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rec2json's Introduction


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Rec2json is a parse transform that takes a module which defines a record of the same name and adds to_json, from_json, and introspection functions. The to_json and from_json convert to and from the map based format used by jsx and other json encoding and decoding libraries.


  • Uses a parse transform.
  • Type checking on json -> record conversion using primitive built-in types.
  • Type checking can be extended to include user defined types.
  • Atom 'undefined' fields in records optionally skipped or set to null.
  • Atom 'null' in json optionally converted to 'undefined'.
  • Post processing options on record -> json convertion.
  • Seed json -> record conversion with a record.
  • Nested json -> record and record -> json conversions for other records that have been compiled using rec2json.
  • Generated module has accessor functions for fields and field_names for list of fields in the record.
  • Above feature can be surpressed, and is careful by default.
  • Generated module exports functions to examine structure and types for a record.



To run tests:

make tests

make check


The rec2json parse_transform looks for a record with the same name as the module. It doesn't matter whether the record was defined directly in the module or in an include file.

-compile([{parse_transform, rec2json}]).

The transformed modules depend on the rec2json application's modules.

The records are unchanged and can be used normally.

Options are passed to the rec2json parse transform through compile options. The parse transform checks for the key 'rec2json' in the compile options. The value is expected to be a proplist.

Options can also be passed in on a per-module basis by adding one or more rec2json module attributes. A rec2json module attribute can either be a tuple for one option, or a list of option tuples. They all get mashed together. Using the same option more than once has undefined behavior.

Options are:

Option Default: Values Description
generate_accessors true : boolean() If set to true, functions for accessing the fields of a record are exported and created. If set to false, they are not created nor exported.
generate_setters true : boolean() If set to true, functions for setting the fields of a record are created and exported. These are of the form Field(NewVal, Record). If set to false, they are not created nor exported.
careful true : boolean() If set to true, rec2json's parse transform avoids altering or adding functions that are already defined in the module. This means you can override the default to_json/1 function to call to_json/2 with a specific set of options.
generate_type true : boolean() If set to true, a type is generated for the record, and that type is exported. In addition, a function is generated so that other rec2json records using the exported type work as expected.
type_name ?MODULE : atom() If generate_type is true, this changes the type name and the function name for the conversion function.

The given examples use the following record and record defintion:

-record(person {
    name :: binary(),
    age = 0 :: pos_integer(),
    spouse :: #person{}
Record = #person{ name = <<"John">>, age = 32, spouse = undefined }.


To convert a record to a json structure:

Json = person:to_json(Record).
#{name := <<"John">>, age := 32} = Json.

The to_json function can take a list of mutators. Mutators are applied in the order listed except {null_is_undefined}. Supported mutators are:

  • Turn undefined into null instead of skipping the field
person:to_json(Record, [{null_is_undefined}]).
  • Add a property
person:to_json(Record, [{single, true}]).
person:to_json(Record, [#{single => true}).
person:to_json(Record, [#{single => true, employed => true}).
  • Remove a property
person:to_json(Record, [age]).
  • Modify based only on the json
ModFunc = fun(Json) ->
    case maps:find(spouse, Json) of
        error ->
            Json#{single => true}
        _ ->
            Json#{single => false}
person:to_json(Record, [ModFunc]).
  • Modify based on both json and record
ModFunc = fun(Json, Record) ->
    case Record#person.spouse of
        undefined ->
            Json#{single => true};
        _ ->
            Json#{single => false}
person:to_json(Record, [ModFunc]).


Converting from a json structure to a record is just as simple:

{ok, Record} = person:from_json(#{
    <<"name">> => <<"John">>,
    <<"age">> => 32,
    <<"spouse">> => null

It may be desirable to change 'null' into 'undefined' in the record:

{ok, Record} = person:from_json(Json, [null_is_undefined]).

It may be desirable to start with an existing record instead of creating a new one:

{ok, Record2} = person:from_json(Json, Record).
{ok, Record2} = person:from_json(Record, Json).
{ok, Record2} = person:from_json(Record, Json, [null_is_undefined]).

If the json structure has a type that cannot be reconciled with a type specified by the record definition, a list of fields with possible errors is returned. The record will have the data that was in the json structure. An untyped record field is the same as having the type 'any()'. There are no warnings about missing properties in the json, they simply retain the default value of the record.

{ok, Record, [age]} = person:from_json(#{<<"age">> => <<"32">>}).

Including in a project

If all you are using is the parse_transform, simply add rec2json as a required application.

Type Checking and Conversion

Type conversion attempts to be as transparent and intuitive as possible. There are some types that json does not represent directly, and some types that have additional checking implemented.

Record fields that have atoms as types will have binary values in the json checked. If the atom converted to the binary is equal to the json value, the atom value is put into the record. When converting a record to json, atom values will be converted to binaries.

Lists have their types checked. If there is an invalid type, the invalid type is placed in the list, but the warning message has the index of the invalid type placed in the warning path list. For example:

-record(list_holder, {
    ids :: [integer()]

type_mismatch() ->
    Json = #{ids => [<<"invalid">>, 3]},
    {ok, Record, Warnings} = list_holder:from_json(Json),
    #list_holder{ids = [<<"invalid">>, 3]} = Record,
    [[ids, 1]] = Warnings.

Proplists will match the first record type. A warning is emitted if that record was not compiled using rec2json (eg: RecordName:from_json/2 is not an exported function). If the compilation emits warnings, the resulting warning list has the field name prepended to each. For example:

-record(outer, {
    in_field :: #inner{}
-record(inner, {
    count :: integer()

type_mismatch() ->
    Json = #{in_field => #{count => <<"0">>}},
    {ok, Record, Warnings} = outer:from_json(Json),
    #outer{in_field = #inner{ count = <<"0">> } } = Record,
    [[in_filed, count]] = Warnings.

If a record field is not typed, or has the type "any()", no warning is ever emitted for that field.

Type checking comes in two flavors: built-in, and user defined.

Built-in types

Currently defined types checked:

  • integer()
  • pos_integer()
  • non_neg_integer()
  • neg_integer()
  • float()
  • number()
  • boolean()
  • binary()
  • [supported_type()]
  • #record{} when record has record:from_json/2 exported
  • atom (note it is not atom())*
  • null when converting to undefined or back

The type atom() is not supported because a primary use case for rec2json is to convert untrusted data, such as an http post request. Converting untrusted data into atoms can exhaust the erlang vm's atom table, or worse exhaust the machine's memory. Rec2json is, by default, safe.

It is still possible to apply a type to a record field so that json strings will be converted to the equivalent atom using either a user defined type, or the provided r2j_type:unsafe_atom() type.

User defined types

A user defined type is the same as an external type. When going to or from json, rec2json will check to see if there is a translation function matching the module and type of the type given. A translation function should have an arity 1 greater than the type has parameters. The function should either return {ok, NewVal} or error.

For example, given the module:

-compile([{parse_transform, rec2json}]).

% These two lines exist to satisfy dialyzer.
-type point() :: {number(), number()}.

-record(type_example, {
	some_field :: module:function(arg1, arg2),
	xy = {0, 0} :: type_example:point()


point({X,Y}) when is_number(X), is_number(Y) ->
	{ok, [X,Y]};

point([X, Y]) when is_number(X), is_number(Y) ->
	{ok, {X, Y}};

point(_) ->

When using to_json or from_json, rec2json will check to see if module exports a function named function with arity 3. If it exists, rec2json will call the function with the args listed in the type, and the current value of the field (either from the record or from the json) prepended to the arguments.

When used in from_json, returns error, and all other types have been tested, {ok, Rec, Warnings} is returned. When used in to_json, an error is thrown.


Fork and submit a pull request with relevant tests.

rec2json's People


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rec2json's Issues

Possible Error

In context of "Json to record" what if I don't have a field that is specified in the record definition. How can I handle these scenario.

Am having an application which sends a very large Json, I try to minimize the size by deleting some fields of the Json depending on the operation. So even though I use the same Json definition some fields may be missing.

Any suggestion for the problem would be highly appreciable

undefined function

I have hrl file where i have defined the records.

-compile([{parse_transform, rec2json}]).

%% For user File location

-record(filelocation,{dc_id= 5 :: integer(),
                      volume_id= -1 :: integer(),
                      local_id= -1 :: integer(),
                      secret= -1 :: integer(),
                      ext= <<"">> :: binary()}).

-type(tl_fileLocationUnavailable() :: #filelocation{dc_id  :: integer(),
                                                    volume_id :: 0,
                                                    local_id :: 0,
                                                    secret  :: 0,
                                                    ext  :: binary()}).

%% For user photos

-record(photo,{photo_id = -1 :: integer(),
               photo_big=  #filelocation{} :: tl_fileLocation() | tl_fileLocationUnavailable(),
               photo_small= #filelocation{} :: tl_fileLocation() | tl_fileLocationUnavailable()}).

-type(tl_photoEmpty() :: #photo{photo_id     :: -1,
                                       photo_big ::  tl_fileLocationUnavailable(),
                                       photo_small :: tl_fileLocationUnavailable()

later i have another module where i am using those structures

Big = #filelocation{dc_id = BDc_id,local_id = BLocal_id,ext = BExt,secret = BSecret,volume_id = BVol_id},

Small = #filelocation{dc_id = SDc_id,local_id = SLocal_id,ext = SExt,secret = SSecret,volume_id = SVol_id},

P = #photo{photo_id = BMedia_id, photo_big = Big,photo_small = Small},
?DEBUG("to json photo  ~p",[P:to_json()]),

and i get error
** exception error: undefined function filelocation:to_json/1

Please help @lordnull

types do not resolve to simplest type


If I define a record like this:

-record( thing , 
 prop1 :: binary() ,
prop2 :: mylist()

And in an include file I have defined

-type mylist :: [ integer() ].

-export_type ([mylist/0]).

I am finding that rec2json does not reduce mylist() to [integer()] and therefore never processes prop2.

Am I missing something or is this intended behaviour or should the be filed as an enhancement?


Unprocessed error

Trying to convert below record to json:

#eth{src = "00:50:56:C0:00:08",dst = "01:00:5E:00:00:FB",
     type = ipv4,
     data = #ipv4{vsn = 4,hlen = 5,diffserv = 0,totlen = 73,
                  id = 17452,flags = [],frag_offset = 0,ttl = 255,proto = udp,
                  hdr_csum = correct,
                  src = <<172,16,216,1>>,
                  dst = <<224,0,0,251>>,
                  options = [],
                  data = #udp{src_port = <<"mdns">>,dst_port = <<"mdns">>,
                              length = 53,csum = correct,
                              data = [{dns_header,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},

But getting below error:

Unprocessed: eth,to_json,[{eth,"00:50:56:C0:00:08","01:00:5E:00:00:FB",ipv4,{ipv4,4,5,0,73,17452,[],0,255,udp,correct,<<172,16,216,1>>,<<224,0,0,251>>,[],{udp,<<"mdns">>,<<"mdns">>,53,correct,[{dns_header,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},[{dns_query,"_ipp._tcp.local",ptr,in},{dns_query,"_ipps._ipps._tcp.local",ptr,in}],[],[],[]]}}}],[]

Does not support rebar3?

Hi! I use rebar3.

===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Fetching rec2json ({git,"",
===> Dependency failure: Application rec2json not found at the top level of directory

Errors when a type mismatches on to_json are not helpful

When rec2json cannot convert a term to a json representation, it throws a exception of type {badarg, field_name(), field_value(), field_types()}. This is correct as far as adhering to erlang error output structure, but ends up writing something like the following to the console:

** exception error: bad argument: 
     in function  rec2json:'-to_json/2-fun-1-'/3 (src/rec2json.erl, line 145)
     in call from lists:foldl/3 (lists.erl, line 1262)
     in call from rec2json:to_json/2 (src/rec2json.erl, line 135)

Sure, if you stare at that and the rec2json source code, or you know the rec2json error format above, it's slightly helpful, otherwise it's a mismash of wtf. Often, when this happens, it is not meant to be handled and recovered, but fixed by a developer. This means developer understanding of the error is more important that efficient consumption by a computer. Given that, the format should change:

erlang:error({badarg, {error_details, #{
    field_name => field_name(),
    field_value => field_value(),
    allow_any => boolean(),
    expected_types => [field_type()]}}})

With a completely faked error, the console output becomes:

** exception error: bad argument: 
                    {error_details,#{allow_any => false,
                                     expected_types => [undefined],
                                     field_name => name,
                                     filed_value => value}}

Use of a map because it looks nicer than a prophets, though if pre-18 is required, that can be waved.

Accessor funs

This parse transform generate additional accessor funs for each field in record. Is it needed for general use of from_json an to_json or it is just additional functionality?
I want to add option to disable accessors when i need to define my own and want to know that it won't break anything

Automatically create user defined type for record.

It is a common pattern to define a record, then define a type for the record, and then export the user defined type. This does not work nicely with to_json or from_son without also defining the appropriately
named functions.

To make development faster and work as expected, rec2json could automatically generate the type and functions.

A developer should be able to change the name of the type (and therefore the exported conversion functions), as well as pass in options to the to_json and from_json functions, such as how to handle null / undefined, and mutator functions.

Allow to_json to return maps instead of proplists.

Maps represent a json object more performantly than proplists. Furthermore, checking for an empty object avoids the ugly [{}] hack. However, backwards compatibility is desirable, so we can't just swap, at least not without a major version change.

The options are:

  • Use a -d macro check to allow all rec2json transformed modules to use maps or not, thus altering an entire project at once.
  • use the -rec2json attribute and place an option there to switch use of maps on an individual module basis

Error when convert nested list of records

Hello, My problem is i have these two records

-record (a, {
  id :: integer()

-record (b, {
  id :: integer(),
  a :: [#a{}]

It gives me error like this


Is this the right syntax of list of records?
or it's not implmented in the lib?

issues generating json from list of nested records

Hi, i'm not sure if this is supported or not, but i'm having the following issue:

i'm learning erlang passing a Node.js service to it, but i'm stock trying to map relationships between records and mapping them to json; i found your awesome library and it works perfectly until i tried to map to json a has many relationship.
I have some question is it supported and i'm doing something wrong? or it isn't? if it isn't can you point me what i need to make it work? or maybe is a bad idea to map those kind of relationships in erlang? as i said i'm just learning but there isn't anything said anywhere.
thanks in advance.

-module (collection).
-compile([{parse_transform, rec2json}]).

-export ([new/5, add_product/2]).


-type status() :: active | inactive.

-record(collection, {
  id :: binary,
  title :: binary(),
  status :: status(),
  code  :: binary(),
  image  :: binary(),
  products :: [product:product()]

-opaque collection() :: #collection{}.

-spec add_product(product:product(), collection()) -> collection().
add_product(Product, Collection) ->
  ProductList = Collection#collection.products,
  ProductSet = sets:from_list(ProductList),
  ProductSet2 = sets:add_element(Product, ProductSet),
  ProductList2 = sets:to_list(ProductSet2),
  Collection#collection{products = ProductList2}.
-module (product).
-compile([{parse_transform, rec2json}]).

-export ([new/14]).


-record (product,
  sku_base :: binary(),
  title :: binary(),
  description :: binary(),
  short_description :: binary(),
  fabric :: binary(),
  care :: binary(),
  col = collection:collection(),
  colors :: list(),
  sheerness :: pos_integer(),
  measurements :: list(),
  images :: list(),
  thumbnail :: binary(),
  price :: pos_integer(),
  sizes :: list()

-opaque product() :: #product{}.
Col1 = collection:new(<<"Col1">>, active, <<"SM16">>, <<"url">>, []).
Prod = product:new(<<"">>, <<"">>, <<"">>, <<"">>, <<"">>, <<"">>, Col1, [], 7, [], [], <<"">>, 4000, ["00"]).
Col2 = collection:add_product(Prod, Col1).

** exception error: bad argument: {products,[{product,<<>>,<<>>,<<>>,<<>>,<<>>,<<>>,
     in function  rec2json:'-to_json/2-fun-1-'/3 (/home/kiro/Documents/Erlang/ec_api/_build/default/lib/rec2json/src/rec2json.erl, line 145)
     in call from lists:foldl/3 (lists.erl, line 1262)
     in call from rec2json:to_json/2 (/home/kiro/Documents/Erlang/ec_api/_build/default/lib/rec2json/src/rec2json.erl, line 135)

It seems broken with atom

-record(main, {
          test :: atom

Record = #main{
            test = lalala
Json = Record:to_json(),
** exception error: bad argument: {test,lalala,{specific,[undefined,atom]}}
     in function  rec2json:'-to_json/2-fun-0-'/3 (src/rec2json.erl, line 126)
     in call from lists:foldl/3 (lists.erl, line 1261)
     in call from rec2json:to_json/2 (src/rec2json.erl, line 118)
     in call from main:test/0 (main.erl, line 20)

How to use rec2json with a record that has a field with the same name?

If we add a field test_person :: binary() to the test_person record in file test/test_rec.hrl, we get an error when running make tests:

test/test_person.erl:260: function test_person/1 already defined
test/test_person.erl:1: Warning: function test_person/1 already exported

We are seeing this warning in our project that has a record with a field fo the same name. Is there a way to use rec2json with records that have a field with the same name? If so, how?


question for use library


I'm sorry for post here
I have a problem for use the libray
When I execute rec2json:to_json(Record), it shows

exception error: undefined function user:field_types/0
in function rec2json:to_json/2 (src/rec2json.erl, line 116)

I think I may have missed some steps
Please help me how to resolve the problem
thank you

here is my code


-compile([{parse_transform, rec2json}]).

-record(user, {
        userid :: binary(),
        username :: binary()


    Record = #user{userid= <<"james">>, username= <<"james chen">>},
    io:format("record=~p~n", [Record]),

here is console

Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V6.2  (abort with ^G)
1> io:format("~p~n", [code:get_path()]).
2> test_json:test().
record={user,<<"james">>,<<"james chen">>}
** exception error: undefined function user:field_types/0
     in function  rec2json:to_json/2 (src/rec2json.erl, line 116)

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