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ReactToPrint - Print React components in the browser

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Print the content of a React component.


Run react-to-print


npm install --save react-to-print



const contentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const handlePrint = useReactToPrint({ contentRef });

return (
    <button onClick={handlePrint}>Print</button>
    <div ref={contentRef}>Content to print</div>


Option Type Description
bodyClass? string One or more class names to pass to the print window, separated by spaces
contentRef? React.RefObject<Element | Text> The ref pointing to the content to be printed. Alternatively, pass the ref directly to the callback returned by useReactToPrint
documentTitle? string Set the title for printing when saving as a file. Ignored when passing a custom print option
fonts? { family: string, source: string; weight?: string; style?: string; }[] A list of fonts to load into the printing iframe. This is useful if you are using custom fonts
ignoreGlobalStyles? boolean Ignore all <style> and <link type="stylesheet" /> tags from <head>
nonce? string Set the nonce attribute for allow-listing script and style elements for Content Security Policy (CSP)
onAfterPrint? () => void Callback function that triggers after the print dialog is closed regardless of if the user selected to print or cancel
onBeforePrint? () => Promise<void> Callback function that triggers before print. This can be used to change the content on the page before printing as an alternative to, or in conjunction with @media print queries
onPrintError? (errorLocation: 'onBeforePrint' | 'print', error: Error) => void Called if there is a printing error serious enough that printing cannot continue. Currently limited to Promise rejections in onBeforePrint, and print. Use this to attempt to print again. errorLocation will tell you where the Promise was rejected
pageStyle? string react-to-print sets some basic styles to help improve page printing, notably, removing the header and footer that most browsers add. Use this to override these styles and provide your own
preserveAfterPrint? boolean Preserve the print iframe after printing. This can be useful for debugging by inspecting the print iframe
print? (iframe: HTMLIFrameElement) => Promise<void> If passed, this function will be used instead of window.print to print the content. Use this to print in non-browser environments such as Electron
suppressErrors? boolean When passed, prevents console logging of errors

The hook returns a function that will initiate the print process when called. This function can also be optionally passed the content when called, allowing for its use in conditional rendering logic (where hooks are not allowed) and/or in non-React code such as a util function. See the repo examples for more.


react-to-print should be compatible with most modern browsers.

Mobile Browsers in WebView

While printing on mobile browsers generally works, printing within a WebView (when your page is opened by an app such as Facebook or Slack, but not by the full browser itself) is known to generally not work. Some WebViews don't make the correct API available. Others make it available but cause printing to no-op.

We are actively researching resolutions to this issue, but it likely requires changes by Google/Chromium and Apple/WebKit. See #384 for more information. If you know of a way we can solve this your help would be greatly appreciated.

Known Incompatible Browsers

Known Issues

  • Some mobile browser may, instead of printing, open the native Share action instead
  • onAfterPrint may fire immediately (before the print dialog is closed) on newer versions of Safari where window.print does not block
  • (401): TypeScript errors such as Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'ReactInstance | null'.. You likely need to set your ref to initially be null: useRef(null)

Common Pitfalls

  • documentTitle will not work if react-to-print is run within an iframe. If react-to-print is run within an iframe and your script has access to the parent document, you may be able to manually set and then restore the parent document's title during the print. This can be done by leveraging the onBeforePrint and onAfterPrint callbacks.

  • When printing, only styles that directly target the printed nodes will be applied as the parent nodes of the printed nodes will not exist in the print DOM. For example, in the code below, if the <p> tag is the root of the ComponentToPrint then the red styling will not be applied. Be sure to target all printed content directly and not from unprinted parents.

    <div className="parent">
    div.parent p { color:red; }
  • The connect method from react-redux returns a functional component that cannot be assigned a reference to be used within the contentRef. To use a component wrapped in connect within contentRef, create an intermediate component that simply renders your component wrapped in connect. See 280 for more.

  • When rendering multiple components to print, ensure each is passed a unique ref. Then, either use a unique useReactToPrint call for each component, or, using a single useReactToPrint call pass the refs at print-time to the printing function returned by the hook. If you share refs across components only the last component will be printed. See 323 for more.


Can react-to-print be used to download a PDF without using the Print Preview window?

No. We aren't able to print a PDF as we lose control once the print preview window opens. However, it should be very easy to use react-to-print to take the information you need and pass it to a library that can generate a PDF.

const handlePrint = useReactToPrint({
  print: async (printIframe: HTMLIframeElement) => {
    // Do whatever you want here, including asynchronous work
    await generateAndSavePDF(printIframe);

For examples of how others have done this, see #484

Can react-to-print be used to change the settings within the print preview dialog?

No. The window.print API does not provide a way to change these settings. Only various CSS hints can be provided, with each browser potentially treating them differently.

Can the ComponentToPrint be a Class component?

Not directly. To print a Class based component you will need to manually forward the contentRef as a prop:

class ComponentToPrint extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div ref={this.props.innerRef}>
        Print content

function App {
  const contentRef = useRef(null);
  const handlePrint = useReactToPrint({ contentRef });

  return (
      <button onClick={handlePrint}>Print</button>
      <ComponentToPrint innerRef={contentRef} />

Why does onAfterPrint fire even if the user cancels printing

onAfterPrint fires when the print dialog closes, regardless of why it closes. This is the behavior of the onafterprint browser event.

Why does react-to-print skip <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> tags

<link>s with empty href attributes are invalid HTML. In addition, they can cause all sorts of undesirable behavior. For example, many browsers - including modern ones, when presented with <link href=""> will attempt to load the current page. Some even attempt to load the current page's parent directory.

Note: related to the above, img tags with empty src attributes are also invalid, and we may not attempt to load them.

How do you make ComponentToPrint show only while printing

If you've created a component that is intended only for printing and should not render in the parent component, wrap that component in a div with style set to { display: "none" }, like so:

<div style={{ display: "none" }}><ComponentToPrint ref={componentRef} /></div>

This will hide ComponentToPrint but keep it in the DOM so that it can be copied for printing.

Setting state in onBeforePrint

Recall that setting state is asynchronous. As such, you need to pass a Promise and wait for the state to update.

const [isPrinting, setIsPrinting] = useState(false);
const printRef = useRef(null);

// We store the resolve Promise being used in `onBeforePrint` here
const promiseResolveRef = useRef(null);

// We watch for the state to change here, and for the Promise resolve to be available
useEffect(() => {
  if (isPrinting && promiseResolveRef.current) {
    // Resolves the Promise, letting `react-to-print` know that the DOM updates are completed
}, [isPrinting]);

const handlePrint = useReactToPrint({
  content: () => printRef.current,
  onBeforePrint: () => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      promiseResolveRef.current = resolve;
  onAfterPrint: () => {
    // Reset the Promise resolve so we can print again
    promiseResolveRef.current = null;

Note: for Class components, just pass the resolve to the callback for this.setState: this.setState({ isPrinting: false }, resolve)

Changing print settings in the print dialog

Unfortunately there is no standard browser API for interacting with the print dialog. All react-to-print is able to do is open the dialog and give it the desired content to print. We cannot modify settings such as the default paper size, if the user has background graphics selected or not, etc.

Printing video elements

react-to-print tries to wait for video elements to load before printing but a large part of this is up to the browser. Further, the image displayed will usually be the first frame of the video, which might not be what you expect to show. To ensure the proper image is displayed in the print we highly recommend setting the poster attribute of the video, which allows specifying an image to be a placeholder for the video until the video loads.


react-to-print can be used for printing in Electron, but you will need to provide your own print method since Electron does not natively support the window.print method. Please see this answer on StackOverflow for how to do this.

There is a fully-working example of how to use react-to-print with Electron available here.

link elements not displaying styles properly

Some frameworks such as Ruby on Rails will set media="screen" on <link> elements that don't have screen set. This can cause styles to appear incorrectly when printing. To fix, explicitly set media="screen" on your <link> elements. For <link> elements meant to apply only when printing, set media="print".

Helpful Style Tips

Set the page orientation

While you should be able to place these styles anywhere, sometimes the browser doesn't always pick them up. To force orientation of the page you can include the following in the component being printed:

<style type="text/css" media="print">{"\
  @page {\ size: landscape;\ }\

Set the page size

The default page size is usually A4. Most browsers do not allow JavaScript or CSS to set the page size. For the browsers that do, it is usually done using the CSS page size property. Check caniuse to see if the browsers you develop against support this.

@media print {
  @page {
    size: 50mm 150mm;

Set custom margin to the page (29)

To set custom margin to the page,

First, create a function to return the page margin,

const getPageMargins = () => {
  return `@page { margin: ${marginTop} ${marginRight} ${marginBottom} ${marginLeft} !important; }`;

Now, within the JSX call this function within the style tags,


PS: This style tag should be inside the component that is being passed in as the content ref.

Set landscape printing (240)

In the component that is passed in as the content ref, add the following:

@media print {
  @page { size: landscape; }

Printing elements that are not displayed (159)

Instead of using { display: 'none'; }, try using { overflow: hidden; height: 0; }

Using pageStyle

pageStyle should be a CSS string. For example: ".divider { break-after: always; }"

Getting a blank page when printing

Many have found setting the following CSS helpful. See #26 for more.

@media print {
  html, body {
    height: 100vh; /* Use 100% here to support printing more than a single page*/
    margin: 0 !important;
    padding: 0 !important;
    overflow: hidden;

Another thing to try, especially if you are seeing this issue on mobile browsers, is to set preserveAfterPrint: true as it's possible the browser is causing the print iframe to be removed before printing has completed.

Styles incorrect in print dialog when using grid system

We often (#327, #343, #382) see issues reported where the developer is using Bootstrap or a similar grid system, and everything works great until the user goes to print and suddenly it seems the styles are off. We've found that often the issue is the grid library uses the smallest sized columns during printing, such as the xs size on Bootstrap's grid, a size developers often don't plan for. The simplest solution is to ensure your grid will adapt to this size appropriately, though this may not be acceptable since you may want the large view to print rather than the smaller view. Another solution is to override the grid column definition. Some newer versions of libraries have specific tools for dealing with printing, for example, Bootstrap 4's Display property.

Page Breaks

What to know:

Pattern for Page-Breaking Dynamic Content

Define a page-break class to apply to elements which could be sensibly split into a page.

<div className="print-container" style={{ margin: "0", padding: "0" }}>
  { => (
      <div className="page-break" />

In your styles, define your @media print styles, which should include setting your preference for CSS page-break- (see w3's reference for options) to auto, and ensuring that your page-break element does not affect non-print styles.

@media all {
  .page-break {
    display: none;

@media print {
  html, body {
    height: initial !important;
    overflow: initial !important;
    -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;

@media print {
  .page-break {
    margin-top: 1rem;
    display: block;
    page-break-before: auto;

@page {
  size: auto;
  margin: 20mm;

Troubleshooting Page Breaks

If your content rendered as print media does not automatically break multi-page content into multiple pages, the issue may be

  • Style incompatibilities with print media rendering
  • A need to assign CSS page-break- properties to define how your document should behave when printed

Common Page Break Pitfalls

  • A style of overflow: scroll, when rendered to print, will result in cut off content instead of page breaks to include the content
  • A style of position: absolute, when rendered to print, may result in reformatted, rotated, or re-scaled content, causing unintended affects to print page layout and page breaks
  • Using flex may interfere with page breaks, try using display: block

Handling Scrolling (603)

Edit react-to-print (Handling Scrolling)

If you need to print the content of a scrolling container, you may encounter the following issues:

To solve these problems, you need to modify the properties of the scrolling container when printing. You can pass a function to the print property, which will be called when printing. In this function, you can use the DOM API to query the scrolling container that needs to be modified, and then modify its properties to control the scroll position.

const customToPrint = (printWindow) => {
  const printContent = printWindow.contentDocument || printWindow.contentWindow?.document;
  const printedScrollContainer = printContent.querySelector('.scroll-container');

  const originScrollContainer = document.querySelector('.scroll-container');

  // Set the scroll position of the printed container to match the origin container
  printedScrollContainer.scrollTop = originScrollContainer.scrollTop;

  // You can also set the `overflow` and `height` properties of the printed container to show all content.
  // = "visible";
  // = "fit-content";


const handlePrint = useReactToPrint({
  // ...
  print: customToPrint,

Simple Show All Content

In addition to the methods in the above example, you can also simply add a CSS class name to the scrolling container when printing to show all content.

Set the container to overflow: visible; height: fit-content when printing, cancel the scrolling behavior when the content overflows, and make the height adapt to the content.

@media print {
  .scroll-container {
    overflow: visible;
    height: fit-content;


  • If the styles do not take effect, you can try using the !important modifier.
  • The styles provided in the above instructions are for reference only. Complex situations may require more styles to achieve the desired result.

Running locally

NOTE: The library is tested and built locally using Node >= 20.

react-to-print's People


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react-to-print's Issues

Fails to load print window when a malformed(?) link is on page

I hit this error because I have a browser extension that adds the following css to every page of mine:

<link type="text/css" id="dark-mode" rel="stylesheet" href="">

Here's a codesandbox where I manually add that css to the sandbox page and as you can see it fails to load the print window: :

I've tracked down what's happening:
Ideally the link's onload or onerror would be triggered which would call markLoaded (

            newHeadEl.onload = markLoaded.bind(null, 'link');
            newHeadEl.onerror = markLoaded.bind(null, 'link');

Unfortunately neither onload or onerror is being called and thus markLoaded is never triggered. I'm not quite sure why onload/onerror isn't working in this case. Probably because the link doesn't actually link to an href? Messing around with the link

Any thoughts on how to safeguard against elements causing this to occur?

Maybe the link logic should be disabled by default until this is fixed?


Responsive design printed

Hi, I'm building a project using reactstrap/bootstrap and I have my inner components set to be full-width at certain browser widths <Col xs={12} sm={12} md={6} lg={6}>...

Unfortunately, react-to-print is choosing to print the components at full-width, which I do not want, since they fit nicely at half-width.

How do you compensate for responsive components? Can I request it print as if the browser were at max-width?

How to print as the page open?

Than you for sharing, I found the lib really usefull!

I would like to let the printing process start as the page open, but I do not know how to set the trigger function.
Do you think is there a way to manage this?

Thank you

add onBeforePrint callback

I don't know if it is in the scope of this library, but I think it could be very nice to have such callback. For example, I have some collection of data and. For each item I have a button "Print Invoice". It would be very nice to update "Printable" component data instead of render it for each item.

Something like this:

static propTypes = {
/** Copy styles over into print window. default: true /
copyStyles: PropTypes.bool,
* Trigger action used to open browser print /
trigger: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
* Content to be printed /
content: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
* if you need to do something with the data for printable component
right before the print */
onBeforePrint: PropTypes.func,

static defaultProps = {
copyStyles: true,
onBeforePrint: () => {},


handlePrint = () => {

const {
} = this.props;


let printWindow ="", "Print", "status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes", "false");



I haven't checked it yet and I'm not sure if it's necessary for this library.

Sorry for every day comments here :) I have a project where I'll need to print a lot of data and while I researched print-connected libraries for React, I've found your library potentially the most useful for this project.

pageStyle - size not works?

I add pageStyle prop to my PrintComponent but it doesn't work with specific size like "A4 portrait" or "A4 landscape".

class Example extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          trigger={() => <a href="#">Print this out!</a>}
          content={() => this.componentRef}
          ref={el => (this.componentRef = el)}
          pageStyle="@page { size: A4 portrait;}"

export default Example;

Only runs window.print if img tag is present

The browser's print dialog does not seem to trigger unless an img tag is present. It can even be an img tag with no actual image (e.g. ) From the code, I can see that it assumes the content contains an image and then waits for the image(s) to load before firing window.print.

I can try my hand at a PR if needed.

cant't print as i add loading style

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <link href="./index.less" ; rel="stylesheet">
    .spinner {
        width: 100px;
        height: 100px;

        position: relative;
        margin: auto;

    .double-bounce2 {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        border-radius: 50%;
        opacity: 0.6;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;

        -webkit-animation: sk-bounce 2.0s infinite ease-in-out;
        animation: sk-bounce 2.0s infinite ease-in-out;

    .double-bounce2 {
        -webkit-animation-delay: -1.0s;
        animation-delay: -1.0s;

    @-webkit-keyframes sk-bounce {
        100% {
            -webkit-transform: scale(0.0)
        50% {
            -webkit-transform: scale(1.0)

    @keyframes sk-bounce {
        100% {
            transform: scale(0.0);
            -webkit-transform: scale(0.0);
        50% {
            transform: scale(1.0);
            -webkit-transform: scale(1.0);

    <div id="app">
        <div style='position:relative;min-height:100vh;background-color:#2c3e50'>
            <div class="spinner" style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin:auto'>
                <div class="double-bounce1"></div>
                <div class="double-bounce2"></div>
    <script src="./src/app.js"></script>


if the code <div id="app">...</div> ,the inner is empty, the component of print is running ok.
ps: my app component is appended in the element which id is 'app'.

Icon fonts are not rendering the icons

I have a component rendering icons using fonts. When the print on that component is triggered, it doesn't load the fonts, all the other styles are there, but not the icons

Not working on Edge.

Hello @gregnb ,

Really I like the library and its working fine on chrome but not working on Microsoft Edge and also in safari new window is getting open but not initializing the print.

Can you please look into that.


Margin on top of printed page

First and foremost thank you very much for this repo, it's by far the easiest React printer to use/implement that I've tested.

I had one question though: when I print the same component multiple times (i.e. the same component several times within a div, and the ref is to the div), there is a small 8px margin on top of only the first printed component (each is printing to a different page by the way).

I read that setting the @media print body margin-top to 0 would fix it but so far that hasn't changed anything. (link:

Any suggestions?

Print with check box checked

I have been using this library and found an issue not sure if some one has noticed it or if i am missing something to print checkbox. but it seems when the print command executed it removed the checked sign out of checkbox.

page with checkbox
screen shot 2018-11-01 at 6 19 24 pm

Actual Print preview
screen shot 2018-11-01 at 6 19 38 pm

Low quality images upon saving PDF

Images are high quality and working fine until I view them in the print pdf.

images here

Here is the ReactToPrint section of my code:

            ref={el => (this.componentRef = el)}
          <p className="hintText text-muted" style={{ textAlign: "center" }}>
            Learn more{" "}
              style={{ textDecoration: "underline", color: "inherit" }}
          <div id="ShareSection">
            {this.state.pressed.length === 0 ? (
              <br />
            ) : (
              <div lg="12" style={{ margin: 0, textAlign: "center" }}>
                  trigger={() => (
                    <TiPrinter className="printButton" size={22} color="#333" />
                  content={() => this.componentRef}

Scale on print

Hello @gregnb !
Can I pass a scale to resize my print ?

Something like this

                trigger={() => (
                    onClick={() => { }}
                content={() => this._print}

Controlling window properties (fullscreen, toolbar etc.)

Can we control all of the window parameters? I think this will be useful.
Actually I only need fullscreen property but controlling the other properties could be good.

I think we could make an object property (windowParams) and override it.

class Example extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
            fullscreen: 'yes',
          trigger={() => <a href="#">Print this out!</a>}
          content={() => this.componentRef}
        <ComponentToPrint ref={el => (this.componentRef = el)} />

And we could convert this object to string.

const windowParameters = {
  status: 'no',
  toolbar: 'no',
  scrollbar: 'yes',
//Need a good stringify algorithm or npm project
let printWindow ="", "Print", windowParameters.stringifyProperly(), "false");

What do you think?

Print dialogue only open once in safari on Mac

Please help with following issue.

On safari, first time print dialogue opens up and everything works fine.
When trying to print again, A dialogue coming up asking to print or not(That is safari may be)
But after i click on "Print" then print dialogue is not showing up.

I also tried the same thing on the example provided in repo. same thing.

Please guide if you faced such issue or help fixing it.

Can't Load all print settings

<div> <div className="text-center"> <ReactToPrint copystyles={true} trigger={() => <a href="#">Print this out!</a>} content={() => this.componentRef} pageStyles="@page { size: landscape; }" /> </div> <PrintPage ref={el => (this.componentRef = el)} /> </div>

Explained documentation needed

More examples and detailed documentation needed.
There are very few questions in stackoverflow. Because of that different kind of usage and examples needed.

No trigger if CTRL+P clicked


I'm working with React in TS, I wrote my own type definitions, everything works as expected on normal trigger of a button, but I can't get the component to trigger when CTRL+P is pushed.

What am I missing or is this a missing feature?

Unable to render in IE11 using React 15

Hi there,

Thanks for the library, very useful!

While doing some browser testing, I was unable to render the react-to-print component in IE11. I saw there was a similar issue (#41) that appeared to be resolved in 2.0.0-alpha-3 (the version I'm using). I am using react 15 in my project (package specifies react ^16.2), but I don't see anything specific in the code that would require use of react 16. Copying the code into my codebase as opposed to importing from the node package, fixes the problem, but just posting in case others have run into this issue.

Can't print table on Google Chrome

when i click button to print data in data in tbody can't display on print mode but show in non-print mode

Google Chrome
Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Print dialog is not displayed when using <img src="file.svg" />

Thanks for great tool. Just one thing that I found, when I was using

<img src="file.svg" />

then print dialog is not displayed. It just displays popup. I solved it for me by using direct <svg...

Another thing is when onBeforePrint callback is called and I call setState (to hide some elements) in this callback, it is not handled.
I had to do some hack:

Helper function

handlePrint = () => {
  if (this.printer && this.printer.firstChild) {
      isPrinting: true,
    }, () => {;

in Render

      <Button type="submit" onClick={this.handlePrint}>
        ref={(printer) => { this.printer = printer; }}
          trigger={() => (<div />)}
          content={() => this.componentRef}

Unable to print child components

<div style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>
       <p style={{ textTransform: "uppercase" }}>Name: {patient.get('firstName') + " " + 
         patient.get('middleName') + patient.get('lastName')}</p>
        <p>ID: {patient.get('id')}</p>
        <p>Time:{(new Date(parseInt(queueItem.get('time')))).toLocaleDateString()}</p>
        <p>Ticket 2453:</p>
         <p>There are patient(s) ahead of you</p>
         <QRCode size={100} value={434} />
         <Footer />

The components QRCode and Footer doesnt appear in the print.

Cannot print image

I have One html with avatar and use example to print but the avatar become blank


2.0.0-alpha-2 fails for IPhone+Safari/Chrome and Windows 10 + IE11

Thanks for the library, but in it's current state it doesn't seem like it's ready for widespread use. I guess the alpha version tag means you may already be aware there are issues.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Try to print using the provided react-to-print test page:

IPhone + Safari Results: Safari shows blank page in print preview
IPhone + Chrome Results: Nothing happens when button is clicked.
Windows + IE11 Results: 'Hung/Long running script pop up', no print preview.

Phone details:
IPhone (Latest) Plus, IOS 11.2.6

Windows Details:
Windows 10

Sometimes a printable area is sent to print before styles have loaded.

It happens when copyStyles set to true. I have an idea how to fix it. I'll try it when I have a free time and I'll make a merge request.
I think loading styles should be "promisified". When all styles is loaded, then target.print() should be called. Sorry for my English, I hope you understand what I mean :)

Color styles not showing in the print window.


renderPrintSSDetails = () => {
    return (
                trigger={() => <li className="listMenuItem">Print SS Details</li>}
                content={() => this.componentRef}
                closeAfterPrint = {false}


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import {Row, Col} from 'react-bootstrap';

const Bod = styled.div`
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 12px;

class SSDetails extends Component {

renderBody = () => {
   return (<Bod>
      <Row className = "bg-dark">
        <Col xsOffset = {5} xs = {2}>
          <img className="logo" src='' alt="Hattori Hanzo Shears"/>
        <Col xsOffset = {5} xs = {4} >
          <img alt = "logos" src="" width="100" className="img-responsive" />
          xs = {12}
            xsOffset = {1}
            xs = {10}
              <Col xs = {12}>

              </Col xs = {12}>

              </Col xs = {12}>

              <Col xs = {12}>

              <Col xs = {12}>
              <Col xs = {12}>
              </Col xs = {12}>
              <Col xs = {12}>
      <Row className = "head text-center">
        <Col xs = {12}>
            <Col xs = {12}>
              Powered by
            <Col xs = {12}>
              <img height = {30} src="" alt = ""/>
            <Col xs = {12}>
              3941 Park Drive, Suite 20-446
            <Col xs = {12}>
              El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

  render () {
    return (

export default SSDetails;

My main problem is that no matter what I do it will not allow me to give the print view color styles, of any sort. No text color and no background color.

Could React be moved to a peerDependency, allowing "official" React 15 support?

The package currently lists "react": "^16.2.0" in it's dependencies. Could this be relaxed to a peerDependency?

Further, as far as I can tell, there is nothing special about React 16.2.0 that this library uses. It does not use <Fragment> and it does not care about the setState callback.

Actually, as far as I can tell, this library doesn't even need React 16 at all, and should work fine with earlier versions of React, at least React 15. Do you know of any reason why React 16 would be required?

If not, would a PR removing the dependency on React and adding

"peerDependencies": {
  "react": "^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0"

be alright? This would mean users of other React versions would not need to ship an entirely different version of React to their users just for this package to work.

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