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puppet-acme's Issues

NSUPDATE_SERVER - Resource type not found


I'm getting the following error message with below code and would appreciate your assistance.

Thank you.

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Evaluation Error: Resource type not found: NSUPDATE_SERVER (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/puppet/site-modules/profiles/manifests/puppetboard.pp, line: 31, column: 13) on node puppet

    class { 'acme':
      accounts => ['[email protected]'],
      profiles => {
        nsupdate_example => {
          challengetype => 'dns-01',
          hook          => 'nsupdate',
          env           => {
            NSUPDATE_SERVER => ''
          options       => {
            dnssleep      => 5,
            nsupdate_id   => 'acme-update',
            nsupdate_type => 'hmac-sha512',
            nsupdate_key  => '`123456',

"key values mismatch" when rebuilding nodes

Building a fresh node with your module using the DNS-01 mechanism with GoDaddy works mostly well. However, if we destroy a node that had already received its certificate, chain, and key files, we are unable to rebuild that node because we end up with a mismatched certificate/key pair. In my own testing, I was only able to rebuild an affected node by fully destroying both the affected node and the Puppet Server itself, then rebuilding them both! This is obviously not an ideal workaround.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Build up a fresh Open-Source Puppet 5 Server with your module properly configured.
  2. Attach and build an Apache HTTPd node that also uses your module and requests a Let's Encrypt certificate via the DNS-01 mechanism for an SSL-enabled vhost.
  3. Note that after about 15 minutes and a few Puppet Agent runs on both the Puppet Server and the Apache HTTPd node, it works. [Aside: Please call this out in your README file; that it takes at least15 minutes and a minimum of 3 sequential Puppet Agent runs on the Puppet Server itself to actually obtain a signed certificate. So, if an unattended Puppet Server runs its Agent only once per hour, it will take over 3 hours to obtain a signed certificate!]
  4. Destroy the Apache HTTPd node. We do this deliberately to simulate disaster and other dynamic cloud scaling scenarios.
  5. Rebuild the Apache HTTPd node.
  6. Encounter the intractable error, "key values mismatch" even after the 15 minute minimum delay and any number of Puppet Agent runs on the Puppet Server and Apache HTTPd node.

There is no readily-identifiable way to resolve this error. I manually compared the private key and certificate files on the affected node and indeed, they are mismatched. I tried destroying the old certificate files from /etc/* directories on the Puppet Server for the affected node and repeating the request sequence in hope that your module would re-request fresh copies of the files from GoDaddy, but this had no effect; in fact, the certificate files are never recreated on the Puppet Server. This leaves me to suspect that you're caching the certificates in PuppetDB, which is cool except this needs to be clear in your documentation along with a direct means of flushing affected resources.

Please advise.

[ Feature Request ] --toPkcs


Would it be possible to add the functionality of '--toPkcs' to acme::certificate params?

Use case: A puppet managed java-based application that utilizes SSL certs but in keystore format. So the cert issued must be exported to pkcs12 manually or with openssl puppet module each cert lifecycle.

EDIT: I noticed this module supports posthooks. Is it possible to issue/renew a certificate to pkcs12 using a posthook_cmd?


Cert directory not created on master

I am getting this error on the first issue of a certificate:
Notice: /Stage[main]/Acme::Request::Handler/Acme::Request[]/Exec[]/returns: /opt/ 4678: /opt/ cannot create /etc/ Directory nonexistent
I need to manually create the directory /etc/ to make it work.

Dns-01 issues

Getting issues when i run puppet to get letsencrypt ssl cert. Below are the errors. How do I fix this issue?

[Mon Sep 18 15:59:29 EDT 2017] you must specify a path to the nsupdate key file
[Mon Sep 18 15:59:29 EDT 2017] Error add txt for domain:_acme-challenge.[domain_Name]

[ Feature Request ] Usage without email

letsencrypt/certbot allows the usage without email address but this puppetmodule has a hard requirement to accounts/email adresses. would be awesome to allow the usage of this module without providing a email address.

Set timeout for Exec dynamically

When using DNS-01 and a high value for dnssleep the exec may terminate due to a timeout:

Error: /Stage[main]/Acme::Request::Handler/Acme::Request[]/Exec[]/returns: change from 'notrun' to ['0'] failed: Command exceeded timeout

Maybe we should set the exec timeout dynamically, depending on the value of dnssleep.

Automatic Renews Failing


On the Puppet 5 Server, I've just noticed that every manifest run now fails when your module attempts to renew any certificate that isn't yet near expiration. When I manually execute the failing command, I notice that the result is non-fatal; rather, the user is politely informed when the next renewal time should be. However, because the script returns a non-zero exit state -- 2 rather than 0 -- your exec resource mistakes the result as a fatal error.

Possible Fix

To the "renew-certificate-${domain}" exec at, simply add this additional line:

    returns        => [ 0, 2, ],

This line will permit the exec to report a success when the certificate renewal either has actually succeeded (0) or has been deferred to a later date (2).

Steps To Reproduce

This error can be reproduced by:

  1. Build a fresh Puppet 5 Server
  2. Build any other Puppet 5 client node that requests certificates via your module using the DNS-01 mechanism.
  3. Check back the next day (may occur sooner for you, but I happened to notice the issue the next day).
  4. Manually run puppet agent -tv on the Puppet 5 Server to observe the error.

Error Messages

Error: '/opt/ --staging --issue --domain host.domain.tld --dns dns_gd --days 30 --log /var/log/ --log-level 2 --home /etc/ --keylength 4096 --accountconf /etc/[email protected]/account_staging.conf --ocsp --csr /etc/ --certpath /etc/ --capath /etc/ --fullchainpath /etc/ --dnssleep 15 >/dev/null' returned 2 instead of one of [0]
Error: /Stage[main]/Acme::Request::Handler/Acme::Request[host.domain.tld]/Exec[renew-certificate-host.domain.tld]/returns: change from 'notrun' to ['0'] failed: '/opt/ --staging --issue --domain host.domain.tld --dns dns_gd --days 30 --log /var/log/ --log-level 2 --home /etc/ --keylength 4096 --accountconf /etc/[email protected]/account_staging.conf --ocsp --csr /etc/ --certpath /etc/ --capath /etc/ --fullchainpath /etc/ --dnssleep 15 >/dev/null' returned 2 instead of one of [0]

Actual Command Output

[Sun Feb 25 03:00:09 UTC 2018] Using stage ACME_DIRECTORY:
[Sun Feb 25 03:00:10 UTC 2018] Domains not changed.
[Sun Feb 25 03:00:10 UTC 2018] Skip, Next renewal time is: Fri Mar 23 17:41:34 UTC 2018
[Sun Feb 25 03:00:10 UTC 2018] Add '--force' to force to renew.

Actual Command Exit State

echo $?

Facts for certificates not being generated

I was reviewing facts on my Puppet server and noticed that only the acme_csrs fact was included, no acme_certs facts. I looked into the /lib/facter/acme_cert.rb code and saw the following:

  .map { |a| File.basename(a, '.pem') }
  .each do |cert_name|
  crt ="/etc/{cert_name}.pem")
  ca ="/etc/{cert_name}.ca")

This looks like it is trying to collect facts from the results directory which is only present on the Puppetserver. On the Puppet node, in my configuration, everything is stored in the certs folder. Changing to the following resulted in the acme_certs facts being created:

  .map { |a| File.basename(File.dirname(a)) }
  .each do |cert_name|
  crt ="/etc/{cert_name}/cert.pem")
  ca ="/etc/{cert_name}/chain.pem")`

Is this a bug or is it just my configuration?

    - [email protected]
    - letsencrypt
    - letsencrypt_test
        use_profile: nsupdate
        use_account: [email protected]
        ca: letsencrypt
        notify: Service[myservice]
    default_account: [email protected]
    default_ca: letsencrypt
    default_profile: nsupdate
    dnssleep: 15
    exec_timeout: 600
        challengetype: dns-01
        hook: nsupdate
          dnssleep: 15
          nsupdate_id: keyname
          nsupdate_type: hmac-sha256
          nsupdate_key: abcdef1234567890

Configurable exec timeout and dnssleep

First of all, thank you for this opportunity for central certificate management with puppet.

I use this module with ISPConfig dns plugin.
For issuing certificates, I noticed two problems with puppet-acme:

Configurable timeout for EXEC "issue-certificate-${domain}"
Publishing the dns record via ISPConfig and from there to an external slave DNS provider takes time.
The default timeout of 300 is not always enough.

Param dnssleep should be optional
If not provided or set to e.g false/-1, do not prepend --dnssleep to the command. This way can recheck the dns entry periodically and finish after success or will be terminated when EXEC timeout is exceeded.

At the moment I run the issuing command by hand on the puppet master. The last certificate took about 7 minutes to be issued. Too much for default exec runtime.

Switching CA does not regenerate certs

i would have opened a discussion if they where enabled in this git repo. i am not sure if i simply do something wrong or if i found a bug.

for the development i created the certificates with the ca letsencrypt_test. this worked quite well, just needed some puppet runs and the certificate was correctly there. after that i switched to the ca letsencrypt but the certificates where still from the test ca. i wasn't able to force a regeneration of the cert.
so i tried to delete the complete acme folder from the client but after the puppet run the i got wrong certs again. also tried to delete the folder on server and client which led me to an unusable system (not exactly in this order, i played around a bit) as "suddenly" the private key doesn't match the cert any more.

Jan 10 02:25:09 aio001 nginx[932050]: nginx: [emerg] SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey("/etc/") failed (SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch)
Jan 10 02:25:09 aio001 systemd[1]: nginx.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE

am i doing something wrong? should this module be able to switch ca's? how can i start-over? how to force regeneration?

[ Feature Request ] Allow the same certificate on multiple nodes

I am in the process of migrating a service from one node to another. As part of this, I set up the same certificates on the second node, both with the respective hostname as a SAN:

The puppet run completes on the second node, but on the puppet master it now errors out with:

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Duplicate declaration: Acme::Request[myservice.myhost.tld] is already declared; cannot redeclare (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/acme/manifests/csr.pp, line: 192) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/acme/manifests/csr.pp, line: 192, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/acme/manifests/certificate.pp, line: 59) on node puppetmaster.myhost.tld

The certificates are set up in hiera like this:

on node1 (which is also the puppetmaster, in case that matters):

 'myservice.myhost.tld node1.myhost.tld':
    use_profile: my_profile

on node2:

 'myservice.myhost.tld node2.myhost.tld':
    use_profile: my_profile

Perhaps the acme::request resources that are exported "to" the puppetmaster should be canonicalized with the hostname?

[ Feature Request ] HTTP-01 challenge support

Hi, you've said that HTTP-01 challenge is untested, but I'd like to use it anyway.

Following hiera config warns me that my profile is incomplete and that is missing either "challengetype" or "hook":

acme::acme_revision: 'master'
acme::acme_host: ''
acme::accounts: [ '[email protected]' ]

acme::default_ca: 'letsencrypt_test'
  - 'letsencrypt_test'

    challengetype: 'http-01'

      use_profile: 'http_config'
      use_account: '[email protected]'
      ca: 'letsencrypt_test'

Will it be enough to adjust basic profiles validation section in handler.pp manifest?


Error for new certificates after upgrade to 2.1.0

After upgrading to version 2.1.0 and issuing a new certificate I get an error on my puppet master.

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: 
Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: 
Could not find resource 'File[/etc/]' in parameter 'require' 
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/acme/manifests/deploy/crt.pp, line: 99) on node

Not sure why this is happening..

After downgrading to 2.0.0 the error is gone. now defaults to zerossl

New versions of now default to zerossl which fails, especially if you've been using LetsEncrypt for a while.

It would be good to add configuration to the module to allow selecting of the different CAs. Right now the only option is 'production' or 'staging' and that assumes an LE CA. However, now has support for several different servers other than just LE.


I had to go force my default ca on my account configs to get around this after doing an upgrade!

usage with standalone setup


Is it possible to use this module without a puppet server (running 'puppet apply' for example)?

Thanks for your help

Error while evaluating a Function Call, 'versioncmp' parameter 'a' expects a String value, got Undef


I'm getting the following error message:

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, 'versioncmp' parameter 'a' expects a String value, got Undef (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/puppet7/modules/acme/manifests/request/handler.pp, line: 185, column: 18

The line:
$old_openssl = versioncmp($facts['openssl_version'], '1.1.0') < 0
Debug mode:

Debug: Facter: Executing command: /usr/bin/openssl version 2>&1
Debug: Facter: value for openssl_version is still nil
# /usr/bin/openssl version 2>&1
OpenSSL 1.1.1k  FIPS 25 Mar 2021
├─┬ fraenki-acme (v4.0.0)
│ ├── puppetlabs-stdlib (v8.5.0)
│ ├── puppetlabs-concat (v7.3.0)
│ ├── puppetlabs-vcsrepo (v5.4.0)
│ ├── puppetlabs-augeas_core (v1.2.0)
│ └── puppet-openssl (v2.0.1)

Puppet server - 7.11.0
Puppet agent - 7.24.0
RHEL 8 based OS.

I've already reviewed #27, but not seeing a clear solution.

Thank you.

Duplicate declaration: Package[git] with ensure_packages

Using ensure_packages('git') for puppetmaster setup creates a duplicate declaration error when the package 'git' is included in another module with something else than ensure_packages('git') or ensure => present.

A good explanation can be found in this issue for another module:

I propose changing the


to a

if !defined(Package['git']) {

which will solve the issue.

Add FreeBSD support

  • set search path for all Execs, remove full paths from all commands
  • use BSD-compatible date and stat syntax
  • small tweaks here and there (bashism, etc.)

1.0.3 breaks puppet 5 support

When updating to 1.0.3 on puppet 5.5, I get the following error:

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Unknown function: 'get'. (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/p
roduction/modules/acme/manifests/request/crt.pp, line: 24, column: 33) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/acme/manifests/init.pp, line: 106) on node mynode

I believe this is caused by changeset 59144d6, which introduces usage of the $facts.get() function, which is not available before Puppet 6.0.

It would probably be better to use the fact() function from stdlib. Since the fact names don't use dot navigation, a simple $facts["..."] lookup might do as well.

versioncmp failing

I'm trying to get this module setup (I'm on CentOS 8) and I keep getting the following error during runs on the puppetmaster:

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, 'versioncmp' parameter 'a' expects a String value, got Undef (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/acme/manifests/request/handler.pp, line: 188, column: 25) on node REDACTED

Looking at the line in question I'm trying to puzzle out where $openssl_version is supposed to come from as the stated dependencies don't seem to be creating the fact.

Current configuration:
puppetserver 6.12.0
puppet-agent: 6.16
OS: CentOS 8

declared dependencies:
puppetlabs-stdlib: 6.3.0
puppetlabs-concat: 6.2.0
puppetlabs-vcsrepo: 3.1.0
camptocamp-openssl: 1.14.0

multiple problems: params.dh, private.key, duplicate fullchain_with_key.pem.

Hello, - puppet (ACME) master - puppet client

After our initial installation, we got the following error message on the master: puppet-agent[13881]: Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Could not find resource 'File[/etc/]' in parameter 'require' (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/puppet6/site-modules/acme/manifests/deploy/crt.pp, line: 97) on node puppet-agent[13881]: (/Stage[main]/Acme/Acme::Request::Crt[]/Acme::Deploy::Crt[]/Concat[/etc/]/Concat_file[/etc/]) Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': Could not retrieve source(s) /etc/

params.dh as far as I understand should only be on the node itself (not on the master). The same goes for private.key. With the way source code is written right now, puppet is expecting both files to on both - master and node and is looking for /etc/, which of course doesn't exist on the master.

I added the following lines in deploy/crt.pp, which fixed that problem.

if $::hostname == 'puppet6' {
      $dh = "${cfg_dir}/"
      $key = "${key_dir}/"
      $crt_full_chain_with_key = "${key_dir}/"
else {
      $dh = "${cfg_dir}/${domain}/params.dh"
      $key = "${key_dir}/${domain}/private.key"
      $crt_full_chain_with_key = "${key_dir}/${domain}/fullchain_with_key.pem"

At this point I am experiencing the following issue:

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Duplicate declaration: Concat[/etc/] is already declared at (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/puppet6/site-modules/acme/manifests/deploy/crt.pp, line: 78); cannot redeclare (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/puppet6/site-modules/acme/manifests/deploy/crt.pp, line: 78) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/puppet6/site-modules/acme/manifests/deploy/crt.pp, line: 78, column: 3) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/puppet6/site-modules/acme/manifests/request/crt.pp, line: 32) on node

I have tried a couple of things, but none of them work 100% as often times fullchain_with_key.pem doesn't get distributed at all.

I would really appreciate your help on this matter.

Thank you!

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