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edgeyolo's Introduction

EdgeYOLO: anchor-free, edge-friendly

1 Intro
2 Updates
3 Coming Soon
4 Models
5 Quick Start
$\quad$5.1 setup
$\quad$5.2 inference
$\quad$5.3 train
$\quad$5.4 evaluate
$\quad$5.5 export onnx & tensorrt
6 Cite EdgeYOLO
7 Bugs found currently

Tool Recommendation: SAM(Segment Anything Model) assisted labeling tools: SAMLabeler Pro,multi-person remote labeling is supported.

工具推荐: 使用SAM(Segment Anything Model) 辅助的图像标注工具: SAMLabeler Pro,支持多人同时远程标注


  • In embeded device such as Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier, EdgeYOLO reaches 34FPS with 50.6% AP in COCO2017 dataset and 25.9% AP in VisDrone2019 (image input size is 640x640, batch=16, post-process included). And for smaller model EdgeYOLO-S, it reaches 53FPS with 44.1% AP and 63.3% AP0.5(SOTA in P5 small models) in COCO2017.
  • we provide a more effective data augmentation during training.
  • small object and medium object detect performace is imporved by using RH loss during the last few training epochs.
  • Our pre-print paper is released on arxiv.



  1. upload demo/ that exports onnx to om models for Huawei Ascend devices(such as Ascend310) and cpp deployment code.(Please note that you must have the corresponding libraries and tools provided on the Huawei official website, part of which only clients who purchase the corresponding hardware have download permissions)


  1. docker enviroment for training and exporting models for edge device. (RKNN, Horizon J5, Jetson...)


  1. RKNN(for rk3588) deployment code is released.


  1. MNN deployment code is released.


  1. Evaluation for TensorRT model is supported now.


  1. EdgeYOLO supports dataset with yolo format now.
  2. Fix some errors and bugs(which happened when using "--loop" in linux cpp, and caching labels in distributed training).


  1. TensorRT cpp inference console demo (lib opencv and qt5 required)
  2. Fix bugs when exporting models using Version 7.X TensorRT


  1. Publish TensorRT int8 export code with Calibration (torch2trt is required)

Coming Soon

  • Rebuild TensorRT deployment c++ code for easy to use.
  • More different models
  • C++ code for TensorRT inference with UI
  • EdgeYOLO-mask for segmentation task
  • Simple but effective pretrain method


  • models trained on COCO2017-train
Model Size mAPval
trt fp16 batch=16
include NMS
train / infer
EdgeYOLO-Tiny-LRELU 416
7.6 / 7.0 github
EdgeYOLO-Tiny 416
5.8 / 5.5 github
EdgeYOLO-S 640 44.1 63.3 53 9.9 / 9.3 github
EdgeYOLO-M 640 47.5 66.6 46 19.0 / 17.8 github
EdgeYOLO 640 50.6 69.8 34 41.2 / 40.5 github
  • models trained on VisDrone2019 (pretrained backbone on COCO2017-train)
  1. We use VisDrone2019-DET dataset with COCO format in our training.
  2. Here's the results without removing detect boxes in ignored region
Model Size mAPval
EdgeYOLO-Tiny-LRELU 416
EdgeYOLO-Tiny 416
EdgeYOLO-S 640 23.6 40.8 github
EdgeYOLO-M 640 25.0 42.9 github
EdgeYOLO 640 25.9
Some of our detect results in COCO2017


Quick Start


git clone
cd edgeyolo
pip install -r requirements.txt

if you use tensorrt, please make sure torch2trt and TensorRT Development Toolkit(version> are installed.

git clone
cd torch2trt
python install

or to make sure you use the same version of torch2trt as ours, download here

if you want to use docker, then

docker import edgeyolo_deploy.tar.gz edgeyolo:latest
  • run docker
docker run -it \
           --runtime=nvidia \
           -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,utility \
           -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all \
           --shm-size 15g \
           -w /code \
           -v "/path/to/your/edgeyolo/parent_dir":/code \
           -v "/path/to/your/dataset/parent_dir":/dataset \

then you can use "" instead of ""


First download weights here

python --weights edgeyolo_coco.pth --source XXX.mp4 --fp16

# all options
python --weights edgeyolo_coco.pth 
                 --source /XX/XXX.mp4     # or dir with images, such as /dataset/coco2017/val2017    (jpg/jpeg, png, bmp, webp is available)
                 --conf-thres 0.25 
                 --nms-thres 0.5 
                 --input-size 640 640 
                 --batch 1 
                 --save-dir ./output/detect/imgs    # if you press "s", the current frame will be saved in this dir
                 --no-fuse                # do not reparameterize model
                 --no-label               # do not draw label with class name and confidence
                 --mp                     # use multi-process to show images more smoothly when batch > 1
                 --fps 30                 # max fps limitation, valid only when option --mp is used


  • first prepare your dataset and create dataset config file(./params/dataset/XXX.yaml), make sure your dataset config file contains:

(COCO, YOLO, VOC, VisDrone and DOTA formats are supported)

type: "coco"                        # dataset format(lowercase),COCO, YOLO, VOC, VisDrone and DOTA formats are supported currently
dataset_path: "/dataset/coco2017"   # root dir of your dataset

  suffix: "jpg"        # suffix of your dataset's images
  use_cache: true      # test on i5-12490f: Total loading time: 52s -> 10s(seg enabled) and 39s -> 4s(seg disabled)

  image_dir: "images/train2017"                   # train set image dir
  label: "annotations/instances_train2017.json"   # train set label file(format with single label file) or directory(multi label files)

  image_dir: "images/val2017"                     # evaluate set image dir
  label: "annotations/instances_val2017.json"     # evaluate set label file or directory

  test_dir: "test2017"     # test set image dir (not used in code now, but will)

segmentaion_enabled: true  # whether this dataset has segmentation labels and you are going to use them instead of bbox labels

names: ['person', 'bicycle', 'car', 'motorcycle', 'airplane', 'bus', 'train', 'truck', 'boat', 'traffic light',
        'fire hydrant', 'stop sign', 'parking meter', 'bench', 'bird', 'cat', 'dog', 'horse', 'sheep', 'cow',
        'elephant', 'bear', 'zebra', 'giraffe', 'backpack', 'umbrella', 'handbag', 'tie', 'suitcase', 'frisbee',
        'skis', 'snowboard', 'sports ball', 'kite', 'baseball bat', 'baseball glove', 'skateboard', 'surfboard',
        'tennis racket', 'bottle', 'wine glass', 'cup', 'fork', 'knife', 'spoon', 'bowl', 'banana', 'apple',
        'sandwich', 'orange', 'broccoli', 'carrot', 'hot dog', 'pizza', 'donut', 'cake', 'chair', 'couch',
        'potted plant', 'bed', 'dining table', 'toilet', 'tv', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'remote', 'keyboard', 'cell phone',
        'microwave', 'oven', 'toaster', 'sink', 'refrigerator', 'book', 'clock', 'vase', 'scissors', 'teddy bear',
        'hair drier', 'toothbrush']    # category names
  • then edit file ./params/train/train_XXX.yaml
  • finally
python --cfg ./params/train/train_XXX.yaml

you can plot figures about loss, learning rate and precision(AP50 and AP50:95) curve using ""

python --all \                                   # plot all figures or (--lr, --ap, --loss)
               -f ./output/train/edgeyolo_tiny_lrelu \   # train ouput path or (output_path/eval.yaml for --ap and output_path/log.txt for --lr and --loss)
               --no-show \                               # do not show by, (for device without desktop env, or you just want to save the figs)
               --save    \                               # save figures
               --format pdf png svg jpg eps              # save format
figs will be like the following

ap ap

loss loss

learning rate lr


python --weights edgeyolo_coco.pth --dataset params/dataset/XXX.yaml --batch 16 --device 0

# all options
python --weights edgeyolo_coco.pth        # or tensorrt model: output/export/edgeyolo_coco/
                   --dataset params/dataset/XXX.yaml 
                   --batch 16                         # batch size for each gpu, not valid if it's tensorrt model
                   --device 0
                   --input-size 640 640               # height, width
                   --trt                              # if you use tensorrt model add this option
                   --save                             # save weights without optimizer params and set epoch to -1

export onnx & tensorrt

  • ONNX
python --onnx --weights edgeyolo_coco.pth --batch 1

# all options
python --onnx   # or --onnx-only if tensorrt and torch2trt are not installed
                 --weights edgeyolo_coco.pth 
                 --input-size 640 640   # height, width
                 --batch 1
                 --opset 11
                 --no-simplify    # do not simplify this model

it generates

  • TensorRT
# fp16
python --trt --weights edgeyolo_coco.pth --batch 1 --workspace 8

# int8
python --trt --weights edgeyolo_coco.pth --batch 1 --workspace 8 --int8 --dataset params/dataset/coco.yaml --num-imgs 1024

# all options
python --trt                       # you can add --onnx and relative options to export both models
                 --weights edgeyolo_coco.pth
                 --input-size 640 640        # height, width
                 --batch 1
                 --workspace 10              # (GB)
                 --no-fp16        # fp16 mode in default, use this option to disable it(fp32)
                 --int8           # int8 mode, the following options are needed for calibration
                 --dataset params/dataset/coco.yaml   # generates calibration images from its val images(upper limit:5120)
                 --train          # use train images instead of val images(upper limit:5120)
                 --all            # use all images(upper limit:5120)
                 --num-imgs 512   # (upper limit:5120)

it generates

(optional) output/export/edgeyolo_coco/640x640_batch1.onnx
output/export/edgeyolo_coco/640x640_batch1_fp16(int8).pt       # for python inference
output/export/edgeyolo_coco/640x640_batch1_fp16(int8).engine   # for c++ inference
output/export/edgeyolo_coco/640x640_batch1_fp16(int8).json     # for c++ inference

Benchmark of TensorRT Int8 Model

  • enviroment: TensorRT Version, Windows, i5-12490F, RTX 3060 12GB
  • For TensorRT, diffirent calib dataset can cause appearent difference in both precision and speed. I think that's why most of official project didn't give int8 quantization results. The table below is of little reference significance, I think.


Int8 Model Size Calibration
Image number
trt int8 batch=16
include NMS
Tiny-LRELU 416
512 8 31.5
Tiny 416
512 8 34.9
S 640 512 8 42.4 61.8 233
M 640 512 8 45.2 64.2 211
L 640 512 8 49.1 68.0 176

for python inference

python --trt --weights output/export/edgeyolo_coco/ --source XXX.mp4

# all options
python --trt 
                 --weights output/export/edgeyolo_coco/ 
                 --source XXX.mp4
                 --legacy         # if "img = img / 255" when you train your train model
                 --use-decoder    # if use original yolox tensorrt model before version 0.3.0
                 --mp             # use multi-process to show images more smoothly when batch > 1
                 --fps 30         # max fps limitation, valid only when option --mp is used

for c++ inference

# build
cd cpp/tensorrt
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

# help
./yolo -?
./yolo --help

# run
# ./yolo [engine file] [source] [--conf] [--nms] [--loop] [--no-label]
# make sure your engine file and your yaml file are both in a same path
./yolo ../../../output/export/edgeyolo_coco/640x640_batch1_int8.engine ~/Videos/test.avi --conf 0.25 --nms 0.5 --loop --no-label

Cite EdgeYOLO

  title={EdgeYOLO: An Edge-Real-Time Object Detector},
  author={Shihan Liu, Junlin Zha, Jian Sun, Zhuo Li, and Gang Wang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.07483},

Star History Chart

Bugs found currently

  • Sometimes it raises error as follows during training. Reduce pytorch version to 1.8.0 might solve this problem.
File "XXX/edgeyolo/edgeyolo/train/", line 667, in dynamic_k_matching
_, pos_idx = torch.topk(cost[gt_idx], k=dynamic_ks[gt_idx].item(), largest=False)
RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered
CUDA kernel errors might be asynchronously reported at some other API call,so the stacktrace below might be incorrect.
For debugging consider passing CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1.
  • For DOTA dataset, we only support single GPU training mode now, please do not train DOTA dataset with distributed mode or model can not be trained correctly.
  • Sometimes converting to TensorRT fp16 model with 8.4.X.X or higher version might lose a lot of precision, please use TensorRT Verson 7.X.X.X or 8.2.X.X

edgeyolo's People


lsh9832 avatar


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edgeyolo's Issues

Error in export to TRT int8


I have a question regarding the TRT-export with int8.

I do the following command:

python --trt --weights edgeyolo_visdrone.pth --batch 1 --workspace 8 --int8 --dataset params/dataset/visdrone_coco.yaml --num-imgs 16

Unfortunately after the calibration part I get the following error.
Do you have any idea or suggestion what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

2023-03-03 12:39:32.768 | INFO     | edgeyolo.models:__init__:50 - loading models from weight /opt/ssd/visiontools/edgeyolo/edgeyolo_visdrone.pth
/opt/ssd/visiontools/edgeyolo/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/ UserWarning: torch.meshgrid: in an upcoming release, it will be required to pass the indexing argument. (Triggered internally at  ../aten/src/ATen/native/TensorShape.cpp:2311.)
  return _VF.meshgrid(tensors, **kwargs)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
Reparameterizing models...
2023-03-03 12:39:37.982 | INFO     | edgeyolo.export.calib:__init__:43 - used images: 16
[03/03/2023-12:39:46] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageChange] Init CUDA: CPU +221, GPU +0, now: CPU 763, GPU 9107 (MiB)
[03/03/2023-12:39:49] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageChange] Init builder kernel library: CPU +302, GPU +404, now: CPU 1088, GPU 9512 (MiB)
2023-03-03 12:40:04.763 | INFO     | edgeyolo.export.pth2trt:torch2onnx2trt:137 - start to simplify ONNX...
2023-03-03 12:40:08.507 | INFO     | edgeyolo.export.pth2trt:torch2onnx2trt:140 - simplified ONNX successfully.
[03/03/2023-12:40:08] [TRT] [W] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:375: Your ONNX model has been generated with INT64 weights, while TensorRT does not natively support INT64. Attempting to cast down to INT32.
[03/03/2023-12:40:11] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageChange] Init cuBLAS/cuBLASLt: CPU +535, GPU +539, now: CPU 2739, GPU 11713 (MiB)
[03/03/2023-12:40:11] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageChange] Init cuDNN: CPU +82, GPU +122, now: CPU 2821, GPU 11835 (MiB)
[03/03/2023-12:40:11] [TRT] [I] Timing cache disabled. Turning it on will improve builder speed.
[03/03/2023-12:40:17] [TRT] [I] Total Activation Memory: 9815946752
[03/03/2023-12:40:17] [TRT] [I] Detected 1 inputs and 4 output network tensors.
[03/03/2023-12:40:18] [TRT] [I] Total Host Persistent Memory: 239856
[03/03/2023-12:40:18] [TRT] [I] Total Device Persistent Memory: 0
[03/03/2023-12:40:18] [TRT] [I] Total Scratch Memory: 0
[03/03/2023-12:40:18] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageStats] Peak memory usage of TRT CPU/GPU memory allocators: CPU 18 MiB, GPU 384 MiB
[03/03/2023-12:40:18] [TRT] [I] [BlockAssignment] Started assigning block shifts. This will take 372 steps to complete.
[03/03/2023-12:40:18] [TRT] [I] [BlockAssignment] Algorithm ShiftNTopDown took 47.7322ms to assign 10 blocks to 372 nodes requiring 182681600 bytes.
[03/03/2023-12:40:18] [TRT] [I] Total Activation Memory: 182681600
[03/03/2023-12:40:18] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageChange] Init cuDNN: CPU +0, GPU +3, now: CPU 3143, GPU 12633 (MiB)
[03/03/2023-12:40:18] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageChange] Init cuDNN: CPU +0, GPU +5, now: CPU 3143, GPU 12618 (MiB)
[03/03/2023-12:40:18] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageChange] TensorRT-managed allocation in IExecutionContext creation: CPU +0, GPU +174, now: CPU 0, GPU 430 (MiB)
[03/03/2023-12:40:18] [TRT] [I] Starting Calibration.
[03/03/2023-12:40:20] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 0 in 1.90551 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:22] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 1 in 1.72534 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:24] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 2 in 1.71749 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:25] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 3 in 1.73021 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:27] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 4 in 1.71629 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:29] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 5 in 1.7292 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:31] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 6 in 1.72344 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:32] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 7 in 1.74846 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:34] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 8 in 1.73344 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:36] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 9 in 1.72423 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:38] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 10 in 1.728 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:39] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 11 in 1.74652 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:41] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 12 in 1.75374 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:43] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 13 in 1.7546 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:45] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 14 in 1.75687 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:47] [TRT] [I]   Calibrated batch 15 in 1.7355 seconds.
[03/03/2023-12:40:54] [TRT] [E] 2: [quantization.cpp::DynamicRange::80] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion min_ <= max_ failed. )

2023-03-03 12:40:54.210 | ERROR    | __main__:<module>:182 - An error has been caught in function '<module>', process 'MainProcess' (469532), thread 'MainThread' (281473415237648):
Traceback (most recent call last):

> File "", line 182, in <module>
    └ <function main at 0xfffeeae42940>

  File "/opt/ssd/visiontools/edgeyolo/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 27, in decorate_context
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
           │     │       └ {}
           │     └ ()
           └ <function main at 0xffff0bf304c0>

  File "", line 169, in main
    data_save["model"] = model_trt.state_dict()
    │                    │         └ <function Module.state_dict at 0xffff21304160>
    │                    └ TRTModule()
    └ {'names': ['pedestrian', 'people', 'bicycle', 'car', 'van', 'truck', 'tricycle', 'awning-tricycle', 'bus', 'motor'], 'img_siz...

  File "/opt/ssd/visiontools/edgeyolo/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1321, in state_dict
    hook_result = hook(self, destination, prefix, local_metadata)
                  │    │     │            │       └ {'version': 1}
                  │    │     │            └ ''
                  │    │     └ OrderedDict()
                  │    └ TRTModule()
                  └ <function TRTModule._on_state_dict at 0xfffed7158700>
  File "/opt/ssd/visiontools/edgeyolo/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch2trt-0.4.0-py3.8.egg/torch2trt/", line 572, in _on_state_dict
    state_dict[prefix + "engine"] = bytearray(self.engine.serialize())
    │          │                              │    └ None
    │          │                              └ TRTModule()
    │          └ ''
    └ OrderedDict()

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'serialize'



Complete comparison with SOTA methods

How are you?
Thanks for contributing to this project.
I found that your method was compared with ONLY yolov5, yolov6, yolox of SOTA light-weight object detectors.
Can we see the comparison with yolov7 and yolov8 too?

请问为什么evaluate时会报list out of range

File "/home/workspace/edgeyolo/edgeyolo/train/val/", line 192, in convert_to_coco_format
label = self.dataloader.dataset.class_ids[int(cls[ind])]
IndexError: list index out of range

Train Bug

I already use pytorch1.8.0, but still encounter the bug during training, could you give me some help? Thank you

/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/ operator(): block: [301,0,0], thread: [60,0,0] Assertion `input_val >= zero && input_val <= one` failed.
/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/ operator(): block: [301,0,0], thread: [61,0,0] Assertion `input_val >= zero && input_val <= one` failed.
/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/ operator(): block: [301,0,0], thread: [62,0,0] Assertion `input_val >= zero && input_val <= one` failed.
/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/ operator(): block: [301,0,0], thread: [63,0,0] Assertion `input_val >= zero && input_val <= one` failed.
THCudaCheck FAIL file=/pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCCachingHostAllocator.cpp line=278 error=710 : device-side assert triggered
THCudaCheck FAIL file=/pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCCachingHostAllocator.cpp line=278 error=710 : device-side assert triggered
�[32m20231218_233328�[0m �[36medgeyolo.train.loss:371�[0m - �[31m�[1merror msg: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered�[0m
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'c10::Error'
  what():  CUDA error: device-side assert triggered
Exception raised from create_event_internal at /pytorch/c10/cuda/CUDACachingAllocator.cpp:733 (most recent call first):
frame #0: c10::Error::Error(c10::SourceLocation, std::string) + 0x42 (0x7fa857cfe2f2 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #1: c10::detail::torchCheckFail(char const*, char const*, unsigned int, std::string const&) + 0x5b (0x7fa857cfb67b in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #2: c10::cuda::CUDACachingAllocator::raw_delete(void*) + 0x809 (0x7fa857f561f9 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #3: c10::TensorImpl::release_resources() + 0x54 (0x7fa857ce63a4 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #4: <unknown function> + 0x6e44ca (0x7fa8cbb0a4ca in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #5: <unknown function> + 0x6e4561 (0x7fa8cbb0a561 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #6: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x509306]
frame #7: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4f0360]
frame #8: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4f0427]
frame #9: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4f0427]
frame #10: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4f0427]
frame #11: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x5023c9]
frame #12: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x502019]
frame #13: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x501fdd]
frame #14: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4df468]
frame #15: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x5c8443]
frame #16: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 0x4b37 (0x4ec567 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #17: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4e6b2a]
frame #18: _PyFunction_Vectorcall + 0xd4 (0x4f7e54 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #19: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 0x685 (0x4e80b5 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #20: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4f8123]
frame #21: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 0x3c7 (0x4e7df7 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #22: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4e6b2a]
frame #23: _PyFunction_Vectorcall + 0xd4 (0x4f7e54 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #24: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 0x1231 (0x4e8c61 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #25: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4e6b2a]
frame #26: _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName + 0x47 (0x4e67b7 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #27: PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 0x39 (0x4e6769 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #28: PyEval_EvalCode + 0x1b (0x59466b in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #29: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x5c1dc7]
frame #30: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x5bddd0]
frame #31: PyRun_StringFlags + 0x9b (0x5b59eb in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #32: PyRun_SimpleStringFlags + 0x3b (0x5b56cb in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #33: Py_RunMain + 0x25c (0x5b4f0c in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #34: Py_BytesMain + 0x39 (0x588719 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #35: __libc_start_main + 0xe7 (0x7fa8ce156c87 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
frame #36: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x5885ce]

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'c10::Error'
  what():  CUDA error: device-side assert triggered
Exception raised from create_event_internal at /pytorch/c10/cuda/CUDACachingAllocator.cpp:733 (most recent call first):
frame #0: c10::Error::Error(c10::SourceLocation, std::string) + 0x42 (0x7f464b8172f2 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #1: c10::detail::torchCheckFail(char const*, char const*, unsigned int, std::string const&) + 0x5b (0x7f464b81467b in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #2: c10::cuda::CUDACachingAllocator::raw_delete(void*) + 0x809 (0x7f464ba6f1f9 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #3: c10::TensorImpl::release_resources() + 0x54 (0x7f464b7ff3a4 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #4: <unknown function> + 0x6e44ca (0x7f46bf6234ca in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #5: <unknown function> + 0x6e4561 (0x7f46bf623561 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #6: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x509306]
frame #7: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4f0360]
frame #8: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4f0427]
frame #9: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4f0427]
frame #10: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4f0427]
frame #11: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x5023c9]
frame #12: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x502019]
frame #13: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x501fdd]
frame #14: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4df468]
frame #15: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x5c8443]
frame #16: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 0x4b37 (0x4ec567 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #17: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4e6b2a]
frame #18: _PyFunction_Vectorcall + 0xd4 (0x4f7e54 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #19: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 0x685 (0x4e80b5 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #20: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4f8123]
frame #21: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 0x3c7 (0x4e7df7 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #22: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4e6b2a]
frame #23: _PyFunction_Vectorcall + 0xd4 (0x4f7e54 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #24: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 0x1231 (0x4e8c61 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #25: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x4e6b2a]
frame #26: _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName + 0x47 (0x4e67b7 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #27: PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 0x39 (0x4e6769 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #28: PyEval_EvalCode + 0x1b (0x59466b in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #29: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x5c1dc7]
frame #30: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x5bddd0]
frame #31: PyRun_StringFlags + 0x9b (0x5b59eb in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #32: PyRun_SimpleStringFlags + 0x3b (0x5b56cb in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #33: Py_RunMain + 0x25c (0x5b4f0c in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #34: Py_BytesMain + 0x39 (0x588719 in /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python)
frame #35: __libc_start_main + 0xe7 (0x7f46c1c6fc87 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
frame #36: /home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/bin/python() [0x5885ce]

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/", line 16, in <module>
    train("DEFAULT" if args.default else args.cfg)
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/edgeyolo/train/", line 101, in launch
  File "/home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 188, in start_processes
    while not context.join():
  File "/home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 150, in join
    raise ProcessRaisedException(msg, error_index,

-- Process 1 terminated with the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/edgeyolo/train/", line 355, in get_losses
    ) = self.get_assignments(  # noqa
  File "/home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 27, in decorate_context
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/edgeyolo/train/", line 553, in get_assignments
    ) = self.dynamic_k_matching(cost, pair_wise_ious, gt_classes, num_gt, fg_mask)
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/edgeyolo/train/", line 668, in dynamic_k_matching
    cost[gt_idx], k=dynamic_ks[gt_idx].item(), largest=False
RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 59, in _wrap
    fn(i, *args)
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/edgeyolo/train/", line 73, in train_single
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/edgeyolo/train/", line 499, in train
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/edgeyolo/train/", line 485, in train_one_epoch
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/edgeyolo/train/", line 460, in train_one_iter
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/edgeyolo/train/", line 410, in train_in_iter
    outputs = self.loss(outputs, (targets, mask_edge))
  File "/home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 889, in _call_impl
    result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/edgeyolo/train/", line 241, in forward
    loss, bbox_loss, confidence_loss, class_loss, l1_loss, num_fg = self.get_losses(
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/edgeyolo/train/", line 389, in get_losses
    ) = self.get_assignments(  # noqa
  File "/home/wsy/anaconda3/envs/pytorch1.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 27, in decorate_context
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/wsy/paper/Edgeyolo-231206/edgeyolo/train/", line 492, in get_assignments
    gt_bboxes_per_image = gt_bboxes_per_image.cpu().float()
RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered

cannot connect to X server BUG

root@autodl-container-809011af9e-2908fc6e:~/edgeyolo# python --weights ./weights/edgeyolo_coco.pth --source test.avi --fp16
2023-09-01 18:00:05.169 | INFO | edgeyolo.models:init:50 - loading models from weight /root/edgeyolo/weights/edgeyolo_coco.pth
Params: 41.23M, Gflops: 126.71
Reparameterizing models...
After re-parameterization: Params: 40.51M, Gflops: 124.70
574.5ms average:574.5ms: cannot connect to X server

pycocotools starts with index 1

Hi guys! Thanks for your great job!

I have evaluate my custom one-class (pedestrian) dataset (visdrone format) and have -1 COCO metrics values, because pycocotool class indexes starts with 1. Index 0 means no-object.
I fix it locally, and now it works fine for me.
But may be all the pedestrians are not included in your COCO evaluation?

Add this line: 242:'cocoGT {cocoGt.anns[1]} CatIds: {cocoGt.cats}')

And get result:

cocoGT {'segmentation': [], 'area': 598.0, 'iscrowd': 0, 'image_id': 0, 'bbox': [440.0, 248.0, 13.0, 46.0], 'category_id': 0, 'id': 1} , ...
CatIds: {1: {'supercategory': 'pedestrian', 'id': 1, 'name': 'pedestrian'}, ...


After re-parameterization: Params: 40.47M, Gflops: 280.00
After re-parameterization: Params: 40.47M, Gflops: 280.00
After re-parameterization: Params: 40.47M, Gflops: 280.00
After re-parameterization: Params: 40.47M, Gflops: 280.00
After re-parameterization: Params: 40.47M, Gflops: 280.00
After re-parameterization: Params: 40.47M, Gflops: 280.00
242.7ms average:242.7msqt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "/home/lzy30/anaconda3/envs/edgeyolo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cv2/qt/plugins" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: xcb.

Retraining on a trained costum weight


I am planning on re-training using a costume weight, e.g. of epoch 5.
When I execute a training a with that as a weight-file it starts counting the train epochs at 5 instead of 0.
Is there a way to reset the epoch within the weight-file? A pretrained coco-weight starts at 0 but it certainly has trained more epochs :)

Thanks in advance!


loading VisDrone dataset...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 16, in
train("DEFAULT" if args.default else args.cfg)
File "D:\soft\study\my_project\yolo_detection\edgeyolo-main\edgeyolo\train\", line 112, in launch
File "D:\soft\study\my_project\yolo_detection\edgeyolo-main\edgeyolo\train\", line 73, in train_single
File "D:\soft\study\my_project\yolo_detection\edgeyolo-main\edgeyolo\train\", line 497, in train
File "D:\soft\study\my_project\yolo_detection\edgeyolo-main\edgeyolo\train\", line 337, in before_train
File "D:\soft\study\my_project\yolo_detection\edgeyolo-main\edgeyolo\train\", line 273, in load_init
File "D:\soft\study\my_project\yolo_detection\edgeyolo-main\edgeyolo\train\", line 118, in load_dataloader
dataset = get_dataset(
File "D:\soft\study\my_project\yolo_detection\edgeyolo-main\edgeyolo\data\datasets\", line 37, in get_dataset
dataset = dataset(
File "D:\soft\study\my_project\yolo_detection\edgeyolo-main\edgeyolo\data\datasets\", line 89, in init
self.annotation_list = self._load_visdrone_annotations()
File "D:\soft\study\my_project\yolo_detection\edgeyolo-main\edgeyolo\data\datasets\", line 192, in _load_visdrone_annotations
with open(cache_file, "wb") as cachef:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/datasets/VisDrone2019-DET/train_cache.edgeyolo'



segmentation support

Hi guys,
thanks for your great work!

I wanted to ask if you are planning on supporting segmentation?
And if yes: when?

All the best,


root@autodl-container-7154118f52-44680f8e:~/edgeyolo-main# python --cfg ./params/train/train_coco.yaml
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 16, in
train("DEFAULT" if args.default else args.cfg)
File "/root/edgeyolo-main/edgeyolo/train/", line 101, in launch
File "/root/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 188, in start_processes
while not context.join():
File "/root/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 150, in join
raise ProcessRaisedException(msg, error_index,

-- Process 1 terminated with the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 59, in _wrap
fn(i, *args)
File "/root/edgeyolo-main/edgeyolo/train/", line 50, in train_single
File "/root/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 261, in set_device
RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid device ordinal

About quantize.

Thank you for open this repo. Recommend add int8 model fps and acc in readme.


我看train.py函数里只有两个参数选项,在训练开始时有一句no weight file found, setup models from cfg file /mnt/edgeyolo-main/params/model/edgeyolo.yaml是不是意味着可以加载之前的训练模型继续训练呀




2023-02-22 21:08:33.924 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'model_cfg' not list in settings file, use default value: model_cfg=params/model/edgeyolo.yaml
2023-02-22 21:08:33.924 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'weights' not list in settings file, use default value: weights=output/train/edgeyolo_coco/last.pth
2023-02-22 21:08:33.924 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'use_cfg' not list in settings file, use default value: use_cfg=False
2023-02-22 21:08:33.924 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'output_dir' not list in settings file, use default value: output_dir=output/train/edgeyolo_coco
2023-02-22 21:08:33.924 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'save_checkpoint_for_each_epoch' not list in settings file, use default value: save_checkpoint_for_each_epoch=True
2023-02-22 21:08:33.924 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'log_file' not list in settings file, use default value: log_file=log.txt
2023-02-22 21:08:33.924 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'dataset_cfg' not list in settings file, use default value: dataset_cfg=params/dataset/coco.yaml
2023-02-22 21:08:33.924 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'batch_size_per_gpu' not list in settings file, use default value: batch_size_per_gpu=8
2023-02-22 21:08:33.924 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'loader_num_workers' not list in settings file, use default value: loader_num_workers=4
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'num_threads' not list in settings file, use default value: num_threads=1
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'device' not list in settings file, use default value: device=[0, 1, 2, 3]
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'fp16' not list in settings file, use default value: fp16=False
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'cudnn_benchmark' not list in settings file, use default value: cudnn_benchmark=False
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'optimizer' not list in settings file, use default value: optimizer=SGD
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'max_epoch' not list in settings file, use default value: max_epoch=300
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'close_mosaic_epochs' not list in settings file, use default value: close_mosaic_epochs=15
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'lr_per_img' not list in settings file, use default value: lr_per_img=0.00015625
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'warmup_epochs' not list in settings file, use default value: warmup_epochs=5
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'warmup_lr_ratio' not list in settings file, use default value: warmup_lr_ratio=0.0
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'final_lr_ratio' not list in settings file, use default value: final_lr_ratio=0.05
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'loss_use' not list in settings file, use default value: loss_use=['bce', 'bce', 'giou']
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'input_size' not list in settings file, use default value: input_size=[640, 640]
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'multiscale_range' not list in settings file, use default value: multiscale_range=5
2023-02-22 21:08:33.925 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'weight_decay' not list in settings file, use default value: weight_decay=0.0005
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'momentum' not list in settings file, use default value: momentum=0.9
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'enhance_mosaic' not list in settings file, use default value: enhance_mosaic=True
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'use_ema' not list in settings file, use default value: use_ema=True
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'enable_mixup' not list in settings file, use default value: enable_mixup=True
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'mixup_scale' not list in settings file, use default value: mixup_scale=[0.5, 1.5]
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'mosaic_scale' not list in settings file, use default value: mosaic_scale=[0.1, 2.0]
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'flip_prob' not list in settings file, use default value: flip_prob=0.5
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'mosaic_prob' not list in settings file, use default value: mosaic_prob=1
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'mixup_prob' not list in settings file, use default value: mixup_prob=1
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'degrees' not list in settings file, use default value: degrees=10
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'hsv_gain' not list in settings file, use default value: hsv_gain=[0.0138, 0.664, 0.464]
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'eval_at_start' not list in settings file, use default value: eval_at_start=False
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'val_conf_thres' not list in settings file, use default value: val_conf_thres=0.001
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'val_nms_thres' not list in settings file, use default value: val_nms_thres=0.65
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'eval_only' not list in settings file, use default value: eval_only=False
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'obj_conf_enabled' not list in settings file, use default value: obj_conf_enabled=True
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'eval_interval' not list in settings file, use default value: eval_interval=1
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'print_interval' not list in settings file, use default value: print_interval=100
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'load_optimizer_params' not list in settings file, use default value: load_optimizer_params=True
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'train_backbone' not list in settings file, use default value: train_backbone=True
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'train_start_layers' not list in settings file, use default value: train_start_layers=51
2023-02-22 21:08:33.926 | INFO | edgeyolo.train.launch_train:load_train_settings:31 - param 'force_start_epoch' not list in settings file, use default value: force_start_epoch=-1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\myworkspace\yolov5\edgeyolo-main\", line 16, in
train("DEFAULT" if args.default else args.cfg)
File "D:\myworkspace\yolov5\edgeyolo-main\edgeyolo\train\", line 101, in launch
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\multiprocessing\", line 188, in start_processes
while not context.join():
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\multiprocessing\", line 150, in join
raise ProcessRaisedException(msg, error_index,

-- Process 3 terminated with the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\multiprocessing\", line 59, in wrap
fn(i, *args)
File "D:\myworkspace\yolov5\edgeyolo-main\edgeyolo\train\", line 50, in train_single
File "D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\cuda_init
.py", line 261, in set_device
RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid device ordinal

train not Stably maintain high usage

when i train my dataset, GPU not Stably maintain high usage
(it sometimes 10% , and sonetimes 70%,The numbers will go up and down)
batch size 8 (because RTX3060 only has 12 GPU RAM)
my num work is set 32, because i have 32 core CPU
threads is set 1 , because only has one GPU
Do any parameters still need to be changed?


我按相同的形式把VisDrone2019MOT的转换coco了一波。用预训练权重训练的时候发现,精度在往下跌,15个epoch的时候直接全是0了。我看了下你们提供的VisDrone_coco中的json,里面categories包含"ignored regions"和"others",但是category_id只有0~9。然后按照默认配置num_classes也被设置为10。

Custom Training gives no detections

I am training edgeyolo on a custom dataset. Unfortunately the model does not detect any objects.
Also the training loss does not decrease as expected.

number of images:
train images: 15000
val images: 4370

and the auto calculated anchors in yolov4 would be:
[5, 10], [13, 30], [25, 64], [38,123], [51,230], [87,158], [82,340], [136,420], [256,492]

My questions now:

Do I need to edit the anchors in params/model/edgeyolo.yaml ?
And do I need to change the learning rate maybe?

Minimum size for training

Hi Shihan Liu,

What is the reason there is a minimum input size for the model? In my experiments 192x192.

What would be needed to adapt the model to handle smaller sizes, eg 96x96?

Best regards,



Model detects nothing

I followed the instruction in readme and ran model with pretrained coco tini edgeyolo, but when i tried to interfere my clip of cars running on street, it detects nothing, the result is always None.
Help me please






Jetson AGX Xavier这个芯片算力比一般普通芯片高太多了,如高通、联发科的一些arm端芯片

Speed slow compared to Yolov5

Hi sir,

Thank you once again for your wonderful contribution!

I'm experiencing slower inference compared to YOLOv5, contrary to what is suggested in the paper. Obviously, I must be overlooking some reparameterization or other essential export steps.

Both exported as tflite models:
Edgeyolo Small: Mean inference time of 1059.58ms
YOLOv5 Small: Mean inference time of 372.30ms

Please see the attached benchmark (last two cells):

Do you have any insights into what I might be missing?

Best regards,

On my own dataset, the issue of map being 0

20230626_220743 edgeyolo.train.trainer:379 - Start Train Epoch 1
20230626_220826 edgeyolo.train.trainer:457 - epoch:1/150 iter:100/488 mem:5829MB t_iter:1.04 lr:3.149e-06 loss:{total:9.27 iou:3.17 conf:5.53 cls:0.57} ETA:8:36:33
20230626_220908 edgeyolo.train.trainer:457 - epoch:1/150 iter:200/488 mem:5829MB t_iter:0.96 lr:1.260e-05 loss:{total:7.25 iou:3.01 conf:3.52 cls:0.72} ETA:8:37:18
20230626_220950 edgeyolo.train.trainer:457 - epoch:1/150 iter:300/488 mem:5831MB t_iter:1.17 lr:2.834e-05 loss:{total:6.50 iou:2.50 conf:3.47 cls:0.53} ETA:8:33:24
20230626_221032 edgeyolo.train.trainer:457 - epoch:1/150 iter:400/488 mem:5831MB t_iter:0.88 lr:5.039e-05 loss:{total:4.61 iou:1.99 conf:1.98 cls:0.65} ETA:8:30:49
20230626_221108 edgeyolo.models:146 - weight file saved to output/train/tiny_lrelu/last.pth
20230626_221108 edgeyolo.models:146 - weight file saved to output/train/tiny_lrelu/epoch_001.pth
0it [00:07, ?it/s]
20230626_221116 edgeyolo.train.val.coco_evaluator:208 - Evaluate in main process...
20230626_221116 edgeyolo.train.trainer:523 -
Average forward time: 0.00 ms, Average NMS time: 0.00 ms, Average inference time: 0.00 ms

20230626_221116 edgeyolo.models:146 - weight file saved to output/train/tiny_lrelu/last.pth
20230626_221116 edgeyolo.models:146 - weight file saved to output/train/tiny_lrelu/epoch_001.pth
Why is the NMS time and inference time showing zero on my own dataset?And,map0.5 and map0.5:0.95 of evaluation on my model are zero.



Training in Yolo format

I have YOLO Annotated text dataset in Folder structure


Got this Error after 1 epoch:

Loading and preparing results...
20230314_012420 edgeyolo.train.trainer:480 - error: Results do not correspond to current coco set



Could you share some details about running inference on RK3588 NPU?

Hi guys,

I have RK3588 board, that you have used in paper as edge device to run on.

I have trained my weights using edgeyolo_tiny_lrelu , converted to ONNX , than to RKNN using rknn-toolkit 1.4

Command for export to onnx used was

python --onnx-only --weights /workspaces/rocm-ml/edgeyolo/output/train/edgeyolo_lp_2/best.pth --opset 12

However currently i am unable to use QUANTIZE_ON during onnx->rknn conversion, i have used same dataset as for validation during training , different range from 10 to 50 images, without success --> resulting rknn model always outputs bogus.
You are mentioned QUANTIZATION enabled in your paper, could you share same details about how you managed to make it work?

I am running it on RK3588 (from radxa , rock5b) my inference speed is around 11fps~

You are mentioned 32fps in your paper.

  • I am curious if you implemented multi-threaded inference on RK3588 using all 3 NPU cores by yourself? , which would be 3x11fps ?
  • Also, have you used edgeyolo_tiny_lrelu.yaml as model_cfg?

Could you please share some more details about running edge-yolo on rk3588, paper nor code here is showing some insights about running it on that edge device.

Thank you in advance~

ONNX exported model is outputing Bogus - normalize image to 0..1 values

I tried it both with torch 2.0 and torch 1.3 , also messed with different versions of onnx, it all behave same

I am using model edgeyolo_tiny_lrelu trained on my custom dataset for 100epochs with 1 class.

Trained model (best.pth) works with , and is giving correct results for me.

However when i export it using following command line :

python --onnx-only --weights /workspaces/rocm-ml/edgeyolo-output/train/edgeyolo_lp/best.pth

I have to comment out import # import tensorrt as trt in , and i am getting following warnings :

/workspaces/rocm-ml/python-venv/edgeyolo-cpu/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/ UserWarning: torch.meshgrid: in an upcoming release, it will be required to pass the indexing argument. (Triggered internally at ../aten/src/ATen/native/TensorShape.cpp:3190.)
  return _VF.meshgrid(tensors, **kwargs)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
Reparameterizing models...
/workspaces/rocm-ml/tmp/edgeyolo/edgeyolo/models/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!
  if augment:
/workspaces/rocm-ml/tmp/edgeyolo/edgeyolo/models/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!
  if profile:
/workspaces/rocm-ml/tmp/edgeyolo/edgeyolo/models/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!
  if profile:
2023-06-17 20:17:26.644 | INFO     | __main__:main:124 - 
start to simplify ONNX...
2023-06-17 20:17:27.221 | INFO     | __main__:main:131 - ONNX export success, saved as output/export/best/640x640_batch1.onnx
2023-06-17 20:17:27.221 | INFO     | __main__:main:178 - All files are saved in output/export/best.

ONNX model is created but its not usable ... does not output anything meaningfull ...

I am trying it using it via following commands in python notebook

import numpy as np
import onnxruntime as rt
import cv2
import torch, torchvision

# init rt
sess = rt.InferenceSession("/workspaces/rocm-ml/tmp/edgeyolo/output/export/best/640x640_batch1.onnx")
input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name
output_name = sess.get_outputs()[0].name

# resize to 640x640
original_image: np.ndarray = cv2.imread("/workspaces/rocm-ml/datasets/ds_yolo/valid/images/drive_img_0015.jpg")
[height, width, _] = original_image.shape
length = max((height, width))
image = np.zeros((length, length, 3), np.uint8)
image[0:height, 0:width] = original_image 
scale = length / 640
image = cv2.resize(image, (640, 640))
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

# prepare and transpose
image = image / 255.0
image = image.transpose(2, 0, 1)  # HWC -> CHW
# batch
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0).astype(np.float32)

# run prediction
pred_onx =[output_name], {input_name: image})[0]

# pred_onx.shape is correct -> (1, 8400, 6)

then continuing just by reusing your code

# convert it to torch tensor
prediction = torch.tensor(pred_onx)

# boxes and pred
box_corner =
box_corner[:, :, 0] = prediction[:, :, 0] - prediction[:, :, 2] / 2
box_corner[:, :, 1] = prediction[:, :, 1] - prediction[:, :, 3] / 2
box_corner[:, :, 2] = prediction[:, :, 0] + prediction[:, :, 2] / 2
box_corner[:, :, 3] = prediction[:, :, 1] + prediction[:, :, 3] / 2
prediction[:, :, :4] = box_corner[:, :, :4]

# conf
conf_thre = 0.1
num_classes = 1

# detections
output = [None for _ in range(len(prediction))]
for i, image_pred in enumerate(prediction):
    # If none are remaining => process next image
    if not image_pred.size(0):
    # Get score and class with highest confidence
    class_conf, class_pred = torch.max(image_pred[:, 5 : 5 + num_classes], 1, keepdim=True)

    conf_mask = (image_pred[:, 4] * class_conf.squeeze() >= conf_thre).squeeze()
    # Detections ordered as (x1, y1, x2, y2, obj_conf, class_conf, class_pred)
    detections =[:, :5], class_conf, class_pred.float(), image_pred[:, 5 + num_classes :]), 1)
    detections = detections[conf_mask]
    if not detections.size(0):

and this is where it ends detections array is (0,7) instead of (1,7) which is what "" in this points returns.
so no detections ...

code is taken from your postprocess function

I can provide notebook best.pth and onnx if you are interested


for i in range(len(self.m)):
c1, c2, , _ = self.m[i].weight.shape
, c2_, , _ = self.ia[i].implicit.shape
self.m[i].bias += torch.matmul(self.m[i].weight.reshape(c1, c2),
, c1_)).squeeze(1)
ValueError: Cannot assign non-leaf Tensor to parameter 'bias'. Model parameters must be created explicitly. To express 'bias' as a function of another Tensor, compute the value in the forward() method.



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