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kct's Introduction


Kerbal Construction Time - An addon for Kerbal Space Program


Kerbal Construction Time is an addon for Kerbal Space Program, a game developed by Squad, that makes rockets/planes/vessels take time to build before you can launch/fly them. The amount of time is based on the cost of all of the parts that make up the craft. This time is reduced when using parts that have been used before, or when using parts that have been recovered from other vessels (meaning there is an advantage to building reusable craft).

Check out the development forum for additional details and pre-built binaries:


  • Assembly-CSharp.dll (from KSP)
  • UnityEngine.dll (from KSP)

I use Visual Studio Express 2013.

kct's People


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kct's Issues

Reverting to editor after rollout requires new rollout

I thought I had noticed this before, but Hyomoto confirmed. I wonder why it isn't being saved as rolled out in the config? Maybe the rollout item is deleted after pressing launch, but before saving the persistence? Can reset the rollout when we remove the vessel after loading Flight.


In order to make it easier to start a new game, I propose a set of preset settings (much like the difficulty options in Stock) which will make it much simpler to define how you want KCT to work for a save. This will replace the current "Default" settings. Additionally, time settings will be merged into the save file itself.

Some ideas I have for normal settings:
Simulation Only Mode - Build times disabled but simulations are still enabled
Lite Mode - Just build times, no tech unlocks or reconditioning
Normal Mode - Everything at default values
Custom Preset - Replaces current "Default Settings" functionality. You can save your settings to this preset for use in new games.

For time settings:
Normal - Default time settings
Realism - Time settings modified to have builds take weeks/months on average
Recovery Master - Inventory Effect dramatically increased, Overall Modifier noticeably increased (new builds take a lot of time, but reused parts greatly reduce that)
Custom Preset - Same as above

You could still change all the settings afterward if you still weren't satisfied (probably on the same screen in fact)

Fix up some things with building vessels

Looking through the code for adding vessels to the build list there are a couple points that should be fixed up:

  1. How it checks if there's enough funds is stupid. If we already know what we're gonna charge, it should check if it has enough funds before it tries to spend them. Also, it should use the blv.cost (better, add a function like GetTotalMass for cost that returns the blv.cost if it's non zero or calculates it if it is) rather than trying to calculate the cost from the nodes (which has had issues with tweakscale/PP if I recall correctly)
  2. Apparently the mass check isn't working quite properly (see this post) so I should look into that issue.
  3. It might be possible to generate inventory of procedural parts by building things with more value than what's in the inventory now, then immediately scrapping it, since the code that assigns the InventoryParts doesn't actually check how many are in the inventory previously, just if enough were there. On second thought, maybe you can't generate parts but there's certainly a discrepancy if the build times let you use fractional amounts (ie, 200 PP in inventory applied to of 1000 PP of actual parts, resulting in 800 not in inventory for time calculations) but you don't actually remove those amounts from the inventory. Either way, it needs to be looked at.

Alright, time to stop playing Starbound and actually get some of this work done. After I get home from work and finish my homework :/

Recover Vessels Straight To Inventory

Pretty self-explanatory. You should have the ability to recover vessels straight into the warehouse/inventory without rebuilding and without being able to make repairs. Not sure how to handle fuel levels though. Probably let you fill them up for no time.

TestFlight integration?

I wonder if this would be worth looking into. The TestFlight mod appears to be a part failure mod that has increasing reliability with more use, in specific locations (atmosphere vs space around X).

Simulations could tie in to this, so that time spent in simulation can be applied to enhance reliability (at a reduced rate, or with a maximum), and simulations could be purchased that have 100% reliability for "ideal situation" testing.

Edit: Thought of some more: Limiting the available failure pathways for a particular part (assuming there's more than one failure mode) to only known ones would be pretty cool. Same with the ability to force a failure, for testing abort operations.

Those are just some of the ideas I had. Please feel free to add your own!

NRE during DelayedStart when disabled

Likely not a hard fix, just need to check for PrimarilyDisabled and not make references to features that shouldn't be enabled.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Kerbal_Construction_Time.Kerbal_Construction_Time.DelayedStart () [0x00000] in :0

at Kerbal_Construction_Time.KerbalConstructionTimeData.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in :0

at ScenarioModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in :0

at ScenarioRunner.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in :0

at ProtoScenarioModule.Load (.ScenarioRunner host) [0x00000] in :0

at ScenarioRunner+��.MoveNext () [0x00000] in :0

Simulation Overhaul

Simulations need some work and I want to try to get that in version 1.1.
I will likely use this space for brainstorming. Conversation within the thread, starting primarily with this post is the major source of inspiration.
Start simulations landed on other bodies
Purchase upgrades for better "hardware" and simulation packages.
Rework how time works to use an actual formula instead of being random (quadratic? sub-quadratic [ie exponent=1.2]?)
Use real time as opposed to in-game time?

There's more but I don't feel like listing everything right now.

Severe Lag when Right-clicking in Editor on Procedural Fairing base with Tweakable Everything

It may sound like a very specific issue, but it's rooted in a deeper issue where right clicking causes the vessel updated event to fire a ridiculous number of times, meaning KCT recalculates build times a ridiculous number of times.

Check this reddit comment stream for more details and an example craft: (thanks MaturinTheTurtle)

I'm not sure whether these are occurring multiple times during a single Update, but if it is the fix is simple: restrict the call to be once per update. Then you can call that event a billion times in a frame but KCT will only recalculate once. I don't expect that this will have issues with things being out of sync (since you're likely not making a bunch of changes per frame) but it is possible. At the very least, everything is recalculated when you press the build button. Perhaps I should also recalculate when the stock launch button is pressed.

Log NRE when going to a vessel on the launch pad

I'm loading a game
I'm going to the vessel in the launch pad (from the save, previous rollout).
The log show a nre, but nothing seem broken.
I'm running with some mods, i can try without if necessary.

The version:
"NAME":"Kerbal Construction Time",

The log:

[LOG 22:33:44.742] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------
[LOG 22:33:44.763] Target vessel index: 7 vessel count: 8
[LOG 22:33:44.765] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel test thermo ----------------------
[LOG 22:33:44.767] setting new dominant body: Kerbin
FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin
[LOG 22:33:44.770] Reference Frame: Rotating


[EXC 22:33:45.935] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
KerbalConstructionTime.KerbalConstructionTime.DelayedStart ()
KerbalConstructionTime.KerbalConstructionTimeData.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node)
ScenarioModule.Load (.ConfigNode node)
ScenarioRunner.AddModule (.ConfigNode node)
ProtoScenarioModule.Load (.ScenarioRunner host)
ScenarioRunner+� .MoveNext ()

I can attach a savegame if necessary.

Don't access module.moduleRef outside of flight scene

Specifically in the section of the recovery code where it checks for a probe core. Here is the faulty code:

(((ModuleCommand)module.moduleRef).minimumCrew == 0)

I may be able to get the info I need from the ConfigNode directly, otherwise I'll have to find a different way to detect a probe core.

KCT causes NullReferenceException: KerbalAlarmClock.KerbalAlarmClock.FillAlarmWindow

These mostly seem to happen in conjunction with Kerbal Construction Time when using the "warp to" button to finish up a build or launchpad reconditioning. Not sure if KCT is calling KAC with garbage or if the error is within KCT.

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

3/9/2015 4:29:08 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Reducing Warp-Transition

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

3/9/2015 4:29:08 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Triggering Alarm - KCT: Tethys I (Karbonite) Complete

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

3/9/2015 4:29:08 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,KCT: Tethys I (Karbonite) Complete-Halt Warp

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

3/9/2015 4:29:08 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Actioning Alarm

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

Unpacking Thlassa I (High Orbit) Y1D199 Duna

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

3/9/2015 4:29:08 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,API-DeleteAlarm-Deleting:33f6410d043f4ddb9f7f072aa6f0b30b

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at KerbalAlarmClock.KerbalAlarmClock.FillAlarmWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in :0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in :0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in :0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Math parser l((1)+1) error

I have a error when i try the formula 100_l((2_[u])+100) in EffectivePartFormula
but it worked with 100_l( (2_[u])+100)
build #99 windows 32b

Upgrade Overhaul

Upgrades definitely need to be improved. Hyomoto's posts seem to be the idea I should follow for this implementation.

I'm currently toying around with the idea of a tech-tree for KCT with different paths for "VAB Construction", "SPH Construction", "Part Recovery", and "R&D".

VAB/SPH Construction would be analogous to the different build rates (you can unlock new nodes for faster build times and additional assembly lines, decreased times for never before used parts, and other enhancements). R&D would be similar to the R&D tab of the current upgrade window. Part Recovery would let you unlock the inventory system, parachute based recovery, and give you enhancements to using recovered parts.

I'm more than willing to hear additional paths that could be explored.

The GUI for this is going to suck.

Rollout and Rollback times aren't synced properly

Just noticed this during some testing. Rollback should be the same time as rollout, but in testing I was seeing that rollback was taking much longer. Likely an issue with the rate calculation, maybe?


Unable to goto SPH or VAB. Unable to leave Research building or Contract building view.
Main problem follows:
[LOG 10:05:48.644] [KCT] Checking for updates...
[LOG 10:05:51.812] [KCT] Received version:
[LOG 10:05:51.813] [KCT] No new updates. Current:
[EXC 10:06:16.946] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Contracts.Templates.RescueKerbal.GetDescription ()
Contracts.Contract.get_Description ()
Contracts.Contract.MissionControlTextRich ()
MissionControl.UpdateInfoPanelContract (Contracts.Contract contract)
MissionControl.onButtonSelect (.POINTER_INFO& ptr)
UIRadioBtn.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr)
AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr)
UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex)
UIManager.DispatchInput ()
UIManager.Update ()
[EXC 10:06:18.393] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Contracts.Templates.PartTest.GetDescription ()
Contracts.Contract.get_Description ()
Contracts.Contract.MissionControlTextRich ()
MissionControl.UpdateInfoPanelContract (Contracts.Contract contract)
MissionControl.onButtonSelect (.POINTER_INFO& ptr)
UIRadioBtn.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr)
AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr)
UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex)
UIManager.DispatchInput ()
UIManager.Update ()
[EXC 10:06:18.792] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Contracts.Templates.ExploreBody.GetDescription ()
Contracts.Contract.get_Description ()
Contracts.Contract.MissionControlTextRich ()
MissionControl.UpdateInfoPanelContract (Contracts.Contract contract)
MissionControl.onButtonSelect (.POINTER_INFO& ptr)
UIRadioBtn.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr)
AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr)
UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex)
UIManager.DispatchInput ()
UIManager.Update ()
[EXC 10:06:19.109] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Contracts.Templates.ExploreBody.GetDescription ()
Contracts.Contract.get_Description ()
Contracts.Contract.MissionControlTextRich ()
MissionControl.UpdateInfoPanelContract (Contracts.Contract contract)
MissionControl.onButtonSelect (.POINTER_INFO& ptr)
UIRadioBtn.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr)
AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr)
UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex)
UIManager.DispatchInput ()
UIManager.Update ()
[LOG 10:06:20.011] Flight State Captured
[EXC 10:06:20.016] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Contracts.Contract.Save (.ConfigNode node)
Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave (.ConfigNode gameNode)
ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node)
ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (.ScenarioModule module)
ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules ()
Game.Updated ()
GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode)
MCSceneSpawner.onMCDespawn ()
EventVoid.Fire ()
MCDespawner.BtnExit (.POINTER_INFO& ptr)
UIButton.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr)
AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr)
UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex)
UIManager.DispatchInput ()
UIManager.Update ()

Move up/down arrows to before the ship name

Currently they're toward the end of the line. If we move them to in front of the ship name, it will be easier to see which one we're moving (plus it makes sense to put them there, like the upvote/downvote buttons on reddit)

Kerbal Konstructs support

Basic support shouldn't be too hard. Take all VAB type launchsites and give them their own reconditioning/rollout, and provide a way to launch at any AT LAUNCH TIME. This may need some additional support from the KK people.

Here's what we'll probably need to access with Reflection (or should I go with a secondary .dll that's built against it to make things easier?)
public static List getLaunchSites(String usedFilter = "ALL")

Sci / day amount not updating when reset

Minor graphical glitch if anything, but if you put upgrade points into tech node research rates, then later reset upgrades, the current sci/day value and the increase amount doesn't change until you click the development upgrade button again.

Also, sort-of-not-really a bug report, since I'd guess this behavior is intended, but is the development upgrade value supposed to be shared across all launch sites (playing RO)? Thought that it was per-launch site like the other upgrades and got really confused when I couldn't upgrade even though I still had upgrade points :(

KSCSwitcher broke

After all that work you put in, alas .90's facilities code has locked down KSC such that KSCSwitcher is dead and buried. Someone with a load of time and will might be able to dig through all the private crap in the facilities classes where the transforms are squirreled away, but for now it's dead...

EDIT Well, I had a stroke of genius (I like to think so...): KSC is rebuilt on newgame, right? So let's not switch on start, let's go back to main menu. So this is still gasping for air, and if I can make it stable, never mind me.

Individual KSC entries for RSS and KK

I'm gonna try to get this done for 1.1 but no promises. Each KSC entry will have its own build lists, storage, rollout, reconditioning, and upgrade arrangement. Shared data will include Part Inventory, Part Tracker, total number of upgrades.

The quick and dirty way of doing this is to have a KSC data type that then has build lists and storages along with the upgrade arrangement. When you select a launch site in KK it would then load the corresponding KSC as the active one, same for when you select a KSC in RSS. They are probably identified by name, but I have not checked the sources yet. Access to a "OnLaunchSiteChange" style event would be the preferred method of handling this, but otherwise a check in the FixedUpdate is probably fine.

KK does these changes in the editor, RSS (without actually looking yet) I believe does it in the Tracking Station.

This actually shouldn't be too difficult to implement. Compatibility with existing saves will need to be addressed, but that shouldn't be too hard either.

Feedback when building a vessel that exceeds VAB capability

When sending a vessel to the build queue which exceeds the parts limit of the VAB (and presumably SPH) the operation generates text, but is often hidden under other windows. Even worse when a vessel under construction being edited - all progress is lost.

This is due to bad user behaviour granted - I should be checking to see if a warning is generated before exiting the VAB/SPH, but even then it is in light-green text sometimes on the sky so not easily visible. A warning on the build/simulate dialog would be much more useful, especially if highlighted in a warning colour. Simply seeing the window disappear may be taken by others as confirmation that operation succeeded.

Thanks for all the hard work.

Add additional settings for disabling parachute recovery and to select toolbar

Title says it all. There's a few settings I need to add which shouldn't take too long. Both can be global settings.

Regarding toolbar support, there is a decent chance that KCT will be moving exclusively to the Stock toolbar when I redo the GUIs (since I want to make the build list be a window much like the Stock resources or message center). At the very least it will be made the "preference" but I will allow the use of Blizzy's toolbar as well (which I still like considerably more than the stock one)

Lose access to part testing parts when unlocking node/can build vessels with locked parts

This is partially intentional and the fix is pretty easy: just check if the tech required for each part is unlocked and don't let them build it if it isn't. The hard part is making it so you can still do part testing after beginning research on a node with part testing parts in it. I somehow need to make those parts still be "experimentally unlocked", then I can fix the issue with building vessels with locked parts.

I haven't actually looked into this much because it hasn't been a big priority. If it's an easy fix, it'll be in 1.1, otherwise I'll throw it in at some later time.

Max Reconditioning Time and Rollout Time

Pretty simple. Set a maximum for the reconditioning time (configurable, but likely about a week by default) and implement vessel rollout time.

There will be a slider to let you determine how much time should be spent on rollout vs. reconditioning (so you can do all of one, or half and half, or whatever split you want). The times likely won't be one to one, we'll see.

Rolling out a new vessel while one is already rolled out will require the old one to roll back. Same with rolling out a new one when one is already rolling out. I may permit these to happen at the same time (they can pass each other on the road) but during that time the vessel cannot be interacted with (scrapped, edited, etc).

Should I try to support Kerbal Konstructs with this? Maybe as a long term goal, but not yet I think. I alread have enough planned for 1.1

A few Math Parser additions

Just a few things that I don't want to forget about adding.

  1. KSC building upgrade levels as a variable where appropriate (R&D lvl for tech nodes, VAB level for rockets)
  2. A few more functions: abs() and sign() (maybe also sin() and cos()? Not sure why you'd need those though). Sign() can be used to set things negative (and thus disabled) after a certain point. For instance, say you want funds based upgrade purchases to not be available after 10 buys. Multiply the function by sign(9-[N]). We'll define 0 to be positive so that this will work properly. Then it goes negative when N==10, disabling the function.
  3. Expose build rate increases per upgrade. Pass KSC building upgrade level, number purchased, and which "slot" it is. Disable when negative.

With these, the default functions should be made a function of KSC upgrades to limit max rates and all that jazz. I think some example configs would be good (one cool one removes KCT's upgrades entirely and has everything be solely a function of KSC upgrades). I'd like to amass a library of configs like EPL compatible, or RSS compatible configs and get an idea of how the community thinks things should be balanced.

ScrapYard Integration

This is something that I've spent time on and that is a giant PITA. I have to rewrite a lot of core functionality to work with the ScrapYard system, but it will allow for cross-compatibility with other mods and the overhaul of the stock funds system regarding recovery can be an interesting mechanic.

KCT will have a STRICT dependency on the ScrapYard after this, which is partially maintained by me, so that's ok with me.

I need to set aside a weekend for this most likely. Luckily half of it is already done.

A link to The ScrapYard repository (my fork at least, not technically the official one) can be found here:

The official one is here:

persist options on crew selection screen

'Small feature request please, is there any chance of making "random selection" and "automatically hire new applicants" at the launch screen, (or whatever they are called... the two littble boxes that appear when you select the crew") - persistent?'

I'm going to be working on this area when I finish up the CrewQ integration; I can take care of it?

Can't launch from TS. Vessels in midair or contract deletion

I disabled launching from the TS since it originally caused vessels to spawn in midair. The fix for that made contracts get deleted, so I had to revert it. The temporary solution is to disable launching from TS.

I will do my best to find a proper fix for this.

Do something about Procedural Parts

Tweakscale integration already exists but I don't think it makes sense to have individual entries for every conceivable fuel tank size and contents. The compromise in this post seems reasonable enough though: procedural tanks cannot be stored in the inventory, but are still tracked in the part tracker. That way you can still get reductions in build times with them, but they must be "custom ordered" each time (even if you use identical ones). It isn't the absolute best solution since it somewhat penalizes procedural parts, but the "best" solution would be to save every single configuration that is ever used, which seems excessive and would require a further rewrite of the inventory system.

Integration with CrewQ

Hey, so I just noticed that CrewQ breaks with KCT.

What I'm doing right now is keeping a parallel record which indicates if a crew is on vacation, but KCT doesn't know how to look for it. I would prefer to simply set their RosterStatus to an extra value, but that might bring up some other issues.

Do you have an existing compatibility reflection boilerplate code or method? Just need to call CrewQ.instance.SuppressCrew() before populating your crew selection window, and call CrewQ.instance.ReleaseCrew() afterward.

Tech button not appearing in "Science" career mode (no contracts)

When starting a Science only career save, the Tech button is not visible in the GUI. The functionality is working as expected (i.e. Techs take time to unlock and if they are the first item to complete they appear in the main window, but the button and unlock queue are unaccessable.) This is only the case in a Science only career save, the regular contracts career save does not have this issue.

reproduce :
1/ start a new science only save.
2/ open the gui.
(it's that simple.) :-)

Tested on an install with only KCT & modulemanager installed (all other mods were removed).
Output.log : (although i don't know how much help it will be).

Exit the SPH/VAB scene after the "Build" option is chosen

When a user clicks the Launch button (with override turned on) and selects "Build craft", the editor is not needed anymore.
Perhaps this should be toggleable by a setting, in case somebody wants to design and construct several vessels in a row.

KCT API - Looking for suggestions/thoughts

I think it's about time KCT got an API, but I don't know what people would want out of it.

This currently isn't a high priority as I don't know of anyone who needs it yet, but it should be considered while I move forward along other development paths.

Some ideas of things that should be exposed/available:

  • Events for when a ship is added to the build list, finished being built, scrapped. Or parts are added to/removed from the inventory. Extend this also to general IKCTBuildItems (tech, reconditioning/rollout, and KSC upgrades/repairs)
  • Expose the inventory and part tracker systems for other mods to reference. Move these to their own separate mod (The ScrapYard?)?
  • Allow control of simulations? Definitely need to expose whether a simulation is active, when the save file is being reverted (an event?), and the various helper variables such as the total funds to take from the player when a simulation completes (used for when they buy more time, or there's another one that removes the cost of the ship).

Also, should it be a separate .dll, a wrapper class, or require a hard dependency of KCT? Or a combination, with some features available in a wrapper and the majority of the features in a separate .dll that can be bundled (with KCT or with your mod?)

What do you all think should be exposed, and especially if there's anyone out there considering integration with KCT, what do you want or need exposed?

Integrate with Upgradeable/Destructible Facilities

Regarding time limits, the KSC upgrades and repairs should take time to happen, not be instant, much like tech nodes.

Regarding play however, the upgrade system should tie into the KSC upgrades. A tier 1 space center shouldn't be able to have a bunch of build rates at 2 BP/s, or shouldn't be able to research 12 nodes at once (or have super high research rates). This ties into the upgrade overhaul (#7), and more specifically into Spyder, since Spyder will be handling the upgrade backend.

Also, the new tooltips in 0.90 are snazzy and those are going to be tough to beat.

Enhancement: Always show certain KAC alarms

There are certain things that I'd always like to have a KAC alarm for, whether or not they're the next item to pop:

  • All Tech upgrades (am I going to receive the Comm-88 and/or LV-N before my next launch window to Duna opens?)
  • Launchpad reconditioning (when can I launch again?)
  • Rollout/Rollback (when can I launch again?)

A giant toggle "create alarms for EVERYTHING / create alarms for next thing only" would work for me, but maybe it'd be nicer to have options to create next/all alarms for every category.

RealFuels volatile fuels boil off on launch

I've decided to use GitHub to remember what I need to fix, starting with this one.

Starting with this post and confirmed twice thereafter.

Without yet checking out the RF source, it seems that KCT will need to parse the ShipNode on launch for the appropriate modules and change their saved UT to the current one. Should be pretty straightforward ConfigNode modification.

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