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Comparative Genomic Analysis Workflow

Megan Barkdull

1. Introduction

This repository hosts the workflow for a comparative genomics analysis. The general overview is:

Currently, all of the steps of the workflow are found in AntComparativeGenomicsScript.txt. Please note that this is very much a work in progress!

For the step where you must convert the outputs of OrthoFinder to be inputs for RERConverge, please see the Comparative Genomics repository

2. Getting input files:

You can download sequence files from any source, as needed by your project. For this workflow, you will need:

  1. Transcript files that contain gene names followed by the nucleotide sequence for the gene.
  2. Protein sequence files that contain gene names followed by the amino acid sequence for the protein.

You can download them by opening a Bash shell and using wget or a similar command like curl. For example, to download the Nasonia vitripennis transcript and protein sequence files:


Then be sure to unzip the files:

gunzip *.fa.gz

It may also be a good idea at this point to give all of the downloaded input files logical and consistent names; for example species1_proteinsequence.fa and species1_transcript.fa.

Ensuring Consistency in Gene Names:

When Ben Rubin’s pipeline is converting OrthoFinder outputs to RERconverge inputs, it will be crucial that the nucleotide sequence files and the amino acid sequence files contain the exact same gene names- and this probably will not be the case in the raw, downloaded files.

To deal with this issue, you can just translate the transcript files to amino acids yourself, and then use those translated files as the input for Orthofinder. To do this, we will use the script


To use this script, your working directory needs to contain:

  • All of the downloaded transcript files, in .fasta format
  • The script
  • a parameters .txt file that specifies the path to all of transcript files that you want to translate

Then simply run the script with the command:

python ./ ParametersFile.txt

This should produce translated versions of each transcript file, with the file suffix “translated.fasta”. You will want to use these for input to RERconverge.

3. Identifying orthologous genes with Orthofinder:

Orthofinder is a tool that infers groups of orthologous genes using gene trees. David Emms has a great tutorial to walk you through using Orthofinder; my workflow is described below.

Citing Orthofinder

Please be sure to cite the tools you use!

  • OrthoFinder’s orthogroup and ortholog inference are described here:
    • Emms, D.M., Kelly, S. OrthoFinder: solving fundamental biases in whole genome comparisons dramatically improves orthogroup inference accuracy. Genome Biol 16, 157 (2015)
    • Emms, D.M., Kelly, S. OrthoFinder: phylogenetic orthology inference for comparative genomics. Genome Biol 20, 238 (2019)
  • If you use the OrthoFinder species tree then also cite:
    • Emms D.M. & Kelly S. STRIDE: Species Tree Root Inference from Gene Duplication Events (2017), Mol Biol Evol 34(12): 3267-3278
    • Emms D.M. & Kelly S. STAG: Species Tree Inference from All Genes (2018), bioRxiv

Using Orthofinder

First, install Orthofinder.

Required Inputs

Orthofinder requires input files that contain the amino acid sequences for all of the protein coding genes in your taxa of interest- in other words, the translated transcript files produced as described above. This is important, so that the OrthoFinder outputs can be easily converted into RERconverge inputs by Ben Rubin’s pipeline.

Cleaning Up Input Files

It is likely that your translated transcript files will contain many different transcripts per gene; running Orthofinder on all of these transcripts will greatly increase the time it takes and may lower the accuracy. Orthofinder comes with a script to extract just the longest transcript per gene, thus avoiding this problem.

Run the clean-up script with:

for f in *[common file ending of the protein sequence files.file extension- e.g., translated.fasta] ; do python ~/orthofinder_tutorial/OrthoFinder/tools/ $f ; done

Change [common file ending of the protein sequence files.file extension] to reflect the file names of your translated transcript files, which by default should be translated.fasta. You may also have to alter the path to depending on where you have installed Orthofinder.

When Ben Rubin’s pipeline is converting OrthoFinder outputs to RERconverge inputs, it will be crucial that all of the gene names start with the taxon abbreviation that you are going to use.

To do this, navigate to the /primary_transcripts directory:

cd ./primary_transcripts

Now use sed to append the four-character code to the beginning of each gene name. This command replaces > at the beginning of each gene name with >CODE_. This still has to be done one species at a time- I’ll try to come up with a better solution. The parameters in this command are:

  • -i means save in place, overwriting the original file
  • s means substitute
  • g means global, so search and replace all.
  • The two single quotes are probably not necessary on the BioHPC Linux machines.

So, for each translated transcript file, use the command:

sed -i '' 's/>/>CODE_/g' TranslatedTranscriptFile.fasta

Running Orthofinder

To run Orthofinder on your cleaned protein sequence files, simply use the command

orthofinder -f primary_transcripts/

Results will be sent to the directory ./primary_transcripts/OrthoFinder/Results_[DATE]/.

4. Converting Orthofinder Output to RERconverge Input

For this step, please check out this ReadMe.

You will want to copy the final RER inputs file to the working directory where you will run RERconverge, if it is not the same as the working directory for this step.

5. Assessing relative evolutionary rates with RERconverge

RERconverge is an R package that identifies genomics elements that have convergent (faster or slower) rates of evolution in species with convergent phenotypes (either binary or continuous phenotypes).

Citing RERconverge:

Please cite RERconverge as follows:

  • Description of software:
    • Kowalczyk A, Meyer WK, Partha R, Mao W, Clark NL, Chikina M. RERconverge: an R package for associating evolutionary rates with convergent traits. Pre-print at bioRxiv:
  • Detailed description of latest methods:
    • Partha R, Kowalczyk A, Clark N, Chikina M. Robust methods for detecting convergent shifts in evolutionary rates. In press, Mol Biol Evol. Pre-print at bioRxiv:
  • The following are the first demonstrations of analyses using the methods in RERconverge:
    • In coding sequences:
      • Chikina M, Robinson JD, Clark NL. Hundreds of Genes Experienced Convergent Shifts in Selective Pressure in Marine Mammals. Mol Biol Evol. 2016;33: 2182–92. doi:10.1093/molbev/msw112
    • For conserved non-coding sequences:
      • Partha R, Chauhan B, Ferreira Z, Robinson J, Lathrop K, Nischal K, et al. Subterranean mammals show convergent regression in ocular genes and enhancers, along with adaptation to tunneling. eLife 2017;6:e25884.

Installing RERconverge:

Refer to the RERconverge install page for detailed instructions on installation.

Using RERconverge:

Required Inputs

RERconverge requires two types of data:

  1. Phylogenetic trees for every genomic element being examined.
    • Trees should be in Newick format, with tip labels and without node labels.
    • Trees should have branch lengths that represent element-specific evolutionary rates.
    • Tree topologies must all be subsets of the same species tree topology (no gene tree-species tree incongruence is allowed).
  2. Vectors of phenotypic values for each species.
    • Species labels must match the tip labels in the genomic element trees.
    • If you are examining a continuous trait, you should supply a named numeric vector of trait values.
    • If you are examing a binary trait, you should supply either:
      • A vector of the foreground species names
      • A Newick tree with background branches of length 0 and foreground branches of length 1
      • Or you can specify the foreground branches via an interactive tool within RERconverge.

Using RERconverge within RStudio:

Set your working directory:

RERconverge is an R package, so we will be running it within R. First, be sure that your working directory in RStudio is set to the working directory you are using for your project. The best way to do this is probably to create an R Project and associate it with that working directory.

Running RERconverge:

6. Getting orthogroup annotations with InterProScan:

InterProScan is a tool to functionally characterize nucleotide and amino acid sequences. Interproscan compares your sequences to databases of characterized sequences, calculates matches between the two, and ouputs functional annotations for your sequences in a variety of formats.

In this pipeline, InterProScan will be used to characterize protein sequences, so that protein families (ie orthogroups) can be functionally annotated by Kinfin (see next section).

Citing InterProScan:

InterProScan should be cited as:

  • Philip Jones, David Binns, Hsin-Yu Chang, Matthew Fraser, Weizhong Li, Craig McAnulla, Hamish McWilliam, John Maslen, Alex Mitchell, Gift Nuka, Sebastien Pesseat, Antony F. Quinn, Amaia Sangrador-Vegas, Maxim Scheremetjew, Siew-Yit Yong, Rodrigo Lopez, and Sarah Hunter InterProScan 5: genome-scale protein function classification. Bioinformatics, Jan 2014 (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu031)

InterPro, the underlying database, should also be cited as:

  • Alex L Mitchell, Teresa K Attwood, Patricia C Babbitt, Matthias Blum, Peer Bork, Alan Bridge, Shoshana D Brown, Hsin-Yu Chang, Sara El-Gebali, Matthew I Fraser, Julian Gough, David R Haft, Hongzhan Huang, Ivica Letunic, Rodrigo Lopez, Aurélien Luciani, Fabio Madeira, Aron Marchler-Bauer, Huaiyu Mi, Darren A Natale, Marco Necci, Gift Nuka, Christine Orengo, Arun P Pandurangan, Typhaine Paysan-Lafosse, Sebastien Pesseat, Simon C Potter, Matloob A Qureshi, Neil D Rawlings, Nicole Redaschi, Lorna J Richardson, Catherine Rivoire, Gustavo A Salazar, Amaia Sangrador-Vegas, Christian J A Sigrist, Ian Sillitoe, Granger G Sutton, Narmada Thanki, Paul D Thomas, Silvio C E Tosatto, Siew-Yit Yong and Robert D Finn InterPro in 2019: improving coverage, classification and access to protein sequence annotations. Nucleic Acids Research, Jan 2019, (doi: 10.1093/nar/gky1100)

Installing InterProScan:

InterProScan is designed for use only on Linux systems. Please see the installation instructions here.

Using InterProScan:

Required inputs:

InterProScan requires input files of amino acid sequences, with no missing amino acid symbols (i.e. sequences cannot contain * characters). You can use the outputs of Step 2 of this workflow as inputs to InterProScan; simply remove any forbidden characters by running the following Bash command: sed -i "s/\*//g" *.fasta

InterProScan can take quite a long time to run on files that contain many sequences; therefore, I ran InterProScan on each genome individually, rather than concatenating them.

Running InterProScan

InterProScan can be run with the following command:

PathToInterProScan/ -i GenomeFile.fasta -d out/ -t p --goterms -appl Pfam-28.0 -f TSV

The outputs of InterProScan will next be concatenated and used as an input for Kinfin, below.

7. Analyzing orthogroups with Kinfin:

Kinfin is a Python 2 package that helps you explore the results of your orthogroup analysis. Kinfin can produce a number of things:

  • Visualizations of ortholog clustering, both in terms of orthogroup size and taxon membership in each orthogroup.
    • Kinfin creates a network diagram where nodes represent taxa and edges are scaled to represent the number of times two taxa co-occur in the same orthogroup.
  • Analyses that compare user-defined sets of taxa based on their membership in each orthogroup; for example, you could classify all your taxa as herbivorous/nonherbivorous and identify orthogroups that are enriched and depleted in the herbivores.
    • Kinfin produces volcano plots to help you visualize these results, but included in this Github repository is a script to allow you to generate your own, custom volcano plots.
  • Classification of orthogroups into:
    • Present for all members of a taxon set or for a particular taxon
    • Absent for all members of a taxon set or for a particular taxon
    • Singleton
    • Specific to a particular taxon set
    • Shared between taxon sets
  • Identification of “fuzzy” single-copy orthogroups (i.e. orthogroups with just one locus per species)
  • Rarefaction curves
  • Analyses based on functional annotation of the proteins and on protein length
  • Analysis of clusters that contain user-defined genes of interest

Citing Kinfin:

Please cite Kinfin as follows:

  • Laetsch DR and Blaxter ML, 2017. KinFin: Software for Taxon-Aware Analysis of Clustered Protein Sequences. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. Doi:10.1534/g3.117.300233

Installing Kinfin:

Follow the instructions for installation. Note that this is a Python 2.7 application, so you’ll need to be using Python 2.7 when running Kinfin. This can generally be achieved by installing a local copy of Python 2 with something like Homebrew, and then adding the path to that version of Python to your path variable. If you are on a Mac, I would suggest following these instructions.

Using Kinfin:

Required inputs:

For the analysis that we will run, Kinfin will require:

  • The Orthogroup.txt file created by Orthofinder.
  • The SequenceIDs.txt file created by Orthofinder.
  • The SpeciesIDs.txt file created by Orthofinder.
  • A config.txt file
    • This can be created by executing the following Bash commands once the above three files are in your working directory:
      • echo '#IDX,TAXON' > config.txt
      • sed 's/: /,/g' SpeciesIDs.txt | \ cut -f 1 -d"." \ >> config.txt
    • This will generate a two-column config file with one column for taxon number and one column for taxon ID (the four letter abbreviations that you have been using).
    • You can then manually add columns to define your own taxon sets (herbivores/nonherbivores, tropical/nontropical, etc.), giving each taxon a 1 or 0 to define membership in the taxon set.
  • A file containing the functional annotation for each protein sequence, as produced by InterProScan.
    • If you ran InterProScan on individual genomes, you will need to concatenate all of the InterProScan output files with:
      • cat *.tsv > all_proteins.tsv
    • Then you will need to convert this file to the format that Kinfin wants, with:
      • /PATHTOTHEKINFININSTALLATION/kinfin/scripts/ -i all_proteins.tsv --domain_sources Pfam
    • This will result in an input file called functional_annotation.txt.

There are other, optional input files if you want to run some of the more involved analyses (regarding gene length, for example).

Running Kinfin:

To run Kinfin, use the command:

/PATHTOTHEKINFININSTALLATION/kinfin/kinfin --cluster_file Orthogroups.txt --config_file config.txt --sequence_ids_file SequenceIDs.txt --functional_annotation functional_annotation.txt

Change the path to the Kinfin installation to match your setup.

What outputs does Kinfin produce?

Kinfin produces a variety of outputs.

Orthogroup functional annotation results

Kinfin assigns functional annotations to orthogroups, based on the functional annotations of their constituent proteins. These results are simply output as lists of orthogroups and corresponding annotation terms (GO terms, IPR terms, etc.). To meaningfully associate functional annotations with phenotypes, please see the section “Analyzing Kinfin outputs”, below.

Orthogroup enrichment/depletion results

Kinfin will identify orthogroups that are enriched or depleted in your taxon sets of interest (for example, which orthogroups are enriched in disease-causing helminths compared to free living helminths?).

Kinfin produces default visualizations of these results in the form of volcano plots; however, I have created a script so that you can customize the volcano plots produced by Kinfin.

Analyzing Kinfin outputs:

We need to associate our phenotypes of interest with the functional categories of orthogroups that are enriched/depleted in relation to those phenotypes. To do so, we will use GOATOOLS (see section below); however, we must first clean and manipulate the Kinfin results so that they can be input to GOATOOLS.

I have written an R script to do this; simply provide the paths to your particular Kinfin results, and the script will produce the necessary study, population, and association files for GOATOOLS.

8. Assessing GO term enrichment with GOATOOLS:

GOATOOLS is a Python library that can carry out a number of tasks, including testing for over- and under-representation of GO terms in a set of genes (or in our case, orthogroups) of interest.


Please cite GOATOOLS as:

  • Klopfenstein DV, Zhang L, Pedersen BS, … Tang H GOATOOLS: A Python library for Gene Ontology analyses Scientific reports | (2018) 8:10872 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-28948-z

Installing GOATOOLS:

You will likely need to both install GOATOOLS and do some setup of GOATOOLS.

To install GOATOOLS, run:

pip install goatools

You will also want to clone the Git repository for GOATOOLS:

git clone

You will need to download the file for the most up-to-date set of GO terms into your working directory:


And you may need to install a few dependencies, as listed here.


Required inputs:

You will need:

  • study: a tab-delimited text file containing the list of focal orthogroups that you are interested in (in this case, the orthogroups that are signifantly enriched or depleted in your taxon set of interest).
  • population: a tab-delimited text file containing the list of all orthogroups in your study.
  • association: a tab delimited text file with a column of orthogroup names and a column containing a list of corresponding GO terms separated by semicolons.

Each of these input files is created by the R script KinfinToGOATOOLS.R.


Make sure that you are in the /goatools directory created when you cloned the repository, and that your input files are in a subdirectory called data. To run GOATOOLS, execute the command (where PHENOTYPE is the particular phenotype examined in the files you are using as input):

python goatools/scripts/ --pval=0.05 --indent data/studyPHENOTYPE data/populationPHENOTYPE data/associationPHENOTYPE > ./results/resultsPHENOTYPE.txt

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