ratelimit_tier100 $ratelimit_default {
       ''   $ms_apikey;
       default '';

   dynamic_limit_req_zone $ratelimit_tier10000 zone=10000rps:10m rate=10000r/s redis=<REDIS_IP> block_second=5;
   dynamic_limit_req_zone $ratelimit_tier1000 zone=1000rps:10m rate=1000r/s redis=<REDIS_IP> block_second=5;
   dynamic_limit_req_zone $ratelimit_tier500 zone=500rps:10m rate=500r/s redis=<REDIS_IP> block_second=5;
   dynamic_limit_req_zone $ratelimit_tier200 zone=200rps:10m rate=200r/s redis=<REDIS_IP> block_second=5;
   dynamic_limit_req_zone $ratelimit_tier100 zone=100rps:10m rate=100r/s redis=<REDIS_IP> block_second=5;
   dynamic_limit_req_zone $ratelimit_tier50 zone=50rps:10m rate=50r/s redis=<REDIS_IP> block_second=1;
   dynamic_limit_req_zone $ratelimit_default zone=5rps:10m rate=5r/s redis=<REDIS_IP> block_second=1;
   dynamic_limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=ssologinzone:10m rate=10r/m redis=<REDIS_IP> block_second=5;
   dynamic_limit_req_zone $ms_apikey zone=ids10rps:10m rate=10r/s redis=<REDIS_IP> block_second=5;

I have configured 2 nginx with same configuration which sends key counter to common Redis i.e REDIS_IP. These nginx are behind network load balancer.


I want to implement all tiers in my server block using below configuration.

server {
   listen          443 ssl;
   dynamic_limit_req zone=10000rps burst=10000 nodelay;
   dynamic_limit_req zone=1000rps burst=1000 nodelay;
   dynamic_limit_req zone=500rps burst=550 nodelay;
   dynamic_limit_req zone=200rps burst=210 nodelay;
   dynamic_limit_req zone=100rps burst=110 nodelay;
   dynamic_limit_req zone=50rps burst=50 nodelay;
   dynamic_limit_req zone=5rps burst=5 nodelay; 

Now I am testing this functionality by sending 50 RPS load test and I implemented that api key in /etc/nginx/;
Ideally it should allow 50 RPS load but it stops at 5rps only and I am getting error as

2022/11/04 06:14:43 [info] 20707#20707: *81865 limiting requests, excess: 49.300 by zone "5rps" ....

If i remove dynamic_limit_req zone=5rps burst=5 nodelay; then it is allowing 50 RPS traffic.

I tried same by send 100 RPS traffic and moving API key to 100rps map file. Results were still same. If you remove 5rps and 50 rps zone then it was allowing 100 rps traffic. I am really confused why module is acting like this.

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