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mqttkit's Issues

App crash when network lost


I found that app will crash every time when network lost or unstable.

The log trace at this line in file net_mosq.c:

297:rc = connect(*sock, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen);

Full Crash log is here,hope you guys can help:

Thread 0:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x3956c148 connect + 8
1 EwChat 0x00157fcc _mosquitto_try_connect (net_mosq.c:305)
2 EwChat 0x00158178 _mosquitto_socket_connect (net_mosq.c:354)
3 EwChat 0x00156de0 _mosquitto_reconnect (mosquitto.c:513)
4 EwChat 0x00156ba8 mosquitto_connect_bind (mosquitto.c:439)
5 EwChat 0x00156b4a mosquitto_connect (mosquitto.c:426)
6 EwChat 0x001544f4 -MQTTClient connectWithCompletionHandler:
7 EwChat 0x001546ca -MQTTClient connectToHost:completionHandler:
8 EwChat 0x0005035a -MqttService doConnect
+ 10
10 CoreFoundation 0x2e757da4 _CFXNotificationPost + 1716
11 Foundation 0x2f142cc0 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
12 Foundation 0x2f1475c2 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:] + 26
13 EwChat 0x000978fc -EwChatAppDelegate applicationWillEnterForeground:
14 UIKit 0x312b243e -[UIApplication _sendWillEnterForegroundCallbacks] + 90
15 UIKit 0x31257964 -[UIApplication _handleApplicationResumeEvent:] + 1144
16 UIKit 0x3105660e -[UIApplication handleEvent:withNewEvent:] + 1878
17 UIKit 0x31055df4 -[UIApplication sendEvent:] + 68
18 UIKit 0x310ba400 _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 612
19 GraphicsServices 0x336c3b52 _PurpleEventCallback + 606
20 GraphicsServices 0x336c373a PurpleEventCallback + 30
22 CoreFoundation 0x2e7ec7de __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 342
23 CoreFoundation 0x2e7eafaa __CFRunLoopRun + 1402
24 CoreFoundation 0x2e755764 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
25 CoreFoundation 0x2e755546 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
26 GraphicsServices 0x336c26ce GSEventRunModal + 134
27 UIKit 0x310b488c UIApplicationMain + 1132
28 EwChat 0x000a17c0 main (main.m:18)
29 libdyld.dylib 0x394b6ab4 start + 0

Using Invalid Versioning numbers causes rejection when submitting to app store


I was trying to submit to the app store via Xcode organizer and it kept stating that I had an invalid CFBundleShortVersion number (0.1.0-next). After investigating the issue (considering my project version and build was 1.3.2 build 1) I noticed that you guys use an invalid versioning system (invalid in the eyes of apple).

This doesn't affect anything except when uploading to the app store. More like an FYI

If anyone else is having this issue, simply navigate to the Pods project, select the MQTT target and change the version number from 0.1.0-next to 0.1.0 or whatever arbitrary number you want so long as it's valid in Apple's eyes.

Acting as VoIP service in background

A way to let MQTT work in background can be to set it up as VoIP service with this settings:

  1. Enable the Voice over IP background mode for your app. (Because VoIP apps involve audio content, it is recommended that you also enable the Audio and AirPlay background mode.) You enable background modes in the Capabilities tab of your Xcode project.
  2. Configure one of the app’s sockets for VoIP usage.
  3. Before moving to the background, call the setKeepAliveTimeout:handler: method to install a handler to be executed periodically. Your app can use this handler to maintain its service connection.

But libmosquitto uses socket() from socket.h to create the socket and not one of the following:

Configuring stream interfaces for VoIP usage

  • NSInputStream and NSOutputStream
    For Cocoa streams, use the setProperty:forKey: method to add the NSStreamNetworkServiceType property to the stream. The value of this property should be set to NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP.
  • NSURLRequest
    When using the URL loading system, use the setNetworkServiceType: method of your NSMutableURLRequest object to set the network service type of the request. The service type should be set to NSURLNetworkServiceTypeVoIP.
  • CFReadStreamRef and CFWriteStreamRef
    For Core Foundation streams, use the CFReadStreamSetProperty or CFWriteStreamSetProperty function to add the kCFStreamNetworkServiceType property to the stream. The value for this property should be set to kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP.

Is it possible in any way to set the kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP type in socket as for CFReadStreamRef?

Unable to retain session when a new client is initialized with same client id

Currently a session is not retained when an MQTTClient object is reinitialized with the same client id and then connected to the broker. So for example, if I terminate my app, the session bound to the client object gets destroyed and I will no longer receive any offline messages.

Is there any workaround for this ?

Unable to load a podspec from `MQTTKit.podspec`

It seems to be a problem with a pod spec when using cocoa pods 1.0.0.
Here is my pod file:

source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'MQTTDemo' do
    pod 'MQTTKit', :git => ''


pod install
Analysing dependencies
Pre-downloading: `MQTTKit` from ``
[!] Unable to find a specification for 'MQTTKit'.
[!] Unable to load a podspec from `MQTTKit.podspec`, skipping:

clientId character length, is it maximum 23?

@jmesnil, I have looked over the source code of this lib and I can see that you don't explicitly limit the length of the clientId. But in the mosquitto lib, it is limited to a 23 bit length.

Is there a reason why it is limited? Because with your lib I use a UUID for the clientId and it does not seem to complain, but with the other lib I cannot use a UUID. I'm just curious what is actually happening, does the C lib do the shorten string if it is to long or what is actually happening? The only reason I ask is because I want to be consistent with the client ids on both sides (the server and the iOS client).

Disconnection not detected properly

I tried to display the MQTT client status, by showing the value of "connected" Boolean.
What I notice when I close any network connection, the MQTTKit does not detect the connection interruption (I tried to close wifi, and I was observing "connected" bool changes).
I think some reachability checking code can be added to enhence the connection loss detection.

(If I play the same scenario with MQTTClient framework, it detect that MQTT connection is lost.)

Not Receiving Offline Messages on Reconnect

Messages sent through when my app is connected come through fine. Messages sent when the recipient is disconnected send fine but when the recipient later connects I don't receive any of the offline messages. I'm using the app with an Android counterpart and this receives my offline messages fine so the sending doesn't seem to be where the issue lies. I'm connecting with clean session set to false and have tried subscribing again as well as just connecting without resubscribing. Any ideas what the problem could be?

error: Invalid MQTT message type: 11 when trying to publish message

I am using apollo broker and libmosquitto C library to connect with the broker. Whenever I try to publish any message to the broker, the following error message is recorded in logs in my brokers home directory.
Following is the code snippet that i have been using

void on_publish(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *userdata, int mid)
log_print("mqtt",1,"Inside publish callback");

int sendData_mqtt(char *address, char *port,char *url,char *data) {
int err;
char *clean_session = "true";
char *retain_flag = "true";
int port1 = atoi(port);
struct mosquitto *mosq;

mosq = mosquitto_new("Mqtt", clean_session, NULL);
mosquitto_publish_callback_set(mosq, on_publish);

err=mosquitto_connect(mosq, address, port1,60);

if(err != 0 ){
    log_print("mqtt",1,"connect error= %s\n",mosquitto_strerror(err));
    return -1;

mosquitto_publish(mosq, NULL, "Mqtt", strlen(data), data, 1, retain_flag);

mosquitto_loop_forever(mosq, -1, 1);
return 0;   


The weird thing is when i use the above program independently, it works fine but currently some other function in some other file is calling senddata_mqtt and in that case it throws the error which I stated above. Please help me know what is going on here.

do not set connected before the connection is established with the server

May I ask why is the self.connected set to YES when the method connectWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(MQTTConnectionReturnCode code))completionHandler; is called on line 212 in MQTTKit.m?

I would expect that to only be set to true or false when a connection is made with the server or closed, not before is opened as it happens in this case. Or is that intended behaviour?

Anyway, great work and very useful 👍

mid is always 0!

Why is the MessageTandler callback in the MQTTMessage object's mid is always 0

Swift issues

Hi, I'm trying to use the library in a swift project via cocoa pods. I created a bridging header and added "#import <MQTTKit.h>". It fails to build giving messages like these:

../Pods/Headers/MQTTKit/MQTTKit.h:10: unknown type name 'NSUInteger'
..Pods/Headers/MQTTKit/MQTTKit.h:27: cannot find interface declaration for 'NSObject', superclass of 'MQTTMessage'
I'm using other cocoa pods libs+swift in other projects and its fine.

can someone confirm? Any ideas for a work around?


MQTT 3.1.1

wish you can update MQTT3.1 to MQTT3.1.1. it,s help me a lot.

Error while trying to connect with more than one client

I've been testing the TLS_support branch for a few days now, and it seems to work fine.

There seems to be an issue, however, when I try and connect more and one client via SSL. This how I connect:

-(void)loadClient {
    NSString *clientId = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Client-1"];
    NSString *topic = @"r/hello";
    MQTTClient *client = [[MQTTClient alloc]initWithClientId:clientId];
    [client setHost:@"123.456.789.0"];
    [client setPort:8883];
    [client setUsername:@"<username>"];
    [client setPassword:@"<pass>"];
    [client setCafile:[[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:@"ca" ofType:@"crt"]];

    [client connectWithCompletionHandler:^(MQTTConnectionReturnCode code) {
        if (code == ConnectionAccepted) {
            NSLog(@"connection accepted");
            [client subscribe:topic withQos:AtLeastOnce completionHandler:^(NSArray *grantedQos) {

However, I get the following error:

0x10a551f89:  movdqu 0x30(%r9), %xmm3                              EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=2)

I've had no luck debugging this.

When the timeout to reconnect, prompts the clientid is connected, return to the state of “ConnectionRefusedIdentiferRejected”

When the timeout to reconnect, prompts the clientid is connected, return to the state of “ConnectionRefusedIdentiferRejected”
My code is as follows

self.client = [[MQTTClient alloc] initWithClientId:clientID cleanSession:YES];

[self.client connectToHost:kMQTTServerHost completionHandler:^(MQTTConnectionReturnCode code) { SYLog(@"client is connected with id %@", clientID);

        if (code == ConnectionAccepted) {
            SYLog(@"did connect...");
            // The client is connected when this completion handler is called
            SYLog(@"client is connected with id %@", clientID);
            // Subscribe to the topic
            [weakself.client subscribe:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_%@", kTopic, usercount.enterprise_code] withCompletionHandler:^(NSArray *grantedQos) {
                // The client is effectively subscribed to the topic when this completion handler is called
                SYLog(@"subscribed to topic %@", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_%@", kTopic, usercount.enterprise_code]);
                BOOL res = [weakself.client enableBackgrounding];
                if (!res) {
                    SYLog(@"Failed to enable background socket...");


        } else {
            SYLog(@"Failed to connect to server...");

[application setKeepAliveTimeout:600 handler:^{
    SYLog(@"timeout handler activited...");
        [weakself.client reconnect];

KeepLive PingReq Packet send wrong

In the time_mosq.c file ,line 88 , You should change "sec = (ticks/1000000000)(tb.numer/tb.denom);" to "sec = (ticks(tb.numer/tb.denom)/1000000000);"
Otherwise , when you set keepLive to 5 second ,MQTTKit keep reconnected to server

Problems on reconnecting when manually disconnected before


is it possible that the call for mosquitto_loop_forever(mosq, -1, 1); is missing in (void) reconnect?
If the client has a connection and you disconnect from it manually you could try to reconnect using the same client. But this wont work unless you add the call formosquitto_loop_forever(mosq, -1, 1);`.

Please see what I mean.
In MQTTKit.m change from:

- (void) reconnect {


- (void) reconnect {

    dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
        LogDebug(@"start mosquitto loop on %@", self.queue);
        mosquitto_loop_forever(mosq, -1, 1);
        LogDebug(@"end mosquitto loop on %@", self.queue);

With this change the client gets messages again and everything seems to work just fine again. Or am I missing some details?

Not able to Set Message Handler

I am trying to use the MQTTKit framework in my Swift project. I was able to connect to my server and subscribe to a topic using the: "connectToHost:(NSString*)host completionHandler:" and "subscribe(NSString *)topic withCompletionHandler:" methods respectively; however, I was not able to
set a message handler as explained in the github doc here:

Basically I don't see the "setMessageHandler:" method in the library.


Compatibility with AppleTV OS

Dear All,

I have tried to include this library to an Apple TV project and got the following message:

Target 'Pods-TVApp' of project 'Pods' was rejected as an implicit dependency for 'libPods-TVApp.a' because it doesn't contain platform 'appletvsimulator' in its SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS 'iphonesimulator, iphoneos'

And I get this too:
ld: library not found for -lMQTTKit

This is my pod file:

 # platform :ios, '6.0'
 pod 'MQTTKit', :git => ''

 target 'iPhoneAppTest' do

 target 'TVApp’ do
 pod 'MQTTKit', :git => ''

Any suggestion?

MQTT disconnect when the screen is locked

I have given the mqtt client a unique clientId, and the client connect to my sever successfully.After setting up the messageHandler, I can receive message from others..However, when I lock the screen, the client disconnect. And the messageHandler is invalid, so I can't received the offline message.. I have noticed that the MQTT Client have a property keepAlive, but it doesn't work for me..Any idea?

data encoding/decoding on the server looks weird

I can see that both publishString and publishData publish NSData to the MQTT server. I have a small issue, I'm not sure if it is related to this lib though.

I'm using mosquitto in ruby, but when I subscribe and read the message it looks very funny, I almost cannot identify anything from what I actually publish:



                        WNS.keys���   �

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Is there anything I can do on the iOS end? Or is it on the other end where I read the data?

Can't create Message Handler in Swift...

I too am trying to use the MQTTKit in a Swift application. Your example show this Obj-C code to create a message handler:

// define the handler that will be called when MQTT messages are received by the client
[self.client setMessageHandler:^(MQTTMessage *message) {
NSString *text = [message.payloadString];
NSLog(@"received message %@", text);

I've attempted to translate it into the following Swift code:

self.client.messageHandler = { (message: MQTTMessage) -> Void in
// Do something here

but I get a compile error say that I can't assign a value of type (MQTTMessage) -> void to a value of MQTTMessageHandler. How do I resolve this issue?

MQTTExample not working ...

I tried to see the MQTTExample in action. It is not working for me

The code for connecting to client

[self.client connectToHost:@""
completionHandler:^(MQTTConnectionReturnCode code) {
if (code == ConnectionAccepted) {
// when the client is connected, subscribe to the topic to receive message.
[self.client subscribe:@"/MQTTKit/example"

never gets a callback to the completion handler, so it does not go inside if / else (if i write one).

Any ideas what might be wrong or anything which i am missing.

remove publish handlers on disconnect seems not making sense if qos > 0

static void on_disconnect(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *obj, int rc)
    MQTTClient* client = (__bridge MQTTClient*)obj;
    LogDebug(@"[%@] on_disconnect rc = %d", client.clientID, rc);
    [client.publishHandlers removeAllObjects];
    [client.subscriptionHandlers removeAllObjects];
    [client.unsubscriptionHandlers removeAllObjects];
    client.connected = NO;
    if (client.disconnectionHandler) {

Inside on_disconnect method, remove all the callbacks including publishHandlers, subscriptionHandlers, and unsubscriptionHandlers.
If the publish qos is AtLeastOnce or ExactlyOnce, remove the publishHandlers on disconnect seems not making sense.

Add WITH_THREADING define to libmosquitto compilation

libmosquitto needs to be compiled with


otherwise the pthread mutexes get stubbed out and there is a race condition between the mosquitto_loop_forever thread and the thread where you send new packets...
(Hope i didn't overlook it's already fixed...)

ssl support

Does the Objective-C implementation of the mosquito lib support TLS connections?

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