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forum-sweats's Issues

Pets - Gladiator Pet

Gladiator Pet

Win streak
Winning duels in a row (in general) grants you more and more bobux, winning one duel grants you some, but when you reach 10 in a row you get upwards to 30. If you duel the same person multiple times in a row, you won’t get bobux for those subsequent wins. If you are caught using alts to abuse this, you will be muted.

1 Win - 0 Bobux
2 Wins - 0 Bobux
3 Wins - 5 Bobux
4 Wins - 10 Bobux
5 Wins - 15 Bobux
6 Wins - 15 Bobux
7 Wins - 20 Bobux
8 Wins - 20 Bobux
9 Wins - 25 Bobux
10 Wins - 30 Bobux
Anything beyond - 30 bobux

Harder Blows
If you win a duel in general, your opponent gets muted for 90 minutes instead of an hour.

Has a chance to rig duels, making you win it, an ability that levels up every 10 duels won, it caps at lvl 5. Here are the %s as it levels up:

Level 1: 1% to rig
Level 2: 2% to rig
Level 3: 3% to rig
Level 4: 4% to rig
Level 5: 5% to rig


To get this pet you need to win 15 duels in general against different people. After you win those duels, you can buy this pet from the shop for 1800 bobux.

Activity Bonuses/Bobux pet

Activity Bonuses

If you post 100 messages in general you will be marked as active for that day and you’ll get the days reward. The more days you are in active in a row, the better your rewards get.
The final reward is the ability to buy the bobux pet in the !shop. After you claim it, the calendar resets, except the bobux pet is no longer the final reward but rather 250 bobux.

Here is the reward calender:

At the end of the calendar you get ability to buy the bobux pet from the shop, it costs 2500 bobux. Here are it’s stats:

Bobux Pet

Gain 100% more passive bobux from talking in general (20 bobux)

No Life
Click here to activate this ability for 2 minutes. When activated, you’ll be given a role that gives you access to No Life tab. This chat has a 5 second slow mode. Everytime you post here, you will be given 5 bobux.
5 hour cooldown

A Man of Bobux
Upgradable Ability - Upgrades every 1000 messages you have with this pet equipped, caps at level 5.

Level 1:
Click here to gain 1% of the bobux of the last person to speak in chat (they don’t lose any).

Level 2:
Click here to gain 2% of the bobux of the last person to speak in chat (they don’t lose any).

Level 3:
Click here to gain 3% of the bobux of the last person to speak in chat (they don’t lose any).

Level 4:
Click here to gain 4% of the bobux of the last person to speak in chat (they don’t lose any).

Level 5:
Click here to gain 5% of the bobux of the last person to speak in chat (they don’t lose any).

30 Second Cooldown

I’ll make it more clear later gotta board my plane

Recurring bobux payments (subs)

!sub/simp/boboxsub/etc <t1/t2/t3> <member>
"Are you sure you want to <t1/t2/t3> sub to <member> by sending <amount> bobux per week?" :agree: :disagree:
"<t1/t2/t3> subbed to <member>"

!unsub/cancelsub/unsimp/etc <member>
"Cancelled <t1/t2/t3> sub to <member>"

!subs/bobuxsubs/etc [member]
"Bobux subs: mat (t3), quaglet (t1). Do !unsub <member> to cancel your sub from a member"

t1: 50b/w
t2: 100b/w
t3: 250b/w

  • When you first sub it sends bobux to that member.
  • At the same week day and time of each week it sends more bobux.
  • If you don't have enough bobux by the time the bobux is supposed to be sent, you will automatically be unsubbed and dmed by the bot.
  • The are no perks for subbing.
  • You do not get a refund from unsubbing.

!message command

add !message that dms the user you selected with the content you type in.

Unit tests

Automatically test every (important) command

Boulder Pet + Bobux Division Roles

New Shop Items

Bobux Divisions - There should be bobux flex roles to waste your money on. These should be extremely hard to get. Here they are:

Bobux Rookie - 100 Bobux to buy
Bobux Iron - 250 Bobux to buy
Bobux Gold - 500 Bobux to buy
Bobux Diamond- 1000 Bobux to buy
Bobux Master - 2500 Bobux to buy
Bobux Legend- 5000 Bobux to buy
Bobux Grandmaster - 10000 Bobux to buy
Bobux Godlike - 20000 Bobux to buy

I have created all of the roles already, you just need to add this to the shop.

You can only buy the next role once you have the prior one. For example, you can only buy the bobux master role if you have Bobux diamond.

Costs: 1000 Bobux

Boulder Pet

Rock Hard
Your rocks will get really hard and large. Your next rock will mute for 5 extra minutes (stacks with larger rock in shop).

There is a 20% chance that a rock thrown at you will do nothing. There is a 1% chance that a rock thrown at you will do nothing and the person who threw it will receive its effects instead.

This is the worst pet and thus the easiest to get.

Replace auto updating giveaway timestamp with discord timestamps

Discord has added a new feature that allows you to add timestamps to messages
for example <t:1:R> (you can even send it in any chat without a bot and it will work)
Here are the styles
I think you should replace the giveaway auto updating time with this

Bobux Shop

A !shop command that allows you to buy certain things using bobux

  • Bigger rock (30 bobux) - The next time you throw a rock, it'll add 10 minutes instead of 5. Cannot be stacked
  • pets or something idk
  • Custom role (10,000 bobux) - Have a custom role with whatever name and color you want (as long as it follows the rules)

Update !help

There have been a lot of commands added since !help was made, it should be updated with most of the new ones

Remove individual infractions

A command (!clearinfraction) to remove individual infractions from a user, using the first part of the infraction id

Pet Menu

Pets Menu UI example


Your Pets
1️⃣ - Bobux Pet
2️⃣ - Gladiator Pet
3️⃣ - Boulder Pet

React with the corresponding reaction to choose that pet. There is a 2 minute cool down on switching pets.

The pets available to you in the menu will switch depending on which ones you have unlocked.
The next posts will be for the pets, activity calendar, and flex roles.

Add !editmute

Command syntax

!editmute user, new length, reason

Reason will be optional.


If there isn't a specified user, send a message saying that the message author needs to specify a user to change the mute length of and return.

If there isn't a length, send a message saying that the message author needs to specify a new length and return.

If the user they try to change the mute length of isn't muted, send a message saying that the user the message author entered isn't muted and return.


When the command is executed successfully the bot will DM the user saying "Your mute has been extended to {length}" if there isn't a reason, and "Your mute has been extended to {length} for {reason}" if there is one.
Then, the bot will change the length of the user's mute to whatever length the message author inputs and will not add a new infraction.

Why tho?

This could be useful in case a staff member enters a length that is far too short or too long, when muting a user that is breaking the rules. Instead of having to change the mute length, and clear the user's recent infraction, they can just use this command to easily change the mute length and not have to deal with clearing a new infraction.



shortening wrong number punishment by a bug

You can override wrong number mute in #counting by saying sex/cum or other

how to replicate:
go to #counting
say sex/cum or other word that will get u muted
Your mute will be shorter

Add max newline limit for safeexec

Right now you can just print('\n') a bunch of times to get the bot to spam, the output should be limited to like 50 lines or something

Bobux stonks

Basically heres the general layout

  1. List of random events
  2. Fake bobux companies that specialize in different fields like energy, baking, etc (can be duplicate subjects)
  3. Varying company size with a score point system pertaining to the company "size"
  4. Events will affect how companies do such as disaster, shortages of raw material, or brand mergers
  5. Some events will be multiple stages allowing you to weigh risks and after a certain period of time you can see how it turned out
  6. Of course you can sell and buy bobux stocks, with stocks costing more depnding on the company's size score
  7. You get a stock report that tells you all the events that has happened, and will report the score and stock price of companies every hour
  8. Mergers should use some kind of way that makes it so the size score will affect how well the merger might go, larger companies having a larger effect on brands, and similar companies in terms of specialty will tend to do better after a merger
  9. Companies can also go out of business past a threshold, pushing the value down, and while it is reported every hour, it changes live meaning you have to sell before it is too late
  10. Companies have an increased chance for a merger if the size score has not increased by a lot in a certain period of time as well as if they are going out of buiness or on track to

Automatic mute length guess

If you omit the length argument in !mute, it should automatically guess the length based on previous infractions.

"spam": 30m
"nsfw": 12h
"toxic": 1h
"drama": 30m
"discrimination": 72h
"slurs": 168h, moderator can choose to ban if it's severe enough
"dox": 168h, moderator should ban
"creepy/weird": 24h, moderator should ban if it's severe enough
unknown: 1h? (maybe change this idk)

starting length = check keywords for the new infraction, and set the length to that

For each previous infraction (under a month old):

  • if the infraction was less than 5 minutes ago and for the same reason, it will be removed (in case the staff member made a mistake or something)
  • adding length = get how much time it's gonna add by checking the keywords

Chat filter works in dms

If you dm the bot saying sex word it will say "Don't talk about sexual stuff in chat, nerd" in DMS

Hypixel forum bot

A bot that is able to give reactions like likes, useful rating, creative etc at a decent speed

Ability to cancel duels

Do !cancel to cancel your duel.

You should only be able to cancel it before your opponent accepts it. This way if you have to go, your opponent can't accept the duel when you aren't there and get you muted.

Fix auto mutes

Some auto mutes don't work and cause the member's message to only get deleted

Warn command

!warn dms the person "You were warned for ". The warn count should be stored in the database, and when the user reaches 3 warns, the warn count resets, and they get muted for 45 minutes with the reason being "Too many warns".

Fix very long mute

Fix "OverflowError: int too large to convert to float" when muting for a very long time, maybe convert time.time() to int if the mute seconds is too long?

Make it so you can get deleted users by their id

If a user isn't in the server, then it should still let you run commands on them using the id. It should make an object, probably called DeletedMember or FakeMember or something, and it would contain most of the attributes from discord.Member, but a lot of them just being None. This would allow muting and unsubbing from members that aren't in the server.
The code for this addition should be in

Bobux text adventures

Text adventures that people can go on for bobux prizes and such. I can write the stories and stuff while you code. Also one problem I foresee with this is people memorizing all possible scenarios.

Here are some examples of possible quests:
You go kakistan to retrieve a bobux idol. You must venture through the forest and a temple full of traps to get it. You can trade in the bobux idol for 100 bobux.

You find the site of the bobux grail after passing 3 tests. You realize that it’s missing. Investigate the room to find when it was stolen and where. Go and confront the thief and stone them.

Sorry for bad formatting, I’m on a phone. Also sorry for basically ripping Indiana Jones 1 and 3 for these lmao

Add connect 4 minigame

Steal Antisynth's code and port it to Python

Command syntax:

Show an embed with a 7x7 grid of white, yellow, and red circles, with the bottom row being numbers. The message is reacted to with numbers 1-7, to which the players can react to. Reacting to a message will add a yellow/red circle at the bottom of that column. Having four circles diagonally, horizontally, or vertically in a row will have them win the game.


Bobux will be a currency system, so you can earn it and spend it on things

  • Every hour, if you sent at least 20 messages, you get 10 Bobux
  • If you win a duel in #general, you get 25 Bobux. If it's against Forum Sweats bot, you get 200 Bobux
  • Doing !bobux [user] will tell you how much Bobox you or someone else has
  • Doing !shop will list the things you can buy with Bobux
    • bigger rock (15 Bobux) - the next time you throw a rock, it'll add 10 minutes rather than 5, can not be stacked
    • permanent bigger rocks (500 Bobux) - when you throw a rock it'll always add 10 (or 15, if you got bigger rock) minutes
    • rig duel (9999999999999 Bobux) - you will win the next duel you do, but you wont get Bobux for it
    • ??? (idk ill add something here later)

Configure main server id

Right now the id of the main server (717904501692170260) is hardcoded in many places, this should be easily configurable.

Keep roles

People keep roles when they join back. Allowing for people to leave and join without the pain of getting roles given manually.

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