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mrhmilsimtools's Issues

Some Suggestions

Great toolset!
Using only HeliTaxi (which depends on MRHEnhandcedMap and MRHMarkers unfortunately,else it throws errors) for now on my KP Liberation Server, but will look into the rest as well.


  • Do not add the CBA Settings for not loaded pbo's in the CoreModule. This is very confusing, if you only use a subset and have options for not loaded stuff. Instead have every module propagate it's settings itself (or at least check if the pbo is loaded eg CAS). Else you do not need diffrent pbo if everything is hardwired in the core anyway and they depend on each other.


  • Add an option to the HeliTaxi to select the flight height
  • Add an option to the HeliTaxi to "Hover at Destination" instead of landing and throwing the passengers out, so you can rappel etc.
  • Add an option to HeliTaxi to "Stay at LZ (Engine on)" , "Stay at LZ (Engine off)" so you can comeback later jump in again and fly on, instead of calling a new taxi. eg. if you just want to pick someone up or grab a quick intel (aLive has this and it's a great feature imho).
  • Add a possibility to the set the HomeBase of the Heli instead of a random point. E.g.: if there is a Marker "MRHHeliTaxi_Base" then it will start and end there.
  • Add an Ace3-Command "Return to Base". (useful for the hover and stay options ;) )

(can help with implementations if needed/wanted)

In case you want it here's the errors when using HeliTaxi without MRHMarkers and MRHEnhancedMap:
The HeliTaxi works basically, but when the "Select Destination" Map is opened following errors occur (Error Box): Error in expression < openMap [true,true]; [] spawn MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_EnhancedMap_temporar> 20:59:05 Error position: <MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_EnhancedMap_temporar> 20:59:05 Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: mrh_fnc_milsimtools_enhancedmap_temporarymap 20:59:05 File \MRHHeliTaxi\Functions\fn_MilsimTools_HeliTaxi_HeliTaxiCall.sqf [MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_HeliTaxi_HeliTaxiCall], line 72
and then log is spammed with
No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.MRH_Heli'
No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.MRH_waypoint'
The taxi works, but you cannot see the route on the map which is really confusing when trying to set a route to the LZ, avoiding enemy sectors.

Heli Taxi Wont Take-off

Arma 3 Version: 1.92.145639 stable
CBA Version: 3.12.0 (stable / dev + commit hash)
ACE3 Version: latestx (stable / rc / dev)
Milsim Tools Version: latest (stable / rc / dev)



ACE Compat - RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation | Steam | 
ACE Compat - RHS United States Armed Forces | Steam | 
Advanced Rappelling
Advanced Sling Loading
Advanced Towing 
Advanced Urban Rappelling
Blastcore Edited (standalone version) | Steam | 
DynaSound 2 
Enhanced Movement 
Enhanced Soundscape
F-15 Eagle 
FA-18 Super Hornet
FIR AWS(AirWeaponSystem)

using kp liberation, only using heli taxi module, heli comes in, lands, but doen not take off to set destination, if we eject, the cancel taxi works fine

Steps to reproduce:

  • Add the steps needed to reproduce the issue.

Where did the issue occur?

  • Dedicated - Editor (Multiplayer)
    NO SUPPORT FOR SP, please make sure that you are using the mod in MP even when testing in the editor.
    please make sure that you are using latest version especially if you use a repacked version or armasync version.
    Though repacking and redistributing this mod is allowed without asking for my explicit consent,
    I will offer support only for the original version distributed on the steam workshop.

RPT log file:

Game slow down (occasional crash) on startup with multiple faction mods; conflict with MRHVehicleSpawner

@MisterHLunaticwraith , thank you for your response here in GitHub to my original issue report and for your thoughtful messages in the Bohemia Interactive Forums. On behalf of the entire Praetorian Security Operations team, I thank you for your excellent work, for your open licensing (note: we conspicuously give credit to you and the MRHMilsimTools team basically everywhere possible), and for your laudable responsiveness as a developer.

Here is the (far) more specific issue report that I promised you -- i.e. the report that I should have submitted originally. I closed the last issue entirely, since I do not want anyone to stumble across it while reading about your mod and think that something is fundamentally broken. As a whole, MRHMilsimTools is stable. I hope that this new report will help us work together to solve the problem.

Arma 3 Version: 1.94 (stable)
CBA Version: 3.12.1 (stable)
ACE3 Version: 3.12.6 (stable)
Milsim Tools Version: 1.17.3 (stable)

Mods: A large additional mod pack with many factions (the number of factions seems to be what matters)
Specifically, we tested with all RHS, Project OPFOR, & BAF mods, plus a few custom unit-specific Alive-based factions.

Description: At game startup, as various.rpt logs from players who have had this problem show, MRHVehicleSpawner hangs while going through its faction checklist, causing a 1-3 minute delay (frozen menu before being able to play as normal) for a minority of players and a possible game crash for a small minority.

Steps to reproduce: Launch Arma 3 with MRHMilsimTools and a large number of mods that create a long list of custom factions.

Sample .rpt log (pastebin)
Note: This particular player has other Arma 3 stability-related errors (DX11, memory, etc.). Ignore those and focus on the "MRH spawner" checklist, which is near the end of the log.

Temporary workaround that helped with diagnosis: Remove the addon MRHVehicleSpawner entirely. No slow down on start. The rest of MRHMilsimTools works as intended. We found this workaround by trial and error. Players who experience the hang at start with the full MRHMilsimTools mod no longer experience any slow down whatsoever once MRHVehicleSpawner has been removed.

Script version of some features needed!

**Arma 3 Version: Latest
**CBA Version: Latest
**ACE3 Version: Latest
**Milsim Tools Version: Latest


- CBA_A3
- ACE3
-MRH Milsim Tools


  • Not an issue but a request. Right now there is no scripted version of any kind of PDA system for Arma 3. MRHMilsimTools offers features that so many mission makers need and so many players want yet limits its own market and scope by requiring both ACE 3 and a Mod download. Of course given the amount of features it offers a mod version is more than justified but please consider releasing some of its more attractive and sought out features such a the PDA and the Satellite system as stand alone small scripts. Also adding a few more buttons for executing custom code would be awesome to have on the PDA tabs. Thanks

Steps to reproduce:

  • None. Mod works great we just need a modular script version of some of its core features.

Where did the issue occur?

  • Self-Hosted Multiplayer / Editor (Multiplayer)

No entry 'bin\config/CfgWeapons/EventHandlers.scope'. Game crash.

Arma 3 Version: 1.94 (stable)
CBA Version: 3.12.1 (stable)
ACE3 Version: 3.12.6 (stable)
Milsim Tools Version: 1.17.2 (stable)


- CBA_A3
- ACE3
-MRH Milsim Tools


  • On game launch, MRH Milsim Tools causes the error message "No entry 'bin\config/CfgWeapons/EventHandlers.scope'." For a minority of players, clicking "close" causes the game to crash.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Launch Arma 3 from the Arma 3 Launcher with MRH Milsim Tools.

The issue does not cause a crash for me; it is only a minority of players for whom this issue causes a crash. The same error message appears in the latest update (1.17.2) as was present in the previous version (1.17.1).

Question regarding the vehicle spawner

Is it possible to force it to spawn its vehicles at altitude, I have it hooked up to an invis helipad, however it always spawns it on the surface of the map instead of on the platform I want it to spawn on.

Biometrics returning False; door still opening.

Arma 3 Version: 1.94 (stable / rc / dev)
CBA Version: 3.12.2 (stable / dev + commit hash)
ACE3 Version: 3.12.6 (stable / rc / dev)
Milsim Tools Version: 1.17.5 (stable / rc / dev)


- CBA_A3
- ACE3
- MRH Milsim Tools


  • When condition set to true, and using getUnitTrait to return false, door opens.

Steps to reproduce:

  • on a unit, set this setUnitTrait["testunit",true,true]; now in the bio metrics panel, run _player getUnitTrait "testunit"; on menu/eyescanner/handscanner while ensuring condition is true. Confirm this returns false by adding:
if (_player getUnitTrait "testunit") then {
 diag_log "Player apart of testunit: TRUE!"
} else {
 diag_log "Player apart of testunit: FALSE!"

Where did the issue occur?

  • Dedicated / Self-Hosted Multiplayer / Editor (Multiplayer)

RPT log file:

18:27:54 [CBA] (events) WARNING: Usage of deprecated CBA_fnc_addLocalEventHandler backwards_comp.sqf:76
18:28:10 OPC DATA [2,"76561198079109911","Trap",false,2]
18:28:10 "1"
18:28:10 "MRHMilsimTools Init Player Variables- no role defined for unit: test2 "
18:28:10 "MRH_MilsimToolsCore Player Connected EH Fired"
18:28:10  Mission id: 96c3b051a63c5b0fd37b12e26ca3f39a297bdb15
18:28:10 "MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_InitPlayerLocal: 23/9/2019 at 00:13:50:58 - Player initialized InitPlayerLocal starting -Locality: Hosted by: Trap ID:2"
18:28:10 "MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_InitPlayerLocal: 23/9/2019 at 00:13:50:58 - Player initialized InitPlayerLocal Done -Locality: Hosted by: Trap ID:2"
18:28:10 "MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_cbaEventHandlersPlayer: 23/9/2019 at 00:13:50:58 - Player CBA Even tHandlers Added -Locality: Hosted by: Trap ID:2"
18:28:10 "MRH_MilsimTools_UnknownFunction :23/9/2019 at 00:13:50:58 - EnhancedMap Xeh: Handlers added  -Locality: Hosted by: Trap ID:2"
18:28:11 "MRH_MilsimTools_Core Func GenAliveAndDead Called"
18:28:11 "MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_MiscItems_bioScannerInit: 23/9/2019 at 00:13:51:52 - Bioscanner 170f9ef3580# 7: mrh_bioscanner.p3d lock  engaged for building prae door 1 -Locality: Hosted by: Trap ID:2"
18:28:11 "MRH_MilsimTools_UnknownFunction :23/9/2019 at 00:13:51:54 - MRH BioScanner ace action added to 170f9ef3580# 7: mrh_bioscanner.p3d, action name MRH_Scanner_handScan, action [""MRH_Scanner_handScan"",""Scan hand"","""",{
_this spawn {

(_this select 2) params [""_scanner"",""_code"",""_part""]; 
_code = ""params ['_scanner','_player'];"" + _code;
if (_part == ""hand"") then 
playSound3D [""MRHMiscItems\Sounds\scanSound.ogg"", _scanner];
_videohand = [_scanner,""\MRHMiscItems\Videos\handScanHandScreen.ogv"",1] spawn MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_playVideoOnObject;
waitUntil {scriptDone _videohand};
playSound3D [""MRHMiscItems\Sounds\computerInterface.ogg"", _scanner];
_videoMain = [_scanner,""\MRHMiscItems\Videos\handScanMainScreen.ogv"",0] spawn MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_playVideoOnObject;
waitUntil {scriptDone _videoMain};
[_scanner,player,_code,_part] call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_MiscItems_processCode;
_scanner setVariable [""MRH_playerHasScannedHand"",true];
if (_part == ""main"") then 
playSound3D [""MRHMisc
18:28:11 "MRH_MilsimTools_UnknownFunction :23/9/2019 at 00:13:51:54 - MRH BioScanner ace action added to 170f9ef3580# 7: mrh_bioscanner.p3d, action name MRH_Scanner_EyeScanner, action [""MRH_Scanner_EyeScanner"",""Scan eyes"","""",{
_this spawn {

(_this select 2) params [""_scanner"",""_code"",""_part""]; 
_code = ""params ['_scanner','_player'];"" + _code;
if (_part == ""hand"") then 
playSound3D [""MRHMiscItems\Sounds\scanSound.ogg"", _scanner];
_videohand = [_scanner,""\MRHMiscItems\Videos\handScanHandScreen.ogv"",1] spawn MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_playVideoOnObject;
waitUntil {scriptDone _videohand};
playSound3D [""MRHMiscItems\Sounds\computerInterface.ogg"", _scanner];
_videoMain = [_scanner,""\MRHMiscItems\Videos\handScanMainScreen.ogv"",0] spawn MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_playVideoOnObject;
waitUntil {scriptDone _videoMain};
[_scanner,player,_code,_part] call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_MiscItems_processCode;
_scanner setVariable [""MRH_playerHasScannedHand"",true];
if (_part == ""main"") then 
playSound3D [""MRH
18:28:11 "MRH_MilsimTools_UnknownFunction :23/9/2019 at 00:13:51:54 - MRH BioScanner ace action added to 170f9ef3580# 7: mrh_bioscanner.p3d, action name MRH_Scanner_MainScreenAction, action [""MRH_Scanner_MainScreenAction"",""Touch screen"","""",{
_this spawn {

(_this select 2) params [""_scanner"",""_code"",""_part""]; 
_code = ""params ['_scanner','_player'];"" + _code;
if (_part == ""hand"") then 
playSound3D [""MRHMiscItems\Sounds\scanSound.ogg"", _scanner];
_videohand = [_scanner,""\MRHMiscItems\Videos\handScanHandScreen.ogv"",1] spawn MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_playVideoOnObject;
waitUntil {scriptDone _videohand};
playSound3D [""MRHMiscItems\Sounds\computerInterface.ogg"", _scanner];
_videoMain = [_scanner,""\MRHMiscItems\Videos\handScanMainScreen.ogv"",0] spawn MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_playVideoOnObject;
waitUntil {scriptDone _videoMain};
[_scanner,player,_code,_part] call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_MiscItems_processCode;
_scanner setVariable [""MRH_playerHasScannedHand"",true];
if (_part == ""main"") then 
18:28:15 ["TFAR_SendRadioRequest",["ItemRadio"],0.017,5.03]
18:28:15 "TFAR_RadioRequestEvent [[""ItemRadio""],test2] 1639.3"
18:28:15 "Send TFAR_RadioRequestResponseEvent [1] 1639.3"
18:28:15 ["TFAR_ReceiveRadioRequestResponse",[1]]
18:28:25 "FALSE!!!!!!!"
18:28:26 "FALSE!!!!!!!"
18:28:37 "FALSE!!!!!!!"
18:28:52 "FALSE!!!!!!!"
18:28:57 "FALSE!!!!!!!"

These lines are as a result of an IF statement in the init of the biometric scanner to detect if the unit has the trait:

18:28:25 "FALSE!!!!!!!"
18:28:26 "FALSE!!!!!!!"
18:28:37 "FALSE!!!!!!!"
18:28:52 "FALSE!!!!!!!"
18:28:57 "FALSE!!!!!!!"


Sorry another request rather than a error.....

I was wondering if you could change the code to give the player who commanded the heli to take off via a action or interaction.

I have found that i have to AI to disembark before touching down in order to get them out. If you try after it has landed and you have already been kicked out of the heli, they reply with negative and the heli takes off with them still in.

Another scenario would be that you call the heli, you have yourself and a AI squad plus one more player who is a sniper. You set a LZ of one location (waypoint) and the final LZ on a hill for the sniper. So you land and get out. Tell your Ai to get out and then interact with the heli to continue to next WP (or return to base). That way everyone would get dropped off where they wanted and the player has full control of the heli.

Been looking for a good helitaxi script for ages and so far this works really well apart from the landing part.

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