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vue-ecosystem-snippets's Introduction

Vue Ecosystem Snippets

Snippets for the modern Vue ecosystem - including Nuxt 3, Pinia, VueUse, Vue Router & Vue Macros.

Vue Nuxt TypeScript


  • Only the latest Vue syntax
  • Over 200 snippets
  • TypeScript-first
  • Nuxt 3, Pinia, VueUse, Vue Router & Vue Macros support
  • Strategically placed tabstops
  • Prefixes created with exact-match in mind
  • GitHub Copilot compliant
  • Auto-generated documentation


Not mandatory, but highly recommended.

Look for it in user settings, or edit the settings.json directly:

"editor.formatOnSave": true,

// Tab complete snippets when their prefix match.
"editor.tabCompletion": "onlySnippets"

Snippet syntax


  • $1, $2, $3 specify cursor locations, in order in which tabstops will be visited
  • $0 denotes the final cursor position
  • Multiple occurrences of the same tabstop are linked and updated in sync


  • Tabstops with default values โ†’ ${1:name}


  • Tabstops with multiple values โ†’ ${1|one,two,three|}.
  • Truncated in documentation, for easier viewing โ†’ ${1|one,...|}.



.vue files

Prefix Name Body
vbase Vue SFC
<script lang="ts" setup>

vbase:full Vue SFC with style | postcss
<script lang="ts" setup>


<style lang="postcss" scoped>
vbase:full:css Vue SFC with style | css
<script lang="ts" setup>


<style lang="css" scoped>
vbase:full:scss Vue SFC with style | scss
<script lang="ts" setup>


<style lang="scss" scoped>
vbase:full:less Vue SFC with style | less
<script lang="ts" setup>


<style lang="less" scoped>
vscript Vue script setup | ts
<script lang="ts" setup>
vscript:js Vue script setup | js
<script setup>
vtemplate Vue template
vstyle Vue scoped style | postcss
<style lang="postcss" scoped>
vstyle:lang Vue style with language option
<style lang="${1|css,postcss,...|}"${2|scoped,|}>
vstyle:css Vue scoped style | css
<style lang="css" scoped>
vstyle:scss scoped style | scss
<style lang="scss" scoped>
vstyle:less scoped style | less
<style lang="less" scoped>
vstyle:module Vue style with CSS modules
<style module$1>
vstyle:src Vue scoped style with src
<style scoped src="$1">


Prefix Name Body
slot slot
template / vtemplate template
component / vcomponent component
nslot named slot
<slot name="${1:default}">
ntemplate named template
<template #${1:default}>
vcomponent Vue component
<component :is="$1">$0</component>
vKeepAlive Vue KeepAlive
<KeepAlive $1>
vTeleport Vue teleport
<Teleport to="$1">
vTransition Vue Transition
<Transition $1>
vTransition:name / nTransition Vue Transition with name
<Transition name="$1" $2>
vTransition:type Vue Transition with type
<Transition type="${1|transition,animation|}" $2>
vTransition:appear Vue Transition with appear
<Transition appear $1>
vTransitionGroup Vue TransitionGroup
<TransitionGroup name="$1" as="${2|ul,div,...|}" $3>
vSuspense Vue Suspense
vSuspense:fallback Vue Suspense with fallback
  <template #fallback>
vtext v-text
vhtml v-html
vshow v-show
vif / if v-if
veif / elif v-else-if
velse / else v-else
vfor v-for
v-for="${2:item} in ${1:items}" :key="$2$3"
vfori v-for (indexed)
v-for="(${2:item}, ${3:i}) in ${1:items}" :key="${4:$3}"
vforr v-for range
v-for="${1:n} in ${2:5}" :key="$1"
vemit / emit emit
vemit:pass Vue pass emit
@${1|click,input,...|}="\$emit('${2:$1}', \$event)"
von v-on
von:event / voe event handler
von:click / voc click handler
von:input / voi input handler
von:update update handler
von:change change handler
von:blur blur handler
von:focus focus handler
von:submit submit handler
vbind v-bind
vbind:attrs v-bind attrs
vbind:props v-bind props
vbind:full v-bind props and attrs
v-bind="[\$props, \$attrs]"
vmodel v-model
vmodel:number v-model.number
vmodel:trim v-model.trim
vmodel:custom custom v-model
vslot scoped slot
vpre v-pre
vonce v-once
vmemo v-memo
vcloak v-cloak
vkey Vue key
vref Vue ref
vname name property
vis is property
vb bind attribute
va attribute
vclass / vc Vue classes
vclass:list / vca Vue classes list
vclass:cond / vcc Vue conditional classes
:class="{ $1: $2 }"
vstyle Vue inline style
:style="{ $1: $2 }"
vstyle:list Vue inline style list
vv Vue
{{ $1 }}
vvt Vue i18n translation
{{ t('$1') }}
vif:slot v-if slot defined
vif:slot-prop v-if slot or prop defined
v-if="\$slots.${1:label} || ${2:$1}"
vform form submit.prevent
<form @submit${1:.prevent}="${2:onSubmit}">
vfor:template v-for in template
<${1|template,div,...|} v-for="${3:item} in ${2:items}" :key="$3$4">
vfori:template v-for (indexed) in template
<${1|template,div,...|} v-for="(${3:item}, ${4:i}) in ${2:items}" :key="${5:$4}">
vif:template v-if in template
<${1|template,div,...|} v-if="$2">
vtif template with v-if
<template v-if="$2">
vdif div with v-if
<div v-if="$2">


Prefix Name Body
vbind v-bind
deep :deep()
slot :slotted()
global :global()


Script setup and composables

Prefix Name Body
vref / vr Vue ref
const ${1:name} = ref($2)
vref:ts / vrt Vue ref (typed)
const ${1:name} = ref<$2>($3)
vcomputed / vc Vue computed
const ${1:name} = computed(() => $2)
vcomputed:ts / vct Vue computed (typed)
const ${1:name} = computed<$2>(() => $3)
vcomputed:gs / vcgs Vue computed (get/set)
const ${1:name} = computed({
  get: () => ${2},
  set: (${3:value}: ${4:string}) => {
vreactive / vra Vue reactive
const ${1:name} = reactive({$2})
vreactive:ts Vue reactive (typed)
const ${1:name}: ${2:type} = reactive({$3})
vshallowRef Vue shallowRef
const ${1:name} = shallowRef($2)
vtoRef Vue toRef
toRef(${1:props}, '$2')
vtoRefs Vue toRefs
vunref Vue unref
vreadonly Vue readonly
vref:elem Vue element ref
const ${1:elem} = ref<${2|HTMLInputElement,HTMLInputElement,...|} | null>(null)
vwatchEffect Vue watchEffect
watchEffect(() => {
vwatch Vue watch source
watch(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatch:inline Vue watch inline
watch(${1:source}, ${2:fn})
vwatch:getter Vue watch getter
watch(() => ${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatch:multiple Vue watch multiple
watch([${1:source1}, ${2:source2}], ([new${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}, new${2/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}]) => {
vwatch:immediate Vue watch immediate
watch(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
}, { immediate: true })
vwatch:deep Vue watch deep
watch(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
}, { deep: true })
vwatch:log / vwl Vue watch source | log
watch(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
  console.log('$1:', $2)
vprops Vue defineProps
${1:const props = }defineProps<${2:Props}>()
vprops:defaults Vue defineProps with defaults
${1:const props = }withDefaults(defineProps<${2:Props}>(), {
vprops:js Vue defineProps without TS
${1:const props = }defineProps({
vemits Vue defineEmits
${1:const emit = }defineEmits<{
  ${2:click}: [${3:payload}: ${4:string}],$5
vemits:alt Vue defineEmits without TS
${1:const emit = }defineEmits(['$2'])
vemits:old Vue defineEmits (old syntax)
${1:const emit = }defineEmits<{
  (e: '${2:click}', ${3:payload}: ${4:string}): void,$5
vmodel Vue defineModel
const ${1:modelValue} = defineModel<${2:string}>($3)
vemit Vue emit event
vexpose Vue defineExpose
v:onMounted Vue onMounted
onMounted(() => {
v:onBeforeMount Vue onBeforeMount
onBeforeMount(() => {
v:onUnmounted Vue onUnmounted
onUnmounted(() => {
v:onBeforeUnmount Vue onBeforeUnmount
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
v:onUpdated Vue onUpdated
onUpdated(() => {
v:onBeforeUpdate Vue onBeforeUpdate
onBeforeUpdate(() => {
v:onErrorCaptured Vue onErrorCaptured
onErrorCaptured(() => {
v:onActivated Vue onActivated
onActivated(() => {
v:onDeactivated Vue onDeactivated
onDeactivated(() => {
vprovide Vue provide
provide(${1:key}, ${2:value})
vprovide:ts Vue provide (typed)
provide<${1:string}>(${2:key}, ${3:value})
vinject Vue inject
const ${1:value} = inject(${2:key})
vinject:ts Vue inject (typed)
const ${1:value} = inject<${2:string}>(${3:key})
vinject:default Vue inject with default
const ${1:value}  = inject(${2:key}, ${3:defaultValue})
vinjectkey Vue injection key
const ${1:key} = Symbol('$2') as InjectionKey<${3:string}>
vslots Vue useSlots
const slots = useSlots()
vattrs Vue useAttrs
const attrs = useAttrs()
vimport / vim Import from vue
import { $1 } from 'vue'

Code snippets

Useful vue snippets and helpers

Prefix Name Body
vcomposable / vdc Vue define composable
export const use${1/(.*)/${1:/pascalcase}/} = () => {
  return {
vcomposable:file / vdcf Vue define composable in file
export const use${TM_FILENAME_BASE/^(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/} = () => {
  return {
vuse / vu Use composable
const ${2:$1} = use${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}($3)
vused / vud Use composable with destructuring
const { $2 } = use${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}($3)
vmodel:manual Implement v-model manually
const props = defineProps<{
  ${1:modelValue}: ${2:string}

const emit = defineEmits<{
  (e: 'update:$1', ${3:value}?: $2): void

const ${4:value} = computed({
  get: () => props.$1,
  set: (val: $2) => emit('update:$1', val),
v:has-slot Vue check for slots
const slots = useSlots()
const hasSlot = (name: string) => !!slots[name]

Vue Router (script)

Prefix Name Body
vrouter Vue router
const ${1:router} = useRouter()
vroute Vue route
const ${1:route} = useRoute()
vrouter:create Create Vue router
const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHashHistory(),
  routes: ${1:routes},
  scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) {

Vue Router (template)

Prefix Name Body
vto Vue Router to
vto:param Vue Router :to with param
vto:obj Vue Router :to object
:to="{ $1 }"
vto:name Vue Router :to name
:to="{ name: '$1',$2 }"
vto:path Vue Router :to path
:to="{ path: '$1',$2 }"
vview RouterView
vlink RouterLink
<RouterLink ${1|to,:to|}="$2">$3</RouterLink>
vlink:param RouterLink with param
<RouterLink :to="`$1${${2:id}}$3`">$4</RouterLink>
vlink:obj RouterLink with object
<RouterLink :to="{ $1 }">$2</RouterLink>
vlink:name RouterLink with name
<RouterLink :to="{ name: '$1'$2 }">$3</RouterLink>
vlink:path RouterLink with path
<RouterLink :to="{ path: '$1'$2 }">$3</RouterLink>


Prefix Name Body
pstore Setup Pinia store
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'

export const use${TM_FILENAME_BASE/^(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/}Store = defineStore('$TM_FILENAME_BASE', () => {
  return {
pstore:options Setup Pinia store (Options)
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'

export const use${TM_FILENAME_BASE/^(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/}Store = defineStore('$TM_FILENAME_BASE', {
 state: () => ({
 getters: {},
 actions: {},
vuseStore / vus Use store
const ${2:$1Store} = use${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}Store()

Nuxt (script)

Prefix Name Body
nfetch Nuxt useFetch
const { data: ${1:data} } = await useFetch('$2'$3)
nfetch:cb Nuxt useFetch with callback
const { data: ${1:data} } = await useFetch(() => '$2'$3)
nfetch:lazy Nuxt useLazyFetch
const { pending, data: ${1:data} } = useLazyFetch('$2'$3)
nfetch:lazy:cb Nuxt useLazyFetch callback
const { pending, data: ${1:data} } = useLazyFetch(() => '$2'$3)
nfetch:post Nuxt useFetch POST
const { data: ${1:data} } = await useFetch('$2', {
  method: 'POST',
  body: ${3:body},$4
nasyncdata Nuxt useAsyncData
const { data: ${1:data} } = await useAsyncData('${2:key}', () => $fetch('$3')$4)
nasyncdata:lazy Nuxt useLazyAsyncData
const { pending, data: ${1:data} } = useLazyAsyncData('${2:key}', () => $fetch('$3')$4)
napp Nuxt useNuxtApp
const app = useNuxtApp()
nappConfig Nuxt useAppConfig
const appConfig = useAppConfig()
nruntimeConfig Nuxt useRuntimeConfig
const config = useRuntimeConfig()
ncookie Nuxt useCookie
const ${1:cookie} = useCookie('${2:$1}'$3)
ncookie:opts Nuxt useCookie with options
const ${1:cookie} = useCookie('${2:$1}', { $3 })
ndata Nuxt useNuxtData
const { data: ${2:$1} } = useNuxtData('${1:key}')
nerror Nuxt useError
const ${1:error} = useError()
nstate Nuxt useState
const ${1:state} = useState('${2:$1}'$3)
nstate:init Nuxt useState (init)
const ${1:state} = useState('${2:$1}', () => $3)
nhead Nuxt useHead
nhead:title Nuxt useHead title
  title: $1,$0
npageMeta Nuxt definePageMeta
npageMeta:title Nuxt definePageMeta title
  title: '$1',$0
npageMeta:layout Nuxt definePageMeta layout
  layout: '$1',$0
npageMeta:middleware Nuxt definePageMeta middleware
  middleware: ['$1'$2],$0
nto Nuxt navigateTo
nto:obj Nuxt navigateTo object
navigateTo({ $1 }$2)
nto:replace Nuxt navigateTo replace
navigateTo('$1', { replace: true })
nto:external Nuxt navigateTo external
navigateTo('$1', { external: true })
nto:redirect Nuxt navigateTo redirect
navigateTo('$1', { redirectCode: ${2|301,302,...|} })
nto:name Nuxt navigateTo name
  name: '$1',$0
nto:path Nuxt navigateTo path
  path: '$1',$0
nplugin Nuxt plugin
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nplugin:vue Nuxt plugin use vue package
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nmiddleware:route Nuxt route middleware
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
nmiddleware:server Nuxt server middleware
export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
napi Nuxt api route
export default defineEventHandler(${1:async }(event) => {
  return {
nplugin:server Nuxt server plugin
export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
nreadBody Nuxt readBody
const ${1:body} = await readBody(event)
ngetQuery Nuxt getQuery
const { $1 } = getQuery(event)
ngetCookie Nuxt getCookie
getCookie(event, '${1:cookie}')
nsetCookie Nuxt setCookie
setCookie(event, '${1:cookie}', ${2:value})

Nuxt (template)

Prefix Name Body
nlink NuxtLink
<NuxtLink ${1|to,:to|}="$2">$3</NuxtLink>
nlink:blank NuxtLink with target _blank
<NuxtLink ${1|to,:to|}="$2" target="_blank" $3>$4</NuxtLink>
nlink:external NuxtLink with target external
<NuxtLink ${1|to,:to|}="$2" external target="${3|_blank,_self|}" $4>$5</NuxtLink>
nlink:param NuxtLink with param
<NuxtLink :to="`$1${${2:id}}$3`" $4>$5</NuxtLink>
nlink:obj NuxtLink with object
<NuxtLink :to="{ $1 }" $2>$3</NuxtLink>
nlink:name NuxtLink with name
<NuxtLink :to="{ name: '$1'$2 }" $3>$4</NuxtLink>
nlink:path NuxtLink with path
<NuxtLink :to="{ path: '$1'$2 }" $3>$4</NuxtLink>
nloading NuxtLoadingIndicator
<NuxtLoadingIndicator $1/>
nlayout NuxtLayout
<NuxtLayout $1>$2</NuxtLayout>
nlayout:name NuxtLayout with name
<NuxtLayout ${2|name,:name|}="$3">$4</NuxtLayout>
npage NuxtPage
<NuxtPage $1/>
npage:static NuxtPage with static key
<NuxtPage page-key="static" $1/>
nclient ClientOnly
<ClientOnly $1>$2</ClientOnly>
nclient:fallbacks ClientOnly with fallback props
<ClientOnly fallback-tag="${1:span}" fallback="${2:Loading...}">$3</ClientOnly>
nclient:fallback ClientOnly with fallback template
  <template #fallback>
nTeleport Nuxt Teleport
<Teleport to="$1">

VueUse (script)

Prefix Name Body
vRefAutoReset VueUse refAutoReset
const ${1:name} = refAutoReset('$2', ${3:1000})
vwatchArray VueUse watchArray
watchArray(${1:list}, (new${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}, old${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}, ${4:added}, ${5:removed}) => {
vwatchAtMost VueUse watchAtMost
watchAtMost(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
}, { max: ${3:3} })
vwatchDebounced VueUse watchDebounced
watchDebounced(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
}, { debounce: ${3:500}, maxWait: ${4:1000} })
vwatchIgnorable VueUse watchIgnorable
const { stop:$3, ignoreUpdates:$4 } =  = watchIgnorable(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatchOnce VueUse watchOnce
watchOnce(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatchImmediate VueUse watchImmediate
vwatchImmediate(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatchPausable VueUse watchPausable
const { stop$3, pause$4, resume$5 } = watchPausable(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatchThrottled VueUse watchThrottled
watchThrottled(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
}, { throttle: ${3:500} })
vwatchTriggerable VueUse watchTriggerable
const { trigger$3, ignoreUpdates$4 } = watchTriggerable(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vwatchWithFilter VueUse watchWithFilter
watchWithFilter(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
}, { eventFilter: $3 })
vwhenever VueUse whenever
whenever(${1:source}, (${2:val}) => {
vuse:vmodel Implement v-model using useVModel
const ${2:value} = useVModel(props, '${1:modelValue}', emit)
vuse:vmodels Implement v-model using useVModels
const { ${1:modelValue}$2 } = useVModels(props, emit)
vuse:hover VueUse useElementHover
const ${1:elem} = ref<${2|HTMLInputElement,HTMLDivElement,...|} | null>(null)
const ${3:isHovered} = useElementHover($1)
vuse:fetch / vuf VueUse useFetch
const { data: ${1:data} } = useFetch('$2'$3)
vget VueUse get
vset VueUse set
set($1, $2)
vdef VueUse isDefined
vuse:toggle / vut VueUse useToggle
const [${1:value}, ${2:toggle}] = useToggle()
vuse:toggle:fn / vutt VueUse useToggle function
const toggle${2/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/} = useToggle($1)
vuse:import / vuim Import from vueuse
import { $1 } from '@vueuse/core'

Vue Macros

Prefix Name Body
vdefineModels / vmacro:model Define models
const { modelValue$2 } = defineModels<{
  modelValue: ${1:string}
vdefinePropsRefs / vmacro:props Define props refs
const { $2 } = definePropsRefs<{
vdefineOptions / vmacro:options Define options
vdefineSlots / vmacro:slots Define slots
vdefineRender / vmacro:render Define render
vdefineRender:fn / vmacro:render:fn Define render function
defineRender(() => {
  return (

Running locally

# ensure Deno is installed
#[email protected]/getting_started/installation

# generate .code-snippets and documentation
deno task generate

vue-ecosystem-snippets's People


matijaoe avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar

vue-ecosystem-snippets's Issues

less support

support vstyle:less like vstyle:scss.

Although sass is more popular then less, but still many top project using less, like ant design vue.

v:full:less style tag not right

<script lang="ts" setup>



<!-- should be lang="less" -->
<style style="less" scoped>

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

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  • Django photo Django

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  • D3 photo D3

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Recommend Topics

  • javascript

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  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.