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azuretre-deployment's Introduction

AzureTRE-Deployment Repo

This project is intended to assist the deployment of the Azure TRE project in real world environments. This includes deploying using a dev container from your local machine, deploying using GitHub Actions, and publishing custom templates.

See the Azure TRE documentation which includes detailed documentation and best practices to ensure a successful deployment and to assist you with customizing your own templates using this repository.


In this project you will find:

  • Github Actions implementing AzureTRE automation, including running deployments to Azure
  • Configuration specific to deployment
  • Workspace template definitions
  • User resource template definitions
  • Devcontainer setup


To work with devcontainers you will need:


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

When you submit a pull request, a CLA bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., status check, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.


This project may contain trademarks or logos for projects, products, or services. Authorized use of Microsoft trademarks or logos is subject to and must follow Microsoft's Trademark & Brand Guidelines. Use of Microsoft trademarks or logos in modified versions of this project must not cause confusion or imply Microsoft sponsorship. Any use of third-party trademarks or logos are subject to those third-party's policies.

azuretre-deployment's People


dependabot[bot] avatar jonnyry avatar lizashak avatar marrobi avatar martinpeck avatar microsoftopensource avatar svenaelterman avatar t-young31 avatar tamirkamara avatar tim-allen-ck avatar


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azuretre-deployment's Issues

Registry Issue when creating registry as part of pre-deployment

Reference Link:

Performed the following
Setup Azure Container Registry (ACR) to hold the devcontainer images: 1. Create ACR to hold the devcontainer images following this guide. 1. Enable Admin Account 1. Having setup the previous steps, add the created ACR info to your Github Actions environment:

Run the Deploy-TRE workflow, received the following error

azurerm_container_registry.shared_acr: Creating...
azurerm_storage_account.state_storage: Modifying... [id=/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/]
azurerm_storage_account.state_storage: Modifications complete after 4s [id=/subscriptions/
azurerm_storage_container.porter_container: Creating...
azurerm_storage_container.porter_container: Creation complete after 0s [id=]

│ Error: A resource with the ID "/subscriptions/
/resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/" already exists - to be managed via Terraform this resource needs to be imported into the State. Please see the resource documentation for "azurerm_container_registry" for more information.

│ with azurerm_container_registry.shared_acr,
│ on line 42, in resource "azurerm_container_registry" "shared_acr":
│ 42: resource "azurerm_container_registry" "shared_acr" {

make: *** [/home/vscode/AzureTRE/Makefile:32: mgmt-deploy] Error 1
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

variable name missmatch

Github action is expecting :

  • TEST_APP_ID, does not exist in the doc, and I think this is test_account_client_id in config.yaml ?
  • TEST_WORKSPACE_APP_ID, the doc says it is WORKSPACE_API_CLIENT_ID in the yaml, but that is not there, must be api_client_id ?
  • TEST_WORKSPACE_APP_SECRET, the docs says it is WORKSPACE_API_CLIENT_SECRET in the yaml, but it does not exist, must be api_client_secret ?

We have deployed TRE, but not able to authenticate API from .Net core application

We have deployed TRE, but not able to authenticate API from .Net core application while, authenitcation the Api
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AdalServiceException: 'AADSTS500131: Assertion audience does not match the Client app presenting the assertion. The audience in the assertion was Client id and the expected audience is 'api:// apid or one of the Application Uris of this application with App ID. The downstream client must request a token for the expected audience (the application that made the OBO request) and this application should use that token as the assertion

Please suggest solution for above error.

Unable to change Environmental variables during deployment

I am receiving the following error below when running the Deploy TRE workflow.

I've set the following Env variable in the workflow Env settings to P1v2, with no change in the error

Error: creating Service Plan: (Serverfarm Name "plan-airlock-" / Resource Group "rg-"): web.AppServicePlansClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=401 -- Original Error: Code="Unauthorized" Message="This region has quota of 0 PremiumV3 instances for your subscription. Try selecting different region or SKU." Details=[{"Message":"This region has quota of 0 PremiumV3 instances for your subscription. Try selecting different region or SKU."},{"Code":"Unauthorized"},{"ErrorEntity":{"Code":"Unauthorized","ExtendedCode":"52039","Message":"This region has quota of 0 PremiumV3 instances for your subscription. Try selecting different region or SKU.","MessageTemplate":"{0}. Try selecting different region or SKU.","Parameters":["This region has quota of 0 PremiumV3 instances for your subscription"]}}]

Issue / Need

  1. In Dev environments we need to un-select App Service Plans or be able to run them on something essentially free rather than the Premium versions of App Service Plans that are constrained.

  2. We need a reliable method of setting SKU sizes in the Env variables.

  3. We need this documented as today we can only find variable settings by reading the code.

PR Bot functionality for validating deployment configuration/custom templates before merge

For scenarios where configuration changes (i.e. updating a network address space) and custom template additions are made and PR'd into a user's deployment repo, it would be useful to have an out-of-the-box PR comment bot to run an ephemeral build (deployment of the TRE) before PRs are merged to a main branch and update the user's persistent environment, much like we do in the AzureTRE repo itself.

This would help users to validate any changes to configuration, custom templates etc. and test a deployment before deploying to a persistent env.

Would welcome some thoughts and discussion on this and happy to implement if there's agreement.

Unable to delete workspaces/resources/services

Error: error running command /cnab/app/terraform /usr/bin/terraform destroy -auto-approve -input=false -var image=Server 2019 Data Science VM -var image_gallery_id= -var parent_service_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxx -var shared_storage_access=true -var shared_storage_name=vm-shared-storage -var

Download sample env files required by AzureTRE in devcontainer.


As a TRE Azure Administrator
I want to have the sample env files synced with the required env files by AzureTRE
So that I have all env vars in place

Acceptance criteria

  • Sample env files are synced with AzureTRE sample env files when opened in devcontainer

Error in Deploy Main / Deploymanagement

Encountered during Deploy TRE - Deploy Main / Deploy Management

Initializing provider plugins...

  • Finding hashicorp/azurerm versions matching "3.12.0"...
  • Using previously-installed hashicorp/azurerm v3.12.0

Terraform has been successfully initialized!
data.azurerm_client_config.current: Reading...
azurerm_resource_group.mgmt: Refreshing state... [id=/subscriptions//resourceGroups/]
data.azurerm_client_config.current: Read complete after 0s [id=2022-09-23 21:59:23.609348564 +0000 UTC]
azurerm_storage_account.state_storage: Refreshing state... [id=/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/***]

│ Error: alpha numeric characters only are allowed in "name": ""

│ with azurerm_container_registry.shared_acr,
│ on line 43, in resource "azurerm_container_registry" "shared_acr":
│ 43: name = var.acr_name

│ Error: "name" cannot be less than 5 characters: ""

│ with azurerm_container_registry.shared_acr,
│ on line 43, in resource "azurerm_container_registry" "shared_acr":
│ 43: name = var.acr_name

make: *** [/home/vscode/AzureTRE/Makefile:32: mgmt-deploy] Error 1
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

CICD fails at ACR Login on first attempt


(I appreciate this is a known issue, but I didn't find an Issue on GH for it.)

When deploying a new AzureTRE, the CICD pipeline fails reliably on ACR Login with the error below. A workaround is available by re-running the workflow, but it would be better if the root cause could be fixed.


Fix TODO update link

Describe the bug

TODO add link to main repo can be updated now

Steps to reproduce

  1. Got to main README
  2. Update the TODO add link to main repo

Unable to Register Shared Bundle using GitHub Actions

Using GitHub Actions post Deploy main / Deploy TRE
All Register Shared Bundles start, and all fail at the same place
As noted previously I have removed ACR_NAME from the Env Secrets as GitHub Actions uses the ACTIONS_ACR_NAME

Example 1
Deploy main / Register Shared Bundles (shared_service, ${AZURETRE_HOME}/templates/shared_services/firewall)
»»» 🔨 Azure details from logged on user
»»» • Subscription: Microsoft Azure Sponsorship
»»» • Tenant: ***

ERROR: argument --name/-n: expected one argument

Examples from AI knowledge base:
az acr login -n MyRegistry
Log in to an Azure Container Registry

az acr login -n MyRegistry --expose-token
Get an Azure Container Registry access token
Read more about the command in reference docs
make: *** [/home/vscode/AzureTRE/Makefile:245: bundle-register] Error 2
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

Example 2
Deploy main / Register Shared Bundles (shared_service, ${AZURETRE_HOME}/templates/shared_services/gitea)
»»» 🔨 Azure details from logged on user
»»» • Subscription: Microsoft Azure Sponsorship
»»» • Tenant: ***

ERROR: argument --name/-n: expected one argument

Examples from AI knowledge base:
az acr login -n MyRegistry
Log in to an Azure Container Registry

az acr login -n MyRegistry --expose-token
Get an Azure Container Registry access token
Read more about the command in reference docs
make: *** [/home/vscode/AzureTRE/Makefile:245: bundle-register] Error 2
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

Direct to main documentation


As a TRE Administrator
I want to have all the guidance docs in one place
So that I have everything centralized for me in one place

Upgrade to version 12

We are deploying TRE using via a pipeline and using this deployment template as our base.

The Upgrade instructions for our scenario suggests we update the OSS_VERSION variable in the .devcontainer only ?
But I notice that this template has been updated this morning to reflect version 12 changes / additions.

My question now then is, what is the upgrade process for this template ?
We have used the previous versions and added custom templates.
A simple pull from origin is needed?

Align with env files consolidation


As a AzureTRE-Deployment developer,
I would like to use the latest AzureTRE version and to be aligned with the new configuration

devcontainer build failure

I've tried to build the devcontainer locally and I get the following error

[276489 ms] Start: Run in container: /bin/sh -c .devcontainer/scripts/
find: ‘AzureTRE/devops/’: No such file or directory
[277020 ms] postCreateCommand failed with exit code 1. Skipping any further user-provided commands.

Just downloading the AzureTRE release seems to fix it.

Hardware: M1 Pro Mac
OS: MacOS 12.5.1

Many thanks for your help in advance.

Dev Container was not updated as part of v0.8.0 release

It looks like the dev container was not updated as part of the v0.8.0 release. given the upgrade to porter v1 the build of any Porter bundles will fail - for example the Firewall.

Workaround is to add the following lines into the dev container:

# can't be in a non default path
# ARG PORTER_HOME_V1=/home/$USERNAME/.porter-v1/
COPY .devcontainer/scripts/ /tmp/
    && /tmp/


and copy in the .devcontainer/scripts/ directory.

cc @LizaShak @tamirkamara

Duplicate of

The following pages and links are broken

Page -
Broken Link -
Description - 404

Page -
Issue - incomplete ToDo
Project structure and overview
//TODO: Add link here once the pr on the main repo is merged

Page -
Recommendation - changed the following text
In this repository there are 3 configuration files:

Terraform Error in

Following last PR update, issues have been introduced with the file in AzureTRE repository.

Log Output

Initializing the backend...

Successfully configured the backend "azurerm"! Terraform will automatically
use this backend unless the backend configuration changes.

Initializing provider plugins...

  • Finding hashicorp/azurerm versions matching "3.12.0"...
  • Using previously-installed hashicorp/azurerm v3.12.0

Terraform has been successfully initialized!
data.azurerm_client_config.current: Reading...
azurerm_resource_group.mgmt: Refreshing state... [id=/subscriptions//resourceGroups/]
data.azurerm_client_config.current: Read complete after 0s [id=2022-09-23 15:40:41.813769401 +0000 UTC]
azurerm_storage_account.state_storage: Refreshing state... [id=/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/]
azurerm_container_registry.shared_acr: Refreshing state... [id=/subscriptions/
azurerm_storage_container.porter_container: Refreshing state... [id=https://***]

│ Error: alpha numeric characters only are allowed in "name": ""

│ with azurerm_container_registry.shared_acr,
│ on line 43, in resource "azurerm_container_registry" "shared_acr":
│ 43: name = var.acr_name

│ Error: "name" cannot be less than 5 characters: ""

│ with azurerm_container_registry.shared_acr,
│ on line 43, in resource "azurerm_container_registry" "shared_acr":
│ 43: name = var.acr_name

make: *** [/home/vscode/AzureTRE/Makefile:32: mgmt-deploy] Error 1
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

VM and Private Endpoint failure during Deploy TRE Core

I've encountered this error while running Actions -> DeployTRE -> Deploy TRE Core

module.appgateway.azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting.agw: Creating...
module.appgateway.azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting.agw: Creation complete after 4s [id=/subscriptions//resourceGroups/rg-/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/agw-|diagnostics-agw-]

│ Error: waiting for creation of Windows Virtual Machine: (Name "vm-" / Resource Group "rg-"): Code="RetryableError" Message="A retryable error occurred."

│ with azurerm_windows_virtual_machine.jumpbox,
│ on line 27, in resource "azurerm_windows_virtual_machine" "jumpbox":
│ 27: resource "azurerm_windows_virtual_machine" "jumpbox" {

│ Error: waiting for creation of Private Endpoint "pe-ampls-" (Resource Group "rg-"): Code="InternalServerError" Message="An error occurred." Details=[]

│ with module.azure_monitor.azurerm_private_endpoint.azure_monitor_private_endpoint,
│ on azure-monitor/ line 82, in resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "azure_monitor_private_endpoint":
│ 82: resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "azure_monitor_private_endpoint" {

Script done, file is 1663699677-tre-core.log
Terraform Error
make: *** [/home/vscode/AzureTRE/Makefile:103: deploy-core] Error 1
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

config.yaml to github secrets

It would be nice to add a script to avoid manually create the GH secrets.

here is what I am using :

gh auth login
ghvar=$(cat ./config.yaml | grep ":" | grep -v -e '#' | grep -v -e ':$' | sed 's/ //g')
for fn in $ghvar; 
	parameter=$(echo $fn |cut -d ":" -f 1)
	value=$(echo $fn |cut -d ":" -f 2)
	gh secret set $parameter -b $value --repo $repo  --env $env

git and Release Documentation / examples missing

Documentation on git updates and Releases would improve the customer functionality of this repo. For instance there are 2 open pull requests against this repo today, as a customer I have to read in them what changed and then determine to the best of my ability if I need to sync and re-deploy to take advantage of those updates. The following documentation would help

Release notes
With each code update / PR a set of release notes should accompany the PR informing customers of the change and if those changes will affect deployment, operations, etc and if they should be deployed to the customer repo. If the customers should deploy the changes to their environment then please share code / or a script that should be run to deploy from their template repo to their environment (ensuring that deployment to the environment happens after the changes have been merged from the TRE-Deployment repository - see git Commands below).

git Commands
If the PR's being released to the TRE-Deployment updates should be replicated to the customers repo, then providing the git commands to add a git remote (the TRE-Deployment repo), create a branch from the TRE-Deployment remote repo and merge changes.

null Environment variable not checked.

started a Fresh CI/CD deployment but did not add new variables environment WORKSPACE_APP_SERVICE_PLAN_SKU.
Deployment proceeded until it failed because the SKU did not exist:

Error: creating Service Plan: (Serverfarm Name "plan-" / Resource Group "rg-"): web.AppServicePlansClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="BadRequest" Message="Requested features are not supported in region. Please try another region." Details=["Message":"Requested features are not supported in region. Please try another region.","Code":"BadRequest","ErrorEntity":"Code":"BadRequest","ExtendedCode":"59911","Message":"Requested features are not supported in region. Please try another region.","MessageTemplate":"Requested features are not supported in region. Please try another region.","Parameters":[]***]

It would be nice to check that mandatory env variables have at least a non-null value.

Authentication error

We have deployed TRE, but not able to authenticate API from swagger, getting below error

Auth ErrorError: response status is 401, error: invalid_client, description: AADSTS700025: Client is public so neither 'client_assertion' nor 'client_secret' should be presented. Trace ID: 493d8809-f97d-404a-8b85-4e64fac8ba00 Correlation ID: 93c27642-619f-44b4-8ea9-1a711aa1bc24 Timestamp: 2023-02-27 09:13:07Z

Please suggest solution for above error.

Upgrade to AzureTRE v0.10.0 release

As an AzureTRE administrator,
I want to upgrade to the latest version of AzureTRE e.g 0.10.0
so that I can take advantage of new features


I installed TRE today with ENABLE_SWAGGER to true
but i still got the error "Swagger is disabled. Set 'ENABLE_SWAGGER' to true in order to access Swagger." on /api/docs

How do I use additional env vars in the GitHub workflows?

The workflow files have a predefined set of secrets.

If I want to configure, API_APP_SERVICE_PLAN_SKU_SIZE, how should I do this?

I can edit the actions.yml file, but I don't want to diverge from this repo and ideally this should be read in from configuration so it can be changed.

Upgrade to AzureTRE v0.9.0 release

As an AzureTRE administrator,
I want to upgrade to the latest version of AzureTRE e.g 0.9.0
so that I can take advantage of new features

make bootstrap errors or on initial setup

Testing Deployment Repo

Certain make commands are necessary to initialize azure before the github actions will work

make bootstrap produces the following Terraform error

note: Tenant and Subscription ID's removed for privacy

@daemel ➜ /workspaces/AzureTRE-P3 (main) $ make bootstrap

»»» 🧩 Bootstrap Terraform...

║ Azure TRE Makefile ║

»»» ✅ Checking pre-reqs...

Checking for Azure CLI...

Loading local environment variables...
»»» 🔨 Azure details from logged on user
»»» • Subscription: Microsoft Azure Sponsorship
»»» • Tenant: ***

»»» 🤖 Creating resource group and storage account...
Location Name

northcentralus oss-mgmt36-rg
AccessTier AllowBlobPublicAccess CreationTime EnableHttpsTrafficOnly Kind Location MinimumTlsVersion Name PrimaryLocation ProvisioningState ResourceGroup StatusOfPrimary

Hot True 2022-09-28T15:47:03.514915+00:00 True StorageV2 northcentralus TLS1_0 tremgmt36 northcentralus Succeeded oss-mgmt36-rg available



»»» ✨ Terraform init...

Initializing the backend...

Successfully configured the backend "azurerm"! Terraform will automatically
use this backend unless the backend configuration changes.

Initializing provider plugins...

  • Finding hashicorp/azurerm versions matching "3.12.0"...
  • Installing hashicorp/azurerm v3.12.0...
  • Installed hashicorp/azurerm v3.12.0 (signed by HashiCorp)

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

»»» 📤 Importing resources to state...
No instance found for the given address!

This command requires that the address references one specific instance.
To view the available instances, use "terraform state list". Please modify
the address to reference a specific instance.

azurerm_resource_group.mgmt: Importing from ID "/subscriptions/
azurerm_resource_group.mgmt: Import prepared!
Prepared azurerm_resource_group for import
azurerm_resource_group.mgmt: Refreshing state... [id=/subscriptions/***/resourceGroups/oss-mgmt36-rg]

Import successful!

The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.

No instance found for the given address!

This command requires that the address references one specific instance.
To view the available instances, use "terraform state list". Please modify
the address to reference a specific instance.
azurerm_storage_account.state_storage: Importing from ID "/subscriptions//resourceGroups/oss-mgmt36-rg/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tremgmt36"...
azurerm_storage_account.state_storage: Import prepared!
Prepared azurerm_storage_account for import
azurerm_storage_account.state_storage: Refreshing state... [id=/subscriptions/

Import successful!

The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.

State imported
@daemel ➜ /workspaces/AzureTRE-P3 (main) $

Documentation update for Azure Deployment instructions

Would it be possible to have an Azure Deployment section in the file. Today for instance the contains the following

Congiguration Setup
The configuration files are required for the AzureTRE local deployment. Before setting up the configuration files make sure to follow the AzureTRE predeployment steps to setup and understand the required configuration.

It would help to have a section dedicated to Azure deployment rather than local deployment, ie something that points to along with a dedicated section for an Azure focused installation Issues / Problems when using GitHub Actions

Two issues occur when running thought GitHub actions.

1st Issue - can be resolved by adding ARM_TENANT_ID to the GitHub Env variables.
2nd Issue - can be resolve by adding the following to Env Secrets

MGMT_RESOURCE_GROUP = Management Reource Group Name
TF_STATE_CONTAINER = tfstate (container name)


  • Running bootstrap locally does work
  • Running bootstrap from the DevContainer (AzureTRE) will also work.
  • Running bootstrap via GitHub Actions will fail


Start with the TRE Pipelines page

Create Environment (github settings)

The following environment variables should be defined in your github environment:

Auth env vars -

Added to both GitHub Secrets and to templates/core/.env


Core and Devops env vars -

Added to both GitHub Secrets and to devops/.env


Start Codespaces from Repo / main

Login to Azure
az login --tenant <TENANT_ID> --use-device-code (uses MFA)

Run make bootstrap - everything is ok.

Run make bootstrap via GitHub Actions and script fails multiple ways.

1st Problem: docs are missing a reference to ARM_TENANT_ID that needs to be set in GitHub Secrets
Run docker run --rm --mount \

»»» 🧩 Bootstrap Terraform...

║ Azure TRE Makefile ║

»»» ✅ Checking pre-reqs...

Checking for Azure CLI...
ERROR: usage error: --service-principal --username NAME -*** --tenant TENANT
ERROR: The subscription of '***' doesn't exist in cloud 'AzureCloud'.
ERROR: Please run 'az login' to setup account.
ERROR: Please run 'az login' to setup account.
ERROR: Please run 'az login' to setup account.

»»» ⚠️ You are not logged in to Azure!
make: *** [/home/vscode/AzureTRE/Makefile:27: bootstrap] Error 1
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

2nd Problem:

»»» 🧩 Bootstrap Terraform...

║ Azure TRE Makefile ║

»»» ✅ Checking pre-reqs...

Checking for Azure CLI...

»»» 🔨 Azure details from logged on user
»»» • Subscription: Microsoft Azure Sponsorship
»»» • Tenant: ***

»»» 🤖 Creating resource group and storage account...
ERROR: (None) No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI '***/resourcegroups/?api-version=2021-04-01'.
Code: None
Message: No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI '***/resourcegroups/?api-version=2021-04-01'.
make: *** [/home/vscode/AzureTRE/Makefile:27: bootstrap] Error 3
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.


Error: unable to pull bundle before installation\uninstall\upgrade


Can anyone help. I have ran the 'make bundle-build\publish\register' on a workspace_service bundle. It registered with API. When I clicked on it to create a new Workspace Service I get the below error

Resource Id
: 583446c7-5081-44ba-8b20-22bd0b32fabd
Resource Path
: /workspaces/a3384f46-c377-44d8-95f8-de5d5d01a7c7/workspace-services/583446c7-5081-44ba-8b20-22bd0b32fabd
Resource Version
: 0
: deployment_failed
: install
: 583446c7-5081-44ba-8b20-22bd0b32fabd: Error context message = Error: unable to pull bundle before installation: unable to pull bundle error reading porter.yaml for error unmarshaling custom action schemaVersion: yaml: unmarshal errors: line 1: cannot unmarshal !!str 1.0.0 into manifest.Steps az login --identity -u 7500626c-b78a-49c5-bd19-2e9a47807d08 && az acr login --name trect07acr && porter install "583446c7-5081-44ba-8b20-22bd0b32fabd" --reference --allow-docker-host-access --force --cred ./vmss_porter/arm_auth_local_debugging.json --cred ./vmss_porter/aad_auth.json

my Porter.yaml looks like this

schemaVersion: 1.0.0
name: tre-workspace-service-psstorage
version: 0.1.1
description: "A storage account workspace service"
dockerfile: Dockerfile.tmpl
registry: azuretre

Deployment Problems with Makefile

Receiving the following error during GitHub Action based deployments.

»»» 🤖 Creating resource group and storage account...
ERROR: (None) No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI '***/resourcegroups/?api-version=2021-04-01'.
Code: None
Message: No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI '***/resourcegroups/?api-version=2021-04-01'.
make: *** [/home/vscode/AzureTRE/Makefile:27: bootstrap] Error 3
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Use AzureTRE-Deployment as a template
  2. Store Env variables
  3. Manually trigger Deploy TRE workflow

Bug in Register Shared Bundle - Deploy Main Github CI/CD

Running Deploy Azure TRE workflow fails when creating sonatype-nexus-vm bundle.
All remaining bundles and workspace shared services were sucessful.

/bin/bash: line 4: cd: ה/templates/shared_services/sonatype-nexus-vm/: No such file or directory make: *** [/home/vscode/AzureTRE/Makefile:223: bundle-check-params-remote] Error 1 Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

The following modification were made to the deploy_tre_reusable.yml file for our deployment:


az acr login issue

When deploying TRE, if an ACR is being created for the first time, the sleep time is not sufficient to wait until the ACR is fully created and ready for login.

for i in ***1..3***; do az acr login --name "***" && ec=0 && break || ec=\$? && sleep 10 done Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.