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py-xbrl's Issues

Not well-formed (invalid token) error for ixblr.

Guy, hi

Great project! Learnt a lot about xbrl from discussions and blog posts.

Remote xblr example worked for me, remote ixblr didn't (i think it's cause url provided is regular htm, not ixblr), but even with ixblr document it does not work cause it can't create cache file.

I think issue is ?= in path name.
I tested on windows and termux (linux on android)
In both cases there are enough permissions, and xblr example works.

1, command executed

# inline xblr

import logging
from xbrl.cache import HttpCache
from xbrl.instance import XbrlInstance, XbrlParser

cache: HttpCache = HttpCache('./cache')

cache.set_headers({'From': '[email protected]', 'User-Agent': 'Tool/Version (Website)'})
xbrlParser = XbrlParser(cache)

ixbrl_url = ''
inst: XbrlInstance = xbrlParser.parse_instance(ixbrl_url)

2, windows error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\Jimmu\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 653, in parse_instance
    return parse_ixbrl_url(url, self.cache)
  File "C:\Users\Jimmu\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 362, in parse_ixbrl_url
    instance_path: str = cache.cache_file(instance_url)
  File "C:\Users\Jimmu\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 83, in cache_file
  File "C:\Users\Jimmu\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\", line 213, in makedirs
    makedirs(head, exist_ok=exist_ok)
  File "C:\Users\Jimmu\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\", line 213, in makedirs
    makedirs(head, exist_ok=exist_ok)
  File "C:\Users\Jimmu\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\", line 213, in makedirs
    makedirs(head, exist_ok=exist_ok)
  [Previous line repeated 2 more times]
  File "C:\Users\Jimmu\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\", line 223, in makedirs
    mkdir(name, mode)
OSError: [WinError 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect: './cache/'

path was created till ix?doc= (basically cache/

3, termux error

PermissionError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [29], in <module>
     11 xbrlParser = XbrlParser(cache)
     13 ixbrl_url = ''
---> 14 inst: XbrlInstance = xbrlParser.parse_instance(ixbrl_url)
File /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xbrl/, in XbrlParser.parse_instance(self, url)
    651 if url.split('.')[-1] == 'xml' or url.split('.')[-1] == 'xbrl':
    652     return parse_xbrl_url(url, self.cache)
--> 653 return parse_ixbrl_url(url, self.cache)
File /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xbrl/, in parse_ixbrl_url(instance_url, cache)
    351 def parse_ixbrl_url(instance_url: str, cache: HttpCache) -> XbrlInstance:
    352     """
    353     Parses a inline XBRL (iXBRL) instance file.
    354     :param cache: HttpCache instance
    360     :return:
361     """
--> 362     instance_path: str = cache.cache_file(instance_url)
    363     return parse_ixbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
File /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xbrl/, in HttpCache.cache_file(self, file_url)
     90     else:
     91         raise Exception(
     92             "Could not download file from {}. Error code: {}".format(file_url, query_response.status_code))
---> 94 with open(file_path, "wb+") as file:
     95     file.write(query_response.content)
     96     file.close()
PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: './cache/'

path was created till ttd (basically file creation failed)

Missing fact from ixbrl


The lib doesn't extract DocumentPeriodEndDate at all, it's there on the web view.
First time I have seen this problem. Even if it's nested I still got back something. I don't think I'm filtering it out.

It only founds these

 2021-01-01 to 2021-03-31 0 dimension | DocumentFiscalYearFocus: 2021 2021
 2021-01-01 to 2021-03-31 0 dimension | DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus: Q1 Q1
 2021-01-01 to 2021-03-31 0 dimension | DocumentFiscalYearFocus: 2021 2021
 2021-01-01 to 2021-03-31 0 dimension | DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus: Q1 Q1

In source:

<span class=3D"html-attribute-name">name</span>=3D"<spa=
n class=3D"html-attribute-value">dei:DocumentPeriodEndDate</span>" <span cl=
ass=3D"html-attribute-name">id</span>=3D"<span class=3D"html-attribute-valu=
e">Narr_VydiiUz0MUOCCrLq-p-Mpw</span>"&gt;</span><span class=3D"html-tag">&=
lt;b <span class=3D"html-attribute-name">style</span>=3D"<span class=3D"htm=
l-attribute-value">font-weight:bold;</span>"&gt;</span>March 31, 2021<span =

Does it work for you?

Fails to parse xml

Trying to parse:

Exception has occurred: AttributeError
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'attrib'

inst = XbrlParser(cache).parse_instance(url)

inst = XbrlParser(cache).parse_instance(url)
File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 652, in parse_instance
return parse_xbrl_url(url, self.cache)
File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 277, in parse_xbrl_url
return parse_xbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 293, in parse_xbrl
schema_uri: str = schema_ref.attrib[XLINK_NS + 'href']

Failed namespace-uri parsing

Found a few rare cases, parsing these zipped fillings gave "namespace couldn't be found" errors.
It worked great on 2000 other symbols.

See SEC response to this at the end. They seem to suggest that the lib doesn't follow 301 perm.redirection, but I don't think that's the case because code says:
_session.get(url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=True)
Or the response is in a special html header. (location)

symbol LIVX
   LIVX The taxonomy with namespace could not be found.
symbol REX
   REX The taxonomy with namespace could not be found.
symbol MILE
   MILE The taxonomy with namespace could not be found.
symbol MOTS
   MOTS The taxonomy with namespace could not be found.

SEC's respons:

We assume you are aware that the namespace-uri is not the URL, but rather, that the namesace-uri designates a location (URL). So, we suspect that your software is trying to retrieve the taxonomy file Please note that URL will return a 301 response header:

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2021 19:52:38 GMT
Server: AkamaiGHost
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 0

Not all software products will interpret this response correctly (although we haven't seen this particular problem in a couple of years).

Doesn't seem to work with local XSD files

I have the following files:

$ ls data/TSLA/10-k/20201231/
tsla-10k_20201231_htm.xml tsla-20201231_cal.xml     tsla-20201231_lab.xml
tsla-20201231.xsd         tsla-20201231_def.xml     tsla-20201231_pre.xml

But when I try to load one, it fails:

from xbrl_parser.instance import parse_xbrl, parse_xbrl_url, XbrlInstance
from xbrl_parser.cache import HttpCache
import logging
cache: HttpCache = HttpCache('./cache/')

# parse from path
instance_path = './data/TSLA/10-k/20201231/tsla-10k_20201231_htm.xml'
inst1 = parse_xbrl(instance_path, None, './data/TSLA/10-k/20201231')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 10, in <module>
    inst1 = parse_xbrl(instance_path, cache, './data/TSLA/10-k/20201231')
  File "/Users/jamie/.pyenv/versions/3.8.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xbrl_parser/", line 281, in parse_xbrl
    taxonomy: TaxonomySchema = parse_taxonomy(cache, schema_url)
  File "/Users/jamie/.pyenv/versions/3.8.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xbrl_parser/", line 202, in parse_taxonomy
    schema_path: str = cache.cache_file(schema_url)
  File "/Users/jamie/.pyenv/versions/3.8.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xbrl_parser/", line 75, in cache_file
    query_response = requests.get(file_url)
  File "/Users/jamie/.pyenv/versions/3.8.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/", line 76, in get
    return request('get', url, params=params, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/jamie/.pyenv/versions/3.8.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/", line 61, in request
    return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/jamie/.pyenv/versions/3.8.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/", line 528, in request
    prep = self.prepare_request(req)
  File "/Users/jamie/.pyenv/versions/3.8.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/", line 456, in prepare_request
  File "/Users/jamie/.pyenv/versions/3.8.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/", line 316, in prepare
    self.prepare_url(url, params)
  File "/Users/jamie/.pyenv/versions/3.8.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/", line 390, in prepare_url
    raise MissingSchema(error)
requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: Invalid URL './data/TSLA/10-k/20201231/tsla-20201231.xsd': No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant http://./data/TSLA/10-k/20201231/tsla-20201231.xsd?

If I leave out instance_url I get this error instead:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 10, in <module>
    inst1 = parse_xbrl(instance_path, cache)
  File "/Users/jamie/.pyenv/versions/3.8.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xbrl_parser/", line 276, in parse_xbrl
    schema_url = resolve_uri(instance_url, schema_uri)
  File "/Users/jamie/.pyenv/versions/3.8.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xbrl_parser/helper/", line 23, in resolve_uri
    if '.' in dir_uri.split('/')[-1]:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

It seems that if you use the HTTP cacher, it tries to load everything from there and raises a fatal error if files aren't found. My understanding was that it'd be optional.

Map common namespaces to schema urls


Some submissions have now schema url defined for common taxonomies.
Maybe add a dictionary that maps from namespace to schema_url for some common taxonomies.
This map can then be used, it the company has not defined the schema_url in the taxonomy extension.

Parser crashes for certain ixbrl submissions (could not parse date string)

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is:

Error when parsing date in ixbrl submission

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

parse ''

cache: HttpCache = HttpCache('./../cache')
instance_url = ''
inst: XbrlInstance = parse_ixbrl_url(instance_url, cache)

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen:

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem:


unresolved schemas

Got some more unresolved schemas.

As I understand these are not real URIs, so what't the official way to resolve them?
There must be a way to look these up instead of hard coding them. Let me ask SEC.

 parsing cache/  error The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file
 parsing cache/  error The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file
 parsing cache/  error The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file
 parsing cache/  error The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file
 parsing cache/  error The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file
 parsing cache/  error The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file
 parsing cache/  error The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file
 parsing cache/  error The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file

Bug: instance.json('my-file.json')

The XbrlInstance.json(self, file_path: str = None, override_fact_ids: bool = True) function does not respect the file_path argument. Specifically, if the file_path is specified it writes the json object to a hardcoded filepath, data.json instead of the file_path specified.

if file_path:
    with open('data.json', 'w') as f:
        return json.dump(json_dict, f)
    return json.dumps(json_dict)

Date parsing fails

ixbrl gives:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 14, in <module>
    inst = XbrlParser(cache).parse_instance(url)
  File "py-xbrl_my\xbrl\", line 653, in parse_instance
    return parse_ixbrl_url(url, self.cache)
  File "py-xbrl_my\xbrl\", line 363, in parse_ixbrl_url
    return parse_ixbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
  File "py-xbrl_my\xbrl\", line 426, in parse_ixbrl
    fact_value: str or float = _extract_ixbrl_value(fact_elem)
  File "py-xbrl_my\xbrl\", line 503, in _extract_ixbrl_value
    parsed_date = strptime(fact_elem.text, '%B %d')
  File "C:\python36\lib\", line 559, in _strptime_time
    tt = _strptime(data_string, format)[0]
  File "C:\python36\lib\", line 362, in _strptime
    (data_string, format))
ValueError: time data 'December-31' does not match format '%B %d'


parse_ixbrl should add encoding argument

If the encoding of instance is utf8 but the locale encoding is cp950, then it crahsed. Just adding encoding option to specified the encoding of the instance file for parse_ixbrl function as following:

def parse_ixbrl(instance_path: str, cache: HttpCache, instance_url: str or None = None
               ) -> XbrlInstance:

    instance_file = open(instance_path, "r", encoding=encoding)

New 2022 taxonomies

Hi, I've got the batch of missing taxonomies for 2022: (where it says .html just use the .xml version)

Fill: 2022-06-25 Q1 TRNS usr:
  error The 4omy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file
Fill: 2022-06-30 Q2 KNDI usr:
  error The 4omy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file
Fill: 2022-06-30 Q2 NUVR usr:
  error The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file
Fill: 2022-05-31 Q1 NXTP usr:
  error The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file
Fill: 2022-04-30 Q3 RFL usr:
  error The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file
Fill: 2022-06-30 Q1 GDST usr:
  error The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file

"no" vs 0 represantation


for InventoryNet the lib extracts "no", but the website says Fact: 0

So I think there is a special case for interpreting "no" as 0 in the following xml context:

<ix:nonFraction unitRef="U_iso4217USD" id="F_000402" name="us-gaap:InventoryNet" contextRef="C_0001733257_srtCounterpartyNameAxis_fnchOpenBiomeMember_us-gaapTypeOfArrangementAxis_fnchQualitySystemAndSupplyAgreementMember_20210331" decimals="INF" format="ixt-sec:numwordsen" scale="6"><ix:nonFraction unitRef="U_iso4217USD" id="F_000403" name="us-gaap:InventoryNet" contextRef="C_0001733257_srtCounterpartyNameAxis_fnchOpenBiomeMember_us-gaapTypeOfArrangementAxis_fnchQualitySystemAndSupplyAgreementMember_20201231" decimals="INF" format="ixt-sec:numwordsen" scale="6">no</ix:nonFraction>

Double ixbrl fillings

Filling has two ixbrl entries, but only the secondary ixbrl carries data:

If I try to parse the main one:

It says:

    inst = XbrlParser(cache).parse_instance(url)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 653, in parse_instance
    return parse_ixbrl_url(url, self.cache)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 363, in parse_ixbrl_url
    return parse_ixbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 404, in parse_ixbrl
    if xbrl_resources is None: raise InstanceParseException('Could not find xbrl resources in file')
xbrl.InstanceParseException: Could not find xbrl resources in file

As pointed out the SEC extracted xml already merged the 2 files together, but unfortunately it's not in the SEC zip file.

Shouldn't the lib find the secondary ixbrl, when I provide the main ixbrl?
This is the only reference to secondary file in the main one:

<p style="margin-bottom:8pt;margin-top:0pt;margin-left:0pt;;text-indent:0pt;;font-size:9.5pt;font-family:Times New Roman;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;text-transform:none;font-variant: normal;"><a href="civb-ex131_7.htm">
<span style="text-decoration:none;">Statement regarding earnings per share</span>

Another one:

prefix 'ix' not found in prefix map

This is the full console log

`Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/home/samar/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3418, in run_code
exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)

File "", line 5, in
XbrlInstance = parse_ixbrl(ixbrl_path,cache)

File "/home/samar/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xbrl_parser/", line 389, in parse_ixbrl
xbrl_resources: ET.Element = root.find('.//ix:resources', ns_map)

File "/home/samar/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/xml/etree/", line 649, in find
return self._root.find(path, namespaces)

File "/home/samar/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/xml/etree/", line 389, in find
return next(iterfind(elem, path, namespaces), None)

File "/home/samar/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/xml/etree/", line 368, in iterfind
selector.append(ops[token[0]](next, token))

File "/home/samar/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/xml/etree/", line 184, in prepare_descendant
token = next()

File "/home/samar/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/xml/etree/", line 86, in xpath_tokenizer
raise SyntaxError("prefix %r not found in prefix map" % prefix) from None

File "", line unknown
SyntaxError: prefix 'ix' not found in prefix map

The taxonomy was imported sucessfully.

Slow parsing on some fillings

MSFT fillings parse very slowly, e.g. parsing only one of them takes 11secs @ 100% CPU.

ixbrl in html seems like a valid xml, cannot we just cut it out, parse it, and never use regexp?
There are 2120074 regexp calls, looks like every tag is searched this way.
Downloading the same file and parsing it with bs4 only takes 4secs: (3s if lxml mode used)
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')

python3 -m cProfile -s tottime > prof.txt

from xbrl.cache import HttpCache
from xbrl.instance import XbrlInstance, XbrlParser

dir = 'cache'
cache = HttpCache(dir)
# !Replace the dummy header with your information! SEC EDGAR require you to disclose information about your bot! (
cache.set_headers({'From': '[email protected]', 'User-Agent': 'revenue extactor v1.0'})
cache.set_connection_params(delay=1000/9.9, retries=5, backoff_factor=0.8, logs=True)

url = ''
# same as zip:

inst = XbrlParser(cache).parse_instance(url)

Profiling result

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
  2120074    5.464    0.000    5.464    0.000 {method 'findall' of '_sre.SRE_Pattern' objects}  <-- slowest part 5.5seconds
  1060027    1.244    0.000    8.874    0.000
  2120054    0.861    0.000    7.029    0.000
531164/2886    0.810    0.000    9.684    0.003
  2120160    0.703    0.000    0.728    0.000
  2160290    0.622    0.000    0.622    0.000 {method 'split' of 'str' objects}
       31    0.193    0.006    0.193    0.006 {method '_parse_whole' of 'xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser' objects}
        1    0.139    0.139    0.323    0.323
      316    0.136    0.000    0.136    0.000 {method 'feed' of 'xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser' objects}
     25/1    0.127    0.005    2.553    2.553

The call stack to get to the bottleneck:

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.000    0.000   10.646   10.646<module>)  <-- entry
        1    0.000    0.000   10.318   10.318
        1    0.024    0.024   10.318   10.318
        1    0.016    0.016   10.293   10.293
531164/2886    0.799    0.000    9.478    0.003
  1060027    1.215    0.000    8.679    0.000
  2120054    0.847    0.000    6.893    0.000
  2120074    5.345    0.000    5.345    0.000 {method 'findall' of '_sre.SRE_Pattern' objects}  <-- slow part

Any way to get textual labels?

Is there any way to retrieve the textual label corresponding to a fact when it is in a table as follows?


In the above table, under Net Sales, Products, Services and total net sales each correspond with tag : us-gaap:RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax.

I was able to parse out the member labels to retrieve tags like us-gaap:ServiceMember.

What I would really like to do is to find the relavent table labels of Products, Services, and Total set sales. As far as I can tell these are only in the html portion of xbrl docs.

Is there already a way to access these labels, if not how might I go about it?

Found a possible parsing error:

Found a possible parsing error:

CommonStockParOrStatedValuePerShare should have 2 instances, but the lib only gives back 09/28/2019, even when not filtering for len(fact.context.segments)

Common Stock, Par or Stated Value Per Share
As of 09/26/2020

Common Stock, Par or Stated Value Per Share
As of 09/28/2019

Same problem for

  • CommonStockSharesAuthorized (missing As of 09/26/2020)
  • EffectiveIncomeTaxRateReconciliationAtFederalStatutoryIncomeTaxRate (missing 12 months ending 09/28/2019)

Originally posted by @mrx23dot in #36 (comment)

Taxonomy xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/link:roleType links aren't populated

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is:

First off, great module! Thanks a ton for putting this out there. I was getting xbrl brain-damage until I came across this repo.

Following logical expression doesn't evaluate as expected:
This is because bool(elr_definition) returns false even if Element.find doesn't return None. I assume because len(elr_definition) evaluates to 0 (or maybe __bool__).

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Just observe that parsed instance will have an empty taxonomy.link_roles. Tested with:

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen:

taxonomy.link_roles should be populated. Can change
not elr_definition or not elr_definition.text
elr_definition == None or not elr_definition.text

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem:

Date parsing fails

Parsing the following 2 URLs give date parsing exceptions.

Are they violating the standard or the lib should be able to handle them?
(although it would be risky guessing the date)

CODI time data 'Dec 31' does not match format '%B %d'
url = ''

MFA time data 'Dec 31' does not match format '%B %d'
url = ''

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\tmp\", line 12, in <module>
    inst = XbrlParser(cache).parse_instance(url)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 626, in parse_instance
    return parse_ixbrl_url(url, self.cache)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 363, in parse_ixbrl_url
    return parse_ixbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 424, in parse_ixbrl
    fact_value: str or float = _extract_ixbrl_value(fact_elem)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 495, in _extract_ixbrl_value
    parsed_date = strptime(fact_elem.text, '%B %d')
  File "C:\python36\lib\", line 559, in _strptime_time
    tt = _strptime(data_string, format)[0]
  File "C:\python36\lib\", line 362, in _strptime
    (data_string, format))
ValueError: time data 'Dec 31' does not match format '%B %d'

zip download fails

I'm trying to speed up the download, and read that the lib supports zip download, but looks like it's not complete yet.
The provided zip file is a valid one.

from xbrl.cache import HttpCache
from xbrl.instance import XbrlParser, XbrlInstance

cache: HttpCache = HttpCache('./cache')
cache.set_headers({'From': '[email protected]', 'User-Agent': 'zipper 1'})
xbrlParser = XbrlParser(cache)

url = '' # ok
url = '' #nok
inst = XbrlParser(cache).parse_instance(url) 

for fact in inst.facts:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Downloads\4\", line 10, in <module>
    inst = XbrlParser(cache).parse_instance(url) # here to be able free up
  File "C:\Python37\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 626, in parse_instance
    return parse_ixbrl_url(url, self.cache)
  File "C:\Python37\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 363, in parse_ixbrl_url
    return parse_ixbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
  File "C:\Python37\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 383, in parse_ixbrl
    root: ET = parse_file(instance_path)
  File "C:\Python37\lib\site-packages\xbrl\helper\", line 19, in parse_file
    for event, elem in ET.iterparse(path, events):
  File "C:\Python37\lib\xml\etree\", line 1222, in iterator
    yield from pullparser.read_events()
  File "C:\Python37\lib\xml\etree\", line 1297, in read_events
    raise event
  File "C:\Python37\lib\xml\etree\", line 1269, in feed
xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 1, column 2

Make code and naming more standard

I believe the way of using the library is not standard when downloading it from pypi.

Just a few non-standard issues about the library:

  • When importing the library from pypi it is called py-xbrl. However the github project is called xbrl_parser. To download the library you have to run pip install py-xbrl but in the imports you have to write from xbrl_parser.cache import HttpCache. The standard is to have the same naming on both the library and the project.

  • When using the library you should not be able to import methods. The standard way of doing it is to import a class and then call the methods within the class. I think the standard option would be to have XbrlInstance url parameter in the class constructor of XbrlInstance . Then the constructor would call the different methods to parse the xbrl/ixbrl instance that the url references. I understand this would require some refactoring of the code as you would need to call the xbrl_parse methods with a reference to the XbrlInstance object instead of the urls.

This is how they do it in another library which is more standard:
Screenshot from 2021-05-28 12-30-52

What are your thoughts about it?

Add support for Datetime in context duration.

parsing cache/
parsing cache/
error unconverted data remains: T00:00:00

maybe a str.split('T')[0] could help.

  File "C:\tmp\py-xbrl_orig\xbrl\", line 642, in parse_instance
    return parse_xbrl_url(url, self.cache)
  File "C:\tmp\py-xbrl_orig\xbrl\", line 277, in parse_xbrl_url
    return parse_xbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
  File "C:\tmp\py-xbrl_orig\xbrl\", line 309, in parse_xbrl
    context_dir = _parse_context_elements(root.findall('xbrli:context', NAME_SPACES), root.attrib['ns_map'], taxonomy, cache)
  File "C:\tmp\py-xbrl_orig\xbrl\", line 541, in _parse_context_elements
    datetime.strptime(start_date.text.strip(), '%Y-%m-%d').date(),
  File "C:\Python37\lib\", line 577, in _strptime_datetime
    tt, fraction, gmtoff_fraction = _strptime(data_string, format)
  File "C:\Python37\lib\", line 362, in _strptime
  ValueError: unconverted data remains: T00:00:00

Check if given cache path makes sense

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is:

Not really a bug, but if the user forgets to add the / at the end of the cache path, the HttpCache will store the files in i.e: ./

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen:

Automatically append the / at the end of the cache path

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem:

cache: HttpCache = HttpCache('./cache')
# should have the same effect as:
cache: HttpCache = HttpCache('./cache/')

Parser interprets .xbrl files as iXBRL

Thx, that works if the file ends on .xml. The XBRL ends on .xbrl by default in The Netherlands, so the class automatically switches to the ixbrl processing variant. Unfortunately I get the same error, but by renaming it works.

Originally posted by @tedjansen in #11 (comment)

KeyError: 'Unit_sqft'



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 11, in <module>
    inst = XbrlParser(cache).parse_instance(url)
  File "C:\tmp\py-xbrl_orig\xbrl\", line 642, in parse_instance
    return parse_xbrl_url(url, self.cache)
  File "C:\tmp\py-xbrl_orig\xbrl\", line 277, in parse_xbrl_url
    return parse_xbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
  File "C:\tmp\py-xbrl_orig\xbrl\", line 339, in parse_xbrl
    unit: AbstractUnit = unit_dir[fact_elem.attrib['unitRef']]
KeyError: 'Unit_sqft '

xml parsing errors

Lib throws exception on parsing some (new) ixbrl fillings. (list below)
Not sure how SEC tolerates these and what they store in their xml.


inst = xbrlParser.parse_instance(url)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 391, in <module>
    resultDict = parse_xml(url, price)
  File "", line 356, in parse_xml
    flatDict = _get_raw_data(url)
  File "", line 61, in _get_raw_data
    inst = xbrlParser.parse_instance(url)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 626, in parse_instance
    return parse_ixbrl_url(url, self.cache)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 363, in parse_ixbrl_url
    return parse_ixbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 383, in parse_ixbrl
    root: ET = parse_file(instance_path)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\helper\", line 19, in parse_file
    for event, elem in ET.iterparse(path, events):
  File "C:\python36\lib\xml\etree\", line 1221, in iterator
    yield from pullparser.read_events()
  File "C:\python36\lib\xml\etree\", line 1296, in read_events
    raise event
  File "C:\python36\lib\xml\etree\", line 1268, in feed
xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: mismatched tag: line 15, column 172

e.g. all of these:

Be nicer to submissions that do not follow the XBRL standard 100%

Implement some functionality that allows also for parsing XBRL reports that are violating the XBRL standart. Maybe just issue a warning and continue with parsing instead of crashing completely.

(from discussion:)

the concepts are defined in the different taxonomy schemas imported by the instance document.

For example:
The first submission you provided failed at the concept:
which is prefixed by xmlns "in-ca". This xml namespace refers to the taxonomy with namespace "".
This is linked to the schema file located at
There you can check that the above mentioned concept is really not defined.

=> Thus the creator of this filing incorrectly used this non-existing concept which is why py-xbrl crashes.

The problematic line is the following:

concept: Concept = tax.concepts[tax.name_id_map[concept_name]]

Here I just expect the tax.name_id_map to have the given concept (which it also should according to the XBRL standard).

There where several discussions bevore about "How to treat incorrect XBRL". Because many users of py-xbrl just wan't to get data out of the reports and do not care if the report could be parsed 100%.

I plan to implement a functionality which would allow you to parse submissions that are incorrect (and maybe just issue a warning).
But I am not able to work on py-xbrl until Mid July (due to university stuff).

So in the mean time i would suggest to just but a "try-catch" block around the line where it's failing.
Like the following (untested):

# get the concept object from the taxonomy
tax = taxonomy.get_taxonomy(taxonomy_ns)
if tax is None: tax = _load_common_taxonomy(cache, taxonomy_ns, taxonomy)

    concept: Concept = tax.concepts[tax.name_id_map[concept_name]]
    context: AbstractContext = context_dir[fact_elem.attrib['contextRef'].strip()]
except ValueError:
    print(f"All facts with concept {concept_name} will be ignored, due to invalid concept definition")

Originally posted by @manusimidt in #83 (reply in thread)

parsing uk submission "KeyError: 'bus'"

i have encountered this little problem parsing uk submissions
inst = parse_ixbrl(file_path, cache) File "/Users/lafiraed/Documents/finance-pipelines/compagniesHouse/uk_company/xbrl/", line 407, in parse_ixbrl context_dir = _parse_context_elements(xbrl_resources.findall('xbrli:context', NAME_SPACES), ns_map, taxonomy, cache) File "/Users/lafiraed/Documents/finance-pipelines/compagniesHouse/uk_company/xbrl/", line 549, in _parse_context_elements dimension_tax = taxonomy.get_taxonomy(ns_map[dimension_prefix]) KeyError: 'bus'
here is the submission file

The taxonomy with namespace could not be found

Bug description

The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

from xbrl.cache import HttpCache
from xbrl.instance import XbrlParser
cache = HttpCache('./cache')
cache.set_headers({'From': '[email protected]', 'User-Agent': 'Tool/Version (Website)'})
xbrlParser = XbrlParser(cache)
url = ''

Error Trace

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pablo/.pyenv/versions/3.7.10/lib/python3.7/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "/home/pablo/.pyenv/versions/3.7.10/lib/python3.7/", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/home/pablo/Desktop/repos/data/etls/providers/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals/src/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals/", line 23, in <module>
    download_files(config, os.getenv("DOWNLOAD_FILES", "download.files"))
  File "/home/pablo/.local/share/virtualenvs/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals-70AQCo8K/lib/python3.7/site-packages/data_components/config/", line 229, in wrapped_method
    return method(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/pablo/.local/share/virtualenvs/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals-70AQCo8K/lib/python3.7/site-packages/data_components/config/", line 278, in wrapped_method
    ans = method(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/pablo/Desktop/repos/data/etls/providers/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals/src/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals/", line 15, in download_files
    SecDownload(config, config_key).run()
  File "/home/pablo/Desktop/repos/data/etls/providers/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals/src/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals/", line 50, in run
  File "/home/pablo/.local/share/virtualenvs/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals-70AQCo8K/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xbrl/", line 589, in parse_instance
    return parse_xbrl_url(url, self.cache)
  File "/home/pablo/.local/share/virtualenvs/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals-70AQCo8K/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xbrl/", line 256, in parse_xbrl_url
    return parse_xbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
  File "/home/pablo/.local/share/virtualenvs/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals-70AQCo8K/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xbrl/", line 288, in parse_xbrl
    context_dir = _parse_context_elements(root.findall('xbrli:context', NAME_SPACES), root.attrib['ns_map'], taxonomy)
  File "/home/pablo/.local/share/virtualenvs/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals-70AQCo8K/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xbrl/", line 532, in _parse_context_elements
    if dimension_tax is None: raise TaxonomyNotFound(ns_map[dimension_prefix])
xbrl.TaxonomyNotFound: The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file

DEI Taxonomy not found

Yes the DEI Taxonomy is not imported in the Taxonomy Extension by this particular filer.
But it is a standard taxonomy that should be covered by

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:/Programming/python/xbrl_parser/workdir/", line 11, in <module>
    inst: XbrlInstance = parse_xbrl_url(instance_url, cache)
  File "E:\Programming\python\xbrl_parser\xbrl_parser\", line 256, in parse_xbrl_url
    return parse_xbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
  File "E:\Programming\python\xbrl_parser\xbrl_parser\", line 282, in parse_xbrl
    context_dir = _parse_context_elements(root.findall('xbrli:context', NAME_SPACES), root.attrib['ns_map'], taxonomy)
  File "E:\Programming\python\xbrl_parser\xbrl_parser\", line 519, in _parse_context_elements
    if dimension_tax is None: raise TaxonomyNotFound(ns_map[dimension_prefix])
xbrl_parser.TaxonomyNotFound: The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file

Parsing of Presentation Linkbase for SEC submissions

I am also having problems getting information from the the presentation linkbase. In my case I am getting the information from: microsoft 10k-2020 instance document and the object instance.taxonomy.pre_linkbases does not contain the same information as the linkbase document. It is missing all the locators and definitionArcs. I have spent a few hours looking into the code but I can't find where the error is.

Originally posted by @Pablompg in #20 (comment)

2 name space errors

For these two:

I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
    inst = XbrlParser(cache).parse_instance(url)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 653, in parse_instance
    return parse_ixbrl_url(url, self.cache)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 363, in parse_ixbrl_url
    return parse_ixbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 406, in parse_ixbrl
    context_dir = _parse_context_elements(xbrl_resources.findall('xbrli:context', NAME_SPACES), ns_map, taxonomy, cache)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 574, in _parse_context_elements
    member_tax = _load_common_taxonomy(cache, ns_map[member_prefix], taxonomy)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 630, in _load_common_taxonomy
    if tax is None: raise TaxonomyNotFound(namespace)
xbrl.TaxonomyNotFound: The taxonomy with namespace could not be found. Please check if it is imported in the schema file

Maybe it's missing www?

Is it a filling or a lib issue ?


"Explicit Member"s missing

Given filling:
or xml:

I would like to extract number of shares, now there are ClassA and ClassB ones under the same tag name:

But they are have unique names under Explicit Member in web view:


which the lib doesn't see.

In xml I only see the common tag, so they might inherit the unique ones:
<dei:EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding contextRef="c2" decimals="INF" unitRef="shares">4284023</dei:EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding>

This might be another nested case.

Is there a way to show the complete tags?

Awesome library. I have a question btw if you don't mind?

Is there a way to show the complete tags for each facts?


  • us-gaap:AssetsCurrent
  • dei:SomeTagIntheDocument
  • ticker:SomeTagInTheDocument

I'm looking to separate the standard and non-standar tag in the SEC filings

Is there a way to retrieve a fact's ID?

If you look at this tag:

<us-gaap:Assets contextRef="FI2015Q4" decimals="-3" id="Fact-7214827CB0865D3EDB8BC10FF27FAF5E" unitRef="usd">377284000</us-gaap:Assets>

I would like to access the id attribute in order to link together elements with footnoteArc. I don't see anything exposed in AbstractFact or NumericFact, but maybe I'm missing something.

Submissions from CompSci

When trying to parse this submission: the library failed with the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pablo/.pyenv/versions/3.7.10/lib/python3.7/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
"main", mod_spec)
File "/home/pablo/.pyenv/versions/3.7.10/lib/python3.7/", line 85, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "/home/pablo/Desktop/repos/data/etls/providers/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals/src/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals/", line 23, in
download_files(config, os.getenv("DOWNLOAD_FILES", "download.files"))
File "/home/pablo/.local/share/virtualenvs/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals-70AQCo8K/lib/python3.7/site-packages/data_components/config/", line 229, in wrapped_method
return method(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/pablo/.local/share/virtualenvs/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals-70AQCo8K/lib/python3.7/site-packages/data_components/config/", line 278, in wrapped_method
ans = method(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/pablo/Desktop/repos/data/etls/providers/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals/src/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals/", line 15, in download_files
SecDownload(config, config_key).run()
File "/home/pablo/Desktop/repos/data/etls/providers/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals/src/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals/", line 64, in run
File "/home/pablo/.local/share/virtualenvs/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals-70AQCo8K/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xbrl/", line 604, in parse_instance
return parse_xbrl_url(url, self.cache)
File "/home/pablo/.local/share/virtualenvs/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals-70AQCo8K/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xbrl/", line 256, in parse_xbrl_url
return parse_xbrl(instance_path, cache, instance_url)
File "/home/pablo/.local/share/virtualenvs/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals-70AQCo8K/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xbrl/", line 288, in parse_xbrl
context_dir = _parse_context_elements(root.findall('xbrli:context', NAME_SPACES), root.attrib['ns_map'], taxonomy, cache)
File "/home/pablo/.local/share/virtualenvs/raw_sec1_extract_fundamentals-70AQCo8K/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xbrl/", line 540, in _parse_context_elements
member_concept: Concept = member_tax.concepts[member_tax.name_id_map[member_concept_name]]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'concepts'

I will have a deeper look at the error but it seems that this submission does not contain an id for each fact. Will have to analyse it and see if it can be parsed or not.

Example fails

How to use parse_instance? Please update example.

xbrlParser = XbrlParser(cache)
xbrl_url = ''
inst: XbrlInstance = XbrlParser.parse_instance(xbrl_url)

File "C:\tmp\SECgov\", line 18, in
inst: XbrlInstance = XbrlParser.parse_instance(xbrl_url)
TypeError: parse_instance() missing 1 required positional argument: 'url'

xbrlParser = XbrlParser(cache)
xbrl_url = ''
inst: XbrlInstance = XbrlParser.parse_instance(url=xbrl_url)

File "C:\tmp\SECgov\", line 18, in
inst: XbrlInstance = XbrlParser.parse_instance(url=xbrl_url)
TypeError: parse_instance() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'

Rounding error


for == 'UnrecognizedTaxBenefits'

results in
fact.value == 16899999999.999998

source seems to have it correctly:

"us-gaap:UnrecognizedTaxBenefits" scale=3D"9" id=3D"id3VybDovL2RvY3MudjEvZG=
02e-4999-9819-1ab85e1929c2">16.9</ix:nonfraction> Billion

Parsing <TEXT> fails

Parsing of

causes exception in XbrlParser(cache).parse_instance(url)
Saying: not well-formed (invalid token): line 7, column 2 Thus most likely also other fillings from the same company.

SEC's response:

Please look at the contents of the link. You will see that like every other one of the millions of HTML documents on the EDGAR site, the first six lines are document metadata in SGML, that a browser ignores. They look like this:

 Programs can start parsing after the <TEXT> line and also ignore the last two lines


  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\", line 383, in parse_ixbrl
    root: ET = parse_file(instance_path)
  File "C:\python36\lib\site-packages\xbrl\helper\", line 19, in parse_file
    for event, elem in ET.iterparse(path, events):
  File "C:\python36\lib\xml\etree\", line 1221, in iterator
    yield from pullparser.read_events()
  File "C:\python36\lib\xml\etree\", line 1296, in read_events
    raise event
  File "C:\python36\lib\xml\etree\", line 1268, in feed
xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 7, column 2

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