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dao-contracts's Issues

Admin Contract


This contract allows voting for changes in whitelists and change of the owner of the contracts that Admin Contract owns, that is:

  • VariableRepo
  • KYC
  • ReputationToken

The voting mechanism is the same as used in RepoVoter Contract #28 with the only difference being different actions are being executed.



Stores votings, their configuration and their votes.

votings: TBD


variable_repo: Address,
reputation_token: Address,
kyc_contract: Address,
Contracts: Enum(variable_repo, reputation_token, kyc_contract),
Actions: Enum(add_to_whitelist, remove_from_whitelist, change_owner)

Entry points


Initializes the contract with addresses of ReputationToken, VariableRepo and KYC contracts

fn init(&mut self, variable_repo: Address, reputation_token: Address, kyc_contract: Address);


Creates a new voting. We pass as arguments which contract we want act on, an action and an address which will be a parameter for the action.

fn create_voting(
&mut self,
subject: Contracts,
action: Actions,
argument: Address,
stake: U256

Successful call emits an Event:

  subject: Contracts,
  action: Actions,
  argument: Address,
  stake: U256,
  creator: Address,
  informal_voting_id: U256,
  informal_voting_finish_time: U256,
  informal_voting_quorum: U32,
  formal_voting_id: U256,
  formal_voting_finish_time: U256,
  formal_voting_quorum: U32


Is the same as in RepoVoter Contract #28


Is the same as in RepoVoter Contract #28, with different actions being called in a subject contract.

`final` version tracking issue.

Interface stabilization phase:

  • Refactor voting interface.
  • Complete bid escrow algorith.
  • Special Onboarding.
  • #121
  • Slashing in Voters.
  • Slashing in BidEscrow.
  • DOS Fee based on Dolars.
  • Voters events.
  • BidEscrow events.
  • Move token ids increments into token contracts.
  • Centralize voting id generations.
  • Grace Period

Refactor phase:

  • Refactor DAOWorld.
  • Refactor Bid Escrow and Governance Voting.
  • Fix number conversions.
  • Tests for all contracts in Gherkin.
  • Refactor Reputation.
  • Bid Escrow Bidding tests.
  • Code documentation.

Refactor plan:

Voting rewrite plan:

  • Put validation into separate structures.
  • Rename governance_voting to voting_engine and voting to voting_state_machine.
  • Move stuff from bidescrow down to voting_engine.
  • Remove from bidescrow usages of to_real_voting_id and operate on tuple (voting_id, voting_type).
  • Move bidding and job_offers logic into separate module and use in bidescrow.
  • Unify Informal and Formal under one VotingStateMachine.

Update JS generic client.

Contract schemas files changed. JS generic client needs to be adjusted to use new format.

  • It is JSON format now (YAML before).
  • Each entry point contains a list of events.
  • Type definitions uses correct CLTypes, that should be possible to parse using casper-js-sdk.

Make sure tests are passing.

Complex Mappings.

Extend Mapping to be able to accept other Mappings or even Modules like (OrderedCollection).

Update types.

Change DocumentHash from U256 to u32.
Change VotingId from U256 to u32.

Update docs.

  1. Explain how to get back to above zero reputation.
  2. Changing word increment to increase.

KYC Contract Skeleton

KYC Contract skeleton

To fully implement contracts that use voting, we need a KYC Contract. But before its specification is cooked, we can use this skeleton with basic implementation for testing other contracts.



This method will return if the user owning a given address is eligible - has passed the KYC process.

fn has_kyc(&self, address: Address)

In the Skeleton, this method will always return true.

E2E test.

Use Code Review DAO as the scenario for setting up the whole DAO:

  1. Setup Reputation token,
  2. Setup Variable repo,
  3. Setup Admin.
  4. Setup Repo Voter
  5. Run a few scenarios of votings.

Split `dao_nft` into `kyc_nft` and `va_nft`.

Right now we reuse dao_nft for KYC and VA Tokens. When deploying as WASM to live network it deploys both tokens under the same name "dao_nft_contract_package_hash", which is problematic.

One of the solutions is actually having two very simmilar files and and corresponding bins and wasm files.

All variables and Gherkin tests.

  • Change variables names
    • GovenanceVariable -> BidEscrowVariable
    • Variable -> Variable
  • In BidEscrow use BidEscrow* variables and in the rest of votings use standard.
  • Add is_bidescrow in
  • InformalQuorumRatio
  • FormalQuorumRatio
  • InformalVotingTime
  • FormalVotingTime
  • Use DefaultReputationSlash and slash when finish_voting->Formal->Internal.
  • VotingStartAfterJobWorkerSubmisson - add blocktime check in BidEscrow::vote

BidEscrow Tracking Issue.

List of features requested by the DEVxDAO members, that when implemented, should produce a bid escrow process with expected features.

  • Reputation Token

    • Move REP distribution logic into the Reputation Contract.
    • Allow CSPR distribution to all VAs, and take all REP under consideration.
    • Rewrite tests.
    • Burn REP dust.
    • Voters to use new token.
    • Bring back staking.
  • Bid Escrow

    • Update BidEscrow to stake CSPR for an external worker.
    • Implement bidding in BidEscrow.
      • Bidding process.
      • Bidding stakes management.
      • Rewrite job acceptation process.
      • Rewrite job cancelation process.
    • Remove minimum stake from Bidding
    • Automatic REP slash in case of not completing the job.
    • Implement the configurable governance payment (tax).
    • Internal worker participate in voting.
  • Onbarding Voter should allow to stake CSPR and post proof by external worker.

Full Bid Escrow Process

  • Bidding process

    • Job poster posts a job
      • Job poster sends CSPR?
    • Workers posts bids.
    • Check if condions are met
    • Fail the process if needed.
    • Pick a bid.
      • Accept CSPR for nonVA worker.
    • New job is created.
      • Stakes are returned to non-picked workers.
      • Mint new REP (based on CSPR*ratio amount) to nonVA worker and use it as a stake on the job.
      • Add workers CSPR to the job poster reward.
  • Job handling

    • Waiting for worker or job poster to submit a result. Job poster can submit a result if time has passed.
    • If voiting failed:
      • For VA worker - slash REP
      • For nonVA worker
        • Loses CSPR stake.
        • Redistribute staked worker's CSPR to all VAs or just those who particiated in voting.
      • For job poster - gets her CSPR back.
      • Redistribute REP to voting winners.
    • If no quorum (formal and informal) or informal voiting failes
      • Everything is returned.
      • For nonVA worker - REP tokens are burned.
    • If voting succeded:
      • Mint new REP (job_price * conversion_rate) to additional pool.

      • For nonVA that doesn't want to become VA:

        • Move prevously minted REP for the worker to additional poll.
        • Additional pool is redistributed among VA voter.
        • CSPR * governance_payment_ratio is transfered to multisig wallet.
        • rest of CSPR * policing_rate is transfered to all VAs.
        • rest of the rest is given to worker.
      • If nonVA worker wants to become VA:

        • Mint VA Token for the worker.
        • Rest is like the VA worker flow.
      • If VA worker

        • Reputation is redistributed to winners.
        • CSPR * governance_payment_ratio is transfered to multisig wallet.
        • Rest of CSPR is transfered to all VAs.

Add staking to the Reputation contract.


Staking is used as a way of marking that tokens are used for voting in another contracts.

It should be implemented as:

struct TokenWithStaking {
    stakes: Mapping<Address, U256>,
    token: Token

New entry points



fn stake(&mut self, address: Address, amount: U256);

It should increase the stake in the stakes mapping by the amount.

If stakes.get(address) + amount > balance_of(address) throw an error Error::StakingTooMuch.

Only whitelisted addresses can execute stake entry point.



fn unstake(&mut self, address: Address, amount: U256);

It should decrease the stake in the stakes mapping by the amount.

If stakes.get(address) < amount throw an error Error::UnstakingTooMuch.

Only whitelisted addresses can execute unstake entry point.

Existing entry points


It should not be possible to burn staked tokens. They need to be unstaked first.

Transfer From

It should not be possible to transfer staked tokens. They need to be unstaked first.

RepoVoter Contract


This contract allows voting for changes in the configuration stored in the VariableRepo contract.



Stores votings, their configuration and their votes.

votings: TBD


variable_repo: Address,
reputation_token: Address

Entry points


Initializes the contract with addresses of ReputationToken and VariableRepo.

fn init(&mut self, variable_repo: Address, reputation_token: Address);

It emits an Event after a successful call:

    repo_voter: Address,
    variable_repo: Address,
    reputation_token: Address

Create voting

Creates a new voting.

  • the caller is eligible (it has an available Reputation > stake)
  • the stake is equal or greater than minimum_governance_reputation value from the Variable Repo
fn create_voting(
&mut self,
variable_repo_to_edit: Address, // for the flexibility, we allow voting on other repos in the future
key: String, // which variable we update
value: Bytes, // value of the variable
activation_time: Option<U256> // when to activate
stake: U256 // initial stake for the vote

The created voting should have the configuration based on the Variable Repo configuration, stored in the contract's variable_repo address. The amount of reputation defined in stake is staked by the voter in the first vote in favor. After a successful voting creation, an Event should be emitted containing the votings configuration:

  variable_repo_to_edit: Address,
  key: String,
  value: Bytes,
  activation_time: Option<U256>
  stake: U256,
  creator: Address,
  informal_voting_id: U256,
  informal_voting_finish_time: U256,  // calculated based on `informal_voting_time` + current block time
  informal_voting_quorum: U32, // copy of the Variable Repo's value
  formal_voting_id: U256,
  formal_voting_finish_time: U256,  // calculated based on `formal_voting_time` + current block time
  formal_voting_quorum: U32 // copy of the Variable Repo's value


Casts a vote. The vote (choice with its stake and voter address) is added to the votings list.

  • the voter is eligible (it has an available Reputation > stake)
  • the stake is equal or greater than the minimum_governance_reputation value from the Variable Repo
  • the voting is active - _finish_time has not passed for the respective voting
  • if the vote is cast for a formal vote, additionally the result of the informal voting needs to be in favor
fn vote(
  &mut self,
  voting_id: U256,
  choice: bool,
  stake: U256,

It emits an Event after a successful call:

  voter: Address,
  voting_id: U256,
  choice: bool,
  stake: U256


Calculates and publishes the result of the voting. Depending on the type of voting, it performs different actions.

fn finish_voting(
&mut self,
voting_id: U256


Quorum is reached if the number of voters is greater or equal to quorum ratio multiplied by total number of eligible voters.
For example:

  • total eligible voters: 10
  • quorum ratio: 0.5
  • voters: 5
    In the example above the quorum is reached as 10*0.5 >= 5.

voting result calculation

If the quorum was reached, the result of the voting is calculated by comparing the sum of the stakes in favor and against.
In the case of a tie, the result is in favor.

informal voting


  • informal_voting_finish_time is less or equal than the current block time

If the quorum defined in informal_voting_quorum was not reached or the result of the voting was against following things happen:

  • the stake of the creator of the vote is burned
  • the stake of other voters is returned to them

If the voting result was in favor, following things happen:

  • the stake of the creator is converted to the stake of the formal vote in favor
  • the stake of the other voters is returned to them

formal voting


  • formal_voting_finish_time is less or equal than the current block time

If the quorum defined in informal_voting_quorum was not reached:

  • the stake of the creator of the voting is burned
  • the stake of other voters is returned to them

If the voting result was against:

  • the stake of the voters who voted in favor is redistributed between voters who voted against

If the voting result was in favor:

  • the stake of the voters who voted against is redistributed between voters who voted in favor
  • the update_at method in the Variable Repo is called

Repo Voter redistribution

The redistribution process takes all the tokens staked by the losing side and transfers them to the winning side. The tokens should be divided in a ratio in which the winners voted. For example:

  • Losing side staked: luser1: 50 tokens, luser2: 50 tokens. In total: 100 tokens.
  • Winning side staked: user1: 50 tokens, user2: 50 tokens, user3: 100 tokens. In total: 200 tokens.
  • user1 and user2 should both receive 50 tokens of their stake, plus 25% of the losing side's stake, totaling to 75 tokens each.
  • user3 should receive 100 initial stake + 50% of the losing side's stake - 150 tokens.

It emits the following events:

InformalVotingEnded( // after successful call on informal_voting_id
  result: converted_to_formal | rejected | quorum_not_reached,
  votes_count: U32,
  for_stake: U256,
  against_stake: U256,
  informal_voting_id: U256
  formal_voting_id: U256
FormalVotingEnded( // after successful call on formal_voting_id
  result: passed | rejected | quorum_not_reached,
  votes_count: U32,
  for_stake: U256,
  against_stake: U256,
  informal_voting_id: U256
  formal_voting_id: U256

Flow diagram

To better illustrate the flow of communication between contracts and users, see the following diagram:
Governance Vote(3)

VariableRepo Contract


The Variable Repository Contract allows to store, modify and query the configuration. The configuration is stored as bytes.



values: Mapping<key: String, (value: Bytes, future: Option<(Bytes, U256)>)>

Stores the current value and optionally a value for a moment in the future.

Entry points

Change ownership (Ownable)

Should work the same as in ReputationToken.

fn change_ownership(&mut self, owner: Address);

Add to Whitelist (Whitelist)

Should work the same as in ReputationToken.

fn add_to_whitelist(&mut self, address: Address);

Remove from Whitelist (Whitelist)

Should work the same as in ReputationToken.

fn remove_from_whitelist(&mut self, address: Address);

Update At

It should store the value if doesn't exist or update if exists.
If the activation_time is passed and is greater than the current block time, the future part of values should be updated.
If the activation_time is passed and is less than the current block time, the future part of values should be set to None.
If no activation_time is passed, only the current value should be updated, the future part of values should be set to None.
Only whitelisted accounts should be able to call it.

fn update_at(&mut self, key: String, value: Bytes, activation_time: Option<U256>);

A successful call of this method should emit an Event:

ValueUpdated (
  key: String,
  value: Bytes,
  activation_time: Option<U256>


It should provide a value or fail if the value doesn't exist.
If the future portion of the value is equal or less than block time, the value from the future should be returned. Otherwise, the current value should be returned.

fn get(&self, key: String) -> Bytes;

Initial configuration

During the creation of the contract, it should be initialized with a set of variables needed for other contracts. Those should be:

Parameter name Parameter Value
default_policing_rate 300
reputation_conversion_rate 10
forum_kyc_required True
formal_voting_quorum 500
informal_voting_quorum 50
voting_quorum 200
formal_voting_time 432000000
informal_voting_time 86400000
voting_time 172800000
minimum_governance_reputation 100
minimum_voting_reputation 10

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