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ran's Introduction

Ran: a simple static web server written in Go


Ran is a simple web server for serving static files.


  • Directory listing
  • Automatic gzip compression
  • Digest authentication
  • Access logging
  • Custom 401 and 404 error file
  • TLS encryption
  • Disable content caching
  • Write cross-origin resource sharing headers to the response

What is Ran for?

  • File sharing in LAN or home network
  • Web application testing
  • Personal web site hosting or demonstrating



Use the command below to install the dependencies mentioned above, and build the binary into $GOPATH/bin.

go get -u

For convenience, you can move the ran binary to a directory in the PATH environment variable.

You can also call ./ command under the Ran source directory to write version information into the binary, so that ran -v will give a significant result. Run ./ -h for help.

Running with Docker

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v /public:/web m3ng9i/ran

Directory volume mounted to /web will be served by default.

Below is another example, the options -l -404 /404page.html are passed to the ran binary:

docker run --name ran -d -p 8080:8080 -v /public:/web:ro m3ng9i/ran -l -404 /404page.html

Download binary

You can also download the Ran binary without building it yourself.

Download Ran binary from the release page.

Run Ran

You can start a web server without any options by typing ran and pressing return in terminal window. This will use the following default configuration:

Configuration Default value
Root directory the current working directory
IP binding
Port 8080
Index file index.html, index.htm
List files of directories false
Serve all path false
Gzip true
Disable caching false
Write cross-origin headers false
Digest auth false
TLS encryption off

Open in browser to see your website.

You can use the command line options to override the default configuration.


    -r,  -root=<path>           Root path of the site. Default is current working directory.
    -b,  -bind-ip=<ip>          Bind one or more IP addresses to the ran web server.
                                Multiple IP addresses should be separated by comma.
                                If not provide this Option, ran will use
    -p,  -port=<port>           HTTP port. Default is 8080.
         -404=<path>            Path of a custom 404 file, relative to Root. Example: /404.html.
    -i,  -index=<path>          File name of index, priority depends on the order of values.
                                Separate by colon. Example: -i "index.html:index.htm"
                                If not provide, default is index.html and index.htm.
    -l,  -listdir=<bool>        When request a directory and no index file found,
                                if listdir is true, show file list of the directory,
                                if listdir is false, return 404 not found error.
                                Default is false.
    -sa, -serve-all=<bool>      Serve all paths even if the path is start with dot. Default is false.
    -g,  -gzip=<bool>           Turn on or off gzip compression. Default value is true (means turn on).

    -nc, -no-cache=<bool>       If true, ran will remove Last-Modified header and write some no-cache headers to the response:
                                    Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
                                    Pragma: no-cache
                                    Expires 0
                                Default is false.

         -cors=<bool>           If true, ran will write some cross-origin resource sharing headers to the response:
                                    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
                                    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
                                    Access-Control-Allow-Methods: *
                                    Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *
                                If the request header has a Origin field, then it's value is used in Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
                                Default is false.

    -am, -auth-method=<auth>    Set authentication method, valid values are basic and digest. Default is basic.
    -a,  -auth=<user:pass>      Turn on authentication and set username and password (separate by colon).
                                After turn on authentication, all the page require authentication.
         -401=<path>            Path of a custom 401 file, relative to Root. Example: /401.html.
                                If authentication fails and 401 file is set,
                                the file content will be sent to the client.

         -tls-port=<port>       HTTPS port. Default is 443.
         -tls-policy=<pol>      This option indicates how to handle HTTP and HTTPS traffic.
                                There are three option values: redirect, both and only.
                                redirect: redirect HTTP to HTTPS
                                both:     both HTTP and HTTPS are enabled
                                only:     only HTTPS is enabled, HTTP is disabled
                                The default value is: only.
         -cert=<path>           Load a file as a certificate.
                                If use with -make-cert, will generate a certificate to the path.
         -key=<path>            Load a file as a private key.
                                If use with -make-cert, will generate a private key to the path.

Other options:

         -make-cert             Generate a self-signed certificate and a private key used in TLS encryption.
                                You should use -cert and -key to set the output paths.
         -showconf              Show config info in the log.
         -debug                 Turn on debug mode.
    -v,  -version               Show version information.
    -h,  -help                  Show help message.

If you want to shutdown Ran, type ctrl+c in the terminal, or kill it in the task manager.


Example 1: Start a server in the current directory and set port to 8888

ran -p=8888

Example 2: Set root to /tmp, list files of directories and set a custom 404 page

ran -r=/tmp -l=true -404=/404.html

-l=true can be shorted to -l for convenience.

Example 3: Turn off gzip compression, set access username and password and set a custom 401 page

ran -g=false -a=user:pass -401=/401.html

Example 4: Set custom index file

ran -i default.html:index.html

Example 5: Turn on TLS encryption

If you want to turn on TLS encryption (https), you should use -cert to load a certificate and -key to load a private key.

The default TLS port is 443, you can use -tls-port to set it to another port.

The following command load a certificate and a private key, and set TLS port to 9999. It can be browsed at

ran -cert=/path/to/cert.pem -key=/path/to/key.pem -tls-port=9999

Example 6: Control HTTP and HTTPS traffic

When you turn on TLS, you can choose to disable HTTP, redirect HTTP to HTTPS or let them work together.

You can use -tls-policy to control HTTP and HTTPS traffic:

  • If set to "redirect", all HTTP traffic will be redirect to HTTPS.
  • If set to "both", both HTTP and HTTPS are enabled.
  • If set to "only", only HTTPS is enabled, HTTP is disabled.

If not provide -tls-policy, the default value "only" will be used.

An example:

ran -cert=cert.pem -key=key.pem -tls-policy=redirect

Example 7: Create a self-signed certificate and a private key

For testing purposes or internal usage, you can use -make-cert to create a self-signed certificate and a private key.

ran -make-cert -cert=/path/to/cert.pem -key=/path/to/key.pem

Example 8: Custom IP binding

ran -b=,

Tips and tricks

Execute permission

Before running Ran binary or, make sure they have execute permission. If don't, use chmod u+x <filename> to set.

download parameter

If you add download as a query string parameter in the url, the browser will download the file instead of displaying it in the browser window. Example:

gzip parameter

Gzip compression is enabled by default. Ran will gzip file automaticly according to the file extension. Example: a .txt file will be compressed and a .jpg file will not.

If you add gzip=true in the url, Ran will force compress the file even if the file should not be compressed. Example:

If you add gzip=false in the url, Ran will not compress it even if it should be compressed. Example:

Read the source code of CanBeCompressed() to learn more about automatic gzip compression.


  • v0.1.6: Fix security issue under Windows

  • v0.1.5:

    • Add -b, -bind-ip for custom IP binding
    • URL for 404 page now return status 404
  • v0.1.4:

    • Add -no-cache option to disable content caching
    • Add -cors option to write cross-origin resource sharing headers to the response
    • Record the X-Real-Ip field in the request header to the log
    • Fix bug of file not being closed after opening
    • Use HTML template for directory listing (thanks to @toby)
  • v0.1.3:

    • Add trailing slash if the request path is a directory and the directory contains a index file.
    • Add basic auth; add -am, -auth-method option.
    • Add -sa, -serve-all option to set if skip paths that start with dot.
    • Print the listening URLs after the server starts.
  • v0.1.2: Add TLS encryption; add custom 401 file.

  • v0.1.1: Fix bugs and typos.

  • v0.1: Initial release.


The following functionalities will be added in the future:

  • Load config from file
  • IP filter
  • Custom log format
  • etc

What's the meaning of Ran

It's a Chinese PinYin and pronounce 燃, means flame burning.



If you like this project, please give me a star.

ran's People


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ran's Issues

support url prefix

current the service url start with the root /, will it support a custom url prefix?

[MacOS] Throws exception and aborts during the initialization

The application (ran) throws back error during the initial execution itself on MacOS (Mojave 10.14). I've downloaded the Darwin binary from the GitHub releases page (

Following is the command which I am using to initialize my server on TCP/10000:

shasum /usr/local/bin/ran  # 9fc3975769259aedbcdb236ac5e3149d1f2babb1
chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/ran
ran -p 10000               # The exception logs are available in the next paragraph

Pasting the error logs which are throwing in STDOUT (shows immediately after program execution):

fatal error: unexpected signal during runtime execution
[signal 0xb code=0x1 addr=0x14dd58fa3a4 pc=0x118850]

goroutine 1 [running]:
runtime.throw(0x43c760, 0x2a)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/runtime/panic.go:527 +0x90 fp=0xc82003d8c8 sp=0xc82003d8b0
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/runtime/sigpanic_unix.go:12 +0x5a fp=0xc82003d918 sp=0xc82003d8c8
sync.(*Pool).Get(0x5a3df0, 0x0, 0x0)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/sync/pool.go:101 +0x40 fp=0xc82003d968 sp=0xc82003d918
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/fmt/print.go:133 +0x27 fp=0xc82003d9a8 sp=0xc82003d968
fmt.Sprintf(0x3d89e0, 0xc, 0xc82003dae8, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/fmt/print.go:202 +0x2b fp=0xc82003d9f8 sp=0xc82003d9a8
main.getListeningAddr(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	d:/my_dropbox/Dropbox/program/projects/go_library/src/ +0xac8 fp=0xc82003db70 sp=0xc82003d9f8
	d:/my_dropbox/Dropbox/program/projects/go_library/src/ +0x54b fp=0xc82003dd30 sp=0xc82003db70
	d:/my_dropbox/Dropbox/program/projects/go_library/src/ +0x2de fp=0xc82003df50 sp=0xc82003dd30
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/runtime/proc.go:111 +0x2b0 fp=0xc82003dfa0 sp=0xc82003df50
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1721 +0x1 fp=0xc82003dfa8 sp=0xc82003dfa0

goroutine 5 [syscall]:
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:22 +0x18
created by os/signal.init.1
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:28 +0x37

goroutine 6 [chan receive]:*Logger).start.func1(0xc820082080)
	d:/my_dropbox/Dropbox/program/projects/go_library/src/ +0xb3
created by*Logger).start
	d:/my_dropbox/Dropbox/program/projects/go_library/src/ +0x35

goroutine 8 [runnable]:
syscall.Syscall(0x3, 0x3, 0xc8200e6850, 0x1000, 0x11e, 0x0, 0x0)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/syscall/asm_darwin_amd64.s:16 +0x5, 0xc8200e6850, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x1401b2, 0x0, 0x0)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/syscall/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go:972 +0x5f
syscall.Read(0x3, 0xc8200e6850, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/syscall/syscall_unix.go:160 +0x4d
time.readFile(0x3d0920, 0xe, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/time/sys_unix.go:34 +0x19b
time.loadZoneFile(0x0, 0x0, 0x3d0920, 0xe, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/time/zoneinfo_read.go:206 +0x199
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/time/zoneinfo_unix.go:59 +0x77
sync.(*Once).Do(0x5c95b0, 0x46c238)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/sync/once.go:44 +0xe4
time.(*Location).get(0x5a43c0, 0x0)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/time/zoneinfo.go:76 +0x58
time.Time.locabs(0xe7791f700, 0x0, 0x5a43c0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/time/time.go:270 +0x131
time.Time.AppendFormat(0xe7791f700, 0x0, 0x5a43c0, 0xc8200e7c20, 0x0, 0x40, 0x4153c0, 0x1a, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/time/format.go:438 +0x65
time.Time.Format(0xe7791f700, 0x0, 0x5a43c0, 0x4153c0, 0x1a, 0x0, 0x0)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/time/format.go:430 +0xf2*Logger).msg2bytes(0xc820082380, 0xc82000b560, 0x29, 0xe7791f700, 0x0, 0x5a43c0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	d:/my_dropbox/Dropbox/program/projects/go_library/src/ +0xec*Logger).start.func1(0xc820082380)
	d:/my_dropbox/Dropbox/program/projects/go_library/src/ +0x80f
created by*Logger).start
	d:/my_dropbox/Dropbox/program/projects/go_library/src/ +0x35

goroutine 9 [select, locked to thread]:
runtime.gopark(0x46bfe8, 0xc820029728, 0x3cd670, 0x6, 0x18, 0x2)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/runtime/proc.go:185 +0x163
runtime.selectgoImpl(0xc820029728, 0x0, 0x18)
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/runtime/select.go:392 +0xa64
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/runtime/select.go:212 +0x12
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/runtime/signal1_unix.go:227 +0x323
	D:/my_dev_tools/golang/go1.5.2/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1721 +0x1

goroutine 10 [chan receive]:
	d:/my_dropbox/Dropbox/program/projects/go_library/src/ +0x68
created by main.catchSignal
	d:/my_dropbox/Dropbox/program/projects/go_library/src/ +0x242

Add a License

This project doesn't have a license yet. Can you please add one?

MIT, Apache or something as unrestrictive as possible (as far as it works with the licenses of the dependencies, of course) would be great to have :)

URL for 404 page should return status 404

The 404 (and 401) error page should be "hidden" from sight. This means returning a 404 when someone requests the real URL. Say I run something lik this:

ran -r www/ -404=/404.html

a) A request to /nonexistent renders content of 404.html and returns a status code of 404.
b) A request to /404.html renders the same page, but with a status code of 200.

The second use case should return a status code of 404, as this file should not be addressable directly. When using nginx, I usually use a location block with the keyword internal to force a 404.

Inetd support

Can you have option for running from inetd in wait mode?

no such file or directory

I'm not exactly sure why yet but I'm getting a 500 here:

2015-10-04 20:20:59.943920 INFO: System: Ran is running on port 8080
2015-10-04 20:21:04.479125 INFO: Access #ac01f8959d04: [Status: 200] [Host: localhost:8080] [IP:] [Method: GET] [URL: /] [Referer: ] [UA: XXX] [Size: 1039] [Time: 6.094ms] [Compression: gzip]
2015-10-04 20:21:06.635230 INFO: Access #9092dd72e70d: [Status: 200] [Host: localhost:8080] [IP:] [Method: GET] [URL: /Serien/] [Referer: http://localhost:8080/] [UA: XXX] [Size: 724] [Time: 0.720ms] [Compression: gzip]
2015-10-04 20:21:07.766762 INFO: Access #5f397c73db0e: [Status: 200] [Host: localhost:8080] [IP:] [Method: GET] [URL: /Serien/The%20Big%20Bang%20Theory/] [Referer: http://localhost:8080/Serien/] [UA: XXX] [Size: 553] [Time: 0.576ms] [Compression: gzip]
2015-10-04 20:21:08.710824 ERROR: #959b9b5b784d: stat /home/max/Videos/Serien/The%20Big%20Bang%20Theory: no such file or directory
2015-10-04 20:21:08.710917 INFO: Access #959b9b5b784d: [Status: 500] [Host: localhost:8080] [IP:] [Method: GET] [URL: /Serien/The%20Big%20Bang%20Theory/The%20Big%20Bang%20Theory%20-%20S5/] [Referer: http://localhost:8080/Serien/The%20Big%20Bang%20Theory/] [UA: XXX] [Size: 131] [Time: 0.681ms] [Compression: gzip]

This is the directory structure:

❯ tree -L 1 Serien/The\ Big\ Bang\ Theory     
Serien/The Big Bang Theory
├── The Big Bang Theory - S5
│   └── ...files...
└── The Big Bang Theory - S6
    └── ...files...

2 directories, 0 files

Can't install due bad dependency

This happens on install:

$ go get -u
D:\IT\Go\src\\m3ng9i\ran\server\server.go:199: undefined: "".BasicAuth

support using kernel assigned (random) port

In some cases, knowing that a port will available is difficult.
Rather than guessing, it would be good to allow '--port=0' to let the kernel pick a port and have ran use that.

conveying the port to a consumer would be helpful but not entirely necessary. then you could do something like:

ran --port=0 my.dir > my.log 2>&1 &
while [ -z "$url" ];  do
  url=$(awk '$0 ~ /Listening on/ { print $7}' my.log)
echo "listening on $url"

Server Overloading .... (Vulnerable to tiny DoS attacks)

hey ... everything is okay but ...
first of all: binary listening on all interface, please add option for change this. i can change this from source code but its nicer to have a option for doing this.

and more important: server overloading when clients establishing to many connections, cpu goes on 100% and load average above 5 on single core server :|
please add option to limit number of client connections and clients request/per-time

Doesn't work on Heroku


I wanted to replace my own tiny GO Http server with ran. Unfortunately, I can't get it working on heroku. Ran works nicely on my local Ubuntu 20.04 machine. I found two problems, the first one I could help myself and the second one is still unresolved.

Problem 1: ran doesn't work in an alpine container. I needed to recompile the sources with the command line

CGO_ENABLED=0 go build .

Problem 2: now that this new ran binary works in an alpine container, I deployed it to Heroku, but I get the following log messages:

heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `/ran -r /web -p \$\{PORT\} -b`
app[web.1]: 2020-07-15 17:52:27.117366 INFO: System: Ran is running on HTTP port 5101
app[web.1]: 2020-07-15 17:52:27.117370 INFO: System: Listening on
heroku[web.1]: Error R10 (Boot timeout) -> Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 60 seconds of launch
heroku[web.1]: Stopping process with SIGKILL
eroku[web.1]: Process exited with status 137

My Dockerfile is as follows:

FROM alpine
COPY ran/ran /ran
COPY dist /web
ENTRYPOINT [ "/ran", "-r", "/web", "-p", "${PORT}", "-b", "" ]

The ${PORT} is neccessary, because Heroku is setting this env var each time to a different port number.

I know that it's important to use "" instead of "localhost" and you have to use the given port. Both settings are correct from my point of view.

Do you have an idea, why Heroku can't access ran?

Best regards

Official docker image

A scratch docker image containing the binary would be easier to use ran with docker-compose.

Print URL to console

System: Ran is running on HTTP port 8080

It would be useful if the app printed a URL to console when the server starts, so you can copy-and-paste it to your web browser. Some terminals (gnome-terminal I know) even hyperlink URLs.

Listening on
Listening on

404 with special characters in URL

OS: Linux (Ubuntu 18.04)

Some of my files have special characters like ' or ". Files and directories with these special characters display the 404 page instead of the file.

-p 选项只有排在第一位时才会生效。


D:\Download\SS>Ran.exe -v
Version: v0.1.3, Branch: master, Build: ff83877, Build time: 2016-08-08 18:43 +0800

D:\Download\SS>Ran.exe -l ture -p 80
2016-12-27 08:56:42.789341 INFO: System: Ran is running on HTTP port 8080
2016-12-27 08:56:42.792345 INFO: System: Listening on
2016-12-27 08:56:42.792345 INFO: System: Listening on
2016-12-27 08:56:43.647785 INFO: System: Catch signal: interrupt, Ran is going to shutdown

D:\Download\SS>Ran.exe -p 80 -l ture
2016-12-27 08:56:59.462496 INFO: System: Ran is running on HTTP port 80
2016-12-27 08:56:59.465500 INFO: System: Listening on
2016-12-27 08:56:59.465500 INFO: System: Listening on
2016-12-27 08:57:01.997015 INFO: System: Catch signal: interrupt, Ran is going to shutdown

Directory Traversal Vulnerability

The server will serve files outside the specified root.

Version: v0.1.5
OS: Windows 10
Binary: Precompiled Windows x64 v0.1.5 downloaded on the release pages

Steps to reproduce on Windows (did not test any other OS):

  1. Download precompiled binary and extract
  2. Create folder C:\htdocs
  3. Start ran with ".\ran_windows_amd64.exe -root=C:\htdocs"
  4. Run "wget\..\..\Windows\win.ini" (does not work in browsers, they will clean the URL first)

When using -listdir=true its also possible to browse folders and navigate around.

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