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linuxdeploy-plugin-appimage's Issues

Plugin aborts on irrelevant appstreamcli warning


The creation of appimage aborts because of a simple warning in the appdata.xml file:

appimagetool, continuous build (commit 0880085), build 2133 built on 2020-07-09 12:25:52 UTC
Using architecture x86_64
/home/kybos/Projects/muse-fork/appimage/appdir should be packaged as MusE-master-x86_64.AppImage
AppStream upstream metadata found in usr/share/metainfo/org.musesequencer.Muse3.appdata.xml
Trying to validate AppStream information with the appstreamcli tool
In case of issues, please refer to
W - org.musesequencer.Muse3.appdata.xml:org.musesequencer.Muse3:9
    Found empty 'content_rating' tag.

Validation failed: warnings: 1, pedantic: 5
Failed to validate AppStream information with appstreamcli

Can this be circumvented or changed somehow? I guess this kind of warning shouldn't cause the whole process to abort.
The problem is that the content_rating tag is required by FlatHub (even empty, as no rating is applicable in our case), so it's quite a deadlock.

Kybos undefined symbol on Fedora 31

Using Fedora 31 with all the latest patches (dnf -y upgrade --refresh):

[appimage/stderr] Using architecture x86_64
[appimage/stderr] AppStream upstream metadata found in usr/share/metainfo/org.kde.kstars.appdata.xml
[appimage/stderr] /usr/bin/appstreamcli: symbol lookup error: /lib64/ undefined symbol: g_ptr_array_steal_index_fast
[appimage/stderr] Failed to validate AppStream information with appstreamcli
ERROR: Failed to run plugin: appimage 
DEBUG: Exited with return code: 1 

from Fedora @System repo:

Installed Packages
Name         : appstream
Version      : 0.12.7
Release      : 2.fc31
Architecture : x86_64
Size         : 1.1 M
Source       : appstream-0.12.7-2.fc31.src.rpm
Repository   : @System
From repo    : fedora
Summary      : Utilities to generate, maintain and access the AppStream database
URL          :
License      : GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
Description  : AppStream makes it easy to access application information from the
             : AppStream database over a nice GObject-based interface.


./linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --appdir kstars-appimage --output appimage -v0

The Appdir kstars-appimage is successful in that AppRun is properly linked and when ran, everything works fine, it just won't create the final executable bundle.

ERROR: Failed to run plugin: appimage

There are situations when we are trying to sign but there is no key (for example, when we are on git pull requests). In this case, a warning should be printed and the AppImage creation should continue/fall back without signature.

We are getting

ERROR: gpg2 command did not succeed, could not sign, continuing

but it fails nevertheless:

[appimage/stderr] gpg2 and sha256sum are installed and user requested to sign, hence signing
[appimage/stderr] /usr/bin/sha256sum appimaged-x86_64.AppImage
[appimage/stderr] /usr/bin/gpg2 --batch --detach-sign --armor   appimaged-x86_64.AppImage.digest
[appimage/stderr] gpg: no default secret key: No secret key
[appimage/stderr] gpg: signing failed: No secret key
[appimage/stderr] ERROR: gpg2 command did not succeed, could not sign, continuing
[appimage/stdout] Desktop file: /tmp/appimaged-build-GixH5p/appdir/appimaged.desktop
[appimage/stdout] /tmp/appimaged-build-GixH5p/appdir should be packaged as appimaged-x86_64.AppImage
[appimage/stdout] Size of the embedded runtime: 187976 bytes
[appimage/stdout] updateinformation type: gh-releases-zsync
[appimage/stdout] ui_offset: 175304
[appimage/stdout] ui_length: 1024
[appimage/stdout] sha256sum: 5f18fbcf147a2ae66c70ae229a7e562035527defde782f11535d2fdad88e82b1
ERROR: Failed to run plugin: appimage 


Add option to skip checking AppStream metadata

I meet this issue when use appimage plugin:

[appimage/stderr] appimagetool, continuous build (commit 8bbf694), build <local dev build> built on 2020-12-31 11:48:33 UTC
[appimage/stderr] Using architecture x86_64
[appimage/stderr] AppStream upstream metadata found in usr/share/metainfo/org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent.appdata.xml
[appimage/stdout] org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent.appdata.xml
[appimage/stdout]   E: org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent:19: description-para-markup-invalid ul
[appimage/stdout]   E: org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent:27: description-para-markup-invalid ul
[appimage/stdout]   E: org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent:39: description-para-markup-invalid ul
[appimage/stdout]   I: org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent:71: url-not-secure
[appimage/stdout]   I: org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent:73: url-not-secure
[appimage/stdout]   W: org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent:73: url-not-found - HTTP 503: Service Unavailable
[appimage/stdout] 验证失败:错误:3, 警告:1, 信息:2, pedantic: 4
[appimage/stdout] run_external: subprocess exited with status 3[appimage/stderr] Failed to validate AppStream information with appstreamcli
ERROR: Failed to run plugin: appimage (exit code: 1) 


Annyoing [appimage/stdout] and [appimage/stderr] strings in log files

In log files, the lines are prefixed with annoying and misleading [appimage/stdout] and [appimage/stderr] strings which make it hard to read an messy.

[appimage/stdout] /home/travis/build/azubieta/appimage-info/AppDir should be packaged as AppImage_Info-x86_64.AppImage
[appimage/stderr] appimagetool, continuous build (commit 56ebd56), build 1818 built on 2018-08-03 15:20:41 UTC

Do not check AppStream metadata

When I create an AppImage the tool is stuck forever at the AppStream metadata checking process. I need to manually create it with appimagetool using the "--no-appstream" argument. Is there any way to run linuxdeploy with the appimage output plugin and the "--no-appstream" argument?

LD_LIBRARY_PATH leaks to appstreamcli

When running on Fedora and including appstream metadata, the linuxdeploy appimage (indirectly?) attempts to run appstreamcli with the environment set to resolve glib from inside the appimage.
However, since it is running a binary installed by the host system, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH causes runtime linker errors for the glib symbols referenced by appstreamcli.

I've worked around this in wez/wezterm@90de55f by deploying a little appstreamcli wrapper script early in the PATH to clean its environment.

It would be great to resolve this correctly; I'd suggest either making sure that the plugin cleans the environment first, or alternatively, by bundling the needed utilities in the linuxdeploy appimage and running them from there.

How to ensure the AppImage reuses files extracted from first run?

Apaprently, if the NO_CLEANUP env variable is set, the AppImage infrastructure is supposed to not remove the unpacked files and reuse the existing files.

This is really important as we aim to use AppImage packaging in production deployments where we could manage a single unpacking delay, but do not want this delay each and every time the AppImage is run.

Why does this feature appear not to work?

I did try to build the appimagetool from the latest git repo, but still have not yet succeeded in doing so, so I took latest released binaries.

foot@qemuarm64:/home/ccs/Qt/Projects/CortexBuilds/bin# ./linuxdeploy-aarch64.AppImage  --version
linuxdeploy version 1-alpha (git commit ID 2b73a21), <local dev build> built on 2024-02-12 13:22:56 UTC
root@qemuarm64:/home/ccs/Qt/Projects/CortexBuilds/bin# ./linuxdeploy-plugin-appimage  --version
Failed to parse arguments: Flag could not be matched: version

  ./linuxdeploy-plugin-appimage {OPTIONS}



      --appdir=[AppDir]                 AppDir to package as AppImage
      --plugin-type                     Return plugin type and exit
      --plugin-api-version              Return plugin type and exit

root@qemuarm64:/home/ccs/Qt/Projects/CortexBuilds/bin# ./linuxdeploy-plugin-qt-aarch64.AppImage --version
  ./linuxdeploy-plugin-qt-aarch64.AppImage {OPTIONS}

    linuxdeploy Qt plugin


      --appdir=[appdir path]            Path to an existing AppDir
      --extra-plugin=[plugin...]        Extra Qt plugin to deploy (specified by
                                        name, filename or path)
      --plugin-type                     Print plugin type and exit
      --plugin-api-version              Print plugin API version and exit
      --plugin-version                  Print plugin version and exit

    Bundles Qt resources. For use with an existing AppDir, created by
root@qemuarm64:/home/ccs/Qt/Projects/CortexBuilds/bin# ./appimagetool --version
appimagetool, continuous build (commit 8bbf694), build <local dev build> built on 2020-12-31 11:48:29 UTC

ccs@v700:~/Downloads$ export NO_CLEANUP=1

ccs@v700:~/Downloads$ sudo ./Dice-aarch64.AppImage
/tmp/.mount_Dice-a5QqLk2/AppRun.wrapped: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

ccs@v700:~/Downloads$ ls /tmp/.mount*
ls: cannot access '/tmp/.mount*': No such file or directory


Add ability to choose GPG signing key


I have multiple GPG keys on my machine and I want to be able to choose which one AppImageKit uses for signing. There is a --sign-key flag for appimagetool for this purpose, however when using linuxdeploy, this flag is not exposed. It would be great if we could set it using linuxdeploy.

CentOS 7 64-bit metadata file issue

It works but only when I remove metadata xml file. Otherwise it fails as below:

Found appimagetool: /tmp/.mount_linuxdCqqmwp/usr/bin/appimagetool
Running command: /tmp/.mount_linuxdCqqmwp/usr/bin/appimagetool "AppDir" "-g"

appimagetool, continuous build (commit fef038a), build 2093 built on 2019-07-07 12:07:34 UTC
WARNING: appstreamcli command is missing, please install it if you want to use AppStream metadata
Using architecture x86_64
/dev/shm/rclone-browser-1.6.0-d9e3ebe.AppImage/AppDir should be packaged as Rclone_Browser-1.6.0-d9e3ebe-x86_64.AppImage
Deleting pre-existing .DirIcon
Creating .DirIcon symlink based on information from desktop file
AppStream upstream metadata found in usr/share/metainfo/rclone-browser.appdata.xml
Trying to validate AppStream information with the appstream-util tool
In case of issues, please refer to
/dev/shm/rclone-browser-1.6.0-d9e3ebe.AppImage/AppDir/usr/share/metainfo/rclone-browser.appdata.xml: FAILED:
• url-not-found         : <screenshot> failed to connect: SSL handshake failed []
• url-not-found         : <screenshot> failed to connect: SSL handshake failed []
Validation of files failed
Failed to validate AppStream information with appstream-util
rename: Rclone_Browser*: rename to rclone-browser* failed: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat ‘*AppImage’: No such file or directory

the same metadata xml file works perfectly on Ubuntu 16.04.

Both urls it complains about are valid.

Signing keys clarification needed

Trying to sign AppImage with my pgp keys:

Embedding MD5 digest
gpg2 and sha256sum are installed and user requested to sign, hence signing
Error: cannot embed key in AppImage: size exceeds reserved ELF section size

Could not find any information about what keys are permitted, obviously mine is too long (4096 bits). Any details on this somewhere?

glibc requirements for aarch64 support

Thanks for creating versions for arm.

We've been targeting glibc 2.17 for x86 for a while....but the aarch64 version is seemingly looking for at least 2.25:

[appimage/stderr] appimagetool: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.25' not found (required by /tmp/appimage_extracted_a6dc6e7d0c1514c8714921f9e2e39fc1/plugins/linuxdeploy-plugin-appimage/appimagetool-prefix/usr/lib/

Intentional? Otherwise?

Option to not compress

Can an option be added to linuxdeploy so the AppImage won't be compressed when it's created?

AppImage creation fails with `undefined symbol: g_file_info_get_modification_date_time`


I am experimenting with creating my first AppImage, and I'm facing the following issue. When I supply an AppStream metadata file and try to build my AppImage, it fails with the following error:

[appimage/stderr] AppStream upstream metadata found in usr/share/metainfo/test.appdata.xml
[appimage/stderr] /usr/bin/appstreamcli: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: g_file_info_get_modification_date_time
[appimage/stderr] Failed to validate AppStream information with appstreamcli

I am new to this ecosystem, but I suspect what's happening is that the appimagetool bundled into linuxdeploy is somehow incompatible with the version of appstreamcli I have on my machine. Is this a possible root cause?

Repro steps:

  1. Download the latest linuxdeploy into an empty directory
  2. Add a dummy executable called test (in my example I copied /usr/bin/xargs) and dummy icon called test.svg
  3. Add test.desktop (contents below)
  4. ./linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --appdir AppDir -e ./test -d ./test.desktop -i ./test.svg
  5. Create test.appdata.xml (contents below) and copy it into AppDir/usr/share/metainfo
  6. Now run ./linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --appdir AppDir --output appimage
  7. Observe the failure:
linuxdeploy version 1-alpha (git commit ID 04d5321), Travis build 485 built on 2020-09-25 12:21:53 UTC

-- Creating basic AppDir structure -- 
Creating directory AppDir/usr/bin/ 
Creating directory AppDir/usr/lib/ 
Creating directory AppDir/usr/share/applications/ 
Creating directory AppDir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/ 
Creating directory AppDir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/ 
Creating directory AppDir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/ 
Creating directory AppDir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/ 
Creating directory AppDir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/ 
Creating directory AppDir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/ 
Creating directory AppDir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ 

-- Deploying dependencies for existing files in AppDir -- 
Deploying dependencies for ELF file AppDir/usr/bin/test 
Skipping deployment of blacklisted library /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 

-- Copying files into AppDir -- 
Setting rpath in ELF file AppDir/usr/bin/test to $ORIGIN/../lib 

-- Copying files into AppDir -- 

-- Deploying files into AppDir root directory -- 
WARNING: No desktop file specified, using first desktop file found: AppDir/usr/share/applications/test.desktop 
Deploying files to AppDir root using desktop file: AppDir/usr/share/applications/test.desktop 
Deploying desktop file to AppDir root: AppDir/usr/share/applications/test.desktop 
Creating symlink for file AppDir/usr/share/applications/test.desktop in/as AppDir 
Deploying icon to AppDir root: AppDir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/test.svg 
Creating symlink for file AppDir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/test.svg in/as AppDir 
WARNING: Existing AppRun detected, skipping deployment of symlink 

-- Running output plugin: appimage -- 
[appimage/stdout] Found appimagetool: /tmp/.mount_linuxdhqPhgm/plugins/linuxdeploy-plugin-appimage/usr/bin/appimagetool
[appimage/stderr] Running command: /tmp/.mount_linuxdhqPhgm/plugins/linuxdeploy-plugin-appimage/usr/bin/appimagetool "AppDir" "-g"
[appimage/stdout] /home/balazs/testcase/AppDir should be packaged as test-test-x86_64.AppImage
[appimage/stdout] Trying to validate AppStream information with the appstreamcli tool
[appimage/stdout] In case of issues, please refer to
[appimage/stderr] appimagetool, continuous build (commit 0880085), build 2133 built on 2020-07-09 12:25:52 UTC
[appimage/stderr] Using architecture x86_64
[appimage/stderr] AppStream upstream metadata found in usr/share/metainfo/test.appdata.xml
[appimage/stderr] /usr/bin/appstreamcli: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: g_file_info_get_modification_date_time
[appimage/stderr] Failed to validate AppStream information with appstreamcli
ERROR: Failed to run plugin: appimage (exit code: 1) 

Additional info


[Desktop Entry]


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


$ appstreamcli --version
AppStream version: 0.12.10
$ which appstreamcli
$ ./linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --version
linuxdeploy version 1-alpha (git commit ID 04d5321), Travis build 485 built on 2020-09-25 12:21:53 UTC

Thanks for looking into this.

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