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infogenomer's Introduction


  • InfoGenomeR is the Integrative Framework for Genome Reconstruction that uses a breakpoint graph to model the connectivity among genomic segments at the genome-wide scale. InfoGenomeR integrates cancer purity and ploidy, total CNAs, allele-specific CNAs, and haplotype information to identify the optimal breakpoint graph representing cancer genomes.


  • Executables in your PATH
    • bwa (version 0.7.15)
    • samtools (version 1.3)
    • bedtools (version 1.3)
    • blat (version 36)
    • blastn (version 2.2.30+)
  • R (version 3.4.3) and libraries
    • lpSolveAPI (version
    • ABSOLUTE (version 1.0.6)
    • fitdistrplus (version 1.1.11)
    • plyr (version 1.8.4)
    • plotrix (version 3.7)
  • BIC-seq2 (version 0.7.2)

Environment settings

  • download InfoGenomeR and BIC-seq2 in your working directory.
## For example, the working directory is /home/dmcblab.
cd /home/dmcblab
#### Download InfoGenomeR
git clone
#### Download BIC-seq2
tar -xvf NBICseq-seg_v0.7.2.tar.gz
  • download repeatmasker files.
#### Get repeatmastker files
cd InfoGenomeR/humandb
xz -d GRCh37.repeatmasker.xz
xz -d GRCh38.repeatmasker.xz
cd ../../
  • download haplotype DAGs and bwa-indexed reference genome (GRCh37 or GRCh38).
## GRCh37
tar Jxvf GRCh37.tar.xz
tar Jxvf haplotype_1000G.tar.xz

## GRCh38
tar Jxvf GRCh38.tar.xz
tar Jxvf haplotype_1000G_GRCh38.tar.xz
  • set the BIC-seq2 path, InfoGenomeR_lib, and Haplotype path.
export BICseq2_path=/home/dmcblab/NBICseq-seg_v0.7.2
export InfoGenomeR_lib=/home/dmcblab/InfoGenomeR
export Haplotype_path=/home/dmcblab/haplotype_1000G ## for GRCh37. If GRCh38 was used, export Haplotype_path=/home/dmcblab/haplotype_1000G_38
export Ref_version=GRCh37 ## for GRCh37. export Ref_version=GRCh38 for GRCh38.
  • set executables (bwa, samtools ...) in your PATH. You may use precompiled binaries in the InfoGenomeR/ext folder if they work in your computer. Otherwise, please install them.
export PATH=$InfoGenomeR_lib/ext:$PATH
  • set the PATH environment.
export PATH=$InfoGenomeR_lib/breakpoint_graph:$InfoGenomeR_lib/allele_graph:$InfoGenomeR_lib/haplotype_graph:$InfoGenomeR_lib/Eulerian:$PATH


  • genome-binning read depths (cn_norm, cn_norm_germ)
  • Initial SV calls (delly.format, manta.format, novobreak.format)
  • Non-properly paired reads (NPE.fq1, NPE.fq2)
  • Reference genome (GRCh37.fa, .fa.fai, .2bit, .bwt2) or (GRCh38.fa,.fa.fai, .2bit, .bwt2)
  • SNP calls (het_snps.format, hom_snps.format)
  • Haplotype DAGs (haplotype_1000G) or (haplotype_1000G_GRCh38)


  • Haplotype-resolved SVs and CNAs (SVs.CN_opt.phased, copy_number.CN_opt.phased)
  • Haplotypes (haplotype)
  • Purity and ploidy (purity_ploidy)
  • Haplotype graph (node_keys, edge_information.txt)
  • Karyotypes (Eulerian_path.0)
  • SV cluster and topology (cluster_sv)

Running InfoGenomeR

  • Breakpoint graph construction
Usage: breakpoint_graph <SVs> <cn_norm> [options]

        -m, --mode (required)
                 Select the mode (germline, total, somatic, simplification)
        -e, --simple_length
                 simplifying SVs shorter than simple_length for the simplification mode (default: 100000)
        -i, --lambda_ini (required)
                 Initial lambda for the first round iterations (default: 1)
        -f, --lambda_fi (required)
                 Final lambda for the second round iterations (default: 4)
        -t, --cancer_type (optional)
                 Cancer type used for ABSOLUTE estimation (BRCA, GBM, OV, ...). If unknown, write null.
        -n, --min_ploidy (optional)
                 minimum cancer ploidy used for ABSOLUTE estimation (default: 1.5)
        -x, --max_ploidy (optional)
                 maximum cnacer ploidy used for ABSOLUTE estimation (default: 5)
        -d, --npe_dir (optional)
                 Directory that contains NPE.fq1 and NPE.fq2 (non-properly paired reads). If it is not assigned, InfoGenomeR runs without NP reads mapping.
        -g, --ref_genome (required for NP reads mapping)
                 Fasta prefix (hg19 or hg38). Enter the prefix without .2bit and .fa extension.
        -c, cn_norm_germ (required for somatic mode)
                 Directory that contains copy number bins from a control genome.
        -s, --germ_LocSeq_result (required for somatic mode)
                 Local segmentation results from a control genome.
        -s, --stringent
                 stringent condition for low-confidence regions (default: F). turn off if the graph simplification will be applied.
        -o, --out_dir
                 If it already exists, results are overlaid (default: InfoGenomeR_job)
        -h, --help
  • Allele-specific graph construction
Usage: allele_graph <hom_snps.format> <het_snps.format> [options]

        -m, --mode (required)
                 Select the mode (germline, total, somatic)
        -s, --germ_LocSeq_result (required for somatic mode)
                 Local segmentation results from a control genome.
        -g, --ref_genome (required for NP reads mapping)
                 Fasta prefix (hg19 or hg38). Enter the prefix without .2bit and .fa extension.
        -o, --breakpoint_graph_dir
                 The output directory of breakpoint graph construction
        -t, --threads
                 The number of threads
        -h, --help
  • Haplotype graph construction
Usage: haplotype_graph [options]

        -o, --allele_graph_dir
                 The output directory of allele graph construction
        -t, --threads
                 The number of threads
        -h, --help
  • Karyotyping
Usage: karyotyping [options]
        -o, --breakpoint_graph_dir
                 The output directory of breakpoint graph construction
        -h, --help

How to generate inputs from BAM

  • We provide scripts for generating inputs using BIC-seq2, DELLY2, Manta, and novobreak, but we recommend that a user follow the guideline of each tool.
  • Generate cn_norm and cn_norm_germ.
    • Install BICseq2 and modifiedSamtools.
    • Set configs in the script and run the script for cn_norm.
    • Set configs in the script and run the script for cn_norm_germ.




  • Generate NPE.fq1 and NPE.fq2
samtools view -h -F 2 -b simulated_sorted.bam >simulated_sorted_NPE.bam
samtools sort -n simulated_sorted_NPE.bam > simulated_sorted_NPE_sorted.bam
bamToFastq  -i simulated_sorted_NPE_sorted.bam  -fq NPE.fq1 -fq2 NPE.fq2
  • Generate delly SV calls (delly.format).
    • Install DELLY2, set configs, and run the script.

./preprocessing/ 3 20

  • Generate manta SV calls (manta.format).
    • Install Manta, set configs, and run the script.


  • Generate novobreak SV calls (novobreak.format).
    • Install novobreak and copy the scripts ./preprocessing/ and ./preprocessing/ to the novobreak-installed folder.
    • Set configs, and run the script.


  • Generate SNP calls (het_snps.format and hom_snps.format).
    • Set configs and run the script.



  • Download tutorial files. Tutorial files contains input files for InfoGenomeR.
  • Tutorial 1:Germline and somatic mode (GRCh37). a simiulated cancer genome (haplotype coverage 5X, triploidy, purity 75%) that has 162 somatic SVs (true_SV_sets_somatic). Tutorial_1.
  • Tutorial 2:Somatic mode (GRCh38). a simiulated cancer genome (haplotype coverage 10X, triploidy, purity 75%). Tutorial_2
  • Tutorial 3:Total mode, graph simpification, and karyotyping (GRCh37). T47D breast cancer cell line (SRR5371367).

Tutorial 1 (GRCh37)

tar Jxvf tutorial1.tar.xz
cd tutorial1
cp $InfoGenomeR_lib/etc/SV_performance.R ./
  • Check baselines for SVs.
## delly
Rscript SV_performance.R delly.format true_SV_sets_somatic
precision:0.690217 recall:0.798742 fmeasure: 0.740525
## manta
Rscript SV_performance.R manta.format true_SV_sets_somatic
precision:0.949580 recall:0.710692 fmeasure: 0.812950
## novobreak
Rscript SV_performance.R novobreak.format true_SV_sets_somatic
precision:0.902174 recall:0.496855 fmeasure: 0.640801
  • Running InfoGenomeR.
## Generate a germline copy number profile
breakpoint_graph -m germline germline_delly.format -o germline_job cp_norm_germ
cp germline_job/copy_numbers ./copy_numbers.control

## Merge SV calls.
cat delly.format manta.format novobreak.format > SVs
## breakpoint graph construction
breakpoint_graph -m somatic -d ./ SVs ./cp_norm -g /home/dmcblab/GRCh37/GRCh37 -c cp_norm_germ -s copy_numbers.control -o somatic_job --stringent T
## allele graph construction
allele_graph -m somatic -s copy_numbers.control hom_snps.format het_snps.format -o somatic_job -g /home/dmcblab/GRCh37/GRCh37 -t 23
## haplotype graph construction
haplotype_graph -o somatic_job -t 6 ## 40GB memory per one thread (total about 256GB). Do not exceed the maximum memory.

It takes a few hours during three iterations and outputs SVs, copy numbers and a breakpoint graph at the haplotype level.

  • Check performance for SV calls from InfoGenomeR.
## The output directory is InfoGenomeR_output
Rscript SV_performance.R somatic_job/InfoGenomeR_output/SVs.CN_opt.phased true_SV_sets_somatic
precision:0.955224 recall:0.805031 fmeasure: 0.873720

Tutorial 2 (GRCh38)

tar Jxvf GRCh38.triploidy.f10.p0.75.tar.xz
cd GRCh38.triploidy.f10.p0.75 
cp $InfoGenomeR_lib/etc/SV_performance.R ./
### Change the environment to GRCh38.
export Haplotype_path=/home/dmcblab/haplotype_1000G_GRCh38
export Ref_version=GRCh38
  • Check baselines for SVs.
Rscript SV_performance.R delly.format ./simulated_genome/true_SV_sets_somatic_dup_checked.refcoor
precision:0.869110 recall:0.775701 fmeasure: 0.819753
Rscript SV_performance.R manta.format ./simulated_genome/true_SV_sets_somatic_dup_checked.refcoor
precision:0.935897 recall:0.738318 fmeasure: 0.825449
Rscript SV_performance.R novobreak.format ./simulated_genome/true_SV_sets_somatic_dup_checked.refcoor
precision:0.937500 recall:0.532710 fmeasure: 0.679380
  • Running InfoGenomeR.
## Merge SV calls.
cat delly.format manta.format novobreak.format > SVs
## breakpoint graph construction
breakpoint_graph -m somatic -d ./ SVs ./cp_norm -g /home/dmcblab/GRCh38/GRCh38 -c cp_norm_germ -s copy_numbers.control -o somatic_job --stringent T
## allele graph construction
allele_graph -m somatic -s copy_numbers.control hom_snps.format het_snps.format -o somatic_job -g /home/dmcblab/GRCh38/GRCh38 -t 23
## haplotype graph construction
haplotype_graph -o somatic_job -t 6 ## 40GB memory per one thread ( total about 256GB). Do not exceed the maximum memory.
  • Check performance for SV calls from InfoGenomeR.
## The output directory is InfoGenomeR_output
Rscript SV_performance.R somatic_job/InfoGenomeR_output/SVs.CN_opt.phased ./simulated_genome/true_SV_sets_somatic_dup_checked.refcoor
precision:0.971910 recall:0.808411 fmeasure: 0.882653

Tutorial 3

tar -xvf tutorial3.tar.gz
cd tutorial3
  • Running InfoGenomeR.
## breakpoint graph construction (It takes a day during about 30 iterations)
breakpoint_graph -m total SVs cn_norm/ -i 16 -f 2000 -o total_job -t BRCA
breakpoint_graph -m simplification -o total_job -i 16 -f 2000 total_job/SVs total_job/cn_norm/ -t BRCA
## allele graph construction
allele_graph -m total -g /DASstorage6/home/dmcblab/GRCh37/GRCh37 -o total_job -t 23 hom_snps.format het_snps.format
## haplotype graph construction
haplotype_graph -o total_job -t 6
## Find Eulerian paths with a minimum entropy
karyotyping -o total_job
  • It outputs files in total_job/InfoGenomeR_output

    • copy_number.CN_opt.phased
    • haplotype
    • karyotypes
    • purity_ploidy
    • SVs.CN_opt.phased
  • Visualizing the haplotype graph.

### Visualize the haplotype graph. The total_job_test folder has outputs by pre-run.
cd total_job_test/InfoGenomeR_output
Rscript $InfoGenomeR_lib/etc/graph_plot.R # It generates ACN.pdf

  • Visualizing karyotypes
### chromosomes 8 and 14
cd karyotypes/
cd euler.8.14
Rscript $InfoGenomeR_lib/etc/chromosomes_graph.R # It generates karyotypes.pdf

### chromosomes 3,5,10,12, and 20
cd ../
cd euler.
Rscript $InfoGenomeR_lib/etc/chromosomes_graph.R # It generates karyotypes.pdf

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