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Date 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade
9/14 Digital Candy Day – Justin, Sven This Focus Day is designed to help the 6th graders become proficient at using their iPads. They will be given different tutorials and tasks to help them learn about all of the applications on their device, how to best utilize Canvas, how to organize their Google Drive, and be given time to tune their Digital Portfolios. It's Fair Game – Todd, Matt Students will dig into probability and statistics by experiencing strategy games and games of chance. After analyzing the mathematics of each game, they will then design (and play) their own game of chance using the principles learned throughout the day. Technology to Artisan – Lanny, Andy, Lori Technology is redefining art and design in many ways. This day of exploration will be using technology and the student's artisan skills to complete their work. The aim is to nurture innovative thinking and foster creativity.
9/21 Tool Cool for School Day** – Andy, Jenny, Lori, Dan **On this Focus Day, 6th graders will hone their skills with different tools of the trade for the experiential learning that takes place at Athenian Middle School. Throughout the day, both independently and in small groups, students will work with Adobe Illustrator, laser cutters, 3D printers, traditional tools, and iMovie. ** Conservatory of Flowers – Leah, Tina, Ted, Sophie **Field Trip To enhance our study of the rainforest and prepare students for the biome project, students will visit the San Francisco exhibit that houses an incredibly diverse collection of flora. Chinatown – Charlie, Lanny, Meng, Erika, Nabil, Emily S** Field Trip**Connected to our work on immigration history in the social studies class and the reading of excerpts from The Joy Luck Club in English, students will travel to San Francisco's Chinatown to learn more about the heart of this long-standing California immigrant community.
9/28 Inductive Reasoning Day – Tina, Todd, Matt, Cynthia W Through a variety of activities, students will develop their skills in inductive reasoning. They will need to recognize mathematical patterns, make generalizations, and then use their conjectures to extend the patterns. These skills are the backbone of mathematical reasoning. Environmental Sculpture – Lanny, Jaci, Rachel, Erika** Field Trip **Students will explore form, texture, pattern, rhythm and meaning through building a sculpture of materials found in the environment. They will travel to a unique environment and build specific sculptures that will challenge them to work in groups, respond to the environment and define the elements of art through found materials. ** Robinson Crusoe Day – Ted, Charlie, Erin, Nabil, Eugene**Imagine you are stranded on deserted island, alone, how would you survive? Students will engage in a number of activities designed to test their abilities to creatively solve a number of survival scenarios.
10/5 Tilden Hike – Rachel, Nabil, Sophie, Esteban** Field Trip **The 6th grade will enjoy a beautiful all-day hike in Tilden Regional Park. The ridge of the Oakland hills gives us a fantastic view of the landscape of the Bay Area, the perfect classroom for understanding landform changes. This hike is a great opportunity to practice observation, map reading and measurement skills. ** Greek Art – Andy, Jaci, Sven, Chris **Students will explore the development of art in the ancient Mediterranean, looking at sculpture, pottery, vase paintings, and architecture, stretching from the Archaic, through the Classical and Hellenistic styles. This day will build on activities from art, English, and social studies. ** Pool Volume Day – Todd, Tina, Erin, Dan, Cynthia W**Students will practice volume measurement by integrating theoretical knowledge with practical problem solving. In addition, students will practice teamwork and computations utilizing factor-label method, metric system units, and complex volume.
10/19 Food Bank/Artifact Creation – Lauren, Justin, Rachel, Lori, Dan** Field Trip **The class will work in shifts, sorting and bagging food for local communities. The students will go on a tour of the Alameda County Food Bank. ** Farm to Table – Leah, Lanny, Meng, Andy **Students augment their class study of the growth and reproductive cycle of plants by creating a homemade meal to bring home. They will use many products from local growers, as well as olive oil from our very own Athenian campus olives. Discussions about the nutrition of food and the health and wellness of the human body are also included on this day. ** Comparative Societies Day– Ted, Sven, Charlie, Jenny, Todd**By way of archeology, students will use the skills learned through 6th and 7th grade to draw conclusions about multiple unearthed societies. Students will also use mathematics to estimate pre-historic populations around the globe. Wear clothing that allows kneeling and sifting.
11/9 Island Day – Sven, Jaci, Chris, Justin** Field Trip **Through an integrated set of cross-curricular activities, which represent a culmination of ideas explored during the term, students will further their understanding of key elements that contribute to the development of a society. ** Design Day – Kalyan, Jenny, Nabil, Dan **MS Students will use this day to use the Athenian Campus as a lab space to conduct a design sequence rapid prototype for change around the school. At the end of the day these students will present to the Board on their prototype and findings. ** Language Day – Esteban, Erika, Meng, Sophie, Erin **Field Trip Spanish students will tour the Oakland Museum of California with a custom audio tour in Spanish. French and Chinese students will explore the culinary aspects of Chinese and French culture.
11/16 Number Theory Day – Todd, Tina, Cynthia W, Dan Through various activities, students will discover and play with some of the interesting facets of number theory: alternate numeric bases, prime numbers, special ratios, and other interesting numeric curiosities. Panathenea Day – Matt, Andy, Sven, Jaci Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Ancient Greece covered in social studies and English by thematic dress, dramatic presentation and Olympic Style competition. ½ Movie Day/ ½ Step Up Day – Chris, Charlie, Ted, Nabil** Movie -?? ** ** Step Up**: 8th graders will learn about Upper School programs and community life during this half-day session, which features Upper School faculty as guest speakers and panels of Upper School students presenting information about the Upper School experience. Step-up Day is an opportunity for 8th graders to have their questions about Upper School answered.
11/30 Huey and the Color News – Jaci, Lanny, Andy, Meng The day will be spent exploring the element of color!! Through mixing color and other activities and games students will learn about the properties of color, and relate color to music, moods and temperature. Students will begin a color painting project that will be completed in the regular class schedule. Spartan Day – Nabil, Lori, Justin, Dan Students will build obstacles, create a race map, and run their very own Athenian Obstacle Course Race. The afternoon will consist of two teams racing against each other to conquer 12 obstacles built by Athenian students! ARE YOU READY FOR THE CHALLENEGE? Soda Can Day – Tina, Lori, Todd, Erin, Esteban Students will demonstrate the ability to design a cylinder that will hold 12 fluid ounces to optimize material use and ergonomics.
12/7 Head Games Day – Kalyan, Matt, Rachel, Nabil Students will explore three curricular intersections and professional sports, using the NFL as a case study. First, students will examine the social justice implications of BLM and the first amendment issues around kneeling/ standing for the national anthem in the NFL. Next, students explore the complex statistics involved in the sport through an experiential activity involving a fantasy draft. Finally, they will examine the biological impacts on the brain, look at CT scans and how the sport may need to evolve in light of the scientific evidence we now have.. Historical Figures Day – Esteban, Erika, Meng, Sophie This day will be the culminating experience for a research project on Historical Figures related to each student's language study. Student will come to school embodying (both in appearance and persona) their respective assigned historical figure and present to their peers. Mock Congress Day – Ted, Sven, Leah. Jaci, Jenny As a culminating event for social studies, students will play one of many roles in a simulation of the workings of the United States Congress. Each student will be given an identity.
12/14 Game Theory – Sven, Ted, Tina, Matt Student will participate in a number of games and simulations to gain insight into this fascinating branch of economics. Concert Prep / Art– Dan, Emily, Sophie, Esteban, Andy A day that celebrates the fine arts. Music students will use some of the time to rehearse for the evening's concert. The remaining time will be given over to work on current visual arts projects. Concert Prep / Art – Jaci, Lanny, Erin, Charlie A day that celebrates the fine arts. Music students will use some of the time to rehearse for the evening's concert. The remaining time will be given over to work on current visual arts projects. Students will explore their creativity by using non-traditional media to express their ideas.
1/11 Arcade Game Day – Andy, Jaci, Rachel, Justin Students will be tasked with making a fun and functional arcade-style game from recycled materials. Students will be given a basic set of recycled materials, connecting materials, and electronics, and will try to make a challenging game for their classmates to experience. At the end of the day, the arcade will be assembled, and we will play! Cube Day – Tina, Lori, Todd, Cynthia W, Erin We will be making math cube puzzles in the Maker's Studio to explore ways to break up 3D shapes. We will start with drawings on graph paper then translating them to the computer to prepare the puzzles for the 3D printer. Atlantic Trade Day – Ted, Sven, Charlie, Lauren Students will participate in various activities designed to further their understanding of slavery in America. Special attention will be given to the Atlantic slave trade. Students will also participate in a series of activities designed to enhance their understanding of fugitive enslaved Africans.
1/18 Ambassador Day – Esteban, Meng, Erika, Sophie This day will be a culminating experience for a research project based on countries from students' language of study. Students will present to their peers as if they were a person from the country. They will also bring food and drink items from their country to present and share. Epidemic Day – Leah, Ted, Sven, Matt Students will study a variety of communicable diseases and their impact on world history. Activities will include IPad simulations and student diagnosis of illnesses. . I Can Cook – Nabil, Justin, Lanny, Dan, Jenny Students will learn nutrition facts, create meal plans for a healthy lifestyle, investigate food equity, and learn how to cook a healthy meal in the morning. The afternoon will be an Iron Chef style cooking competition – where teams will cook a meal to be judged by a panel of Athenian staff.
Date 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade
2/1 Shadow Puppet/World Culture Day – Jaci, Lanny, Andy, Dan Students will study creation myths from cultures around the world, choose one, and reimagine the story through shadow puppetry. Groups will learn intricate paper cutting skills, practice storyboarding and group storytelling, and work on their filmmaking skills. Forensics Day – Ted, Leah, Sven, Esteban With the help of a criminologist from the Contra Costa Sheriff's Department Crime Lab, students will investigate scientific techniques used to gather evidence in criminal cases. Special attention will be given to DNA evidence. Softballs in the Gym – Tina, Todd, Erin, Justin Students will practice the use of metric conversions and factor/label method through group work and scientific write-ups.
2/8 Lunar New Year** – Lanny, Meng, Erika, Nabil **Students will be celebrating the lunar new year by participating in activities to develop a deeper understanding of Asian culture pertaining to their studies in English, Chinese, social studies, and art. ** Trading Places (Financial Planning) – Matt, Esteban, Dan, Jaci **This is a day of exploration and discovery into the world of personal finance. Through games, activities and challenges the goal is to arm our students with the tools to make informed decisions for earning income, spending, saving, borrowing, investing, and managing money. ** Mt. Diablo Hike – Charlie, Nabil, Erin, Rachel**Student will be walking from the Athenian Campus to Rock City on Mt. Diablo.
2/15 Dimensions of Culture – Justin, Emily, Jenny, Meng Dimensions of Culture Day is a day of experiential study into the multitude of diversity that comprises our students and faculty here at The Athenian School. Students will hear from a panel of Upper School students from the Black Student Union and Color Collective, participate in a Human Library, and experience four different unique cultural celebrations. Monotheism Day – Matt, Sven, Kalyan, Nabil** Field Trip **Students will engage in a variety of activities that investigate the three religions of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Students will visit various houses of worship to further their understanding ** Harlem Renaissance – Lanny, Lauren, Ted, Charlie, Erin**The eighth graders will learn about the history of the Harlem Renaissance and the ideas and cultures that emerged as a result of this moment in time. Students will participate in a variety of fun activities centered around the art, music, and poetry of this time period and, in the process, produce their own works of art. The day will culminate in a sharing and exhibition of the student work with the rest of the school community.
3/1 Map and Compass Day – Rachel, Lori, Matt, Nabil 6th graders will learn to read, design and follow maps. They will use their knowledge of magnetism to become familiar with compass design and use. Personal compasses with be the result of work in science class and time in Carter Innovation Studio. Sci Fi Day – Andy, Chris, Justin, Esteban Students will encounter various styles, themes, and archetypes found in Science Fiction literature with an eye towards how stories are structured, as well as reasons for different ways this genre can be useful. After being exposed to various styles of the Sci-Fi genre, our students will then put themselves through the process of planning and constructing a piece of their own based on the way they have seen various other authors construct different stories. Law and Order Day – Ted, Sven, Leah, Jenny, Dan Students will engage in a moot court scenario. This day will build on the knowledge of the criminal justice system they have gained through three years at Athenian.
3/8 Sunol Hike – Rachel, Nabil, Esteban, Erin** Field Trip **6th graders will spend the day hiking in our beautiful, local, Sunol Regional Wilderness. The day will incorporate a challenging and fun hike in an ideal setting where we can apply our knowledge of watersheds from Science class. We'll observe the shape of the landscape and investigate how that both determines and is changed by the ecology and water cycle in the area. ** Tech Museum – Leah, Matt, Tina, Bridget **Field Trip Students will venture to the Tech Museum of Innovation. Special attention will be paid to the exhibit on DNA. DC Prep Day – Charlie, Ted, Todd, Erika, Jenny With their trip to the East Coast on the horizon, students will be given a number of lessons to prepare them for the class trip. Special attention will be given to the National Holocaust Museum, as well as the symbolism of numerous monuments. Students will also work on an essay about someone buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
3/22 Fairy Tale Day – Erika, Esteban, Meng, Sophie After weeks of preparation, students will perform short plays in their language of study. Medieval Day – Sven, Matt, Jaci, Andy Students will engage in a variety of activities that further develop students' knowledge of Medieval times. Topics will include the feudal system, the Black Plague and pilgrimages. WSS – Charlie, Dan, Emily, Todd Students will all participate in a day of music, dance, and recitation, in preparation for our class performance of West Side Story at the end of the year. Any student not present on this day will need to make up the audition individually with Charlie, Meng, and Josh. There is nothing to prepare in advance. Students only need to bring positive attitudes and the desire to do their best.
4/19 Language Day (Spanish)– Esteban, Erika, Nabil, Todd, Erin, Dan****Field TripAll Spanish students (6th,7th and 8th) will go to the Mission district of San Francisco and tour the murals there. They will also enjoy an authentic Salvadoran lunch. **Language Day (French) – Sophie, Matt, Tina **Field Trip All the French students will go to the De Young Museum in San Francisco to see the "Monet, the Late Years" exhibition. After studying in class about Monet's art, life and home in Giverny, France, the students will be able to see his most famous Water Lilies paintings. We will then go to a French bakery called La Boulangerie de San Francisco and will grab some delicious French sandwiches and have a French style picnic in the Golden Gate Park. We will then go back to school and try painting just like Monet did, just like Impressionists! Language Day (Mandarin) – Meng, Ted****Field TripChinese class students will visit the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco and to learn about the ancient China masterworks. The collections embody a vase, complex, and diverse range of styles, designs, and chairmanship in ritual bronzes, jade carvings, Buddhist sculpture, and decorative ceramics. Students will work in groups to discover their interested pieces and share their findings in the following week's class. After the museum visit, students will enjoy a Chinese lunch nearby.
4/26 Irrational Day – Todd, Tina, Matt, Erin On Irrational Numbers Day, students will be exploring a few well-known irrational numbers in some depth. Specifically, we will take a look at pi, phi, and e. These numbers are important for circles, golden rectangles, and exponential growth. To learn more about these "natural" numbers, students will be taking measurements, doing calculations, and making drawings. Spartan Day – Nabil, Lori, Justin, Dan, Jaci Students will build obstacles, create a race map, and run their very own Athenian Obstacle Course Race. The afternoon will consist of two teams racing against each other to conquer 12 obstacles built by Athenian students! ARE YOU READY FOR THE CHALLENEGE? Career Day – Tedd, Meng, Erika, Sophie Students will have the opportunity to meet and have conversations with people from a broad range of professions and industries, with the goal of opening their eyes to potential career paths. The day will start with a keynote speaker who aims to inspire students to reach their potential.
5/3 Environmental Detectives – Rachel, Lauren, Esteban, Erin.Environmental Detectives!6th graders will spend the day considering the wide variety of ways that our actions impact the natural world we live in. We'll be immersed in investigations from the Environmental Detectives Unit designed by the Lawrence Hall of Science. We'll be thinking critically about how individuals, factories, farms, recreation, and land management all might have a lasting impact on the health of our environment. By the end of the day, we'll solve the mystery of what is killing the fish in the waterways of the fictional Grey Area! Concert Prep/Art – Dan, Jaci, Andy, Charlie A day that celebrates the fine arts. Music students will use some of the time to rehearse for the evening's concert. The remaining time will be given over to work on current visual arts projects. Concert Prep/Art – Emily, Lanny, Meng, Erika, Todd A day that celebrates the fine arts. Music students will use some of the time to rehearse for the evening's concert. The remaining time will be given over to work on current visual arts projects.
5/10 Shogun Day – Jaci, Sven, Esteban, Erika Culminating event for the study of Medieval Japan. Students will explore feudal Japanese concepts and practice applying them to group work. Borges Ranch Hike – Matt, Nabil, Andy, Charlie Field TripStudents will gain an appreciation of the hillside trails that are so very close to us by hiking through our local open-space, taking in the breath-taking views, and visiting a working ranch station at the base of Mt. Diablo. Soda Can Day – Tina, Lori, Todd, Erin, Sophie Students will demonstrate the ability to design a cylinder that will hold 12 fluid ounces to optimize material use and ergonomics.
5/17 Hero's Journey Day – Justin, Jenny, Esteban, Jaci This Focus Day is a collaboration between Art and English. Students will be using their scripts created in English and their shadow puppets created in Art to produce an original Hero's Journey short film. Throughout the day, teams will work together to perform, receive feedback, film, and edit their creations. Risky Bizness – Todd, Ted, Meng, Tina In the morning students will assess risk on customers and attempt to run a successful auto insurance company. In the afternoon, students will create businesses and attempt to sell their wares and services to other students. Exploratorium – Erin, Sophie, Rachel, Matt, Bridget Students will take BART from Walnut Creek to San Francisco to visit the Exploratorium on the Embarcadero. At the Exploratorium, students will explore and analyze the exhibits related to physics, life science, human behavior and the environment.
5/24 Sumo Bot Day – Andy, Lanny, Meng, Jaci Students will compete in Sumo-style matches using the LEGO Mind storm bots they have been practicing building and coding in Flex all year. Each team will build their bot on the day and use code they wrote earlier in the year to see who the Athenian champion will be! Salon Day – Matt, Sven, Dan, Charlie Students will engage in a variety of activities that broaden their knowledge of the "Enlightenment". Students will see how science, reason, religion, and philosophy came together to create the foundation of modern Western values. This day is a culminating event that draws on each student's research of an Enlightenment figure. Newtonian Olympics – Erin, Lori, Tina, Todd, Ted Students will demonstrate Newton's laws of motion. They will build a catapult in the maker's studio that launches a jumbo marshmallow. They will build a contraption to protect an egg from a drop from 20 feet and a crash test vehicle to protect two eggs from driving into a brick wall.
5/31 Harry Potter Day – Jenny, Justin, Rachel, Sven Athenian will become Hogwarts for a day as students will participate in a number of activities that celebrate the beloved series of novels. Quidditch anyone? Midsummer Night's Dream – Andy, Esteban, Sophie, Chris The 7th grade will celebrate their knowledge of this play by staging a performance here on the Athenian campus. WSS – Charlie, Dan, Emily, Meng, Tina Students will put the finishing touches on the class production of West Side Story in order to be ready for our evening performance. It is essential that all students are present for this day in order to effectively participate in our whole-class production.

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