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hoomd-tf's Introduction


This plugin enables the use of TensorFlow to compute forces in a Hoomd-blue simulation. You can also compute other quantities, like collective variables, and do learning.

Table of Contents

Quickstart Tutorial

To compute a 1 / r pairwise potential with Hoomd-TF:

import hoomd.htf as htf
import tensorflow as tf

########### Graph Building Code ###########
graph = htf.graph_builder(64) # max neighbors = 64
pair_energy = graph.nlist_rinv # nlist_rinv is neighbor 1 / r
particle_energy = tf.reduce_sum(pair_energy, axis=1) # sum over neighbors
forces = graph.compute_forces(energy) # compute forces, 'my_model')

########### Hoomd-Sim Code ################
# this will start TensorFlow, so it goes
# in a with statement for clean exit
with htf.tfcompute('my_model') as tfcompute:
    # create a square lattice
    system = hoomd.init.create_lattice(unitcell=hoomd.lattice.sq(a=4.0),
    nlist =
    tfcompute.attach(nlist, r_cut=rcut)

This creates a computation graph whose energy function is 2 / r and also computes forces and virial for the simulation. The 2 is because the neighborlists in Hoomd-TF are full neighborlists (double counted). The Hoomd-blue code starts a simulation of a 9 particle square lattice and simulates it for 1000 timesteps under the potential defined in our Hoomd-TF model. The general process of using Hoomd-TF is to build a TensorFlow computation graph, load the graph, and then attach the graph. See below for more detailed information about Hoomd-TF.

Building the Graph

To construct a graph, create a graph_builder:

import hoomd.htf as htf
graph = htf.graph_builder(NN, output_forces)

where NN is the maximum number of nearest neighbors to consider (can be 0) and output_forces indicates if the graph will output forces to use in the simulation. After building the graph, it will have three tensors as attributes to use in constructing the TensorFlow graph: nlist, positions, and forces. nlist is an N x NN x 4 tensor containing the nearest neighbors. An entry of all zeros indicates that less than NN nearest neighbors where present for a particular particle. The 4 right-most dimensions are x,y,z and w, which is the particle type. Particle type is an integer starting at 0. Note that the x,y,z values are a vector originating at the particle and ending at its neighbor. positions and forces are N x 4 tensors. forces only is available if the graph does not output forces via output_forces=False.

Molecule Batching

It may be simpler to have positions or neighbor lists or forces arranged by molecule. For example, you may want to look at only a particular bond or subset of atoms in a molecule. To do this, you can call graph.build_mol_rep(MN), where MN is the maximum number of atoms in a molecule. This will create the following new attributes: mol_positions, mol_nlist, and mol_forces (if your graph has output_forces=False). These new attributes are dimension M x MN x ... where M is the number of molecules and MN is the atom index within the molecule. If your molecule has less than MN, extra entries will be zeros. You can defnie a molecule to be whatever you want and atoms need not be only in one molecule. Here's an example to compute a water angle, where I'm assuming that the oxygens are the middle atom.

import hoomd.htf as htf
graph = htf.graph_builder(0)
# want slice for all molecules (:)
# want h1 (0), o (1), h2(2)
# positions are x,y,z,w. We only want x,y z (:3)
v1 = graph.mol_positions[:, 2, :3] - graph.mol_positions[:, 1, :3]
v2 = graph.mol_positions[:, 0, :3] - graph.mol_positions[:, 1, :3]
# compute per-molecule dot product and divide by per molecule norm
c = tf.einsum('ij,ij->i', v1, v2) / tf.norm(v1, axis=1), tf.norm(v2 axis=1)
angles = tf.math.acos(c)

Computing Forces

If you graph is outputting forces, you may either compute forces and pass them to or have them computed via automatic differentiation of a potential energy. Call graph_builder.compute_forces(energy) where energy is a scalar or tensor that depends on nlist and/or positions. A tensor of forces will be returned as sum(-dE / dn) - dE / dp where the sum is over the neighbor list. For example, to compute a 1 / r potential:

graph = htf.graph_builder(N - 1)
#remove w since we don't care about types
nlist = graph.nlist[:, :, :3]
#get r
r = tf.norm(nlist, axis=2)
#compute 1. / r while safely treating r = 0.
# halve due to full nlist
rij_energy = 0.5 * graph.safe_div(1, r)
#sum over neighbors
energy = tf.reduce_sum(rij_energy, axis=1)
forces = graph.compute_forces(energy)

See in the above example that we have used the graph_builder.safe_div(numerator, denominator) function which allows us to safely treat a 1 / 0 due to using nearest neighbor distances, which can arise because nlist contains 0s for when less than NN nearest neighbors are found. Note that because nlist is a full neighbor list, you should divide by 2 if your energy is a sum of pairwise energies.


The virial is computed and added to the graph if you use the compute_forces function and your energy has a non-zero derivative with respect to nlist. You may also explicitly pass the virial when saving, or pass None to remove the automatically calculated virial.

Finalizing the Graph

To finalize and save your graph, you must call the, force_tensor=forces, virial = None, out_node=None) function. force_tensor should be your computed forces, either as computed by your graph or as the output from compute_energy. If your graph is not outputting forces, then you must provide a tensor which will be computed, out_node, at each timestep. Your forces should be an N x 4 tensor with the 4th column indicating per-particle potential energy. The virial should be an N x 3 x 3 tensor.


If you would like to print out the values from nodes in your graph, you can add a print node to the out_nodes. For example:

...graph building code...
forces = graph.compute_forces(energy)
print_node = tf.Print(energy, [energy], summarize=1000), model_directory=name, out_nodes=[print_node])

The summarize keyword sets the maximum number of numbers to print. Be wary of printing thousands of numbers per step.

Variables and Restarts

In TensorFlow, variables are trainable parameters. They are required parts of your graph when doing learning. Each saving_period (set as arg to tfcompute.attach), they are written to your model directory. Note that when a run is started, the latest values of your variables are loaded from your model directory. If you are starting a new run but you previously ran your model, the old variable values will be loaded. To prevent this unexpectedly loading old checkpoints, if you run it will move out all old checkpoints. This behavior means that if you want to restart, you should not re-run in your restart script or pass move_previous = False as a parameter if you re-run

Variables are how you can save data. They can be accumulated between steps. Be sure to set them to be trainable=False if you are also doing learning but would like to accumulate in variables. For example, you can have a variable for running mean. You can load these variables with the htf.load_variables command. See next section for details.

Saving and Loading Variables

graph_builder has a convenience function to compute the running mean of some property:

# set-up graph to compute energy
# we name our variable avg-energy
graph.running_mean(energy, 'avg-energy')
# run the simulation

You may then load the variable after the simulation using the following syntax, which creates a dictionary with entries [avg-energy].

variables  = htf.load_variables(model_dir, ['avg-energy'])

The load_variables is general and can be used to load trained, non-trained, or averaged variables.

Optional: Keras Layers for Model Building

Currently HOOMD-TF supports Keras layers in model building. We do not yet support Keras Model.compile() or This example shows how to set up a neural network model using Keras layers.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import layers
import hoomd.htf as htf

NN = 64
N_hidden_nodes = 5
graph = htf.graph_builder(NN, output_forces=False)
r_inv = graph.nlist_rinv
input_tensor = tf.reshape(r_inv, shape=(-1,1), name='r_inv')
#we don't need to explicitly make a keras.Model object, just layers
input_layer = layers.Input(tensor=input_tensor)
hidden_layer = layers.Dense(N_hidden_nodes)(input_layer)
output_layer = layers.Dense(1, input_shape=(N_hidden_nodes,))(hidden_layer)
#do not call Model.compile, just use the output in the TensorFlow graph
nn_energies = tf.reshape(output_layer, [-1, NN])
calculated_energies = tf.reduce_sum(nn_energies, axis=1, name='calculated_energies')
calculated_forces = graph.compute_forces(calculated_energies)
#cost and optimizer must also be set through TensorFlow, not Keras
cost = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(calculated_forces, graph.forces)
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.001).minimize(cost)
#save using, not Keras Model.compile'/tmp/keras_model/', out_nodes=[ optimizer])

The model can then be loaded and trained as normal. Note that is not currently supported. You must train using htf.tfcompute() as explained in the next section.

Complete Examples

See htf/models

Lennard-Jones with 1 Particle Type

graph = hoomd.htf.graph_builder(NN)
#use convenience rinv
r_inv = graph.nlist_rinv
p_energy = 4.0 / 2.0 * (r_inv**12 - r_inv**6)
#sum over pairwise energy
energy = tf.reduce_sum(p_energy, axis=1)
forces = graph.compute_forces(energy), model_directory='/tmp/lj-model')

Using a Graph in a Simulation

You may use a saved TensorFlow model via:

import hoomd,
import hoomd.htf as htf

...hoomd initialization code...
with htf.tfcompute(model_dir) as tfcompute:

    nlist =
    tfcompute.attach(nlist, r_cut=3)

    ...other hoomd code...

where model_dir is the directory where the TensorFlow model was saved, nlist is a hoomd neighbor list object and r_cut is the maximum distance for to consider particles as being neighbors. nlist is optional and is not required if your graph doesn't use the nlist object (you passed NN = 0 when building your graph).


If you used per-molecule positions or nlist in your graph, you can either rely on hoomd-tf to find your molecules by traversing the bonds in your system (default) or you can specify what are molecules in your system. They are passed via attach(..., mol_indices=[[..]]). The mol_indices are a, possibly ragged, 2D python list where each element in the list is a list of atom indices for a molecule. For example, [[0,1], [1]] means that there are two molecules with the first containing atoms 0 and 1 and the second containing atom 1. Note that the molecules can be different size and atoms can exist in multiple molecules.

If you do not call build_mol_rep while building your graph, you can optionally split your batches to be smaller than the entire system. This is set via the batch_size integer argument to attach. This can help for high-memory systems where you cannot spare the GPU memory to have each tensor be the size of your system.

Bootstraping Variables

If you have trained variables previously and would like to load them into the current TensorFlow graph, you can use the bootstrap and bootstrap_map arguments. bootstrap should be a checkpoint file path or model directory path (latest checkpoint is used) containing variables which can be loaded into your tfcompute graph. Your model will be built, then all variables will be initialized, and then your bootstrap checkpoint will be loaded and no variables will be reloaded even if there exists a checkpoint in the model directory (to prevent overwriting your bootstrap variables). bootstrap_map is an optional additional argument that will have keys that are variable names in the bootstrap checkpoint file and values that are names in the tfcompute graph. This can be used when your variable names do not match up. Here are two example demonstrating with and without a bootstrap_map:

Here's an example that creates some variables that could be trained offline without Hoomd. In this example, they just use their initial values.

import tensorflow as tf

#make some variables
v = tf.Variable(8.0, name='epsilon')
s = tf.Variable(2.0, name='sigma')

#initialize and save them
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session() as sess:, '/tmp/bootstrap/model')

We load them in the hoomd run script:

with hoomd.htf.tfcompute(model_dir,
    bootstrap='/tmp/bootstrap/model') as tfcompute:

Here's how we would load them in the hoomd run script if we want to change the names of the variables:

# here the pretrained variable parameters will replace variables with a different name
with hoomd.htf.tfcompute(model_dir,
    bootstrap_map={'lj-epsilon':'epsilon', 'lj-sigma':'sigma'}) as tfcompute:

Bootstrapping Variables from Other Models

Here's an example of bootstrapping where you train with Hoomd-TF and then load the variables into a different model:

import tensorflow as tf
import hoomd.htf as htf

def make_train_graph(NN, directory):
    # build a model that fits the energy to a linear term
    graph = htf.graph_builder(NN, output_forces=False)
    # get r
    nlist = graph.nlist[:, :, :3]
    r = graph.safe_norm(nlist, axis=2)
    # build energy model
    m = tf.Variable(1.0, name='m')
    b = tf.Variable(0.0, name='b')
    predicted_particle_energy = tf.reduce_sum(m * r + b, axis=1)
    # get energy from hoomd
    particle_energy = graph.forces[:, 3]
    # make them match
    loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(particle_energy, predicted_particle_energy)
    optimize = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-3).minimize(loss), out_nodes=[optimize])

def make_force_graph(NN, directory):
    # this model applies the variables learned in the example above
    # to compute forces
    graph = htf.graph_builder(NN)
    # get r
    nlist = graph.nlist[:, :, :3]
    r = graph.safe_norm(nlist, axis=2)
    # build energy model
    m = tf.Variable(1.0, name='m')
    b = tf.Variable(0.0, name='b')
    predicted_particle_energy = tf.reduce_sum(m * r + b, axis=1)
    forces = graph.compute_forces(predicted_particle_energy), model_directory=directory)
make_train_graph(64, 16, '/tmp/training')
make_force_graph(64, 16, '/tmp/inference')

Here is how we run the training model:
import hoomd,
import hoomd.htf as htf


with htf.tfcompute('/tmp/training') as tfcompute:
    rcut = 3.0
    system = hoomd.init.create_lattice(unitcell=hoomd.lattice.sq(a=2.0),
    nlist = = 1)
    lj =, nlist)
    lj.pair_coeff.set('A', 'A', epsilon=1.0, sigma=1.0), seed=42)

    tfcompute.attach(nlist, r_cut=rcut)

Load the variables trained in the training run into the model which computes forces:
import hoomd,
import hoomd.htf as htf

with htf.tfcompute('/tmp/inference',
        bootstrap='/tmp/training') as tfcompute:
    rcut = 3.0
    system = hoomd.init.create_lattice(unitcell=hoomd.lattice.sq(a=2.0),
    nlist = = 1)
    #notice we no longer compute forces with hoomd, seed=42)

    tfcompute.attach(nlist, r_cut=rcut)


There are a few convenience functions in hoomd.htf and the graph_builder class for plotting potential energies of pairwise potentials and constructing CG mappings.


To compute an RDF, use the graph.compute_rdf(...) method:

# set-up graph to compute energy
rdf = graph.compute_rdf([1,10], 'rdf', nbins=200)
graph.running_mean(rdf, 'avg-rdf')
# run the simulation
variables  = htf.load_variables(model_dir, ['avg-rdf'])

Pairwise Potential and Forces

To compute pairwise potential, use the graph.compute_pairwise_potential(...) method:

r = numpy.arange(1, 10, 1)
potential, forces = htf.compute_pairwise_potential('/path/to/model', r, potential_tensor)

Coarse-Graining Utilities

Find Molecules

To go from atom index to particle index, use the hoomd.htf.find_molecules(...) method:

# The method takes in a hoomd system as an argument.
molecule_mapping_index = hoomd.htf.find_molecules(system)

Sparse Mapping

The sparse_mapping(...) method creates the necessary indices and values for defining a sparse tensor in tensorflow that is a mass-weighted MxN mapping operator where M is the number of coarse-grained particles and N is the number of atoms in the system. In the example,mapping_per_molecule is a list of k x n matrices where k is the number of coarse-grained sites for each molecule and n is the number of atoms in the corresponding molecule. There should be one matrix per molecule. Since the example is for a 1 bead mapping per molecule the shape is 1 x n. The ordering of the atoms should follow the output from the find_molecules method. The variable molecule_mapping_index is the output from the find_molecules(...) method.

#The example is shown for 1 coarse-grained site per molecule.
molecule_mapping_matrix = numpy.ones([1, len(molecule_mapping_index[0])],
mapping_per_molecule = [molecule_mapping_matrix for _ in molecule_mapping_index]
cg_mapping = htf.sparse_mapping(mapping_per_molecule, \
	     			molecule_mapping_index, system = system)

Center of Mass

The center_of_mass(...) method maps the given positions according to the specified mapping operator to coarse-grain site positions considering periodic boundary condition. The coarse grain site position is placed at the center of mass of its constituent atoms.

mapped_position = htf.center_of_mass(graph.positions[:,:3], cg_mapping, system)
#cg_mapping is the output from the sparse_matrix(...) method and indicates how each molecule is mapped.

Compute Mapped Neighbor List

The compute_nlist(...) method returns the neighbor list for the mapped coarse-grained particles. In the example, mapped_position is the mapped particle positions obeying the periodic boundary condition as returned by the center_of_mass(...) method, rcut is the cut-off radius and NN is the number of nearest neighbors to be considered for the coarse-grained system.

mapped_nlist= htf.compute_nlist(mapped_position, rcut, NN, system)


You can visualize your models with tensorboard. First, add write_tensorboard=True the TensorFlow plugin constructor. This will add a new directory called tensorboard to your model directory.

After running, you can launch tensorboard like so:

tensorboard --logdir=/path/to/model/tensorboard

and then visit http://localhost:6006 to view the graph.

Saving Scalars in Tensorboard

If you would like to save a scalar over time, like total energy or training loss, you can use the Tensorboard functionality. Add scalars to the Tensorboard summary during the build step:

tf.summary.scalar('total-energy', tf.reduce_sum(particle_energy))

and then add the write_tensorboard=True flag during the tfcompute initialize. The period of tensorboard writes is controlled by the saving_period flag to the tfcompute.attach command. View the Tensorboard section below to see how to view the resulting scalars.

Viewing when TF is running on remote server

If you are running on a server, before launching tensorboard use this ssh command to login:

ssh -L 6006:[remote ip or hostname]:6006 username@remote

and then you can view after launching on the server via your local web browser.

Viewing when TF is running in container

If you are running docker, you can make this port available a few different ways. The first is to get the IP address of your docker container (google how to do this if not default), which is typically, and then visit or equivalent if you have a different IP address for your container.

The second option is to use port forwarding. You can add a port forward flag, -p 6006:6006, when running the container which will forward traffic from your container's 6006 port to the host's 6006 port. Again, then you can visit http://localhost:6006 (linux) or (windows).

The last method, which usually works when all others fail, is to have all the container's traffic be on the host. You can do this by adding the flag --net=host to the run command of the container. Then you can visit http://localhost:6006.

Interactive Mode

Experimental, but you can trace your graph in realtime in a simulation. Add both the write_tensorboard=True to the constructor and the _debug_mode=True flag to attach command. You then open another shell and connect by following the online instructions for interactive debugging from Tensorboard.

Docker Image for Development

To use the included docker image:

docker build -t hoomd-tf htf

To run the container:

docker run --rm -it --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
 -v /insert/path/to/htf/:/srv/hoomd-blue/htf hoomd-tf bash

The cap--add and security-opt flags are optional and allow gdb debugging. Install gdb and python3-dbg packages to use gdb with the package.

Once in the container:

cd /srv/hoomd-blue && mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug\
make -j2


To run the unit tests:

pytest ../htf/test-py/

Bluehive Install

After cloning the hoomd-tf repo, follow these steps:

Load the modules necessary:

module load git anaconda3/2018.12b cmake sqlite cudnn/9.0-7

Set-up virtual python environment ONCE to keep packages isolated.

conda create -n hoomd-tf python=3.6

Then whenever you login and have loaded modules:

source activate hoomd-tf

Now that Python is ready, install some pre-requisites:

pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.12

Continue following the compling steps below to complete install.


The following packages are required to compile:

tensorflow == 1.12
hoomd-blue >= 2.5.0

Simple Compiling

This method assumes you already have installed hoomd-blue. You could do that, for example, via conda install -c conda-forget hoomd=2.5.2.

git clone
cd hoomd-tf && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make install

Compiling with Hoomd-Blue

Use this method if you need to compile with developer flags on or other special requirements.

git clone --recursive hoomd-blue

We are on release v2.5.1 of hoomd-blue

cd hoomd-blue && git checkout tags/v2.5.1

Now we put our plugin in the source directory with a softlink:

git clone
ln -s $HOME/hoomd-tf/htf $HOME/hoomd-blue/hoomd

Now compile (from hoomd-blue directory). Modify options for speed if necessary.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \

Now compile with make:


Put build directory on your python path:


Conda Environments

If you are using a conda environment, you may need to force CMAKE to find your python environment. The following additional flags can help with this:

cmake .. \
-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc; print(get_python_inc())") \
-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$(python -c "import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR'))") \
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$(which python) \

Updating Compiled Code

Note: if you modify C++ code, only run make (not cmake). If you modify python, just copy over py files (htf/*py to build/hoomd/htf)

MBuild Environment

If you are using mbuild, please follow these additional install steps:

conda install numpy cython
pip install requests networkx matplotlib scipy pandas plyplus lxml mdtraj oset
conda install -c omnia -y openmm parmed
conda install -c conda-forge --no-deps -y packmol gsd
pip install --upgrade git+ git+

Running on Bluehive

This command works for interactive gpu use:

interactive -p awhite -t 12:00:00 --gres=gpu

Known Issues

Using Positions

Hoomd re-orders positions to improve performance. If you are using CG mappings that rely on ordering of positions, be sure to disable this:

c = hoomd.context.initialize()

Exploding Gradients

There is a bug in norms (tensorflow/tensorflow#12071) that somtimes prevents optimizers to work well with TensorFlow norms. Note that this is only necessary if you're summing up gradients, like what is commonly done in computing gradients in optimizers. This isn't usually an issue for just computing forces. There are three ways to deal with this:

Small Training Rates

When Training something like a Lennard-Jones potential or other 1/r potential, high gradients are possible. You can prevent expoding gradients by using small learning rates and ensuring variables are initialized so that energies are finite.

Safe Norm

There is a workaround (graph_builder.safe_norm) in Hoomd-TF. There is almost no performance penalty, so it is fine to replace tf.norm with graph_builder.safe_norm throughout. This method adds a small amount to all the norms though, so if you rely on some norms being zero it will not work well.

Clipping Gradients

Another approach is to clip gradients instead of using safe_norm:

optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4)
gvs = optimizer.compute_gradients(cost)
capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -1., 1.), var) for grad, var in gvs]
train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs)

Neighbor Lists

Using a max-size neighbor list is non-ideal, especially in CG simulations where density is non-uniform.

© Andrew White at University of Rochester

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