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authentication-ch20's Introduction


Table of Contents


  1. Create an authentication page with two input fields
  2. input 1: Email
  3. input 2: Password
  4. two buttons [Sign up | Login]

Authentication Working Principle

  1. In Conventional approach Authentication in multiple page web application is performed using session.

  2. In Angular based single page application, where communication between client and server happens using REST API

  3. And the authentication in Angular app happens over JSON web token

  4. When Angular client sends authentication request to server, server responses with web token if authentication credentials are valid

  5. Web token includes ENCODED string with meta data

  6. Web token does not include the encrypted string

  7. Diagram Showing Web Token Based Authentication

    auth diagram

Adding Authentication Section into Project

  1. Create the component which holds the authentication logic and templet

           |---- auth.component.ts [logic]
           |---- auth.component.html [templet]
  2. Basic skeleton of auth.component.ts

    import { Component } from "@angular/core";
        selector: 'app-auth',
        templateUrl: './auth.component.html',
    export class AuthComponent{
  3. An authentication templet auth.component.html

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-md-offset">
                <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="email">E-mail</label>
                    <input type="text" id="email" class="form-control">
                <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="password">Password</label>
                    <input type="password" id="password" class="form-control">
                    <button class="btn btn-primary"> Sign up</button> | 
                    <button class="btn btn-primary"> Switch to Login</button>
  4. Registering the auth component in app.module.ts

        declarations: [ AuthComponent ]
  5. Setup routing for Authentication page in app-routing.module.ts

    const appRoutes: Routes = [
        {path: 'auth', component: AuthComponent}
  6. App Authentication tab in header header.component.html

    <div class = "navbar-collapse">
            <li>Shopping list</li>
             <li routerLinkActive = "active">
                <a routerLink = "/auth">Authentication</a>

Switching between Authentication Modes

  1. Switch between Login / Sign in mode

  2. Adding mode property and method which change the property in auth.component.ts

    export class AuthComponent{
        isLoginMode = true;		// mode property
        onSwitchMode(){			// method which can change the mode property
            this.isLoginMode = !this.isLoginMode;
  3. Accessing the above implemented property from templet auth.component.html

    usage of ternary operation to check the mode and choose the button text

    <!--The input fields will remain same for both login and signup-->
      <button class="btn btn-primary" 
            {{isLoginMode ? 'Login' : 'Signup'}}
      </button> | 
      <button class="btn btn-primary" 
              (click) = "onSwitchMode()" 
            Switch to {{isLoginMode ?  'SignUp' : 'Login'}}

Handling Form Inputs

  1. Add tags on the input fields

     <input type="text" 
            name = "email"
     <input type="password" 
            name = "password"
    <!--name and ngModel are tags to register the control in form-->
    <!--required, email and minlength are validators-->
  2. Declare local reference of the form and use it as a parameter to the submit method

     <form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(authForm)" #authForm = ngForm>
    <!--#authForm is the local reference of the form-->
    <!--onSubmit() get executed on click of submit button-->
    <!--authForm a reference is passed as a parameter to the onSubmit method-->
  3. Implement onSubmit() method in auth.component.ts

    onSubmit(form: NgForm){
            console.log(form.value);	// logging the obtained form values
            form.reset();			   // resetting the form 

Firebase Setup

  1. Set the database rules


  2. Setup the authentication



Preparing Signup Request

  1. Create auth.service.ts in auth folder

    This service will be responsible for user signing up, signing in and managing the web token

  2. Basic skeleton of the auth service

        providedIn: 'root'
    export class AuthService{
        // following url is signup url and api key is obtained from project setting
        private signUpURL = "link obtained from firebase auth api signup + API key of project"
        constructor(private http : HttpClient){
        signUp(email:string, password:string){
  3. Implement the signup method in auth.service.ts

    // this method returns the observable
    signUp(email:string, password:string){
    // firebase api needs email, password and returnsSecureToken with signup request
    // email and password will be obtained as the method parameters
    // subscription to the post request will be done in the method which calls this method
  4. Implement Interface AuthResponseData{ }

    // firebase gives following object as the response for signup post request
    // can be found in the firebase api doc 
    interface AuthResponseData {
        idToken : string;
        email : string;
        refreshToken : string;
        expiresIn : string;
        localId : string;
    @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
    export class AuthService{ 
  5. Add specific response to the generic post request as follow

    // <AuthResponseData> included in the post method
    // by default post request is generic
    // by adding <AuthResponseData> we are specifying the response of the post request
    signUp(email:string, password:string){

Sending a Signup Request

  1. Inject the AuthService into auth.component.ts

    export class AuthComponent{
        constructor(private authSer:AuthService){}
  2. Obtain the username and password in onSubmit(form:NgForm) method of app.component.ts

     onSubmit(form: NgForm){
            const email =;
            const password = form.value.password;
  3. Check if isLogingMode property is set?

     onSubmit(form: NgForm){
            const email =;
            const password = form.value.password;
         	if (this.isLoginMode) {
        		// signin logic
         	else {
            // sign up logic implemented in next point
  4. call the signUp() method of auth.service.ts and subscribe to it

    // following code will be reside in else section of above point
    this.authSer.signUp(email, password).subscribe(
               responseData => {				// response of the request obtained as an arrow func
                    console.log(responseData);	 // logging the obtained responseData
               error => {					   // error response obtain through arrow function
                    console.log(error);			// logging the obtained error response

Adding Loading Spinner

  1. Loading spinner will be appear when app is performing request to the firebase

  2. Loading spinner source:

  3. create loading-spinner component

       |---- loading-spinner
    			   |-------- loading-spinner.css
    			   |-------- loading-spinner.ts
  4. Content of loading-spinner.ts

    import { Component } from "@angular/core";
        selector: 'app-loading-spinner',
        template: '<div class="lds-facebook"><div></div><div></div><div></div></div>',
        styleUrls: ['./loading-spinner.css']  
    export class LoadingSpinnerComponent{}
  5. Register loading spinner component in the app.module.ts

    import { LoadingSpinnerComponent } from './shared/loading-spinner/loading-spinner';
        declarations: [LoadingSpinnerComponent]
  6. Add new property isLoading : boolean in auth.component.ts

    export class AuthComponent{
        isLoading = false;
        onSubmit(form: NgForm){
            const email =;
            const password = form.value.password;
            this.isLoading = true;		// loading started
            if (this.isLoginMode) { // signin logic
            } else { // sign up logic
                this.authSer.signUp(email, password).subscribe(
                    responseData => {
                        this.isLoading = false;	// loading ends 
                    error => {
                        this.isLoading = false;	// loading ends
  7. Add the loading-spinner component in auth.component.html

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-md-offset">
            <div *ngIf = "isLoading" style="text-align: center;">
            <form *ngIf = "!isLoading">
                <!--load the form if loading is false-->

Handling an Error only for Signup Request

  1. Declaring property name error : string in the auth.component.ts

    export class AuthComponent{
    	error : string = null;
  2. Bind the aforementioned property with auth.component.html templet

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-md-offset">
    		<div  class="alert alert-danger" *ngIf = "error">
        		<p> {{ error }}</p>
  3. Extract the error message in auth.service.ts

    // pipe rxjs operator is applied to the post request of signup method
        errorRes => {
         		let errorMessage = 'An unknown error occured';	// default error message
          		if(!errorRes.error || !errorRes.error.error){
                  		return throwError(errorMessage);	   // if unknown error occures throw this
           		switch (errorRes.error.error.message){
                  		case 'EMAIL_EXISTS': 				  // if this error occures
                  			errorMessage = 'This email exists already'	// change the errorMessage
            	return throwError(errorMessage);		// throw error here if known error occured
  4. obtain the error message in auth.component.ts

    this.authSer.signUp(email, password).subscribe(
             responseData => {
                   this.isLoading = false;
             errorMessage => {
                 // assign errorMessage to the previously declared error property
                   this.error = errorMessage;	
                   this.isLoading = false;

Sending Login Request

  1. Obtain URL for Login from firebase API doc

  2. create Login(email:string, password:string) in auth.service.ts

  3. perform post request in login method

    // only prepare the post observable but no subscribe here return the observable
    // post request needs email password and returnSecureToken as data
    login(email:string, password:string){   
                    returnSecureToken: true   
  4. Add registered as an optional property in AuthResponseData interface

    // registered property is yield by Signin request but
    // this property is not yield by Signup request 
    // check firebase API doc for list of properties in response data
    interface AuthResponseData {
        idToken : string;
        email : string;
        refreshToken : string;
        expiresIn : string;
        localId : string;
        registered? : Boolean	// optional property
  5. modify the AuthResponseData interface in auth.service.ts

    // make it export
    export interface AuthResponseData {}
  6. separate the subscription code from login and sign up mode

    // import the Authresponse data from auth.service.ts
    import { AuthService, AuthResponseData } from "./auth.service";
    // create the observable variable as follow
    let authObservable : Observable<AuthResponseData>;
    // subscribe to this observable in onSubmit method outside if else block
    onSubmit(form: NgForm){
            const email =;
            const password = form.value.password;
            // following variable will hold the observable
            let authObservable : Observable<AuthResponseData>;
            this.isLoading = true;
            if (this.isLoginMode) {
                // signin logic
                // assigning the login observable to the authObservable variable
                authObservable = this.authSer.login(email, password);
            } else {
                // sign up logic
                // assigning signup observable to the authObservable variable
                authObservable = this.authSer.signUp(email, password);
    		// execute the authObservable here after
        	// appropreate assignment of observable
                responseData => {
                    this.isLoading = false;
                errorMessage => {
                    this.error = errorMessage;
                    this.isLoading = false;

Handling The Error From Sign in as well as Signup Request

  1. Centralizing the error handling by implementing handleError() method in auth.service.ts

    private handleError(errorResponse : HttpErrorResponse){
        // errorMessage property will hold the error message obtained from request
        let errorMessage = 'An unknown error occured';	// default message
        // check if errorResponse is empty?
        if(!errorResponse.error || !errorResponse.error.error){
                return throwError(errorMessage);	// then send the default error message
        // if errorResponse is not empty then go to the switch case
        switch (errorResponse.error.error.message){
                // sign up related errors
                    case 'EMAIL_EXISTS': 	// if errorResponse is this then
                    errorMessage = 'This email exists already'; // put this value in errorMessage
                	case 'TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_TRY_LATER':	
                    errorMessage = 'Too many attempts try again later'; 
        		// sign in related errors   
                    case 'INVALID_PASSWORD':
                    errorMessage = 'Invalid Password';
                    case 'EMAIL_NOT_FOUND':
                    errorMessage = 'This email does not found';
        return throwError(errorMessage); // throw error message before leaving this method
  2. Modify the signUp and login methods of auth.service.ts

    signUp(email:string, password:string){
                    .pipe(catchError(this.handleError));	// calling the handleError method
    login(email:string, password:string){ 
                    .pipe(catchError(this.handleError));	// calling the handleError method
    // this error eventually will end in authObservable subscription block of auth.component.ts


  3. auth.component.ts is untouched

Creating and Storing User Data

  1. Create the user model

    // constructor automatically create the instance of property and assign it to it 
    export class User {
        constructor(public email:string, 
            public id : string, 
            private _token: string, 
            private _tokenExpirationDate : Date){} 
  2. Add get token method in the model

    get token(){
        	// if token expired then return null
            if(!this._tokenExpirationDate || new Date() > this._tokenExpirationDate){
                return null;
        	// or return the token 
            return this._token;
  3. Create the user subject in the auth.service.ts

    userx = new Subject<User>();
  4. create the userAuthentication method

    private userAuthentication(email:string, userId:string, token: string, expiresIn: number){
          const expirationDate = new Date(
                new Date().getTime() + expiresIn * 1000);
          const user = new User(email, 
  5. execute the above implemented method in signup and login under pipe under tap

    // we can tap the response data from post request inside pipe
    // to create the user object userAuthentication method is used
    signUp(email:string, password:string){
             		,tap( resData => {
                            this.userAuthentication(, resData.localId, 									  resData.idToken, +resData.expiresIn);
    login(email:string, password:string){   // only prepare the observable but no subscribe here
                     ,tap( resData => {
                             this.userAuthentication(, resData.localId, 
                             resData.idToken, +resData.expiresIn);

Reflecting Auth State in UI

  1. Inject router in the auth.component.ts

        constructor(private authSer:AuthService, 
                    	private router:Router){}
  2. Redirect to the recipe component upon successful login

    // perform this task in authObservable's subscribe method
     onSubmit(form: NgForm){
            responseData => {
                this.isLoading = false;
                this.router.navigate(['/recipes']);	// navigate to the recipe component
            errorMessage => {
                this.error = errorMessage;
                this.isLoading = false;
  3. Inject auth.service.ts in header.component.ts and declare isAuthenticated property

    // this property will be used in html to control the header
    isAuthenticated = false;
    constructor(private remote:DataStorageService, 
                    private authService : AuthService){
  4. Subscribe to the user subject of AuthService and at the end unsubscribe

    private userSub : Subscription; // a property which holds the subscription
        this.userSub = this.authService.user.subscribe(
            user => {
                // is authenticated = true if we receive user object from subscription
                // is authenticated = false if we dont receive user object[null] from subscription 
                this.isAuthenticated = !user ? false :true;
  5. Update the header.component.html component

    <div class="navbar-collapse">
         <ul class = "nav navbar-nav">
             <li *ngIf = "isAuthenticated">
             	<a>Shopping List</a>
             <li *ngIf = "!isAuthenticated">
        <ul class="nav  navbar-nav navbar-right">
            <li *ngIf = "isAuthenticated">
            <li class="dropdown" *ngIf = "isAuthenticated">

Make Fetching Work Again

  1. Attaching token to the outgoing request [fetch]

  2. Inject authService in data-storage.service.ts home of storeRecipe() and fetchRecipe() methods

    constructor(private http: HttpClient, 
            private authService : AuthService){
  3. Change the user subject in auth.service.ts

    // we can now user event after it got emitted [at any time]
    user = new BehaviorSubject<User>(null);
  4. Modify the fetchRecipe() of data-storage.service.ts [exhaustMap]

        return this.authService.user.pipe(take(1),
                    exhaustMap(user => { // it will subscribe the user get the data and unsubscribe it
                        return this.http
                                    params: new HttpParams().set('auth', user.token)
                    ,map(recipes =>{               
                        return => {
                            return {...recipe, ingredients: recipe.ingredients ? recipe.ingredients:[]
                    ,tap(recipes => {

Make Save Data Work Again Using Interceptor

  1. Create auth-interceptor.ts in auth folder

    export class AuthIntercepterService implements HttpInterceptor{
         constructor(private authService: AuthService){} // injecting authService dependency
        // every class which implements HttpInterceptor must have following method  in it
  2. Implement Intercept() [Intercepter is executed before the request is being made]

    // param1 : HttpRequest [req]
    // param2 : Httphandler [next]
    intercept(req:HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler){
        // will return the modified request 
        // this modified request will have user credentials 
        // idea is to authenticate the user before peroforming any post or get req.
  3. Intercept() code

    intercept(req:HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler){
         return this.authService.user.pipe(take(1),
         exhaustMap(user => {
             // if there is no user then 
             // simply return the req. obtained from paramter of this intercept method1
                  return next.handle(req);
             // make the clone of inputed req. 
             // then add the Http authentication param to that cloned req. 
              const modifiedReq = req.clone({
                  params: new HttpParams().set('auth',user.token)
             // return the modified request which has actual req. as well as user auth
              return next.handle(modifiedReq);
  4. Provide this interceptor in app.module.ts

        providers: [{
            provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
            useClass: AuthIntercepterService,
            multi: true
  5. Modify the data-storage.service.ts specifically fetchRecipes()

        return this.http.get<Recipe[]>(this.remoteUrl).pipe(
            map(recipes =>{               // this is rxjs map operator
                return => {
                      return {...recipe, ingredients: recipe.ingredients ? recipe.ingredients:[]};
                       );           // this map is javascript array method
            ,tap(recipes => {
    // storeRecipes() will remain same we are just itroducing the itercept so previously modified 
    // fetch method will be remodified

Adding Functionality to Logout

  1. Implement logout() in auth.service.ts

    logout(){;   // make the user object null
    // user object is situated in the same service
  2. Call this above implemented logout method in header.component.ts

  3. Add click listener to above implemented method in header.component.ts

    <li  *ngIf = "isAuthenticated">
           <a style = "cursor:pointer;" (click) = "onLogout()">Logout</a>
  4. Perform redirection of the user when logout is clicked

    // redirection will be performed in logout() of the auth.service.ts 
    // because logout will be performed from different locations
    logout(){;   // make the user object null

Add Auto Login

  1. When page reload happens, application restarts and old user credentials are wiped out

  2. Whenever we reload the page we need to login again to access the app

  3. In this section an auto login will be implemented

  4. So that even after restart user remains logged in

  5. User can logout using Logout button or when user token get expired

  6. Idea is to store the user data into persistent storage [local storage]

  7. Store the logged user in the local storage as follow

    // this method is already implemented in previous sections
    private userAuthentication(){
        localStorage.setItem('userData', JSON.stringify(user));
    // convert the user object into plain text using JSON.stringify() method
  8. Implement autoLogin() in auth.service.ts

        // obtain the user data from local storage
        const userData:{
        } = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userData')); 
        // JSON.parse will converte text into object
        // userData will hold the user which is stored in the local storage
        // if there is no user data available in local storage
        // then dont perform autoLogin
        // create the object of user which is already in local storage
        const LoadedUser  = new User(, 
                                     new Date(userData._tokenExpirationDate)
        // check if loaded user has valid token
        // if yes then publish loaded user over the user subject
        // user subject is implemented in the same service
  9. Add autoLogin() into the ngOnInit hook of app.component.ts

    export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
      	constructor(private authSer: AuthService){}

Add Auto Logout

  1. Even after log out click, we can still logged in by refreshing the application

  2. Because user data is stored in local storage

  3. This user data does not delete even after refreshing the page

  4. And we directly do the login even without authentication upon reloading

  5. Also when user token expires, we are still logged in

  6. Clear the user data upon the execution of logout() method of auth.service.ts

        // clear the user data locally stored
        // follow section 7 for this
            this.tokenExpirationTimer = null;
  7. Implement autoLogout() in auth.service.ts

    // create the timer expiration property 
    // this property will be used to check whether token timeout happened or not
    private tokenExpirationTimer: any;
    // in autoLogout() we will set the above declared timer 
    // and once that timer expires perform logout method
    autoLogout(expirationDuration : number){
          this.tokenExpirationTimer = setTimeout(() =>{
  8. Call the autoLogout() method in userAuthentication() of the auth.service.ts

     private userAuthentication(......expiresIn: number){;
         this.autoLogout(expiresIn*1000);	// autologout in [expiresIn*1000] duration
         localStorage.setItem('userData', JSON.stringify(user));
  9. Call autoLogout() in autoLogin() method of same service

          const expirationDuration = new Date(userData._tokenExpirationDate)
          							  .getTime() - new Date().getTime();
    // basically when we calls autoLogout method, we are just setting the timer and when this timer overflow logout method is called 
    // the value for timer is passed as a parameter to the autologin method

Adding Auth Guard

  1. The recipes tab is not visible unless user is logged in

  2. Although user can navigate to the recipes component via URL

  3. Bug: user can navigate to the recipes component without any authentication via URL

  4. To avoid user to navigate to recipes section without authentication a guard need to be implemented

  5. Create auth.guard.ts under auth folder

        providedIn: 'root'})
    export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {
        // import authService and Router
        constructor(private authService: AuthService,
        private router: Router) { }
       //canActivate method
  6. Implement canActivate()

    canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, router: RouterStateSnapshot):
    // following things can be returned
         | boolean
         | UrlTree
         | Promise<boolean | UrlTree>
         | Observable<boolean | UrlTree> {
         return this.authService.user.pipe(take(1),map(user => {
             const isAuth = !!user;	
             if (isAuth) {
                return true;
             return this.router.createUrlTree(['/auth']);
  7. Apply guard on the recipe route in app-routing.module.ts

    const appRoutes: Routes =  [
        {   path: 'recipes', component: RecipesComponent, 
            canActivate: [AuthGuard],
            children: [...]
  8. Take(1) in canActivate() method of Auth.guard.ts

authentication-ch20's People


jaysiddhapura-eng avatar

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