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ships_and_bugs's Introduction

Environment and shipping drive eDNA beta-diversity among commercial ports

Part of MEC-22-0945.R1. Pre-print with linked final manuscript version available at BioRxiv with doi: 10.1101/2021.10.07.463538. Please refer to the published manuscript for a full list of available digital resources associated with this manuscript. This file was created by Paul Czechowski on 2-Feb-2023. For questions email [email protected] or the authors listed on the published manuscript.


Spread of non-indigenous species by shipping is a large and growing global problem that harms coastal ecosystems and economies and may blur coastal biogeographic patterns. This study coupled eukaryotic environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding with dissimilarity regression to test the hypothesis that ship-borne species spread homogenizes port communities and to evaluate alternative ship-born species transport risk metrics to aid policy and management. We first collected and metabarcoded water samples from ports in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. We then calculated community dissimilarities between port pairs and tested for effects of environmental dissimilarity, biogeographic region, and four alternative measures of ship-borne species transport risk. We predicted that higher shipping between ports would decrease community dissimilarity, that shipping’s effect would be small compared to that of environment dissimilarity and shared biogeography, and that more complex shipping risk metrics (which account for ballast water and stepping-stone spread) would perform better. Consistent with our hypotheses, community similarities significantly increased with environmental dissimilarity and, to a lesser extent, decreased with ship-borne species transport risks, particularly if the ports had similar environments and stepping-stone risks were considered. Unexpectedly, we found no clear effect of shared biogeography and that ballast risk metrics did not offer more explanatory power than simpler traffic-based risks. Overall, we found that shipping homogenizes eukaryotic communities between ports in predictable ways, demonstrating the usefulness of eDNA metabarcoding and dissimilarity regression for disentangling the drivers of large-scale biodiversity patterns. We conclude by outlining logistical considerations and recommendations for future studies using this approach.

Key Words: metabarcoding, eDNA, shipping, ports, dissimilarity analysis, 18S


  • This folder contained scripts for the Qiime-based conversion of eDNA sequence data into tables suitable for analysis.

  • This folder was created 24.01.2018 by copying folder /Users/paul/Documents/CU_Pearl_Harbour. Folder was and last updated 23.03.2018. The GitHub and Transport folders are version tracked, and they are copies from earlier repositories.

  • This folder was used to combine all project data from individual runs. Sequence runs are processed individually until the denoising step and then merged here.

Analysis Progress Notes

24.01.2018 - creating and adjusted folder structure and contents

  • removed unneeded files from previous analysis
  • adjusted pathnames in work scripts: find /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github -name '*.sh' -exec sed -i 's|CU_Pearl_Harbour|CU_combined|g' {} \;
  • adjusted pathnames in transport scripts: find /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Transport -name '*.sh' -exec sed -i 's|CU_Pearl_Harbour|CU_combined|g' {} \;
  • copy manifest files from Adelaide, Singapore data cp ~/Documents/CU_inter_intra/Zenodo/Manifest/05_manifest_local.txt ~/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/05_manifest_ADL_SNG_CHC.txt
  • adjusted manifest files
    • 05_manifest_local.txt includes paths to all fastq files (PH, CG, SH)
    • 05_metadata.tsv is draft version only (PH, CG, SH)
    • 05_barcode.tsv contains PH info only, likely not needed soon.
  • getting files to local:
    • creating dir mkdir -p /Users/paul/Sequences/Raw/180111_CU_Lodge_lab/
    • copy files from remote rsync -avzuin [email protected]:/home/pc683/Sequences/180109_M01032_0565_000000000-BHB4G/demultiplexed/ /Users/paul/Sequences/Raw/180111_CU_Lodge_lab
  • adjusted and running import script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • tried adapter trimming on local
    • / > ../Zenodo/Qiime/042_cutlog.txt
    • throws error - move all to cluster - hopefully only low RAM error * copying files to cluster: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Transport/ * Chicago reads are "improperly paired" on cluster - deleted files on workdir


  • altered manifest file to pint to unmerged data, sorted for 18S primer
    • merged data pointed to: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_inter_intra/Zenodo/Fastq/030_trimmed_18S/
    • unmerged data now referenced: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_inter_intra/Zenodo/Fastq/010_sorted/sorted_18S/
    • re-ran ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • re-ran ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • CH00-0301_62_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz throws error again. Creating backup copy (.bak) and re-run 2 scripts from above, without incorporating Chicago reads.
    • cutadapt running successfully when Chicago data is excluded for the time being.


  • split 05_manifest_local in three to allow importing and denoising on a per-run basis as recommended.
  • doing the same for 05_metadata_??.tsv
  • renaming 05_barcode.tsv to 05_barcode_PH.tsv, others don't have barcode file
  • adjusted and running to process individual runs.
  • adjusted and running to process individual runs.


  • erased files created by, as this is failing
  • creating manifest and .tsv metadata file for Singapore Yacht Club
  • CH, SPW, SPY manifest files point to trimmed 18S data at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_inter_intra/Zenodo/Fastq/030_trimmed_18S
  • re-trimming input data of /Users/paul/Documents/CU_inter_intra/, primers need to be removed


  • still re-trimming input data of /Users/paul/Documents/CU_inter_intra/, primers need to be removed
  • this is done on machine cbsumm22, check of other project folder!


  • primer trimming completed successfully for CU_inter_intra


  • updated manifests, scripts 40 and 42, reset execution bits to run-ready scripts
  • import has to be done locally, PH data is difficult to move over to cluster
  • running - merging is done after demultiplexing
  • FMT tutorial workflow ( is:
    • qiime demux summarize
    • qiime dada2 denoise-single (used PE option instead)
    • qiime feature-table merge
    • qiime feature-table merge-seqs
  • running
    • Singapore Yacht Club with (almost) no data -- excluding these
    • Chicago only with very few data -- including these
  • running - may not be necessary for combining but keeping dummy file
    • still failing for Chicago - excluding in next run
    • still failing for Singapore - excluding in next run
    • still working for Pearl Harbour - using and copying file from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_Pearl_Harbour/Zenodo/Qiime/040_18S_paired-end-import.qza
  • checking demultiplexed quality scores via
    • all visualisations going through ok (CH, SPW, PH )
    • PH data poor quality compared to SPW and CH - need better filtering in earlier steps
  • pushing to cluster via script 200 (Overwrite remote)
  • running denoising script 60... on clsuter for CH, PH, SPW
  • files generated on cluster belong to root?
  • CH files are very small - processing error?


  • denoising finished - next time de-noise only for the necessary data, don't unnecessarily redo
  • pulled files to local - created and run
  • created and ran
  • created and ran
    • in current repset there are still 145 forward primers and 345 reverse primers, these need to get cleaned out in next iteration
  • created to clean primer remnants from set of representative sequences. This can also be used to clean repset by blast using Qiime 1 features as per
  • there are still 3' adapter in there, which could be removed? I am setting -n 2 in cutadapt for a second pass. I don't think the matches are random, is is improbable. Makes few (20?) sequences very short (~50 bp)
  • created and ran (copy for filtered data)
  • adjusted and running
  • adjusted and running
  • script 110 complains because underscores of sample names needed to be removed for script 65
    • putting underscores back in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata.tsv as per error dump
    • re-run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ to undo this
    • to include more sequences sampling frequency is set from median 6,964 to 1st quartile 847 (PH way more data)
    • metadate a bit dodgy unsurprisingly * training classifier with script 120, running script 130.

26.02.2018 - re-running combination with reprocessed data.

  • current samples include:
    • data of Singapore, Adelaide, Chicago, sourced from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH
    • data of Pearl Harbor, sourced from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH
    • data will be included via manifest files and metadate files linkedin at
  • ran,,
  • running with one iteration of cutadapt - 3.8% adapter remnants was not too bad
  • running,, and all others until script 140_show_classification.
  • metadata file merge was buggy
    • added line breaks to all isolated manifest files
    • add rearranged order of input array in script 65
    • re-ran ./ && ./ && ./

16.03.2018 - getting rid of COI data and re-running

  • according to YY COI reads can be removed using COI primers:
  • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • now filtering (in the correct orientation - checked) - 18S and COI reads
    • erasing all old output past this acript in folder Qiime
  • re-running scripts starting from script 085..., using 11626 sequences at cut-off (CH-34-23)
    • ran script 90..(alignment), 95... (alignment masking), 100... (tree building), 110... (core metrics)
    • re-training classifier after removal of COI reads (in script 120...)
    • classify reads using script 130...
    • showing classification using script 140...

19.03.2018 - Clustering and Network trials - some tweaks and analysis start after meeting

  • filtering alignment and feature table, expanding and re-running script ./100_ and thereafter (./110...,./140...) - do I need to re-filter the rep-sets after masking alignment? I could not solve this. Posted on Qiime forum.
  • Clustering at different thresholds in script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • Created and ran cluster classification script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • Started and ran (for Cytoscape import and Qiime 1)

20.03.2018 - Clustering and Network trials - network file generation

  • implemented and
  • loading files into Cytoscape 3.6.
    • filtering for OTUs more then one degree (6 max for 6 ports): ca. 10 discovered via network filter and collapsing ports
    • see /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Cytoscape/180320_540_18S_097_cl_q1bnetw_shared_nodes.csv, filtered TRUE
    • via grep "true" see /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Cytoscape/180320_540_18S_097_cl_q1bnetw_shared_nodes_isolated.csv
    • samples still contain control samples which will need to be filtered out
  • updated /Users/paul/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170724_internal_meetings/180326_cu_group_meeting/


  • expanded Scratch folder structure to hold scripts 500... to 540... at a later stage
  • copied to in order to start filtering (also copied output files and changed names)
  • started script 220...: filtering should run (untested so far!), but grouping is not yet implemented (changed execution flags of scripts and committed)
  • pipeline idea
    • moving superflous scripts to Scratch: mv 5??_* ../Scratch/Shell/
    • new workflow:
      • - get clusters of different similarities
      • - separate eDNA and control samples
      • - get a preliminary taxonomic ID via SILVA database - sample inspection to be bolted in here
      • - get eDNA tables for R and Qiime 1 (.biom format):
      • (Qiime 1) - create Cytoscape network files (in which ports can be collapsed)
      • (Qiime 1) - collapse clusters for blasting, alternatively collapse using R or network output
      • (Qiime 1) - get Blast IDs for eDNA tables (from .biom format)
    • analysis and Display items
      • in Cytoscape (Display Item 1)
        • overlap analysis
        • feature visualisation (must and should match R Euler diagrams)
      • in R (Display Item 2 and 3):
        • overlap analysis in Euler diagrams
        • testing of Overlap Matrix versus Risk Matrix
      • blasting and (contamination inspection) - Display Item 4 (and 5)
  • adjusted and ran successfully
  • set x bits and committed


  • wrote and running classification script 220....


  • improved classification script 220..., filenames set correctly now.
  • started to work on scrip 230... and ran it.
  • updated script list


  • started to work on scripts 240..., 250.. and 270... and ran and ran them.
  • Blasting script 270 could be implemented in Python or employ parallel to be faster.


  • Blasting failed on local - not enough memory?
  • Extending Blast script to work on cluster
  • Commit and move to cluster
  • on cluster - overwrite was needed - old data was still on cluster
  • copied over nt db to scratch
  • checked script 270... and trying - blasting script working - addeing taxlookup to script
  • adding download of taxonomy database to ncbi install script (in Transport folder)
  • taxdb looup doesn't work properly - email Qi? - changing wierd characters for proper "" and testing again - working now
  • blasting on cluster correctly, including taxonomy ID


  • blasting done 1:48 in the morning on 16 cores - copying out - chacelling reservation 88900 after 47 hours


  • wrote and ran script 260...
  • started preliminary Cytoscape network
    • Cytoscape 3.6
    • importing Edge Table files as network files
    • importing Node and other files as attribute tables
    • running Compound Spring Embedder (COSE) layout

10.03.2018 - Cytoscape network testing

  • collapsing ports, starting with Pearl Harbour
  • edit Node Type for collapsed groups and set colours
  • save style 180410_18S and 180410_18S_0 in style file 180410_18S_style.xml
  • map node size to OTU abundance, save style file again
  • set zoom to 200% (2117 x 1133 px)
  • set Abundance size mapping approximately 8.7 to 30
  • defining filter 180410_18S_overlap_filter, saving as same file, here selecting 666 higher degree nodes
  • saving group of selected OTUS with name higher_degree
  • colouring higher_degree notes red via bypassing fill colour in Node options - image exported
  • trying Edge weighted force directed Layout

11.03.2018 - Cytoscape

  • Cytoscape
    • saving new layout as 180411_270_18S_97.cys
    • inverting filter on network, erasing 1-degree nodes and saving as 180411_270_18S_97_subnet.cys
    • exporting image as 180409_18S_97_eDNA.png
  • Analysis design as per talk
    • Display Item 1 in Cytoscape functional
      • feature visualisation (must and should match R Euler diagrams)
      • number of one-degree nodes and higher degree nodes (e.g. 675) - via table export and count
  • Display Item 2 and 3 via R:
    • overlap analysis in Euler diagrams *functional
    • testing of Overlap Matrix versus Risk Matrix PENDING
  • Display Item 4 (and 5) via Qiime 1 (and Qiime 2)
    • blasting functional
    • and contamination inspection) PENDING
  • Display Item 6 (and 7) (for talk only
    • maps of all routes and analysed routes PENDING

12.04.2018 - Blast output to dedicated directory - R scripting

  • moving results of script 270... there (Blast instead of Qiime)
  • starting R scripting:
    • Euler graphs, creating /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_functions.R
    • to contain function, creating /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_euler.R
    • Eulerr script is working - overlap numbers showing ok.
      • needs prettying up, possibly

16.04.2018 - R scripting

  • copied over sample selection script to use with data feed in

17.04.2018 - R scripting - Shell scripting

  • finished permutation test design /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_permutation_test_design.R
    • need to be evaluated by Giles Hooker
    • can be sped up
    • committed repository
    • needs data feed in
  • started on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/600_matrix_comparison.R
    • imports and format Unifrac matrix fine
    • needs properly formatted Risk matrix
      • risk matrix needs to be expanded
      • would benefit from (some) possible script-backtracking (also for maps later)
  • worked on data feed-in
    • ./ (writing to folders 245....)
      • calls diversity core-metrics-phylogenetic of Qiime 2
      • produces all plots and importantly Unifrac matrices
      • for data-feed-in to R Unifrac matrices are quick-and-dirty exported to script target directory
      • control files are processed as well, but there are likely no usable results in those folders
  • copied /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_10_gather_predictor_tables.R from /Users/paul/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170912_code_r/170830_10_cleanup_tables.R
    • input and output locations adjusted as well as .Rdata files in Zenodo/R_Objects`

18.04.2018 - R scripting

  • test-rendered: 500_10_gather_predictor_tables.R - reading / writing ok but using old storage files.
  • test-rendered: 500_20_get_predictor_euklidian_distances.pdf - reading / writing ok but using old storage files. Copy of /Users/paul/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170912_code_r/170901_20_calculate_distances.R.
  • duplicating /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_select_samples_SCRATCH.R and renaming
    • for risk matrix creation (upper half of script): /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_30_get_predictor_risk_matrix.R
    • foo maps and table creation (lower half of script): /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get maps_and_tables.R

19.04.2018 - R scripting

  • improved stats test script after meeting Giles Hooker (and rendered it).
  • filled /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get maps_and_tables.R with lower half of original code, now only for mapping.
  • renamed /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get maps_and_tables.R to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get maps.R
  • got a working /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_30_get_predictor_risk_matrix.R which writes three files (as documented in script) to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects.
    • last output file to be used by: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get maps.R
    • second output file to be used by /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/600_matrix_comparison.R
  • commit 8bffcbaaadb7267fbcefa9895aab186c1dbbebd6 - /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_30_get_predictor_risk_matrix.R does not yield enough TRIPS to re-calculate environmental matrix

24.04.2018 - R scripting

  • working on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_30_get_predictor_risk_matrix.R
    • renamed to 500_30_shape_matrices.R
    • outputs for all port pairs: matrix with environmental distances 500_30_shape_matrices__output__mat_env_dist_full.Rdata
    • outputs for all port pairs: matrix with new invasion risks 500_30_shape_matrices__output__mat_risks_full.Rdata
    • outputs for all port pairs: matrix with TRIPS variable 500_30_shape_matrices__output_mat_trips_full.Rdata
    • predictor data for mapping script ... /CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output_predictor_data.Rdata
    • script was re-rendered
    • updated todo in this file
    • committed everthing

25.04.2018 - R scripting

  • bug chase - discovered 25.04.2018 - debug route data not congruent between matrix and table
    • in 500_30_shape_matrices__output_predictor_data.Rdata - test matrix shows route between ADL 3110 and SINGAPORE 1165
    • in 500_40_get_maps.R tibble srout - does not show route between ADL 3110 and SINGAPORE 1165 - why?
    • in 500_40_get_maps.R needs to be included into sampled ports smpld_PID
    • was desired function.
    • in 500_40_get_maps.R - added ports for which re-processing from old project data was accomplished. This list will not grow so this is a (possibly shaky) solution. The proper (?) alternative may be to add these samples to src_heap$INVE$PORTvia the input file in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_10_gather_predictor_tables.R.
  • completed mapping script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get_maps.R - writes to DI... folders above Zenodo - committed
  • adjusted script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_00_permutation_test_design.R - NAs removed from vectorized matrices - committed
  • adjusted script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_50_matrix_comparison_uni_env.R - committed
  • adjusted script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_60_matrix_comparison_uni_rsk.R - need more then 2 routes - committed

26.04.2018 - R scripting

  • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_70_matrix_comparison_uni_prd.R
  • permutation test is moved to functions script
  • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_check_taxonomy.R

01.05.2018 - new data availaible

  • commit
  • creating backup copy of this repository which is to be deleted later: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined_BUP
  • continue work in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined

02.05.2018 - R scripting while new data is being processed

  • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_check_taxonomy.R now generating a list output BUT SEE ISSUES
  • renaming 550_euler.R to 550_80_euler.R
  • renaming 550_check_taxonomy.Rto 550_90_check_taxonomy.R
  • re-render and commit
  • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_35_shape_overlap_matrices.R using Euller code - creates Kulczynski distances from OTU overlap at ports - script generates tabel and can be further expnded
  • moved superseded 550_80_euler.R to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/R
  • updated issues
  • commit

03.05.2018 - data addition and shell scripting

  • new data is available in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_US_ports_a , check that project
  • adjusted and running (marked green):
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusted and running on cluster after commit (marked purple):
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • running on cluster ok, continuing on cluster:
    • running ./ - needs to be repeated see below
    • ommiting
    • running
      • [Errno 28] - No space left on device
      • defining TMPDIR="/workdir/pc683/tmp/" in command line - no luck
      • defining TMPDIR="/workdir/pc683/tmp/" in script 130 - no luck - no luck
      • omitting
      • omitting
    • running adjusted - moving to local
      • won't accept Zenodo/Qiime/100_18S_merged_tab.qza - features without tree tips removed and not matching with seq file anymore (?)
      • possible solution: using Zenodo/Qiime/080_18S_merged_tab.qz or filtering sequence table by feature table 100
      • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ to generate /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/100_18S_merged_seq.qza, the latter being 1 MB larger then the input file - metadata / Qiime 2 magic (?)
      • adjusted to use
        • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/100_18S_merged_seq.qza
        • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/100_18S_merged_tab.qza
        • not using /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/080_18S_merged_seq.qza anymore
        • test run on local - ok - updating cluster
        • update with errors - 110_18S_coremetrics has root permissions
        • restting cluster
      • running adjusted ./ (with newly filtered seqfile 100) - uneccessary - script is not using sequence file (phew)
    • running adjusted - seems to be running ok now
    • running adjusted / - ran ok
    • copying to local for next steps
    • creating /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ to inspect filtered results, comparing
      • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_sum_feat_tab.qzv
      • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/085_18S_sum_feat_tab.qzv
      • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_sum_repr_seq.qzv
      • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/085_18S_sum_repr_seq.qzv
      • seems to be all good
    • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • commit and daisy chain both script above overnight - last backup before startin 19:29 - 5 minutes ago

04.05.2018 - data addition and shell scripting

  • running adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • visualisation qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/140_18S_taxvis_merged/visualization.qzv
  • ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • not running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ and
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ and
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ are now reading taxonomy straight from
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/130_18S_taxonomy.qza (unclustered raw taxonomic assignments)
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • commit and move to cluster to run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • USE UPDATE FOR NEXT CLUSTER PULL pulling back to local, blast results to be included later

07.05.2018 - R script running

  • pulled all files off cluster after BLAST completed yesterday
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_35_shape_overlap_matrices.R
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get_maps.R
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_90_check_taxonomy.R
  • composed /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ to generate 2d PCoA plots

08.05.2018 - R scripting - implementing Mantel tests

  • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_mantel_comparison_uni_prd.R as copy of /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_70_matrix_comparison_uni_prd.R
  • moved /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_60_matrix_comparison_uni_rsk.R to scratch

10.05.2018 - R scripting - implementing mixed effect model during the last days

  • check commit history - this change to the README is committed as well and marks the pre-conference stage
  • played around for hours - git reset hard - everything rendered with result as in talk - committed 10.05.2018 - ca. 21:00 - also backup

10.07.2018 - organisation

  • undo these steps by using a backup 10 Jul 2018 between 01:00 and 10:00 o'clock.
  • copying this folder "/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined" to "180124-180510__CU_combined", locking, for later compression and moving to "/Users/paul/Archive/Cornell_superseeded_analyses"
  • continuing to work on this folder

20.07.2018 - organisation and preparation for Fort Collins

  • commit current repository (11:14)
  • installing Qiime 2018.6 - updating conda

31.07.2018 - check after data migration to SSD

  • updated R and packages
  • checked commit history - seem all good

02.08.2018 - coding of species accumulation curves

  • species accumulation curves encoded in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_33_draw_otus_per_sample.R
  • 18S data does not seem to reach plateau - needs to be filtered for metazoans - or establish that UNIFRAC distance is independant

31.08.2018 - change of mapping code

  • see commnets therein
  • code in script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get_maps.R was adjusted for David
  • code and dependencies were copied to /Users/paul/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170728_external_presentations/180910_neobiota

25.09.2018 - preparation for Argentina

* postponing Arctic data import, only correct Singapore, clean code, get new display items, make compatible with rarefaction test
* needs backtracking to `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH`, moving there. 

28.09.2018 - preparation for Argentina

* see `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH` for current progress of redenoising
   * takes very long and may not finish in time
   * attempting to rename old data of current dir as described in ``
* for renaming of samples copied `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata.tsv` to `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata_for_rename.tsv`
* adding column `SIDnew` to metadata files with sample ids from recently corrected individual files at `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/180925_port_coordinates.csv`
* resetting all execution flags on shell scripts (`chmod -x *`)
* creating `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/`
* renaming to `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/`
* skipping re-running of all shell scripts before `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/`, and marking related Qiime output grey - all these files have wrong sample ids for Singapore.
* ran successfully `140_show_classification`
* modified `150_cluster_sequences` from `` and ran successfully
   * 7488396 nt in 22225 seqs, min 185, max 459, avg 337 
   * Clusters: 13540 Size min 1, max 136, avg 1.6
   * Singletons: 10224, 46.0% of seqs, 75.5% of clusters
* renaming old data fails with clustering step, since this requires pulling seq id's matching sampl'id's which have been altered
* possible work around:
   * try script 135 with new debugging plot that crashed today at work end.
   * use `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata.tsv` with old data files in scripts `140...`, `150...`, use script `135...`, then use script `160...`, `170...`. Committing now, continuing denoising as fall-back. 

*01.10.2018 - denoising finished yesterday on 24 core cluster

* also check `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Github/`
* adjusted and ran `/`
* renamed metadata file `mv ../Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata_for_rename.tsv ../Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata.tsv` and kept only new sample ids
* adjusted and ran `./`
* now running clustering early, as script `085...`
   * 7108026 nt in 21106 seqs, min 195, max 459, avg 337
   * Clusters: 13135 Size min 1, max 131, avg 1.6
   * Singletons: 9984, 47.3% of seqs, 76.0% of clusters
* running cluster classification script (`115...`) on 40 core cluster (here)
* 10x speed increase(?)
* tested `qiime2r` on Github but decided to stick with adjusted shell solution: `./155...`
* committed script folder for tomorrows R run

*02.10.2018 - R scripting

* adjusted and running `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/`
* adjusted and running `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/`
* last backup 11:21, 12:05 erasing old output files in
   * `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime`
   * running `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour.R` and saving results (`Results`) and files `R_Objects`
* checking scripts and `Rdata` files of:
   * `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_10_gather_predictor_tables.R`
   * `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_20_get_predictor_euklidian_distances.R`
* adjusted and running `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/505_80_mixed_effect_model.R`
* moving to scratch `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_mixed_effect_model.R`
* committing after running modeling
* moved more files to `Scratch`: 
    * `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_35_shape_overlap_matrices.R`
    * `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_50_matrix_comparison_uni_env.R`
    * `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_70_matrix_comparison_uni_prd.R`
* committing after running modeling again.

*03.10.2018 - R scripting

  • updated map with newly adjusted mapping script - lot of crap and clutter in there needs to be simplified - saved map - path might still be wonky (output file names)
  • erased blast results, moved all unused scripts to scratch

*15.01.2019 - Happy New Year - R scripting

  • attempting implementation of marine realms as suggested by DL and noted in
    • Costello, M. J., Tsai, P., Wong, P. S., Cheung, A. K. L., Basher, Z. and Chaudhary, C. (2017) “Marine biogeographic realms and species endemicity,” Nature Communications. Springer US, 8(1), p. 1057. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01121-2.
    • modifying /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/505_80_mixed_effect_model.R accordingly
    • commenting old code out
    • changes done, no change to results for preliminary set of ports, committing repository

01.03.2019 - quick correction

  • accidentally messed around with classifier files, copied out and back in from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_mock/Zenodo/Classifier

06.03.2019 - prepare for improved final data set

  • goals
    • use adequate merging procedure, and check merging
    • use improved classification blast+ with settings obtained from CU_mock
    • use qiime 2018-11 throughout, as this is the version available on cluster
      • 25.03.2019: using qiime 2019.1 for clustering and beyond, clustering doesn't work with qiime 2018-11?
    • use and Sanger reference data (and later, further streamlined classification if necessary)
    • check for batch effects using extra column in mapping files
  • this will take some time, and be work over a couple of days at least
  • for these repositories available to date:
    • CU_Pearl_Harbour - denoising on cluster (08.03.2019)
    • CU_RT_AN - obtained from cluster (08.03.2019)
    • CU_SP_AD_CH - partly denoised (11.03.2019)
    • CU_US_ports_a - not started yet (08.03.2019)
  • do this in each repository
    • re-import using qiime 2018.11
    • trim adapters as previously
    • re-merge data with less stringent trimming settings
  • once done:
    • re-estimate classification parameters with CU_mock/
    • re-run CU_cmbd_rf_test/
    • re-run CU_combined
    • analyse CU_combined * saved compressed copy of /Users/paul/Archive/Cornell_superseeded_analyses/ prior to modifying repository * created and executed file to commit all data handling scripts at once: /Users/paul/Documents/ * created and executed file to commit all transport scripts at once: /Users/paul/Documents/

07.03.2019 - starting re-merging of individual data sets

  • starting with repository CU_Pearl_Harbour as described therein
    • next time add adapter reference to Fastqc script call
    • updated adapter cutadapt trimming code - newly trimmed pre-denoised data saved locally
  • starting with repository CU_RT_AN as described therein
    • updated adapter cutadapt trimming code - newly trimmed pre-denoised data saved locally

08.03.2019 - starting re-merging of individual data sets

  • denoising still running for CU_Pearl_Harbour
  • denoising finished for CU_RT_AN
    • retrieved files - merging statistics better - denoising was finished very quick though
  • starting with repository CU_SP_AD_CH as described therein

09.03.2019 - setting up merge of next repositories

  • merging and denoising went ok according to graphic for CU_Pearl_Harbour and CU_RT_AN
  • denoising was very quick for CU_RT_AN
  • repository CU_SP_AD_CH is ready for denoise and merge, commit all repositories locally (then added gnuplot code)

11.03.2019 - setting up merge of next repositories

  • repository CU_SP_AD_CH is still denoising - now finished
  • opening CU_US_ports_a script files for edit
  • obtained CU_SP_AD_CH from cluster and checked merging - ok
  • CU_US_ports_a is last to be re-merged and denoied
  • committing all repositories, refreshing CU_US_ports_a on cluster before starting to work on it
  • CU_US_ports_a currently denoising on cluster

20.03.2019 - preparing data merging, incl. manifests

  • checking, adjusted, and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok

21.03.2019 - continuing data combination

  • revising mapping files to encode for run origin, creating mapping file for last run (from sample sheets)
    • encode for sequencing run - ok
    • check coordinates - check thoroughly for CU_RT_AN only so far
    • check Singapore sample naming - ok
    • check for consistency - ok: Location column can be added to all tables as done in Adelaide data, this column is only in the xlsx sheets for now, for Adelaide, and only there
  • revised and saved Pearl Harbour metadata
    • with columns SampleID, BarcodeSequence, LinkerPrimerSequence, Port,Type,Temp,Sali,Lati,Long,Run,Facility,CollYear
    • re-created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_Pearl_Harbour/Zenodo/Manifest/05_metadata.xlsx, and
    • overwrote /Users/paul/Documents/CU_Pearl_Harbour/Zenodo/Manifest/05_metadata.tsv (use this one)
    • updated

22.03.2019 - continuing data combination

  • created and saved mapping file for CU_RT_AN data
    • file path is /Users/paul/Documents/CU_RT_AN/Zenodo/Manifest/10_18S_mapping_file_10410623.xlsx, and
    • file path is /Users/paul/Documents/CU_RT_AN/Zenodo/Manifest/10_18S_mapping_file_10410623.tsv (use this one)
    • updated /Users/paul/Documents/CU_RT_AN/Github/
  • revising metadata for data set CU_SP_AD_CH
    • revising and checking data for Chicago - ok
      • use /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_34.xlsx- as source file,
      • use /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_34.tsv - for script
    • revising and checking data for Adleaide - ok
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_29.xlsx - this file includes sub-locations
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_29.tsv - this file does not include sub-locations
    • revising and checking for Singapore - ok
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_26.xlsx - as source file
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_26.tsv - for script
  • revising metadata for data set CU_US_ports_a
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_US_ports_a/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata.xlsx - as source file
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_US_ports_a/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata.tsv - for script

25.03.2019 - continuing preliminary data combination and analysis

  • checking, adjusted, and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ -
  • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_US_ports_a/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata.tsv
  • created backup copy /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata.xlsx
  • commit after running script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • installing qiime2-2019.1 as clustering fails, doesn't change anything, script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ is buggy
  • testing whether script ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ is buggy - yes - possible cause
  • logical error? - filters only COI reads with adapter, but remnants stay in file, with results in crash during clustering ?
  • using untrimmed files in script ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ that may contain COI?
  • NO: back to inherited data for better cleanup - please check /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Github/
  • commit

27.03.2019 - preparing data combination after re-cleaning of inherited data

  • mock data available and can be used
    • copying reference data to project directory for inclusion of Sanger Sequences
      • cp /Users/paul/Sequences/References/SILVA_128_QIIME_release/rep_set/rep_set_18S_only/99/99_otus_18S.fasta \ /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/References/Silva128_extract/99_otus_18S.fasta
      • cp /Users/paul/Sequences/References/SILVA_128_QIIME_release/taxonomy/18S_only/99/majority_taxonomy_7_levels.txt \ /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/References/Silva128_extract/majority_taxonomy_7_levels.txt
    • copying Sanger data to project directory:
      • cp "/Users/paul/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170926_mock_communities/190326_checked_mock_sequences_degapped.fasta" \ /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/References/190326_checked_mock_sequences_degapped.fasta
    • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/References/Silva128_extract_extended/*:
      • using md5 sum (md5 -s) of fasta sequence to tie together taxonomy and sequence
      • taxonomy from NCBI
      • finished incluions of mock in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/References/Silva128_extract_extended/99_otus_18S.fasta
      • finished inclusion of tax strings from NCBI to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/References/Silva128_extract_extended/majority_taxonomy_7_levels.txt
  • denoising finished for CU_SP_AD_CH - needs attention - commit README before return - next
    • review all metadata files
    • export
    • commit
    • re-combine data and files
  • starting revision of metadata files - introducing Location column, but accepting unused inconsistent salinity values
    • revised /Users/paul/Documents/CU_Pearl_Harbour/Zenodo/Manifest/05_metadata.xlsx - not yet exported
    • revised /Users/paul/Documents/CU_RT_AN/Zenodo/Manifest/10_18S_mapping_file_10410623.xlsx - not yest exported
    • revised /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_26.xlsx - not yet exported
    • revised /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_29.xlsx - not yet exported
    • revised /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_34.xlsx - not yet exported
    • revised /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_35.xlsx although currently unneeded - not yet exported

28.03.2019 - preparing data combination after re-cleaning of inherited data

  • continuing revision of metadata files - introducing Location column, but accepting unused inconsistent salinity values
    • revised /Users/paul/Documents/CU_US_ports_a/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata.xlsx- not yet exported
    • exporting tsv of above files check for consistency after merging!
  • exporting files via open -a "Microsoft Excel" check for consistency after merging!
    • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_Pearl_Harbour/Zenodo/Manifest/05_metadata.tsv
    • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_RT_AN/Zenodo/Manifest/10_18S_mapping_file_10410623.tsv
    • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_26.tsv
    • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_29.tsv
    • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_34.tsv
    • erasing unneeded /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Zenodo/Manifest/005_metadata_35.tsv - recreate if necessary
    • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_US_ports_a/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata.tsv
  • committing all directories centrally to commit all up-to-date READMEs
  • switching to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusted, committing and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/065_18S_merged_seq.qza hash: 2c5ddd2d41d3b1a5c196350dfb1127fa
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/065_18S_merged_tab.qza hash: 66ab218cfa3c7b29db4641b9e485a0ad
  • adjusted, committing and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • checking for consistency and resorting /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata.tsv (b43365a014d7ac27ea712520e54aca78)
  • sorted file is /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata_checked.tsv (c1ca7209941aa96ee9ce9f843b629f98)
    • ND indices missing
    • salinity values inconsistent
  • adjusted running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok, commit
    • checking manually qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/075_18S_sum_feat_tab.qzv
    • checking manually qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/075_18S_sum_repr_seq.qzv - see this file for stats!
    • exporting fasta /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/075_18S_sum_repr_seq.fasta.gz (cc624f993c7f95d408bc15e625662d53), noting hash in Geneious import - available in Geneious
  • omitting /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ and moving to Scratch
  • checking and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/085_18S_097_cl_tab.qza - 18b4968f20536432d90294216f9024cc
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/085_18S_097_cl_seq.qza - 4ed466d51ad85d28c9af126595fc5675
  • checking and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/085_18S_097_cl_seq.qzv
    • exporting fasta, also to Geneious /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/085_18S_097_cl_seq.fasta.gz -ef53e1defcc4b8883f99d94b5b3a23c0
    • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_097_cl_tab.qzv - see this file for stats!
  • commit for cluster round-trip, committed after those actions (and even more checking)
    • checking /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - cluster execution pending
    • checking /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ cluster execution pending
    • checking /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - cluster execution pending
  • daisy chaining scripts - results pending (after corrections)
  • tree builing running using raxml optimized for speed - meanwhile
    • sync to local - later only update
    • compress full alignment(s) - for masked and unmasked
      • available now on local: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_097_cl_seq_algn.fasta.gz - d9489844d01d3f56b2f8e5c82e82a9d8
      • available now on local: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/100_18S_097_cl_seq_algn.fasta.gz - 23537c11b0709f3d88295a7636d029e1
    • get hash value(s) - for masked and unmasked - ok
    • in Geneious inspect masked and unmasked - pending
    • restart tree building after raxml crashed - modified script on local for iqtree - syncing up - starting - waiting... .. running with warning on full 18S alignment.. check end of logfile! ...
      • keep in mind cool command watch -n3 tail -"$(($LINES-6))" foo.txt
  • later (Friday)
    • check tree with all 18S sequences
    • decide if should be run only on metazoans - probably yes - then:
      • sync home adjust script for cluster - classify reads - tree builing etc - reapeat

29.03.2019 - working with metazoan data to get results for Washington DC

  • tree calculation ongoing on cluster cbsumm05: **update only, don't commit until finished, do not tocuh scripts,, **
  • aborted as per Jose - todays plan
    • sync to local - ok
    • erase output files - ok
    • establish new script order - ok
    • assigning taxonomy to unaligned sequences, using extende SILVA db - working on it
    • build second tree parallel - will be done
  • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - pushing to cluster and running -
    • reference data extract: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_Silva128_Qiime_sequence_import.qza - 57b8fb7dc5cb40401e2a94e3e5bd1cdc
    • reference data extract: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_Silva128_Qiime_taxonomy_import.qza - fd28a68633a22bc57f3b4e1c3527398d
  • on cluster: taxonomy is running:
    • in taxonomy assignemnt script blast can't be multithreaded
    • needed to use vsaecrh - needs to be evaluated later & commited once back at local
  • while classification is running, revised:
  • while classification is running, revised:
  • classification crashed due to mis-formated reference data - inserting tabs in reference data files - restart

02.04.2019 - restarting classification with properly formatted reference data

  • on local, commit and check, upload to cluster and restart classification
  • using script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • downloaded results to local and cancelled reservationm
  • adjusted and attempting to run after commit - ok
  • ran - ok

03.04.2019 - inspect files - export for R import

  • adjust and run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
    • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_097_cl_cntrl_barplot.qzv - ok (huge)
    • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_097_cl_cntrl_barplot.qzv
    • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_097_cl_edna_barplot.qzv - ok (huge)
  • manually exporting metazoan sequences to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_097_cl_metzn_seq.fasta.gz - 8f3cdcd2ca1b7c4cfb9b6d262e0be744
  • testing alignment in Geneious incl. 50% masking - ok (check for hash 8f3cdcd2ca1b7c4cfb9b6d262e0be744)
  • ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • manually exporting and checking in Geneious /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/110_18S_097_cl_metzn_seq_algn.fasta.gz - 91ebd48b842f34feaaa5e800845da8b8
  • ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • manually exporting and checking in Geneious /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/110_18S_097_cl_metzn_seq_algn_masked.fasta.gz - cdf8cc437665e1e8767a13c88ebc1963
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - pending
    • manually check tree:
    • export (and un-nest)qiime tools export --input-path /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/115_18S_097_cl_tree_mid.qza --output-path /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/115_18S_097_cl_tree_mid.nwk
    • get hash md5 /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/115_18S_097_cl_tree_mid.nwk- 03f5934a0467b5b1b6809925c5d31ef4
    • tree 03f5934a0467b5b1b6809925c5d31ef4 imported to Geneious - not yet prefect
  • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • checking sampling depth of qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_097_cl_metzn_tab.qzv
    • settling on 2500 seqs, excluding Buenos Aires and others, but keeping at least 4 samples per port
    • for exported screenshot /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Items/190403_rarefaction_depth.png
    • "Retained 467,500 (7.35%) sequences in 187 (78.57%) samples at the specifed sampling depth."
    • commit and run
  • for interpretation using unweighted unifrac measure:
    • as per
    • low count OTU's would be most important
    • saved video as /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Items/
  • adjusted and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok, after some fighting, needed to add more explicit commands
  • later - ready to run R scripts

04.04.2019 - starting to work on R scripts

  • adjust and run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour.R
    • data files at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects are kept for now but most are outdated and will be overwritten - check file dates
    • overwriting /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour_10k_results_list.Rdata
    • bootstrapping started, executed until lien 429 - ok
    • limit result plotting to less then ~350 port pairs later - ok - rendered results as .pdf:
      • see /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Items/190404_500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour__means.pdf
      • see: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Items/190404_500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour__mad.pdf
    • save results files as .Rdata - ok /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour_10k_results_list.Rdata
    • commit - check date, should be 4.4.2019 - some corrections after .pdf rendering - see /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Documentation/500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour.pdf
    • check and commit repository /Users/paul/Documents/CU_cmbd_rf_test - ok
    • tick off todo list if possible - ok

05.04.2019 - starting to work on R scripts

  • in 500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour.R:
    • matrix "lumping" of different sample pair Unifrac distances now done using median and not mean
    • check 1st commit 05.05.2019 - in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour.R done in function get_distance_matrix_means_current_port_matrix_at_sample_count
    • check 2nd commit 05.05.2019 - in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_00_functions.Rdone in function fill_collapsed_responses_matrix
    • re-running analyses 500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour - pending
    • saving display items - pending
    • re-rendering output - ok
      • old image shows more smoothing due to averages - /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Items/190404_500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour_via_means_mad_(old).pdf
      • new image is more realistic - keeping it this way - /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Items/190405_500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour_via_medians_mad.pdf
    • commit

08.04.2019 - , included rarefaction analysis, continued to work on R scripts

  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - test ok
  • committed
  • starting full analysis using default values for now - pending
  • can't call
  • Qiime forum post posted - corrected in script - redoing with mant more metrics
  • continue with R scripts:
    • check /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour.R
      • modified for rendering, loading old results, rendered to .pdf, committed.
    • check /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_10_gather_predictor_tables.R
      • run, understood, output saved, rendered to .pdf, committed.
      • checking open -a "Microsoft Excel" "/Users/paul/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170727_port_information/170901_Keller_2010_suppl/DDI_696_sm_TableS3.xlsx"
    • check /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_20_get_predictor_euklidian_distances.R
    • run, not quite understood (matrix returned as vector?), output saved, rendered to .pdf, committed.
    • checking hashes of in- and output files
      • checking MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_20_get_predictor_euklidian_distances__output_old.Rdata) = 203ebd759029b1a317c158106afa2c9f
      • checking MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_20_get_predictor_euklidian_distances__output.Rdata) = 203ebd759029b1a317c158106afa2c9f - erasing old file
      • checking MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_20_get_predictor_euklidian_distances_dimnames__output_old.Rdata) = 3fd6a5310a4a49243ed08ea06cef7d9a
      • checking MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_20_get_predictor_euklidian_distances_dimnames__output.Rdata) = 3fd6a5310a4a49243ed08ea06cef7d9a - erasing old file
      • checking MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output__mat_env_dist_full_old.Rdata) = 5af9364e806e3547dcd8c09d507d3360
      • checking MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output__mat_env_dist_full.Rdata) = 8c1fe801414f3d4d98e5b4fc0bd1d350 - keeping old file
    • check /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_30_shape_matrices.R
      • run understood (matrix formatted to matrix here)
      • getting first two characters of lines in mapping file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata_checked.tsv
      • cut -c 1-2 /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata_checked.tsv | sort | uniq
      • getting port IDs manually from
        • open -a "Microsoft Excel" "/Users/paul/Dropbox/NSF NIS-WRAPS Data/raw data for Mandana/PlacesFile_updated_Aug2017.xlsx"
        • updated port IDs by manual lookup in this script, use also for later
        • for model use /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output_predictor_data.Rdata"
        • probably used for sample sorting earlier /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output__mat_risks_full.Rdata"
        • checking test matrix
          • using `open -a "Microsoft Excel" "/Users/paul/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170727_port_information/160318_57_connected_ports_DERIVATIVE.xlsx"
          • using > # 6 * 2 routes expected for Long Beach // Miami // Houston // Baltimore > mat_trips[c("7597","2331","4899","854"), c("7597","2331","4899","854")] 7597 2331 4899 854 7597 NA 93 11 26 2331 93 NA 429 287 4899 11 429 NA 75 854 26 287 75 NA
        • 7597a2331 in Excel file should be 93 - ok
        • 2331a854 in Excel file should be 287 - ok
        • 4899a7597 in Excel file should be 11 - ok - phew.
      • checking hashes - keeping old files
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output__mat_risks_full_old.Rdata) = 6814d3ba1037f7207db2e28dedef27f2
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output_mat_trips_full_old.Rdata) = 2c45dfa6251ed1003412e34e3364438e
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output_predictor_data_old.Rdata) = 458da23823a94d7010c31d33b6cec39a
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output__mat_risks_full.Rdata) = 33bf6915c32ba6bc8c283a2a015ba34c
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output_mat_trips_full.Rdata) = 2e63d866dc4f7a1011a399ed2f40e1d0
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output_predictor_data.Rdata) = 3c07b79451199a2cdd3840c9fe24e72a
  • continue manuscript and /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get_maps.R

09.04.2019 - continue to work on R scripts

  • restarted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ requesting less parameters (after crash)
  • starting to revise /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/505_80_mixed_effect_model.R
    • error - Rotterdam not included in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_30_shape_matrices.R
      • re run and re-render /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_30_shape_matrices.R
      • hashes (no changes - only added to test samples):
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output_predictor_data.Rdata) = 3c07b79451199a2cdd3840c9fe24e72a
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output_mat_trips_full.Rdata) = 2e63d866dc4f7a1011a399ed2f40e1d0
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output__mat_risks_full.Rdata) = 33bf6915c32ba6bc8c283a2a015ba34c
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects/500_30_shape_matrices__output__mat_env_dist_full.Rdata) = 8c1fe801414f3d4d98e5b4fc0bd1d350
    • continue with adding ecoregions as per Costello - commit
    • finished - inconclusive - render R scripts
    • saving main model output to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/505_80_mixed_effect_model__model_output.pdf
  • moving R renders to Results folder via /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/* still throws errors - use new metadata?
  • commit
  • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_00_functions.R changing matrix lumping back to mean - commit
  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/505_80_mixed_effect_model.R
  • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_00_functions.R changing matrix lumping back to median - commit
  • finished successfully /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • results inconclusive - back to drawing board
    • (include data currently on the sequencer - 2 ports)
    • improve taxonomic classification by means of iterating a analysis concerning the mock samples - we need more then half the data assigned with at least some deeper taxonomy
    • improve alignment
    • improve tree calculation
    • re-run Mixed effect Model on Voyage counts (although I do not think this will improve much)
    • include HON adjacency values from Mandana instead of trips.

10.04.2019 get hashes of DB files - for test in CU_mock today

  • consistent with CU_mock: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/References/Silva128_extract_extended/99_otus_18S.fasta 05c54da004175a5f6220f5f4439f8a8d
  • consistent with CU_mock: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/References/Silva128_extract_extended/majority_taxonomy_7_levels.txt 7c765f8a740c07def24922c1ef8cee20
  • check classification
    • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_097_cl_cntrl_barplot.qzv
    • iime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_097_cl_edna_barplot.qzv
    • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_097_cl_metzn_barplot.qzv
    • created images
      • controls - unassigned and found reference sequences
        • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/190410_controls_clustered_level-7-bars.svg
        • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/190410_controls_clustered_level-7-legend.svg
      • eDNA - unassigned and found metazoans
        • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/190410_metazoans_clustered_level-4-bars.svg
        • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/190410_metazoans_clustered_level-4-legend.svg
      • metazoans - unassigned and 5 most common phyla - ecluding the most abundant group of copepods
        • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/190410_metazoans_clustered_level-5-bars.svg
        • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/190410_metazoans_clustered_level-5-legend.svg
    • committing to save README

11.04.2019 manual inspection

  • exporting (and viewing) data for manual inspection - files are likely edited manually
    • qiime tools export --input-path /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_097_cl_seq_taxonomic_assigmnets.qza --output-path /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_097_cl_seq_taxonomic_assigmnets
    • qiime tools export --input-path /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/100_18S_097_cl_metzn_seq.qza --output-path /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/100_18S_097_cl_metzn_seq
    • qiime tools export --input-path /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/100_18S_097_cl_metzn_tab.qza --output-path /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/100_18S_097_cl_metzn_tab
    • biom convert -i /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/100_18S_097_cl_metzn_tab/feature-table.biom -o /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/100_18S_097_cl_metzn_tab/feature-table.from_biom_w_taxonomy.txt --to-tsv --header-key taxonomy
    • qiime tools view ../Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_097_cl_metzn_tab.qzv
    • qiime tools view ../Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_097_cl_metzn_seq.qzv
  • from now on use Vsearch parameters as established today in CU_mock with qiime 2019.1.
  • if possible include include new data denoised with Qiime 2018-11 for consistency

12.04.2019 - break

  • returning to analysis re-iteration once all data from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_WL_GH_ZEE is included - committed

17.04.2019 - data from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_WL_GH_ZEE ready to be included - see commit history and README there

  • adjusted and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - committed afterwards
  • adjusted and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok.
    • raw file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata_preliminary.tsv
      • hashes to 1a18bd7bfd966c2438a92a76830b09b2
      • check mapping file manually
    • in revised file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/06_18S_merged_metadata.tsv
      • with hash 42968ca85ed88b695eafff5d16ef8f2
      • erased salinity and temperature values
      • place names have underscores, not minuses (in case soem shell work is required)
      • added column RID for with two letter abbreviations for R, if needed later
  • adjusted and run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • omitting clustering and summarizing again, may be done later
    • mv /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/Shell/
    • mv /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/Shell/
  • adjusted and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • use extended reference data - ok
    • use assignment as established in CU_mock - ok
    • checking and committing transport scripts
    • commit
    • upload to cluster and run
    • files arrived on cluster - possibly need to change some comments in assigmnet script - commit once local again
    • started tax assignment on cluster - committed on cluster - results pending
  • evening - remotely
    • tax assignment was completed after 3 hours on 64 cores - pull to macmini via remote - continue with filtering, alignmnet etc.

18.04.2019 - sample filtering, alignment, tree - see pictures of todays meeting

  • creating /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • isolate project features and sequences
    • isolate Arctic features and sequences (for spin-offs)
  • creating /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • isolate control features
    • isolate eDNA samples
  • creating /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • as collaborators want clustering done, as well
    • filtering is buggy
  • next
    • plot intermediate results by todays scripts using /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • improve filtering so that clustering can be run
    • finalize /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • improving approach
    • resetting x- flags
    • script order is now (path in script are adjusted)
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • creating initial summary script with /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • taxonomy assignment failed - error in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • commit
    • erasing all files in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime
    • correcting /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • keeping /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • and thus /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/06_18S_merged_metadata.tsv
  • ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • no need to run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - not yet run
  • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - not yet run
  • next:
    • commit - move to cluster - order and update scripts
  • on cluster executing /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
    • per /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/075_18S_denoised_seq_taxonomy_assignment.txt:
    • Matching query sequences: 12035 of 28383 (42.40%)
  • pulled to local
  • adjusted and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/080_18S_denoised_tax_vis.qzv
  • adjusted and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusted and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusted and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • now running - check for counts the following files - done
      • less /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_log_090_cl.txt
      • less /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_log_097_cl.txt
      • less /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_log_099_cl.txt
  • started on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • complicated committed draft stage - commit a03dbe93d6c5481b7ae1857961d8435aa8cad691
    • completed - filters unclustered and all clustered and control data by three taxa
    • many output files (n = 2 x 6 x 3 = 36)- can be identified by *100*.qza
    • ran successfully - commit 30e489568b7e2cbca6cf8d2c2bd9fb152eda3375
  • drafted on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • commit e8e377aed57b84047b38fc42ef7b494c79ecf03
    • many output files (n = 3 x 6 x 3 = 54 for sequence, table, and barplot visualisation)- can be identified by *105*vis.qzv
    • commit 8e25e3a3498cf964608d51af64e201e1e722fde
  • corrected file call in script 100, re-ran scripts 100 and 105, commit de1b3276efa59a4d415ef759514584b76ae649d

20.04.2019 - alignment, tree - see pictures of Thursday's meeting

  • drafted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • drafted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • drafted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • commit 3e65c33034b323273f964508cd192cd974f5f183
  • tested scripts with subset (restricted through find query) - seem to be working - commit 223fbfd54311024500b01bf75bf5dcb5b23246a8
  • widened script scope (through find query) - commit - uploading to cluster for daisy chaining
  • return pending - on cluster:
    • calling ./ && ./ && ./
    • do overwrite local home afterwards (and then reorder script names a local home)
    • check logfiles - Unassigned sequences could not be put in in masked alignments

21.04.2019 - tree calculation ongoing

  • on cluster - tree calculation takes very long -
  • after aligning and masking restricted scope of files entering tree calculation to only consider eDNA samples at various taxonomic levesls - otherwise takes too long - also tree of controls isn't necessary
  • *Update, and not overwrite local home
  • preparing results meeting
    • preparing script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ to export Qiime alignment files to fasta - ok
      • for sanity getting has values of current fasta exports
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_eDNA_samples_seq_099_cl_100_Metazoans_110_alignment_115_masked.fasta) = 602b651222bf83dc0c0c02a100011bfe
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_eDNA_samples_seq_099_cl_100_Eukaryotes_110_alignment_115_masked.fasta) = 9988767dff0346f1a7d810737ff47ee4
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_eDNA_samples_seq_097_cl_100_Metazoans_110_alignment_115_masked.fasta) = f77b69b7062bdcafbd99c2bc7c847f23
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_eDNA_samples_seq_097_cl_100_Eukaryotes_110_alignment_115_masked.fasta) = 782cae00f1f386ba02ef6affc54ef8ce
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_eDNA_samples_seq_090_cl_100_Metazoans_110_alignment_115_masked.fasta) = a95791ecbab2bc03f68dbee4f6047dfe
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_eDNA_samples_seq_090_cl_100_Eukaryotes_110_alignment_115_masked.fasta) = 827653882d29bd2013359a6037d07d76
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_eDNA_samples_seq_100_Metazoans_110_alignment_115_masked.fasta) = 74021e7b165190ec1f18c76d522b470e
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_eDNA_samples_seq_100_Eukaryotes_110_alignment_115_masked.fasta) = 1aa1ad4c034176e8a71324f90b755343
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_controls_seq_100_Metazoans_110_alignment_115_masked.fasta) = 5c8b479a6c95007134c3f43b7446bbe7
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_controls_seq_100_Eukaryotes_110_alignment_115_masked.fasta) = d1e1507bdb9e68cb8d76411d02529afc
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/085_18S_all_samples_seq_100_Metazoans_110_alignment_115_masked.fasta) = bb3766df4edbf2a1f8156518e7dfc30e
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/085_18S_all_samples_seq_100_Eukaryotes_110_alignment_115_masked.fasta) = 070f203376c1b70a8654dc78e99b1dd9
    • prepare command line for plot inspection - ok
    • sync to laptop and adjust paths (not shown here) - ok
  • tree calculation crashed crashed - see both logfiles
  • next:
    • trouble-shoot tree calculation
    • generate Unifrac graphs
    • prepare rarefaction curves
  • commit


  • after meeting, next steps:
    • get better taxonomy assignment treshhold via unclustered sequences
      • doing this in different repository now
      • doing alter after coming back
        • repeat taxonomic analysis with more the one treshhold as determined
        • get better alignment
        • trouble-shoot tree calculation
        • generate Unifrac graphs
        • prepare rarefaction curves
        • get modelling framework
  • committed repository


  • in addition to what is noted yesterday, perhaps revise naming conventions to maintain consecutive script numbers
    • see also Users/paul/Documents/CU_tx_test/Github/ (commit 05513af98dea68b4556ef072f8217acdee89ca46)


  • latest backup before the following changes is /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/macmini/2019-05-06-144701
  • in setting --p-perc-identity from 0.97 to 0.86 as per ~/Documents/CU_tx_test/Github/
  • redoing taxonomic classification with new settings
    • keeping backup copy until next talk with Jose: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/
    • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime erasing all files with script numbers 075 or higher
    • after local commit uploading to cluster to run ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ and subsequent scripts
    • return pending
      • files arrived on cluster
      • on cluster running updated
      • needed to restart after adjusted parameter from 0.86 to 0.875 so as to match CU_tx_test
      • commit once on local

07.05.2019 - continuing to re-run pipeline on cluster

  • running - ok
  • running - ok
  • running - ok
  • running - ok
  • running - ok
  • running - ok
  • running - ok
  • running - ok
  • running
  • todo next
    • filter out non-metazoan Eukaryotes
    • create distance matrices
    • create PCoA plot with Bray Curtis
  • removing files generated after
    • rm *100_Unassigned*
    • rm *100_Eukaryotes*
    • rm *100_Metazoans*
  • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ with additional filtering - committed
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ with additional filtering - working
  • updated flags and script order adjust all scripts for which x-flags are unset - committed
  • daisy chaining all scripts on local (starting 22:57 overnight):
    • ./ && ./ abort due to power outage
    • continue at ./ && ./ && ./

08.05.2019 - continuing to re-run pipeline on cluster

  • removed update flags in Transport overwrite scripts
  • pushing data to cluster, on cluster running ./ && ./ && ./ - pending
  • on local adjusted update on pull - ok
    • tree calculation script
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ logically correct but crashed last time
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - FastTree used for better parallel execution
    • rarefaction script - needs tree
      • started /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • updated tree calculation scripts arrived on cluster - commit - overwrite on pull - ok
  • synced masked alignments and masked alignments exports to local - commit - sync to cluster
  • running tree calculation on cluster - pending
  • todo afterwards
    • susbet tables to features in trees
    • rarefaction

09.05.2019 - continuing to re-develop pipeline

  • Note: Naming conventions change - prepending script number again, instead of appending.
  • touched /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • touched /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • starting to draft /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • reading in sequence files
    • reading in trees
    • reading in feature tables
    • omitting filtering alignments and masked alignments as those are not needed downstream.
    • done - very complicated but running
  • ran successfully /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • starting to draft /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusted and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/

10.05.2019 - continuing to re-develop pipeline

  • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • depth is manually set to 10000 as per qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/128_18S_eDNA_samples_100_Metazoans_features.qzv
    • for later scripts adjusted as required using rarefaction plots.
  • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • check feature table visualizations created by /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • depth setting 50000 for Eukaryotes to the total exclusion of Chicago.
      • depth setting 3000 for Metazoans to the total exclusion of Haines.
      • depth setting 500 for Unassigned to the total exclusion of Chicago.
      • depth setting 50000 for Non-Metazoan Eukaryotes to the total exclusion of Chicago.
  • commit (c93e204112c60f53e6bdc9465a1dd20d8b537f86) and run.
  • syntax corrections and re-run of 0c21fd1bf061036971198e52519e65ddaef82e4c
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ (check log files for warnings) and
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - finish pending
  • commit 0c21fd1bf061036971198e52519e65ddaef82e4c

13.05.2019 - continuing to re-develop pipeline

  • wrote, corrected, and ran successfully /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • wrote, and ran successfully /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - committed

14.05.2019 - continuing to re-develop pipeline

  • adjusted, and ran successfully /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - committed
  • wrote, and run successfully /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/150_parse_otu_tables.R\

15.05.2019 - continuing to re-develop pipeline

  • wrote and ran successfully /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • wrote and ran successfully /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/

15.05.2019 - preparing talk(s) for next weeks project meeting

  • adjusted slightly and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get_maps.R
  • started working on file /Users/paul/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170724_internal_meetings/190516_meeting_Ithaca/

16.05.2019 - preparing talk(s) for next weeks project meeting

  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - wasn't exporting trees
  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - wasn't exporting trees
  • to check unfiltered files creating and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • to create summary of raw counts and eDNA counts using:
    •      --m-sample-metadata-file "/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/06_18S_merged_metadata.tsv" \
           --i-table /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/085_18S_all_samples_tab.qza \
           --o-visualization /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/085_18S_all_samples_tab_vis.qzv```
    •      --m-sample-metadata-file "/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/06_18S_merged_metadata.tsv" \
           --i-table /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_eDNA_samples_tab.qza \
           --o-visualization /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_vis.qzv```
  • started /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/160_parse_otu_tables_phyloseq.R - unfinished - commit 5353db8fc326a9670eeb1c37627b2ca88597612b

20.05.2019 - preparing talk(s) for this weeks project meeting

  • modified /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/160_parse_otu_tables_phyloseq.R - simple bar plot
  • continued to work on /Users/paul/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170724_internal_meetings/190516_meeting_Ithaca/
  • worked on FON
    • running and rendering /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_10_gather_predictor_tables.R - no manual handling necessary
    • running and rendering /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_20_get_predictor_euklidian_distances.R - no manual handling necessary
    • running and rendering /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_30_shape_matrices.R - no manual handling necessary
    • running and rendering /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_30_shape_matrices.R - no manual handling necessary
    • running and rendering /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get_maps.R - manual port lookup necessary
    • exporting UNIFRAC matrix for R ingestion qiime tools export --input-path /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/135_18S_eDNA_samples_100_Metazoans_core_metrics/unweighted_unifrac_distance_matrix.qza --output-path /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/135_18S_eDNA_samples_100_Metazoans_core_metrics/190520_unweighted_unifrac_distance_matrix.txt
    • running and rendering /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/505_80_mixed_effect_model.R - manual port lookup necessary - no significant changes
      • 24 Ports in Unifrac Matrix are PH SW SY AD CH BT HN HT LB MI AW BA CB NA NO OK PL PM RC RT VN GH WL ZB
      • added comment to ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour.R - conflation still based on median, should be mean
      • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_00_functions.R function fill_collapsed_responses_matrix used mean again for matrix conflation
  • starting to work on HON
    • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/510_85_hon_model.R
    • copying Mandana's data over:
      • cp "/Users/paul/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/190208_hon_data/"* "/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors"
      • data is assymetrical - both lower and upper halves need to be kept
    • adding function fill_collapsed_responses_matrix_full to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_00_functions.R which doesn't half matrices
    • code in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/510_85_hon_model.R is draft stage and needs thorough re-coding
    • commit

21.05.2019 - meeting - working on Macbook Pro

  • created copies of modeling script - check names
  • starting to adjust FON modeling script for eukaryotes
    • file is /Users/paulczechowski/Documents/CU_combined/Github/505_80_mixed_effect_model.R
    • 24 Ports in UNIFRAC Matrix should be PH SW SY AD CH BT HN HT LB MI AW BA CB NA NO OK PL PM RC RT VN GH WL ZB
    • exporting UNIFRAC matrix for R ingestion qiime tools export --input-path /Users/paulczechowski/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/135_18S_eDNA_samples_100_Eukaryotes_core_metrics/unweighted_unifrac_distance_matrix.qza --output-path /Users/paulczechowski/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/135_18S_eDNA_samples_100_Eukaryotes_core_metrics/unweighted_unifrac_distance_matrix
    • modelling on Eukaryotes improves model
    • model is presumed to become more then slightly significant if HON network is incorporated
    • but, check effect of random UNIFRAC data
  • starting to adjust HON modeling script for eukaryotes
    • /Users/paulczechowski/Documents/CU_combined/Github/510_85_hon_model.R
    • results preliminary
  • slides in /Users/paulczechowski/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170724_internal_meetings/190516_meeting_Ithaca/
    • have UNIFRAC PCoA and reafaction curves of metazoan data
    • have simple random effect model based on Eukaryotes
    • modelling script both have eukaryotes included, but / and check for filnames and read in sections
    • commit

28.05.2019 - starting final pipeline revision

  • compressing backup copy for later deletion /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/
  • erasing older files in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime
  • loading qiime2-2019.4
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted flags and commit
  • implementing control data subtraction via /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • running manually qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_controls_tab.qzv
    • exporting lower frequency table: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_controls_features.csv
    • converting: echo "feature-id frequency" | cat - /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_controls_features.csv | tr "," "\\t" > /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_controls_features.tsv
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • comparing counts before and after control removal via
    • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_preliminary_eDNA_samples_tab.qzv
    • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/105_18S_eDNA_samples_tab.qzv
  • commit for today

29.05.2019 - continuing final pipeline revision

  • adjusted script numbers
  • adjusted, committing, and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted, committing, and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted, committing, and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • opening for adjustments /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok

30.05.2019 - continuing final pipeline revision

  • adjusted, and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - pending
  • updated file script order and committed
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusting for cluster usage /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • commit and upload to cluster
  • on cluster running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - aborted

31.05.2019 - continuing final pipeline revision

  • need to rearrange pipeline to account for sequence removal after tree building
  • adjusting script order and erasing superflous files, and commit - ok.
  • update todo
  • adjusted and ran: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted, commit, and running on cluster: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - not run
    • run depending on rarefaction results
    • set rarefaction depth per curves and visualisations in files beginning with number 120
      • Unassigned - 650 - Retained 102,700 (12.37%) features in 158 (67.23%) samples at the specifed sampling depth.
      • Metazoans - 3500 - Retained 731,500 (9.88%) features in 209 (82.61%) samples at the specified sampling depth.
      • Eukaryotes - 75000 - Retained 11,250,000 (39.55%) features in 150 (59.29%) samples at the specifed sampling depth.
      • Eukaryote-non-metazoans - 50000 - Retained 6,100,000 (29.00%) features in 122 (48.22%) samples at the specifed sampling depth.
  • adjusted and run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted and run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok

01.06.2019 - continuing final pipeline revision

  • adjusted and run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted and run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted and run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • finished running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • next: check results, run core metrics and next rarefaction script - commit
  • adjusted for cluster run ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • commit, upload to cluster, and running - return pending

03.06.2019 - continuing final pipeline revision

  • pulled results from cluster of ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusting rarefaction depths
    • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • set rarefaction depths - checking 120_*.qzv
        • Unassigned - 650 - Retained 102,700 (12.37%) features in 158 (67.23%) samples at the specifed sampling depth - ok
        • Eukaryotes - 65000 - Retained 11,245,000 (39.53%) features in 173 (68.38%) samples at the specifed sampling depth. - ok
        • Eukaryote-non-metazoans - 40000 - Retained 6,320,000 (30.04%) features in 158 (62.45%) samples at the specifed sampling depth. - ok
        • Metazoans - 3500 - Retained 731,500 (9.88%) features in 209 (82.61%) samples at the specified sampling depth. - ok
    • and /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • set rarefaction depths - checking 165_*.qzv - seems to be identical to above - all features are also tree tip identifiers?
        • Unassigned - 650 - Retained 102,700 (12.37%) features in 158 (67.23%) samples at the specifed sampling depth. - ok
        • Eukaryotes - 65000 - Retained 11,245,000 (39.53%) features in 173 (68.38%) samples at the specifed sampling depth - ok
        • Eukaryote-non-metazoans - Retained 6,320,000 (30.04%) features in 158 (62.45%) samples at the specifed sampling depth. - ok
        • Metazoans - 3500 - Retained 731,500 (9.88%) features in 209 (82.61%) samples at the specifed sampling depth - ok
    • compare numbers of Eukaryotic sequences:
      • unfiltered: 17586 - qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/120_18S_eDNA_samples_seq_Eukaryotes.qzv
      • alignment: 17586 - gzcat /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/145_18S_eDNA_samples_seq_Eukaryotes_alignment_masked.fasta.gz | grep ">" | wc
      • filtered: 17586 - qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/165_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_sequences_tree-matched.qzv.
    • run core metric scripts
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok - but throws warnings check logfiles
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok - but throws warnings check logfiles
  • commit d20641079f14bac850428f46f4470b367e18d360
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • commit 36030bd3351e065fc41ad51720ad46af03dfac6a
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
    • exports both tree-filtered and tree-unfiltered Jacquard results
  • commit c18c35ba6aedcca6e4531b2b944a8a2ffaac297d

05.06.2019 - checking distance matrices and starting modelling

  • PCOA of distance matrices
    • non-phylogenetic, clustered: qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/130_18S_eDNA_samples_clustered90_Eukaryotes_core_metrics_non_phylogenetic/jaccard_emperor.qzv
    • phylogenetic, unclustered: qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/170_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_core_metrics/unweighted_unifrac_emperor.qzv
  • distance matrices for R import
    • non-phylogenetic, clustered: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/190_18S_eDNA_samples_clustered90_Eukaryotes_core_metrics_non_phylogenetic_JAQUARD_distance_artefacts/190_jaccard_distance_matrix.tsv
    • phylogenetic, unclustered: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/185_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_unweighted_UNIFRAC_distance_artefacts/185_unweighted_unifrac_distance_matrix.tsv
  • sorting scripts and commit

06.06.2019 - working on FON of unweighted UNIFRAC and Jacquard indices

  • running and rendering /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_10_gather_predictor_tables.R - no manual handling necessary
  • running and rendering /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_20_get_predictor_euklidian_distances.R - no manual handling necessary
  • running and rendering /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_30_shape_matrices.R - no manual handling necessary
  • currently commented out with UNIFRAC matrix of unclustered data ran and rendered /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/505_80_mixed_effect_model.R - Env dist not significant - model significant
    • 23 Ports in Unifrac Matrix are PH SW SY AD BT HN HT LB MI AW CB HS NA NO OK PL PM RC RT VN GH WL ZB
  • currently commented in with JAQUARD matrix of 90% clustered data ran and rendered /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/505_80_mixed_effect_model.R - JAQUARD dist not significant - model not significant
    • 23 Ports in Jacquard Matrix are PH SW SY AD BT HN HT LB MI AW CB HS NA NO OK PL PM RC RT VN GH WL ZB
  • commit

07.06.2019 - adding data sets with more inclusive clustering threshold (possibly still marked in purple in finder view)

  • saving compresses copy of project folder to /Users/paul/Documents/ - erased already.
  • adjusting files to skip readily available analyses:
    • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
    • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
    • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
    • adjusted but did not yet run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - run pending
    • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
    • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • minimal data set available for modelling juts trials:
    • Jacquard matrix of 87% clustered Eukaryote data
    • include in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_mixed_effect_model.R:
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/190_18S_eDNA_samples_clustered87_Eukaryotes_core_metrics_non_phylogenetic_JAQUARD_distance_artefacts/190_jaccard_distance_matrix.tsv
      • and deemed unnecessary - keeping files but ignoring them
  • commit
  • To brainstorm overlap analysis:
    • Trying Procrustes analysis to transform UNIFRAC and Jacquard matrices:
      • careful with folders
        • data set are both matching respective trees - not necessarily the same as in modelling script
          • because data need to be congruent for Procrustes test
          • because need not to be congruent in modelling script see 31.05.2019 (- but in fact are see 03.06.2019)
        • clustering as currently read-in in modelling script:
    qiime diversity procrustes-analysis \
      --i-reference /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/170_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_core_metrics/unweighted_unifrac_pcoa_results.qza \
      --i-other /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/170_eDNA_samples_clustered99_Eukaryotes_core_metrics/jaccard_pcoa_results.qza \
      --p-dimensions 5 \
      --o-transformed-reference /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/170_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_core_metrics/unweighted_unifrac_pcoa_results_transformed.qza \
      --o-transformed-other /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/170_eDNA_samples_clustered99_Eukaryotes_core_metrics/jaccard_pcoa_results_transformed.qza \
    qiime emperor procrustes-plot \
      --i-reference-pcoa /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/170_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_core_metrics/unweighted_unifrac_pcoa_results_transformed.qza \
      --i-other-pcoa /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/170_eDNA_samples_clustered99_Eukaryotes_core_metrics/jaccard_pcoa_results.qza \
      --m-metadata-file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/06_18S_merged_metadata.tsv \
      --p-no-ignore-missing-samples \
      --o-visualization /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/190607_eukaryotes_asv_unifrac_vs_99otu_jaccquard_distanace_matrices.qzv \
  • kept sorted matrices but erased visualization file
  • To brainstorm overlap analysis::
    • Checking actual overlap of tree-filtered asv data by reviving script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_85_euler.R
    • code doesn't scale well with large sample numbers

10.06.2019 - scripting taxon overlap in R

  • created copy of Euler script from scratch: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_85_get_shared_taxa.R
  • worked on copy: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_85_get_shared_taxa.R
  • started function to write fasta files, as well, not yet finished - commit for today.
  • finished and rendered /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_85_get_shared_taxa.R - commit aeeb47b59992bc707c25ad91a14304a90c98b2fc
  • adjusting /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ to blast files - ok
    • file written by /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_85_get_shared_taxa.R
    • written to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast
  • adjusting /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Transport/
  • prepare to run Blast on cluster
    • call on cluster /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Transport/ - pending
    • call on cluster ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - pending
    • commit (5185e628172e16dff1a4abfea08b8b1d49bb66f)

10.06.2019 - formalizing Mantel test and Procrustes analyses

  • retrieved yesterdays blast results
    • subsetting selected fasta files and feature tables in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_85_get_shared_taxa.R
    • blasting done using /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • can be read in using Megan from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast
  • formalizing Mantel test and Procrustes analyses
    • drafted ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • commit e60770796a2e40e304855c7c8173b944de19e297
    • syntax corrections - ok
      • running unclustered Unifrac vs Jaccquard - ok
      • running 99clustered Unifrac vs Jaccquard - ok commit - 1e19901da4e6811142671bb8a7ecfc4e6ad00c1a

12.06.2019 - parsing and saving copy of Blast results

  • creating MEGAN 6 file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/190612_18S_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_2-16_ports_overlap.rma6
    • blasting done using /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • was be read in using Megan from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast
    • read in OTU's found between 2 to 16 port
    • use in conjunction with /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast/500_85_18S_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_qiime_artefacts_non_phylogenetic_features_overlap.xlsx

13.06.2019 - as done yesterday - formalizing model calls

  • Rscript --vanilla has been added to scripts:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ and
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • formalizing model calls
    • revising modelling script:
      • created by copying file to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R - ok
      • commit (72e9d86af6c4a5f24bae240c8ad7f77114c0b701) - ok
      • moving template file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/R - ok
      • variables to be re-defined in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R - finished draft
      • commit (897285e9429ea7c1005bab254e7e741045377ae) - ok
      • draft version finished - continuing below
  • created draft version of /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • commit (3d328473f87c1188048284a2a86b8c73da385172) including the following
    • executed call is Rscript --vanilla /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/190_18S_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_core_metrics_non_phylogenetic_JAQUARD_distance_artefacts/190_jaccard_distance_matrix.tsv /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/
  • updated function get_path() in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_00_functions.R
    • get_path = function(source_path = NULL, dest_path=NULL path_addition = NULL, path_suffix = NULL)
  • updated /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R for new function get_path()
    • testing code
      • call: ./
      • monitor: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/
  • code is running and ran:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ calling
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R calling
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_00_functions.R and writing to
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results
  • commit f7886d4b083240642d9d3115248809b411d0d004
  • adding to `/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R``
    • time stamp to avoid overwriting in case of identical file names ``/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R`
    • needs matching with order of input files in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - first files executed first
  • commit f85d137c8a112f022fd5b5c41e2881708b685219

13.06.2019 - preparing slides for results meeting

  • also updated todo with new ideas
  • .pdf and Qiime exports for slide generation are copied to /Users/paul/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170724_internal_meetings/190618_cu_lab_meeting/images/ from:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/
  • re-run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get_maps.R
    • current map saved to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/190614_map.pdf
    • alongside /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/500_40_get_maps_output__current_routes_sorted.csv
  • .md slides and .pdf renders at
    • /Users/paul/Box Sync/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170724_internal_meetings/190618_cu_lab_meeting
  • .pdf renders also at
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Documentation/190618_slides.pdf
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Documentation/190618_slides_compressed.pdf
  • commit (41d1b4e8d2ce84e73ec9358658e8cac43df1d0a)

17.06.2019 - started Mantel test extension but aborted

  • commit 4ae98cb15e414f9c0517971c16e0b78701826db1

17.07.2019 - work pick-up at Otago University

  • updated todo as far as comprehensible
    • re-run Blast so that Erin is happy (and environmental samples are excluded)
    • modify Mantel test to run on port collapsed samples
    • accommodate different rarefaction depth to check results
    • see word document after updating it from the photographs
  • re-starting to adjust /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ to exclude environmental samples
  • possible solution: * as per * an as per:
    • blast 2.9.0 running on local
    • blast 2.9.0 called in script used for cornell biohpc
    • database version needs to be five or higher on local (unchecked) and / or remote (unchecked) - assuming version are - downloaded after release notes


  • attempting to install NCBI's Edirect utilities as per
  • failed multiple times - requested help from NCBI, Erin & Jose
  • exploring solution as per
    • conda remove perl
    • conda install -c bioconda entrez-direct - (now removed)
    • not working either - installed on second computer without Anaconda
  • the query file should be able to be generated as per
  • creating files for inclusion of eukaryotic samples:
    • on different machine running blast+'s -t 2759 (Eukaryota) - saving to file ok.
    • file with Eukaryotic tax ids can be found at: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast/190718_gi_list_2759.txt
  • creating files for exclusion of environmental samples:
    • searching for env. samples on NCBI:
    • (search query is "environmental samples"[organism] OR metagenomes[orgn])
    • saving GI list in default order to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast/190718_gi_list_environmental.txt
  • adjusting Blast script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • adding to Blast call:
      • -taxidlist "$trpth"/Zenodo/Blast/190718_gi_list_2759.txt \ and
      • -negative_gilist "$trpth"/Zenodo/Blast/190718_gi_list_environmental.txt \
    • adjusting code that generates file names
    • waiting for Gi list to finish downloading
    • commit repository - ok (15e27bf9a22b28aada0b0327754ac8479d61b768).

19.07.2019 - re-run Blast so that environmental samples are excluded

  • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast/ to document Blast data sets
  • calling / first time from New Zealand - finished ok.
  • testing /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - on local machine - seems to be working
  • commit locally (a3deb25d4020d7ad928a937998d534fa44dccbe3) - overwrite cluster (ok)
  • loaded blast db on cbsumm22 (ok)
  • removing command from blast call as incompatibe: -taxidlist "$trpth"/Zenodo/Blast/190718_gi_list_2759.txt \
  • run on cluster (ok) - retrieve (ok)

23.07.2019 - obtaining Blast results - port-collapsing for Mantel test repetition

  • started writing-up methods
  • dowloaded new non-environmental Blast results
  • updated /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast/
  • results are here:
    • all: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/190612_18S_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_2-16_ports_overlap.rma6
    • non-environmental: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/190723_18S_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_non_environmental_2-16_ports_overlap.rma6
  • checked summary file and mailed of
  • for repetion of Mantel/Procrustes script functionality using port collapsed data
    • inspecting original script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • need to created collapsed matrices first
        • need to create modified versions of script 130 which collapses tables
        • need to create modified versions of script 170 which collapses tables
        • need to create modified version of script 205 which uses collapsed tables
    • creating templates for new scripts - not adjusted yet
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • commit da7d3db01172a614229fae764004f9a8b7f18faf

24.07.2019 - continuing port-collapsing for Mantel and Procrustes test extensions

  • keeping subsampling depth the same as in parent script to allow comparisons with parent script results
  • collapsed mapping file needs to be created manually - created collapsed mapping file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/07_18S_merged_metadata grouped.tsv
  • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - likely run ok (output not checked yet)
  • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - likely run ok (output not checked yet)
  • next
    • adjust /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • new in an out paths, new mapping file
    • test and/or run all scripts above
  • committed repository
    • before running (334f8aaf7e27cad593a0aa775bdb7328fbf1d75a)
    • and after running and adding comments to this section (77fa0274c536d5d64359fde7b0f023524efe7f12)
  • started adjusting /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/

25.07.2019 - encoding Mantel and Procrustes test extensions

  • hostname has been set to
  • further adjusting script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • testing script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • Mantel tests are available:
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/206_18S_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_mantel-test_prt-cllps.qzv
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/206_18S_eDNA_samples_clustered99_Eukaryotes_mantel-test_prt-cllps.qzv
    • Procrustes tests are available
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/206_18S_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_procrustes_port-collapsed.qzv
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/206_18S_eDNA_samples_clustered99_Eukaryotes_procrustes_port-collapsed.qzv
    • commit for today f944a914bf0005ebba591c79fe7b7041d2fa04a

30.07.2019 - encoding Mantel and Procrustes test extensions

  • started to work on map DI for manuscript, in QGIS,
  • later QGIS versions also downloaded
  • map retrieved as listed at
    • in Python Console pasted qgis.utils.iface.addRasterLayer("","raster")
    • continue at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qgis/190730_sample_map.qgz

31.07.2019 - pick-up afer conference call

  • downloaded SILVA 132 reference data


  • received all Chinese sample data and metadata, saving to /Users/paul/Sequences/Raw/190726_CU_Aibin_lab_external_run/
  • updating Cornell cluster, as well. Via /Users/paul/Sequences/Raw/190726_CU_Aibin_lab_external_run/
  • for Argentinean collaborators collated /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast/
    • also see /Users/paul/Documents/CU_argentina/Github/


  • aborted inclusion of Chinese data, see /Users/paul/Documents/CU_China/Github/
  • started to work more seriously on Display Items, see /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Items/

13.08.2019 - checking overlap between references and queries

  • importing to Geneious folder Silva128_extended_overlap_check
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/References/Silva128_extract_extended/99_otus_18S.fasta
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/180_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes_qiime_artefacts_non_phylogenetic/dna-sequences.fasta
  • randomly sample 5000 sequences with seed 42 from both files
  • importing alignment file /Users/paul/Sequences/References/SILVA_128_QIIME_release/core_alignment
  • generating majority consensus sequence and editing this - does work with mapping - little mapping success
  • aligning both 5000-sequence-sets using MAFFT with default parameters - running
  • committed

15.08.2019 - checking overlap between references and queries

  • alignment didn't tell much, erase and align primers instead

21.08.2019 - splitting and summarizing controls for results section

  • creating and modifying /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ran ok
  • modifying array fill in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ran ok
  • commit d16eeb4f80daa89d4eeb316be66f7ed1b32cce77

26.08.2019 - implementing different rarefaction depths analysis

  • possible scripts to modify are:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
    • and more (R scripts, mantel and procrustes tests - after Mandanas input?) - see below
  • adjusting /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • namely string[2]='Eukaryote-shallow' and loop counters
    • running script, ok, created files: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/115_*_Eukaryote-shallow.qza
    • commit d52f11e7a706dac928122533ed6b92a09b95131a and later f3b8a5bea7a7bf6cd3bba65f54787832546e87ad
  • adjusted hostnames in work scripts: find /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github -name '*.sh' -exec gsed -i 's|""|""|g' {} \;
    • commit
  • adjusting /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • checking rarefaction curve 1 qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes_non_phylogenetic_curves.qzv - aborted
    • checking rarefaction curve 2 qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/160_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_curves_tree-matched.qzv - ok
    • setting shallow depth to 40000 sequences - ok
    • done via new case - run script - see folder 130_18S_eDNA_samples_Eukaryote-shallow_core_metrics_non_phylogenetic - ok
      *"Eukaryote-shallow"* )
      echo "${bold}Depth set to $depth for Eukaryotes (shallow set)...${normal}"
  • adjusting script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • inserted new case statement
    • running - ok - needed re-run 03.09.2019
  • possible scripts to modify and re-run are:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok - commit def5d15bcc2262402a29f22e99b4cf1c2190f63b
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok - commit d9ab92f75d57878b9351f8980628b6ba28489f0d

29.08.2019 - continuing implementing different rarefaction depths analysis

  • adjusted script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • added check for readily available data - ran ok
  • adjusted script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • added check for readily data - ran ok
  • adjusted script ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • adjusted case and added check for readily available data
    • not run, no new insights gained - available available via old plot
    • also did not run ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - results available via old plot
    • commit with further comments in commit message 8e78a34e04125f6d3dc9e3becc86f97a9649e6ce
  • adjusted exit conditions in ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ran ok

30.08.2019 - continuing implementing different rarefaction depths analysis

  • adjusted exit conditions in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ran ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ran ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ran ok
  • for clarity erasing all files clustered87 in Qimme folder - last backup was 30.08.2019 16:41
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ran ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ran ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • erased all old output files
    • not truncating filename anymore
    • re-run for all data - ok
    • abort condition test - will not re-run on available data
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • as previous script - was already done? - re-running
  • commit 63bf24eeea504cff259408e0f1341512f887d911

03.09.2019 - continuing implementing different rarefaction depths analysis

  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • creating and adjusting
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ran ok
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ran ok
  • adjusted hostname check in some other scripts
  • commit c993b3aa2a6dea43ec67b19f2b88747f1e5929c9

05.09.2019 - continuing implementing different rarefaction depths analysis - now adjusting modelling

  • all data synced to Cornell cluster
  • adjusted ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • added distance matrices four to eight of shallow rarefaction depth fo UNIFRAC and JAQUARDD values and unclustered and clustered data
    • can be run after checking script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R ok
  • checking and correcting script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R
    • testing execution with expanded file ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • needs adjustment
      • use large if loop around line 232 - commit running version before these large-scale changes - ok
      • write logfile in ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok

06.09.2019 - continuing implementing different rarefaction depths analysis - now adjusting modelling

  • modify ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ script to use more descriptive file names - ok
  • commit dde144cda117d87efa95adc518d2a8e97cfab9de
  • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R also consider that Pearl Harbour does not have commercial routes - ok
  • compare if output columns are identical - check for identical first columns - ok
gawk -F "," 'NR==FNR{a[FNR]=$1;next}$1!=a[FNR]{print "They are dfifferent"; exit 1}' \
  /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/01_results_euk_asv00_deep_UNIF_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-19-43.csv \
  /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/02_results_euk_otu99_deep_UNIF_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-19-55.csv \
  /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/03_results_euk_asv00_deep_JAQU_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-20-06.csv \
gawk -F "," 'NR==FNR{a[FNR]=$1;next}$1!=a[FNR]{print "They are dfifferent"; exit 1}' \
 /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/05_results_euk_asv00_shal__UNIF_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-20-29.csv \
 /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/05_results_euk_asv00_shal__UNIF_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-20-29.csv \
 /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/06_results_euk_otu99_shal__UNIF_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-20-41.csv \
 /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/07_results_euk_asv00_shal__JAQU_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-20-52.csv \
  • compare if output columns are identical - check for identical second columns - ok
gawk -F "," 'NR==FNR{a[FNR]=$2;next}$2!=a[FNR]{print "They are dfifferent"; exit 1}' \
  /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/01_results_euk_asv00_deep_UNIF_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-19-43.csv \
  /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/02_results_euk_otu99_deep_UNIF_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-19-55.csv \
  /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/03_results_euk_asv00_deep_JAQU_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-20-06.csv \
gawk -F "," 'NR==FNR{a[FNR]=$2;next}$2!=a[FNR]{print "They are dfifferent"; exit 1}' \
 /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/05_results_euk_asv00_shal__UNIF_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-20-29.csv \
 /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/05_results_euk_asv00_shal__UNIF_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-20-29.csv \
 /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/06_results_euk_otu99_shal__UNIF_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-20-41.csv \
 /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/07_results_euk_asv00_shal__JAQU_model_data_2019-Sep-06-15-20-52.csv \

16.09.2019 - building display items, waiting for tables of HON modelling

  • email HON data request to Mandana ok
  • working on building display items
    • keeping scaffold /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/181113_mn_cu_portbio/190821_main_results_calculations_blank_checks.R
    • working in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/181113_mn_cu_portbio/190821_main_results_calculations.R

17.09.2019 - building display items, waiting for tables of HON modelling

  • working on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/190917_DI_map_curves.R - aborted
  • working on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/190917_DI_map_straight_lines.R - still works, but aborted

18.09.2019 - building display items, waiting for tables of HON modelling

  • finished /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/190917_DI_map_curves.R
    • writing and written to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/181113_mn_cu_portbio/190812_display_items_main/190917_1_map.pdf and
    • writing and written to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/181113_mn_cu_portbio/190812_display_items_supplement/190816_sample_map_simple.pdf
    • continued to work on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/190917_main_results_calculations.R
      • exported Keller DI's - but more to do

26.09.2019 - building display items, waiting for tables of HON modelling

  • extending /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/190917_main_results_calculations.R
    • continue into section Calculations for Results section 3: Chord diagram of model data

27.09.2019 - building display items, waiting for tables of HON modelling

  • extending /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/190917_main_results_calculations.R
    • continued into section Calculations for Results section 3: Chord diagram of model data

30.09.2019 - building display items, waiting for tables of HON modelling

  • extending /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/190917_main_results_calculations.R
    • stared into section Calculations for Results section 4: Taxonomy plots

04.10.2019 - building display items, waiting for more tables of HON modelling

  • extending /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/190917_main_results_calculations.R
    • continued into section Calculations for Results section 4: Taxonomy plots
    • finished first of three parts
  • saved first HON data to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/191001_selected_links_Ballast_env_2012.csv
  • also saved geographical distances to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/191004_Unique_Voyages_ALL_YEARS_UDforQAwithErin.xlsx
  • "I checked your first sheet and the records are correct. I have prepared your data with FON and HON invasion risks. Please note that I have fewer rows than yours since I didn't include the 0-risk pairs. Also, I used averaging (over HON nodes) to obtain the pairwise physical risk. We can try aggregating as well and see which one is a better fit! Unfortunately, I haven't gotten a chance to extract direct shipping risks. I couldn't find my previous files so I have to generate them again. I didn't want to send this to you in two pieces but figured maybe it's better to send you what I have for now. I'm traveling next week so I will send it to you the week after that. Sorry for the delay!"
  • moved DI scripts to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ to enable version control, but kept soft links
  • all R objects now written to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects
  • in ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/190917_main_results_calculations.R
  • continue at line 300 (<- execute next)

04.10.2019 - building display items, waiting for more tables of HON modelling

  • extending /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/190917_main_results_calculations.R
  • " I have parsed the Blast result xml I created and attach this as an R object for you consideration - I hope that you may find this useful to streamline your work and keep it consistent with the results I have here (and that are on the cluster and with Erin). I have read in the old(er) blast xml, kept only the highest (bit-)scoring matches from each query, and added NCBI taxonomy information as columns to this filtered Blast output. The lookup was possible via the NCBI taxonomy id (tax_id), which in turn I retrieved via the base version of the accession of the respective Blast match. There should be 3891 unique taxa among the 17586 queries below. The src column indicates at how many ports the query was found. Via the sequence hash iteration_query_def and the Phyloseq object you have at hand, you could of course back-reference occurrences to port and bioregions, or you may find this table useful for other plots."
  • count results are weird - check again - grouping command may have gone wrong somewhere
  • updated code and comments to avoid mistake in the future - slicing keeps first occurence of hash, even if it is in the data multiple times (?)

09.10.2019 - building display items, waiting for more tables of HON modelling

  • running again parts of file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/190917_main_results_calculations.R, after import

10.10.2019 - building display items, waiting for more tables of HON modelling

  • corrected naming of list elements
  • saved new output files and mailed off
  • erased older output files in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects
  • drafted plot code in Part II
  • next
    • improve plot code in Part II
    • code plot in part III

11.10.2019 - building display items, waiting for more tables of HON modelling

  • corrected naming of list elements
  • saved new output files and mailed off
  • erased older output files in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/R_Objects
  • drafted plot code in Part II
  • next
    • improve plot code in Part II
    • code plot in part III

25.10.2019 - starting to resolve Singpore dichotomy

  • have HON modelling data from Mandana
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/190208_hon_data/19102019_all_links_emails.pdf
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/190208_hon_data/19102019_all_links.csv
  • copied and compressed all date prior to today and saved at /Users/paul/Documents/
  • keeping copy of /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH at /Users/paul/Documents/
  • starting to work on re-import of /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH
  • as further described in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_SP_AD_CH/Github/

29.10.2019 - continuing to resolve Singpore dichotomy

  • erasing all files in Qiime folder
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • created checksum for new file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/05_18S_merged_metadata_preliminary.tsv
  • swapped in Silva 132 reference data at
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/References/Silva132_extract_extended/majority_taxonomy_7_levels.txt
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/References/Silva132_extract_extended/silva_132_99_18S.fasta
  • update for cluster operation /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • commit - move to cluster - start taxonomy assignment
  • taxonomy assignemnt started on cluster successfully

30.10.2019 - continuing to resolve Singpore dichotomy

  • downloaded Silva 132 classification from Cornell cluster: Matching query sequences: 22064 of 28394 (77.71%)
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/075_18S_denoised_seq_taxonomy_assignment.txt
  • revising /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/06_18S_merged_metadata.tsv md5 is 7874420a1a886b7823bc7335
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • re-implementing control data subtraction via /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • running manually qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/095_18S_controls_tab.qzv
    • exporting lower frequency table: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_controls_features.csv
    • converting: echo "feature-id frequency" | cat - /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_controls_features.csv | tr "," "\\t" > /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_controls_features.tsv
    • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ ok
  • running adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
    • only clustering at 99% and 97%.
    • check /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/110_18S_eDNA_samples_clustered97_log.txt
    • check /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/110_18S_eDNA_samples_clustered99_log.txt
  • running adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ on cluster after commit

31.10.2019 - continuing to resolve Singpore dichotomy

  • retrieved results of /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ from cluster - ok .

01.11.2019 - continuing to resolve Singpore dichotomy

  • designing R script to create metadata files suitable for subsetting available Eukaryote data
    • name /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/127_select_random_samples.R
    • function and purpose documented therein
    • rarefaction treshhold redefined using the following identical files (infecting the first of each pairs):
      • summary /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/120_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qzv
      • summary (another identical "shallow" file is available with identical contents)
      • curves /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes_non_phylogenetic_curves.qzv
      • curves /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryote-shallow_non_phylogenetic_curves.qzv
    • rarefaction result of 49000 and 40000
      • needs to be updated for Eukaryotes in subsequent scripts
      • should keep RIDs c("AD","AW","BT","CB","GH","HN","HS","HT","LB","MI","NO","OK","PH","PL","PM","RC","RT","SI","WL","ZB")
      • is on the the accumulation curve for observed OTUS:
        • for 49000 in the plateau or at least pretty stable
        • for 40000 in the plateau or at least pretty stable
  • writing R script to create metadata files suitable for subsetting available Eukaryote data - ok
  • calling R script - ok - output files added at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest
  • added prelim suffix to grouped files
  • commit (cc8e58a9f7eea9f3456dc5955fe1266a12e8c5e7) - next - filter input data based on new tables - or think about next step

04.11.2019 - continuing to resolve Singpore dichotomy

  • working on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - draft done
    • backup (next after 15:31, 4.11.2019)
    • commit (b25bc1ba9d13fc7341747a9ce07af3d54b919de0)
    • from filter-samples command removing --p-min-frequency '49000' \
    • and correcting file paths
    • script seems to be running ok
    • next: revise summary script

05.11.2019 - continuing to resolve Singpore dichotomy

  • received new HON data:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/191105_shipping_estimates.csv
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/191105_shipping_estimates_data_doc.pdf
  • adjusted and ran summary script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • inspecting summary script results:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/129_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qzv
      • 5 samples per port everywhere - ok
      • deepest possible depth is 49974 for Eukaryotes
      • Included RID's are c("AD","AW","BT","CB","GH","HN","HS","HT","LB","MI","NO","OK","PH","PL","PM","RC", "RT","SI","WL","ZB") as above.
    • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • adjusting ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • script seems to group? No, but creating file manually: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/131_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_deep_all_grouped.tsv
      • disabling grouping in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/127_select_random_samples.R
      • grouping on port - thereby lumping Pearl Harbour and Honolulu, as they are not kept separately in the other mapping file, unfortunately
      • will not allow seperate analysis of Pearl Harbour and Honolulu in Procrustes and Mantel, but also not really necessary if I remember correctly
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - finished ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - running
  • commit for today 8f5799f021f2020ac1101ec34ea33026f377fa20

06.11.2019 - continuing to resolve Singpore dichotomy

  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • importing masked Eukaryote alignment to Geneious (check date of imported file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/145_18S_eDNA_samples_seq_Eukaryotes_alignment_masked.fasta.gz) - ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • skipping adjustment of /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - results wont be largely different, run later
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • commit (53ae7a784937374a59b6bef8cdfa1751971ca2ec)
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok

07.11.2019 - continuing to resolve Singpore dichotomy and finalizing analysis for five random samples per port

  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • renamed /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/177_parse_otu_tables.R
    • adjusted calls in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
    • adjusted calls in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • preparing modelling re-run
    • adjusting wrapper script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • adjusting write destination folder
      • keeping results with all samples as /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results_old_all_samples
      • creating empty /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results
    • adjusting modelling script - in R - circumventing wrapper script functionality at code start
      • should likely keep RIDs c("AD","AW","BT","CB","GH","HN","HS","HT","LB","MI","NO","OK","PH","PL","PM","RC","RT","SI","WL","ZB")
      • deep table: Collapsed matrix has 20 rows and 20 columns.
      • deep table: Collapsed matrix should receive data for samples: PH SI AD BT HN HT LB MI AW CB HS NO OK PL PM RC RT GH WL ZB.
      • shallow table: Collapsed matrix has 20 rows and 20 columns.
      • shallow table: Collapsed matrix should receive data for samples: PH SI AD BT HN HT LB MI AW CB HS NO OK PL PM RC RT GH WL ZB.
      • commenting out test conditions at file read-in stage
    • and running script via: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • results stored at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results
    • running some parts of ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/190917_main_results_calculations.R and rewriting:
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/181113_mn_cu_portbio/190812_display_items_main/191107_2a_deep_envdist_per_ecoregion.pdf
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/181113_mn_cu_portbio/190812_display_items_main/191107_2b_deep_trips_per_ecoregion.pdf
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/181113_mn_cu_portbio/190812_display_items_main/191107_2c_deep_unifrac_per_ecoregion.pdf

07.11.2019 - rework pipeline, stratified random sample selection of five sample per port

  • rework all results from 01.11.2019 onwards
  • committing (1f883a42fb8f20cd0e20e13157a5476e364c0586)
  • working on ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/127_select_random_samples.R

11.11.2019 - rework pipeline, stratified random sample selection of five sample per port

  • continue work on ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/127_select_random_samples.R in line 50
    • keep Singapore Yacht Club
    • keep Adelaide Container Dock 1
    • rewrote file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/127_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_deep_all.tsv
    • rewrote file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/127_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_shll_all.tsv
  • adjusted and ran: ./ && ./ && ./ /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • checking summary for rarefaction data lost for five samples per port: Retained 4,997,500 (37.93%) features in 100 (100.00%) samples at the specifed sampling depth.
  • adjusted and ran: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusted and ran: / && ./ && ./ && ./
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running ./ && ./ && ./ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ && /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • running ./ && ./
  • running ./ && ./
  • commit
    • skipping revision for now:
    • 500_00_functions.R
    • 500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour.R
    • 500_10_gather_predictor_tables.R
    • 500_20_get_predictor_euklidian_distances.R
    • 500_30_shape_matrices.R
    • 500_40_get_maps.R
  • adjusting modelling script (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R) - circumventing wrapper script functionality at code start - pending
    • should likely keep RIDs c("AD","AW","BT","CB","GH","HN","HS","HT","LB","MI","NO","OK","PH","PL","PM","RC","RT","SI","WL","ZB")
    • keeps same samples as above - no change necessary - for either deep or shallow table
    • Collapsed matrix should receive data for samples: PH SI AD BT HN HT LB MI AW CB HS NO OK PL PM RC RT GH WL ZB.
      • deep table: Collapsed matrix has 20 rows and 20 columns.
      • deep table: Collapsed matrix should receive data for samples: PH SI AD BT HN HT LB MI AW CB HS NO OK PL PM RC RT GH WL ZB.
      • shallow table: Collapsed matrix has 20 rows and 20 columns.
      • shallow table: Collapsed matrix should receive data for samples: PH SI AD BT HN HT LB MI AW CB HS NO OK PL PM RC RT GH WL ZB.
    • compressing previous results from 07.11.2019 to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/
    • emptying /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results
  • running modelling script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R
  • via /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/

12.11.2019 - adjusting modeling script to accomodate HON data

  • work plan
    • save backup copy of script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R - ok
      • cp /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/R - ok
    • save backup copy of results from yesterday - ok
      • backup of /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results saved at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/
    • split above modeling script
      • former upper part only writes modelling tables - /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_tables.R - ok
        • testing script - ok
        • new results written to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results
        • committed progress at
      • new script - write
        • parses tables
        • copies data but excludes PH
        • adds in Mandana's results - /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R
      • former lower part does modelling and using tables - /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R - adjust
  • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • started on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R - next steps:
    • close function and write files
    • request subsetting parameters and model formulas
    • start on modelling script
  • for now commit ( 09131d85e61e6cdc19d460237e3bfc25a3713594)

13.11.2019 - adjusting modeling functionality to accomodate HON data

  • finished script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R
    • during read-in with subsequent script from location
    • use files with suffix _with_hon_info.csv
  • restarted work sample sufficiency test - pending
    • renaming script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_UNIFRAC_behaviour.R
      • to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_test_sampling_effort.R - ok
    • update input file list and output file list - ok
    • update conflation code from median to mean if not already done - ok
    • apply call or function doesn't work properly: pending
      • needs debugging (apply(port_combinations, 1, function (prt_elmt) get_matrix_from_port_pair(prt_elmt[1], prt_elmt[2], unifrac_matrix)))
      • try functionality with old input file (wasUsers/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/125_18S_metazoan_unweighted_unifrac_distance_matrix/distance-matrix.tsv)
      • from backup /Users/paul/Archive/Cornell/
        • copying from backup working file cp /Users/paul/Archive/Cornell/CU_cmbd_rf_test/Zenodo/Qiime/150_18S_097_cl_edna_mat/distance-matrix.tsv /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/Data
      • old file is working as intended - ok
      • compare input files for oddities. - pending
  • next steps for modelling - pending
    • receive answers to questions
    • adjust modelling script for agreed-upon variables and data sets
      • script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R
      • use file ending in _with_hon_info.csv from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results
  • commit (31695804431ed96461aa26a235e8fb0da823f57a)

15.01.2020 - starting script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200115_unifrac_vs_jaccard.R for reasons outlined therein

  • only plotting (and rendering) is needed to do - committing.
  • plotting is now working - saved file to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/200115_port_pairs_UNIFRAC_vs_JACCARD.pdf

28.01.2020 - received data from Mandana and saved it

  • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/280120_all_links_1997_2018_info.pdf
  • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/280120_all_links_1997_2018.csv
  • check Things and below to get new todo list

31.01.2020 - swapping in Mandana's new data

  • following notes 12.11.2010
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - ok
  • which calls, on all tables: ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_tables.R - ok
  • erasing old files in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results - ok
  • adjusting for new data from Mandana and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R - ok
    • still missing data in Mandanas files
    • erasing needed files in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results (i.e. data without HON info)
  • committing before adjusting next script commit hash is d74bcf73f8f0044445091d226bb5c7b0bf4cb061
  • adjust and run /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R
    • ok: read in results tables from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results
    • pending: subset model table to exclude NA - finish function - commit hash is d74bcf73f8f0044445091d226bb5c7b0bf4cb061
    • pending: adjust code for several model formulas
    • pending: verify model formulas
    • do better plotting, using functions

03.02.2020 - swapping in Mandana's new data

  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R
    • ok: read in results tables from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results
    • ok: subset model table to exclude NA - finish function - commit hash is d74bcf73f8f0044445091d226bb5c7b0bf4cb061
    • ok: adjust code for several model formulas
    • ok: verify model formulas
    • pending: sort by AIC
    • pending: get useful summary render, take notes (and mail off)
    • pending: improve looping
    • commit 730112fb8ab984d254d80db9a399eb869a4ce0f3

04.02.2020 - swapping in Mandana's new data

  • commit before implementing the following models 79180c34dc340a08e0a87a63540015038b11dfe6
    • Unifrac ~ VOY_FREQ + env similarity + ecoregion + random port effects
    • Unifrac ~ B_FON_NOECO + env similarity + ecoregion + random port effects
    • Unifrac ~ B_HON_NOECO + env similarity + ecoregion + random port effects
    • emailed off draft - commit: 5695e9a69e4c59c240812718b7b396a5fcf2876f

06.02.2020 - running models as discussed at phone call today

  • see /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R

13.02.2020 - running models as discussed at phone call today

  • see /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R
  • rendered html and sent off for AAAS meeting
  • commit f0550950a0f3070cefda6efe872aa373fd1d2fb1
  • for comments on results check /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/181113_mn_cu_portbio/190220_working_notes/200214_modelling_results_nterpretation_EG.pdf

13.02.2020 - new models and data received

  • models to run and data to use are documented:
    • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/200227_models_to_run.pdf
    • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/200227_data_info_mandana.pdf
    • raw data is in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/200227_All_links_1997_2018_updated.csv
      • update variable names
        • to match file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/200128_all_links_1997_2018.csv
        • in, and to be used with, script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R
    • running script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_tables.R via
      • script ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ - seems to be running ok.
    • adjusted /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R
    • erased superflous, previous output files of /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R
    • started adjusting script: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R
      • as per /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/200227_models_to_run.pdf
    • pending / deferred - get new data for shallow rarefaction depth
    • pending / deferred - check out old commit - re-render, and compare results


  • implement changes from Post-It note for phone call tomorrow.
    • test if files used are the ones that Erin has sent and declared the latest.
      • [[ "$(tail -n +2 /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/200227_All_links_1997_2018_updated.csv)" == "$(tail -n +2 /Users/paul/Desktop/All_links_1997_2018_updated.csv)" ]] && echo "same" || echo "not same"
      • files are the same - ok
    • use VOYAGE variable instead of PRED_TRIPS - ok
    • output tables as Excel files - ok
      • check for presence of incomplete cases - chasing possible inconsistencies
        • Mandana's data has 200 rows in file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/200227_All_links_1997_2018_updated.csv
        • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_tables.R
          • via running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
          • all three checked of eight datasets have 70 rows - ok
        • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R
          • only considering relevant files ("^.._results_euk_asv00_.*_UNIF_model_data_2020-Mar-11-12.*\\.csv$")
          • created files:
            • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/01_results_euk_asv00_deep_UNIF_model_data_2020-Mar-11-12-49-54_with_hon_info.csv
            • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/05_results_euk_asv00_shal_UNIF_model_data_2020-Mar-11-12-50-38_with_hon_info.csv
            • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/01_results_euk_asv00_deep_UNIF_model_data_2020-Mar-11-12-49-54_no_ph_with_hon_info.csv
            • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/05_results_euk_asv00_shal_UNIF_model_data_2020-Mar-11-12-50-38_no_ph_with_hon_info.csv
            • with 70 rows (including PH) and 65 rows (excluding PH), respectively - ok
        • adjusting data selection to current files and re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R
          • spot checking input data /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/20201103_Rscrpt-500-83_mme_result_DIDX_1_FIDX_1__unmodified_input_data.xlsx
            • 70 rows - ok
            • missing from Mandanas data in file (examples only: AD-BT, AD-HT, AD-WL) - check Mandanas original data file
            • checking Mandana's data file: AD-BT, AD-HT, AD-WL missing in Mandanas file, and others need new data or ignore
  • mail off results to Cornell - ok
    • HTML file created today - ok
    • collection of results tables (zipped) - ok
      • connections among 18 ports with Mandanas data and Unifrac values (and M's voyage data): - ~49 connections
      • connections among 19 ports with Mandanas data and Unifrac values (and P's voyage data): - ~70 connections
    • chase rarefaction depth ok
    • from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
      • deep: 49974 sequences per sample in each of five samples per port
      • shallow: 32982 sequences per sample in each of five samples per port
    • included ports (from mapping file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/131_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_deep_all_grouped.tsv):
      • Adelaide Antwerp Buenos-Aires Baltimore Coos-Bay Chicago Cornell Ghent Honolulu Haines Houston Long_Beach Miami Milne_Inlet New-Orleans Nanaimo Oakland Portland Puerto-Madryn Richmond Rotterdam Singapore Vancouver Wilmington Zeebrugge
  • commit dc5a3e522d44e9958b316c9c9632a94d6a6a4852

13.03.2020 - starting to work on new branch (full_unifrac)

  • creating branch
    • git checkout -b full_unifrac
    • for more info check
    • Switched to a new branch 'full_unifrac'
  • todo
    • don't filter UNIFRCA with Jim Corbetts data - add fon 0s - ok
    • HON add up in Erins data if scaled to 1 - ok
    • Erin get HON variables from Mandana - ok (script does the summing now)
    • Mandana's data - set all FON to 0 - what with HON variable? - ok
    • re-run Model A B D - all Fon is 0 - pending
    • zero columns possibly all variables included in FON - pending
  • adjusting script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_tables.R - ok
    • re-running via script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/ ok
    • new tables created in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results
    • commit b42cc52956b71418050383a3f147ffbd47d29cec
  • adjusting script ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R - ok
    • to and fro information needs to be unified to make bidirectional information unidirectional - choosing plain summing for simplicity - ok
    • Attention! Attention! Setting NAs is implemented hastily and needs to be checked if input files change.
  • adjusting script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R
    • temporarily commenting out models C and E.
  • todo
    • test results wit NA setting - ok
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_mixed_effect_model_results_NAs_set_to_0.html
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/
    • test results without NA setting - ok
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_mixed_effect_model_results_NAs_excluded.html
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/
    • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R - pending
      • rewrite left joining function based on alphabetical sorting in - pending - pending
      • instead of summing values, use mean() to stay in scale from 0 to 1 - pending
      • scale env dit value from 0 to 1 - pending
    • test results again with NA setting - pending
    • test results again without NA setting - pending

25.03.2020 - continuing work on new branch (full_unifrac)

  • implementing new modelling technique and new data
  • using new data, verified by Erin
    • file (work on copy): /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170720_code_collaborators/200325_EG_code.R
    • check and incorporate - pending
  • using new modeling technique as in guide received by Jose
    • file: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/200325_ja_glm_approach/ZeroInflated_GLM_guide_PaulC_24March20.pdf
    • check and incorporate - pending
    • postponed

27.03.2020 - continuing work on new branch (full_unifrac)

  • continuing with last work days items
  • from where is file Paul_2020_03_12.csv in Erins R script?
  • saved back from email /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/
    • comparing hashes of sent files:
      • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/ = 06a9dbcecbf8a5624d2bd095f67a5703
      • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/ = 94a5d6b6d40c53e7fa32ff05ced9ff00
      • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/ = 405b0b182b071f0b449a44d0be5caa80
      • all different, last, pertinent file is from 11.03.2019 as re-downloaded from my own mail
        • MD5 (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/ = 405b0b182b071f0b449a44d0be5caa80
  • unpacking and checking that file:
    • file name patterns are:
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/20201103_Rscrpt-500-83_mme_results/20201103_Rscrpt-500-83_mme_result_DIDX_1_FIDX_1__subset_input_table.xlsx
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/20201103_Rscrpt-500-83_mme_results/20201103_Rscrpt-500-83_mme_result_DIDX_1_FIDX_1__unmodified_input_data.xlsx
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/20201103_Rscrpt-500-83_mme_results/20201103_Rscrpt-500-83_mme_result_DIDX_1_FIDX_2__subset_input_table.xlsx
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/20201103_Rscrpt-500-83_mme_results/20201103_Rscrpt-500-83_mme_result_DIDX_1_FIDX_2__unmodified_input_data.xlsx * as per email - trace history of file 20201103_Rscrpt-500-83_mme_result_DIDX_2_FIDX_3__unmodified_input_data
    • written by /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_get_mixed_effect_model_results.R
    • file is copy of one of the input .csv files in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results * committing before doing the following
    • commit d661557ff882cf63bd7cc6954de7717412d9144 * checking Erins script with file: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/01_results_euk_asv00_deep_UNIF_model_data_2020-Mar-13-13-16-52_no_ph_with_hon_info.csv.
    • checking /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_mixed_effect_model_results_NAs_set_to_0.html
    • script results should
      • have dimensions 210 x 20,
      • be the same as: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/20201103_Rscrpt-500-83_mme_result_DIDX_1_FIDX_1__unmodified_input_data.xlsx
    • and the result of Erins script
      • should be similar to: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/20201103_Rscrpt-500-83_mme_result_DIDX_1_FIDX_1__subset_input_table.xlsx"
      • with dimensions 210 X 6
    • script results so far can't be replicated - options:
      • use alternative adding approach
      • check again script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables_eg_partial.R

31.03.2020 - continuing work on new branch (full_unifrac)

  • adjust /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R
    • encode alternative adding approach - ok
    • scale variables - ok
    • check with Erins results at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170720_code_collaborators/200331_Erins_sums - ok
  • for sanity reasons - rerunning:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_tables.R
      • files are dated 2020-Mar-31-11-18
    • re-creating /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables_new.R
      • adding of Mandana's data now newly implemented - ok
      • in a copy of all data all NA's are set to 0 - ok
      • in a copy of all data pertinent variables are scaled and centered - ok
    • archived results: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/
    • emailed off results
    • committed: fe3324f23cf126206b0d3bb17d9bc85673948fa8
    • next steps
      • implement new modelling as per Jose - pending
      • graph variables - pending
      • check residuals of model as per Erin - pending

01.04.2020 - continuing work on new branch (full_unifrac)

  • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_test_zero-inflated_glms.R
  • for appropriate file naming - rerunning:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_tables.R
    • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R
      • further processed only:
        • 05_results_euk_asv00_shal_UNIF_model_data_2020-Apr-01-11-14-16.csv
        • 01_results_euk_asv00_deep_UNIF_model_data_2020-Apr-01-11-13-59.csv
    • working through /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/200325_ja_glm_approach/ZeroInflated_GLM_guide_PaulC_24March20.pdf
      • none of this makes sense to me - seems to be tailored to count data ?
      • working with files /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/
      • emailing off files and script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_83_test_zero-inflated_glms.R
      • commit 8d2f09f7cbd198e05b233b0d1fec202d6b92ff5d

09.04.2020 - continuing work on new branch (full_unifrac)

  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • thus running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_tables.R
  • continue working on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables_new.R
    • don't standardize response - ok
    • remove intra-port values - ok
    • check summing - ok
  • preparing results for mail off:
    • mkdir 200409_model_input
    • cp ??_results_euk_asv00_deep*_joined_no-nas* 200409_model_input/
    • cp ../../Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R 200409_model_input/
  • email: (1) request modeling from Jose, (2) send off data sets - ok
    • mailed off /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/
  • commit c76eecf0e2b9cb1b4756789ad6f2d9df1578268

13.04.2020 - continuing work on new branch (full_unifrac)

  • working on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R
  • including new data file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/HON_predictors/200413_All_links_JaccardScores_1997_2018.csv
  • update results - ok
  • send-off - ok - files is /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/
  • commit 4b6ea97ad468b1aa5739672261e8e61a9947a796

17.04.2020 - after meeting - removing summing of MS's Jaccard values

  • erased old results
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R
    • removing summing code altogether most likely
    • changing variable selection
    • check for last commit if old code needs to come back
    • commit 07983628d2b3c6cda85f8f248cb33780e37d3f69

18.04.2019 - reworking /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R

  • Mandana's duplicated Jaccard values are now set to 0 (one per pair) before summing the whole table.
  • commit ba548bd31613d2fdfd1a2c511fd10bd13ae602e4

23.04.2020 - preparations for re-work

  • re-work to get two more ports as per /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170724_internal_meetings/200423_cu_conference_call/200421_on rarefaction.pdf
  • duplicating project directory and keep one version compressed with current date
  • commit - ok
  • merge current branch full_unifrac
  • last Time Machine backup was 12:33ßß
  • calling gzip -ktvl --best /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined
    • keep for later /Users/paul/Documents/200423_CU_combined.tar.gz
    • moved file to macmini archive using SFTP client
    • backing up 15:42
    • erased file from macbook pro
  • re-work - stepping through pipeline again two include two more samples
    • creating /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/Qiime
      • for superfluous results files in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime
      • for superfluous scripts moved to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/Shell
    • checking scripts and Qiime files
      • script to scratch /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/Shell/
    • re-working sample selection script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/127_select_random_samples.R
      • checking again pertinent visualisation /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/120_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qzv
      • deep depth (for Eukaryotes) was 49974, now: 49900
        • retains 10,279,400 (36.64%) features in 206 (81.42%) samples at the specifed sampling depth
        • 19 port included (per graph): AD, AW, BT, CB, GH, HS, HN, HT, LB, MI, NO, OK, PT, PM, RI, RO, SY, WI, ZB
      • shallow depth (for Eukaryotes) was 32982, now 37900
        • retains 8,262,200 (29.45%) features in 218 (86.17%) samples at the specifed sampling depth.
        • 21 port included (per graph): AD, AW, BT, CB, GH, HS, HN, HT, LB, MI, NX, NO, OK, PT, PM, RI, RO, SY, VN, WI, ZB
    • with finished script re-wrote new mapping files for sampling selection:
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/127_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_deep_all.tsv
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/127_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_shll_all.tsv
    • next continue revision of /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • commit a9f82be7c92f4cf7fa4b8aeca3279b00ac89f3ae

24.04.2020 - continuing getting more ports

  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • this script is important
    • all output file were re-written
    • commit 7bcc985471ef62b521d4c3f5fe28bd9bebda8aa7
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • replaced all output files
  • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • replaced all output files
    • erased all log files
  • moved away /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/Shell/
  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusted and re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • commit d06c2537a3157a32563b5b10e3abf27a524e984a

27.04.2020 - continuing getting more ports

  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • moving /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/Shell/
  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • calls /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/177_parse_otu_tables.R
  • re-running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • calls /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/177_parse_otu_tables.R
  • re-running
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • moving to scratch:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • commit eadd2eee145c4e720d7ec9e982b3e291e23693c6
  • updated /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • updated script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_80_get_mixed_effect_model_tables.R
  • emptied directory /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results
  • running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_81_extend_model_tables.R
  • generated results and mailed off
  • archive file is /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/
  • commit d40ba78c91da0c1fbdc3a030b15b4f2d6f29
  • next
    • check, adjust and run 500_05_test_sampling_effort.R
    • check all other script in directory.

01.05.2020 - continuing with supplemental scripts

  • not touching - should be fine:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_10_gather_predictor_tables.R
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_20_get_predictor_euklidian_distances.R
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_30_shape_matrices.R
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_40_get_maps.R
  • trying re-run of:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_test_sampling_effort.R
      • get_many_matrices_from_input_matrix still doesn't work as expected - fix
  • re-running file creation in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast via
    • script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_85_get_shared_taxa-deep.R
    • script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_85_get_shared_taxa-shallow.R

02.05.2020 - blast and blast prep

  • updated Transport scripts and Blast script
  • moving to cluster for blasting
  • commit 94491f45a547dbbb00738c6ea974e09315641951
  • ok prepare cluster, database, and blast - Blast completed
  • hash key is d6e754ec1fa1b695e5b02eb08062c468eb268fd8

12.05.2020 - working on Methods, Results, and Display itmes

  • updated /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200512_DI_map_curves.R
  • updated /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200512_DI_unifrac_vs_jaccard.R
  • saved plots to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development
  • commit 206569edbc77aeea3d6ef9097df4bd0f4a4232ac

20.05.2020 - working on new Blast results for Kara and ERin - deep and shallow

  • Blast results in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast
    • done - unpigz /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast/*no_env.txt.gz
  • copying code from script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/190917_DI_main_results_calculations.R
  • into scripts:
    • created - /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/560_process-blast_results_deep.R
      • started xml-read-in
      • commit 12556b01271c55bfe57701cfbdf65ae0fd24a65e

20.05.2020 - working on new Blast results for Kara and ERin - deep and shallow

  • continuing from yesterday: started taxonomy lookup using Taxonomizr
    • finished and mailed off - see script for saved locations
    • done - /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/560_process-blast_results_shallow.R
      • commit 9b769eedde672a370bad90f8d9d68a44c2c60cd
  • done - pigz /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast/*no_env.txt
  • done - mail off results
  • commit 12556b01271c55bfe57701cfbdf65ae0fd24a65

20.05.2020 - debugging sampling effort testing script

  • working on script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_test_sampling_effort.R
    • in line ~154 now using by() instead of apply():
      • # commented out 24.05.2010
      • # unifrac_matrices <- apply(port_combinations, 1, function (prt_elmt) get_matrix_from_port_pair(prt_elmt[1], prt_elmt[2], unifrac_matrix))
      • # replacement code 24.05.2010
      • unifrac_matrices <- by(port_combinations, 1:nrow(port_combinations), function (prt_elmt) get_matrix_from_port_pair(prt_elmt[1], prt_elmt[2], unifrac_matrix))
    • seems to be working
    • still pending run script with full bootstrapping, both files, and save intermediate files and display items!
  • commit 3de6ba8a4872c2164680f6e042605156a09dd3e6

25.05.2020 - debugging sampling effort testing script

  • adjusting and running in parallel from command lines:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_test_sampling_effort_deep.R
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_test_sampling_effort_shallow.R
    • started 25.05.2020 - ~16:25
  • commit f14b7aeade353a0bcb8f785f9895d219a69a75c5
    • checked and save display items in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development
    • commented out boot-strapping and saving in scripts above results are pulled from previous calculations
  • commit da1de50fae6821fdaadfd3d83f02c05e2e3cfa3a

28.05.2020 - preparing files for Kara

  • modifying scripts
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_85_get_shared_taxa-deep.R
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_85_get_shared_taxa-shallow.R
  • to generate files for Kara:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/200528_550_85_get_shared_taxa-deep.xlsx
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/200528_550_85_get_shared_taxa-shallow.xlsx

06.06.2020 - worked on manuscript

  • created and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_mock/Github/140_plot_composition.R
  • commit 58889bb50b8225d5c7f1ea38abc653c6f6dd5cad

08.06.2020 - work on supplemental methods, section "Confirming sufficient sequencing depth, appropriate distance metric and sampling effort"

  • akin to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/120_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qzv
    • deep depth (for Eukaryotes) was 49974, now: 49900
      • retains 10,279,400 (36.64%) features in 206 (81.42%) samples at the specifed sampling depth
      • 19 port included (per graph): AD, AW, BT, CB, GH, HS, HN, HT, LB, MI, NO, OK, PT, PM, RI, RO, SY, WI, ZB
    • shallow depth (for Eukaryotes) was 32982, now 37900
      • retains 8,262,200 (29.45%) features in 218 (86.17%) samples at the specifed sampling depth.
      • 21 port included (per graph): AD, AW, BT, CB, GH, HS, HN, HT, LB, MI, NX, NO, OK, PT, PM, RI, RO, SY, VN, WI, ZB
    • need to adjust similar script after sample subsetting to 5 samples per port
  • check graphs for rarefaction curve export
    • before subsetting:
      • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryote-shallow_non_phylogenetic_curves.qzv
      • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes_non_phylogenetic_curves.qzv
    • for R script exporting observed OTUs per port to .csv file (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/200608_125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes_non_phylogenetic_curves.csv)
    • aborted R script - using Qiime graph for now (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200608_DI_asv_accumulations_per_ports.R)
    • (after subsetting):
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/160_eDNA_samples_Eukaryote-shallow_curves_tree-matched.qzv
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/160_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_curves_tree-matched.qzv

09.06.2020 - work on supplemental methods, section "Confirming sufficient sequencing depth, appropriate distance metric and sampling effort"

  • finished /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200608_DI_asv_accumulations_per_ports.R
  • commit * **08.06.2020** - work on supplemental methods, section "Confirming sufficient sequencing depth, appropriate distance metric and sampling effort"
  • akin to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/120_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qzv
    • deep depth (for Eukaryotes) was 49974, now: 49900
      • retains 10,279,400 (36.64%) features in 206 (81.42%) samples at the specifed sampling depth
      • 19 port included (per graph): AD, AW, BT, CB, GH, HS, HN, HT, LB, MI, NO, OK, PT, PM, RI, RO, SY, WI, ZB
    • shallow depth (for Eukaryotes) was 32982, now 37900
      • retains 8,262,200 (29.45%) features in 218 (86.17%) samples at the specifed sampling depth.
      • 21 port included (per graph): AD, AW, BT, CB, GH, HS, HN, HT, LB, MI, NX, NO, OK, PT, PM, RI, RO, SY, VN, WI, ZB
    • need to adjust similar script after sample subsetting to 5 samples per port
  • check graphs for rarefaction curve export
    • before subsetting:
      • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryote-shallow_non_phylogenetic_curves.qzv
      • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes_non_phylogenetic_curves.qzv
    • for R script exporting observed OTUs per port to .csv file (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/200608_125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes_non_phylogenetic_curves.csv)
    • aborted R script - using Qiime graph for now (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200608_DI_asv_accumulations_per_ports.R)
    • (after subsetting):
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/160_eDNA_samples_Eukaryote-shallow_curves_tree-matched.qzv
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/160_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_curves_tree-matched.qzv

09.06.2020 - work on supplemental methods, section "Confirming sufficient sequencing depth, appropriate distance metric and sampling effort"

  • finished /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200608_DI_asv_accumulations_per_ports.R
  • commit **08.06.2020** - work on supplemental methods, section "Confirming sufficient sequencing depth, appropriate distance metric and sampling effort"
  • akin to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/120_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qzv
    • deep depth (for Eukaryotes) was 49974, now: 49900
      • retains 10,279,400 (36.64%) features in 206 (81.42%) samples at the specifed sampling depth
      • 19 port included (per graph): AD, AW, BT, CB, GH, HS, HN, HT, LB, MI, NO, OK, PT, PM, RI, RO, SY, WI, ZB
    • shallow depth (for Eukaryotes) was 32982, now 37900
      • retains 8,262,200 (29.45%) features in 218 (86.17%) samples at the specifed sampling depth.
      • 21 port included (per graph): AD, AW, BT, CB, GH, HS, HN, HT, LB, MI, NX, NO, OK, PT, PM, RI, RO, SY, VN, WI, ZB
    • need to adjust similar script after sample subsetting to 5 samples per port
  • check graphs for rarefaction curve export
    • before subsetting:
      • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryote-shallow_non_phylogenetic_curves.qzv
      • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes_non_phylogenetic_curves.qzv
    • for R script exporting observed OTUs per port to .csv file (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/200608_125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes_non_phylogenetic_curves.csv)
    • aborted R script - using Qiime graph for now (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200608_DI_asv_accumulations_per_ports.R)
    • (after subsetting):
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/160_eDNA_samples_Eukaryote-shallow_curves_tree-matched.qzv
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/160_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_curves_tree-matched.qzv

09.06.2020 - work on supplemental methods, section "Confirming sufficient sequencing depth, appropriate distance metric and sampling effort"

  • finished /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200608_DI_asv_accumulations_per_ports.R
  • commit

08.06.2020 - work on supplemental methods, section "Confirming sufficient sequencing depth, appropriate distance metric and sampling effort"

  • akin to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/120_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qzv
    • deep depth (for Eukaryotes) was 49974, now: 49900
      • retains 10,279,400 (36.64%) features in 206 (81.42%) samples at the specifed sampling depth
      • 19 port included (per graph): AD, AW, BT, CB, GH, HS, HN, HT, LB, MI, NO, OK, PT, PM, RI, RO, SY, WI, ZB
    • shallow depth (for Eukaryotes) was 32982, now 37900
      • retains 8,262,200 (29.45%) features in 218 (86.17%) samples at the specifed sampling depth.
      • 21 port included (per graph): AD, AW, BT, CB, GH, HS, HN, HT, LB, MI, NX, NO, OK, PT, PM, RI, RO, SY, VN, WI, ZB
    • need to adjust similar script after sample subsetting to 5 samples per port
  • check graphs for rarefaction curve export
    • before subsetting:
      • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryote-shallow_non_phylogenetic_curves.qzv
      • qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes_non_phylogenetic_curves.qzv
    • for R script exporting observed OTUs per port to .csv file (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/200608_125_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes_non_phylogenetic_curves.csv)
    • aborted R script - using Qiime graph for now (/Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200608_DI_asv_accumulations_per_ports.R)
    • (after subsetting):
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/160_eDNA_samples_Eukaryote-shallow_curves_tree-matched.qzv
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/160_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_curves_tree-matched.qzv

09.06.2020 - work on supplemental methods, section "Confirming sufficient sequencing depth, appropriate distance metric and sampling effort"

  • finished /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200608_DI_asv_accumulations_per_ports.R
  • commit 5c8154e392dfe89dce1997ea37123280f2de1ee2
  • updated /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200512_DI_unifrac_vs_jaccard.R
  • commit 71bbc86e4044ddfec1fcfb0dc2242bce59ccc776
  • updated Jaccard vs. Unifrac plot.

10.06.2020 - work on supplemental methods, section "Confirming sufficient sequencing depth, appropriate distance metric and sampling effort"

  • updating bootstrapping scripts
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_test_sampling_effort_deep.R
      • changed both script here, but upper one more, check revision history for changes
      • commit 8ccaf038f2348fb5f8b90fdf86114de29ba81043
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_test_sampling_effort_shallow.R
      • both script should be the same again now
      • partial script code has been altered to produce full plots
      • check revision history to revert back changes if needed (or check other plot code chunks)
      • commit dba62bb2c93b89da5ffbeaefb6a241ff97005528

12.06.2020 - work on supplemental methods

15.06.2020 - work on supplemental methods an mailed off

16.06.2020 - going through main text

  • values to look up in new version of results script
    • total read count
    • total ASV count
    • number of unique port pairs
    • high, low, mean, median, sd of Unifrac values
  • commit 4128c0249aa8da3a6fa72378246882286c33c0c2

19.06.2020 - going through main text

  • for sequence counts inspecting summary files generated by /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/

    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/129_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryote-shallow.qzv
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/129_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qzv
      • 13,546,203 reads total after port resampling
      • 1,756,331 read from Pearl Harbour
      • 11,789,872 read from all ports
  • for feature counts without Pearl Harbour

    • inspect file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_85_get_shared_taxa-deep.R

      • inspect output file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast/200520_560_blast-xml-conversion_deep_with-ncbi-info.xlsx
        • unsuccessful
    • filter summary files

      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/128_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryote-shallow.qza
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/128_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qza
    • using metadata files

      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/127_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_shll_all.tsv
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/127_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_deep_all.tsv
    • using qiime qiime feature-table filter-samples
      --m-metadata-file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/127_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_deep_all.tsv
      --i-table /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/128_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qza
      --p-where "RID IN ('PH')"
      --o-filtered-table /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/200619_128_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qza

      qiime feature-table summarize
      --m-sample-metadata-file /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/127_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_deep_all.tsv
      --i-table /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/200619_128_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qza
      --o-visualization /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/200619_128_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes.qzv

  • to summarize Unifrac values in manuscript updating

    • 200512_DI_unifrac_vs_jaccard.R

09.07.2020 - addressing revision remarks of todays meeting

  • want a a Reingold-Tilford graph from BLAST results
    • started in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/550_85_get_shared_taxa-deep.R
    • not finished yet
      • import to Cytoscape to iGraph: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Results/200528_550_85_get_shared_taxa-deep.xlsx
      • look at Erin's graph and iGraph manual
      • commit c4ed3aa3887c23a74fa5ec62ee3eca3b6933f34a

10.07.2020 - addressing revision remarks - creating a visualisation

  • working on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200709_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R
    • getting feature (ASV) counts to merge with Blast results
      • running qiime tools view /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/165_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_features_tree-matched.qzv
      • saving to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/200706_165_eDNA_samples_Eukaryotes_features_tree-matched__feature-frequency-detail.csv
      • draft version with commit ed9fc9e76a9dd2094e86b6cda88875d13948cda8
      • probable should be rebuilt from data frame

13.07.2020 - addressing revision remarks - creating a visualisation and further info

  • keeping copy at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/R/200709_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R
  • working on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R
  • commit 370328a28cfed072190422bab4b80af69594e21

14.07.2020 - addressing revision remarks - creating a visualisation and further info

  • adjusted code /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R
  • saved to pertinent folders: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/200714_12_most_common_sp.pdf
  • commit 4490cecb2cfcc24a53760fec59e4184d08b5d7cc
  • also created larger plot /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/200714_alll_phyla_at_all_ports.pdf
  • 07ccb08b1966840a7641d3470a64a06e33ea35ab

15.07.2020 - addressing revision remarks - creating a visualisation and further info

  • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R summarize plotted columns to get rid of artefacts

16.07.2020 - addressing revision remarks - revising visualisations

  • need to remove PH samples from plots and counts
  • started c7e39228112390629257724a1d8691f3b4dc6cac
  • successfully removed PH from display items and port counts in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R
  • bc0829d12997a21080355078941693836f2f122c

28.07.2020 - working on plotting script

  • working on /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R

29.07.2020 - working on plotting script

  • finished /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R
  • updated manuscript and files
  • check todo for ongoing and more work
    • commit bf342271e47458be54f8b0df9bd0603792db6b69
  • changing plotting script - reverse to non-taxon agglomeration in last plot
    • commit 64dc8ba8781971e48dfd07000e53c1b9bf6c9892

30.07.2020 - working on re-Blasting controls

  • need to be working with - pending
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_controls_features.csv
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_controls_features.tsv
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_controls_seq.qza
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090_18S_controls_tab.qza
    • files in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090-218S_controls_tab_qiime_artefacts_control
  • exporting control data - ok
    • adjusted and ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • results available in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090-218S_controls_tab_qiime_artefacts_control
  • re-Blasting control data
    • adjusting and running /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • 753e1611cdbffed4bf6695be83743979afa8a71c

31.07.2020 - working on re-Blasting controls

  • adjusting /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • for blast script creating /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090-218S_controls_tab_qiime_artefacts_control/dna-sequences.fasta.gz
  • using unpacked negative GI list /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Blast/190718_gi_list_environmental.txt

03.08.2020 - re-Blasting controls - now done on cluster

  • commit before upload 81810a590c8cbff356aceacf45dbbc3f3827be0
  • files hae arrived on cluster
  • starting Blast on .gz file
  • done - zippimg didn't work (path needed adjustment - done now)
  • pushing to cluter home

04.08.2020 - re-Blasting controls - now done on cluster

  • control Blast results are stored at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/090-218S_controls_tab_qiime_artefacts_control/090-3_-sequences_blast_result_no_env.txt
  • reading in control Blast results in script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/090-4_process-blast_results_controls.R
    • continue in line 43 - ok

06.08.2020 - annotating Blast results

  • finished script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/090-4_process-blast_results_controls.R - ok
  • starting script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/090-5_DI_blast_control_overview.R

07.08.2020 - annotating Blast results

  • after re-running part II from line 100 - continue working with phsq_ob_cp - ok

10.08.2020 - annotating Blast results

  • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/090-5_DI_blast_control_overview.R
    • plotted out phyla across controls - ok
    • next: check PCR controls and mock content - pending
  • commit 31cbedddccd7e8d809b8873c2d95d77dc475c54

14.09.2020 - creating a figure showing all taxa and inavsive taxa by port

  • opening /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R
    • add NIS-data plots
      • commit before further edits: 30631fb22eeb652552a4fa90239faca68abf150
      • splice in (via join) data from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/NIS_lookups/invasive_sp_multiple_ports.csv - ok
      • add plots - ok
    • draft versions saved at:
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/200914_all_taxa_across_ports.pdf
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Display_Item_Development/200914_nis_taxa_across_ports.pdf
  • commit e1e1e23cbf1e20b276fa04483d842fece3953647

07.10.2020 - in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R

* added seqection: `get species list for collaborators - Honolulu, Pearl Harbour (7. Oct. 2020)`
* plot metazoans vs others - **partially done**
* plot ASV per port  - **pending**
* commit `23ce5b20dd2151186077b93bb06a21b67241cfc5`

09.10.2020 - in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R

  • continued analysis at very end and wrote 201009_distinct_phyla_member_counts_all_ports.pdf

11.10.2020 - in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R

  • working with un-agglomerated Phylsoseq object now in lin 343 onwards
  • commit 1eb6cc7b1686e26d3ceb090e626444184b61c400
  • revised code and overwrote old image - ok
  • make proportional - ok
  • use not-tree agglomerated object next - ok
  • plot ASV per port - ok
  • commit 6e897dcf9a12f5f8a4e82c3210cdf6de17c51ba

13.10.2020 - in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R

  • psychodelic barplots for David and analysis of diferences in phylum compostions - ok
  • agglomerate counts for phyla - ok
  • add ecoregion information as factor - ok
  • to test compositions possibly use the function anosimof the library vegan - ok
    • no significant difference on phylum level per ecoregion
  • commit a4a375ca03fb955487f1dab678a134fa408c66e8

14.10.2020 - in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R

  • revise code to seperate out plots for metazoans
  • commit d1d60cbb05a9fd24e4114d984e67bbec35f68f5a

15.10.2020 - in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R

  • added numerous analyses to look at invasives and to complet results section
  • script messy now - if in doubt check commit history - needs revision at some point
  • commit 4030c9180e31cd993d5fe147a00d416b35f63b0
  • added try()s for execution via Rscript
  • re-ran unmonitored to refresh plot dates
  • commit 0333655f77dc0f872d207cd9b0af53248b4bbe7
  • updated file names of exports

16.10.2020 - for new analyses (Jaccard of Invasive taxa against traffic variables)

  • from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R
    • sending off file for new NIS annotation to Kara

19.10.2020 - received results from Kara for new analysis

  • moving to scratch mv /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200717_DI_main_results_calculations.R /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/R
  • creating new file touch /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/201019_DI_main_results_calculations.R_DI_main_results_calculations.R
    • therein revising code of /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R
  • received results from Kara - checked nis assignments
    • saved at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/NIS_lookups/201019_nis_lookups_kara
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/NIS_lookups/201019_nis_lookups_kara/blast_results_final.csv
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/NIS_lookups/201019_nis_lookups_kara/reBLAST_WRiMS_10.17.2020.R
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/NIS_lookups/201019_nis_lookups_kara/reBLAST_wrims_10.17.2020.txt
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/NIS_lookups/201019_nis_lookups_kara/wrims_98_unambiguous_port_matrix.csv
      • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/NIS_lookups/201019_nis_lookups_kara/WRiMS_taxon.csv
  • long object ready for analysis
    • in script ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/201019_DI_main_results_calculations.R - started
    • do analogous to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R - pending
  • commit 06712937fb301cddb84194b6d5b5901d4ddbeb92

20.10.2020 - updated ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/201019_DI_main_results_calculations.R

  • I created a Jaccard distance matrix from putative NIS presences (henceforth: pNIS) across ports (as shown in plots below) and after “melting" the matrix to three columns, merged those Jaccard distances to one of our old modelling tables. The first couple of rows of the resulting table are shown in the R code below.
  • The correlation test, done subsequently, is also shown below.
  • *pNIS Jaccard distances are negatively correlated with voyage counts (which is what we are testing mainly and hypothesized to see) and positive correlated with all other distances, also as expected. My interpretation of this is that we have a positive results as hypothesized.
  • implement new ASV analysis script - ok
    • new plots - (nis filter first) - ok
    • add traffic data - ok
    • new analysis - ok
  • commit 7502fac8d69443765d13c496736a1a2223a1c8c

21.10.2020 - updated ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/201019_DI_main_results_calculations.R

  • added partial correlation and semi-partial correlations
  • move to scratch: /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/R/200713_DI_blast_taxa_overview.R
  • commit c121c8d7980b0a4b70ce416bdd4cb02b933fe3a1

22.10.2020 - updated ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/201019_DI_main_results_calculations.R

  • added JA's way of plotting semi-partial correlations - with and without outliers removed
  • commit b4743d68d3faacb3db809c5cf76510022e38401f

23.10.2020 - updated ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/201019_DI_main_results_calculations.R

  • using unscaled data
  • converting all variables to distances
  • using J_B_HON_NOECO_NOENV as traffic variable until further notice
  • with email requested help on correct variable to use - resolved
  • no commit yet

27.10.2020 - updated ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/201019_DI_main_results_calculations.R

  • using J_VOY_FREQ as traffic variable until further notice

30.10.2020 - updated ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/201019_DI_main_results_calculations.R

  • just checking row-sums of presence absence data
  • no commit yet

21.11.2020 - updated ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/201019_DI_main_results_calculations.R

  • verifying numbers in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/181113_mn_cu_portbio/NSFPorts_eDNA_draft_21Nov20_PC.docx
  • commit 2eb9909296b8594e303e4d0d9c552434d7c3fb9

24.11.2020 - updating manuscript file

  • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/181113_mn_cu_portbio/NSFPorts_eDNA_draft_21Nov20_PC _with_crossrefs_chnages_accepted.docx
  • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/181113_mn_cu_portbio/NSFPorts_eDNA_supplement_draft_23Nov20_PC.docx
    • in latter file checking read counts again in section Obtaining biological response data as done on 8-6-2020 above
  • getting remaining display items by coding in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/201019_DI_main_results_calculations.R
    • based on code in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Scratch/R/190917_DI_main_results_calculations.R
    • based on code in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200512_DI_unifrac_vs_jaccard.R
  • updating /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200512_DI_unifrac_vs_jaccard.R
  • sending file of to collaborators
  • commit adc2b9130b80f9edb8a706e9d7b7a69c18db211

03.02.2021 - pulling sequence data for Erin

  • see /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170728_external_presentations/210203_shallow_eukaryotes_data_extract.tar.gz


  • including Joses script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/220322_unifrac_glmer.R
  • from /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/220616_Mol_Ecol_revision/220416_scripts


  • work on revision for Molecular Ecology:
  • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/220616_Mol_Ecol_revision/220619_revisions_help_files
  • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/220616_Mol_Ecol_revision/220619_revision_help.docx
  • in script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/201019_DI_main_results_calculations.R
  • only minor adjustments, if in doubt consult git
  • commit 8db8042aece509ff87d3a8576b8a9581169accf9

24.11.2022 - starting to work on revision for Molecular Ecology

  • updated README formatting for better Markdown compatibility
  • for getting per sample accumulation curve
    • inspecting /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200608_DI_asv_accumulations_per_ports.R
    • script is still running and can be adjusted
    • exporting plots to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/221111_Mol_Ecol_revision/2_new_display_items
    • exported per port plot
    • added sample wise plot - very slow
    • workspace file saved at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/nis_wraps_workspace.Rdata
  • commit e36b06874760962f4e206117368ad5523e8008aa

24.11.2022 - starting to work on revision for Molecular Ecology

  • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200608_DI_asv_accumulations_per_ports.R
    • finished per sample / port accumulation curve depiction
    • plots saved to /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/221111_Mol_Ecol_revision/2_new_display_items/201124_DI_accummulation_curves_per_port_per_sample.pdf
  • workspace file saved at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/nis_wraps_workspace.Rdata
  • commit e29a85e7ffcd4e0416de78f65d6512c101d25e91

28.11.2022 - continuing to work on revision for Molecular Ecology

  • in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/200608_DI_asv_accumulations_per_ports.R
    • re-added accidentally-erased group split
  • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/221128_DI_asv_per_sample_accumulation.R
    • to plot species accumulation curves, per sample
    • output saved at /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/221111_Mol_Ecol_revision/2_new_display_items/201124_DI_asv_per_sample_per_port.pdf
  • commit 79830000f0c741b87556ed0f2396c84dac29ac87
  • created /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
    • to export OTU tables /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/115*tab*
    • as per

29.11.2022 - continuing to work on revision for Molecular Ecology

  • exporting abundance values for Erin
  • erased /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/221128_DI_asv_per_sample_accumulation.R
  • creating script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • from script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • ran /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • commit a24eb0fd76d8012e250394c7ff5d6a490f37ef48
  • the following folder pairs should hold identical information:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/181_18S_controls_tab_Eukaryote-shallow_qiime_artefacts_custom
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/181_18S_controls_tab_Eukaryotes_qiime_artefacts_custom
  • and:
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/181_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryote-shallow_qiime_artefacts_custom
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/181_18S_eDNA_samples_tab_Eukaryotes_qiime_artefacts_custom
  • testing data in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/221128_DI_asv_per_sample_accumulation.R
  • syncing files to Nextcloud for Erin
  • rsync -azvi --progress --relative /Users/paul/Documents/./CU_combined/Zenodo/Qiime/181_* /Users/paul/Nextcloud/
  • commit 2d080e4200a846d0d34874ff9d379f3950539120

28.12.2022 - continuing to work on revision for Molecular Ecology

  • as per Jose attempting to get comparable plots for Jaccard and Unifrac distances
  • reading Erin's Jaccard accumulation script script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/221111_Mol_Ecol_revision/3_analyses/221228_PC_jaccard_accumulation_script.R
    • re-calculates Jaccard distances from scratch using vegdist()
    • and using exported metadata table /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/221111_Mol_Ecol_revision/3_analyses/features-tax-meta.tsv
    • vegdist()does not implement UNIFRAC distance
  • possible solution: re-run old UNIFRAC plotting code with Jaccard distances
  • UNIFRAC testing code is stored at
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_test_sampling_effort_deep.R
    • /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/500_05_test_sampling_effort_shallow.R
    • code doesn't run anymore
  • getting archived code:
    • expanding /Users/paul/Archive/Cornell/ and deleting expansion afterwards
    • copying archived analysis code cp /Users/paul/Archive/Cornell/CU_cmbd_rf_test/Github/500_10_UNIFRAC_behaviour.R /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/221111_Mol_Ecol_revision/3_analyses
    • renaming mv /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/221111_Mol_Ecol_revision/3_analyses/500_10_UNIFRAC_behaviour.R /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/221111_Mol_Ecol_revision/3_analyses/180924_distance_test_UNIFRAC.R
    • created git repository
    • found bug, fixed,apply() call must not be simplified in function as per git tracking
    • to be continued

30.12.2022 - continuing to work on revision for Molecular Ecology

  • did several plots - see commit history in /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/221111_Mol_Ecol_revision/3_analyses

31.12.2022 - continuing to work on revision for Molecular Ecology

  • implemented mean centring

02.12.2023 - continuing to work on revision for Molecular Ecology

  • started implementing processin of data in parallel

02.02.2023 - starting data upload to NCBI SRA

  • looking at ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/
  • looking at ~/Documents/CU_combined/Github/127_select_random_samples.R
    • finding manifest ~/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/127_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_deep_all.tsv")
    • finding manifest ~/Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/127_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_deep_grp.tsv")
    • collapsed sample per port mentioned therein, as well
  • from SRA
    • downloading template /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/230201_data_submission/230201_sra/MIMARKS.survey.water.6.0.xlsx
    • filling /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS_manuscript/230201_data_submission/230201_sra/MIMARKS.survey.water.6.0_filled.xlsx
    • using /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170726_sample_info/180314_cs_samples.xlsx
    • using /Documents/CU_combined/Zenodo/Manifest/127_18S_5-sample-euk-metadata_deep_all.tsv")
    • using /Users/paul/Documents/CU_NIS-WRAPS/170726_sample_info/170830_cs_field_notes.pdf
  • used R script /Users/paul/Documents/CU_combined/Github/230223_get_sra_filenames.R
    • to collate sequence files from network storage
    • to fill file names into templates provided by SRA
  • commit e60a077323e0f43d2f6278f187e29023025f5627

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