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ember-drag-drop's Introduction

Ember Drag Drop

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Simple drag and drop addon for your Ember CLI app.

The goal is to allow you to add drag and drop to your app without having to become an expert in the browser's low level D&D API.

To use this addon, you don't need to:

  • Know anything about how the browser implements drag and drop.
  • Ever deal with a browser drag and drop event, or even know that they exist.

When using this addon, you get to work with objects in your domain layer, just like everywhere else in Ember. The only two things you need to use are (as you might expect) Draggable Object and Draggable Object Target


  • As of version 0.9 and up it works with Ember 3.12 and higher.
  • Use 0.8.2 if you need to support a Ember 2.X or version less than Ember 3.12


ember install ember-drag-drop


Huge thanks to ic-droppable, from which I shamelessly stole as promised.




Mobile and touch events

As of version 0.4.4 you can install the ember-drag-drop-polyfill to enable drag and drop actions on mobile devices. It is my intention to make mobile a first class citizen in this addon, but hopefully this can fill the gaps for now.


Draggable Object

The draggable-object component represents an object you want to drag onto a target.

The two things to provide to the component are:

  • The content - Represents the object to be dragged. Will be passed to the target after a completed drag.
  • The template code to render for the draggable object
<DraggableObject @content={{this}}>

At the start of the drag a property of isDraggingObject will be set to true on the content object and false on drag end.

Optionally you can set actions on the component to get notified on drag start and end. The content value of the current object being dragged is sent as the parameter.

<DraggableObject @content={{this}} @dragStartHook={{fn this.myStartAction}} @dragEndHook={{fn this.myEndAction}}>

If you wish to have a drag handle in your component to be the trigger for a drag start action, instead of the whole wrapped template you can specify the jquery selector in the component.

<DraggableObject @content={{this}} @dragHandle='.js-dragHandle'>
  <a class="js-dragHandle dragHandle">This is the only element that triggers a drag action</a>

There are two action hooks you can call as well. By default on start drag the element being dragged has an opacity of 0.5 set. If you want to override that and apply your own stylings you can use the 'dragStartHook' and/or the 'dragEndHook' The jquery event is passed as the only parameter.

<DraggableObject @content={{this}} @dragStartHook=(action 'dragStartAction') @dragEndHook=(action 'dragEndAction')}}
  <a class="js-dragHandle dragHandle">This is the only element that triggers a drag action</a>
// represents the controller backing the above template

  // your regular controller code

  actions: {
    myStartAction: function(content) {
     //Content is the same as the content parameter set above
    myEndAction: function(content) {
      //Content is the same as the content parameter set above

Draggable Object Target

The draggable-object-target represents a place to drag objects. This will trigger an action which accepts the dragged object as an argument.

The two things to provide to the component are:

  • The action - Represents the action to be called with the dragged object.
  • The template code to render for the target.

The action is called with two arguments:

  • The dragged object.
  • An options hash. Currently the only key is target, which is the draggable-object-target component.
... your regular template code

<DraggableObjectTarget @action={{fn this.increaseRating}} amount={{"5"}}>
  Drag here to increase rating

Optionally you can also get an action fired when an object is being dragged over and out of the drop target. No parameter is currently sent with these actions.

<DraggableObjectTarget @action={{fn this.increaseRating}} @amount={{"5"}} @dragOverAction={{fn this.myOverAction}} dragOutAction={{fn this.myDragOutAction}}> 
  Drag here to increase rating
// represents the controller backing the above template

  // your regular controller code

  actions: {
    increaseRating: function(obj,ops) {
      var amount = parseInt(;
    myOverAction: function() {
      //will notify you when an object is being dragged over the drop target
    myDragOutAction: function() {
      //will notify you when an object has left the drop target area

You can check out an example of this is action here

Sorting of objects

We now have a basic sorting capabilities in this library. If you wrap the <SortableObjects> component around your <DraggableObject> components you can get an array of sorted elements returned.

**Important Note on Ember Versions: If you use Ember version 1.13.2 and above you must user at least addon version 0.3 if you use sorting If you use Ember version 1.12.1 and below you must use 0.2.3 if you use sorting This only applies if you use the sort capabilities, regular dragging is not version specific.

An Example:

<SortableObjects @sortableObjectList={{this.sortableObjectList}} @sortEndAction={{fn this.sortEndAction}} @enableSort={{true}} @useSwap={{true}} @inPlace={{false}} @sortingScope={{"sortingGroup"}}>
  {{#each sortableObjectList as |item|}}
    <DraggableObject content=item isSortable=true sortingScope="sortingGroup">

On drop of an item in the list, the sortableObjectList is re-ordered and the sortEndAction is fired unless the optional parameter 'enableSort' is false. You can check out an example of this is action here

useSwap defaults to true and is optional. If you set it to false, then the sort algorithm will cascade the swap of items, pushing the values down the list. See Demo

inPlace defaults to false and is optional. If you set it to true, then the original list will be mutated instead of making a copy.

sortingScope is optional and only needed if you have multiple lists on the screen that you want to share dragging between. See Demo

Note: It's important that you add the isSortable=true to each draggable-object or else that item will be draggable, but will not change the order of any item. Also if you set a custom sortingScope they should be the same for the sortable-object and the draggable-objects it contains.

Test Helpers

When writing tests, there is a drag helper you can use to help facilitate dragging and dropping.

drag helper

  • As of v0.4.5 you can use this helper in integration tests without booting up the entire application.

    • Is an async aware helper ( use await to wait for drop to finish )
  • Can be used to test sortable elements as well as plain draggable

  • Has one argument

    • the drag start selector
    • Example: .draggable-object.drag-handle
  • And many options:

    • dragStartOptions
      • options for the drag-start event
      • can be used to set a cursor position for the drag start event
      • Example: { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 }
    • dragOverMoves
      • array of moves used to simulate dragging over.
      • it's an array of [position, selector] arrays where the selector is optional and will use the 'drop' selector ( from drop options ) as default
      • Example:
                     [{ clientX: 1, clientY: 500 }, '.drag-move-div'],  
                     [{ clientX: 1, clientY: 600 }, '.drag-move-div']
                    [{ clientX: 1, clientY: 500 }], // moves drop selector  
                    [{ clientX: 1, clientY: 600 }] // moves drop selector
    • dropEndOptions
      • options for the drag-end event
      • can be used to set a cursor position for the drag end event
      • Example: { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 }
    • afterDrag
      • a function to call after dragging actions are complete
      • gives you a chance to inspect state after dragging
      • Example:
       afterDrag() {
         // check on state of things  
    • beforeDrop
      • a function to call before drop action is called
      • gives you a chance to inspect state before dropping
      • Example:
       beforeDrop() {
         // check on state of things
    • drop
      • selector for the element to drop onto
      • Example: .drop-target-div
  • You import it like this:

// new async helper
import { drag } from 'your-app/tests/helpers/drag-drop';

You can pass the CSS selector for the draggable-object-target and pass a beforeDrop callback.

Async test Example:

test('drag stuff', async function(assert) {
  // setup component
  await drag('.draggable-object.drag-handle', {
      drop: '.draggable-container .draggable-object-target:nth-child(1)'

  assert.equal("things happened", true);

In this example,

  • we're dragging the draggable-object element with CSS selector .draggable-object.drag-handle
  • and dropping on a draggable-object-target with the CSS selector draggable-object-target:eq(1).

For a fuller example check out this integration test

Note #1 In order to use async / await style tests you need to tell ember-cli-babel to include a polyfill in ember-cli-build.js

Note #2 You don't have to use the new async/await helper. You can simply keep using the older drag helper ( which makes your tests far slower because you have to start the application for each test. ) This older helper only has one option ( beforeDrop )

// old drag helper
import { drag } from 'your-app/tests/helpers/ember-drag-drop';

Component Class Overrides

For both draggable-object and draggable-object-target you can override the default class names and provide your own, or a variable class name by adding an overrideClass property to the component.

An Example:

<DraggableObjectTarget @overrideClass={{'my-new-class-name'}}>


ember-drag-drop's People


amessinger avatar boris-petrov avatar bravo-kernel avatar cibernox avatar colinmathews avatar danielspaniel avatar dgavey avatar drourke avatar dwickern avatar ember-tomster avatar gabrielcsapo avatar jacobq avatar joankaradimov avatar mastastealth avatar mcfiredrill avatar mharris717 avatar mjanda avatar mnoble01 avatar nlfurniss avatar paulostazeski avatar robbiethewagner avatar samsinite avatar sandstrom avatar stevenheinrich avatar stopdropandrew avatar tniezurawski avatar udduttaatlinkedin avatar unpatioli avatar veelci avatar xcambar avatar


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ember-drag-drop's Issues

dragging a {{#draggable-object}} with inputs breaks Safari

I have a {{draggable-object}} with a pretty sizeable component with some form input elements inside. In chrome, I can drag and drop just fine, but in Safari, trying to start a drag on an input breaks the draggable object.

Here's a screencast I just shot:
I start in Chrome, where it behaves as expected, and then I try things in Safari from :12 on, where things start breaking.

Any experience with this one?

Drag multiple objects

Would it make sense to add the ability to drag multiple element at once?

e.g. after selecting two or more item, it would be possible to drag them all at once.

HTML data not rendered in sortableObjectList


I'm trying to populate the sortableObjectList array dynamically and have its contents be sortable. Any HTML that's set in the array doesn't get rendered in the handlebars, is there a reason for it?

What would it take to expose your test helpers?

Since the tests directory isn't empty, I think it would be great to expose your suite of test helpers for developers to use to test drag-and-drop in their own apps.

What would it take to make your test helpers shareable?

Would documenting how they're used be a good start?

Error: AST contains no nodes at all?

I might be really noobin with this (I'm a node beginner), but with:

Ember CLI 0.1.4
and running

npm install ember-drag-drop --save-dev

npm WARN unmet dependency /Users/arirose/code/superhelp-ember/node_modules/bower/node_modules/bower-registry-client/node_modules/request/node_modules/form-data requires async@'~0.9.0' but will load
npm WARN unmet dependency /Users/arirose/code/superhelp-ember/node_modules/bower/node_modules/bower-registry-client/node_modules/async,
npm WARN unmet dependency which is version 0.2.10

When I
ember serve

File: superhelp-ember/mixins/droppable.js
AST contains no nodes at all?
Error: AST contains no nodes at all?
    at /Users/arirose/code/superhelp-ember/node_modules/ember-cli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-esnext/node_modules/esnext/node_modules/recast/lib/comments.js:162:19
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at exports.attach (/Users/arirose/code/superhelp-ember/node_modules/ember-cli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-esnext/node_modules/esnext/node_modules/recast/lib/comments.js:120:14)
    at Object.parse (/Users/arirose/code/superhelp-ember/node_modules/ember-cli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-esnext/node_modules/esnext/node_modules/recast/lib/parser.js:49:5)
    at compile (/Users/arirose/code/superhelp-ember/node_modules/ember-cli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-esnext/node_modules/esnext/lib/index.js:30:20)
    at EsnextFilter.processString (/Users/arirose/code/superhelp-ember/node_modules/ember-cli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-esnext/index.js:41:16)
    at EsnextFilter.Filter.processFile (/Users/arirose/code/superhelp-ember/node_modules/ember-cli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-filter/index.js:136:31)
    at Promise.resolve.then.catch.err.file (/Users/arirose/code/superhelp-ember/node_modules/ember-cli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-filter/index.js:82:21)
    at $$$internal$$tryCatch (/Users/arirose/code/superhelp-ember/node_modules/ember-cli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-filter/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:490:16)
    at $$$internal$$invokeCallback (/Users/arirose/code/superhelp-ember/node_modules/ember-cli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-esnext/node_modules/broccoli-filter/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:502:17)

Any ideas?

Make injection optional / configurable. (proposal)

I have been using views rather than components as drop targets -- which means I need to inject "coordinator" into views. This is not so hard, but makes the default injection superfluous. Perhaps you could make the injection into a blueprint?

(A related issue, given that you are injecting into a global namespace -- perhaps "dragDropCoordinator" would be a better name for the object than "coordinator".)

Thanks for your work!

Writing acceptance and integration tests

Hi! Thanks for this awesome addon.

I was wondering how would you suggest writing integration and acceptance tests for the features where dragging & dropping is involved? I guess it would be doable by breaking the interaction into triggering single events at the proper moment, but this is not that simple. Do you have any recommendations how to do it efficiently?

Multi list sorting - Not able to drag and drop once list is empty

I need to sort multiple list in my application. I have tried this addon, but I am not able to drag and drop, once I have dragged and dropped all elements from one list to another.

List 1

  • Item 1
  • Item 2

List 2

  • Item 3
  • Item 4

I have moved all items of List 2 to List 1,

List 1

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 4

List 2

After this I am not able to drag and drop items from List 1 to List 2. Is this some bug or any configuration required to drop to empty list. Please help.

Sorting between two dragging targets doesn't work

I am working on a designer with a set of questions in the left field, and an open editor to move these questions into on the right. To give an idea, it currently looks like this.


Now if I can sort the two questions in the right field just fine. If i drag a question from the left field to the right however, it will automatically drop the question if i mouse over an already existing question in the field. What i want is to be able to drag a question from the left field over the questions in the right field, and drop it whenever i let go off my mouse.

Currently i run into the problem described above. I can also remove the sortingScope on the left field, in which case the question always drops on the bottom of the right field when dragged, which is also not what i want. I have seen a couple of similar issues, but i couldn't quite make out if someone ran into thisone yet, so apologies if this is a duplicate.

If anyone has a workaround available i would appreciate that too!


Thanks for these components!

It would be nice to be able to use this for reordering elements of a single list. However, as it is, no information about where the object is dropped is passed via the action. Looking under the hood a bit, in draggable-object-target/handleDrop, the event.originalEvent.toElement seems to have the DOM node where something was dropped. A higher level interface would be nice -- where an indication about on or between which content another element was dropped was passed via the action.

Possible bug when text is select before drag and drop

I'm not sure if the bug is related to a browser or to this plugin.

The dragged object is not visually the same if you have text selected or not during a drag.


If you select all the page with CMD+A or Ctrl+A during the drag all the page will be visible.
When nothing is selected, everything is fine.

In my app as a workaround I remove via JavaScript all selection on mousedown. Using the start hook for that doesn't work currently.

`log` helper breaks console log statements in `hbs` templates

When trying to log out data in the console (e.g. {{log 'asdf'}}), the following error message appears:

"Assertion Failed: You attempted to overwrite the built-in helper "log" which is not allowed. Please rename the helper."

A little digging seems to point to ember-drag-drop as the author of the conflicting helper. I'm on Ember 2.10.2

Sortables draggable, but not droppable

Hey, emberizas! I have installed ember install ember-drag-drop. I use ember-cli 2.10.0 on Ubuntu 14.04.5. The project is built, and run with an Express server (node server.js), and the file name list (allNames) comes from Nodejs reading a disk directory. Now: I have great expectations regarding this ember-drag-drop! However:

I did set up this template code in order to display a set of thumbnails as a sortableObjectList in order to make it possible to sort their order like in :

{{#sortable-objects sortableObjectList=allNames sortEndAction='sortEndAction' enableSort=true useSwap=false}}
  {{#each allNames as |file|}}
    {{#draggable-object content=this isSortable=true overrideClass='show-inline'}}
    <div id="i{{}}" class="img_mini">
      <div {{action 'showShow'}}>
        <img src="{{}}" title="{{file.orig}}" draggable="false">
      <div class="img_name">
    T H I S &nbsp; I S &nbsp; E M P T Y

The introduction of the above drag-drop helpers did not change the appearance of the rendered page (that is, still looks nicely untouched). Now each img_mini block is draggable, including its img and img_name.

Did I position those handlebars as intended? The draggable blocks are not droppable, and my browser console prints TypeError: aSortable is undefined. Also, compared to the "horizontal" example, the class sortObject is missing along js-draggableObject ... etc. However, by introducing overrideClass='sortObject show-inline' I succeded to generate the equal html, but the droppability still didn't appear ("rubber-band-return"), and the aSorttable error remained.

{{draggable-object}} as a component mixin

It would be nice if {{draggable-object}} was available as a component mixin, my specific usecase is as follows: I have a track-item component that I render inside an each block, and I wanted to make it drag 'n droppable. I ended up wrapping the entire template:

// templates/components/track-item.js
{{#draggable-object content=track}}
// my track component template here

Problem is, the DOM structure now nested:

<li class="ember-view track" id="ember683">
  <div class="ember-view js-draggableObject draggable-object" draggable="true" id="ember684">  
    <!-- ... -->

The styling is now broken, because it wasn't expecting the extra object. Admittedly, I can just tweak the CSS (which is what I did), but it would be nice to get rid of the extra wrapper.

Dragging across multiple lists of same sorting scope

We noticed that if you drag an object across multiple lists, the sortingScope property for the currentDragItem returns undefined after the first rerender. You can see this happening in the demo as well when the object re-renders under the new list but then you cannot move it back or even another position in the same list. We're thinking we could just set a string property called currentSortingScope on dragStart in the coordinator service instead of relying on the property on the draggable object component.

Add support for passing the Event along to the Drop Action

Passing the Event along opens up more use case support. My immediate need is being able to determine the exact drop location of the dragged item so I can draw its position on a canvas.

Since handlePayload() already passes along target, it seems logical to just tap in there and allow it to pass along the event.

Example use case for passing the event to the target action:

// my-component.hbs
{{#draggable-object-target action="addElement" status="Add to Canvas"}}
// my-component.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  actions: {
    addElement(element, ops) {
      let x = ops.event.originalEvent.pageX - this.$('#my-canvas').offset().left;
      let y = ops.event.originalEvent.pageY - this.$('#my-canvas').offset().top;

Question regarding validation

Great addon!

Bit of a ember component novice and I'm wondering how I could go about validating the drop event based on the contents of the model and then cancel it if certain parameters are no met.


DEPRECATION: A property was modified inside the didInsertElement hook.

DEPRECATION: A property of <frontend@view:-outlet::ember1142> was modified inside the didInsertElement hook. You should never change properties on components, services or models during didInsertElement because it causes significant performance degradation. [deprecation id: ember-views.dispatching-modify-property] at HANDLERS.(anonymous function) (http://localhost:4202/assets/vendor.js:22015:7) at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:4202/assets/vendor.js:21923:12) at HANDLERS.(anonymous function) (http://localhost:4202/assets/vendor.js:22015:7) at invoke (http://localhost:4202/assets/vendor.js:22031:7) at deprecate (http://localhost:4202/assets/vendor.js:21984:32) at Object.deprecate (http://localhost:4202/assets/vendor.js:32023:37) at Class.exports.default._emberMetalMixin.Mixin.create._Mixin$create.scheduleRevalidate (http://localhost:4202/assets/vendor.js:59292:22) at http://localhost:4202/assets/vendor.js:29536:32 at Object.notifySubscribers (http://localhost:4202/assets/vendor.js:37936:11)

This deprecation warning is triggered when you using draghandler. Triggered here -

P.S. I'm using Ember 2.5

Latency grows over many "drags" with many sortableObjects

(note: I still need to reproduce this in a controlled (and 100% updated) environment, so I will return with that soon if I can)

my problem

When dragging around objects in my grid of items, after a while, more on large collections, I notice a latency in the "drop" action in the grid. It goes away with refreshing the page, and doesn't happen when I manually shift the objects' order in the main array. It is enough to grind the page to halt over a long period of time though.

my usage

{{#sortable-objects sortableObjectList=model.joinItems sortEndAction='sortEndAction' useSwap=useSwap}}
  {{#each model.joinItems as |item|}}
    {{#draggable-object content=item isSortable=true}}

(I've been able to reproduce the issue whether or not sortEndAction exists/is empty)

Or I'm just using it wrong--which is likely, because I have a pretty thin knowledge of this addon so far.

ember v

ember-cli: 2.7.0
node: 6.3.1
os: darwin x64


Bind position to a property of objects

I have a position property to objects used in a sortable list. I want to update the position at the end of the drop. All position of the group have to be updated.

I didn't saw this option. Is it possible yet ? I'm ready to contribute if you're interested.

Accept drag class is not display when dragging over draggable-object

accept_drag class is not set when you drag an object over a draggable-object even if it's contained by a draggable-object-target.

The class is not set but if you drop the object the action will be executed.

{{#draggable-object content=this}}

{{#draggable-object-target action='dragged'}}
  {{#draggable-object content=this}}
  {{#draggable-object content=this}}
  {{#draggable-object content=this}}

Multiple and nested sortable-objects

Hi guys,

I've been working on extending the addon to support some features that I need to use in a project I'm working on. Specifically, I need to have multiple sortable-objects components on one page and allow dragging of items between those lists.

I also need to allow nested sortable-objects on one page.

I've got a first-pass of this working on a local branch and was hoping to push to the repo but I'm getting a 'Permission denied' when attempting that. Any chance you could add me as a collaborator so that I may create a PR and get your feedback on my changes with the hope of having them merged into master at some point?


Allow items in a sortable container to move / sort into other lists but not starting list

My scenario involves a user with a list of created items on the left and an edit/create panel on the right. The user should be able to select a type of item to create from the panel and (with one click) drag that type into the item list on the left and place it in the position it should be in. However the types list in the panel on the right is not allowed to be reordered or altered. Before / after of dragging from the panel to the list should keep the panel in the same state.

Unfortunately, I've been unable to drop outside {{draggable-object}}'s into {{sortable-container}}'s. I think that's the subject of another issue that @boris-petrov mentioned here.

Likewise, I've tried keeping two {{sortable-container}}'s with the same sortingScope. But that allows items in the panel to disappear / reorder themselves. Could a flag be added to disable internal sorting of sortable-containers, and perhaps something to shallow-copy the dragged object into the receiving list, adding it to the receiving list but not modifying the list that owned the dragged object?

axis support

Nice to have axis support like at others libraries. I need block moving in horizontal, but looks on addon, it not support this feature.

Cursor becomes default on drag

I am trying to style the cursor, e.g.:

.card:hover {
  cursor: -webkit-grab;
.card:active {
  cursor: -webkit-grabbing;

This works until I start moving the card—then the cursor resets to default for some reason. I'm not sure why this is and/or if it is a bug.

[Deprecation] Move JavaScript preprocessor(s) from devDependencies to dependencies

When using ember-cli v2.12.0 I see this notice:

DEPRECATION: Addon files were detected in `/path/to/app/node_modules/ember-drag-drop/addon`, but no JavaScript preprocessors were found for `ember-drag-drop`. Please make sure to add a preprocessor (most likely `ember-cli-babel`) to in `dependencies` (NOT `devDependencies`) in `ember-drag-drop`'s `package.json`.

Error thrown with draggable-object-target.

I'm having an issue with {{#draggable-object-target action="dropEvent"}}.
I can't recreate it in a fresh app, but I was wondering if you have seen this before and have any tips?

Uncaught TypeError: Can't add property _currentDrag, object is not extensible droppable.js:159

Shifting items with different sizes in a `sortable-objects` components has an issue.

It appears that the if the draggable-object components inside a sortable-objects have differing sizes, that can lead to some issues. I have been able to reproduce it with shifting. I don't know if the issue exists when swapping.

I am able to reproduce this on the demo page with a bit of tweaking. The steps are as follows:

  • Go to the sortdata example
  • Open the browser's development tools and manually set some height (e.g. 200px) for a certain element (e.g. "Page Title 2")
  • Pick some other element (e.g. "Page Title 4") and start moving it around. Move it above the larger element and then - below the larger element.
  • I consistently end up with an ordering that shouldn't be possible if only one element has been moved (e.g. The ordering ends up being 1, 3, 2, 4 after having touched only element 4)

I don't know if the examples are up to date, but in the project I am working on I observe the same behavior using ember-drag-drop 0.3.7.

Re ordering algorithm behaves strangely

First of all, thanks for this addon, it's great! I ran into a small issue while using it:

Given a horizontal list: [A, B, C, D, E]

With the current swap logic, if I try to drag D to A (without dragging the element over the list) we will get: [D, B, C, D, E], which doesn't seem to be the intuitive result. I would expect the result list for this case to be [D, A, B, C, D, E].

This happens because of the current swapObjectPositions method implementation on the service.

Wouldn't it make sense to change that? If you think so I can create PR with code that changes that behavior.

  swapObjectPositions: function(a, b) {
      var newList = this.get('arrayList').toArray();

      var newArray = Ember.A();
      var aPos = newList.indexOf(a);
      var bPos = newList.indexOf(b);
      newList.splice(aPos, 1);
      newList.splice(bPos, 0, a);


      this.set('sortComponentController.sortableObjectList', newArray);

Hope I made myself clear.


sortable-objects rerenders #each after dragging

I'm trying to add a sortable list to an app I'm building, but have found that after a drag-drop operation, the list of items will usually be rendered in the wrong order. The underlying list is in the correct order.

I thought this was an issue with my code, but after copying in the template, controller and styles from the sortable example, I'm still seeing exactly the same behaviour. When I view your example online, it works perfectly! What could I be missing?

Would it make sense to integrate the sorting functionality into the draggable-object-target?

I have a page with multiple targets containing lists of objects that need to be sorted. The page would be simplified if I could define the target as a sortable list or the other way around a sortable list as a target. I think it might reduce some complexity as well.

I would like to implement the drag-between-sortable-containers feature, but there is an outstanding pull request and I'm not sure what the status is of that. Any guidance would be appreciated.

Sortable (beta)

I'm currently building a mildly more advanced version of the 'Classify Posts' example, you can sort them also. I'm running into the issue that the individual lists are not sorting internally.

I can drop a new item on any position of the list and it will place itself to the end of the list, but when it's just working with elements from it's own list, they are not switching positions before firing the sortEnd action.


{{#draggable-object-target action="dropEvent"}}
  {{#sortable-objects sortableObjectList=sortableObjectList sortEndAction='sortEnd' enableSort=true}}
    {{#each sortableObjectList as |card|}}
      {{#draggable-object content=card isSortable=true}}
        <div class="card-item">
      <div class="dropzone"></div>


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({

  actions: {
    dropEvent(content) {
      if (this.get('unsorted')) {
        content.set('section', undefined);
        content.set('sectionOrder', 0);
      } else {
        content.set('section', this.get('section'));

    sortEnd(content) {
      if (!this.get('unsorted')) {

Is there anything glaring I am missing? sortableObjectList is an unsorted array of card objects.

Deprecation warning and object error in console (Ember 2.7) - dropping a file object

Can this be used to drop a file from outside the browser window as the dropped object?

When I try to do that, I see these errors in the console:

DEPRECATION: The length property of <(unknown mixin):ember442> is an Ember.Binding connected to contentLength, but Ember.Binding is deprecated. Consider using an alias computed property instead. [deprecation id: ember-metal.binding]
See for more details.

trekclient.js:451 Uncaught no obj for key getObj @ trekclient.js:451getObject @ trekclient.js:400handlePayload @ vendor.js:87221handleDrop @ vendor.js:87228acceptDrop @

451 Uncaught no obj for key

Working with regular object as content


Great job on this addon! I'm using it and it works like a charm!
well except for one little thing: I noticed that the addon generates some errors if the content object is a native JavaScript object and not a Ember one due to the use of obj.set() and obj.get().

I think I read something about that and how using Ember.set(obj, property, value) instead of obj.set(property, value) can help solving this.
If it's ok with you I can check that out later this week (or perhaps even today) and hopefully send a PR that would fix that :)

Closure actions

Wonderful addon! ⛵

Unless I'm mistaken currying + closure actions could be used instead of the current method for setting secondary arguments.

Perhaps a future version could deprecate the previous usage (simplified codebase) and align with closure actions. Will also simplify passing extra arguments for misc types of actions.

What do you think?

<!-- before -->
{{#draggable-object-target action="setStatus" status="Ready to Publish"}}
  Ready to Publish

<!-- after -->
{{#draggable-object-target action=(action 'setStatus' 'Ready to Publish')}}
  Ready to Publish


Cannot drop outside items inside a sortable container

We have a use case where we have a sortable container and one can reorder items inside but we want to also be able to drop items from the outside into it. For the best UX one would expect that while the user is dragging some outside object over the sortable container, the items will be shifted apart to make space for the new one in the place where his cursor is. If he drops the new item, it will be placed there. If he drags away from the sortable container, the items should be "merged" again.

I guess our use case could be fixed by you triggering a couple of new events - dragNewItemOver, dragNewItemOut - in your code. Then we would be free to add/remove the dragged object to the sortableObjectList.

Additionally, the sortEndAction should not be triggered for dragged items that are not part of the sortableObjectList, because the user might not have added the item in the list.

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