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memoizee's Issues

Graceful handling of un-refreshable


I'd love a way to be able to have my method throw a special exception (or return a special value) that indicates that a refresh at this time is not possible, causing the old expired data to continue to be used.

Ideally the exception could also specify some kind of retry policy: wait 20% more expiry before trying again.

Memoize wraps an HTTP client in my case, and I'd like to build in a way of dealing with the target service being absent.

prefetch doesn't work with async

I'm having problem with prefetch in combination with async. Is this supported? It seems like the prefetch is calling the function without any arguments.

Delete question

Is it possible to delete cached entries based upon just the first argument? In my case, I have a memoized function that caches a transform based upon different groupings. When the underlying data is changed I want to delete all of the groupings in the cache for that object but leave all other groupings for other objects intact. Is this possible?

Feature request: expose core

So this memoization module is based on an LRU + expiry cache unit, right?
It'd be very helpful if we could use this unit directly, without the function decorator...

Latest version not published on NPM?

I tried using the WeakMap functionality which was recently added, but the weakMap module was not there, so I got the standard "cannot find module" error from node when I tried to require it:

var memoize = require('memoizee/weak');
    throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'memoizee/weak'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:364:17)
    at require (module.js:380:17)

I can see that weakMap.js exists in the repository, but it's not in my node_modules memoizee folder.

Hangs NodeJS on shutdown when using maxAge.

NodeJs 0.10.33

When I shut down the server it hangs up to the maxAge time before the process exits. Suggests the cache expiry timer is keeping the event loop going.

If I clear the cache explicitly the process exits immediately, but this means I need to track all memoized functions.

Resolver result is incorrectly passed to function

Since the 0.3.10 update my memoized function incorrectly returns the result of the resolver instead of passing on the input.

My simplified code.

const memoized = (func) =>
  memoizee(func, {
    resolvers: [(params) => JSON.stringify(params)],

function queryResource(params) {
  console.log(typeof params, params)

const query = memoized(queryResource)

query({ limit: 10 })


object { limit: 10 } 


string "{ limit: 10 }"

I understand from the commits that a bug in the resolvers has been fixed. Should I update the implementation of my resolver or would this be a regression?

Function with object as parameters

Memoize works with strings and numbers but not with more complex parameters like objects like {x:1, y: 1}

Here the pice of code:

var m = require("memoizee");

// not a big deal!
var f = function(a,b)  { console.log(arguments);}

var mf = m(f);

// I had a miss
{ '0': 1, '1': 2 }

// I had a hit and that's fine!

// Now

// In both successive calls I always got a miss 
mf(1,{ x:1, y:1})
{ '0': 1, '1': { x: 1, y: 1 } }

mf(1,{ x:1, y:1})
{ '0': 1, '1': { x: 1, y: 1 } }

I will be nice to have deep comparison, won't it? May be there is a performance consideration to have.

Memory optimization

Currently for each memoized function there are few functions created, that affects memory badly when our configration deals with thousands of memoized instances. It'll be much more optimal to rely on prototype inheritance model in that case

how do I use in the browser?

Hi, I am trying to use Webmake to generate a browser compatible build. I have built using web make index.js bundle.js and then included bundle.js in my index.html.

However when I try to call memoize in my js I get an error memoize is not defined - how am I meant to call the function?

Am I missing something about memoization?

I wrote a short snippet of test code, to see memoize really increases performance or not, this runs in Firefox 33.0

function timeoize () {
    function translate(value, leftMin, leftMax, rightMin, rightMax) {
        var leftSpan = leftMax - leftMin;
        var rightSpan = rightMax - rightMin;

        var scaled = (value - leftMin) / leftSpan;
        return rightMin + scaled * rightSpan;

    var memoTranslate = memoize(translate);

    console.time("clean translate");
    for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
        translate(i, 0, 10, 10, 100);
    console.timeEnd("clean translate");

    console.time("Non-memoized translate");
    for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
        memoTranslate(i, 0, 10, 10, 100);
    console.timeEnd("Non-memoized translate");

    console.time("memoized translate");
    for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
        memoTranslate(i, 0, 10, 10, 100);
    console.timeEnd("memoized translate");

The output of running timeoize() is

Firefox 33.0
clean translate: timer started
clean translate: 1.64ms
Non-memoized translate: timer started
Non-memoized translate: 22800.4ms
memoized translate: timer started
memoized translate: 9605.07ms

Chrome Version 38.0.2125.122 (64-bit):
clean translate: 14.276ms
Non-memoized translate: 96632.095ms <-- that's well over a minute
memoized translate: 29126.279ms

Why is the memoized version of my translate function that much slower? Instead of improving performance, this memoization converts a piece of code that took less than 2 ms to run to 22 seconds for the non-cached version of the function, and just under 10 seconds for the cached version.

Am I missing something really obvious here?

memoized values open to corruption, clone option could be useful?

It seems the library returns the direct object in the cache. This opens the cache to possible corruption by client code.

A made up example:

memoized('id1', function(err, res) { = 'bar';

and in another place..

memoized('id1', function(err, res) {
  if(! {
    // do something

context 1 corrupted the cached value and could effect context 2.

It would be cool if we could specifically state that we want cached values cloned in return.
For example something like:

var memoized = memoize(myfn, { length: 1, async: true, maxAge: 5000, clone: true });

I can try and do a PR, but I am not sure where specifically the code should go? Only in plain.js at the final return statement? Or in some other places as well? I imagine deep cloning would be preferred, perhaps using clone.

Better documentation for resolvers?

I'm a huge fan of the built-in stats and cache management tools that memoizee offers, but right now I'm totally puzzled by how I'm supposed to use the resolver functionality.

Lodash and Underscore resolvers are very straight forward. For those, you provide a function which returns the key used for the cache map.

Like this:
const memoizedFunction = _.memoize(nonMemoizedFunction, (anObject, aBool) => + aBool.toString() );

Memoizee's resolver functionality, however, is a lot less clear.

To me, it's not apparent from the documentation how to craft a resolver function and it seems that memoizee focuses on argument type as opposed to allowing for arbitrary key construction.

Is it possible to memoize based on a given object's property instead of attempting to serialize the entire object? What about combining that with a second parameter?

For example, given foo(anObject, aBool), I'd like my memoization key to be + bool.

Given how important resolvers are to a memoization library functioning as intended, I think the documentation would really benefit from being beefed up with useful examples as opposed to trivial ones.

v0.3.9 release

Would it be possible to get a 0.3.9 release? Anything I could do to help make that happen?

In particular, this commit would be very helpful to me.

I'm using Karma and experienced a bug with the stack trace below. The issue is fixed when I change Karma's memoize dependency from this:

"memoizee": "^0.3.8",

to this:

"memoizee": "[email protected]:medikoo/memoize.git",

Once there is a new memoizee release I'll be able to submit a simple PR to Karma that fixes the issue by updating the dependency from 0.3.8 to 0.3.9.

Thanks! 😸

The stack trace I mentioned above:

                clear: d(map.clear.bind(map))
TypeError: Cannot read property 'bind' of undefined
    at /vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/node_modules/memoizee/lib/weak.js:58:23
    at createErrorFormatter (/vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/lib/reporter.js:32:30)
    at createReporters (/vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/lib/reporter.js:75:24)
    at Array.invoke (/vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/node_modules/di/lib/injector.js:75:15)
    at [object Object].get (/vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/node_modules/di/lib/injector.js:48:43)
    at get (/vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/node_modules/di/lib/injector.js:54:19)
    at /vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/node_modules/di/lib/injector.js:71:14
    at (native)
    at [object Object].invoke (/vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/node_modules/di/lib/injector.js:70:31)
    at createWebServer (/vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/lib/web-server.js:51:19)
    at Array.invoke (/vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/node_modules/di/lib/injector.js:75:15)
    at get (/vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/node_modules/di/lib/injector.js:48:43)
    at /vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/node_modules/di/lib/injector.js:71:14
    at (native)
    at [object Object].invoke (/vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/node_modules/di/lib/injector.js:70:31)
    at [object Object].Server.start (/vagrant/core/ux/node_modules/karma/lib/server.js:92:18)

memoized.delete() doesn't work for async

I have the following functions:

self.loadUrlText = function(url, callback) {
    d3.text(url, undefined, function(error, result) {
        callback(error, result);

self.loadUrlPage = memoize(self.loadUrlText, {
    async: true,
    max: 100,
    maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60

However after I call:

if (noCache) {
    alert('Uncache: ' + url);

the memoized function still keeps returning the cached value without calling the underlying function.

How to clear cache on parameter change

I want to use memoize with immutable.js and redux instead of reselect that the redux docs mention and I have the following use case which I think is very common:

The function signature:

function doSomething(state, param1, param2)

What is special about this function is that if the state changes, the whole cache should be cleared because it is a function that derives data from the current state of the app. One way I am thinking could solve this is to wrap this in a factory function just on the state and then cache that on the params. Something like:

memoize(state => memoize((param1, param2) => {...}))

Is this the best and perhaps only way to do it? And would this perform or is the memoize function call expensive? I know itΒ΄s a relative question and I should and will benchmark this but perhaps you already know the answer to this, especially the "is there a better way" one.






whatever, project name should be the same.

Filtered array memoization?

I'm trying to get create a memoized function that picks "selected" items out of a ...byId object. I'm hoping to cache the result when the selection didn't change and when the selected objects didn't change. This is important because I'd like to pass the result to other (expensive) regularly memoized functions.
Not memoized example:

const state = {
    objectsById: {
        a: { health: 1, ... },
        b: { health: 0.5, ... },
        c: { health: 1, ... }
    selection: ['a', 'b']
function getSelectedObjects(state) { // how to memoize? 
    return{id}) => state.objectsById[id]);

I can implement a crude custom shallow array "memoizer", but is there a way to do this with memoizee? I'd like to benefit from it's other features. Is there for example a way to implement a custom compare function?

An crude implementation of the desired behaivior:

const state = {
    objectsById: {
        a: { health: 1 },
        b: { health: 0.5 },
        c: { health: 1 }
    selection: ['a', 'b']

function getSelectedObjectsTransform(state) {
    return => state.objectsById[id]);
const getSelectedObjects = arrayMemoizer(getSelectedObjectsTransform);

function arrayMemoizer(fn) {
    let prevArg; 
    let prevResult;
    return function(arg) {
        // if same arguments; return prev result; 
        if(arg === prevArg && prevResult) {
            return prevResult;
        prevArg = arg;

        const result = fn(arg);
        // if no prevResult; return new result
        if(!prevResult) {
            return prevResult = result;
        // if length changed; return new result
        if(result.length !== prevResult.length) {
            return prevResult = result;
        // if item in array changed; return new result 
        for(let index in result) {
            let item = result[index];
            let prevItem = prevResult[index];
            if(item !== prevItem) {
                return prevResult = result;
        // return prev result
        return prevResult;

What's the unit for maxAge?

The examples say maxAge: 1000 for memoized functions that timeout. Is that milliseconds or seconds?

(This module looks super-useful. Thanks for writing it!)

TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
    at Function.self (/home/app/node_modules/memoizee/ext/async.js:88:67)

Seems similar to #13 except I'm not sure of what exact scenario triggers this.

In ext/async.js, It seems that cb is assumed to either be a function or an Array of functions from the waiting[id] property. However, somehow, occasionally waiting[id] seems to be undefined when this code runs causing cb to also be undefined, which throws the error when cb.length is called when the 'setasync' method is emitted.

Is there possibly some race condition going on here where once callback clears the waiting queue before another unexpectedly tries to run? Can you think of any possible reasons why cb could be undefined?

Observed on v0.3.5 and previous versions.

Caches big enough to store data in file system

For example, I'd like to make a function that downloads files from the internet, but if they were already downloaded, gets them from the cache on hdd. That's certainly a kind of memoization: persistent, with hdd cache. Shouldn't it be in memoize?

Improve cache logic for prefetch

Current prefetch implementation drops cache value immediately after start. That's not correct behaviour for big loads. Cache should be dropped only if it's timed out, and should not be affected by internal failures.


  1. If prefetch "in progress", memoizee should return old cache value.
  2. When prefetch complete:
    • on successs - update cache value
    • on fail - do nothing.

Potential problem:

If prefetch fails, it will be called again on next memoizee call (no throttling). That can be considered as acceptable behaviour, because:

  • it still suppress parallel calls
  • it does not increase latency

Chaining off of cached Promise causes cached value to be modified

I just recently found out that when using this library to memoize a function that returns a promise that if you chain a .then off the cached value and then return anything besides the original value (or don't return anything at all) then you will end up modifying the cached value to whatever you returned (or undefined if you don't return anything).


'use strict';

var memoize = require('memoizee'),
    promise = require('bluebird');

var returnPromisifiedArray = function ( number ) {
    return new promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        resolve([{val : number}]);

var returnTestArray = function ( numberInArray ) {
    console.log('Cache miss! Called with: ' + numberInArray);
    return returnPromisifiedArray(numberInArray);

var returnTestArrayMemoized = memoize(returnTestArray, {primitive: true, max: 1000});

var runTest = function () {
    return returnTestArrayMemoized(1)
        .then(function (value) {
            value = {
                item.badVal = 'fail';
                return item;
            return value;
        }).catch(function (err) {
            console.log('unexpected error');

runTest(); // Retrieves [ {a : 'b'} ] from the cache (expected value)
runTest(); // Retrieves [ {a : 'b', badVal : 'fail'} ] from the cache (not the expected value)

This example appears to be hitting line 78 and 86 in configure-map.js which is setting the cache to have the original return value and then later returns it, which potentially allows for modifications to be made to the cached value.

Not sure if you consider this part of the scope of #35 or not, but I figured it couldn't hurt to log it here in case other people also run into this.

Error: Circular invocation

Sometimes I'm getting Circular invocation exceptions. What exactly does this mean and how can I fix it?

max and maxAge in combination with async: true lead blocking of event loop

Consider the following example:

var memoize = require("memoizee");

var mem = memoize(function (returnError, callback) {
    setTimeout(function () {
        if (returnError) {
            callback(new Error("My Error"));
        } else {
            callback(null, true);
    }, 50);
}, {
    async: true,
    maxAge: 50,
    max: 10,
    preFetch: false

mem(true, function (err, value) {
    if (err) {
        console.log("Error: " + err.message);
    } else {
        console.log("Value: " + value);

mem(false, function (err, value) {
    if (err) {
        console.log("Error: " + err.message);
    } else {
        console.log("Value: " + value);

console.log("Let's wait a bit...");

setTimeout(function () {
    console.log("Enough waiting!");
}, 30000);

This will send memoizee into an infinite loop.

additional information

$ node --version

$ npm ls
└─┬ [email protected]
  β”œβ”€β”€ [email protected]
  β”œβ”€β”€ [email protected]
  └── [email protected]

Cache persistence

I use memoize in a Node Web Service application.

  1. When I shutdown the service, can I rescue the cache created before the shutdown?
  2. The same scenario when I move my service to other server.
    Can I save the cache in disk and then when the service begin assign to the memoize object again?

Easiest way to ignore an argument for memoization

Let's say I have an async function:

function verifyToken(token, fn) {

This can easily be momoized with something like:

var memoized = memoize(verifyToken, {async: true, length: 1});

What if I have a function:

function verifyToken(req, token, fn) {

where req is Express request object. I would not like the req value to be considered for hashing at all. We should still memoize results of verifyToken based on token value only. What's the easiest approach to accomplish this? Resolvers? Something like:

var memoized = memoize(verifyToken, {async: true, length: 2, resolvers: [Boolean, String]});

? This way req (which will always be there) will always just be coersed to true and token will be coersed to String as normal. Just want to check if this the best approach? Thanks!

crash report: memoize async + async.eachSeries

The following test code causes memoizee to spin into a nextTick() loop and blow the callstack.

var memoize = require('memoizee'),
    async = require('async'),
    ar = [];

for (i=0;i<2500;i++) {

var test = memoize(function(id, cb) {
    cb(null, id);
}, {
    async: true,
    maxAge: 5000,
    max: 10000,
    prefetch: true,
    primitive: true

function test2() {
    async.eachSeries(ar, function(j, cb) {
        test(j, cb);
    }, function (err) {
        if (err) {

setInterval(test2, 5000);

This will crash on the second interval.

`resolvers` are called inconsistently

Depending on the length of resolvers, they may or may not be called before passing the results to the wrapped function:

> m = require('memoizee')
// 1-arg, 1-resolver
> m(function(arg) { console.log('arguments:', arg); }, { resolvers: [ () => 'foo' ] })('a')
arguments: a
// 2-arg, 2-resolver
> m(function(arg1, arg2) { console.log('arguments:', arg1, arg2); }, { resolvers: [ () => 'foo', () => 'bar' ] })('a', 'b')
arguments: foo bar
// 1-arg, 2-resolver
> m(function(arg) { console.log('arguments:', arg); }, { resolvers: [ () => 'foo', () => 'bar' ] })('a')
arguments: foo

The docs are a little unclear on the exact semantics of resolvers, but I take it to mean that the wrapped function should never receive the output of resolvers as it is here.

profiler not working?

I can't seem to get anything useful from the profiler. I'm running npm version 0.3.2, with the following code:

var memProfile = require('memoizee/profile'),
    memoize = require('memoizee'),
    eyes = require('eyes');

function doIt(cb) {
    setImmediate(function() {console.log("did it!");cb();})

function done(err) {
    if (err) console.error(err);




var maybeDoIt = memoize(doIt, {async: true});



setImmediate(function() {eyes.inspect(memProfile.statistics);});

This generates the following output:

did it!
did it!

Am I misusing the profiler? Swapping the require order of memoizee and the profiler didn't help at all.

more flexible maxAge

Some things which I find myself wanting:

  • ability to change maxAge on the fly
  • ability to set maxAge for an individual item

TypeError in async.js after calling clear()

@medikoo since upgrading to 0.3.3 from 0.2.x, I am experiencing several TypeError's in async.js after clearing the cache. The errors are basically two and I was able to consistently reproduce the problem.

The following code memoizes an async function asyncfn and clears the cache between the two calls:

var memoize = require("memoizee");

function asyncfn (val, cb) {
    setTimeout(function () {
        cb(null, val);
    }, 0);

var asyncmem = memoize(asyncfn, {
    async: true

function done(err, val) {

asyncmem(1, done);
asyncmem(2, done); // TypeError is thrown after this call

It will always break with 'TypeError: Cannot read property \'length\' of undefined', ' at .../memoizee/ext/async.js:88:67 after the second asyncmem call.

Now, if asyncfn returns an error to its callback by changing cb(null, val); in line 5 by cb(new Error(), val);, it will always break with 'TypeError: Cannot call method \'forEach\' of undefined', ' at .../memoizee/ext/async.js:94:8.

Both errors are related to calling clear() in between two calls. Can you please take a look at this issue and advice how it can be solved?


memoize & prefetch promises

I'm rewriting a lot of code from callbacks to yield + promises. Would like to find a nice solution to memoize results from db in new style.

I can memoize sync function, that return Promise. That looks ok until promise fails - such result should not be reused. Any ideas how to deal with it?

PS. I know i can use old style internals and promisify memoized function, but that's not beautiful.

Register callback when cache reaches max size

It would be nice to be able to register a callback when the cache reaches its max size. Even better if the value being evicted could be accessed.

The use case I'm after is being able to log out when a cached method result is going to be evicted for debugging/perf analysis purposes.

I tried to use the dispose callback for this but realized it was only called when clear() is called.

Apologies if I missed something in the docs and if this is possible!

async primitive single-argument null kills node

Tested on 0.3.4

var memoize = require('memoizee');

var f = memoize(function f(id, cb) {
    console.log("I got " + id);
    cb(null, {});
    async: true,
    primitive: true

f(null, function(err, res) {
    if (err) console.error(err);

For that matter, the lack of a normalizer for single-argument primitive mode makes it quirky on anything that's not guaranteed to be a string.

Memoizing asynchronous functions

In the provided example, if I understand, returning something in err of the callback must result in cache miss?
'Operations that result with an error are not cached.'

var memoize = require('memoizee');
var memProfile = require('memoizee/profile');
var count = 0;
var afn = function test(a, b, cb) {
    console.log('called '+ count);
    setTimeout(function () {
        cb('error', null);
    }, 200);
var memoized = memoize(afn, { async: true });

memoized(3, 7, function (err, res) {
    console.log('done 1');
    memoized(3, 7, function (err, res) {
        console.log('done 2');    

memoized(3, 7, function (err, res) {
    console.log('done 3');

memoized(3, 7, function (err, res) {
    console.log('done 4');
memoized(3, 7, function (err, res) {
    console.log('done 5');

setTimeout(function () {

Results in 2 Init and 3 hit.
Can I have a working example?

In this code (function handleFind ), I supose the missing callback explain the no cache hit?

Memoize simultaneous calls to single call

When I have a slow running async function memoized and it's called multiple times before the first result is remembered, it will actually call the actual function multiple times. Would be nice if it remembered that the function is being resolved and to not try to resolve it, instead if could simply get its callback run when the original/first call is resolved... let me know if I made it clear, I had a hard time describing it. :)

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